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Nội dung

Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to read a text about UFOs for details to complete the notes. Know more about UFOs[r]



Period : Date of preparing : 20/8/2010 Date of teaching : 23/8/2010 CONSOLIDATION

I Objectives: Helping Ss practise good habit in lerning the usage of tenses in English

II Language contents:

1.Grammar : Simple present , Simple past , Simple future , Present perfect , Present continuous , / Past continuous

2.Vocabulary : old words

III Techniques: eliciting, supply the correct verbs form , examples , etc. IV Teaching aids: sub- board, colored chalk ,exercise book.

V Time: 45’ VI Procodures


Activities Content

Ss’ Answer


Give examples Take note

I.Warm up : Chatting How are you?

2 What did you last summer vacation ? Are you ready to study ?

II.Presentation: Eliciting questions: Ask Ss about the tenses they ‘ve leant * Usage:

- Diễn tả hành động xảy - Diễn tả chân lý, thật

- Diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại nhiều lần, thường xuyên

* Ex:

- Lan watches T.V - Two and two are four

- Nam drinks milk everynight * Form: S + V ( s,es )

2 Simple past: * Usage:

- Diễn tả hành động xảy kết thúc * Ex:


Ss’ Answer


Give examples Take note

Ss: listen and take note

3 Simple future: - Diễn tả dự định * Ex:

- I will visit you tomorrow * Form:

S + will/ shall + V 4 Present perfect: * Useage:

- Diễn tả hành động vừa xảy ra, vừa hoàn thành xong Thường với trạng từ: just, already, recently, yet, since, for

* Ex:

- She has just gone out - They have already know * Form:

S + has/ have + PP 5.Present continuous * Usage:

- Diễn tả hành động xảy tiếp tục

* Ex:

- I am listening to music - They are playing soccer - She is reading books * Form

S + am/is/are + V-ing Past continuous: * Usage:

- Diễn tả hành động diễn thời điểm xác định khứ

* Ex:

- We were playing badminton at o’clock yesterday afternoon

* Form:

S + was/ were + V-ing III Homework


-Week : Date of preparing :20/8/2010 Period :2 Date of teaching: 25/8/2010 Unit : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL

(L1: Getting started + Listen & Read)

I Objectives:Helping Ss will be able to know how to introduce a travelling in Hanoi to a foreign friend by using the words: Hoan Kiem lake, modern city, HCM

Mausoleum, History Museum, ……… II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary : correspond, impressed, mosque, pray. 2 Grammar : Used to + V

The past simple with “Wish” (review) III Techniques

- T/F statements, answer the questions, discussion - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids : Textbook, cassette, chalt -boards, pictures of famous places in Hanoi

V Time: 45 minutes VI Teaching steps :

Activities Content T whole class

* Possible answers:

- I think I will take my friends to temples and churches

- I will take them to Thien An mountain

T: Introduce the new word Ss: Listen & take note

- T: guides

- Ss close the book and guess the

* Warm up: Chatting - Do you have any penpals? - Where does she/ he have? - Has she/ he visited your city?

- What activities would you during the visit?

I Vocabulary:

- to correspond: ( Explanation ) trao đổi thư từ - a mosque : (picture ) nhà thờ Hồi giáo - to be impressed by: ( explanation ) có ấn tượng

- to pray: (mine) cầu nguyện, cầu khẩn II Open prediction:

- Lan’s Malaysia penpal came to visit her in Hanoi Can you guess where she went and





- Give the feedback to the whole class to the open prediction - Ask Ss to read the text to check their prediction and add some more information

-Ask Ss to read the text again to choose the correct option to complete the sentences on page - Has Ss call aloud the answer key

- T gives the answer key - Ss copy down

- Ask Ss to recommend places of interest in their city

- Ask them to discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should

what she did during her stay?

III Choose the correct option:

* Answer key: C (two weeks)

2 B (Hanoi people were friendly) D (all the above)

4 B (invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur) IV Discussion:

* Speaking: * Cues:

- Sam Son Beach - swimming

- Phu Nua Mountain - mountain climbing, visiting many beautiful places

- Vuon Hoa market - shopping



* Homework: (2’)

- Learn vocabulary by heart

- Write a short paragraph about what they have just discussed with their partner

-Week : Date of preparing : 28/8/ 2010 Period :3 Date of teaching: 30/8/2010 Unit 1: (cont’) A VISIT FROM A PENPAL

(L2: Speak and Listen)

I Objectives - Introduce yourself, accquain with your friend and talk about the city which you are living

II Language contents 1.Vocabulary:


- Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids - Textbook, cassette,tape, boar V.Time: 45 minutes

VI/ Teaching step


Has Ss look at “speak” on page - T introduces the situation

- Ss listen to the teacher and the exercise

- Has Ss compare the answer with their partner Then give the answer key

- T correct the key

- Has Ss practice the dialogue with a partner

- Ss role play to practice the dialogue before class

- Has Ss look at the lesson “listen” on page

- Ss look at the pictures and find out the differences

*Possible answers:

a/ In piture 1, we aren’t allowed to walk on grass

In picture 2, we aren’t allowed to pick flowers

b/ In picture 1, the bus is red and its number is 103

In picture 2, the bus is blue and its

*/ Warm up: Introduce yoursef - My name is …………

- I am ……… ……… I/ Speaking:

“Nga is talking to Maryam They are waiting for Lan outside her school Put the dialogue in the correct order to make a complete one”

* Key:

1/ c 2/ b 3/ d 4/ e 5/ a * Practice speaking:

II/ Listening:

1/ Answer the questions:

a/ What are the differences between picture (1& (2) in a?

b/ What is the diffirences between picture (1) & (2) in b?

c/ What are the diffirences between picture (1) & (2) in c?


number is 130

c/ In picture 1, it is the Mexican restaurant In picture 2, it is the American one (hamburgers)

- T leads: “Tim John’s Mexican penpal, Carlo, is visiting the USA Listen to their conversation and check (v) the number of the correct pictures, The above differences may help you”

- T plays the tape (two or three times) - Ss listen and it

- Has Ss compare the answers with a partner

- Asks Ss read aloud the answers -: gives the correct key

* Answer key: a/

b/ /

3/ Mapped Dialogue:


- Hello You must……

- please to ………you I am …………

- Are you enjoying ………?

- What about the food?

That is ………

Please to……… T

Oh, yes …………

I love………… In Vietnam

It is very………

Week : Date of preparing : 30/8/ 2010 Period :4 Date of teaching: /9/2010 Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL (cont’)

(L3: Read)

I/ Objectives: Ss were supplied elementary informations about Malaysia, one of the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

II Language contents.

1.Vocabulary: comprise, tropical climate, unit ofcurrency ,islam

2.Grammar: Used to + V ,The past simple, the simple tense with “wish” III/ Techniques

- Discussion, open-prediction, T/F statements, matching - Pairwork, groupwork

IV/.Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette,tape, poster, a map of Malaysia V/.Time: 45 minutes


ACTIVITIES CONTENT - T read the datas

- Ss listen and try to guess - Has Ss give feedback

T introduces: “Today we will learn about Malaysia, a member of countries of Asian

T: explains - Ss: copy down

Before reading the text, you work in groups and complete the table with the information you already know about Malaysia If you don’t know, just discuss with group members and have a guess” - Ss guess informations after that they will compare when reading the text - Has Ss read the text carefully and check informations above

- Ss listen to the guiding and exercise

- Give feedback

*/ Warm up: Guessing game What country is this?

1/ a This country borders with Laos and Combordia

b It has many tourist attractions

c The major cities are Bangkok, Chiang Mai

2/ a It is a country in Asia

b It has the Petronas Twin Towers c The capital city is Kualar lumpur I/ Pre- reading:

*/New words:

- ASEAN = Association of South East Asian Nations: Hiệp hội quốc gia Đông nam Á

- comprise (v): bao goàm

- Tamil (n): người, tiếng Tamil (Nam Aán Độ Sarilanca)

- primary language : ngôn ngữ * Open prediction:

- Area: - Population: - Climate:

- Unit of currency: - Capital city: - Official religion: - National language

- Compulsory second language

II/ While reading * Key:


- Ss copy down

- Has Ss read the text again and decide whether the statements in textbook are T or F

- Ss read the text and it

- T asks Ss to explain the answers and show the informations related in the lesson

- Ss give answers If they are false, Ss correct

- Has Ss read the text aloud and T correct the pronunciations if have

- T prepare a poster

- Has Ss go to the board and

match the name of the capitals with approriate countries

- Ss practice reading after matching

- Ss copy down

- Official religion : Islam

- National language: Bahasa Malaysia - Compulsory second language: English * T/F statements(textbook)

*Key: T

2 F (There are more than two religions) F (English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken)

4 F (One of the three: Malaysian, Chinese, Tamil)

5 F (English is compulsory second language, not primary language instruction)

III/ Matching:


1 Vietnam Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Philipins Laos Cambodia Myanma Thailand 10.Brunei

a.Bangkok b.Phuompenh c.Jakarta d.Singapore e.Badar sevi Begauvan f Vientiane g Manila h Jangun i Hanoi

k Kuala lumpur

* Key:

1 i c b 10 e k g h

3 d f a

* Homework: (2’)


- Learn new words by heart - Summary the content of the text

Week : Date of preparing :3/ /2010 Period :5

Date of teaching: 6/9/2010



(L4: Write)



s: Helping, Ss will be able to Write a letter to a friend & Know how to write a letter


Language contents



: disappointed

Grammar: The past simple(review)

III Techniques : Find some who, questions – answers, write –it- up - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


- T: controls

- Ss: play the game about the famous places in Vietnam

- T expains: “You are going to write a paragraph about a trip to a city in Vietnam Before writing, you work in groups to ask and answer about your trip by using the following questions:”

*/ Warm up: Find some who

Have you ever been to …… Who? Hanoi?

Halong? CatBa? Sapa?

I/ Answer the questions: - When did you arrive in ……… ?

- Who met you at the bus/ train/ station/airport? - Which places did you visit?

- Who did you met during the visit? - What kind of food did you eat? - What did you buy?

- How you feel about the visit? - Are you happy? tired?

II/ Writing:



T leads: “Now you write the paragraph Use the answers as prompts”

- Has Ss individually, write a complete letter

- Ss practice writing

- Then, has Ss share and correct the writing together

- T give a guiding writing - Ss can refer

- Has Ss look at the letter again and present the content of the letter before class

Dear mai,

I arrived at Hue Railway station at a.m on sunday, Uncle Hung took me home by taxi I have visited the Imperial city I was amazed by magrificient momuments there I also went to Dong Ba market, the biggest market in Hue This is the place where I bought a lot of souvenirs Yesterday, Uncle Hung and I went to eat beef noodles I enjoyed it very much

I will leave Hue on Saturday I am so happy People in Hue are very nice and friendly I will miss them very much The train is scheduled to come to Hanoi at p.m P lease pick me up at the station

I am looking forward to meeting and telling you about the trip in Hue See you then

Yours Ngoc Anh II/ Post:




- Write a similar letter to a friend, telling about another trip - Prepare L.F


Week : Date of preparing : 5/9/ 2010

Period :6

Date of teaching: 8/9/2010

Unit 1




(L5: Language focus)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to complete the sentences, using the pictures and guiding Rewrite the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one above it II.

Language contents






III Techniques : Pelmanism, role play, write it up - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: - Textbook, exercise book V Time: 45 minutes

VI.Teaching steps


- T: lead Ss to play the game - Ss: in two groups

- Has Ss look at the dialogue on page 11

- T leads: “there above are dialogues between two students talking about things Ba did last week Now you work in pairs, study the table and make similar dialogue about Nga’s, Lan’s, Nam’s and Hoa’s weekend”. -Ss role play to practice the dialogues T introduce: “Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam Write the things they did for the party Use the pictures and the words in the boxes to help you”

*/ Warm up: Pelmanism

meet go see buy have

had saw met went bought

1/ Language focus 1/ P11: * Ex:

A: What did Ba on the weekend?

B: He went to see a movie called “Ghosts and Monsters”

A: When did he see it?

B: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock.

2/ Language focus:




- Ss listen to the teacher’s guiding and the exercise

- T call some Ss some Ss give the answers

- Give feedback - T explains - Ss copy down

- T lead Ss the exercise, write wishes you want to make in these situtions

- Ss exercise


1/ baked a cake

2/ colorful lamps on the wall/ on the room bought flowers

4/ painted a picture of Hanoi 5/ went shopping

3/ If – sentence with “wish”: * Note:

Câu điều kiện loại diễn tả hành động, việc khơng có thật xảy dùng với “wish”, có cơng thức cấu tạo sau:

S + wish + S + Past simple

Trong câu điều kiện loại 2, động từ “Tobe” dùng “were” cho tất

* Key:

b/ I wish I were in the swimming pool know c/ I wish I had a computer

d/ I wish I lived close to school e/ I wish I had a sister

f/ I wish I drew well

g/ I wish I had my friend’s phone numbers. h/ I wish I knew many friends

i/ I wish it rained so often in my hometown j/ I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown


* Homework: (3’)


-Week : Date of preparing : 10/9/ 2010 Period :7

Date of teaching: 13/9/2010

Unit 2:



L1: Getting started + Listen & Read)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know about traditional dress of some countries, especially "Ao dai" in Vietnam


Language contents

. 1


: poet, a long silk tunic, slit, inspiration, take inspriration,

Grammar : The present perfect.

III Techniques : Guiding questions, discussion, questions – answers - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, tape, pictures of traditional dress of Vietnam and another countries

V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


- T: introduces: “Today we will learn about traditional costumes of some countries First you look at the dress that some people are wearing Decide where each person comes from “

- Ss discuss

- Tgives the answer key - Ss copy down

- T gives guiding questions - Ss discuss in groups and answer - T plays the tape “listen amd read” on page 13

- Ss listen to the tape and follow in order to understand the main ideas of the lesson

I/ Getting started:

a She comes from Janpan She is wearing a Kimono

b She comes from Vietnam She is wearing an Ao dai

c he comes from Scotland He is wearing a kiet d She comes from India She is wearing a Sari e He comes from the USA He is wearing a Cowboy

f She comes from (Saudi) Arabia She is wearing a Veil

II/ Listen and read: 1/ Guiding questions:

- What you know about Ao dai? - What material is Ao dai made from?

- Who wears Ao dai? Is modern Ao dai different from old one?



- Has Ss read the text again and use informations in the text to complete the sentences about the content of the lesson

- Ss read the text and complete the sentences Then compare with their partners

- Has Ss give answer key - Ss copy down

- Has Ss read the text again and find out the answers

- Ss practise in pairs (ask and answer before class)

- Ss discuss

- Then practise in pairs, asking and answering about Ao dai Vietnam

2/ New words:

- poet (n): (Ex) nhà thơ

- long ailk tunic (n): (translation) áo lụa dài - loose pant (n): ( Picture) quần rộng

- traditional designs ( exlaination) thiết kế truyền thống

3/ Complete the sentences: * Key:

a/ ………….poems, novels and songs

b/ ………… long silk tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants

c/ ……… to wear modern clothing at work d/ ……… lines of poetry on it

e/ ……… Symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes

4/ Answer the questions:

a/ Traditionally, men and women used to wear the Ao dai

b/ because it is more convenient

c/ They have printed lines of poetry on it or hava added symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes to the Ao dai

III/ Discussion: * Eliciting questions:

- What color is popular with Ao dai? With students at high school?

With the middel aged?




* Homework: (2’)

- Learn new words by heart - read the text more times - Prepare " Speak"


-Week : Date of preparing : 10/9/ 2010 Period :8

Date of teaching: 15/9/2010

Unit 2






(L2: Speak)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know more about daily dress - Speak fluently


Language contents

. 1


: faded, baggy pant

Grammar: The present perfect.(review)

III.Techniques : Noughts and crosses, discussion, comparation, matching - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


- T introduces: “in the last lesson, we got some information about Ao dai The traditional dress of vietnam Today we will learn about the casual clothes that we wear daily”

- Ss listen to the teacher - Has Ss look at the picture on page 14, 15 and match the phrases to the pictures - Ss the exercises

- Has Ss call out the answer key - Ss practice reading

*Warm up: Noughts and crosses

traditional special convenients

poets designers pants

wear use take

* Speak:

1/ Match the phrases to the pictures:

* Answer key:

a/ a colorful T shirt: áo phông nhiều màu b/ a sleeveless sweater: áo len cộc tay c/ a striped shirt: áo sơmi kẻ soïc

d/ a plain suit: đồ comlê e/ faded jeans: quần bò mài

f/ a short sleeved blouse: áo sơmi ngắn tay



- T leads: “Now you work in small groups and look at the survey about the students’s wear casual clothes, favourite clothes, school uniform and clothes for special occasion First, you discuss and write two more questions for the last section of the survey”

- Ss discuss in groups and write down the questions

- T guides: “Now you use the questions in the survey to interview members of another group The words in section a may helps you”

- Then T goes aroud the class and helps if necessary

- Has Ss report again the result of their servey before class such as the examples in textbook

g/ a baggy pants: quaàn thụng h/ a plaid skirt: váy kẻ ô i/ blue shorts: quaàn sọt xanh 2/ Practice speaking:

- What type of clothing you wear on Tet holiday?

- What you wear when you go to a party?

* Ex:

- Huong said that she liked to wear faded jeans on the weekend because she felt very


- Tuan said that a colorful T- shirt was his favourite type of clothing

- People said that the blue uniform of their school were very beautiful and comfortable


* Homework: (2’)

- Learn new words by heart - Prepare " Listen"


Week : 5 Date of preparing : 20/9/ 2009 Period :

Date of teaching: 21 /9/2009

Unit 2

: (con




L3: Listen)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to learn more about daily dress - Practice listening skill and choose the correct picture


Language contents

. 1


: announcement, entrance,doll


III Techniques: Networks, repetition, prediction - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, pictures of clothing V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


T: Calls

Ss: go to the board

T: lead

Ss: play the game

- T introduces: “in this lesson, you will hear a public

annoucement about a lost little girl called Mary First, you name the clothes in the pictures”

- Ss practice in pairs calling the name of clothes

- T: explains new words

*Check up:

Ss go to the board to write and read new words about the name of daily dress

*Warm up: Networks

I/ Pre - listening:

* New words:

- floral pants (n) : Quần dài hoa văn - polka dot skirt (n) : váy chấm tròn




- T introduces: “Now you listen to the tape and check the letter of the correct picture to show what Mary is wearing” - T: plays the tape two or three times

- Ss listen to the tape and the exercise

- Has Ss compare the answers with their partners

-T.hangs the picture on the board in its order

-ask ss to describe people's dress

-give feedback

- a long - sleeved white blouse (n) : áo dài tay màu trắng

- a short - sleeved pink blouse (n): áo cộc tay màu hồng

- booths (n) : đôi ủng II/ While - listening:

* Answer key:

a/ B: She is wearing blue shorts

b/ A: She is wearing a long- sleeved white blouse

c/ C: She is wearing brown shoes III/ Post-reading

Who is he/ she?



* Homework: (2’)

- Viết đoạn văn ngắn miêu tả loại trang phục yêu thích mà học sinh thường mặc

- Prepare " Read"

-Week : 5 Date of preparing :20/9/ 2009 Period :10

Date of teaching: 24/9/2009

Unit 2: (con




I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know more about history of jeans and its convenient

- Practice reading comprehension II

Language contents




: material, style,embroidred, label,generation out of fashion.

Grammar: present perfect, passive voice (review)

III.Techniques: Brainstorming, discussion, matching, fill in, questions - answers - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids:Textbook, pictures of Jeans, cassette V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


T: Calls

Ss: go to the board and answer

T: Writes the topic on the board

- Has Ss think and write down (Ss can speak in Vietnamese and T helps them translate into English)

- T introduces: “We have

discussed about Jeans In today’s reading, we will learn more about the brief history of jeans and its convenients ………

- Has Ss close the books, guess the meanings of these words - Ss go to the board and the exercise

- T correct

I/ Check up: Present daily dress

II/ Warm up: Brainstorming * What you know about jeans? easy to wear convenient durable

fashionable III/ New lesson:

1/ Matching: a/ material b/ style

c/ embroidered d/ lable

e/ out of fashion f/ generation

A/ kiểu cách B/ lỗi thời C/ hệ D/ chất liệu E/ thêu F/ nhãn hiệu * Key:

a – D ; c – E ; e - B




- Ss copy down

then practice reading new words (in chorus)

- Has Ss read the text and fill in the missing dates and words

- Ss individually and then compare the answers with their partners

- Ss give the answer key, T correct if have

- Call some Ss read aloud complete sentences before class

- Has Ss read the text and find out the answers

- Ss read the text and answer the questions

- Has Ss repeat the correct answer and then go to the board to write down

- Ss copy down

- Has Ss close the book

- T raed aloud these sentences - Ss listen and call out they are T or F

b – A ; d – F ; f - C 2 / Fill in:

1 18 th century ………./ Jeans clothes 1960s ………./ students 1970s ……… cheaper 1980s ……… fashion 1990s ……… sale

3/ Answer the questions:

1/ The word “jeans” comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe

2/ The 1960s fashion were embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on

3/ Because Jeans became cheaper

4/ Jeans at last became high fashion clothing in the 1980s

5/ The sale of Jeans stopped growing because world wide economic situation got worse in the 1990s

4/ T/F repitition Drill:

a The word “jeans” comes from a kind of material that was made in Asia

b Many students wore jeans in the 1960s c In 1970s Jeans became high fashion clothing




* Homework: (2’)

- Read the text more times - Learn new words by heart - Prepare " Write"


-Week : 6 Date of preparing : 25 /9/ 2009 Period :11

Date of teaching: 28 /9/2009

Unit 2: (con




L5: Write)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know how to make an outline for

argumentative write.Use some noun phrases such as: In my opinion, I think, firstly, …… II.

Language contents




: f eel equal, freedom of choice, bear their school’s name


III Techniques : - Brainstorming, Write- it -up. IV Teaching aids:- Pairwork, groupwork.

- Textbook, chalk, board V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


- Devide the class into two groups with two topics

- Ss go to the board and write down their ideas

- T: explains new words - Ss: copy down

- Has Ss practice look at in a/, read outline and model writing

- T: explains the outline T guides: “You have read an

*Warm up: Brainstorming

I/ New words:

- (to)bear their school’s name: thể hình ảnh trường

-( to) f eel equal: cảm thấy công - practical (adv): thực tế

- freedom of choice( n) :tự lựa chọn II/ Reading:



5' Convenient

as of Jeans


argument that supports the idea that secondary students should wear uniforms Now use the outline B as the guidelines, write a paragraph that supports the argument that secondary students should wear casual clothes” - Ss listen to the teacher’s guiding and write the exercise

- Ss individually

- T goes around the class and helps Ss writing

- T choose some unique lessons to correct before class

- Give model task - Ss copy down

Have ss to work in groups to talk about their favarite dress at school or at home

III/ Writing:

- In my opinion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes

- Firstly, casual clothes make students feel comfortable

- Secondly, wearing casual clothes give Ss freedom of choice They have rights to choose sizes, colors and fashion that they love

- Thirdly, casual clothes make Ss feel self-confident when they are in their favorite clothes

- Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively

- In conclusion, secondary school Ss should wear casual clothes Wearing casual clothes is convenient, comfortable and fun

IV/ Production:

What type of dress you like to wear at school and at home?



* Homework: (2’)

- Learn the main ideas of two writings in the lesson - Prepare " language focus"


-Week : 6 Date of preparing : 26 /9/ 2009 Period :12

Date of teaching: 1/10/2009

Unit 2: (con




L6: Language focus)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to consolidate the present perfect tense with “since” and “for”, “yet” and “already”.Use simple past and passive voice


Language contents

. 1




The present perfect III.Techniques :

- Questions-answers, dialogue Build, transformation, writing IV Teaching aids: Pairwork, groupwork.

- Textbook, chalk, board V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


- Has Ss practice the dialogue in textbook with their partner - Ss practice in pairs

- T reminds the main ideas of present perfect tense

- Ss listen and remember

- Has Ss use the informations in the box and make similar


- T: explains the use of “yet” and “already” with the present perfect tense

- Ss listen and copy down

- Ss practice in pairs before class

I/ The present perfect with “since” or “for” * Practice the dialogue:

II/ The present perfect with “yet” and “already”

* Note:

- “yet”: Dùng cuối câu phủ định nghi vấn với nghĩa chưa, chưa, … Chưa … ? - “already”: Dùng trợ động từ động từ

Have/ Has + already + P.P (đã ………… rồi)

* Example:

P1: Have you seen Giac Lam pogoda yet? P: Yes, I have already seen it



T: explains

Ss: listen and copy down

T guides: “you work in pairs, use the words to ask and answer about yourself Use the present perfect tense of the verbs with “ever” - Ss liten to the teacher’s guiding and practice

- Ss practice asking and answering questions about each of items in the box

T:reminds the change from active voice into passive

- Ss listen and write down if necessary

- T guides Ss the exercise 4, using passive voice, rewrite the sentences with the same meaning - Ss go to the board and write down the exercises

- T: checks and corrects

P1: Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet? P2: No, I haven’t

III/ The present perfect tenese with “ever”: * Note:

- Ever (từng, từng) dùng câu hỏi hồn thành

Have + S + ever + PP? * Note:

Chúng ta dùng hồn thành để diễn tả kết qủa việc Thì khứ đơn dùng để diễn tả chi tiec việc ví dụ SGK

* Ex:

- Have you seen comic? - Yes, I have

- When did you last read one? - This morning

- Have you ever been to Singapore? - No, I haven’t

IV/ Passive voice:


O O Be + PP

* Exercise:

a/ Jeans clothes was made completely from cotton on the 18th century.

b/ Rice is grown in tropical countries

c/ Five million bottles of champagne will be produced in France next year



-T reminds

-Ss try to remember

-Give the example

- T leads Ss to the exercise - T give answer key

- Ss copy down

d/ A new style of Jeans has just been introduced in the USA

e/ Two department stores have been built this year

V/ Passive voice with “Modal verbs”: 1/ Modal verb + be + PP

2/ Have to/ be going to + be + PP * Ex:

- This exercise can be done easily

- The date of the meeting has to be changed again

* Key:

a/ The problem can be solved

b/ Experiments on animals should be stopped c/ Life might be found on another planet

d/ All the schools in the city have to be improved

e/ A new bridge is going to be built in the area



- Do all exercises into your notebook -Prepare Test

-Week : 7 Date of preparing : 26/9/ 2009 Period :13

Date of teaching: 9/10/2009


Time:45 ms

(Đề thi tập trung PGD đề)


-Week : 7 Date of preparing : 2/10/ 2009 Period :14

Date of teaching: 9/10/2009


(L1: Getting started + Listen & Read)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to talk about activitives in the countryside - Develop discussion skill, guessing the pictures and combining listening skill- reading comprehension skill with the form T/F and answer the questions II

Language contents




: paddy field, bamboo forest, banyan tree, shrine


simple past with “Wish”.

III.T echniques : T/F statements, questions and answers, networks. - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, tape, chalk, board. V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


- T guides by questions - Ss listen and answer

- T: introduces: “In today’s lesson, we will study about countryside Now you work with a partner, look at the picture and take turn to talk about activities in the countryside”

- Ss listen to teacher’s guidings and practise in pairs

- T gives answer key

- Ss write correct answers into

* Warm up:

- Where you live? - It is a city or a country?

- Are you a familiar with the countryside? - Do you like the country life?

- What activities you usually see in the country? I/ Getting started:

- What you see in picture 1, 2, …? - What is he/ she doing?

- Where are they? *Key:

1 Watering the vegetables Swimming in the river feeding the chickens harvesting the crop Feeding the pigs Flowing in the field



the notebooks

- Has Ss practise in groups by the question: “what did you see on the way to the village?”

- Ss discuss

- T introduces new words

- Ss copy down new words - T introduces: “Today we will listen and read about Liz’s trip to the countryside with Ba’s family. You listen & read then decide the statements ( in a) T or F Then correct the false ones” - Ss listen to the trip and read silently

- Has Ss read aloud the answers before class

- T: gives answer keys - Ss listen and correctif their answera are false

- Has Ss read the text again and answer the questions in b

- T calls some Ss read aloud the answers before class

7 A buffalo boy is flying his kite Some chidren are playing football II/ Listen and read:

1/ New words:

- paddy field (n): (example) : cánh đồng - bamboo forest (n): (picture) : bụi/ luỹ tre - banyan tree (n): (picture) : đa

- entrance to the village (n): ((example) ) : cổng làng

- shrine (n): (examplanation):lăng, mộ

2/ T/F statements:

* Key:

1 F (Ba and his family had a day trip to their home village)

2 T

3 F (There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village)

4 F (People had a snack under the banyan tree.) T

6 F ( People had a picnic on the river bank) T

8 F ( Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents)

9 T

3/ Answer the questions:

1 It is 60 kilometers to the north of Ha noi Ba and his family got to the village by bus The banyan tree is at the entrance to the village


- T gives correct answers - Ss copy down

T controls Ss to play the game “Networks:

Ss find out the words connected with “country” and “city”

4 They saw the shrine of vietnamese hero on the mountain

5 They had a picnic on the river bank

6 Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents

7 Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again.

III/ Post: Net works 6’

* Homework: (2’)

- Learn new words by heart - Read the text more times - Prepare " Speak+Litsen "

-Week : 8 Date of preparing : /10/ 2009 Period :15

Date of teaching: 12 /10/2009

Unit 3:(con’t )



L2: Speak+Litsen)


Objectives:Helping Ss will be able to practice asking for and giving information, -Practice litsening for specific information


Language contents

. 1


: Parking lot, route, highway No 1


III Techniques : Matching,roleplay - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids:- Textbook, cassette V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:



1.Warm up / pre-speaking : have Ss play game (matching)


1.Where is your school a It takes 30 minutes

-Whole class -Play game -Match countr



2 How far is it from your house

3 How you get to school everyday ?

4 How long does it take to get there ?

5 Do you like your school ?

b I go there by bicycle c It’s opposite the post office

d Yes, I

e It’s about kilometers


While-speaking :

-Have Ss read the questions in exercise a p24, work in pairs play the role of A and B, ask-answer about their partner’s homevillage, using information in the box

-Ex: +Where is your home village ? - It’s to the west of the city

+How far is it from the city ? - It’s about 15 kilometers from the city

+How can you get there ? – By bus

+How long does it take to get there ? – It takes an hour

+What people for a living in your home village ?

-They plant rice and raise cattle

+Does your village have a river ? – There are any rivers but there is a big cake

-Call on some pairs speak in front of the class and correct

3 Post-speaking : now you ask about your real

homevillage If you don’t have a homevillage, make up information similar to those in the box A or B

4.Homework : Write a short paragraph about you home village (If not, you can use information in the box A or B)

5.Comments :



Warm up : Have Ss play game (slap the board)

-Home village -Highway number one -Dragon Bridge

-Bus station -Banyan tree -Parking lot

-Airport -Store -Pond -Bamboo forest


Pre-listening :

-Read -Pairwork -Play the role -Ask answer -Listen the model between teacher and a student

-Speak aloud -Pairwork

-Practise speaking

-Play game (Tow teams)

-Write new words

-Listen carefully -Pair work -Guess


-From the game, we can rub out and remember about the places will be presented in the lesson

+Parking lot (n) is the place where cars can park +Highway No : translation

+Route (n) explanation a way from one place to another

-You will listen to the tape about Ba’s village and first you guess where the places on the map are end compare with their partners

-Write the Ss’ guesses on the board

While-listening :

-Have Ss listen to the tape and check their guesses -Match the places on the bus route with the letter on the map

-Give feedback

A banyan B Airport C highway No1 D Dragon Bridge

E.gas station F store G pond H Bammo forest

I parking lot

Post-listening : ask Ss to show each other about the bus route they have just listened to


Homework :

-Write a short paragraph about you home village (If not, you can use information in the box A or B)

-Draw a simple map of their neighbordhood and show their friends the way to their house

-Speak aloud

Ss listen to the tape and check their guesses -Give feedback

-Week : 8 Date of preparing : 10 /10/ 2009 Period :16

Date of teaching: 17 /10/2009

Unit 3:(con’t )



L3: Read)



Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know more about the life on American farms and the word of farm families Increase reading comprehension skill with the form “matching” and complete a paragraph (a bout the content of the lesson)


Language contents

. 1


III.Techniques : - Pre- question, T/F statements , matching questions and answers, gap fill.retell the story

-Pair work , groupwork

IV.Teaching aids:- Textbook, chalk, board ………, some pictures of a life in the countryside, posters

V.Time: 45 minutes VI.Teaching steps:


-Has Ss match the words in column A with the words in column B to make a meaningfull word

-Ss individually and then give the answers

-T introduces new words

- Ss: Listen and take note

-Has Ss close the books , read all statements on the poster and guess wherther the statements are T or F -After some minutes , has Ss open their books and check their guessing *Key :

1/ F , 2/ T , 3/ T , 4/ F

-Label the poster on the board , has Ss go to the board and match them

*/ Warm up: Matching

Nối từ cột A tuơng ứng với cột B


1 paddy bamboo home banyan fresh

a tree b field c air d village e forest * Key:

1/ paddy field 2/ bamboo forest 3/ home village 4/ banyan tree 5/ fresh air I/ New words:

-an exchange student : (explanation):du hoc sinh

- maize (n) # corn (n): (synonym)

- work part time: (example): làm việc bán thời gian

- standard (n) : (translation ):tiêu chuẩn II/ T / F statements :

1/ Van is a student from the USA. 2/ Mr Parker is a farmer

3/ He grows maize and raises chickens 4/ On Saturday afternoons, Van plays baseball




-Has Ss copy down

-T gives the questions -Ss listen and answer

-Has Ss go to the board and write the answers

-Ss copy down

-T uses a poster Has Ss read the text again and find out the missing words to fill in the gaps -Ss in groups and then give the answrer key

-T prepares pictures , label them on the board , has Ss look at the pictures

III/ Matching :

* Match the words in column A with the words or group of words in column B having the same meaning

*Answer key: - Maize - corn

- Feed – give food to eat

- Grocery store – where people buy food and smallthings

- part time – shorter or less than standard time - collect – bring things together

IV/ Com prehension questions: 1/Who is Van living with?

( Van is living with the Parkers.) 2/ What the Parkers do?

(Mr Parker is a farmer and Mrs Parker works part time at a grocery store in a nearby town ) 3/ How many children they have ?Who are they?

( two children They are Peter and Sam.) 4/ What does van often in the afternoon? (He feeds the chickens and collects eggs.)

V/ Gap –fill:

* Answer key: 1.Ohio

2 farmer

3 works part time at a grocery store Peter

5 Sam after




on the board and retell the story farmer they watch baseball 10 member

VI/ Retell the story:



* Homework: (1’)

- Learn the main ideas in the lesson by heart - Read the text more time

- Prepare " Write"

-Week : 9 Date of preparing : 12 /10/ 2009 Period :17

Date of teaching: 19 /10/2009

Unit 3:(con’t )



L4: Write)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to write a short paragraph describing a story happed in the past – a picnic in the countryside


Language contents

. 1


: blanket, lay out, ) gather, site


III.Techniques :- Chatting, describing, write- it- up. - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures. V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps



T and Ss talk together T: give the questions Ss: answer

* Warm up:


+ Have you ever gone on a picnic? + When did you go?

+ Where did you go? + How did you go there?

+ What did you do? Did you enjoy it? I/ Vocabulary:


T introduces new words

- Ss: Listen and take note

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures one by one, read the cues

- Has Ss describe the pictures to their partners

- Ask Ss to talk to the class about what they can see in each picture - Ask Ss to write a paragraph entitled: “A country picnic” - Ask Ss some questions to make sure they understand their task

- Has Ss to use the pictures and word cues to write the paragraph

- Ss work in groups (write on a poster)

- Choose the best writing to correct before class

- Ss can copy dow

- a blanket (n): (example): chăn, mền - (to) lay out: (mime): trải, dọn

- (to) gather: (translation): thu lượm, thu gom - site (n): (translation):địa điểm

II/ Describing:

III/ Answer the questions: - Who went on a picnic? - When did you go? - What you now? * Suggested writing:

It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic We took a bus to the

countryside and then walked a bout 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river We put down the blanket and laid out the food After meal we play the game: “What song is it?” and “blind man’s bluff” Late in the afternoon we went fishing We enjoyed our picnic When we look at the time it was nearly 6.30 p.m We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the everning

IV/ Correction:






* Homework: (1’)


-Week : 9 Date of preparing : 12 /10/ 2009 Period :18

Date of teaching: 23 /10/2009

Unit 3:(con’t )



L5: Language focus)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to use the past simple with “wish”, prepositions of time, and adverb clause of result


Language contents

. 1


: pass the exam, win the contest, itinerary, depart


Adverb clauses of result

III Techniques - Matching, fill- in, comparison. - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, exercise books. V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:


T introduces new words

- Ss: Listen and take note

- Elict from Ss

- Ask Ss to exercise on page 28, 29 in pairs

(Ss look at the pictures and suggess what these people wish Then, complete the wishes)

- Has Ss look at Mr Thanh’s

I/ Vocabulary:

- (to) pass the exam: (synonym)thi đỗ

- (to) win the contest: (translatio)thắng thi - itinerary (n): (picture)lịch trình

- (to) depart: (explanation) khởi hành II/ Revision:

1/ The use of “wish” * Ex:

I am hungry I wish I were at home and had lunch

* Form:

S + wish + S + Simple past/ were * Use: “wish” dùng để diễn tả ước muốn tương lai

* Drill:

a/ Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle b/ Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c/ I wish I could pass the exam

d/ We wish it did not rain e/ He wishes he could fly f/ They wish they stayed in Hue



itinerary for his business trip to Singapore Base on the information in the itinerary, complete the sentences by using the prepositions in the box

- Has Ss exercise - Ss individually

- Call some Ss give the answer key - Ask Ss look at the sentences

- Explains the use of “so”

- Has Ss match the half sentences in A with the ones in B

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to write all the correct sentences

- Ask Ss to make three wishes about the present or simple future

2/ Preposition of time: * Answer key:

a/ at b/ on c/ between d/ at

e/ at f/ till

* Complete the sentences with on, at, in, for: a/ on d/ for

b/ at/ in e/ in a/ in f/ at

3/ Match the half sentences: * Ex:

Everyone felt tired, so they sat down under the tree and had a snack

- “So”: Dùng để diễn đạt kết câu trước, có nghĩa “do đó”, “vì vậy”, “nên”, ……

* Drill: 1/ e 2/ a 3/ d 4/ b 5/ c



* Homework: (2’)

- Have Ss copy the itinerary into their notebooks - Prepare " Unit 4"

-Week : 10 Date of preparing : 23/10/ 2009 Period : 19

Date of teaching: 26 /10/2009


Đề kiểm tra đáp án PGD.

Mã đề: 001.

I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:

1 d designer c c a d

II Choose the best answer




























III Complete the blank with a suitable word or word phrase.






















Choose a best answer to complete the passage below. 31.











36 c

37 b

38 d

39 c

40 c

-Week : 10 Date of preparing : 23/10/ 2009 Period : 20

Date of teaching: 30 /10/2009

Unit 4:




Objectives:Helping Ss will be able to improve practice skill in pairs and in groups. - Acquaint with English oral examination


Language content:



direct and reported speech

III Techniques : Brainstorming, chatting, questions and answers, role play. - Pair work, group work

IV Teaching aids: Text book, cassette, tape, chalk, board. V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps


T: controls

Ss: close their books Give their ideas (go to the board and write down) T: elicit and help Ss T: introduction more

- T introduces new words - Ss: Listen and take note

-T gives guiding questions -Ss listen

T: introduces: “Lan is talking to Paola about the oral

examination she has had First

* Warm up: Brainstorming Do the homework

- Speak English with foreigners - Use a cassette recorder

- read fairy tales in English - …………

II/ Vocaburaly:

- an examiners: (example): giáo khảo

- aspect of learning English (n): (translation):lĩnh vực, kỹ học tiếng Anh

- aspect of learning English (n) : (explanation):kyø thi viết

- oral examination (n): (explanation): kỳ thi nói III/ Pre- questions:

1/ Have you ever had an oral examinatIV/ T/F statements:

1 What is your name? v



3’ 12’


: examiners, aspect of learning English, aspect of learning English , oral examination


you look at the book and listen to the tape to get the main ideas of the


- Ss listen to the tape and look at the books

-Has Ss read the conversation again and see what exactly the examiner asked Lan -Look at the list of the questions and check the boxes

- Ss compare direct questions and indirect questions Then check (v) the boxes

-Calls some Ss give the correct answers

- T checks and corrects - Has Ss role play to practise the dialogue (S1 is an

examiner, S2 is the examiner in an oral examination) - Ss use the personal information to answer the examiner’s ques tions.

2 Where you come from? v

3 Where you live?

4 Do you live with your parents?

5.When did you begin studying English?

6 Why are you learning English? v Do you speak any other language? v 8.How did you learn English in your country? v How will you use English in the future? v 10.What aspect of learning English you

find most difficult? v

11.What are you going to learn? 12 What are your hobbies?

13 Look at this picture Describe it

14 Read this passage v

* Role play: 10’

* Homework: (2’)

- Learn the ways of learning English by heart - Prepare " Speak"

-Week : 11 Date of preparing : 30 /10/ 2009 Period : 21

Date of teaching: /11/2009

Unit 4


(L2: Speak)

I. Objectives Helping Student will be able to persuade friends to attend the school they like Practice speaking to persuade someone to something





dormitory, on campus, reputation, approximately III Techniques : Discussions, role play

- Pair work, group work IV Teaching aids: Text book, chalk, board V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps


- T introduces new words - Ss: Listen and take note

-Has Ss read the advertisements of three language schools

-Has Ss work in groups of three, play the role of Thu, Tam and Kim and persuade their partner to attend the school you would like to study

- Ss work in groups; use the expressions in the box as prompts

- Teacher goes around the class and helps them if necessary - Has Ss practice in groups introduce about their school (they are going to attend)

-Some Ss present their reports before class

* Warm up:

Jumble word

I/ New words:

- dormitory (n) : (explanation): ký túc xá - on campus: (translation): khuôn viên (các trường Đại học)

- reputation (n) : (translation): danh tieáng - approximately (adv ) :xấp xỉ

II/ Reading comprehension: III/ Practise speaking:

IV/ Production: Short talk * Guiding key:

Hi everybody I'm Thu It's my pleasure to tell you about the Brighton Language Center

It's in the UK Students who study here can live in a dormitory on campus so it's a good change to mix up with students from different

country living in one room The school has excellent reputation and it's one of the best

language schools in the UK

5' 10’



* Homework: (3')

- Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare " Listen"


Period : 22

Date of teaching: /11/2009

Unit 4




I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know difficulties of Vietnamese Students when learning English Improve listening skill with the form T/F


Language content:




III Techniques : - Find someone who , reading, T/F statements, comparation, correction Pair work, group work

IV Teaching aids: Text book, cassette player. V Time: 45 minutes :

VI Teaching steps:


- T draws the table on the board - Ss copy down

- T: Model first

- Ss go around the class, asking friends and fill in the name in column "who"

- T introduces: " You are going to hear a conversation between Nga and Kate about Nga's studying English First you read the

statements in the book to get some information about Nga"

- Ss listen to the teacher and read the statements

- Has Ss listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are T or F Correct the false ones

- T: plays the tape from or times

- Ss listen to the tape and the lesson Then compare the task with your partners

- Has Ss read the answers and

I/ Warm up: Find someone who

Do you ? Who

Do a lot of grammar exercises? Learn to sing English songs ? Watch E T.V programs?

Have difficulty in listening/ reading ?

II/ Reading:

III/ T/F statements:




explain false statements - T gives answer key Ss copy down

- T gives some questions - Ss in groups, discuss the questions

- Summary the main ideas in the dialogue

- Ss listen and remember

* Answer key: a/ T

b/ T

c/ F (She works for an international bank in Hanoi.)

d/ T

e/ F ( Her listening is terrible This is her biggest problem People talk very quickly and she can't understand them)

IV/ Discussion: * Questions:

1/ What aspect of learning English / don't you like? Why? Why not?

2/ Which skill(s) are you good at?

3/ What can you to improve your listening/ speaking/ ?

V/ Consolidation:



* Homework: (2')

- Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare " Read"

-Week : 12 Date of preparing : /11/ 2009 Period : 23

Date of teaching: /11/2009

Unit 4



(L4: Read


I Objectives: Helping ss will be able to understand the languages used in the advertisements about English courses Use some connected vocabulary II.

Language content:




Beginner , Intermediate, Advanced, Well-qualified teachers

III Techniques : Chain game, pre- questions, reading-comprehension, completion, question-answer.Pair work, group work


V Time: 45 minutes VI Teaching steps:


T: controls

Ss: play the game about t the name of languages in the world

- T introduces new words - Ss: Listen and take note

- T introduces the topic of the lesson and gives some guiding questions

- Has Ss read and note down information about the E classes from the advertisements

- Ss read and fill in the blanks ( individually)

- Ss compare the lesson with their partners

- Calls some Ss answer the questions to check key - T gives correct answers ( use a poster)

I/ Warm up: Chain game Ex:

S1: I can speak English

S2: I can speak English and Chinese

S3: I can speak English Chinese and Japanese II/ Vocabulary:

- Beginner: (Example) : lớp sơ cấp

- Intermediate: (Example) : lớp trung cấp - Advanced : (Example) : lớp cao cấp - Well-qualified teachers; (Explanation):những giáo viên có trình độ cao

- Institute: (Translation) : vieän , học viện III/ Pre-questions:

- Do you go to an evening E class?

- Have you ever read any advertisements for E courses?

- What they say? IV/ Completion:


School Class time ( morning/ afternoon/ evening )

Language level ( beginner/ intermediate/

Time to start





-Ss copy down

- Has Ss read the notes made by Mr Lam to know his requirements for an E course Then read the advertisements again and choose a suitable

language school for him - Has Ss answer the questions to find out the key

-* Answer: Foreign language council is the most suitable school for Mr Lam because it meets all the requirement set out

- Has Ss write an advertisement about E course for children - T goes around the class and help Ss if necessary

advanced) Academy



Morning, afternoon, evening

Advanced First week of Nov Foreign

Language council

Morning and evening

Beginner/ intermediate

3rd Nov New E


Afternoon, evening, weekend

Beginner Today


* Answer the questions:

- What class time is Mr Lam looking for? ( early morning)

- What level is he? ( intermediate level)

- What does he want to start the course? ( early Nov)

-With the above information, which language school is a suitable one for Mr Lam?

V/ Write it up:

* Write an advertisement about English course for children



* Homework: (2')

- Represent the content of one of the advertisements in the lesson - Prepare " Write"


Unit 4



(L5: Write)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know an outline, a structure and the notes in all formal letters.Practice writing skill


Language content:




edition, detail, fee

III Techniques : - Brainstorming, questions-answers, reading, write it up - Pair work, group work

IV Teaching aids: Text book,poster. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T introduces new words - Ss: Listen and take note

- write on the board - Ss copy down

- Has Ss read the letter and answer these questions

- Has Ss read the

advertisements in - read again Choose one of the schools they want to attend to improve their English Then write a letter of inquiry to the institution

requesting for more information about the course and fees

I/ Vocabulary:

- edition (n): (translation): lần xuất bản, tin

- detail (n): (explanation):chi tiết - fee (n) : (example): học phí * Note:

Some structures are used in an formal letter:

- Dear Sir/ madam

- Could you please send me ? - I look forward to hearing from you - Your faithfully

II/ Answer the questions: 1/ Who wrote the letter? 2/ What is he interested in? 3/ What does he request? III/ Writing:

Nguyen Hoang Nam




- Ss read the outline and then write the letter

- T goes around the class and help Ss with writing correct the mistakes if necessary

- Calls one Ss go to the board and write the letter

- T checks and corrects - T can give a modal writing (use a poster)

- Ss refer and copy down

- Suppose that you want to attend an E summer course You need the following information:

- Has Ss practise in pairs,

rewrite the above questions in a polite one, base on example and words cue

- Ss practise in pairs

12, Nguyen Du,Hanoi June 25, 2005 Dear Sir,

I saw the advertisement for a new English course at your institution in the Hanoi Newspaper I'm interested in talking this course and would be grateful if you give me some information about the course

I started to learn English four years ago My speaking is pretty good However, I can't write very well E grammar is difficult for me So I want to improve my grammar and writing skill

Could you please provide me with more information about the length of the course and fees? If it's necessary I can supply my record of E study

I am looking forward to hearing from you

Your faithfully Hoang Nam IV/ Rewrite:

1/ When does the course start? 2/ How long does the course last? 3/ How much is the course? 4/ How many hours a week is it?

5/ How many students are there in a class? / When does the course start?

- Can you tell me when the course starts? 2/ Can you tell me ?

3/ I'd like to know 4/ Can you tell me ? 5/ I'd like to know


* Homework: (2')

- Write a letter of inquiry to the school requesting for more information about an English summer course Prepare Language focus


Period : 25

Date of teaching: 16 /11/2009 Unit 4



(L6: Language focus)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to report what they hear II.

Language content:




III Techniques : Matching, combination, Pair work, group work IV Teaching aids: Text book,poster.

V Time: 45 minutes VI

Teaching steps:


-T writes these letters on the board Then has Ss arrange them into a meaningful word

- Ask Ss to list some modal verbs with their meanings

- T reminds - Ss copy down

* Warm up: Jumbled words - cilioeuds = delicious - deronufwl = wonderful - edeorrpt = reported - reictd = direct - viewtiren = interview I/ Revision of modal verbs: + must phaûi

+ have to + should

+ ought to neân + may + might có lẽ

* Form: Modal verb + Infinitive

II/ Revision of conditional sentences type 1: * Form:

- If-clause: simple present tense - Main clause: will+ infinitive * Usage




- Ask Ss to exercise L F1-P38

- Let Ss work in pairs to complete the conditional sentences They have to use the modal verbs in brackets and the information in the box

- T reminds - Ss memorize

- T writes on the board - Ss copy down

T presents and explains

We can use a modal verb in a main clause The modal verbs give more information about the outcome relating to ability, certainly, permission, obligation or necessity

* Practice: + Answer key: a/ must study hard

b/ have to go to university

c/ you should exercise d/ , he might miss the train e/ you ought to stay in bed

f/ you must your homework if you want to go out

III/ Revision of Direct and reported speech: * Change in tense:

- Present simple tense _ past simple - Present progressive tense _ past progressive - Future simple tense _ would+verb - Can/can _ could/might - Must _ had to * Change in adverb and article: - this _ that - these _ those - now _ then - here _ there - today _ that day

- tomorrow _ the following day * Reported questions:

- In reported questions, we not use the auxiliary verb (do, does, did)

* Ex: What you want? I asked what she wanted

- When there is no question word (what, where, why ) we use "if" or " whether" to introduce a reported question


- Have Ss work in pairs to L F3-P39

- Has Ss L F4-P39

- Ask Ss change the direct speech questions into reported questions

- In reported questions, the word order is the same as in statements and we not use a question mark

+ Ex: How is your brother?

- She asked how my brother was IV/ Practice:

1/ Reported speech:

a/ Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious

b/ Miss Nga said she loved those roses

c/ Cousin Mai said she was having there d/ Mr Chi said he would go to Hue the following day

2/ Reported questions:

a/ She asked me how old I was

b/ She asked me if/ whether my school was c/ She asked me what the name of my school was

d/ She asked me if/ whether I could use


* Homework: (2')

-Week : 13 Date of preparing : 13 /11/ 2009 Period : 26

Date of teaching: /11/2009


ỂM TRA 45’


-Week : 14 Date of preparing : 15 /11/ 2009 Period : 27

Date of teaching: /11/2009


(L1: Getting started + Listen and read)


- Understand the main idea of the lesson by using some vocab: newspaper, magazines, T.V, interactive TV


Language content:




crier, variety, interactive, remote controls, benefits III Techniques : -Questions- answer, fill in.Pair work, group work

IV Teaching aids: Text book,poster. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


- Has Ss match the words in column A with the words in column B

- After matching, T gives some questions:

- Ss work in pairs, ask and answer questions

- T introduces: " Nowadays, media has become very popular in our life In Us, we will learn about this

interesting topic First, you will meet some new words in the lesson

Introduce the new words Ps: Listen and take notes

* Warm up: Getting started Matching:

A B Watching to the music Listening the internet Reading soccer Using television Playing newspaper

- Which of these is your favorite activity in you free time?

- How many hours a week you spend in this activity?

I/ Vocabulary:

- a crier: (explanation) : người loan tin, báo tin latest : cập nhật nhất,

- a variety of: (situation) : nhiều, đa dạng - interactive:(translation): truyền hình, tương tác

- remote controls: (realia): điều kiển từ xa - benefits :(explanation) : lợi ích II/ Matching:

Topic passage




- Has Ss listen to the tape and match the passages with the topics given

- Ss listen to the tape and match them

- T checks

- Ss listen the second time to check the answers

- Has Ss read the passages again and complete the table Fill in the facts and events mentioned

- Has Ss compare the answers with their partners

- has some Ss read aloud and explain the answers

- T corrects - Ss copy down

- Has Ss read the passages again and find out the answers

- Call some Ss read aloud the answers before class

- Ss in groups, in pairs, asking and answering about the topic : "The Media", " television program"

- newspaper and magazines A - criers B - interactive T.V C - radio and T.V D III/ Complete the table:

Facts and Events Passage

letters Remote controls are

used to interact with T.V D One of the most popular

magazines B

3 People of different ages like this magazine


4 Benefits of T.V C

5 People got the news from town criers

A Interactive T.V is



IV/ Answer the question:

1/ A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a bell to shout the latest news as he was walking 2/ The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults

3/ People can get the latest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and international programs a convenient way V/ Discussion:

1/ What kind of magazines and newspapers you read?

2/ What's your favorite type of media? Why? 10’



* Homework: (2')

- Learn new words by heart

- Summary important developments of modern media - Prepare "speak & Listen"

-Week : 14 Date of preparing : /11/ 2009 Period : 28

Date of teaching: /11/2009


(L2: Speak + Listen )

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to use question tags to express agreements or

disagreements Talk about modern media Know about the brief history of some modern forms of media such as " printed newspaper", "telegraphs", "radio", "T.V"


Language content:





folk music, safe traffic news, drama, documentary


Techniques :: Networks, review, role play, questions-answers comparation, fill in, Pair work, group work, T/F prediction

IV Teaching aids :- Text book, chalk, board, cassette player V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


- Ss can write T.V programs in Vietnamese

- T supplies the meanings of English if necessary

- T introduces some T.V programs

* Warm up: Networks

I/ New words: ( T.V programs)

- folk music: chương trình nhạc cổ truyền - safe traffic news: tin ATGT





- Ss copy down

- T reviews, introduces, tag-questions

- Ss copy down -Ss remember

- Ss practice in pairs the dialogue between Lien and Trung

- T guides: " Now, base on the

sample dialogue and the information in the table, you make similar

dialogues to talk about the programs you like and dislike."

- T goes around the class and helps them if necessary

- Ss practice in pairs - Has Ss the exercise

- Ss individually

- Give feedback

- drama: kòch

- documentary: phim tài liệu

- health for everyone: sức khoẻ cho người - children's corner: góc thiếu nhi

- wheell of Fortune: nón kỳ diệu - The price is right: Hãy chọn giá

- Who wants to be millionaire?: Ai triệu phú - The road to the Olympia peak: Đường lên đỉnh Olypia

II/ Tag-question:

* Ex: -It's a nice day, isn't it? - She isn't beautiful, is she? * Công thức cấu hỏi đuôi: _ +

+ _

* Practice speaking:

III/ Complete the sentences with tag-questions:

1/ Ngoc Anh is not having dinner, ? 2/ You like coffee, ? 3/ Your mother enjoys watching The price is right, ? 4/ Hung prefers films to news,

* Answer key: 1/ is she? 2/ don't you? 3/ doesn't she? 4/ doesn't he?




- Has Ss practice in pairs or in groups, guessing some modern media will be met in the lesson

-Teacher gives some guiding questions

- Ss listen and think

- T: guides: " We are going to listen to a dialogue about the brief history of some modern forms of media You listen to the tape and fill in the table with the information you hear" - Ss look at the table on page 43 Notice the information in blankets - T plays the tape (2 or times) - Ss listen to the tape and

exercises Then express the answers -T gives correct answers

-Ss copy down

- Has Ss practice asking and

answering in pairs, using information in the table

- Ss it like these

LISTEN I/ T/F prediction:

* Vocabulary:

- telegraph (n) : điện tín

- radio and news reels (n ) : đài phim tài liệu

- an assignment : luận * Pre-questions:

- Do you know when the telegraph was invented?

- When did the T.V become popular? II/ Fill in the table:

* Answer key:

a/ the late 19th century b/ radio and newsreels c/ in the 1950s

d/ the internet

III/ Answer the questions:

1/ When was the telegraph invented? ( in the late 19th century)

2/ When did the T.V become popular? ( in 1950s)

3/ What became a major force in journalism in mid and late 1990s?

( the internet)





* Homework: (1') Viết câu nói chương trình truyền hình u thích sử dụng danh động từ


-Week : 15 Date of preparing : /11/ 2009 Period : 29

Date of teaching: /11/2009


(L4: Read)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know about the internet - one of the modern media Use some connected vocabulary: surf the web, email, chatting, forum, get access, time-cossuming


Language content:





: surf the webs, forum, get access, wander, junk mail III Techniques : Brainstorming, T/F prediction, matching, questions-answers.

- Pair work, group work

IV Teaching aids: - Text book,cassette player. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


- T: encourages Ss to make a list of ideas as much as possible - T introduces : " As we know, the Internet has been a very imfortant form of media in our modern life However, we may not know all its benefits In today's lesson, we will study the benefits and the disadvantages of the Internet"

T: Introduce the new words Ps: Listen and take notes

* Warm up: Brainstorming

I/ Vocabulary :

- (to) surf the webs: (situation) : lướt qua trang web

- forum ( n): (explanation) : diễn đàn - (to) get access: (example) : truy cập - (to) wander: (explanation) :lang thang(trên mạng )

- time-consuming (adv): tốn, thời gian



- T leads" Now you read three responses in a forum about the Internet You scan the text and match the following main ideas and the responses

- Ss listen to the teacher and the exercise

- T gives answer key

- Has Ss read the text again and answer the questions in the text book

- Ss compare the answers with their partners

- T calls some Ss read aloud the answers before class and


- T: gives answer key - Ss copy down

- Has Ss work in groups ,discuss some questions connected with the Internet - Ss work in groups, discuss the questions

- junk mail (n): (explanation) : thư quảng cáo II/ Matching:

a/ Students in the countryside can't access to the Internet

b/ Internet is a wonderful invention

c/ The Internet can be limited in some ways


a/ Response # b/ Response # c/ Response #

III/ Answer the questions:

1/ Sandra uses the Internet to get information and to communicate with her friends and relatives

2/ Because she lives in the countryside, where the Internet is unavailable

3/ People use the Internet for education, communication, entertainment and commerce

4/ The benefits of Internet: It is used for multi-purposes: for getting information, for education, communication, entertainment and dissadvantages It is time- suming, costly, dangerous because of viruses and bad

programs IV/ Discussion:

1/ Do you agree or disagree with the responses?

2/ What is your response to this forum? 3/ Do you often use Internet? What you often when you are online?




* Homework: (2')

- Learn new words by heart - Reread the text

- Prepare "write"

-Week : 15 Date of preparing : 25 /11/ 2009 Period : 30

Date of teaching: 30 /12/2009




Objectives : Helping Ss will be able towrite the benefits of internet. II.

Language content:





I Techniques : Brainstorm, ask-answer,write- it-up Pair work, group work IV Teaching aids:Text book, notebook.

V Time: 45 minutes VI Teaching steps


T: writes these letters on the board and has Ss arrange them into a meaningful word

- Has Ss read the forum on the internet in read - T introduces the situation and the aim of the writing

- Has Ss read the cues in the text book

- Has Ss discuss in pairs and write down the ideas which they're found out

- Has Ss write the paragraps, expressing ideas themselves about the benefits of internet

* Warm up: Jumbled words + Umrfo - forum

+ lionne - online + opst - post + proserse - response 1/ Read:

2/ Use the following cues to write a passage about the benefits of the internet

- information: news, articles, weather forecast - entertainment: musis, movies, games

- education: on-line school, on- line lesson, self-study




- Ss individually Then share the writing with their partners

- T: calls some Ss read the writing before class Then corrects if have

- T: gives suggested ideas

- Ss can copy down to refer 3/ Writing: The benefits of the internet:

- A very fast and convenient way to get information

- It's very fast and cheap way to communicate with my friends, relatives by means of e-mail, chatting

- We can get the latest local global news - We can check weather condition before we go camping, fishing and outdoor

- We can find a timetable and maps of the buses you want to take

- We can listen to music, to the radio, watch videos, play games, read novels , read poems, sightseeing…

- We can learn English , look up a dictionary …


* Homework: (2')- Write it up

- Prepare "Language focus"

-Week : 16 Date of preparing :30 /11/ 2009 Period : 31

Date of teaching: /12/2009 Unit (con't): THE MEDIA

(L6: Language focus)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will able to review the lesson, all the knowledge they have learnt


Language content:



Tag-question, Gerunds


III Techniques:


- Pair work, group work IV Teaching aids:- Text book. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


- T: reminds the main ideas about tag – question and then give the form (explains the meaning and the use of it) - Ss listen and copy down if necessary

- Has Ss practise in pairs, exercise

- Ss in pairs

- Has some couples read alowd complete dialogues

- T reminds the use of gerunds after some verbs

- Ss try to remember Then copy Sdown

- Has Ss use the words in the box to write true sentences about your parents, sibling relaties, friend yoursely Remember to use regunds after the verb in the box -T: gives eliciting key Ss individually, give the correct form of the verbs in the

I/ Tag - questions: * Form:

* Exercise: complete the dialogue with the correct tags :

a- haven’t you? b- didn’t he? c- Wasn’t it? d- Do you?

e- Aren’t you?/ aren’t we? II/ Gerunds (danh động từ): - Được dùng sau động từ sau: + like

+ dislike

+ love + V-ing + enjoy

+ hate + avoid

* Drill: (in textbook) Ex:

- My mother loves watching T.V but my father doesn’t He likes listening to the radio.

- My sister dislikes writing letters and my brother does, too He hate writing letters * Further practice:

1 I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist. Try to avoid (make) him angry He hates (brrow) money




- T gives answer key

4 Do you love (read) novels?

No, I don’t I enjoy (read) picture books. * Answer key:

1- going; – making;

3 – borrowing; – reading/reading * Homework: (3’)

- Do exercises again - Prepare the exa

-Week : 16 Date of preparing :30 /11/ 2009 Period : 32

Date of teaching: /12/2009 CHỮA BAØI KIỂM TRA


-Week : 17 Date of preparing :9 /12/ 2009 Period : 33,34

Date of teaching: 14/12/2009



I.The past simple tense.

1.Affirmative form

S + V2 / V-ed

Ex: I watched TV last night

Negative form : S + did not + V ( bare – inf ) I didn,t watch TV last night.

Interrogative form : Did + S + V ( bare – inf ) ….? Did you watch TV last night ?

II Used to

Used to + V ( infinitive )

Ex : Mr Hoan used to smoke, but he gave it up

We used to live in a country but now we live in a city

III Past Simple Tense with WISH

Subject + wish + S + V ( past ) Ex : I wish I had a computer I wish I lived near school

IV The Present Perfect Tense.

Affirmative form

S + have / has + V ( past participle ) Ex : I have known her for six years

Negative form : S + have / has + not + V ( pp) Ex : I haven,t seen her since 2000


Ex : Have you seen her recently ? * Notes :

For + a period of time

Ex : I haven,t seen him for a long time

Since + a point of time Ex : I haven,t seen him since 2000 V Passive form : S + be + V ( pp )

Ex : This house was built by my husband Present Simple :

S + am / is / are + V ( pp)

Ex : This room is cleaned every day Present Progressive :

S + am / is / are + being + V ( pp)

Ex : A new swimming pool is being built Present Perfect :

S + have / has + been + V (pp)

Ex : Oil has been discovered at the North Pole Past Simple :

S + was / were + V(pp)

Ex : On our way home we were stopped by the police Past Progressive : S + was / were + being + V(pp)

Ex: Dinner was being cooked at that time Past Perfect : S + had + been + V(pp)

Ex : All the documents had been destroyed when we arrived Future Simple : S + will + be +V(pp)

Ex: The new hospital will be opened by the Queen Be going to :

S + be going + be + V(pp)

Ex : The bread is going to be baked Modal Verbs :

S + can / could / should ………… + be + V(pp)

VI Modal Verbs with If

S + Modal Verbs + V( bare – inf )

Ex : If you want to get gool grades , you must study hard

VII Reported Speech

S + said +S + V(past)

Ex: Miss Nga said she was happy to see you * Questions in Reported Speech

+ Yes – No questions :


S1 + wondered + (O) + if / whether + S2 + V (past)

wanted to know

Ex : She asked me if I liked pop music


Ex: She asked me where I lived

VIII Tag questions

Positive statement + negative questions tag Ex: The children can swim , can,t they ?

Negative statement + positive question tag ? Ex: You haven,t seen Mary today , have you ? IX Gerunds after some verbs

Like / enjoy Hate

Love + V- ing Consider

……… Ex : I like playing soccer

Lan loves listening to music


I/ Choose the word which pronounced differently from the others( 2ms)

1) a) Says b) prays c) plays c) days

2) a) climate b) pride c) quit c) primary

3) a) wash b) warm c) wall c) walk

4) a) boxes b) washes c) watches c) goes

II/ Choose the best answer( 3ms)

1) VietNam is a…………country The weather is usally hot there

a) tropical b) cold c) warm c) heat

2) Now fashion ………want to change the traditional Ao dai

a) makers b) workers c) designers d) dressers

3) Many people go to amusement parks on weekends to…………after a hard working week

a) see b) watch c) enjoy d) relax

4) Nam likes the Browns because they are very………

a) nice b) cold c) warm d) friends

5) He asked her………

a) when she leaves the party b) when did she leave the party

c) when she left the party

d) when does she leave the party

6) The Internet has developed and because a ………….of our everyday life

a) part b) place c) role d) side

III/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the following sentences(2ms)


2) My children enjoy ( allow) …being allowed……… ( stay)…to stay………up late when there is something special on T.V

3) When I ( come) …came…… to see Mr Robinson last night, he( read)…was

reading……a newspaper and his two chidren ( listen)… were listening …….to an

English song

-Week : 18 Date of preparing :9 /12/ 2009 Period : 35, 36

Date of teaching: 14/12/2009 ÔN TẬP HỌC KỲ I (Cont’).

I Circle the letter of the best answer with a , b , c, or d (3 ms) If you want to get good marks, you ………study hard

a would b could c must d had to She said that she……… to HoChiMinh city the following day

a to go b went c go d would go I wish I………your home village some day

a could visit b can visit c visit d visited Ba took a lot of photos ……… the trip to his parents

a show b show c showing d to show There is a party for you………December fifth

a to b on c in d at I have to study hard, ………I pass the examination

a so b as c because d for Hoa worked very hard……… she didn’t have any money

a if b as c.because d many

8 Minh ought to……….to school early

a going b goes c went d go

9 She asked me where I ………

a lived b living c lives d live

10 She wishes she………here now

a was b were c is d am

11 He asked me……….I liked English

a so b because c.weather d if

12 They wish they………Da Lat next month

a visit b would visit c visited d


II Supply the correct verb form in brackets.(2 ms) He wishes he ( can )………come back home I wish I ( have )………that house now


III Rewrite the following sentences Which are the same meaning (2,5ms) “Do you like pop music ?” Hoa told Maryam

-> Hoa asked Maryam……… “Why you come here late ?” She asked me

-> She asked……… I can’t go camping with my friends now

-> I wish ……… I always my home work at home

-> My home work……… “Can you play this sport ?” he asked me

-> He asked……… IV Read the passage and answer the questions < m>

The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe The material, called jean, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton and workers at that time loved wearing it because the material was strong and it did not wear out easily


1 Where does the word jeans come from? ………

2 Why did the workers wear jean cloth? ………

V Write the sentences base on the words are provided <1.5ms> 1, I / wish / I / can / learn / English / well

-> ………

2, If / you / want / be / strong / you / must / / morning / exercise -> ………

3, She / ask / my brother / what / doing / now

-> ………


Câu I ( đ )

1 c

5 b


2 d

6 a

10 b

3 a

7 c

11 d

4 d

8 d

12 b

Caâu II ( ñ )


1 Hoa asked Maryam if she liked pop music.

2 She asked me why I came there late.

3 I wish I could go camping with my friends now.

4 My home work is always done at home.

5 He asked me if I played that sport.

Caâu IV ( ñ )

1 The word jean comes from Europe.

2 The workers wore jean cloth because it was strong and it didn’t wear out


Câu V ( 1,5 đ )

1 I wish I could learn English well.

2 If you want to be strong, you must the morning exercise.

3 She asked my brother what was he doing then.

-Week : 19 Date of preparing : /12/ 2009 Period : 37, 38

Date of teaching: /12/2009


-Week : 20 Date of preparing : /1 / 2010 Period : 39

Date of teaching: 11/1 /2010 Unit 6:


(L1: Getting Started + Listen and read )

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to understand the environment problems - Talk about activities of cleaning environment

II Language content: Vocabulary: Grammar:

III Techniques : Eliciting, matching, questions- answers. - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player. V Time: 45 minutes


ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Has Ss look at the

pictures and match the words and word phrases with the right pictures - Call some Ss to check answer key

-From the pictures in “Getting started”, T elictts and has Ss give activities of cleaning environment in the holidays or in celebration of school or local - Ss can speak in Vietnamese, T help them write in English

- Has Ss listen to the tape and then read the text to remember “ who/why is doing?”

- Ss read (2a) and match the names in column A with the tasks in column B

- Call Ss give the answers to check the key

- Ss copy down

Has Ss read the text again and find out the answers for the questions from to 5/

- Call some Ss answer the questions to check the key - T writes the answers on the board

I/ Warm up: Getting Started a/ air pollution : Ô nhiễm không khí b/ spraying pesticides: Phun thuốc c/ garbage dump: Bãi rác

d/ Water pollution: Ô nhiễm nước e/ Deforestation: Sự tàn phá rừng

f/ Dynamite fishing: Đánh cá thuốc nổ II/ Listen and read:

 Brainstorming: cleaning the roards

Cleaning the school yards Cleaning the parks

Planting trees

Cleaning the streets Planting flowers


1/ Group 1: f/ Walk along the shore 2/ Group 2: e/ check the sand

3/ Group 3: b/ Check among the rocks 4/ Mr Jones: a/ collect all the bags and take

them to the garbage dump

5/ Mrs Smith: c/ Provide a picnic lunch for everyone

6/ Mr Brown: d/ give out (công bố) the bags *Answer the questions:




18’ The activities of


- Ss copy down 1/ The speaker is Mr Brown

2/ The listeners are (members of) the volunteer conservations

3/ They are on the beach

4/ They are going to clean the beach

5/ If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon

* Homework: (2’):

- Learn new words by heart - Read the text more time - Prepare “speak + Listen”

-Week : 20 Date of preparing : /1 / 2010 Period : 40

Date of teaching: 11/1 /2010 Unit 6: (cont’)


(L2: Speak + Listen)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to persuade some one to some thing - Presuade their friends to protect the environment

II Language content: Vocabulary : prevent, reduce, wrap, faucet, leaf Grammar: What/ How about + V-ing

III Techniques :

- Role plays, discuss, guiding questions - Pair work, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Text book, posters, pictutes, cassette, tape V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT T: Writes these letters on the board,

has Ss arrange them into a meaningful word

T: present the new words

*/ Warm up: Tumbled words - uaderpse = persuade - beaargg = garbage - roderpvi = provide - lupotilon = pollution - duproce = produce I/ Vocabulary :

- prevent (v): (Translation):ngăn chặn, phòng chống

- reduce (v): (Mime): giảm, làm giảm



Ps: Listen and check notes

* Checking vocabulary: slap the board

- Ask Ss to complete the expressions in column A by use one of the lines in column B (page 49) then compare with their partners

- Has Ss match the line in column B with an expression in column A so that they have sentences of persuade

- Each student calls out one of their sentences until all sentences are fisnished

- Let Ss work in pairs to answer to the questions in the


- Give feed back, teacher can write some possible answers on the board so that weak students can follow

- wrap (v) : (picture): bao bọc, gói - faucet (n) : (realia) vịi nước

- leaf (n ) / leaves (n): (realia) /những

II/ Matching: * Form:

- I think you should - Won’t you

- It would be better if you + infinitive - Can I persuade you to

- Why don’t you - Why not

-What/ How about + V-ing * Use: express persuasion III/ Practice speaking: * Ex:

S1: I think you should use banana leaves to wrapt food

S2: Won’t you use banana leaves to wrapt food?

S3: Why don’t you turn off thr lights before going to bed?

IV/ Questionnaire: * Possible answers:

1/ How can we save paper?

- I think you should recycle used paper, new paper

- Why don’t you use banana leaves for wrapping?

- Won’t you write on both sides of the papaper?

2/ How can you use fewer plastic bags? - How about cleaning and reusing them? - Why not use paper bags instead of plastic




- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering

- Divide the class into groups, each group has a secretary Ask them to discuss the question

- The Ss in groups have opinions, the secretary write down


3/ How can you reduce water pollution? - It would be better if you don’t throw wastes and garbage into streams, lakes or rivers and even ocean

4/ How can you prevent litteriry?

I think we should put garbage bins around the school yard


Production: * Exhibition:

- What you to protect the environment? Listen:

Garbage is dumped into the ocean Secondly: Ships

Thirdly: Oil spills come from ships at sea Next: there was waste material from fatories

Finally: Oil is washed from land


* Homework: (1’)Learn new words by heart. - Practice speaking Prepare “read”

Week : 21 Date of preparing : 14 /1 / 2010 Period : 41

Date of teaching: 18/1 /2010 Unit 6: (cont’)


(L3: Read)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to understand a poem about the environment II Language content: Vocabulary : junk yard , - treasure, hedge, foam


III Techniques : Pre-questions, matching, discussion, questions- answers - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters, picters. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT T: gives the questions

Ss: listen and answer */ Warm up: Chatting- Do you like poetry? Which poetry you like best?

- Name some poems that are your favorite? - Do you think it is easy to understand a poem?


T: present the new words Ps: Listen and check notes

-T gives two questions and asked Ss to answer before reading the poem

-T set the scene : “Two people are going on the picnic They are talking about the pollution ” -Ss work in pairs to guess the answers

-Has Ss read the poem and check their answers

-Has Ss practice guessing the meaning of the words by

matching each word in column A with an appropriate explanation in column B

-T gives answer key -Ss copy down

Has Ss read questions on page 51 to find out the answers -Ss work in pairs to answer the questions

-T calls some couples to ask and answer before class

I/ Vocabulary:

- junk yard (n): (Explanation): bãi phế thải - treasure (n): (Visual): kho báu

- hedge (n): (Translation): haøng raøo - foam(n): (Picture): boït

II/ Pre- questions :

a/ Who are the people in the poem? b/ Where are they?

*Reading and checking: a/ The mother and her son b/ They are in the park/ woods III/ Matching :

*Answer key:

1 – c; – g; – f; – e; – d; – a; – b

IV/ Comprehension questions:

1)If the pollution goes on , the world will end up like a second hand junk yard

2)The mother thinks other folk pollute the environment but not her or her son 3)His mother will take him right away 4)No Because he is right , if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods

5)The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution

IV/ Discussion :





-Divide the class into groups -Has Ss discuss in group -Asks each group gives their ideas

*Question :

-What could you in your school / house to minimize pollution ?


* Homework:(2’)

- Read the text more times

-Rewrite the answers in your exercise notebook - Prepare “ write”

-Week : 21 Date of preparing : 14 /1 / 2010 Period : 42

Date of teaching: 20/1 /2010 Unit 6: (cont’)


(L4: Write)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to write a complaint letter II Language content: Vocabulary :

Grammar :

III Techniques :

- Ordering, matching, reading, questions, write it-up - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters, pictures V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT -Ask Ss to find out the verbs beginning

with the letters that teacher gives -Divide the class into two groups -Give four/ five letters at the same time , Ss are to find out four/ five verbs beginning with four / five letters given

-The team which finish first gets one mark

T: present the new words


Warm up: Categories

a b c d m n o p s t u v

I/ Vocabulary:

- complain (v) : (Example): phàn nàn - complain (n) (Example): phàn nàn - complaintion (n): (Example):điều gây rắc rối



Ps: Listen and check notes

- Ask Ss to keep their books closed -Provide Ss five sections of a complaint letter (with their definitions ) in random order - Get them to put the sections in a correct order

- Has Ss read the letter on page 52 - Ss work in pairs

-T set the scene: “Mr Nhat wrote a letter to the director of L & P

Company in Ho Chi Minh city.The five sections of the letter are not in the right order.Label each section with the appropriate letter :S ,C , R , A or P -Ask Ss to work in pairs

-Give feedback:- Call on a student to read aloud the letter (in the correct order)

-T gives ideas if necessary

* While:

- Let Ss read the production 6b/P53 _ Ask some questions to make sure the Ss know what they have to write

- Ask Ss to write the letter individually - Get Ss to share with their partners

- resolution (n): (Translation) : tâm

- float (v) (Picture) : trôi nổi, bồng bềnh - prohibit (v) (Translation) : ngăn cản, ngăn cấm

II/ Ordering:

a) Action :talks about future action b) Situation :states the reason for writing c) Politeness : ends the letter politely d) Complication : mention the problem e) Resolution :makes a suggestion

* Answer key:

- b; –d ; – e – a; 5- c

III/ Reading and matching:

* Answer key: Dear Sir/ Madam

R: I would suggest ……… ……… before leaning

S: I am writing ……… the North A: I look forward ………… company C: When the trucks …………and flies P: Sincerely,

Tran vu Nhat * Questions:

a/ What people in the lake behind your house these days? (They begin to catch fish)

b/ What makes you worried? (They use electricity to catch fish) c/ To Whom you write the letter to? (We write to the head of the local




and correct * Post writing:

- Move around the class and help Ss - Call on some Ss to read aloud their letter

- Correct some letter before class


d/ What suggestion you want to make? (We suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using electricity to catch fish)

*Sample :

Dear Mr President

I am writing to you about the catching of fish of many people in the lake behind my house

I am very worried because they use

electricity to catch fish After a short time, they leave the lake, a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface

Other animals such as frogs, toads, and even birds have also die from electric shock waves

I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish I look forward

tohearing from you and seeing the

protection of environment from the local authorities



IV/ Homework:(1’)

-Ask Ss to write their letter in their notebook -Prepare “ Language focus 1-3”

-Week : 22 Date of preparing : 22 /1 / 2010 Period : 43

Date of teaching: 25/1 /2010 Unit 6: (cont’)


Language focus



Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to use adjectives and adverbs to make

sentences with “adjective + that clause” and use conditional sentences type and to make sentences with because/ as/ since

II Language content: Vocabulary : Grammar


IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Prepare 12 cards with numbers

on one side and the adj (6 cards), adv (6c) on the other side

-Make sure the adj and adv are mixed up

- Stick the cards on the board so students can only see the


- Devide the Ss into two teams and ask them to choose two numbers

T: present the new words Ps: Listen and check notes

- Call on Ss or two teams of students to go to the front of the class

- Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the board

T: gives the form - explains

- Ss copy down

* Warm up: pelmanism

sad slow happy good extreme fast

happily well sadly fast slowly extremely

I/ Vocabulary:

- to sign : (mime) : thở dài

- amazed (adj): (synonym) : ngạc nhiên - disappointed (adj): (visual) : thất vọng * Checking vocabulary: slap the board

II/ Revision of adjectives and adverbs: 1/ The use of adj and adv:

* Form:

Adj + ly = adverb of manner * Usage:

- Adjectives can come in two places in a sentence + Before a noun:

Ex: - a nice girl - new shoes

+ After the verbs: be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, sound, smell, …

- Adverb normally go after the direct object




amazed extreme


excited please


- Ask Ss to use the adverbs provided in “pelmanism game” to complete the sentences on L F on page 53

- Get Ss to work in pairs - Give feed back

- Ask Ss to the exercise in L.F page 55

- Let Ss work in pairs to complete the dialogue - Give feed back -Ss copy down

T: present the new words Ps: Listen and check notes

T: give two sentences and ask Ss to combine them into one

- Ss it

- Has Ss the L.F 2/P54,55 - Let Ss work in pairs and join the pairs of sentences together using “because, since, as” - Call on some Ss to read aloud

Ex: I read the letter carefully

- If there is no direct object, the adverb goes after the verb

Ex: She walked slowly * Practice: (L.F page 54) +Answer key:

b/ The old man walked slowly to the park

c/ Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he failed the test

d/ The baby ;;;;;; happily as …… e/ Mrs Nga speaks … well 2/ Adjective + that clause * Form:

S +be +adj + that clause Complement * Practice: (L.F page 55)

a/ (look at textbook)

b/ I am excited that I am going to Dalat c/ I am sorry that I broke the bicycle d/ I am dispointed that you didn’t phone. e/ I am amazed that I won the first prize * Vocabulary:

- exhaust fume (n): ( visual):khói xăng, khói xả xe cộ - cope (v): (transslation):đối phó

- respiratory (adj): (transslation): thuộc hô hấp - inedible (adj): (example):không ăn

III/ Revision of adverbs clauses of reason with “because, since, as”:

a/ Ba is tired

b/ He stayed up late watching T.V

Ba is tired because he stayed …… T.V main clause adv clause of reason * Practice:

a/ I am going to be late for school because/ since the bus is late

b/ I broke the case because/ as I was careless





their sentences

- Correct if necessary

- Set the scene to introduce the structure of conditional sentences - Write the statement on the board

- Ask Ss to complete the

sentence by filling in each blank with one suitable word

- Has Ss the L.F4/P56 - Ss have to match each haft-sentence in column A with a suitable one in column B

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and find out five complete conditional sentences

- T teaches Ss how to the test Give them an example

- Has Ss work in pairs and write the complete sentences in their notebooks

- Give feed back

c/ I want to go home because/ since I feel sick d/ I am hungry because/ as I haven’t eaten all day. IV Conditional sentence (type1):

- … we pollute the water, we ……… have no fresh ……… to use

* Answer key:

- If ……… will ……… water

* Form:

If + main clause, subordinate clause. (simple present tense) (will/infinitive) * Exercise: (L.F 4/P56) Matching

* Answer key: – e; – d; – a; – b; – c;

V Sentence completion:lokj Ex:

If the rice paddies are polluted …… (rice plant/ die) If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plant will die

* Answer key:

b/ If we go on littering , the environment will become ………

c/ If we plant more trees …… We will have more ……… d/ If we use much ……, the vegetables will come ……… e/ If we keep ………, we will live a happies ……



* Homework:(1’): Do exrcises again

- Get Ss to write conditional sentences type - Prepare U7


Period : 44

Date of teaching: 27/1 /2010

Unit 7:


(L1: Before you read + Listen and read)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and about the ways to save energy

II Language content: Vocabulary : water bill, enormous, reduce, plumber, crack Grammar: S + suggest + V-ing

III Techniques : Chatting, R.O & R, T/F statement prediction, question – answer, discussion

- Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, postes, pictures. V Time:45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT -Has Ss look at the picture on page

57 (or show the picture on the board) and ask some questions so that they can understand the picture

(T: whole class)

T: present the new words

Ps: Listen and check notes * Checking: R.O &R

- Get Ss to copy the words in their books

- Ask Ss to repeat the words chorally T: set the scene

“Mrs My is talking to her

neighborhood, Mrs Ha, and Mrs Ha looks very worried

* Warm up: Chatting - Is the T.V on?

- Who is watching T.V? - Is the light still burning? - What happens to the faucets? - Should we turn the T.V off?

- Must we pay for water and electricity we use in our home?

- What should we to save energy? I/ Vocabulary:

- water bill (n): (realia) : hoá đơn tiền nước - enormous (adj): (synoym) : khổng lồ, to lớn - reduce (v) : giảm

- plumber (n): (picture) : thợ sửa chữa đường nước - crack (n) : vết nứt, gẫy

- dripping faucet (n): (picture/visual): vòi nước bị rỉ nhỏ giọt

II/ T/F statement prediction:

a/ Mrs Ha is worried about her water bill

b/ Mrs My gives Mrs Ha advice on how to save water

c/ Mrs Ha has checked the pipes in her house and




Now, work in pairs and guess about the conservation between them - T: hang the poster of statements on the board and ask Ss to guess which statements are T or F

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 57 and check their prediction

- Has Ss correct false sentences

-Has Ss work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions

T: give feed back Call on some Ss to answer the questions Teacher checks and writes the answers on the board if necessary

- Ask Ss to work in groups,

discussing the topic: “What you to save energy at home and at


found no cracks

d/ A plumber is a person who repairs electric appliances

e/ Mr Robinson suggest taking showers because they can save water

III/ Reading and checking prediction: * Answer key:

a/ T b/ T

c/ F (Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the pipes in her house) d/ F (A plumber is a person who repairs water pipes)

IV/ Comprehension: 1/ Why is Mrs Ha worried?

2/ How much money does Mrs Ha pay for her water bill?

3/ What does Mrs My advise Mrs Ha to do? *

Answer key :

1/ Because her recent water bill is enormous 2/ Mrs Ha pays 200.000 dongs

3/ She advises Mrs Ha to get a plumber to check her water pipes and to reduce the amount of water by taking shower and turning off faucets after use V/ Discussion:

* Possible answers:

+Saving energy at school and at home: - taking a shower instead of a bath

- turning off faucets after use

- making sure there are no cracks in the water pipes - turning off the light before leaving

- turning off T.V, radio, when no one watches or listens




* Homework:(2’)

- Learn vocabulary by heart

- Write things you should to save energy at home and at school - Prepare “Speak + Listen”


-Week : 23 Date of preparing : 27 /1/ 2010 Period : 45

Date of teaching: /1 /2010

Unit (con



(L2: Speak + Listen)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to make and respond to suggestions and will know more about solar energy by listening

II Language content: Vocabulary : Grammar:

III Techniques : -Kim’s game , eliciting , role play ,discussion - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, postes, pictures, cassette, tape V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT -Has Ss look at the posters of

things dealing with activities in free time ( for 20 seconds) on page 59 and try to remember as many activities as possible -Devide the class in to groups -Put away the posters and ask Ss to go to the board and write the names of the activities

they have

just seen from memory

- Elicit from Ss to draw the exchange

- Ask Ss to find out other ways of making suggestions

- Has Ss exercise 3a on page

* Warm up: Kim’s game

* Answer: 1- go to movies 2- play bad minton 3- watch T.V -play chess

5 -do homework

6 –reads books/ go to the library –go skiing/ ski

8 –play games I/ Presentation:

- I suggest taking a shower - Ok I will that

+ I think you should take a shower + Why don’t you take a shower? + How about taking a shower? + What about taking a shower?




- Ask Ss look at the pictures on page 59 and the table on page 58 and make response to the suggestions (or use picture cue drill)

-T models first -Ss notice -Ss in pairs

- Ask Ss to exercise 3b on page 59

- Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 59 and make the suggestions about how to save energy at home Ss work in pairs

* Form:

Suggestions Response

- I suggest + V-ing - I think we should …… - Shall we …….?

- Why don’t we …….? - How about +V-ing? - What about + Ving? - Let’s + Infinitive

- OK

- That a good idea - All right

- Let’s

- No, I don’t want to

- I prefer to …… * Practice:


- I suggest going to the movies

- No, I don’t want to, I prefer to watch T.V. a/ I think we should play badmintom - OK

b/ Why don’t we play chess? That is a good idea

c/ Shall we go to the library? - All right

d/ How a bout watching T.V? - OK

e/ What about skiing?

- No, I don’t want to I prefer to play games. * Further practice:

+Possible answers:

- I think we should turn off the faucets after use - I suggest fixxing the faucets

- Why don’t we turn off the lights before leaving room?

- How about taking the shower instead of bath - I suggest putting the lid on the cooking pot when cooking

II/ Production:

* Giving suggestions that help your friends to improve his/her Engish

- Work harder on your pronunciation




and write down as many sentences as possible

- Has Ss to work in groups - Ss show their ideas before class

T: present the new words Ps: Listen and check notes

-Ask Ss to look at the statements on the page 60 (4a)

- Have they work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which ones are false

- Has Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction - Get students to correct the false statements

-Ss copy down

- Has Ss look at the exercise 4b on page 60 and work in pairs to guess the words in the blanks - Give feedback

- Has Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps If Ss can’t finish, let them listen once more

- Speak English in class - Buy a good dictionary - Do some reading everyday

- Write new vocabulary on small pieces of paper and stick everywhere in your home

- Write diary in English LISTEN: I/ Vocabulary:

- solar (adj): (explanation): thuộc hệ mặt trời.- solar panel (n): (picture): kim loại để tiếp nhận lượng mặt trời

- nuclear power (n): (picture):năng lượng hạt nhân - install (v): (picture):lắp đặt, cài đặt

II/ T/F statements Prediction: (1, 2, 3, 4, in text book)

* Answer key: 1/ T

2/F (most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power)

3/ F (1% of the solar energy that gets to the Earth can provide enough power for the world’s

population) 4/T

5/F (They will be heated by solar energy in 2015) III/ Gap – fill:

* Answer key: 1/ effective 2/ population 3/ countries 4/ store 5/ roof 6/ instead




* Homework:(1’)


Week : 23 Date of preparing :28 /1/ 2010 Period : 46

Date of teaching: /2 /2010

Unit (con



(L3: Read)

I Objectives:

Helping Ss will know more how North American and European countries save money and natural resources

II Language content: Vocabulary : consumer, bulb, - scheme, efficient, category Grammar:

III Techniques :

- Chatting, what and where , questions – answers , writing - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette, tape. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT T: Use an electricity bill and a

water bill to chat to students

T: present the new words

Ps: Listen and check notes

-Has Ss repeat the words in chorus and then rub out word by word but leave the circle Remember to let Ss repeat before after rubbing out each word

-Go on until Ss can remember the words

- Get Ss to write the word again in

* Warm up: - What is this?

- How much is your family’s water bill? - How much is your family’s electricity bill? - Do you think it is enormous?

- Are your parents worried about that? I/ Pre- teach vocabulary:

- consumer: (translation) : (n) : người tiêu dùng - bulb (n) : (translation): bóng đèn trịn

- scheme= a plan (n) : (synonym)

- efficient (adj): (translation):hiệu quả, có suất cao

- category (n) : (synonym) loại, hạng

-ultimately = finally(adv): (synonym):cuối cùng, xét lâu dài

- innovation (n) : đổi mới, sáng chế - conserve= preserve (v): bảo tồn, giữ gìn

Checking : what and where



innovation Labl

e categor



efficien t




the correct circles

- Give Ss two questions and ask them to dicuss with their partners to predict the answers

- Has Ss read the text again and exercise 5a

- Ss have to work in pairs to choose the best summary of the passage

- T: give feedback * Key:

- Has Ss work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions - Call on some Ss to answer the questions

- T checks and writes the answers on the board (if necessary)

- Ask Ss to work in groups,

choosing a secretery then discuss the way to spend less on lighting The secretary from each group has to write the ideas on the poster - Has Ss stick their posters on the wall Ss go around the class, reach other groups’ posters.

II/ Pre - questions:

- Do people in western countries think electricity, gas and water are luxury?

- Do they want to save electricity? What they to spend less on lighting?

III/ Reading:

1/ Reading for mean ideas:

* Which of the following is the best summary of the passage:

1 Energy saving bulb should be used to save electricity

2 In western countries, electricity, gas and water are necessities

3 North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural


4 Labeling schemes help saving energy 2 Answer the questions:

1 Western consumers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money

2 They can use energy saving bulb instead of ordinary 1oo watts bulbs to spend less on lighting

3 She will pay US$2 because these bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs The labeling scheme helps the consumers know how energy efficient the household appliances are

5 Because when we save energy, we will save money and conserve the Earth’resources.

IV/ Post reading: * Writing:




* Possible answers:

- Use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts light bulbs

- Turn off the light before leaving the rooms - Use household appliances properly (follow the instruction)

- Keep refrigerator door closed * Homework: (1’)

- Write the ways how to save money

- Write down ideas on how to save energy

-Week : 24 Date of preparing : /2/ 2010 Period : 47

Date of teaching: /2 /2010

Unit (con



(L4: Write)



Helping Ss will be able to write a simple speech and present it before the class

II Language content: Vocabulary : Grammar:

III T echniques : Jumbled works,matching, ordering, write- it -up

- Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters V Time: 45 minutes

VI Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Write the words whose

letter are in a random order on the board

- Devide the class into two teams go to the board and write the correct words

- Has Ss match each part of a speech in column A to a suitable function in column B

I/ Vocabulary revision: Jumbled words usm pu = sum up

2 ivatnetnt = attention aeidtl = detail

4 diosl = solid gradt = draft II/ Matching: * Answer key: Introduction:

B – Getting people’s attention and telling them what you are going to talk about

2 Body:

C – Giving details in easy to understand language



- Has Ss put the sections in 6b on page 62 in the correct order to form a speech - call on some Ss to read aloud the speech

- Help Ss to present the speech before class naturally

- Has a volunteer from each group present his/her group’s speech before class

- Correct their mistakes

3 Conclusion:

A – Summing up what you have said III/ Ordering:

3 Good everning ladies and gentlements

I am professor Roberts and tonight I am going to tell you how to save money

2 Most of us use to much gas You can reduce this amount by:

- Traveling by bicycle or public transport - Having a mechanic check your motorbike regularly

1 If you follow these ……… IV/ Write speeches:

1/ Reduce garbage:

Good morning ladies and gentlements My name is ………… I am going to tell you how to reduce garbage Most of us use to much garbage everyday You can reduce garbage by:

+ Collecting plastic bags

+ No keeping solid waste with food waste

+ Putting different kinds of waste in different places If you follow those simple rules, you will not only reduce garbage, but also keep the environment clearner

V/ Correction:




* Homework: (2’)- Write speeches (2), (3) in their notebook. - Prepare L.F

Week : 24 Date of preparing : /2/ 2010 Period : 48

Date of teaching: /2 /2010

Unit (con



(L5: language focus )



III Techniques : Bingo, Brainstorm, completion - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:

ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Ask Ss to write down in their

notebook verbs with prepositions - T prepare a list of verbs +

prepositions Then call out each word in a loud voice

- Ss listen to the teacher carefully If any one has the same verb +

prepositions, they cross it out

- Provide Ss verbs + prepositions and then ask them to match the verbs with the pictures on page 64

- Has Ss work in pairs to L.F on page 63 they have to use suitable verbs to complete the


- Ask Ss to think of connectives that they have learnt

- Has Ss to go to the board write down the connectives

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to give Vietnamese meanings

- Has Ss work individually to the exercise L.F page 63 they have to

* Warm up: Bingo - look for

- turn on - want for - depend on - listen to - dream about - look after - turn off - go on - talk about

I/ Presentation 1: 1/ Matching: * Answer keys:

- Picture 1: look after the baby - P2: go on (wasting paper) - P3: turn on T.V

- P4: look for

- P5: turn off the faucet 2/ Complete the sentences:

1/ Hanh can’t go ……… to look after ………… 2/ If we go on ………

3/ Turn on the T.V for me, ……… 4/ I think ………… I have looked for ……… 5/ Mrs Yen ………… to turn off ………

II/ Presentation 2: * Brainstorm:





complete the senteces by using correct connectives

-Ss individually ( Make sentences with the connectives)

therefore however

and so but or

moreover because * practice: (L.F 1)

a/ Mrs Quyen bought corns, potatoes and cabbage ………

b/ I’d love ……… but I have ………… c/ Nam got wet because ……… d/ Hoa failed ……… there fore……… e/ Do you ………… or ………… ?

f/ It is raining, so ……… g/ Ba’s ……… and ………… h/ Na is ……… however ……… III/ Production:

* Put the sentences with connective: - on

- and - so - but - therefore - because - however



* Homework : 1'

- Put the sentences with connectives - Prepare Test 45’


Week : 25 Date of preparing : 19/2/ 2009 Period :49

Date of teaching: 27/2/2009 THE ENGLISH TEST : TIME : 45’



Week : 25 Date of preparing :28/2/2010 Period :50 Date of teaching: 3/3/2010 Unit : CELEBRATION

(L1: Before you read + listen & read)

I Objectives:Helping Ss will know more about the popular celeblations in the world II Language content: 1.Vocabulary:occur, decorate, freedom, slavery, jewish, parade

Grammar :

III.Techniques : - Brainstorming, matching, grids - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

- Let Ss think of the name of the celebrations all over the world they have know

- Give feedback Ask questions about those days

+ What day is Passover/ Lunar New Year?

+ What they on that day?

1 Organiration: 2 Check-up: (K)

3 Warm up: Shark Attack celebrations I/ Vocabulary:

- occur (v) = happen: (synonym) xảy - decorate (v): (picture) : trang trí - freedom (n) : (translation) : tự - slavery (n): (translation) : nô lệ - jewish (n): (translation) : người Do Thái - parade (n): ( picture) : diễu hành II/ BrainstormingPresentation 2:

Lunar new year

woman’sday birthday


Teacher’s day

Wedding Mayday Easter

1’ 5’




- Has Ss look at the icons on page 65 nad match them with the suitable name of the celebration

- Has Ss read silently and listen to the cassette at the same time - Has them work in pairs to

complete the world map on page 66

- Give feedback

- Ss look at the grids and introduce the celebrations: Tet , Passover, Easter to the whole class

-Ss individually ( report before class )

III/ Matching:

* Answer keys: Easter

2 Wedding Birthday Christmas

5 Mid – Autumn festival Lunar New year

IV/ Grids:

* Answer keys:

Celebration When Activities Food

Tet In late

Jan or early Feb

Cleaning and decoratin g homes

Sticky rice cake Passover In late

Mar or early Apr

Eating special meal

Special meal called seder

Easter Around

the same time as passover

Watching colorful parades

Chocol ate, sugar, eggs * Student 1:

Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam On this occasion, people clean and decorate their homes, they wear new clothes and family members enjoy together special food such as sticky rice cake Everyone in Vietnam feels happy on Tet holiday * Student 2:

Passover is the festival in Irasel and all Jewish people celebrate it Passover occurs in late March or early April On the first or second nights of Passover, Jewish families eat a special meal called the seder Passover celebrates freedom from slavery



* Homework: (1’)

- Ask Ss to write about one celebration that they like best - Prepare “speak + Listen”


Week : 26 Date of preparing :1/3/2010 Period :51 Date of teaching: /3/2010

Unit :



(L2: speak + listen)

I Objectives:Helping Ss will be able to give and respond to compliments

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: nominate, active, charity, Auld Lang Syne, Grammar:

III.Techniques : - Role play, word cue Drill, open -pairs, close- pairs - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids:Textbooks, cards V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to write the new words on the board

- Has Ss review adjs

- Get Ss to make sentences - The first S has to use the adj

beginning with the letter A The second S has to use the adj beginning with the letter B The third Ss with C ……

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

* Checking: What & Where - T set the scene: “Trang has just won the first prize in the English

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: write the new words on the board

3 Warm up:

+ Revision of adjectives: I have + a/an adj + friend + Ex:

S1: I have an active friend S2: I have a beautiful friend S3: I have a clever friend S4: I have a dirty friend I/ Vocabulary:



(adj) : tích cực, chủ động

- activist (n) : người phát động tích cực - nominate:(v)(translation) : ghi danh, mệnh danh, chọn

- nomination(n)

- charity (n): (explanation) : lòng từ thiện, hội từ thiện

II/ Model sentences:

1’ 4’ 4’



speaking contest What does Mai say to pay Trang a compliment? And what does Trang respond?

Ask Ss how to give and respond to compliments

-Ss copy down

- Has Ss practice giving and responding the compliments - Has Ss work in open-pairs then close- pairs

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the situation on page 66, 67 then give and respond to compliments - Give feedback

- call on some pairs of Ss to act out

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

* Checking: What & Where - Has Ss listen to the song “Auld

- Mai: Well done, Trang - Trang: thanks

* Give a compliment: - Well done

- That’s a great ………… - That’s an excelent ……… - Congratulation on ……… - Let me congratulate you on ……… * Respond to a compliment: - Thanks/ thanks a lot

- It’s very nice/ kind of you to say so. - That’s very kind of you.

III/ Practice: * Word cue Drill: a/ Well done/ thanks

b/ Congratulations/ thanks a lot

c/ Let cogratulate/ on passing the exam/ kind

d/ Great report/ nice of you * Answer keys:

b/ - Mother: Well done, Huyen - Huyen: Thanks, Mom

c/ - Friends: congratulations on your nomination, Tuan

- Tuan: It’s very nine of you to say so d/ You: That’s an excellent drawing, Hoa. - Hoa: That’s very kind of you to say so LISTEN

* Vocabulary:

- Auld Lang Syne (n) : tên hát (The good Old Days)

- due to (adj)(synonym):do bởi, = cause by

- bureau (n): (example): văn phòng, Cục, sở - Acquaintance(n): (translation):người quen biết

- trusty (adj) : đáng tin cậy * Guessing:



Lang Syne” and work in pairs to guess the words in the blanks - Give feedback

- Let Ss listen to the song twice and check their guess

- Give feedback

* Answer keys: a/ days

b/ take c/ mind d/ hand e/ kindness * Homework: (1’)

- Ask Ss to write some situation with the compliments, the response to the compliments into their notebooks

- Prepare “Read”


Week : 26 Date of preparing :1/3/2010 Period : 52 Date of teaching: 10/3/2010

Unit :




(L4: Read)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know more about the opinions, feeling and memories of children about their father’s Day in USA and in Australia.

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: hug, considerate, priority, distinguish Grammar:

III Techniques :Rub out and remember, prediction, questions- answers, write- it- up - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette, tape. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss sing a song : “Auld Lang Syne”

- Prepare twelve cards with numbers one side and the dates (6 cards), the celebrations (6 cards) on the other side

- Divide the students into teams and ask each team to choose two numbers in turns

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: Ask Ss sing a song : “Auld Lang Syne”

3 Warm up: Pelmanism

Woman‘s Day Nov 20th

Teacher‘s Day May 1st


Independence‘s Day


Children‘s Day 2/9


T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

T: Set the scene: “On father’Day in Australia and in USA, children show their love to their fathers by giving their father presents, cards…”

- Ask Ss to think of the adjectives that children use to talk about their


-Ss try to find out the adjectives to talk about their fathers

-T write down on the board

- Has Ss read the opinions, feeling and memories of children about their fathers on father’s Day in Australia and the USA

- Ask them to compare the adjs and guess with the adjs which Rita, Bob and Jane use to describe their fathers - Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the

Chirstmas‘s Day June 1

May‘s Day Dec 25

I/ Vocabulary:

- hug (v): ôm (Mime):(khi chào nhau) - considerate (adj): (translation): ân cần, chu đáo

- priority (n) (explanation): ưu tiên, quyền ưu tiên,

- sense of humor (n): (translation): khiếu hài hước

- distinguish (v): (synonym):phân biệt, làm khác biệt

- terrific (adj): tuyệt vời, kỳ diệu * Checking: R.O & R

II/ Prediction:

* Possible answers: - strong

- generous - considerate - handsome - humorous - healthy - great - the best - terrific

III/ Reading and checking:

* Comprehension questions: a/ To her dad

b/ He is possiblly dead These ideas


5’ 5’


questions on page 69

- T write the answers on board

- Has Ss pratice asking and answering the questions in open pairs and then close pairs

- Has Ss write their feelings, opinions nad memories about their fathers Three passages are samples

may tell about that: ………… how much you are missed … , I know have children, Dad …………

c/ His scene of humor

d/ The best person in the world, a teacher, a care taker , a friend, ……

IV/ Writing: 5’

* Homework: (1’)


Week : 27 Date of preparing :7 /3/2010 Period : 53 Date of teaching: 15/3/2010

Unit :




(L4: Write)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know more about the opinions, feeling and memories of children about their father’s Day in USA and in Australia.

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: enhance, have a day off, support, nation wide Grammar:

III Techniques : Rub out and remember, prediction, questions - answers, write- it -up - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids:Textbooks. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to write the new words on the board

- Divide the class into two teams - Has Ss go to the board and circle the words they find

The team which circle more words will win the game

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: write the new words on the board

3 Warm up: wordsquare








T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

T: controls Ss: (whole)

- Ask Ss to keep their books close, show the outline on the board - Get Ss to put the parts in the correct order

- Has Ss write individually to a friend to tell him/her about why they want to celebrate Mother’s Day or father’s Day in Vietnam and how to celebrate it




* Key:

celebrate, tradition, flowers card

special food gift

memory I/ Vocabulary:

- enhance (v):(explanation)tăng cường, tơn lên

- have a day off: (translation): nghỉ ngày

- support (v): (synonym) ủng hộ, hỗ trợ - nation wide (adv): (translation) toàn quốc, nước

* Checking: What & Where

II/ Ordering: * Answer keys: -Paragraph 1: (3) -Paragraph 2: (1) -Paragraph 3: (2)

III/ While - Writing:

* Suggested ideas:

In my opinion, it is essential to have a day 10’


14’ A day

off Nation

wide enhance


-SS can copy down

- Has Ss share their writing with their partners and correct their partner’s mistakes.

- Ask some Ss to read aloud their writing before class

- Get Ss to give their oponions

to celebrate for our parents On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love for their parents We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another

I think first Sunday of April is suitable Sunday is a day off so every body is free from work or study April is late spring or early summer, and the weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoors

It is not necessary to have parties but it is a good idea to have lunch or dinner with all members of the family Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards or bring them special cakes Moreover children should serve their parents the food that they like best

I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nation wide because everybody loves their parents and want their parents to be happy

IV/ Post writing:


* Homework: (1’)

- Write the passages on their notebooks -Prepare “ Language focus”


Week : 27 Date of preparing : 9/3/2010 Period : 54 Date of teaching: 17/3/2010

Unit (con


(L5: + Language focus)


II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: compose, violet, jumper, lap Grammar: Relative clauses.

III.Techniques : - Jumbled words, slap the board, completion combination - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids:Textbooks, pictures V.Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to read part write before class

- Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board (or on the poster)

- Divide the class into two teams Ss from two teams go to the board and write the correct words

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

T: monitor

Ss: in group (groups of 6)

- Show a picture of two girls Lan, Mai They are sitting in a room with some books on the table

- Has Ss look at the picture and complete the dialogue

1 Organiration: 2 Check-up: Read before class

3 Warm up: Jumbled words - tlaouhgh = although

- lofk = folk - ubclpi = public - ppaenh = happen - stieavfl = festival I/ Vocabulary:

- compose (v): (Translation):sáng tác, soạn thảo - violet (n): (Realia): màu tím

- jumper (n): (Picture): áo tròng qua đầu - lap (n): (realia): đùi (từ hông đến gối) * Checking vocabulary: slap the board

II/ Presentation: A/ Who is Lan

B/ She is the girl ……….(1)… is wearing a ….(2)…… shirt

A/ What books are those?

B/ They are novels ……(3)… are ….(4)… by a famous ….(5)……

1’ 4’ 5’


6’ satisfy

compose jumper

culture violet


T: explain how to use them Ss copy down

- Has Ss work in pair to l.F They have to join the sentences, using relative clause

- Has Ss look at two pictures on page 71 to describe each of the people in the pictures, using the relative clauses

- Has Ss work in pairs and then read aloud each sentence before class -SS copy down

-T: set the scene “Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet Thu Ha has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes” - Ask Ss to combine two

* Answer key:

1/ Who 4/ written 2/ blue 5/ writer 3/ which

* Form and use: Relative pronouns: who, which + Who – which: replace the pronoun

+ Who is used for people, which is used for things * Practice: (L.F 1)

a/ Auld lang Syne is a song which is sung on New year’s Eve.

b/ This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday.

c/ My friend Tom, who sings Western folk songs very well, can compose songs

d/ We often …… House, which always ……… e/ I like ………… books which tell about …………

f/ On my Mom’s birthday ………… Roses, which were very

g/ Judy … Festival, which is ……

h/ Tomorrow I ……… friends ,who come ……… III/ Production:

* Answer key:

a/ Mom is the woman who is sitting in an armchair/ receiving a gift from the little girl

b/ Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister c/ Linda is the little girl who is wearing a pink dress/ giving a gift to them

d/ Grandmother is ……… who is wearing a violet blouse/ giving a gift to the baby

e/ Uncle Jonh is the man who is wearing a pink jumper

f/ Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother’s slap

IV/ Presentation: (L.F 3/P72,73)

- Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparerations for Tet even though she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes

* Note:




sentences above into one by using a connection “even though.”

- Has Ss L.F

individually They have to join the sentences using “though”, “although” or “even though”

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences and correct their mistakes - Has Ss look at the pictures on page 72, 73 and

complete the sentences, using correct tense of the verbs

- Use the sentence( a )as an example Ask Ss to use correct tense of the verbs and the cues given below each picture

- Get Ss to work in pairs - Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences, teacher corrects their mistakes

- even though

though adverbial clause of concession - although

* Practice: * Answer keys:

b/ Although we don’t have …………, Dad and I ……… c/ We went to Hanoi ……… even though we live ………

d/ Many tourists ………., though they not………… e/ Even though in Australia ……, people enjoy ……… f/ Although Jim came to the ………., he could see the …………

IV/ Further practice: * Answer keys:

a/ Although Mrs Thoa was tired, she helped Tuan ……

b/ Even though Liz has an exam tomorrow, she is still watching T.V now

c/ It rained yesterday although the weather bureau predicted the weather………

d/ Ba ate a lot ……… though he wasn’t very hungry. e/ Even though the …………, Mary tried to finish her letter


* Homework: (1’): Has Ss write sentences to descibe the people in the two pictures on page 71 in their notebooks Get Ss write sentences, using adverbs clauses of concession

-Week : 28 Date of preparing : /3/ 2010 Period :55

Date of teaching: 22 /3/2010 CHỮA BAØI KIỂM TRA 45’



-I Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(2ms) a quiet b littered c plastics d bridge

2 a customer b truck c include d custard

3 a comfortable b coming c covered d continent

4 a cities b countries c babies d flies

II Choose the correct answer.(3ms)

1.He would rather me _ the problem by myself

a solve b solved c solving d to solve I know Lan I first met her _Christmas 2001 a at/in b at / at c on / in d in /in

3 We first met each other _we were at university a while b for c be d when

4 If I find your ring, I you at once

a phoned b will phone c would phone d to phone I can’t hear what she is saying Can you _ the volume? a turn in b turn on c turn off d turn over This is a house I used to live

a which b what c where d when

III Complete the sentences by using gerunds or to infinitive.(2,5 ms) I enjoy (listen) listening _to music

2 They disscussed (get) _getting _a new car You seem (be) to be in a good today It starts (rain) raining

5 I try (come) _to come class on time everyday IV Sentence transformation (1,5 ms).

1 I don’t have time to study I wish I had time to study.

2 I think you should sell the bicycle If I were you, I would sell the bicycle.

3 “Am I still speaking too aloud?” He ask He asked If he was still speaking too aloud.

V Make suggestions.(1ms) EX: - collect some money

I suggest collecting some money – give lessons to poor children


Week : 28 Date of preparing : 17/3/2010 Period : 56 Date of teaching: 22/3/2010

Unit 9:


(L1: Getting started - Listen & Read)

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: turn up, expect, thunderstorm, delta, trust Grammar: Relative clauses

III Techniques : Chatting, pre – question, gap - filling, questions – answers - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures , casstte player V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


(T – whole class)

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

1 Organiration: 2 Check-up: (K) 3 Warm up: Chatting

- What is the weather like today? - Do you like hot/ cold water?

- Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on the radio or on T.V?

- Do you think weather forecast is useful for us? How is it useful?

I/ Vocabulary:

- (to) turn up (v): (mime) :điều chỉnh to lên (âm T.V, radio)

- expect (v) (translation) : mong đợi, chờ đón

- thunderstorm (n): (picture): bão có sấm sét, mưa to

- delta(n): (visual):vùng châu thổ

- just in case (n): (translation): phòng khi, lỡ

- trust = rely on:(n)( synonym):tin tưởng, 1’ 5’



- Set the scene: “Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they both are watching T.V

- Give Ss some questions and ask them to guess the answers

- Give feedback

- Has Ss read the dialogue silently and exercise 2b on page 75

- Get them to share their answers with their partners

- Give feedback

- show the questions on the poster Ask Ss to answer the questions in pairs

- Get Ss to call out their answers teacher corrects if necessary - Has Ss practice asking and answering in pairs

- Let Ss listen to the dialogue and focus on the pronuncition

- Call on some Ss to play the roles of Thuy , grandmother and the

weatherman to practice the dialogue - Ask Ss to look at the map and the play the role of the weatherman to present the weather forcast, based on

tin thật

* Checking: What & Where

II/ pre - questions:

- What are they watching?

- They are watching the weather forecast on T.V

III/ Gap - filling: * Answer key:

1/ turn up/ weather forecast 2/ …… raining

3/ ……… thunderstorm 4/ ………… have temprature

5/ weatherforecast/ watching them IV/ comprehensionquestions:

* Answer key:

1/ Because she wants to listen to the weather forecast

2/ HCm City is the hottest

3/ She is going on to a park on the other side of Thang long Bridge with her old friends (she is going on a picnic)

4/ She want her to bring along a raincoat V/ Practice the dialogue:




8’ delta

expect trust



the information given

- Call on some Ss to present before the class

* Speaking

* Homework: (1’)

- Ask Ss to write a weather forecast The dialogue will help them Ss can change the information, the places………… Prepare “ Speak + Listen”

Week : 29 Date of preparing : 17/3/2010 Period : 57 Date of teaching: 24/3/2010

Unit 9:



(L2 : Speak + Listen)

I Objectives:Helping Ss will be able to talk about what they want to buy and to prepare for a typhoon

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: bucket, leak, latch, ladder, blanket, damage Grammar: Must/ May + Infinitive (Review)

III Techniques : Brainstorm, slap the board - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters V.Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to write the new words on the board

-Has Ss think about what they to prepare for a typhoon

- Has Ss to go to the board and write down

* Warm up: Chatting

- Have you ever heard of an earthquakes

- What happens if tere is an earthquakes?

- In which country earthquakes occur frequently?

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: write the new words on the board

3 Warm up: Brainstorm

cut some branches of high trees in the garden or around the house

buy food

store water

check the roof check the door

buy candles and the windows

buy oil, gas I/ Vocabulary:

1’ 4’ 5’


T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

- Write the Vietnamese translation all over the board

- call on Ss or teams of 4/5 Ss to the front of the class

- Call out the English words and two Ss run forward to slap the Vietnamese word on the blackboard

- Has Ss exercise 3a on page 76 The Ss have to check (v) what preparations they think should be done for a typhoon

- bucket (n): (visual): xô

- leak(n): (visual): chỗ thủng, chỗ dột - latch (n):( picture): chốt cửa - ladder (n): (picture) thang - blanket (n): (picture) mền

- damage (v): (synonym): phá hỏng, làm thiệt hại =spoil

- tie (v): (mine): cột, trói * Checking: Slap the board

II/ Revision: * Form

Must/ May + Infinitive * Use: In deduction or prediction * Practice

* Answer key:

-Buying some canned food - Buying candles

- Buying matches

- Filling all buckets with water - Buying a ladder

- Fixing the leak in the roof

- Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes

- Checking all the windows and door latches

III/ Brainstorm:

the water pipes will be damaged

a/ Why we need to buy foof?


10’ Cho thung

Pha hong

Cai xo

Cai thang Cai men


-Elicit some questions and get Ss to ask and answer in pairs

- Ss use the ideas in the bubbles on page 77 they can help Ss talk easily

- Ask Ss to use the expressions on page 77 when talking to one another

+ I think …………

+ I think you should ……… + Yes, I think so

+ What for?

- Divide the Ss into groups of four - Has Ss talk about what they think they want to buy and to prepare for a typhoon, explain “why”

Has Ss look at the box on page 77 and guess the words in the blanksfrom (1) to (9)

- Give feed back

- Has Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction

b/ What food we need to buy? c/ Why we need to buy candles? d/ Why we need to fill all buckets with water?

e/ Why we need to buy a ladder? f/ Why we need to check all the window and door latches?

* Answer key:

a/ because the market will be closed and no food will be available

b/ Rice, oil, canned food, soy sauce, flour, ……

c/ because there may be power out d/ because water pipers may be

damaged and we will not have enough water to use right after the typhoon e/ Because the roof may be damage by the typhoon and we have to fix it

f/ Just in case the strong wind pushes the doors open

LISTEN I/ Vocabulary:

- block (v): hạn chế, ngăn cản - roller (n): trục lăn, lăn

- strike (v)- struck – struck: va chạm - snout (n): mõm (của động đất) - hurricane (n): bão (ở bắc Nam Mỹ)

cyclone(n): lốc xoáy, bảo(ở Uùc) - eruption (n): phun trào núi lửa * Answer key:

1/ bottom shelf of the bookshelf 2/ fridge

3/ washing machine 4/ mirrors

5/ a window 6/ inside

7/ under a strong table 8/ doorway


9/ corner of a room

* Homework:(1’- Write something about what they have to to prepare for a typhoon

- Prepare “Read”

Week : 29 Date of preparing : /3/2010 Period : 58 Date of teaching: 24/3/2010

Unit 9:



(L3 : READ)

I.Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to get mome information about the natural disasters in the world

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: tidal wave, abrupt, shift, tornado, funnel shaped Grammar :

III Techniques :

- Matching and chatting, T/F statements, completion - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to write the new words on the board

-T show four pictures on page 74 and ask Ss to natch them with words: snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, typhoon

- Give Ss some question about the natural disasters

T: Present the new words

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: write the new words on the board

3 Warm up: Matching and chatting a/snowstorm: picture

b/ earthquake: picture c/ volcano: picture d/ typhoon: picture

+ How you know it is a snowstorm/ an earthquake/ a volcano/ a typhoon?

+ Have you ever experienced any of these natural disasters? What happened? How did you feel?

I/ Vocabulary:

- tidal wave (n): (translation):sóng thần - abrupt (adj): (synonym): quick, sudden bất ngờ, đột ngột

- shift (n): (definition): change of position: 1’ 4’ 5’


Ss: Listen and take notes

T: Set the scene: “There are statements about the information of some natural disasters All of you have to read them and guess ehether they are T or F

- Hang the poster of T/F statements on the board

- Get Ss to work in pairds to guess with statements are T and which are F

- get Ss to corredt false statements

- Has Ss work in pairs and complete the sentences in exercise 5b on page 79

- Devide the class into groups - Has Ss read the text again - Group ask a question Group 2, 3, answer it

- Group ask another question Group 1, 3, answer

- Go on until the four groups ask their questions

sự chuyển dịch, thay đổi

- funnel shaped (adj): (visual) có hình phễu

- (to) suck up: (translation): hút lên - tornado (n): lốc xoáy

-(hurricane = cyclone = typhoon ) II/ T/F statements prediction: * Answer key:

1/ T .2/ T

3/ F (A huge tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California)

4/ T

5/ F (The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the word’s largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years)

6/ T

III/ complete the sentences: * Answer key:

1/ …… Occur ( in the Ring of Fire)around the Pacific Rim

2/ ……… people were killed

3/ ……… there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth 4/ ………… a cyclone

5/ ………… the word “typhoon”

6/ ……… is funnel shaped and passes overland

IV/ Asking and answering: * Possible answers:

1/ Why people call the pacific Rim “ Ring or Fire”?

- Because 90% of earthquake ocurs about the pacific Rim

2/ What will happen when there is an abrupt in the underwater moment of the earth?

- Tidal waves will happen 3/ What does “typhoon” mean? - It means “big wind”

4/ can we predict a volcano?




- yes, The scientists can warm us about the eruption

* Homework: (1’- Write the exercise 5b into their notebooks, using their ideas. - Prepare “write”

Week : 30 Date of preparing : 28/3/2010 Period : 59 Date of teaching: 5/4/2010

Unit 9:



(L4 : WRITE)


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to write a story about a typhoon II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: behave, shelter, all of sudden Grammar:

III Techniques : Jumbled words, what and where, questions – answers, writing, correction Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to write the new words on the board

-Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board - Has Ss go to the board and arrange them

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

- Show six pictures on the board - Set the scene: “ This is Lan’s

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: write the new words on the board

3 Warm up: Jumbled words 1/ otnophy = typhoon

2/ danotro = tornado 3/ laconov = volcano

4/ tearquahke = earthqueke 5/ ormst = storm

I/ Vocabulary:

- (to) behave: cư xử, ứngxử - shelter (n): chỗ trú ngụ, ẩn nấp

- all of sudden = suddenly: bất ngờ, bổng nhiên

* Checking: What & Where II/ Telling the story:

* Picture 1:

- Who is this? It is Lan - Where is she?

She is outside/ in the garden

1’ 5’ 5’



family, they are at home”

- Ask some questions to ecilit the story

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and retell the story

- Has Ss write a story individually The cues in the box on page 79 will

- What is she doing?

She is playing with her dog, skippy Lan is outside playing with her dog * Picture 2:

- How is the dog?

It looks strange Perhap it is scared All of a sudden, The dog behaves strangely

* Picture 3:

- What is on T.V? The weather forecast - What doec Lan’s mother say?

She tells Lan that she has just heard on T.V that there is a typhoon coming

Lan ran home and her mother tells her that there is a typhoon coming

* Picture 4:

- What are they doing?

They are gathering and talking about the coming typhoon

Mrs Quyen gathers her family and asks them to find shelter in the house * Picture 5:

What is the weather like now?

It is very dark It has strong wind and heavy rain

* Picture 6:

What is the weather like now? It is fine

- How are they now? They all are happy

The storm finishes soon and everyone is glad

III/ Retell the story:

* Writing:

It was a beautiful day The sun was shiny,


help Ss to write easily - Ask Ss to use past tense

- T go around and help Ss to write - Get Ss to share with their partners and correct mistakes

- Take some writings to correct on front of the class

- Ask Ss to rewrite their writings

the sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan was outside playing with her dog, skippy

All of sudden, the begain behaving strangely She kept running around in circles Lan ran home with her dog and told her mother what skippy did Mrs Quyen, Lan’s mother told lan that she heard on T.V that there was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gathered the whole family and told them to find a shelter in the home They all come there

Suddenly, the sky became dark The storm came with strong wind and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad What a clever dog skippy was she saved lan from catching in the typhoon

IV/ Correct:

6’ * Homework: (1’)

- Get Ss to write another story They can make changes or add more details to the story Prepare L.F


Week : 30 Date of preparing : 1/4/2010 Period : 60 Date of teaching: 7/4/2010

Unit 9:



(L5 :

Language focus


I.Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to distinguish between defining Relative clauses and non defining Relative clauses

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: sweep, extensive, border Grammar:

III.Techniques : - Pelmanizm, matching - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to retell the story 1 Organiration:2 Check-up: retell the story


- Divide the class into two teams - Call out the questions and the Ss have to answer as quickly as possible The team having the right answers gets good marks The team which has more marks wins the game

- Has Ss work in pairs to the exercise in L.F 1- on page 81

- Ask them to answer the questions, using the relative pronouns which or who

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

I Presentation: 1 Quiz:

* Questions:

1/ Which country won the 1998 Tiger Cup? (Singapor)

2/ Which animal has or horns on its snout? (Rhinoceros)

3/ Which explorer discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)

4/ Which planet is closet to the earth? (Venus)

5/ Which animal was chosen to be the logo of Sea game 2003? (Buffalo)

6/ (Malaysia) 7/ (chewing gum) 8/ (water)

2/ Revision of who – which – on that: - who is used for people

- Which is used for thing

- That is used for both “who” or “which” * Practice: (L.F 1/P81)

a/ The city which was struck by ………… b/ The country which won the ………… c/ The animal which has … is rhinoceros d/The explorer who discovered is …… e/ The planet which is ………

f/ The animal which …… is buffalo g/ The Asean which is …… Is Malaysia h/ The food which can…… water II Vocabulary:

- (to) sweep – swept – swept: (mime): quét, đi, tràn ñi

- extensive (adj): (synonym): lớn, rộng lớn - (to) border : (visual): tiếp giáp với

* Defining and non defining relative clauses:

1/ The Novel has been lost You gave me the novel on my birthday

The Novel that you gave me on my birthday has been lost




- Give Ss two pairs of sentences and ask them to use Relative pronoun “who” or “which” to combine them - Help Ss distinguish between defining and non defining Relative clauses

- Has Ss to the exercise in L.F 3/P82

- Ask Ss to underline the Relative clauses in each sentence, then add commas to separate the non defining Relative clauses from the rest of the sentence

- Get Ss to work in pairs then ask some Ss to write the sentences on the board

- Has Ss the exercise in L.F 2/P81, 82

- Ask Ss to match each of the sentences in column A with related sentence in column B, then usesuitable relative pronoun to join them

- Get Ss to work individually then share with their partners

2/ Vietnam exports rice Vietnam is in the Southeast Asia

Vietnam which is in the Southeast Asia exports rice

* Note:

- We can not use “that” in a non defining Relative clause

- In a non defining Relative we can not leave out who or which

III Recogizing non defining relative clauses:

* Answer key:

b/ Kagaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails

c/ Ba, who lives in Trang Tien street, likes playing the guitar

d/ The Novel that you gave me on my birthday has been lost (defining Relative clause)

e/ Nei Armstrong, who first walked on the moon, lives in the USA

f/ The chair that I bought yesterday is broken (defining Relative clause) IV/ Matching:

* Answer key:

1/ e Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the capital city of california 2/g It snows in Lang Son, which is on Ky Cung river, in the winter of 2002

3/f Pompeii, which is an ancient city of Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount vesuvius

4/a Hurricane Andrew, which swept through Southern Florida in August 1992, killed 41 people and made more than 200,000 homeless

5/c The cyclone of Nov 1970 in

bangladesh, which killed about 500,000 people, was one of the worst natural



- Has Ss rewrite the sentences in L.F exercise on page 82

-Ask to replace each underlined clause with their own clause

disaster of the 20 century

6/d The most ……… History, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo 7/b The Oct 1989 …… earthquake, which measured ……… scale, caused ……… V/ Production:

* Writing: Ex:

a/ Vietnam, which is a small coutry, exports rice

b/ ba, who is my best friend, likes playing the guitar


* Homework:(1').

- Has Ss write some more (about 5) sentences with non defining relative clauses


Week : 31 Date of preparing : 10/4/2010 Period : 61 Date of teaching: /4/2010




Week : 31 Date of preparing : 11/4/2010 Period : 62 Date of teaching: 14/4/2010 Unit 10:


L1: - Getting started & Listen & Read

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to read a text about UFOs for details to complete the notes Know more about UFOs

II.Techniques : - Chatting, guessing, brainstorm, completion - Pairwork, groupwork

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: spacecraft, meteor, evidence, alien, capture Grammar:

IV.Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


- Has Ss guess three words

- Give Ss the number of the lettes of each wordnand give the definitions so that Ss can guess the words

- Show the pictures on page 83 to the Ss and ask them some questions about UFOs

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

- Get Ss to read the text and find the words in the text that heve the meaning given words in the text that have the

1 Organiration: 2 Check-up (K) 3 Warm up:

1/ ……… (unidentified)

this word has 12 letters It is the opposite of identified

2/ ……… (flying)

this word has letters It means moving through the air as a bird does

3/ ……… (objects)

this word has letters It is a form It means a thirty that can be scen or tourched

I/ Pre - reading: * Chatting:

- What can you see in the pictures? - What we call them in Vietnamese? - Do you know another word for UFOs? (flying saucer)

- Have you ever seen any films on UFOs?

- Do you want to see a UFOs?

What you want to know about UFOs? - If you saw a UFOs, what will you do? * Vocabulary:

- spacecraft (n): (picture): tàu vũ trụ - meteor (n): (visual): băng - evidence (n): (explanation): chứng

- alien (n): (explanation): người hành tinh khác

- capture (n): (synonym): baét = catch (v) - device (n): (translation):dụng cụ, thiết bị

- claim (v): (translation): đòi quyền, nhận

* Guessing the meaning of the words: 1’ 5'


meanings givens in 2a on page 84

- Ask Ss to work in pairs - Give feedback

- Has Ss to exercise 2b on page 84 - Get Ss to read the text again and complete the notes They have to work individually then compare with their partners

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentence

- Has the whole class discuss the topic UFOs

- choose a good student to be the leader - Give the leader some questions for him/ her to ask his/ her friends

II/ While reading: * Answer key:

1/ froof, support = evidence

2/ falling start or shooting star = meteor 3/ unknow/ strange people or thing = aliens

4/ Bringing tigether or gathering = colleting

5/ Caught as a prisoner = captured 6/ became impossible to see = disappeared

* Complete the notes:

a/ An air craft, a weather ballon or a meteor ………

b/ ………… nine large round objects traveling at about 2,800 meters an hour c/ ……… 1,500 UFO sightings d/ ……… a UFO above their e/ ……… An egg- shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples…………

f/ ……… claimed they were captured by aliens and taken abroad a spacecraft g/ ……… and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO …………

h/ ……… that he saw a plate- like device at a treetop 30 meters away ……… III/ Post reading:

* Discussion

- Do you believe in kenneths Arnold, or the woman who saw a UFO above her house?

- Have you ever seen a picture of an alien? Can you imagine what the aliens are like? Are they small or big? Are they interlligent?




* Homework:(1')

- Has Ss write the notes on page 84 in their notebook - Prepare “Speak + listen”


Week : 32 Date of preparing : 11/4/2010 Period : 63 Date of teaching: /4/2010 Unit 10:


L2 : Speak + Listen


Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to talk to one another about what they think there may be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: microorganism, gemstone, sparkling, creature Grammar: Revision of model verbs: May-might

III Techniques : - Wordsquare, matching, revision, drill - Pairwork, groupwork

IV.Teaching aids: Textbooks, poster, pictures. V.Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to write the new words on the board

- T prepare a poster

- Has Ss find out the words

- Ask Ss some questions about the slar system

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: write the new words on the board 3 Warm up:

S E A R T H Earth, moon

M U M E R C sun


S S R U B R Mars (hoả)


M O O N T S Merary (thuyû)

 Which planet is the nearest to the sun?  Which is the biggest?

 Which is the hottest? I/ Vocabulary:

- microorganism (n): (translation) : vi sinh vật - gemstone (n) : (realia) : đá quý

- sparkling (adj): (realia) : lấp lánh - creature (n): (translation) : sinh vật - trace (n): (visual) : dấu vết

- mineral (n): (example) : khoáng sản

1’ 4’




- T set the scene: “ A space tourist travelled to mars, he saw many things there and noted them down There are drawings of things Try to guess and match the drawings with their names”

- Number from to from left and right

- T uses the drawings to drill

- Has Ss practice the dialogue between Nam and Hung on page 85 - Call on some pairs of Ss to pratice the dialogue

- Correct their pronunciation

- Has Ss make up similar dialogues about the drawings, using the cues in 3a

II/ Revision of model verbs: May-might * Form:

May/ might + infinitive * Use:

- We use may, might to talk about present or future possibility

- Might is normolly a little less sure than may 1/ Matching:

* Answer key: 1/ minerals 2/ water 3/ mountains 4/ plants

5/ little creatures 6/ gas

7/ gemstore 2/ Drill: *Exchange: - What is this?

- This may be water in mars What are they?

- They may be minerals in mars What are they?

- They might be plants in mars What is this?

- This may be gas in mars What are they?

- They may be gemstore in mars What are they?

- They may be little creatures 3/ Practice the dialogue:

III/ Production: * Making dialogues:



- Call on some pairs of Ss to practice their dialogue before the class

- Give feed back

T: Set the scene: “you will listen to the description of the moon But before listening, you should read the statements on page 86 and guess which is correct and which is incorrect”

- Has Ss work in pairs to tick the statements that they think they are correct

- Has Ss listen to the trip twice and check their prediction

- Give Ss some question and ask them to work in pair toanswer them

- Let Ss listen to the tape once again (or twice) and they check their answers

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers

- Ask Ss to practice asking and


-You: What these drawings say?

- Your friend: There may be mountains on mars - You: And what about the red signs on the left corner?

- Your friend: Well, they might be gas on mars


I/ Vocabulary:

- expert (n): (definition): chuyên gia - crate (n): hố (bom), miệng núi lửa - one-sixth = phần sáu

- two – fifths = hai phần năm II/ Prediction:

a/ b/ c/ d/ e/ f/ g/ h/ i/ j/

* Listening and checking: a/ f/

c/ i/ d/ j/

* Comprehension questions:

1/ Why are they no sounds on the moon? 2/ How many craters are there on the moon? 3/ How much will you weigh on the moon if you weigh 50 kilos on the earth?

4/ Will you sleep very well on the moon? Why? Why not?

* Answer keys:


answering in pairs 1/ Because, there is no air on the moon

2/ There are about 30,000 craters on the moon 3/ If I weigh 50 kilos, I will weigh only a little more than kilos

4/ No, we won’t Because only day lasts for two weeks on the moon

* Homework (1’)

- Ask Ss to write the dialogue in their notebook - Prepare “Read”


Week : 32 Date of preparing : 18 /4/2010 Period : 64 Date of teaching:19/4/2010

Unit 10:


L3: Read

I Objectives:Helping Ss will be able to understand the text about aspace trip.know more about UFOs

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: push up, orbit, marvelous, physical condition Grammar:

III Techniques : Chatting, ordering statements, discussion - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to read the dialogue part “Speak”

- Prepare some pictures of a spaceship or a the first travel of man to the moon

- Shoe Ss those pictures and ask them some questions to inoolve Ss in the topic of the lesson

T: Present the new words

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: read the dialogue part “Speak” 3 Warm up: Chatting

- Do you want to travel?

- Have you ever traveled in our country or obroad?

- Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space?

I/ Vocabulary: - (to) push up: hít đất

- orbit (v), (n): di chuyển theo quỹ đạo, quỹ đạo

- totally (avd): hoàn toàn

1’ 4' 5'


Ss: Listen and take notes

- Show the poster of five statements on the board

- Has Ss work in pairs to put the statement in order to show what they need and get in joining a trip into space

- Has Ss read the text and check their guessing

- Has Ss read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions on page 87

- Call on some Ss to answer the question loudly

- Correct their answers

- Get Ss to practice asking and answering the questions

- Give Ss the topic of the discussions

- Divide the class into groups

- marvelous (adj): tuyệt diệu, kỳ diệu

- physical condition (n): tình trạng thể chất, thể lực

II/ Ordering statements: * Answer key:

a/ d/ b/ e/ c/

III/ Comprehension question: * Answer key:

1/ If you decide to take a space trip, you will have to run a lot, swim everyday and aerobics and push up to have an excelent physical condition

2/ If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from the doctor 3/ You can see pictures of the Earth, your coutry, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the tall mountains

4/ We can see those scenes 16 times a day 5/ We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling IV/ Dicussion:

If you were able to take a spacetrip, what would you to prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along?



* Homework:(1').

- Get Ss to write a short paragraph to answer the questions in the diacussion - Prepare “Write”


Week : 33 Date of preparing : 18/4/2010 Period : 65 Date of teaching: 26/4/2010

Unit 10:


L4: Write


II Language content: 1.Vocabulary: imagination, trick, man like creature, mysterious


III Techniques : Jumbled words, matching, questions and answers, correction - Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks. V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T: Ask Ss to read again the text & translate into vietnamese

- Write the words whose letter are in a random order on the board

Didive the class into two teams Ss from teams go to the board and write the correct words

The team which writes more correct words first wins the game

T: Present the new words Ss: Listen and take notes

- Get Ss to exercise 6a on page 88 - Have Ss read the outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in A

- Has Ss read the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: read again the text & translate into vietnamese

3 Warm up: Jumbled words - ucinionttrod = introduction - oybd = body

- nculcoonsi = conclusion

- taimnenterent = entertainment - caret = trace

- peapaceran = appearance

I/ Vocabulary:

- imagination (n): tưởng tượng - trick (n): mẹo, kỉ xảo

- man like creature (n): sinh vật giống người - mysterious (adj): bí hiểm

- flying sauce (n): đóa bay * Checking: What and where II/ Matching:

* Answer key: 1/ Introduction (ii) 2/ body (iii)

3/ Conclusion (i)

III/ Reading the dialogue:

* Comprehension questions:

1’ 4’ 5'




- Give Ss some queston to make sure they understand the dialogue

- call on some Ss to answer the questions

- Correct their answers

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs

- Get Ss to use Ba’s opinion to write an exposition about the existense of UFOs - Let Ss write the exposition

individually then share with their partners and correct mistakes by themsefves

- Collect some writings to correct the mistake before class

- call on some students to read aloud their writings

1/ Does An belive there are UFOs ? (No, he doesn’t)

2/ Does ba belive in UFOs? (Yes, he does)

3/ What does An think about UFOs? (He thinks that it might be people’s imagination)

4/ Why does Ba think UFOs exist?

(Because newpapers talk a lot about UFOs and many people around the world say they have seen flying saucers)

5/ What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs?

(there are plenty of photos of them and the mysterious circles on the fields)


* Suggested writing:

I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newspapers talked a lot about their appearance

First, many people from diffirent countries reported tha tonce saw flying saucers Second, there are many photos of flying saucers and some of the photographers said they saw man like creatures get out of the causers

Moreover, people are dicussing the mysterious circle on the fields in the countryside of Great Britain

So I think UFOs are not human’s

imagination They are real, and we should be ready to welcome their visits

* Correction:




-Week : 33 Date of preparing : 25/4/2010 Period : 66 Date of teaching: 28/4/2010

Unit 10:


L5: Language Focus

I Objectives: Helping Ss will be able to know more about the moon by listening and relative pronouns: Who, which, that

II Language content: 1.Vocabulary:

Grammar: Revision of modal verbs: May and might Revision of conditional sentences type 1: III Techniques : Prediction, reading comprehension, questions and answers

- Pairwork, groupwork

IV Teaching aids:Textbooks, pictures V Time: 45 minutes


Teaching steps:


T:Ask Ss to read the write about the existense of UFOs

- Write the words with their random letters on the board

- Divide the class into two teams Ss from two teams go to the board and write them

1 Organiration:

2 Check-up: read the write about the existense of UFOs

3 Warm up: Jumbled words - icrh = rich

- lockc = clock - tivis = visit - alrma = alarm - aienl = alien - pscea = space

I Revision of modal verbs: May and might - Form:

May/ Might+ infinitive - Use:

+ May/ might is used to talk about present of future possiblity

+ “Might” is normally a little less sure than “May”

1’ 5’ 5’


- Has Ss look at the pictures on page89, 90 to the exercise in L.F

- Get Ss to work in pairs They have to practice asking and answering

- Has Ss work in pairs to the exercise in L.F on page 90

- Ask Ss to use the verbs in the box to complete the five sentences, using conditional senteces type

- T set the scene “Ba is not rich so he can’t travel around the world.

- Ask Ss to complete the sentence

- Ask Ss to L.F on page 90 They have to work with a partners and make conditional sentences type

- Give example first (3a)

- Drill:

a/ What may it be?

It may be a book or it might be a game b/ What may it be?

It may a box of crayons or it might be a box of paint

c/ What may it be?

It may be a football or it might be a basketball d/ What may it be?

It may be a boat or it might be a train e/ What may it be?

It may be a flying saucer or it might be a meteor

f/ What may it be?

It may be a evening star or it mingt be a spacecraft

II/ Revision of conditional sentences type 1: * Form:

- If clause: Simple present

- main cluase: Simple future (will + V)

* Use:

Điều kiện loại điều kiện xảy hay tương lai

* Drill:

a/ If Ba forgets his lunch, he will be hungry at lunch time

b/ Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry c/ If Ha is not careful, he will drop the cup d/ If Mrs nga join us , she’ll finish her work early

e/ If Mrs Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy

II/ Conditional sentence type 2: If Ba ……… rich, he ……… around……… Ba were rich, he would travel around the world

* Form:

- If clause: Past simple tense/ past subjunctive


- Let Ss work in pairs

- Give feedback and correct

(Riêng Tobe dùng “were” cho tát ngôi) - Main clause: would/ could/ might +V

* Use:

câu điều kiện loại dùng để diễn tả việc khơng có thật tương lai, giả thuyết

* Drill:

b/ If Mr Loc had a car, he would drive to work c/ If Lan lived in HCM City, she would visit Saigon water park

d/ If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time

e/ If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents everyday

f/ If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well

g/ If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades

h/ If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer

* Homework: (1’)

-Put sentences with “may” and “might”


Week : 34 Date of preparing : /4/2010 Period : 67 Date of teaching: /5/2010




Week : 34 Date of preparing : /5/2010 Period : 68 Date of teaching: /5/2010


I/ Complete these sentences with the right forms of the words : I (see) her last year

- Where you (be) two days ago ?


3 Mrs Green always (go) to work by car ?

- When he comes, I (watch) T.V

- She (be) here in two days

- Don’t make noise ! My father (sleep)

- What Nam (do) when you came yesterday ?

- She prefers (play) sports to (watch) T.V

- What about (visit) Huong pogoda ?

- 10.At this time last year, we (stay) in Paris

- II/ Rewrite these sentences (15ms)

1 He plays soccer skillfully

- Nam should drink milk before bedtime

- What about listening to pop music ?

- She is a good swimmer

- Nam loves to play video games

- Nam doesn’t learn English as well as Mai

- Nobody in this class is as intelligent as Binh

- Lan wrote faster that Mai

- What a lovely girl !

-How ! 10 Collecting stamps is one of Lan’s interests


III/ Choose the right words or phrases in the blankets to complete these sentences (15ms)

1 I have no time _the moment

a.on b.in c.at

2 Nam runs fast and Lan does _

a.so b.too c.either

3 Mr Minh will meet you _ the beginning of the month

a.on b.in c.at

4 _ students like playing soccer in their freetime

a.Most b.Most of c.A little

5 My father always drivers his car _ a.care b.carefully c.careful

6 Jane isn’t always going to school on time and Jonh isn’t _ a.too b.either c.neither

7 I don’t know how _ this exercise

a.do b.doing c.to

8 She is adsent _ class because of illness

a.to b.of c.from

9 She doesn’t have _ money

a.some b.many c.much

10.I can speak _ English a.a few b.a little c.much

IV/ Use these cues to write complete sentences (5ms) I / interested / read / picture books

- They / sstop / discuss / the problen of pollution ten minutes ago

- You / enjoy / watch / films / T.V ?

- Would / like / come / my / house / dinner / tonight ?

- Nam / play / tennis / skillfully / than / Tom

- *******************************************

I Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(2 ms) a funnel b funny c funeral d tunnel

2 a treat b heat c beat d sweater

3 a carry b start c smart d card


II.Choose the best answer( 3ms)

1 Christmas is an important _in European countries

a celebration b holiday c competition d festival We always have a _ on the New Year’s Eve

a party b meeting c dancing d club

3 According to the weather it will be windy and cloudy tomorrow


a foretell b foresee c forecast d foreman In 1995, a huge earthquake _the city of Kobe in Japan a struck b happened c took place d occurred

5 Tidal waves are the of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth

a event b result c affect d work Tornadoes can _anything that is in their way a a given up b get up c suck up d bring up

III Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences: (2 ms).

1 Last year we (go) went_ _ to Finland for a holiday We (stay) stayed there for three weeks

2 We (not / have) didn’t have a holiday last year

3 (you / watch)_Were you watching _television when I phoned you? He _left (leave) for Hai Phong yesterday

IV Fill in the blanks with the words given (3 ms)

6 grow 1 is 4 back 3 are 5 where 2 from

My house (1) not big but it is very clean and cosy It’s a brick house of four rooms with a shed, near schools and not far (2) _ the downtown area There (3) _four rooms in the house : a living room, a kitchen and two bedrooms There are also a small garden at the (4) _of the house (5) _I (6) _many different kinds of flowers

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2021, 22:51


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