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Trong phần Anh ngữ thương mại trung cấp Functioning in Business, ta nghe đề nghị cuối cùng—the Final Proposal, Part 1 trong đó ông Blake trình bầy đề nghị bán người máy điện tử cho [r]


Martha: No, it isn’t Mercury is smaller than either Venus or the Earth

Mercury is the second smallest planet

Kathy: Which is the smallest planet?

Martha: Pluto Pluto is the smallest planet

Kathy: Let’s take a short break MUSIC Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe lập lại câu vừa học Venus is closer to the sun than the Earth=.Kim tinh gần mặt trời Trái đất Ðể ý đến cách dùng chữ WHICH, nghĩa “nào’’ câu hỏi Which planet is the largest? Hành tinh lớn nhất?


Language Focus Listen and answer

Larry: Listen and answer

Max: Which planet is the largest?


(pause for answer)

Max: Jupiter is the largest planet

(short pause)

Max: Which is the smallest planet?


(pause for answer)

Max: Pluto is the smallest planet

Max: Which planet is closer to the sun, Venus or the Earth?


(pause for answer)

Max: Venus is closer to the sun


Max: Which is the only planet where life exists ?


(pause for answer)

Max: The Earth is the only planet where life exists

(short pause)


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe mẩu đàm thoại hai chị em hẹn gặp ăn trưa nhà hàng Two sisters meet at a restaurant for lunch Have a party=tổ chức buổi tiệc Guest=khách mời A guest list=danh sách tên khách mời I don’t know what to do!=tôi phải làm gì! What’s wrong?= Có chuyện trở ngại? Sao vậy? Sau nghe đoạn này, quí vị nghe lại lập lại câu vừa nghe


Daily Dialogue: Planning a Party (Part 1)

Larry: Daily Dialogue: Planning a Party (Part 1)

Two sisters meet at a restaurant for lunch

One sister is going to have a party

Larry: Listen to the conversation

Mary: Help! (short pause) Liz: What’s wrong? (short pause)

Mary: I’m having a party and I don’t know what to do! (short pause)

Liz: Well, first you need a guest list (short pause)


(short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat

Mary: Help! (pause for repeat) Liz: What’s wrong? (pause for repeat)

Mary: I’m having a party and I don’t know what to do! (pause for repeat)

Liz: Well, first you need a guest list (pause for repeat)

Mary: Okay Guests I need guests (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation


Anh Ngữ sinh động 108


Bấm vào để nghe

Nghe trực tiếp mạng Bấm vào để nghe Bấm vào để tải xuống

Ðây chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English 108; Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả Mở đầu học phần Câu Ðố Trong Tuần What are they going to do? Họ làm ? Xin nghe chữ khó Letter=lá thư Mail a letter=gửi thư A tooth=cái (số nhiều, teeth) Put a stamp on an envelope=dán tem lên phong bì Toothbrush=bàn chải đánh Toothpaste=kem đánh Brush his/her teeth=đánh A cat=mèo, a kitten=mèo Ðộng từ bất qui tắc, To feed/fed/fed=cho ăn He’s going to feed his cat=anh ta cho mèo ăn Milk=sữa Bowl=bát Cut

Question of the Week (answer): What are they going to do? Larry: Question of the Week!


Max: Well, Kathy Are you ready to play Question of the Week? Kathy: Yes, I am

Max: This week’s question is: What are they going to do? Here’s the first question: Listen carefully

What’s he going to do?

Larry: He is putting a stamp on an envelope Max: What’s he going to do?

Kathy: Let’s see He’s putting a stamp on an envelope He’s he’s going to mail a letter

Max: Yes, that’s right He’s going to mail a letter Here’s the second question:

Max: What’s she going to do?


Max: What’s she going to do? Kathy: Can I hear it again? Max: Sure

Larry: She’s putting toothpaste on her toothbrush Kathy: I know She’s going to brush her teeth Max: Yes

Now here’s the last question: What’s he going to do?

Larry: He’s putting milk into a bowl He’s saying “Here, kitty, kitty.” Max: What’s he going to do?

Kathy: Hmmm He’s putting some milk into a bowl and saying “Here, kitty, kitty.” I get it He has a cat And he’s going to feed his cat

Max: That’s it He’s going to feed his cat You did very well

Kathy: Thanks It was easy MUSIC

Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, CÂU CHUYỆN GIỮA BÀI, Story interlude, Max kể chuyện vợ ông thăm nghĩa trang quốc gia (National Cemetery) Gettysburg (ở bang Pennsylvania) nơi có hai đạo quân miền Bắc (the Union) Miền Nam (the Confederacy) đánh vào tháng 7, 1863, nơi tổng thống Lincoln đọc diễn văn truy niệm, đó, phần cuối, có câu government of the people, by the people, for the people=chính phủ dân, dân bầu ra, dân phục vụ Civil War=trận nội chiến Hoa kỳ, 1861 65 Excited about=háo hức, phấn khởi We had a wonderful time=chúng tơi có phút vui thú Visitor’s Center= Trung tâm đón khách Our son was interested in the history of the battle=con chúng tơi thích đọc lịch sử trận đánh Gettysburg To buy, bought, bought=mua To read, read, read=đọc History books=sách lịch sử Library=thư viện Army=đạo quân; số nhiều armies Battle=trận đánh; battlefield=bãi chiến trường To chuckle=cười nhẹ



Story Interlude: Gettysburg (2) Larry: And we’re off the air

Kathy: So, Max, how was your weekend? Did you go to Gettysburg?

Max: Yes, we did We had a wonderful time

We went to the Visitor’s Center, and then we walked around the battlefield Today, it’s a field with trees and grass

But during the Civil War, two American armies had a big battle there Kathy: That’s right

Max: But you know what my wife and I liked best? Kathy: What’s that?

Max: Well, our son was very excited about Gettysburg He was very interested in the history of the battle And now he wants to learn more

Kathy: That’s good

Max: My wife bought him a book about the history of the Civil War And he read it all day Sunday

And he’s going to get some more American history books from the library at his school Kathy: Hey, it sounds like he’s really excited about learning!

Max: Yes, my wife and I are really pleased Of course, we don’t say anything to him Kathy: Oh, really? Why not?


SFX: Elizabeth entering

Eliz: Hi, Max, Kathy Hello, Larry Time for my show

Larry: Alright Ready for Functioning in Business Cue Music Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần Anh ngữ thương mại trung cấp Functioning in Business, ta nghe đề nghị cuối cùng—the Final Proposal, Part ơng Blake trình bầy đề nghị bán người máy điện tử cho hãng Advanced Technologies bà Graham Chắc quí vị cịn nhớ bà Graham lo ngại hãng ơng Blake khơng có chỗ chứa phụ tùng thay Today we’re going to listen to your final presentation to Advanced Technologies=hôm nghe buổi trình bầy cuối ông trước hãng Advanced Technologies To make a presentation=trình bầy Hai cách phát âm presentation /pre/ hay /pri/ She was especially worried about storing spare parts at the factory=bà đặc biệt lo khơng có kho chứa đồ phụ tùng thay xưởng I know it would be very hard to convince Ms Graham=tơi biết khó thuyết phục bà Graham The conclusion=phần kết, phần cuối To conclude…=để kết luận [Thường dùng In summary (tóm lai) hay To conclude cuối trình bầy.]

Cut FIB Opening

FIB MUSIC lead in and then background

Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore Welcome to Functioning in Business! MUSIC swells and fades

Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture

Today’s unit is “The Final Proposal, Part 1.” This program focuses on Making a Presentation MUSIC

Interview: Blake, his final proposal to Graham Larry: Interview

Eliz: Today, Charles Blake is calling from his office in Beijing

Phone beep

Ngày đăng: 26/04/2021, 11:26

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