Active : The floor looked much better.. Jane had cleaned it.[r]
(1)Nguyen Thi Ly
Nguyen Thi Ly
Class: 45 A- English
Class: 45 A- English
Foreign Language
Foreign Language
(2)Unit 10:
Unit 10:
Period 5: Language
Period 5: Language
BookBook s s Pen
Pictures showing the way to Pictures showing the way to
pronounce /b/ and /p/ pronounce /b/ and /p/
/p/ /b//p/ /b/
1.Close your lips hard
(5)Listen and repeat Listen and repeat
/b//b/ beebee banban badbad cabcab brightbright backback
/p/ /p/
Practise these sentences Practise these sentences
1 PatPat buys Bill bigbuys Bill big padpad of of paper.paper.
2 AA black beeblack bee isis pickingpicking somesome pollenpollen..
3 PutPut thethe blousesblouses in thein the paperpaper bagsbags..
4 PaulPaul borrowedborrowed a a book aboutbook about
puppies from thefrom the library.library.
5 TheThe beautifulbeautiful carpetcarpet is myis my brother’sbrother’s
present present..
6 Is thisIs this picturepicture paintedpainted onon pupils’pupils’
(8)1 Presentation
(10)Active : Jane cleans the floor every day
Passive : The floor is cleaned by Jane everyday S V O
S + IS / AM / ARE + PP + (BY O )
Active : Jane is cleaning the floor now
Passive : The floor is being cleaned by Jane now
Present continuous
(12)Simple past
Active : Jane cleaned the floor yesterday
Passive : The floor was cleaned by Jane yesterday
(13)Past continuous
Active :Jane was cleaning the floor when I arrived
Passive:The floor was being cleaned by Jane when I arrived
(14)Present perfect
Active : The floor looks nice Jane has cleaned it.
Passive : The floor looks nice It has been cleaned by Jane
(15)Past perfect
Active : The floor looked much better Jane had cleaned it
Passive : The room looked much better It had been cleaned by Jane.
(16)Simple future
Active :The floor looks dirty Jane will clean it tomorrow
Passive : The floor looks dirty It will be cleaned by Jane tomorrow
(17)Future perfect Active
Active: The floor looks dirty Jane will have cleaned it tomorrow
Passive : The room looked much better It will have been
cleaned by Jane
(18)* Meaning: Passive
(19)* Use: The passive is used in many * Use: The passive is used in many
main ways: main ways:
* When people want to focus on a thing that happened
* When people want to focus on a thing that happened
not who or what did it.
not who or what did it.
Ex:Ex: The treesThe trees were uprootedwere uprooted last week.( We only last week.( We only concerned about the trees).
concerned about the trees).
* When we not want to take responsibility for
* When we not want to take responsibility for
something or someone.
something or someone.
Ex: The vase Ex: The vase was stolenwas stolen..
* When people not know exactly about the subject.
* When people not know exactly about the subject.
* When we are more interested in the
* When we are more interested in the
action than the doer.
action than the doer.
Ex:: This road Ex:: This road was being repairedwas being repaired..
* However, the passive voice is not used
* However, the passive voice is not used
when we want to focus on the person or
when we want to focus on the person or
thing that does the action.
thing that does the action.
Ex: You should exercise ( Not : This Ex: You should exercise ( Not : This exercise should be done.
(21)2 Practice
1 The childrenThe children were reportedwere reported (reported/were(reported/were reported )
reported ) to be be homeless
2 TreesTrees growgrow ( grow/ were grown)( grow/ were grown) well in well in this soil
this soil
3 Can EnglishCan English be spokenbe spoken (be spoken/ speak )(be spoken/ speak ) at the club?
at the club?
4 II am not invitedam not invited ( am not invited/ don’t ( am not invited/ don’t invite )
invite ) to parties very parties very often
5 Many new roadsMany new roads are being buildare being build ( are ( are
Exercise 1: Choose the right Exercise 1: Choose the right
form of the verbs in form of the verbs in
(23)Exercise 2: Put the verbs in Exercise 2: Put the verbs in
the correct form. the correct form.
1 When they
1 When they camecame (come) the meeting (come) the meeting had had started
started (start ) They were ten minutes late.(start ) They were ten minutes late He
2 He is standingis standing ( stand) in front of a large ( stand) in front of a large audience He
audience He is being photographedis being photographed ( photograph )by many journalists
( photograph )by many journalists
3 HaveHave the students the students been toldbeen told (tell) about the (tell) about the changes of their timetable yet?
changes of their timetable yet?
4 At that time the table
4 At that time the table was being laid was being laid ( lay ) ( lay ) and I
and I decided decided ( decide ) not to come in.( decide ) not to come in Where
5 Where willwill these young coconut trees these young coconut trees be be planted
(24)Exercise 3: Fill each blank Exercise 3: Fill each blank with the correct form of a with the correct form of a
verb in the box. verb in the box.
- How was the holiday?How was the holiday?
- Oh, it was fantastic Everything
- Oh, it was fantastic Everything was was organized
organized so well As soon as we so well As soon as we arrivedarrived at at the airport, we
the airport, we were metwere met and and takentaken to the to the hotel All the rooms
hotel All the rooms had been cleanedhad been cleaned well well and fresh flowers
and fresh flowers had been puthad been put on the table on the table - Oh how lovely! And what about the food?
- Oh how lovely! And what about the food?
- It
- It waswas excellent They freshly excellent They freshly preparedprepared it all it all in the hotel and they even
in the hotel and they even mademade The bread The bread in the hotel kitchen The bread rolls
I I Give correct form of the verbs : passive or Give correct form of the verbs : passive or
1 English is1 English is spokenspoken( ( speak) all over the world.speak) all over the world.
2 I2 I wasn’t allowedwasn’t allowed ( not/allow) go out last ( not/allow) go out last night.
3 The students3 The students were doingwere doing ( do) the exercise ( do) the exercise when I came
when I came..
4 Ho Chi Minh City4 Ho Chi Minh City is calledis called ( call ): The ( call ): The
Pearl of The Far East”.
Pearl of The Far East”.
II Change the following sentence in passive voice.Change the following sentence in passive voice.
1 They have searched all the cars and 1 They have searched all the cars and
All the cars and trucks have been All the cars and trucks have been
2 They sell a special kind of tea here.2 They sell a special kind of tea here.
A special kind of tea is sold hereA special kind of tea is sold here..
3 His parents will meet me tomorrow.3 His parents will meet me tomorrow.
I will be met by his parents tomorrow.I will be met by his parents tomorrow.