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In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their own … 44 … , which is English, and mathematic and another language, perhaps French, Germany, or Spanish.[r]


Phòng GD & ĐT thái thụy

Phân hiệu CLC đề kiểm tra cl học kỳ i – Năm học 2009-2010Môn : tiếng anh Time limited : 45minutes (2pages)

Full name:……… Class:……… SBD: ………

Học sinh làm vào đề kiểm tra I Tìm từ có cách phát âm phần gạch chân khác với từ lại.

Câu 1: A village B right C sights D flight Câu 2: A campus B practise C languge D favorite Câu 3: A trains B stamps C hotels D caves Câu 4: A visited B wanted C decided D looked Câu 5: A about B found C bought D south II Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hồn thành câu sau.

C©u 6: If Lan to lose some weight, she must more exercises

a want b wants c wanted d wanting

C©u 7: Islamic people often go to the _ to pray

a pagoda b mosque c temple d church

c©u 8: The book _ of 254 pages and chapters

a comprises b makes c has d consists

C©u 9: The students used to _ volleyball in that ground area

a play b played c playing d be played

c©u 10: He wishes he _ around the world

a can travel b could travel c travel d will travel

C©u 11: The Jones family enjoys seafood

a eat b ate c eating d eaten

C©u 12: In 1886, Levi sewed a leather label _ their jeans

a in b on c above d with

C©u 13: Different styles of jeans to match the 60’s fashion

a designed b are designed c were designed d designs

C©u 14: Water _ on Mars

a might find b might found c might be find d might be found

C©u 15: In some countries _ uniforms is compulsory in schools

a wear b to wear c wore d wearing

C©u 16: This is the first time I the experiment on plants

a have done b c would d did

C©u 17: What is your _ type of clothing on the weekend? - T-shirt and shorts

a like b favorite c ordinary d working

C©u 18: Ba said he some good marks last semester

a gets b got c getting d to get

C©u 19: The farmers were working _ the farm when we came

a on b in c at d from

C©u 20: People grew a big banyan tree the entrance of their village

a at b in c on d before

C©u 21: Phong sometimes helps his uncle the farm

a on b in c at d for

C©u 22: The competition will take place _ 7a.m and 11 a.m

a at b from c up to d between

C©u 23: The students are going to make a trip to Hue _ summer

a on b in c at d till

C©u 24: I haven’t seen John he got married

a when b until c since d before

C©u 25: All the homework at home

a should be done b should done c should d should be

III Tìm lỗi sai (trong số A, B, C D)trong câu sau Câu 26: She asked me how did I go to school the previous day

a asked b how c did I go d the previous day

C©u 27: If you come here on time, I have waited for you

a If b come c on time d have waited

C©u 28: The taxi driver told me that he would take me to this hotel

a told b would c take d this hotel

C©u 29: I am looking forward to hear from you for the information

a am looking b to hear c from d for

C©u 30: My father said that he will leave Ha Noi the next day

a said b will c leave d the next day

C©u 31: This work have to be completed by the students before the break

a have to b be completed c the students d before

C©u 32: We reached the nearest village after walk for five hours

a reached b nearest c walk d for five hours

C©u 33: The final exam will be held in May 5th, 2007.


C©u 34: Everyone felt hungry and tired but they sat down and took a rest

a felt b but c sat d took

C©u 35: Many people went to that place having a rest after a hard working week

a went b having c after d working week

IV Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn đáp án thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Every year students in


countries learn English Some of these students are young children.


are teenagers Many are adults Some learn at school, others study by


A few learn

English just by


the language in films,


television, in the office or among their friends But

not many are lucky


to that Most people must work hard


another language Many

boys and girls learn English


school because it is one of their subjects They study their own

language, and mathematics and English In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study

their own


, which is English, and mathematic and another language, perhaps French, Germany,

or Spanish Many adults learn English because it is 45

for their work.

C©u 36: A much B many C lot D lot of

C©u 37: A Other B The other C Others D The others C©u 38: A them B themselve C themself D themselves

C©u 39: A hear B hears C hearing D to hear

C©u 40: A in B on C at D with

C©u 41: A though B too C very D enough

C©u 42: A learn B to learn C learning D learned

C©u 43: A at B in C to D on

Câu 44: A language B mother C tonge D letter Câu 45: A use B useful C useless D usefulness V Chuyển câu sau sang thể bị động

C©u 46: They make these artificial flowers of silk

……… C©u 47: He has spelt this word wrongly

……… C©u 48: How people learn English?

………. C©u 49: Who wrote this letter?

………. C©u 50: They used to drink beer for breakfast in England years ago

Phần trả lời học sinh

C©u 1: A C©u 6: B C©u 11: C C©u 16: A C©u 21: A C©u 26: C C©u 31: A C©u 36: B C©u 41: D C©u 2: D C©u 7: B C©u 12: B C©u 17: B C©u 22: D C©u 27: D C©u 32: C C©u 37: C C©u 42: B C©u 3: B C©u 8: D C©u 13: C C©u 18: B C©u 23: B C©u 28: D C©u 33: D C©u38 : D C©u 43: A C©u 4: D C©u 9: A C©u 14: D C©u 19: A C©u 24: C C©u 29: B C©u 34: B C©u 39: C C©u 44: A C©u 5: C C©u 10: B C©u 15: D C©u 20: A C©u 25: A C©u 30: B C©u 35: B C©u 40: B C©u 45: B

Từ câu 46 đến 50 học sinh làm tự luận

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2021, 22:41

