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Page: 1 BAI KIEM TRA CHAT LUONG HOC KY I – E9 I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. raised b. passed c. missed d. liked 2. a. while b. where c. whose d. white 3. a. eight b. weight c. weigh d. height 4. a. lake b. knife c. keep d. neck 5. a. character b. ache c. cake d. machine 6. a. thought b. laugh c. bought d. through II/ Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets 7. I usually ( go) to school by train, but last Monday I ( go) by bus. 8. We( buy) some cakes? No, let’s not. I still have some. 9. When I ( see) her, she ( hurry) to the station. 10. Would you mind ( give) me 10p, please? Yes, here you are. (You make) a phone call? 11. Where would you like ( have ) lunch? 12. Do you mind if I ( open) the windows? III/ Rewrite these sentences. 13. What’s your height? ( How?) 14. I can’t speak Russian, and she can’t either. ( neither) 15. We could ride our bicycles when we were six years old. ( be able to) 16. He likes oranges. He doesn’t like coffee. ( prefer) 17.How beautiful the Christmas tree is ! ( what ) 18. We had someone repair the roof of our house last month. ( passive voice) 19. I didn’t decide what to do next. ( make up) 20. Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? ( Why don’t) IV/ Fill in each gap with a suitable word. 21.He arrived …… London …… 6 p.m …. a rainy day. We often have rain ……. November. 22. Did you come here …. car or …… foot? 23. I can’t make……. my mind yet. It depends …… my parents. 24. Milk is good …… growing children V/ Put these sentences in order to complete a dialogue. 25. Didn’t you? Were you ill? 26. Did you have to go to the doctor? 27. Yesterday I didn’t go to the cinema. 28. Why not? 29. My mother asked me to take an aspirin, and I felt better. 30. No, I didn’t. 31. Yes, I was. I had a headache. VI/ Complete the following sentences. 32. How often ……………………… ? 33. Could I ………………………… ? 34. If you don’t get up early, ………………… 35. Let’s ……………………………… VII/ Put the correct form of the words in brackets. 36. What’s the (long) of this river? 37. You are too (sleep). You should go to bed early. 38. His mother is a good ( cook), I think. 39. Be (care) when you cross the streets. 40. Milk is good for ( grow) (child) VIII/ Fill in each gap with a proper word. London (41) …. a very fine old zoo. Many children with their parents and friends visit it every day. The (42)… is in a large park. (43)…. is not far from the centre of London. Many old trees grow in the (44)…. Park. In spring, summer (45)… autumn there are a lot of flowers there, too. The zoo is open everyday (46)… 9 a.m to 7 p.m. People (47)……. go there by bus or underground or by taxi. Many kinds of (48) …… there are : elephants, giraffes, Sea-lions, polar bears, brown bears, foxes and big and little monkeys. IX/ Translation into English. (49-50) David sống cùng với bố mẹ tại một thị trấn nhỏ bên bờ biển. Hè năm ngoái, Albert, anh họ của David đã tới nghỉ hè ở đó một tháng. Họ cùng nhau đi bơi và tắm nắng. Thỉng thoảng họ lại cùng nhau đi thuyền và câu cá. họ đã có một kỳ nghỉ hè thật là thú vị. Page: 2 TEST 1- E9 TERM. I I/ Group these verbs according to ed: /t/, /d/, /id/ (1-10 pts) Clutched, gathered, looked, needed, played, cleaned, stopped, greeted, washed, painted, called, wanted, rained, talked, cheered, raised, earned, planted, skipped, attracted. II/ Write the forms of these irregular verbs. (11-20 pts) Be, begin, buy, come, make, go, hear, leave, know, tell, eat, lay, lie, keep, see, show, send, lend, teach, bring. III/ Put the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 21. Would you like some coffee? No, thanks. I just ( make) some. 22. Wheres Ann? She ( be) on holiday. She ( go) to Italy. 23. I ( not see) my aunt recently. No, she ( not be) out since she ( buy) her color TV. 24. I ( leave) home at 11.30, and ( get) here at 12. 25. He ever ( eat) this food? 26. Mary ( make) her own clothes. At the moment she ( make) a new dress for her self. 27. It ( start) ( rain) when I ( watch) TV. 28. The lesson just ( begin). You are a little late. IV/ Choose the best answer. 29. Do you think Mr. Anderson will be strict ( to/ for/ with/ against) us. 30. ( What/ How/ Which/ Whom) is he like? Hes handsome. 31. Theyve just painted the door ( be green/ green/ greenly/ being green) 32. ( Thousands/ Thousands of/ Thousand/ Thousand of) people are gathering in Ba Dinh Square. 33. Have you lived here ( your all/ all the/ the whole/ all your) life? 34. We havent seen them ( at/ until / to/ since) Christmas. 35. The dinner smelt ( good/ well/ to be good/ very well). 36. Ive never ( go/ went/ been/ gone) to HCM city. V/ Write sentences by using these words. 37. Pupils/ look cheerful/ first day/ new school year. 38. you/ hear/ her/ recently? 39. Brother/ just/ go out/ a walk. 41. cousin/ be/ curious/ know every thing. 42. They/ tell/ me/ he/ not come/ back/ yet. 43. I/ eager/ meet/ new English teacher. 44. Hundreds/ pupils/ be/ uniform. 45. When/ teacher/ come in/ class/ stand up/ greet him. VI/ Fill in each blank with been or gone 46. Ive to most countries in Europe, but Ive never to Russia. 47. Wheres Annie? Shes to work. 48. to lunch back soon. 49. Sorry Im late. Ive . stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. 50. You look very brown! Have you on holiday? 51. Can I speak to M r Thompson, please? Im afraid hes out of his office. VII/ Choose the best answer. 52. Sad films always make me ( to cry/ crying/ cry). 53. Please stop ( make/ to make/ making) that awful noise. 54. I managed ( to save/ saving/ save) enough money to buy a car. 55. She started ( to learn/ learning/ learn) the piano when she was six. 56. Please let me ( to go/ going/ go) to the concert on Sunday. 57. I tried ( explain/ explaining/ to explain) why I was late but Annie didnt listen. 58. She told her children ( play/ to play/ playing) quietly in the room. 59. Their father always asks them ( be/ to be/ being) careful with the record player. VIII/ Translate these sentences into English. 60. ở một số trờng tiểu học và trung học cơ sở ở Hà nội, việc mặc đồng phục vào ngày thứ hai là bắt buộc. 61. Nhiều ngời nói rằng những ngày đi học là những ngày hạnh phúc nhất trong cuộc đời của họ. Page 3 TEST 2 – TERM 1 I/ Put a reflexive pronoun in each gap. 1. Jack ought to be ashamed of …………. He didn’t obey his mother. 2. Jack, you …………. must do this homework. 3. She …………… got acquainted with me. 4. The film ………… is very good. You should see it 5. Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at ……………… 6. I didn’t know about it …………. till yesterday. 7. You can see the difference for ………… 8. Grand dad doesn’t like living by …………… II/ Put the jumbled words in order to make meaningful sentences. 9. new/ heard/ you / have/ anything? 10. not/ ever/ the/ he/ seen/ film/ has? 11. that/ I/ have/ read/ yet/ book/ not/. 12. for/ not/ she/ spoken/ him/ to/ years/ has/ ten. 13. a/ troubled/ the/ regulations/ newcomers/ new/ have/ the/ lot? 14. just/ she/ musical/ been/ to/ a/ has. 15. one/ have/ with/ recently/ they/ friends/ another/ made. 16. are/ they/ have/ waiting/ left/ or/ they/ still/ already? III/ Choose and underline the best answer in the bracket. 17. These machines work so ( noise/ noisy/ noisily). I can’t stand their ( noisy/ noise/ noisier). 18. She always looks ( happy/ happily/ happiness) when she has ( good/ well) news. 19. John can run very ( fast/ fastly) 20. The sun is shining ( bright/ brightly) 21. LAN speaks English ( fluent/ fluently). She can speak ( fluent/ fluently) English. 22. Don’t be so ( noisy/ noisily), Jim is sleeping now. 23. Mary feels ( bad/ badly) about her test grade. 24. Children become tired quite ( easy/ easily) 25. I don’t play the guitar very( good/ well). IV/ Rewrite the following sentences with the cues given 26. To watch that football match is exciting.  It’s ……………………………… 27. It isn’t easy to make friends in a new school.  To make …………………… 28. Knowing English is very useful.  It’s ……………………………………… 29. It’s interesting to get into this game.  To get …………………………………… 30. Fred is a good tennis player.  Fred plays …………………………………… 31. It’s very boring to talk to Jill.  Jill’s ……………………………… 32. To learn in group is good.  It’s ……………………………………………… 33. We have known each other for two years.  We got acquainted ………………… 34. Our class has 40 pupils.  There ……………………………………………… V/ Choose and underline the best answer. For many young people, sport is a popular part of school life, and (35. having/ being/ taking/ putting) in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important. (36. If/ As/ Then/ So) someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away (37. at/ on/ for/ from) home, as many matches are played then. It (38. ought/ is/ can/ has) also involve traveling to other towns to play against other school teams and then (39. being/ staying/ leaving/ standing) on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes parents and friends or other students will travel with the team to support (40. their/ its/ our/ whose) own side. When a school team win a match it is the whole school which feels proud, (41. but/ however/ and/ not) only the players. It can also mean that a school (42. turns/ makes/ comes/ becomes) well- known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing (43. up/ to/ for/ besides) national and international teams so that the school has some really (44. old/ new/common/ famous) names associated with it ! VI/ Put the sentences in order to make a dialogue. 45. They usually take a trip every summer. They never take a trip in the winter. 46. Winters are very cold. The weather is nice in the summer. It never snows, and the days are usually sunny. Everyone likes a summer vacation. 47. No, he doesn’t. he always sings “ rain, rain, go away, come another day.” 48. Are your mother and father going to take a trip this summer, Bill? 49. There are a few storms, but they come and go. They don’t spoil a vacation trip 50. Does your father like rain? 51. Aren’t there any storms in the summer? 52. Why don’t they take a trip in the winter? Page 4 TEST 3 – TERM 1 I/ Put a suitable word in each blank. 1. You can borrow books from a …………. or buy them from a …………. 2. I can’t remember the ……… of the book, but I know it has a yellow cover. 3. A writer can also be called an ……………. 4. The important part in a book report is the ……… or the story of the book. 5. Telling the ………. of the fiction will spoil the interest of the listeners. 6. He’s going to ……….a book report before the class next Monday. 7. The opposite word of “fiction” is ………… 8. I’d like to ………… that book when you’ve finished it. II/ Put a preposition in each gap. 9. My brother is fond ……. short stories, especially the ones ……………. Jack London. 10. Most ……… the pupils were familiar ………. the topic ………. the discussion. 11. Jack is very good ………. Math. He is interested ………… books ……… Science. 12. Children usually get bored ………. reading long books. III/ Put the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence to complete the sentence. 13. I tried to tell him about it, but he was …………………… ( interest) 14. How ………… the book is ! I can’t really put it down. ( interest) 15. We’ve had an ………… class discussion about book reports. ( enjoy) 16. He spoiled my …………. by telling me the ending of the story. ( enjoy) 17. Reporting books is a good kind of …………. in class. ( act) 18. I really like films with much ……… ( act) 19. George was still …………. the topic with his friends when I got there. ( discuss) 20. After much …………… we decided to hold the seminar on Friday. ( discuss) IV/ Complete these sentences with the cues. 21. I don’t know why ………………………………… 22. They enjoy ……………………………… 23. Oughtn’t we …………………………… ? 24. Children love to ……………………………… V/ Rewrite the following sentences using the word at the end of each sentence. 25. He ought to prepare his lessons before he goes to class. ( should) 26. He enjoys reading picture books. ( love) 27. How many people are there in your family?  I don’t know…………………… 28. It’s the first time I’ve read a romance.  I’ve never …………………………… 29. Whose book is on the desk?  Could you tell me … ? 30. When will she return the book to the library?  Do you know ………………… ? 31. What has the speaker just said?  I don’t know ………….? 32. My classmate, LAN, loves to listen to her grand mom’s fairy tales. ( enjoy) VI/ Write sentences using the cue words. 33. All/ us/ enjoy/ plant/ flowers/ garden. 34. We/ fond/ listen/ pop music. 35. Thao and Phuong Anh/ interested/ paint/ pictures. 36. The boys/ my class/ enjoy/ fish/ river. 37. Some/ us/ like/ collect/ stamps/ sea shells. 38. Nam and Son/ hate/ make/ ship models. 39. Lan/ would like/ do/ her homework/ her free time. 40. Since our arrival/ we/ do/ nothing. VII/ Put the jumbled sentences in order to make a dialogue. 41. That’s a good idea. 42. I’m sorry. What’s the matter? 43. Oh, I hope you aren’t catching flu. Why don’t you take an aspirin? 44. Good morning, Mr. Baker. How are you? 45. My eyes hurt, and I’ve got a bad headache. 46. I feel ill. VIII/ Put the correct form of the verbs in bracket. 47. This is the first time, I ( be) ……………………. to China. 48. It’s 6.30. I think it’s time for you ( go)…………. to school now. 49. I prefer ( learn) ……… English to ( listen) ……… to music. 50. We’d rather Lan no longer ( not tell) ……… lie. Page 5 TEST 4 – TERM 1 I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. pavements b. streets c. crossings d. it’s 2. a. pedestrians b. afternoons c. stations d. restaurants 3. a. eight b. bright c. height d. light 4. a. neon b. seem c. zebra d. intend 5. a. exam b. expensive c. extra d. experience 6. a. through b. laugh c. bought d. taught 7. a. watered b. cleaned c. learned d. danced 8. a. faces b. languages c. stages d. clothes 9. a. occasion b. botanical c. homework d. hundred 10. a. sugar b. see c. show d. wash II/ Change the following sentences into negative. 11. Jane is as clever as an author. 12. They can run as fast as me. 13. Jim did his exam as well as his brother. 14. The newcomer gets into games as quickly as we do. 15. Mary has as many books as Sue. IV/ Correct the mistake in the following sentences. 16. The street seems quietly. 17. He learns not so well as his sister. 18. The traffic light has become red. 19. It’s dangerous riding fast in busy streets. 20. There’s many traffic in the city centre. 21. We hurried to the bus station. We were afraid to miss the last bus. 22. Our teacher rewarded him with his rapid progress in study. V/ Fill in the blank with the word with six letters, the final letter is letter “ y”. Example : family. 23. She goes shopping once a week. Yesterday she did her …… shopping at the city centre. 24. What a ………… dinner ! We enjoy our selves very much. 25. I feel ………… Shall we go out for lunch. 26. You look ……… It’s time for you to go to bed. 27. Life in big cities is always busy. Everyone seems to work ……………. all day. 28. The exercise isn’t difficult. I can ………… finish it tonight. 29. The colorful neon signs of shop windows, hotels, theatre are very beautiful. Alice was surprised at their … . 30. There’s ………… in the house. Everyone is in the garden. VI/ Choose the best answer. Many people buy suitcases to carry (31. his luggages/ their luggages/ his luggage/ their luggage) when they go abroad (32. in holiday/. on holiday/ in holidays/ on holidays) and never take trouble to find out whether they will be (33. so strong/ enough strong/ strong enough/ too strong) to survive the journey. (34. However/ whatever/ wherever/ which) case you buy- and obviously (35. the more/ the most/ how much/ how many ) you pay for it the better it is likely to be you should be careful (36. for not parking/ not to park/ to park not/ in order not to park ) too much into it. A lot of passengers (37. do so/ do such/ make so/ make such ) and then the locks break. Some people think manufacturers should say how much (38. can carry the case/ the case can carry/ can bear the case/ the case can bear) , but the manufacturers say it depends (39. for/ with/ in/ on ) the quality of the case. A cheap case (40. what/ which/ it/ when) has been badly made, will obviously not last as long as an expensive one. VII/ Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 41. I’ll pay the book back to you when I ( finish) ……… reading it. 42. After She ( be) ……… home, her father went to bed. 43. There ( be) ……… a banana and six apples in the fridge. 44. ( you ever be) to Hanoi ? 45. I’d rather (play)…… football than ( fly) …… kites. 46. Are you fond of ( listen) …… to pop music? 47. We’d rather you ( pay) …… attention to the teacher’s advice. 48. They ( learn) …… English for 4 years. 49. At this time tomorrow, I ( do) …… my housework. 51. By the end of next month, we ( stay) … here for 20 years. The end ! Page 6 TEST 5- REVISION- TERM 1 I/ Mark the stress on the following words. (1 –10) Acquaintance cleverness commerce different difficult hundred regulation Enjoy familiar gather importance interested adventure story Newcomer non-fiction notice themselves together brother Cambridge II/ Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 11. The newspaper ( come) ? Yes, Ann ( read) it attentively. It seems interesting. 12. When he (be) in London, he ( write) me a letter every week. 13. you ( know) what the writer’s name (be) ? Oh, no. I ( forget) it. 14. No one knows how long the meeting tomorrow ( last). 15. they ( not stop) ( eat) since they arrived. 17. you ever (be) to Cambridge? Yes, I (be) there last month. How you ( get) there? My brother (take) me in his car. 18. How long ago you ( buy) these adventure stories? III/ Choose the best answer. 19. I’m afraid you ( should/ ought/ must ) to do this. It’s a regulation. 20. Don’t make such ( noise/ noisy/ noisily). 21. ( some childs/ some of children/ some of the children) don’t love to read picture books. 22. Their parents are as strict as ( we do/ our/ ours). 23. An old lady sat in a corner talking to ( herself/ hers/ she ) 24. There are ( hundreds/ hundreds of/ hundred of ) shop windows a long the streets. 25. The city seems ( quietly/ quiet/ be quiet). 26. Did they tell you how much ( the book costs/ does the book cost/ the book cost)? IV/ Put the correct form of the word in brackets. 27. She makes no ( different) ………. … between her two sons. 28. He is always ( care)………… . He may fail the driving test. 29. My brother is ( interest) ……… in football because it’s ( interest)………… 30. I can’t finish the book. I feel very ( sleep)………… 31. I’ll take two ( day) newspapers and a Sunday paper. 32. Newcomers often have a lot of ( difficult) at the beginning of the new school year. 33. Hanoi is a ( commerce) centre of our country. 34. I don’t like his ( choose) of friends. 35. We like him because of his ( humorous) of sense. V/ Put the jumbled words in order to make meaningful sentences. 36. always/ feel/ before/ you/ do/ nervous/ examinations/?/ 37. camping/ staying/ going/ cheaper/ is/ in/ than/ hotel/ a/ much/. 38. party/ colorfully/ was/ at/ everybody/ dressed/ the/. 39. I/ brother/ all/ our/ my/ and/ mother/ like/ look/. 40. book report/ while/ ready/ to give/ a/ Peter and Jack/ prepared/ most of the pupils/ are/ haven’t/ anything/. 41. our/ seem/ classmates/ eager/ to get/ with/ the/ acquainted/ newcomers/. 42. better and better/ she/ Britain/ her/ since/ has got/ English/ has been/ in/. VI/ Read the passage then do the true and false exercises. Mrs. Scott bought a new house last year. The walls of the rooms had been painted a short time before, and Mrs. Scott like the colors, but the person who had sold her the house had taken the curtains with him, so Mrs. Scott had to buy new ones, and of course she wanted to buy ones whose color would go with the walls of the room. She discovered that her comb was exactly the same color as these walls, so she always took it with her whenever she went to look for cloth for curtains. In one shop, she showed the shopkeeper the comb and then looked at various cloths for the curtains for half an hour with him , until he got tired and said to her “ Madam, wouldn’t it be easier just to buy some cloth you like, and then find a new comb to go with that” 43. When Mrs. Scott bought the house she didn’t have the walls painted ……. 44. She kept the curtains which the last owner had had. ………. 45. She liked the curtain whose color was rather like the walls. ……… 46. She liked the curtain whose color was different from the walls. ……… 47. Her comb and the walls were the same color. ……… 48. Her comb and the curtains were the same color. ……… 49. The shop keeper suggested that she should get a comb of different color instead of cloth like the comb………. 50. The shopkeeper suggested that she should buy some cloth whose color she liked and then find another comb which could go with the cloth. ………… Page 7 TEST 6- TERM 1 I/ Combine these sentences using “ so …………… that” 1. She worked hard. She made herself ill. 2. We were late. We missed the first act of the play. 3. The road is narrow. Cars can’t park here. 4. It’s very cold. We can’t have breakfast in the garden. 5. The film’s title looked interesting. He decided to go and see it. 6. There are many people in the cinema. We couldn’t find our seats. 7. The soup tastes quite good. Everyone will ask for more. 8. The film was boring. I felt asleep in the middle of it. II/ Put the correct form of the words in brackets. 9. That film was ( interesting) than the one on TV. 10. We’ve got ( little) time than I thought. 11. LAN is ( clever) and ( pretty) than Lien. 12. You’re standing too ( near) the cinema. You can move a bit ( far) a way. 13. Could you speak ( slowly) please? 14. You look ( thin) . Have you lost weight? 15. Health and happiness are ( important) than money. III/ Put a suitable word in each blank. 16. There is a long line of people in front of the box ……. They were …… ……… for the tickets. 17. There’s a good film ……… ………… “ August cinema” tonight. It’s ………. a thrilling adventure. 18. It’s a ………… of time going to see such a boring film. 19. Today fewer people go to the cinema but instead they watch ……… at home on video. IV/ Choose the best answer. 20. We felt ( asleep/ to sleep/ sleeping) because the movie wasn’t exciting. 21. Jane is the ( eldest/ elder/ oldest) of the two sisters. 22. The cinema is almost full. There are ( only a few/ only few/ only a little) seats left. 23. He worked ( more careful/ very carefully/ more carefully) than his brother. 24. “ What a beautiful day ! ” . “ Yes, it’s ( such nice weather/ so nice weather/ too nice weather) that I’d like to take a walk. 25. If he comes here, I ( make/ will make/ made) him do it. 26. Your composition is ( more/ much/ very) better than his. 27. “How was the movie? ”. To tell the truth, it was rather ( disappointing/ disappointment/ disappointed) ”. V/ Put the jumbled words in order to make meaningful sentences. 28. they/ although/ angry/ my parents/ soon/ forgave/ were/ me/. 29. up the stairs/ climbed/ the dog/ slowly/. 30. I/ walked/ after getting the news/ slowly/ to the end of the road/. 31. in the rain/ they/ waited/ for two or three hours/ patiently. 32. the housework/ whereas/ Pat did/ Jo never helped with. 33. to work/ the car/ I/ because/ had to walk/ didn’t start/ 34. some vegetables and flowers/ they/ from the garden/ bought/ of their neighbors/. 35. the plane/ for about thirty minutes/ slowly/ flew/ around/ Heathrow Airport/. 36. didn’t like/ he/ John/ didn’t mind/ sport/ watching/ however/ the football. VI/ Choose the best answer. The (37. time/ interval/ space/ pause) between the acts was twenty minutes long.“ The moon trap” is a new film made by a young Canadian ( 38. actor/ leader/ director/ manager) called Melvin Strang. The main parts in the new film are ( 39. played/ given/ made/ put) by Sid Cheung and Julei Plein who last appeared in “ Music For Ever”. In this new film, (40. the/ they/ she/ them) star as a young married couple in the country. After living there (41. since/ from. for/ by) a few weeks strange things begin to happen. Some of the furniture in the house disappears and can’t be (42. taken/ moved/ made/ found); windows break and pictures fall off the wall. At night they (43. hear/ make/ seem/ sound) crying noises, and when the moon is up loud screams can be heard from the woody nearby. As you might expect, the young couple try to discover the (44.way/ course/ reason/ use ) for all those strange events and this leads them into some very frightening situations. (45. why/ if/ how/ because) you are easily scared. Don’t go and see this film! But if you enjoy films with (46.lots/ much/ many/ all) of adventure and murder (47. as/ when/ than/ then) this is the film for you. The end ! Page 8 TEST 7 – TERM 1 I/ Turn these sentences into passive voice. 1. The Green took Margaret to the national park last Saturday. 2. Someone has already told him to give a book report next week. 3. Why didn’t you turn off the lights? 4. They make these artificial flowers of silk. 5. Did the idea interest you? 6. Who wrote “ King Lear? ” 7. They are pulling down the old theatre. 8. An usherette showed them to their seats near the stage. II/ Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 9 Charles Dickens was known ……… all people ………… the world. 10. He can’t be compared …………. W. Shakespeare ……… a writer ……… tragedies. 11. Do you think he looks …… an actress? 12. The tallest buildings in Lon Don are small ……… comparison …… those in New York. III/ Rewrite the following sentences but keep the meanings similar. 13. Today is warmer than yesterday.  Yesterday ………………………………… 14. I still feel quite tired but I felt a lot more tired yesterday.  I don’t ………………… 15. The play wasn’t so boring as I thought.  The play was more ……………………… . 16. The national theatre has very comfortable seats.  The seats ………………………… 17. Theatre programs usually have lots of information.  There ………………………. 18. There is a choice of more than 30 theatres in London.  You can choose ……………. 19. The seats near the stage are more expensive than those at the back.  The seats at the back are … 20. I love going out with my friends.  I’m keen …………………………………. IV/ Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 21. The new play was a great success. The ( audience/ play rights/ crowd) loved it very much. 22. She is one of the ( perform/ performers/ performer) in this theatre. 23. It’s a ( lot/ waste/ loss ) of time talking to James. He never listens. 24. They went to Odeon cinema for a ( play/ fairy tale/ film). 25. The audience clapped their hands so ( many times/ much time/ very much) that the singer had to sing again. 26. I prefer films ( to/ than/ more) plays because I can see ( true/ real/ truthful) scenery and adventures. 27. She likes cartoons better and he ( likes, too/ likes also/ does, too) 28. Our seats were ( too/ very/ so) far from the stage that we couldn’t see the actors and actresses clearly. V/ Put “a, an, the or no article ” in the following blanks to complete sentences. 29. I’m looking for …………… accommodation. 31. George has just graduated from Boston University. He is looking for ………… job. 32. I had to buy …………. bread because I wanted to make …… sandwiches. 33. I went to …… shop and spoke to ………. manager. 34. They haven’t finished with ………. book which I lent them last week. 35. He broke his leg in ………. accident. Now it still in plaster. 36. Like many women, she likes tea parties. 37. He lived on the top floor of ………. old house. When the wind blew all the windows rattled. 38. It’s the time you had ……… holiday. You haven’t had a day off for a month. 39. I bought ……… house last year. I haven’t sold ………. old one, so I have ………. two house now. 40. Many of ………. students in my class have been to Hanoi. The end ! Page 9 TEST 8 – TERM 1 I/ Put the following words in the right column according to the underlined part. Age , journey, jewelry, mechanic, chair, machine, orange, engineer, biggest, gather, ache, school, village, job, chance, richest, character, largest, guest, enjoy, cheese, magazine, begin, chemist. / / / g/ /k/ / ∫ / / s / II/ Put the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 6. That was the ( big) ………. farm I’ve ever visited. 7. Who among these milkmaids works the ( good)……………… 9. The old machine is ( powerful)………………… than I thought. 10. I’ve seen many thrilling films but it was the ( thrilling)………………… 11. The farmers have never had a ( rich)………. harvest than that. 12. Which is ( difficult), English or Math? 13. The lessons are ( interesting)………… and ( boring)……………… than some years ago. III/ Choose the best answer. 14. Who is the ( oldest/ eldest) in your class. 15. My ( oldest/ eldest) brother is Minh. 16. Have you heard the ( last/ latest) news? 17. We have no ( further/ farther) information. 18. I’ve got ( less/ lesser) than you. 19. She’s my ( elder/ older) sister. 20. Farmers have to work (hard/ hardly) during the harvest. 21. It’s the ( more/ most) expensive of the two cars. 22. We’ve got the ( least/ less) IV/ Rewrite these sentences with : I wish ………………………………. 23. It’s very hot today. 24. I haven’t a good watch. 25. I am not an engineer. 26. Its’ raining. 27. They don’t have many friends. 28. I don’t know the answer to your question. 29. She can’t drive a combine- harvester. 30. He will go out alone tonight. V/ Combine sentences by using “Ving”. 31. He ran upstairs. He sang an Irish song. 32. Jill was lying on the bed. She was crying. 33. I got home. I was feeling very tired. 34. Ann was watching TV. She fell asleep. 35. The boy was playing tennis. He hurt his arm. 36. The girl ran out of the house. She was shouting. 37. He rode away. He sang as he went. 38. The man slipped (trît ch©n) . He was getting off the bus. VI/ Put the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets. 39. Ann works ( hard)………… than most of her friends. 40. Please don’t go by plane. It much ( expensive) …………… than going by train. 41. It’s a little ( warm) …………… than it was yesterday. 42. This flat is too small for two people. We need something much ( big)…………… 43. There were only four passengers on the bus yesterday. It was ( crowded)……… than usual. 44. I am going to sleep on the floor. It is ( comfortable) than sleeping on the bed. 45. We were luckily to have one of ( nice) rooms in the hotel. The end ! Page 10 TEST 9 – TERM 1. I. Complete the following sentences. 1. She’ll get rid of ……………………………………………………………… 2. He always helps ……………………………………………………………. 3. Yesterday I had a chance ………………………………………………… 4. I wish ………………………………………………………………………. 5. The house ……………………………………………………… is very old. 6. I have a watch ……………………………………………………………… 7. My father is a teacher who ………………………………………………… 8. This is Mr. Minh whose daughter ………………………………………… 9. I want to know …………………………………………………………… 10. Have you ………………………………………………………………… ? II.Combine two sentences into a new one using the cues given at the end of each sentence. 11. “ What’s the matter with you?”, asked the doctor. ( reported speech) 12. Farmers can grow different crops on the land. They want to keep it in good condition. (so that) 13. She is very weak. She can’t sit up. ( so … that ) 14. The farmers are plowing the fields. They want to grow potatoes well. ( to + inf) 15. I felt tired, so I went to bed early last night. ( Ving) 16. Farmers kill weeds. They spray the fields. ( by) 17. The children went up the hill. They could see many farms and fields. ( Ving) 18. I didn’t know the name of the new machine. I asked the tractor driver. ( Ving) III. Change the following sentences into passive ones. 19. We call them combine harvesters. 20. Do they have to grow grass for their cattle? 21. We spray chemical fertilizers to make the soil fertile. 22. We use combine harvesters for harvesting rice crops. 23. farmers keep the soil fertile by spraying chemical fertilizers. 24. Has she cleaned the house? 25. They consider him a leader. IV. Put a suitable preposition in each blank. 26. Nam is helping his parents ……… potato- planting. 27. Are you excited …………… going on holiday next week? 28. Our country is rich ………… mineral resources. 29. Grass grows …… its own much better if the land is kept …… good condition. 30. …… the end ……. This month, the farmers will grow corn ……… the land. 31. Have you ever worked ……… a farm? 32. We were ……. the movie last night. It was very cold ………. the movie. V. Put a appropriate word in each gap to finish the passage. It was the 16 th of December. Nina went (32)… a ride in the bus to see Covent Garden. She bought a ticket (34) …. a conductor. It cost 4 p. As she got (35)… .she could smell the fruit and flowers in the market. She noticed that everyone (36)…… .to be in a hurry. Some men were carrying large boxes of vegetables, and (37)………were trying to sell big Christmas trees. As Nina looked at them she (38)…… of her own home. The (39)…… wonderful moment of all the year was when she saw the Christmas tree with its candles lit. then before she went to bed (40)… Christmas eve, she used to go outside and watched the snow on the mountains and the frosty light of the stars in the dark blue sky. VI. Choose the best answer A: Hello, love. Have you had a good day at (42. work/ job/ office/ factory) B: Yes, quite good, ( 43. but/ expect/ though/ except) that the manager was unpleasant (44. in the all/ the all/ in the whole/ the whole) day. How about you? A: Oh, it was a quiet day. There wasn’t much work ( 45. to me to do/ for doing/ that I did/ for me to do) , so I got home early. B: Good for you. What’s for dinner? A: Well, when (46. had we last/ did we last have/ last had we/ did we have last ) dinner at a restaurant? It was ( 47 such a long/ a such long/ so long a/ a so long) time ago that I can’t remember. Can’t we go tonight? B: Well. It’s a good idea. But let’s not (48. go away/ go out/ to go away/ to go out) tonight because I want to watch the football on TV. A: Oh, I forgot (49. to say/ to tell/ saying/ telling) you. There’s some thing (50. wrong on/ bad on/ wrong with/ bad with) the TV. I wanted to watch a program this afternoon but I (51. can’t/ couldn’t/ may not/ might not) get a picture.

Ngày đăng: 29/11/2013, 22:11

