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Unit 3

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Nội dung

(haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra vaø keát thuùc tröôùc moät thôøi ñieåm trong quaù khöù hoaëc tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng khaùc trong quaù khöù).. Ex1: We had lived in Hue before 1975.[r]



1 Usage:

_ To express an activity that was completed before another activity or time in the past (hành động xảy kết thúc trước thời điểm khứ trước hành động khác khứ)

Ex1: We had lived in Hue before 1975

Ex2: My friend had already left when I got there

_ Hành động xảy kéo dài đến thời điểm khứ Ex3: By the time I met you I had worked in that company for five years

Note: Identify which action happened first, we use the past perfect tense for the action first and the past simple tense for the latter action (Phải xác định hành động xảy trước hoàn tất ta chia q khứ hồn thành, hành động xảy sau ta chia khứ đơn)

Action Action now x x

2 Conjunctions of time: When, As, As soon as After:

Ex: After my friend had left, we got there Before:

Ex: Before we got there, my friend had left By the time:

Ex: My parents had eaten dinner by the time I got home Until:

Ex: I had never heard about it until yesterday

EXERCISES. I Supply the correct form of the verbs in simple past or past perfect

1 Yesterday John (go) to the store before he (go) home

2 Our teacher (tell) _us that he (visit) _ London in 1970 When John and I got to the theatre, the movie (start) already

4 After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest) It was the first time I (ever see) such a beautiful girl

6 Before she (watch) TV, she (do) her homework He (ask) why we (come) so early

8 They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before

9 What (be) he when he (be) young

10 They (go) home after they (finish) their homework

11 I (meet) ……… my wife tense years ago.

12 I (know) ……… my wife five years before we got married

13 I (never see) ……… Such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.

15 I didn’t have any money because I (lose) ……… my wallet.

16 Toney knew Istanbul so well because he (visit)……… The city several times.

17 what (you do) ……… Yesterday?

18 Had Mary ever studied English before she (move) ……… to America?

19 I met a man He (look) ……… very strange.

20 We (go) ………… to the cinema last week.

21 The child (fall) ……… ill several months ago.

22 Almost everybody (leave) ……… for home by the time we arrived.

23 I have not driven a car since I (have) ………… an accident.

24 In the past, people (have) ……… no cars.

25 John (repair) ……….many cars before he received his mechanic’s license.

II Choose the best option

1 When I _ to visit him, he _to work

a came /gone b came / had gone c had gone /went d had come / had gone Jane had gone to the supermarket she got home

a as soon as b after c when d before

3 After it _dry for two months, it rained heavily last night

After + S + had + V


, S + V



a was b has been c had been d would be The World War II _in 1939 and _1945

a begins / ends b had begun /ended c has begun / had ended d began / ended The last time I swimming was when I was in Spain

a had gone b went c has gone d was going

6 She _ before I _last night

a left / came b had left / came c had left /had came d had left/ came We _here sixteen years ago

a come b came c had come d has come

8 Glenda _extremely hard when she was a student

a worked b has worked c was working d had been worked

9 When _ you first Hanoi?

a have / visited b will / visit c / visit d did / visit 10 Mary the meal before her friends came

a was preparing b had been preparing c had prepared d repaired 11 By the end of last year, I _to speak English well

a learn b learned c had learned d will learn

12 In 1938, they _married for ten years

a be b were c have been d had been

13 The games had finished when I _

a arrived b will arrive c had arrive d arrive

14 By the end of last summer, he his course of study at the university

a finished b had finished c will have finished d finish

15 I was late The teacher a quiz when I _to class

a gave/ got b gave / had got c had given/ had got d had given/got 16 The police _me on the way home last night

a stop b stopped c has stopped d will stop

17 What you last night?

a have/ done b had/done c did /do d do/do

18 His father _after he ill for a long time

a died/ was b died/ has been c had died/ had been d died/had been III Error identification

19 I haven’t read a scientific magazine for July 20 I last saw him when I were in HCM city

GENERAL EXERCISE OF UNIT 3 I Supply the correct verb form tense.

1 Sorry I’m late The car (break) down on my way here

2 After she (fill) the basket, she (go) to the check out Two days ago I (meet) an old friend who I (not, see) for years Before he won the lottery, he (not, enter) any kind of contest

II Write the sentences with words given:

1 He/ work/ hotel telephonist / May 2001 / March 2002

……… Mark /is/ not interest / watch TV

……… He/ be born / England/ November 8th/ 1990.

……… III Rewrite the sentences below, beginning with the words given

1 We had dinner, and then we went to the concert

After ……… Kate took two aspirins, and then she felt a lot of better

After……… Sheila went out for the evening, but first she washed her hair

Before……… IV PHONETIC:

Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1 a student b stupid c study d studio

2 a language b package c mathematics d marvelous

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.


4 a ambitious b intelligent c brilliant d mature V VOCABULARY- GRAMMAR

5 The room was full strangers

a in b on c of d at

6 She is interested _ science She is a scientist

a with b of c in d under

7 I work as tutor to earn money for a summer trip

a a b an c the d ỵ

8 Because of financial problem, she couldn’t go on her study at university

a examine b expect c continue d finish

9 is the science of numbers and shapes

a Chemistry b Mathematics c Physics d History

10 She received a after a two-year course

a diploma b book c document d essay

11 Jane is always determined to anything she wants She is a woman

a ambitious b strong-willed c brilliant d humane

12 A: _?

B: Well, I was born in Edinburgh, but I now live in Canada, Toronto

a Where were you born b when were you born c where you live d why were you born VII ERROR IDENTIFIVATION

14 I am trying to persuade my sister to drive, but I can’t get her it 15 Can you tell me where were you born?-Stockholm

16 He work as a mechanic in this factory 17 The sun is so bright for us to look at directly 18 What you if you lost your passport?

19 Let’s go and see that film It is said is very good

20 The weather was too bad that we couldn’t go out for a walk 21 Jane is not only intelligent but too hard-working

22 It’s not worth to ask the manager for the day off

23 He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness 24 Mr Smith is going to buy a new Japanese car, doesn’t he?

25 Despite of his age, he works very hard VIII READING

George Weekes writes poems and books for all age groups, and sometimes reads his work on television

My parents moved to Manchester from Jamaica just before I was born, but east London has been my home for many years now Tourists never come here This part of the city has problems, but there are also many good things about it

People of many nationalities live in this area, so there are shops with Jamaican bread, African vegetables, Chinese spices and lots of other interesting things The shop my wife likes best is one that sells beautiful Indian dresses The local bookshop is much more friendly than a big store and I’m always happy to talk to customers about my books

I’m 36 years old now but I don’t really like 36-year-old! Once people become 30 they think about money too much and say that modern music is too noisy! Almost all my friends here are under 17 I love their language and their music They give me ideas for my writing

Sometimes I go for a run along the river There are flowers and animals and even some cows there, so it like being in the country I live and work in a city but inside I am still a country person

16 George Weekes is _

a a writer b an actor c a farmer d a teacher

17 George was born in _

a Jamaica b London c Manchester d China

18 What does George say about his part of London?s

a Tourists should go there b It is crowed with tourists c Life there isn’t always easy d It’s in the city centre 19 His wife’s favourite shop sells _

a food b clothes c books d bread

20 George likes the bookshop because


c he can meet his readers there d it has so many books IX Writing.

My parents saw a play in three acts last night

 My parents saw a Peter bought a tool set containing 15 pieces

 Peter bought a

Margie has a bookcase with five shelves

 Margie has a

4 These shoes cost twenty dollars

 These are _

5 Daisy wrote a report which was ten pages long

 Daisy wrote a

You are in Hanoi for the first time in your life

 This is

7 The printer doesn’t work This has happened once before

 This is

8 You are staying in a hotel where you once stayed before

 This is You have missed the bus You’ve done the same thing about four times before

 This is

10 You have lost your money It has happened twice before

 This is

11 You’re giving a 15-minute talk in English You have never done the same thing before

 This is

12 He was so busy that he couldn’t answer the phone

 He was _

13 This room is too small for six people to live in

 This room isn’t _

14 Alice said:”I wrote this letter last night”

 Alice told me that 15 I didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet

 If

16 He left school and then joined the army

 After he _

17 I would rather cycle than travel by motorbike to work

 I prefer

18 She is pleased to meet her cousin again

 She looks forward _

19 It’s three years since I started using this bicycle

 I have

20 They want to buy a bigger house but they don’t have enough money

 If _

I Give the correct form of verbs in bracket.

1 I always help my mother (do) the household works He agreed (lend) Mai his motorbike

3 Are you going to give up ( smoke) ? Would you mind (close ) the door ? Tom suggested (go) to the cinema

6.Could you please stop (make) so much noise ? My baby is sleeping I don’t enjoy (write) letters

8 Why you keep on (look) at me like that ?

9 Remember (post) my letter when you come to the post office 10 As it was late , we decided (take) a taxi home

II Make questions for the underlined part in the following sentences: We visited Ha Long Bay last year

-> They have learn English for years

-> I live in London

-> Mai goes to the school six days a week

-> My family has motorbikes

-> It is km from my home to school


A had gone/ went told / had visited had already started sat / rested had ever seen watched / had done asked / came hadn’t eaten was / was 10 went /had finished

B 1b 2d 3c 4d 5b 6b 7b 8a 9d 10c

11c 12d 13a 14b 15d 16b 17c 18d 19d 20c


I broke had filled met/ hadn’t seen hadn’t entered/ went II He worked as a hotel telephonist from May 2001 to March 2002

Mark isn’t interested in watching TV

He was born in England on November 8th, 1990. III After we had had dinner, we went to the concert

After Kate had taken two aspirins, she felt a lot of better

Before Sheila went out for the evening, she had washed her hair

B. c d a c c c a c b 10 a

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2021, 07:23

