High-Level Data Link Control Protocol (HDLC). X.25 / Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB)[r]
(1)(2)(3)(4)wg_ro_a#show flash
System flash directory: File Length Name/status
10084696 c2500-js-l_120-3.bin
[10084760 bytes used, 6692456 available, 16777216 total] 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY)
Install TFTP server on a virtual machine Connect the machine to a Router
To see the content of Flash file #show Flash
To copy flash
#Copy flash tftp
supply IP address of TFTP Server and file name
To copy running-configuration #copy running-config tftp
(8)Resolving Host Names
To use a hostname rather than an IP address to
connect to a remote device
Two ways to resolve hostnames to IP addresses
– building a host table on each router
(9)Resolving Host Names
Building a host table
ip host host_name ip_address
R1(config)#ip host com1 R1(config)#ip host com2
To view table
R1#show hosts
To verify that the host table resolves names, try
(10)Password Recovery
Normal Boot Sequence
Bootstrap IOS
(11)Configuration Register
15 13 1211 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Default 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2102 4
8 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1
This means that bits 13, 8, and are on
To ignore NVRAM the 6th bit should be made ON
(12)Password Recovery
Show version will give configuration register
Password is stored in NVRAM
To by pass NVRAM during boot sequence we
need to change the configuration register value
To change the CR values press Ctr+Break and
(13)Password Recovery
Router 2500
o/r 0x2142
Router 2600
confreg 0x2142
(14)(15)WAN vs LAN
Distance between WAN and LAN
WAN speed is less
(16)Remote Access Overview
A WAN is a data communications network covering a
relatively broad geographical area
A network administrator designing a remote network
(17)WAN Overview
Service Provider
WANs connect sites
Connection requirements vary depending on user requirements and
(18)WAN technology/terminology Devices on the subscriber premises are called customer premises equipment (CPE). The subscriber owns the CPE or leases the CPE from the service provider
A copper or fiber cable connects the CPE to the service provider’s nearest exchange or central
office (CO) A central office (CO) is sometimes referred to as a point of presence (POP)
This cabling is often called the local loop, or "last-mile".
(19)WAN technology/terminology
A demarcation point is where customer premises equipment (CPE) ends, and local loop begins.
(20)WAN technology/terminology
Devices that put data on the local loop are called data communications
equipment (DCE).
The customer devices that pass the data to the DCE are called data
terminal equipment (DTE).
The DCE primarily provides an interface for the DTE into the communication
link on the WAN cloud
The DTE/DCE interface
uses various physical layer protocols, such as V.35
These protocols establish
(21)WAN Devices
Modems transmit data over
voice-grade telephone lines by modulating and demodulating the signal
The digital signals are
superimposed on an analog voice signal that is modulated for transmission
The modulated signal can be
heard as a series of whistles by turning on the internal modem speaker
At the receiving end the
(22)WANs - Data Link Encapsulation
The data link layer protocols define how data is encapsulated for transmission to
remote sites, and the mechanisms for transferring the resulting frames
A variety of different technologies are used, such as ISDN, Frame Relay or
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
These protocols use the same basic framing mechanism, high-level data link control
(23)WAN Technologies Overview
Covers a relative broad area Use transmission facilities
leased from service provider
Carries different traffic
(voice, video and data)
• T1, E1, T3, E3 • DSL
• Dial-up modems • Cable modems • Wireless Switche d Circuit Switched • POTS • ISDN Packet Switched
• X.25
(24)Dedicated Digital Services
Dedicated Digital Services provide
full-time connectivity through a point-to-point link
T series in U.S and E series in
Uses time division multiplexing and
assign time slots for transmissions
(25)Digital Subscriber Lines
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology is a broadband technology
that uses existing twisted-pair telephone lines to transport high-bandwidth data to service subscribers
The two basic types of DSL technologies are asymmetric (ADSL)
and symmetric (SDSL)
All forms of DSL service are categorized as ADSL or SDSL and there
are several varieties of each type
Asymmetric service provides higher download or downstream
bandwidth to the user than upload bandwidth
(26)Analog Services
• Dial-up Modems (switched analog)
• Standard that can provides 56 kbps download speed and 33.6 kbps upload speed
• With the download path, there is a digital-to-analogue conversion at the client side
(27)Cable Modems (Shared Analog)
Cable TV provides residential premises with a coaxial cable that has a
bandwidth of 750MHz
The bandwidth is divided into MHz band using FDM for each TV channel A "Cable Modem" is a device that allows high-speed data access (Internet)
via cable TV network
A cable modem will typically have two connections because a splitter delivers
the TV bands to TV set and the internet access bands to PC via a cable box
The splitter delivers the TV bands to TV set and the internet access bands to
Bandwidths typically in the 11 Mbps range
Cost is relatively low
Line-of-sight is usually required
Usage is moderate
Can serve mobile users and remote users
Usage is widespread
(29)Circuit Switched Services
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
Historically important first dial-up digital service Max bandwidth = 128 kbps for BRI (Basic Rate
B channels @ 64kps and D channel @ 16kps B channels are voice/data channels; D for signaling
(30)(31)WAN Connection Types
Leased lines
It is a pre-established WAN communications path
from the CPE, through the DCE switch, to the CPE of the remote site, allowing DTE networks to communicate at any time with no setup procedures before transmitting data
Circuit switching
Sets up line like a phone call No data can transfer
(32)WAN Connection Types
• Packet switching
WAN switching method that allows you to share
bandwidth with other companies to save money As long as you are not constantly transmitting data and are instead using bursty data transfers, packet switching can save you a lot of money
However, if you have constant data transfers, then
you will need to get a leased line
Frame Relay and X.25 are packet switching
(33)Defining WAN Encapsulation Protocols
Each WAN connection uses an encapsulation protocol to
encapsulate traffic while it crossing the WAN link
The choice of the encapsulation protocol depends on the
(34)Defining WAN Encapsulation Protocols
Typical WAN encapsulation types include the following:
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
High-Level Data Link Control Protocol (HDLC)
X.25 / Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB)
Frame Relay
(35)Determining the WAN Type to Use Availability
Each type of service may be available in certain
geographical areas
Determining usage over the WAN is important to
evaluate the most cost-effective WAN service
Making a compromise between the traffic you need to
(36)Max WAN Speeds for WAN Connections
WAN Type Maximum Speed
Asynchronous Dial-Up 56-64 Kbps
X.25, ISDN – BRI 128 Kbps
ISDN – PRI E1 / T1
(37)Leased Line
X.25, Frame Relay, ATM
Typical WAN Encapsulation Protocols: Layer 2
Telephone Company
(38)WAN Protocols
• Point to Point - HDLC, PPP
• Multipoint - Frame Relay, X.25 and ATM
E0 S0
Network Datalink Physical
(39)HDLC Command
Router(config-if)#encapsulation hdlc • Enable hdlc encapsulation
(40)PPP Encapsulation
PPP is open standard
HDLC is only for encapsulation
PPP provides encapsulation and authentication PPP is made up of LCP and NCP
LCP is for link control and NCP for multiple protocol support and call
Link setup and control using LCP in PPP
(41)Feature How It Operates Protocol
Authentication PAP
CHAP Perform Challenge Handshake
Require a password
Compression Compress data at source; reproduce data at destination
Detection Avoid frame loopingMonitor data dropped on link Multilink Load balancing across
multiple links Multilink Protocol (MP)
(42)PPP Authentication Overview
Two PPP authentication protocols: PAP and CHAP
PPP Session Establishment
1 Link Establishment Phase
2 Optional Authentication Phase
3 Network-Layer Protocol Phase
Dialup or Circuit-Switched
(43)• Passwords sent in clear text
Selecting a PPP
Authentication Protocol Remote Router
(SantaCruz) Central-Site Router (HQ)
Hostname: santacruz
Password: boardwalk username santacruzpassword boardwalk
2-Way Handshake
“santacruz, boardwalk”
“santacruz, boardwalk”
(44)Selecting a PPP Authentication Protocol (cont.)
Remote Router
(SantaCruz) Central-Site Router (HQ)
Hostname: santacruz
Password: boardwalk username santacruzpassword boardwalk
CHAP 3-Way Handshake Challenge Challenge Response Response Accept/Reject Accept/Reject
•Use “secret” known only to authenticator and
Configuring PPP and Authentication Overview
Service Provider
Verify who you are.
Router to Be Authenticated
(The router that initiated the call.)
ppp encapsulation hostname
username / password
Authenticating Router
(The router that received the call.)
ppp encapsulation hostname
username / password ppp authentication Enabling PPP
Enabling PPP Authentication
Enabling PPP
Enabling PPP Authentication
(46)Configuring PPP
Router(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
(47)Configuring PPP Authentication
Router(config)#hostname name
• Assigns a host name to your router
Router(config)#username name password password
(48)Configuring PPP Authentication (cont.)
Router(config-if)#ppp authentication {chap | chap pap | pap chap | pap}
(49)Configuring CHAP Example
• hostname R1
• username R2 password cisco • !
• int serial
• ip address • encapsulation ppp
• ppp authentication CHAP • hostname R1
• username R2 password cisco • !
• int serial
• ip address • encapsulation ppp
• ppp authentication CHAP
hostname R2
username R1 password cisco !
int serial 0
ip address encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication CHAP hostname R2
username R1 password cisco !
int serial 0
ip address encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication CHAP
(50)Verifying HDLC and PPP Encapsulation Configuration
Router#show interface s0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is HD64570
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
LCP Open
Last input 00:00:05, output 00:00:05, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue 0/40, drops; input queue 0/75, drops minute input rate bits/sec, packets/sec
minute output rate bits/sec, packets/sec 38021 packets input, 5656110 bytes, no buffer
Received 23488 broadcasts, runts, giants, throttles
input errors, CRC, frame, overrun, ignored, abort 38097 packets output, 2135697 bytes, underruns
(51)Verifying PPP Authentication with the
debug ppp authentication Command
•4d20h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to up •4d20h: Se0 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
•4d20h: Se0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id len 28 from ”left" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: I CHALLENGE id len 28 from ”right" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: O RESPONSE id len 28 from ”left" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id len 28 from ”right" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: O SUCCESS id len
•4d20h: Se0 CHAP: I SUCCESS id len
•4d20h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up
•4d20h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to up •4d20h: Se0 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
•4d20h: Se0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id len 28 from ”left" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: I CHALLENGE id len 28 from ”right" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: O RESPONSE id len 28 from ”left" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id len 28 from ”right" •4d20h: Se0 CHAP: O SUCCESS id len
•4d20h: Se0 CHAP: I SUCCESS id len
•4d20h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up
R1 Service R2
(52)What is ISDN?
Provider network Digital
Small office
Home office
Voice, data, video
(53)Why ISDN?
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network Telephone services -> Telecommunication
(54)BRI and PRI are used globally for ISDN
Channel Mostly Used for
B Circuit-switched data (HDLC, PPP) Capacity
64 kbps
D 2B
ISDN Access Options
Signaling information D 16/64 kbps
23 or 30B
(55)Interfaces and Devices TE1 TE2 TA NT1 2W 4W ISDN Ready BRI Port
(56)Interfaces and Devices
(57)(58)LAB-ISDN E0 R2 ISDN Switch BRI R1 E0 BRI
Router(config)#hostname R1
R1(config)#username R2 password cisco R1(config-if)#int bri
R1(config-if)# ip address R1(config-if)#enacapsulation ppp
R1(config-if)#PPP authentication CHAP R1(config-if)#no shut
Static Routes or default route
R1(config)#ip route R1(config)#isdn switch-type basic-net3
Access List
R1(config)#dialer-list protocol ip permit R1(config)#int bri
R1(config-if)# dialer–group
R1(config-if)#dialer map ip name R2 20 R1(config-if)#no shut
(59)ISDN DDR configuration Commands
Command Description
iproute Global command that configure static route or default route
username name name password
secret Global command that configure CHAP username and password access-list Global command that creates ACL’s to define a subset
of traffic as interesting
dialer-list protocol IP Global command that creates a dialer list that makes all IP traffic interesting or reference to ACL for subset
dialer–group Interface subcommand that references dialer list to define what is interesting
(60)Packet Switched Services
X.25 (Connection-oriented)
Reliable X.25 has been extensively debugged and is now very stable literally no
errors in modern X.25 networks
Store & Forward Since X.25 stores the whole frame to error check it before
forwarding it on to the destination, it has an inherent delay (unlike Frame Relay) and requires large, expensive memory buffering capabilities
Frame Relay (Connectionless)
(61)Frame Relay Basics
• FR is WAN layer2 protocol
• FR developed in 1984, its a faster packet switching technology
Frame Relay Network
R2 R1
End Device Interface Device
Encapsulate Data
FR Network
DCE – Dedicated FR Switches, can be one or multiple
Access Line Trunk Line
Virtual Circuit – an end to end connection between interface device - PVC or SVC
Data Link connection Identifiers (DLCI) number is the identification for VC, 16-1007 Committed Information Rate or CIR - agreed-upon bandwidth
(63)LAB - Frame Relay R2 FR Switch S0 R1 E0 S0 E0 100 200 DCE DCE
Frame Relay Switch Router#config t
Router(config)#hostname FRSwitch FRSwitch(config)# frame-relay switching FRSwitch(config)# int s 1/0
FRSwitch(config-if)#enacapsulation frame-relay FRSwitch(config-if)# frame-relay intf-type DCE FRSwitch(config-if)# clock rate 64000
Router#config t
Router(config)#hostname R1 R1(config)# int s
R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#enacapsulation frame-relay