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It is mainly for boys but girls can join similar organizations such as: tbe Girl Guides Association or the Coeducational.. Whole class.[r]


Date : October 2010 Period 32 Unit 6: The young pioneers club

Lesson2 : Speak and listen

I Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to: - Ask for favors and respond to fovors


1 Grammar: can/ could you help me ? certainly/ sure may I help you ? yes/ no Thank you

2 Vocabulary: III Teaching aids:

IV Teaching procedures

stages contents activitives

Warm up (5’)

Pre speaking (10’)

While speaking (8’)

*Shark’s attack


(Team 1)

(team 2)

Set the sence - vocabulary favor

- Ask Ss the meaning ofthe word FAVOR ? What you say to ask for a favor?

can/ could you help me? Could you me a favor? Can / could you ?

? When you ask for favor? Need some help

? how you say to respond to favor? Certainly/ of couse/ sure

No problem

- Ask Ss to copy down the following phrases Asking for favor Responding for favor - Can / could you help me


- Could you me a favor? - I need a favor

- Can/could

Certainly/ of couse/ sure No problem

- What can I for you? - How can I help you ? - I'm sory I'm really busy - Ask Ss to practice the dislogue

- Get Ss to practice speaking in pairs

Dialogue a: Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag but she’s

hurt her arm so she needs some help

Dialogue b: A receptionist wants to help a tourist who

needs to go to the nearest bank

Group work

T- whole class



Post-speaking (5’)

Pre listening (8’)

While-listening (7’)

Post-speaking (5’)

Homework (2’)

Tourist: Could you me a favor ? You: Sure What can I for you ?

Tourist: I lost my money Could you show me the way to the nearest police station ?

You: Certainly Turn right out of the station Go straight ahead until you see the police station on your right Tourist: Thank you very much

You: You’re welcome  Write it up

Group 1: Tourist and you Group 2: Neighbor and you Group 3: friend and you Group 4: you and your aunt * Set the sence


( to ) unite(translation) Peace(n)(explaination) *Pre-teach grammar

You look at an old woman carrying a heavy bag what will you say?

May I help you?

- Ask Ss copy this table * Subtitution drill

S1: May I help you ? S2: Yes, thank you

S3: Do you need help? S4: No, thanks

- Ask Ss to complete the dialogue in exercise3 - P 62 A may I ?

2 A you need ? B me help you A very kind

- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue between receptionist and visits

* Situation A

A receptionisy wants to help a tourist who needs to go to the nearest bank,

R: may I help you?

T: Yes, Can I show me the way to the nearest bank? R: Sure turn right It's on the right

T: Thank you very much * Situation B:

You want to help a tourist who needs to find the nearest police station because he has lost money

- Ask Ss to make a similar dialogue

Give Ss another situation and ask them towrite a similar dialogue:

Your aunt wants you to buy some vegetables because she is busy cooking dinner

Group work

T-whole class

Individual work


Pairwork Offering assistance Responding to assistance

May I help you? = you need any help?

= let me help you?

Yes / no Thank you


Adjustment :……… ………


Date Period: 33


Lesson 3:


I Objectives


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - know the youth organizations in America

- develop their readings skills (read for details) - have good view in their life

II.Language content:

1 Vocabulary: (n) scout, boy scouts, girl guides, citizenship, personal fitness, businessman, scouts Association, coeducational Camp Fire Boys and Girls, aim

(v) encourage, establish, differ (a) voluntary

Grammar: * Past simple tense * Present simple tense * Question words

III.Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassette player, chalk, board, handout… IV.Teaching procedure

Stage Contents Activities

Warm up 5’

Pre-reading 15’

* Jumbled Words:

- Write six words whose letters are in disorder Racchtaer 4, Pexailn

2 lojn Nessmsibuan

3 Mai Thauolgh

* Answers:

1 Character Aim


2 Join Explain Although

I Pre-Teach Vocabulary

- (to) encourage (explanation: give the verb which means to give somebody support)

- citizenship (translation: what's "qun c«ng d©n" in English?)

- coeducational (adj.) (translation) - voluntary (adj.) (translation) - (to) lead - led - led: (translation)

Team work

T-whole class - (to) establish: tsynonym: give the synonym of to

start, to create an organization)

* checking the vocabulary: slap the board

II T / F Statements Prediction

- Stick the poster with the statements on the blackboard and guess which is true (T), which is false (F)

1 The Boy Scout of America is a youth organization


While reading 10’

Post-reading 12’

Homework 3’

2 Scouting began in America

3 William Boyce is a businessman in London Boys and girls can join BSA

5 The Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world

- Give feedback III Reading

- Ask students to read the passage on page 57 and check if their prediction is correct or not

- Give feedback Ask them to correct false statements Guess Answe

r Correction



Scout began in England William Boyce is An American businessman BSA is mainly for boys IV Fill In The Missing Dates

- Ask students to work in pairs to exercise (Page 57)

* Answers:

a When did scouting begin in England? - Scouting began in England In 1907

b What led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910?

- The meeting between a boy scout and Mr William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910

c What are the scouting groups that girls can join? - Girls can join in the Girls Guides Association and

Camp Fire Boys and Girls

d.What are the three aims of the scouting program? - They are building characters, good citizenship and

personal fitness

- Ask some students to ask and answer in front of the class Teacher corrects the pronunciation

- Ask students to work in pairs

Interview a member of the Boys Scouts of America - Call on an excellent student in class to practice with the teacher T - interviewer / S - member of BSA - Call some pairs of students to play the roles of the interviewer and the member of BSA

- Ask students to work in closed pairs

Interview Member of BSA

1 When did scouting begin?

2 When were the aims established Can a girl join the BSA?

In 1907 in England

They were established in 1907 They are building the characters, good citizenship and personal fitness

No It is mainly for boys but girls can join similar organizations such as: tbe Girl Guides Association or the Coeducational

Whole class

Pair work

Closed pairs


4.How many mem bers does the Scouting Association have now?

5 Is it the largest voluntary

Youth Organization in the


6 Are you happy to join the


Camp fire Boys and Girls Over 25 million

Yes Of course

Yes I'm happy to bea member of this organization

Write the summary of the BSA

Learn by heart the new words and read the text fluently

- Write exercises + in the exercise notebook - Prepare Write “ ”

Individual work

Adjustment :………

……… ………

Date: November 2010 Period 34 : Unit 6: The young pioneers club

Lesson5 :Write.



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - talk about the future

-write a letter to tell about a future plan - develop their writing skills

II.Language content


1 Vocabulary: (n) plan, recycling program, natural resources, fund, environment

(v) raise fund, register

Grammar: * The present tense with future meaning III.Teaching aids


Textbook, chalk, board, handout…

IV.Teaching procedure


Stages contents activitives Warm up

(5 )

Pre writing (10 )


Name Activities next summer Hung

Huong Nga and Mai

- Help street children - Plant trees and flowers along the

- Clean the river S1: What is Hung going to this summer? S2: he is going to help street children

*Pre-teach vocabulary: to raise fund(v)(explaination)

recycling(v)(example) natural resources{example)

Group work


While writing (15’)

Post writing (12’)

Homework ( 3’)

-A bank (n)9Example) -Save (v) )(explaination) -Earn (v) )(explaination) Check : What and where

- Ask Ss to read the notice one after another * Comprehension questions:

a.What is the Y & Y planning to do? The Y & Y is planning to help b What they have to ?

They have to collect used glass

c What others programs can members of the Y & Y participate in ?

They can participate in other program such as * Complete the letter

- Give keys:

1 Community save

2 recycling earn

3 Collect participating

4 send planting

5 recycling 10 helping

* Reading the dialogue - Set the sence

- Ask Ss read the dialogue * Comprehension questions:

What is Hoa going to at school? What is she going to on weekends?

every afternoon after class? - Ask Ss to write the letter

- Ask them to stick their letter on the board

- Get the whole class to read the letters and correct them


Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to join the Y & Y Green Group of my school

The Green Group is holding an enviroment month plan We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools

We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y & Y

The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it ? I’ll tell you more about the group activities later Love,


- Ask each S to help Hoa write a letter to her parents Learn by heart the new words and continue writing the letter if not yet finish

Review Units 4, and

Pair work


Individual work

Group work

Adjustment :



Ngày đăng: 28/04/2021, 01:28
