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The planet looked blue and green from the spaceship.. Finally, the spaceship landed in the middle of the green field.[r]




I Chọn câu trả lời (2 điểm)

1 It was hot, I turned on the air conditioner A because B so C although D but We walked half an hour to reach the village A at B until C for D from Trung likes sports

A.watch B watched C.watches D.watching

4 Mrs Yen forgot to turn the faucet when she left for work A on B, up C down D off

5 He suggested the children to the zoo A take B should take C to take D taking She forgot off the gas before going out A turn B turning C to turn D turned Is he an actor a singer? - An actor A and B or C with D so

8 I lost my pen I have looked it for all morning A at B after C up D for

9 She stays at home because she has to look her baby A at B after C up D for

10 What can we to spend less lighting? A in B on C about D of

11 Remember to turn the light before going to bed A of B off C on D up

12 His hobbies are playing soccer collecting stamps A and B but C however D although 13 We can protect the environment by air pollution A reduce B reducing C reduced D to reduce 14 She is very tired; , she has to finish her homework A moreover B so C and D however 15 I suggest ……… to the movies

A go B going C went D to go 16 If he ……… a student, he must wear school uniform A was B were C is D will be 17 My father is a ……… man who is loved by all his friends A general B free C generous D charity 18 She got wet in the rain ………… she had a raincoat A but also B and then C not only D even though 19 We stayed at home ………… it rained heavily


A and B because C so D but

20 We are talking about the preservation of ………… resources A nature B natural C naturally D naturalize 21 Everyone must take part in …………deforestation A preventing B prevent C prevented D to prevent 22 If you like that book, I will give it ……… you as my present A from B at C for D to

23 If you have …… money, you can travel abroad this summer A many B a lots C a lot of D lot of

24 The air in the city is very _

A pollute B polluted C pollution D pollutant 25 We’ll make this beach clean and again A beauty B beautiful C beautifully D beautify 26 If the continues, what will happen?

A pollute B pollution C polluted D pollutant 27/ Where is the cheese was in the fridge?

A who B whom C whose D which 55 A person who flies a plane is called a _

A sailor B driver C pilot D soldier 64 UFOs are strange objects

A playing B flying C doing D learning 65 In 1952, there were more than 1,500 UFO sightings the world

28.I like reading books tell about peoples and their cultures A which B whom C whose D who

29 We should take a shower instead of a bath to save… A electricity B water C solar energy D gas 30 Tet is the most important for Vietnamese people A celebration B party C memory D opportunity 31 Ba ate a lot of food he wasn’t hungry

A so B because C therefore D though

32 I’d love to play volleyball … I must finish my homework A since B moreover C but D and

33 Who looks your children when you are away from home? A for B at C after D to

34 Why doesn’t she go with her university study? A in B at C to D on

35 Her husband looks the children while she’s at work A after B for C at D to

36 I suggest money for the poor people in our neighborhood A save B to save C saving D saved

37 He was tired, he took a rest before continuing the work A so B and C but D if

38 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted A to B in C out D on

39 If people stop using dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures will be well

A preserve B preservation C preserved D preservative 40 If you know where she lives, please let me ………… A to know B known C knew D know 41 Passover is ………… in Israel and by all Jewish people A celebrate B celebrated C celebrating D celebration 42 It is a time …… families to clean and decorate their homes A for B to C by D in

43 You were standing there while I was walking … my groom A forward B throughout C towards D untill 44 – Well done Paul! -

A You are welcome B Thanks C I’m sorry D You are very nice 45 I don’t like people ……… are never on time

A who B which C where D whom 46.Tet is a festival which …… in late January or early February A celebrates B occurs C calls D crowds 47 ……… is your favourite sport , swimming or running A What B Which C Whom D Whose 48 She sends me the book ……… she ……… two years ago A.whom…writes B whose…wrote C.which…writes D.which… wrote 49/A(n) _ is a very heavy fall of snow, usually with a strong wind A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon

50/ A(n) is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon 51/ A(n) is a violent tropical storm with very strong wind A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon

52/ The old man _you wanted to see was away on holiday yesterday A who B whom C whose D which

53/ Miss Lien, sings very well, is my English teacher A who B whom C whose D which 54/ Everything he said was true


A round B around C on D over 66 In 1964, he claimed he saw an / a object in one of his fields A egg- shaped B shaped C eggs-shaped D shaped-eggs 67 He is an _ pilot

A experient B experiment C experience D experienced

68 If today _ Sunday, we _ to the beach

A is/ would go B were/ would go C will be/ will go D were/ will go

69 If it _ this morning, I will not go out

A rain B rained C rains D raining 63 If I _ a bird, I would be a dove

A are B were C am D is

A imagine B imaginative C imaginatively D imagination 57 If he were rich, he travel around the world

A will B would C can D must

58 Mai could play the piano beautifully if she a piano

A owed B owes C owned D owns

59 He said that he met a alien from space

A in B above C out D outer

60 Scientists say that if people see a UFO, it _be a spacecraft

A will B might C is D was

61 Where you go if you have a car?

A will B are C would D were

62 You will fail the exam, you study harder

A as B if C unless D although

II Điền vào khoảng trống với MỘT từ thích hợp We can reduce garbage by plastic bags

The explorer discovered America was Christopher Columbus Tet is a festival ……… occurs in late january or early february

A lot of ………… In the world are already using solar energy It is possible to ………… solar energy for a number of days Most of the earthquakes in the world ………… In the Ring of fire A tornado looks like a ………

The earthquake in ……… In 1995 caused serveral damages

Tidal wakes are the rusult of an arupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth 10 We can predict when a ……… will erupt

III Chia động từ ngoặc dạng thích hợp (1,5 điểm)

The examiner asked me if I (speak) any foreign languages If we go on littering, the environment (become) seriously polluted I suggest (reduce) the amount of gas by traveling by public transport We can save natural resources by solar energy instead of coal, gas or oil If the rice paddies (pollute), rice plants will die

Remember (take off) your shoes when you go into the temple If we plant more trees along the streets, we ……… (have) more shade and fresh air I suggest that you ………….(help) elderly people and war invalids with their chores We ……… (go) to Da Nang to watch the firework display last year

10 I ………… (meet, not) her since we left high school

IV Nối câu A câu trả lời B (1,5 điểm)



1 Although she isn’t English I’m no better

3 Do you know a shop I saw the boy

5 Hello, you must be Maryam It’s a great presentation I am so tired

8 My grades are terrible I love watching the news

10 We should burn trash to reduce the garbage we produce 11 If we take showers instead of baths,

12 If we pollute the water,

13 If we go to work by bike or by bus, 14 We should use energy-saving bulbs 15 If I were a plumber

16 We will have more fresh air

17 There will be a shortage of fresh water 18 If I lived near the school

a even though I’ve taken the bill b which sells good coffee ? c she speak English perfectly d who helped me last week e Why don’t you take a rest? f That’s a good idea Let’s that g I enjoy it, too

h It’s nice of you to say so i That’s right, I am

j You should study harder k I could fix the faucet for you l if we go on wasting water m I would go to school on foot n we will save water

o we will have no fresh water to use

p if you want to spend less on lighting in the house q we can reduce exhaust fume

r if we plant more trees


Fill in the planks with one suitable word

Countries poluuted land are water


Our ocean are extremely (1) _ Most this pollution comes from the land , which means it comes from (2) _ Firstly , there is raw sewerage , which is pumped directly into the sea Many (3) _ , both developed and developing , are guily of doing this Secondly,ships drop about million tons of (4) in the sea each year Thirdly , there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks(5) _ the vessel This is only poluute the (6) _ , but it also kills marine life Next, there (7) waste materials from factories Without proper regulations , factories owners let the waste run directly into the (8) which then lead to the (9) _ and finally , iol is washed from (10) This is the result of carelessnessor a deliberate dumping of waste.


Read the passage and the tasks follow

The spaceship flew around the new planet several time The planet was blue and green They couldn’t see the surface of the planet because there were too many white clouds The spaceship escended slowly through the clouds and landed in the middle of a green forest The two astronauts put on their space suits , opened the door , climbed carefully down the landder, and stepped onto the planet The woman looked at a small control unit on her arm and said to the man.” WE can breath the air … It’s a mixture of oxygen and nitogen ” They looked at everything carefully All the plants and animals looked new and strange They couldn’t any intelligent life

After several hours , they returned to their spaceship Everything looked normal The man swiched on the computer, but it didn’t worked ,eithwer “ Mary” , he said “ we’re stuck here … WE can’t take off ” She replied “ Don’t worry , John. They’ll rescue us soon.”

a. Decide if the following statements are True ( T ) or False ( F )

1 The spaceship flew around the planet many times before landing The planet looked blue and green from the spaceship

3 Finally, the spaceship landed in the middle of the green field The two astronauts stepped onto the planet safely

b. Anwser the following questions:

1 What kind os air can the two astronauts breath after stepped onto the planet ?

……… What could they find on the planet ?

……… What happened when they returned to the spaceship



Complete the passage with words in the box

Like movement destroyed abrupt disasters

The natural ( ) called “ Tidal Wave ” often occur suddenly They are result of an

(2 ) shift in the underwater ( ) of the earth In the late 2004, a series of tidal wave struck the seasides of Indonesia , Thailand, and some other Asian countries The famous resorts such as Phuketand Fifi were copletely( ) A large number of people were killed.


Complete the passage with words in the box

Occurs members for food celebrations clean happen

There are many ( ) _ throughout the year in Viet Nam but Te or Lunar New Year is the most importanr celebraton ( ) _ Vietnamese people Tet usually ( 3) _ in late January or early February A few dats before Te is the time for people to ( 4) and decorate their home During Tet , young and old , enjoy special( ) cooked on occasion of Tet It is also the time for family _ to be together “

Write True (T) or False (F)


The Luna New Year is another name for Tet


Tet may begin in late February


People often try to make their houses nice and new for Tet


Tet is the time for family reunion



7 rivers






Ngày đăng: 26/04/2021, 12:43

