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Sweeden has an (10)...solar energy program.There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year[r]


1 Trường THCS Trần Hưng Đạo


Tổ: Ngoại Ngữ - Thể dục


I Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

She suggested _ money for the poor ( to save / save / saved / saving) Auld Lang Syne is a song _is sung on New Year Eve ( when / where/ which / it ) Mr Hung, is my form teacher, teaches very well ( whom / who / whose / where ) I want everybody to listen ( care / careful / careless / carefully ) What will you if you the final examination? ( pass / passed / passes / will pass )


2 I’m very _ that I will go to Da Lat tomorror ( excite / to excite / excited / exciting ) Solar energy doesn’t cause ( pollution / polluted / pollute / to pollute ) She was because of her bad result ( happy / happily / unhappy / unhappily ) Tet is the most important for Vietnamse people

(celebration /invention /decoration/ preparation) 10 If I were you, I that ( won’t/ wouldn’t / don’t / may not )

11 She sings very ( beauty / beautify / beautiful / beautifully ) 12 If it , we will go to the movies (doesn't rain / didn't rain / hadn't rained / won't rain) 13 She is very tired; she has to finish her home work (moreover / so / and / however ) 14 I suggest money for the poot people in our neighborhood (save / to save / saving / saved )


3 16 The man helped us last week is a doctor ( who / whom / which / whose ) 17 The Muslims often go to the _ to pray ( temple /church / mosque / pagoda ) 18 Maths and Literature are _ subject in hight school (national / official / optional / compulsory ) 19 I wish I _ have a computer ( can / may / could / will )

20 Maryam and Lan _ pen pals for over two years (are / were / have been / will be ) 21 We have been classmates _ four years ( for / in / from / since )

22 My friend Nigel, work in the city bank, earns much more than I

( that / which / who / whose ) 23 Tonadoes are storm which pass overland below a thunderstorm

( funnel-shaped / circle-shaped / tropical / snow )


4 25 It’s late It’s time for us _ home ( go / going / to go / went ) 26 I think we should _ a shower instead of a bath to save energy (took / taking / taken / take ) 27 We happier and healthier, if we keep our environment clean

( don’t live / will live / won’t live / lives ) 28 Mrs Smith has provided a picnic lunch for us ( kind / kindly / kindness / unkind ) 29 She is a very singer ( beauty / beautify / beautiful / beautifully )

30 Ba is tired he stayed up late watching TV

( because / as / since / A, B, and C are correct ) 31 If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest _ the manufacturer directly


5 32 Tet is a festival _ occurs in late January or early February ( it / which / when / where ) 33 You should get a plumber the pipes in your bathroom (to check / check / checking /checks

34 We suggest _ him a dictionary ( give / giving / to give / gave )

35 If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants ( are die / will die / is died / would die ) 36.My sister will look my baby when I’m away ( in / after / for / between)

37 Why don’t we go _ collecting stamps ( on / for / about / at ) 38.They are looking for an power to reduce pollution

(effect / effection / effective / effectively )


6 42 Hoa failed her math test _ she has to the test again

( however / therefore / moreover / because) 43 What would you if you _ the lottery ? ( vé số ) (win / won / wins / winning )

44 His father was walking when the volcano _ ( erupted / erupting / was erupting / to erupt ) 45 The woman _ son we met yesterday is an engineer whose / that / who / which ) 55 _ she spoke very slowly, I could not understand her ( as / if / though / because ) 46 Nylon _ in the year of 1937 ( invent / was invented / inventing / is invented ) Many people are interested the products that save energy ( on / in / to / for ) 48 I suggest a picnic in the park (have / had / to have / having )

49 If it _, we will go to the movies (doesn’t rain / didn’t rain / hadn’t rained / won’t rain ) 50 Hoa missed the bus she went to school late ( but / so / however / because )


7 51 Tet is a which occurs in late January or early February

celebration / holiday / festival / party) 52 My friend Mary, _ works in the hospital, went abroad two days ago

(which / who / whose / that ) 53 I’m disappointed people have spoiled this area ( then / when / how / that) 54 You should clear all the trash on the ground before leaving ( over / out / off / up ) 55 Who is going to _ your children when you are at work?

( look for / look up / look after / look out ) 56 What about using public buses motorbikes


8 58 Because plastic bags are very hard to _ They will cause pollution

( dissolve / wrap / tear / collect) 59 Crops are sprayed with _ to kill insects ( fertilizer / manune / dung / pesticide ) 60 I think people should use tree leaves for _ food ( wrapping / rolling / making / recycling) 61 We have to take our spoiled food to the ( butchers / garbage dump / beach / picnic ) 62 They _ here since 2000 ( have worked / has worked / work / worked ) 63 _ air is one of the many problems we have to solve ( pure / polluted / dust / pleasant )

64 I’ll be in trouble if I my passport ( lose / will lose / lost / would lose ) 66 If it rains this evening, I _ (will go out / don’t go out / go out / won’t go out )

67 Minh’s English is excellent He speaks


9 68 He lives in Ho Chi Minh city, _? ( don’t he / isn’t he / doesn’t he / didn’t he )

69 He _ to find a job but he had no luck ( hardly tried / tried hardly / hard tried / tried hard ) 70 We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned _ it was raining hard (however / but / because / so) 71 If you _ Joanna, ask her to come and see me ( meet / will meet / met / can meet ) 72 He asked me I believed in ghosts ( when / if / whether / both b and c are right) 73 I’m late, _? ( am I / are / am I not / aren’t I )

74 Sue likes the kitchen as often as possible ( to cleaning / cleaning / that I clean / clean ) 75 Jim doesn’t speak very clearly, _

( a so it’s difficult to understand him / b because it’s difficult to understand him / c but it’s difficult to understand him / d as it’s diffcuilt to understand him ) 76 The children have to come back before dark, ?


10 ( they / have they / don’t they / haven’t they ) 77 Rachel _ if she her driving test

( a will pleased / passes b pleases / will pass c.will be pleased / passes d is pleased / passes ) 78 Jane wishes she _ a Miss World ( is / was / be / will be ) 79 She asked me _ in my free time

(a what I did b what I c what did I d What I have done ) 80 The world will end up like a second-hand junk-yard if all the pollution goes _

( in / on / of / up)


11 83 How about the banana leaves to wrap food? ( use / to use / using / ueses)

84 If you want to save money, you should the amount of water your family uses ( increase / reduce / watse / repair ) 85 In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100- watt light tulb can be replaced by _

(a an energy- saving buld b a 1000- watt light c an electric bulb d a lamp )

86 Who is going to _ your children when you’re at work? (look for / look up / look afte / look out) 87 Mary’s eyes are weak, _, she has to wear glasses ( but / however /and / therefore ) 88 _ put all the guests on the first floor? ( Why don’t we / I suggest / How about / Let’s ) 89 I think you should use public buses _ motorbikes ( instead of / for / replacing / by ) 90 Mrs Nga forgot to _the faucet when she left for work


12 91 She feels tired and sleepy _she stayed up late last night (so / because / but / and )

92 You should _the amount of water your family uses by _ showers

(a reduce - using b increase – using c reduce – use d increase – use ) 93 Would you like something to drink ?- I rather have something to eat

( were / had / x / would )

94 William suggested at home for a change ( to stay / staying / stay / stayed ) 95 What about _ for a ride ? ( to go / go / going / have gone ) 96 In Australia, a tropical storm is called a ……… (typhoon / hurricane / cyclone / tornado ) II/ Viết lại câu thứ hai cho nghĩa không đổi theo từ gợi ý:


13 Going fishing with friends is fun  It’s

4 Shall we go to the cinema tonight ?

What about ……… ……… … I lose the key , so I can not get into the house

 If……… ……… We don't have enough money to go on holiday

 If we Let 's go abroad for our holiday this year

 Why .? Let’s go to the movie theater

 I suggest ………


14 I think it would be a good idea to spend the summer vacation in Da Lat

I suggest 10 You can avoid waiting by booking the table in advance

 If 11 .Because of the bad weather,we didn’t go on a picnic

 Because 12 ’’Do you read this information, Lan ?’’ Ba asked

 Ba asked………

13 Study harder or you’ll fail in the next exam

 If you don’t………



 Mary suggested Tom ………

15 It started to rain ,so we stopped playing tennis

 We stopped playing………

16 The flowers are beautiful .You brought them

The flowers which……… I didn’t realize that the traffic lights were red, so I didn’t stop

I didn’t stop

Although she was tired, she tried to finish her work before going home She was tired


16 Mary suggested that we should visit the Parkers

Mary suggested The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it

The furniture was very Although the team played well, they lost

The team John is fat because he eats so many chips

If 10 I would like you to help me to put the chairs away

Do you mind ? 11 Let’s go out for some drink


17 I suggest

12 I think you should go to work by bike

Why don’t ? My best friend gave me a lovely cat

I / A lovely III/ Combine each pair of the following sentences as directed in parentheses:

1 We don’t know much about tennis rules We like to play ( however ) ………


18 We always love our former teacher She is very kind ( using relative pronoun )


5 He loves humorous stories He doesn’t like ghost stories ( but )  ………


19 ………

10.She didn’t eat much She was hungry (although)  ……… 11 Ann is very friendly She lives next door ( who)

 ……… 12 The postcard was from Harry It came this morning ( which) ……… 13 It was a beautifulday We decided to go out (so)


20 15 The boy is Jane's brother He sat beside you at the party last night .( pronoun )

16 Many tourists enjoy festivals in in VietNam Tourists don’t understant Vietnamese culture very much ( Though )

 ……… 17 I bought a new computer.It cost me a lot of money (which)

……… 19 I know some people.They live in London.(who)

 20 I don’t understand you You speak very quickly.(if )

 ………



IV Complete the sentences with because/ as / since / if / when / so / and / but / therefore / however 1.We decided to go out to eat _ we had no food at home

He has a very important job _ he is particularly well-paid Can I borrow that book _ you’ve finished it?

No one was watching the television I switched the television off she changed a lot, we didn’t recognise her

you’re ready, we can start now

I’m going away for a few days I’ll phone you _ I get back You should inform the police _ your bicycle is stolen


22 10 _ you drive without driving license, you’re breaking the law

11 Polly’s watch was broken _ she borrowed mine

12 My family went to Africa _ we wanted to study the wild animals 13 Melissa tried to read the book _ she couldn’t understand it 14 She isn’t English , she speaks English perfectly

15 They went to town bought a lot of clothes

16 The road was under water _, the police closed it to traffic 17 The air is polluted _ there‘s too much traffic

18 I haven’t got a car _ I’ve got a motorbike

19 Which color you want – red, green, yellow, _blue ?


23 21 I like Mary very much, I don’t like her brother.

22 I can’t go out tonight I haven’t enough money

23 She went to the theatre last night, she had a wonderful time 24 I enjoy learning English , I enjoy learning Marth, too V Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh:

What about / take / taxi ?

……… ………… I / suggest / have / picnic / park

……… He / sorry / he / not / come / party / last night


24 I / think / you / should / take / shower

……… If / he / finish / his work / sooner / he / take /daughter / swimming pool

……… We / suggest / collect / bottles / cans

……… If / we / pollute / water, / we / have / no / fresh / water / use

……… How about / travel / bus?

……… 10 I / happy / you / better / now


25 ………

VI/ With the cues given, write a complaint letter.

1 I am / write/ some people / who catch fish / in / public lakes//

2 What / make/ me / worried / be / that / they / using / dynamite / catch fish // This / kill / only / fish / also / other water creatures //

4 I suggest / you / fine / them / heavily // I / look / to / see / your solution // VII/ READING:


26 Power - effective – nuclear – advanced – pollution – heat – stored – electricity - energy - panels Are you looking for a cheap, clean,(1) source of power that doesn’t cause(2) or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar (3) from our sun At present, most of our (4) comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or (5) power This power could be provided by the sun One percent of the solar energy that reach the earth is enough to provide (6) for the total population Many countries are already using solar energy Solar (7) are placed on the roofs of our houses and the sun’s energy is used to (8) waster.The energy can be stored (9) for a number of days so on cloudy days you can use solar energy,too Sweeden has an (10) solar energy program.There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015



from of with after near and to

There is a park(1)……… my house I usually go there to play (2)………… my friends Many people go to the park every day , but it is most crowed on Sundays (3) ……… people go there to rest on the cement benches They enjoyed the cool breeze and like to listen to the twittering of the birds In the park they can rest and get away (4)……… the noise (5)……… the city (6) ……… a hard day work

Đọc đoạn văn làm tập


28 Vietnamese’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar It is officially Known as the Lunar New Year or Tet It occurs (1)……….late January or early February.The exact(2)……….changes from year to year Vietnamese people usually make preparation for Tet holiday several weeks before They clean and decorate their homes,(3)……… special food such as sticky rice cakes On Tet, people usually put on (4) ………….new clothes, give one another the Tet season’s greetings, and pay mutual visits Tet is also the time for family reunions

A Chọn từ để hoàn thành đoạn văn:


29 B Viết TRUE (đúng) hay FALSE (sai) sau câu nói đoạn văn trên:

The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet ……… Tet may begin in early January ……… Tet is the time for family members to be together ………

Read the following passage and the exercises

There are many celebrations throughout the year in Vietnam, but Tet or the Lunar New Year is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people Tet usually occurs in late January or early February A few days before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate their homes During Tet, people, old and young, enjoy special food cooked on the occasion of Tet It is also the time for family members to be together


30 a/ The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet

b/ Tet may begin in early January

c/ People often try to make their houses nice and new for Tet d/ Tet is the time for family reunions

B Answer the following question What you usually on Tet holiday ? Fill in the blanks with proper words:

( countries – polluted – land – water – rivers – people – garbage – sea )

Our oceans are becoming extremely (1) ……… Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from (2) ……… First there is raw sewerage, which is pumped


31 directly into the sea Many (3) ……… both developed and developing tons of (4)

……… Into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel This not only pollutes the (5) ……… but it also kills marine life Next, there are waste materials from factories Without proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the (6) ……… which then leads to the (7) ……… And finally, oil is washed from (8) ……… This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste 6/ Đọc đoạn văn hồn thành từ cho phía dưới.

On January 17,1995, a strong earthquake (1) below Awaji Island across the bay from Kobe It was the most deadly earthquake to hit Japan since 1923 The quake(2) buidings and bridges to collapse


32 and fires (3) out throughout the city In on , about 5000 people died and more than 21000 people were injured (4) than 30000buildings were damaged by the quake and resulting fires

1: a strike b.truck c.has truck d.trikes

2: a.made b.helped c.caused d.had

3: a.broke b found c.caught d.taken

4: a much b many c.more d.most

A Read the test and Choose the best word to complete the passage


33 Burnham of the new England Institude of Technology, we have to start ……… (16) coal,oil, gas before it is too late And nuclear power is the only alternative

However , many people not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident ? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations

The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible 13: A things B electricity C resources D power

14: A economical B economically C economic D economicaly 15: A to B for C of D on


34 B Answer the questions about the passage.

Why should we save natural resources ? What did Professor Marvin Burham want us to ?

8/ Đọc đoạn văn sau cho biết câu bên TRUE (đúng) hay FALSE (sai) (2điểm)

Electricity is the most form of energy today In the modern world electricity is very available at the touch of a switch

Electricity has many uses The most common use of electricity is to provide artificial lighting In factories, electricity is used to light up the work place It is also used to operate air conditioners, computers and many other machines Electricity is also used to power the many appliances that we have in our homes


35 Such appliances include television sets, computers, electric fans, irons and many others The list is simply endless Modern man will most probably be lost without electricity

1.The passage is about a kind of energy 2.Electricity has a lot of uses

3.Without electricity, our life will not be affected

4.The appliances that are depended on electricity are endless 1…… 2……… 3…… 4……

9 Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful passage.


36 In many countries nowaday ,electricity, gas ,and water are………….(1) companies which produce household goods realize that consumers wand products that……… (2) work effectively and save money In North America ,for example, household lighting ………… (3) for 10% to 15% of the Electrical bill ………(4) this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100 watt light bulb with an energy saving one.Consumerscan save about US$7 to US$21 per bulb doing so

In Europe ,when you buy some electrical goods………(5) as refrigerators, freezers and washing machines ,……….(6) is a labeling scheme telling you how energy efficient each model is, so you can compare ……… (7)appliances and then choose which one to buy The final result is that these innovations will save money as ……….(8) as conserve the Earth’s resources



































































































































































































































































































Ngày đăng: 26/04/2021, 19:20

