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 pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words 1 a arrogant b notify c courteous d facsimile 2 a recipient b subscriber c original d spacious 3 a pollutant b ch

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Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to be destroyed. Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to have destroyed[r]


Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words

1 a arrogant b notify

c courteous d facsimile

2 a recipient b subscriber c original d spacious a pollutant b cheetah c extinct d survive a maintenance b pesticide c devastate d prohibit

Choose the best answer

5 The firm, employs five hundred people, makes video recorders a that b which c who d whom I’m working on a firm main office is in London

a that b whose c whom d why The man _ I saw last week said something totally different

a that b whom c where d a & b

9.I work mainly in the Finance Department, is the smallest department in the firm a that b which c where d all are correct

10 A(n) _ is someone who designs buildings

a customer b shoplifter c tenant d architect 11 A _ is someone who is not brave

a shoplifter b tenant c coward d architect 12.Thanh Ba Post Office is equipped _ advanced technology

a in b with c for d on 13 The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous

a perfect b helpful c polite d efficient 14 This speedy and secure service of transferring money can be useful

a rapid b hurried c careful d slow 15 We offer a very _ rate for parcels under 15 kg

a competing b compete c competitive d competition 16 Can you let me the _ of your report? I can’t read this photocopy

a origin b original c originally d originate

17.The Messenger Call Service helps you to notify the recipient of the time and place to receive the call

a receiver b fax c call d telephone 18 Fax _ has become more and more popular because it is cheap and convenient a exchange b distance c sending d transmission

19 My parents _send their best wishes You met them last month a that you met last month b who you met last month c whom you met last month d All are correct

20.Do you know the boy borrowed that book?

a who b that c a & b d whom

21 The chemical _ from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty a pollution b pollutants c pollutant d pollute

22 The blue whale is a(n) _ species

a dangerous b danger c endanger d endangered 23.Many organizations have been set up


24 Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals a ban b allow c advise d conserve

25 If people’s interference the environment decreases, more species will survive and produce offspring

a on b to c with d for 26 Human beings are changing the environment all respects

a in b about c from d to 27.The house I was born has been sold

a that b which c in which d whom 28 The man _ you talked yesterday is my uncle

a who b that c to whom d to which 29 I like Paris , _

a where my sister is living b in which my sister is living c which my sister is living in d All are correct

30 I’d like to see the trees you’ve picked these apples

a from those trees b from which c which d from that 32.Forest destruction results floods and air pollution

a from b about c in d into 33 Water is one of the most precious resources for our life

a we depend on which b which we depend c on which we depend d on that we depend

34 Farmers use more and more _them to grow better crops but harm the environment a powerful chemicals who help b powerful chemicals which help

c which powerful chemicals help d powerful chemicals help

35 The World Wild Funds is working to protect and save the forests that are in a interest b danger c encouragement d consequence 36 Air pollution interferes _ our body’s ability to process oxygen

a with b on c to d over

37 She is a famous _ She tries her best to protect rare animals from extinction a environment b environmental c environmentally d environmentalist 38 The Earth is one of the in the solar system

a results b environments c planets d resources 39 People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables


EXERCISES FOR UNIT 11 & UNIT 12 ( Grade 11 ) I/ Choose the word that is stressed differently from the rest:

1/ A energy B natural C relative D pollution

2/ A fossil B limit C windmill D entire

4- a- preserve b- dangerous c- pollute d- endanger

5-a- fertilize b- advance c- imagine d- destroy

6-a- energy b- nuclear c- natural d- survive

II/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

7/ A plenty B energy C only D hydropower

8/ A exhausted B hundred C however D heat

9/ A geothermal B other C without D although

10/a- subscribe b-pesticide c- prohibit d- wild

11/a- hoped b attracted c added d participated

12/ a answer b swing c swim d swallow

13/ a variety b rugby c solidarity d apply

III/ Choose the best answer for each sentence:

14/ The flight _ was fully booked a which I want to travel on b I want to travel on

c that travels on d A & B

15/ Because of the _ of human beings, many animals have become extinct

A pollution B protection C interference D environment

16/ Scientists have made lists of species and suggested ways to save them

A danger B dangerous C endangered D dangerously

17/ Ben Tre is the town in _ I was born and grew up

A where B which C that D whom

18/ Fuel supplies are nearly

A exhausted B released C unlimited D infinite

19/ Human beings _ efforts to protect the environment up to now

A makes B have made C made D had made

20/ Do you know the environmentalist ?

A with that I used to work B with who I used to work C with whom I used to work D I used to work with whom 21/ More and more rare animals are _ danger of extinction

A of B in C for D at

22-There are over 50 guests _ to the party, all of whom are students

A who inviting B invited C who invited D inviting

23- This is Mrs Green, _ son is my student

a- who b- whose c- that d- they

24/ Is there any oil _?

a- using b- being used c- to be used d- to use


a- in b- at c- for d- on 26- The women outside are our colleagues

a- are standing b- stand c- who standing d- standing

27- Scientists part in the research come from the USA

a- take b- took c- taken d- who are


28- I don’t know the boys with you went for a picnic last Sunday

a- who b- whose c-whom d- that

29.How many athletes took part _ the 2006 Asian games?

A in B for C at D on

30 My uncle _ you met yesterday is a lawyer

A what B whose C whom D


31 Dien Bien Phu is the place _ our army won a resounding victory in 1954

A what B that C which D


32 Do you remember the day on _ we first met?

A which B when C who D that

33/ Football is the most _ of all sports

A attract B attraction C attracted D


34 _ present, scientists are trying to find out the most suitable energy

a- In b- For c- At d- On

35 Nuclear power can provide us _ great source of energy

a- for b- on c- with d- at

36 Oil, coal, and natural gas are _

a- solar system b- nuclear power c- hydropower d- fossil fuels 37 A _ is a structure that is used to convert the power of the wind into electricity

a- dam b- windmill c- machine d- panel

38 The solar panel _ on the roofs of the house can get enough energy for the whole family

a- fixing b- to fix c- fixed d- that is fixing

39/ The girl _ we are going to see is from Britain

a whose b which c when d O

40/ Swimming and water skiing are both sports

a aquatic b air c appreciated d


UNIT 13 & 14

Choose the best answer in each sentence: Choose the antonym of the underlined word:

There are number of things I like to in my free time

a pleasure b precious c busy d idle

2 These ideas have now been completely discarded

a come up with b got rid of c put forward d put into practice That boy indulges - playing the piano

a on b in c with d to

4 - who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979

a It was Jane Byrne b Jane Byrne c That Jane Byrne d When Jane Byrne It was in 1875 - joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Harvard University

a Anna Winlock, who b that Anna Winlock c as Anna Winlock d Anna Winlock then - that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to


a In 7.790 was b There was in 1790 c In 1790 d It was in 1790

7 It was Mr Minh - the report to yesterday

a who sent my secretary b to whom my secretary sent

c that my secretary sent d my secretary sent Cycling and karate are among her hobbies.

a pursuit b entertainment c pastime d amusement Watching television is by far the most popular -

a intensity b recreation c occupation d passion

10 He - us for hours with his stories and jokes

a supported b entertained c regarded d raised

11 Football, rugby and baseball are the most popular - sports in Britain

a watcher b looker c amateur d spectator

12 Which one you want? - I don't want -

a both b neither c either d each

13 She has neither read the book - the film

a or seen b nor see c or see d nor seen

14 They invited - to their golden anniversary

a my wife and I b I and my wife c both my wife and I d my wife and me

15 Have you finished your work? - No, I haven't and -

a she has not too b.neither has she c she has either d neither she has 16 Not only - shade and beauty, but they also reduce carbon dioxide

a trees provide b trees provide c provide trees d trees provide 17 It was the musical performance on TV that - by our family

a was most enjoying b was most enjoyed c most enjoyed d was most enjoyable


a was b were c has been d had been 19 Choose word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting

(a) Not only Laura's parents but also her husband (b) think she should (c) return to school and finish her (d) graduate degree

20 Choose word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting

It was (a) in 1971 when transatlantic (b) supersonic transportation (c) became commercially (d)


21 When she was young she never had time to - her hobbies

a persist b pursue c engage d delicate

22 They all laughed because the film was very -

a amuse b amusement c amused d amusing

23 “Which of these two men is Chinese?” – “ - is.”

a Both of them b All of them c Neither of them d None of them 24 Choose word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting

Either Mr Andersin or Ms Wiggins are going to teach our class today

25 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a engrave b pastime c undertake d spectator 26 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

a agreed b organised c based d listened

27 Arrange the words in their correct orders to make a meaningful sentence: It / she / British / that / to / English / most /likes / is / listening //

a It is listening to British that she likes English most b It is she that British English likes listening to most

c It is British English that she likes listening to most

d It likes British English most that she is listening to

28 Choose the answer that has the same meaning as the original sentence: The man guided Elvis Presley's career His name was Tom Parker. a It was Tom Parker who was guided by Elvis Presley's career

b It was Tom Parker who guided Elvis Presley's career

c It was Elvis Presley, that guided Tom Parker's career d It was the career that Tom Parker guided Elvis Presley

30 Leonard de Vinci was - a scientist - an artist

a not/ but also b not only/ also c only/but d not only/ but also

31 Choose the answer that has the same meaning as the original sentence: Your carelessness caused the accident.

a It is the accident that your carelessness caused b It was the accident that your carelessness caused c It is your carelessness that caused the accident

d It was your carelessness that caused the accident

32 Hue helped me a lot with my study last semester

A It was Hue that helped me a lot with my study last semester


A It is my uncle B It was my uncle that C It was my uncle D It has been my uncle

34 He presented her a book on her birthday.

A It was on his birthday that he presented her a book B It was on his birthday that he presented his a book C It was on her birthday that he presented her books

D It was on her birthday that he presented her a book

35 - my parents are from Ben Tre

A both B all C neither D either 36 On Sunday morning, sometimes I go to school, sometimes I stay at home

A On Sunday morning, I neither go to school, or stay at home B On Sunday morning, I either go to school, nor stay at home

C On Sunday morning, I either go to school, or stay at home

D On Sunday morning, I neither go to school, nor stay at home 37 George neither smokes - drinks

A or B and C nor D also

38 Choose word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting (a) That’s (b) the young man (c) that I spoke (d)with

39 He neither watches nor - football

A played B to play C plays D playing

40 - important railroad tunnel in the US was cut through the Hoosac Mountains in Massachuset

a At first b It was the first c The first d As the first of


I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words

1)A stones B learns C phones D tense

2) A lifted B lasted C happened D decided

3) A speed C person C temperature D psychology

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words

4)A uncertain B technical C attention D attraction 5)A psychology B cosmonaut C accident D national 6) A uncertainty B satisfaction C psychology D approximate 7) A advanced B technology C express D spacious B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR

* Circle the best answer for each sentence

8) No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space The word “precisely” is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A nicely B exactly C rigidly D roughly 9) Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of _ accidents.

A tragedy B tragic C tragically D tragedies

10) He finds it difficult for him to recover from his son’s .


11) He failed again, which was a/an disappointment.

A enormous B big C wide D large

12) The flight will take approximately three weeks The word “approximately” is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A closely B exactly C about D precisely 13) How long did Yuri Gagarin’s trip into space ? Only 180 minutes.

A lengthen B last C late D strengthen 14) When astronaut travels into space, if a technical failure happens, he can never get back to Earth.

A an / the B Þ / an C an / Þ D the / Þ

15) Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on moon.

A a B an C the D Þ

16) Everybody congratulated the astronauts _ their successful trip into space.

A on B for C of D in

17) Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space _ April 12th, 1961.

A at B on C in` D from

18) A / an is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft.

A astronaut B scientist C engineer D technician 19) When spacemen travel into space they have to face enormous because they not know what may happen.

A certainties B uncertainties C possibilities D precisions 20) Lisa’s been able to play the flute since she was six, ?

A can’t she B isn’t she C wasn’t he D hasn’t she


A VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I Circle the best answer for each sentence

1 The local ………….information office provides a free map of the region of the Giza Plateau.

A tour B tourist C tourism D touristy

2 ………… are places built in ancient Egypt to contain the bodied of their kings and qeens. A Tombs B Graves C Pyramids D.Grave yards 3 What you intend to with these ………… of stone.

A pieces B blocks C sheets D sets

4 A huge rock was placed on a base of 100 metres square.

A involved B suggested C lifted D put

5 A ………… is large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried.

A tomb B base C wonder D block

6 The tomb was broken last night and the ………… stole all the jewelries.

A thieves B king C dead D police

7 A pharaoh was a ……….of ancient Egypt.

A king B queen C prince D princess

8 The thieves broke into the tomb to steal the treasures


A carried B hidden C dug D buried 10 The pharaohs built pyramids to prepare for their ………

A die B death C dead D dying

11 People say that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed. A It is said that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed. B Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to be destroyed. C Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to have destroyed.

D Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world are said to have been destroyed. 12 It is believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb.

A They believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb. B A buried treasure is believed that was hidden in the tomb. C A buried treasure is believed to hide in the tomb.

D A buried treasure is believed to have been hidden in the tomb. 13 George …………another trip to Greek.

A is said to be planned B said to be planned

C said to be planning D is said to be planning

14 The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930. A They said that skyscraper was built in 1930. B It was said that skyscraper was built in 1930. C They are said that skyscraper is built in 1930. D It is said that skyscraper was built in 1930. 15 John ……… The Great Egypt of Giza.

A said to have been visited B is said to have been visited C is said to have visited D said to have visited

16 Mr pike ………… the most famous archaeologist in our city.

A says to be B is said to be C is said that D said to be 17 Many people believe that God created the world.

A It believes that God created the world. B The world is believed God created.

C God is believed to create the world. D God is believed to have create the world. 18 ……… to be the richest man in the USA.

A Bill Gates B Bill Gates says C Bill Gates is D Bill Gates is said 19 John is said to have been stolen the money.

A It is said John steals the money. B It is said John stole the money. C People said John steals the money. D People say John steals the money.

20 It is said that many people are homeless after the floods. A Many people say to be homeless after the floods. B Many people said are homeless after the floods. C Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.

D Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods. KEY


1 d 2c 3d 4b 5a 6b 7d 8b 9b 10d 11c 12c 13b 14a 15c 16a 17b 18a 19b 20d Bai 16:

Ngày đăng: 24/04/2021, 20:45

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