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Tổng hợp ngữ pháp cơ bản từ Units 9-16

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Nội dung

Nội động từ diễn tả hành động của chủ thể không tác động trực tiếp lên bất kỳ đối tượng nào, không có hoặc không cần bổ ngữ trực tiếp để tạo thành 1 câu có nghĩa.. Ví dụ:.[r]




Unit 9: Deserts So therefore

So therefore nói chúng có nghĩa nhau, dùng cho mối quan hệ nguyên nhân - kết quả, đơi dùng thay cho ta cần phải phân biệt từ nhằm hiểu sử dụng cho đúng:

- so dùng nói nguyên nhân - kết quả, ngẫu nhiên thời, nguyên nhân kết quả, therefore kết q trình có logic, nhiều nguyên nhân;

- so không đứng đầu câu (trong văn viết), thường đứng câu trước có dấu phẩy; - therefore đứng đầu câu, sau có dấu phẩy;

- therefore đứng câu, trước có dấu chấm phẩy, sau có dấu phẩy khơng có, có dấu phẩy trước sau;

- therefore đứng cuối câu, trước có dấu phẩy;

- so dùng thơng dụng văn nói, therefore trang trọng hơn, thường dùng văn viết; Ví dụ:

It started to rain hard; therefore we decided to stay at home to watch TV It was midnight, so they closed the restaurant and went home

2 But however

But however nói có nghĩa tương tự nhau, nhưng:

- But nghĩa nối mệnh đề trái ngược hoàn toàn vế trước đối nghịch nguyên nhân gây sau;

- However nghĩa nhiên, thể nhượng bộ, nói trái ngược khơng đối nghịch hồn tồn, ý định nhận mạnh phần sau phần trước, ý nói phần trước khơng đáng kể so với phần sau;

Ví dụ:

This is the shortest way to the city center; however it is not the only way The boy was able to learn English, but he is very lazy

Unit 10: Endangered Species Ôn tập động từ khuyết thiếu:

1 May/might

- may dạng khứ might diễn tả xin phép, cho phép Ví dụ:

May I take this book? – Yes, you may She asked if she might go to the party

- may/might dùng diễn tả khả xảy hay khơng thể xảy Ví dụ:


He admitted that the news might be true

- Dùng câu cảm thán may/might diễn tả lời cầu chúc Ví dụ:

May all your dreams come true!

- may/might dùng mệnh đề theo sau động từ “hope” (hy vọng) “trust” (tin tưởng) Ví dụ:

I trust (hope) that you may find this plan to your satisfaction He trust (hope) that we might find the plan to our satisfaction

- may/might dùng thay cho mệnh đề trạng ngữ nhượng (adverb clauses of concession)

Ví dụ:

He may be poor, but he is honest

Try as he may, he will not pass the examination Try as he might, he could not pass the examination

- may/might thường dùng mệnh đề trạng ngữ mục đích (adverb clauses of purpose) Trong trường hợp người ta thường dùng can/could để thay cho may/might Ví dụ:

She was studying so that she might read English books

- might (không dùng may) dùng câu để diễn tả lời trách mắng có tính hờn dỗi

Ví dụ:

You might listen when I am talking to you You might try to be a little more helpful Must, mustn’t needn’t

- must động từ khuyết thiếu có hình thức - must có nghĩa “phải” diễn tả mệnh lệnh hay bắt buộc Ví dụ:

You must get up earily in the morning

- must đưa lời khuyên suy luận mang tính chắn, yêu cầu nhấn mạnh Ví dụ:

You must be hungry after work hard - must not/mustn’t diễn tả cấm đoán Ví dụ:

You mustn’t walk on the grass

- Khi muốn diễn tả thể phủ định must với ý nghĩa “không cần thiết” người ta sử dụng need not/ needn’t


Must I it now? – No, you needn’t

Unit 11: Books Động từ khuyết thiếu câu bị động:

Công thức chung:

Chủ động: S + can/must/have to/ + V1 + O

=> Bị động: S' + can/must/have to/ + be V3/V-ed (+ by O') Chủ động: S + can/must/ + have V3/V-ed + O

=> Bị động: S' + can/must/ + have been V3/V-ed (+ by O') Chú ý:

- Không dùng: by them/people/someone/no one/me/you/him/her/it/us; - nơi chốn + by O + thời gian;

Unit 12: Water Sports Nội động từ (Intransivtive verbs)

Nội động từ diễn tả hành động chủ thể không tác động trực tiếp lên đối tượng nào, khơng có khơng cần bổ ngữ trực tiếp để tạo thành câu có nghĩa

Một số nội động từ như: go, sit, run, lie, Ví dụ:

Birds fly He walks

2 Ngoại động từ (Transitive Verb)

Ngoại động từ hành động chủ thể tác động đến đối tượng khác Ngoại động từ không mà phải kèm theo bổ ngữ trực tiếp để thành câu có nghĩa Một số ngoại động từ: buy, make, give, send,

Ví dụ:

The cat killed the mouse Lưu ý

Sự phân chia ngoại động từ nội động từ tương đối Một số động từ vừa nội động từ lại vừa ngoại động từ, nghĩa chúng thay đổi

Một số động từ vừa ngoại động từ nội động từ: ring, stop, write, break, help, Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games

So sánh kép (Double comparision) Cùng tính từ

Cấu trúc:

- Tính từ/Trạng từ ngắn: S + V + adj/adv + ‘er’ + and + adj/adv + ‘er’ - Tính từ/Trạng từ dài: S + V + more and more + adj/adv

Ví dụ:


His daughter becomes more and more intelligent Hai tính từ khác

Cấu trúc:

The + comparative + S + V the + comparative + S + V (The + comparative : The + từ dạng so sánh hơn) Ví dụ:

The richer she is the more selfish she becomes The more intelligent he is the lazier he becomes Dạng ‘càng ’

Cấu trúc:

The + S + V + the + comparative + S + V Ví dụ:

The more we study the more stupid we feel

Lưu ý: Trong câu so sánh kép, túc từ danh từ ta đặt danh từ sau tính từ so sánh

Ví dụ:

The more vocabulary we know the better we speak Các cụm động từ (Phrasal verbs)

Phrasal verb cấu thành động từ (verb) giới từ (preposition) Tùy động từ có đại từ (Pronoun) kèm, đứng trước sau giới từ Dưới danh sách cụm động từ (phrasal verbs) thường gặp

STT Cụm động từ Nghĩa

1 Make up for bù đắp, đền bù

2 Make up with giảng hòa

3 Come up with nảy , nghĩ

4 Come across (= run into) tình cờ gặp

5 Carry out thực

6 Carry on tiếp tục

7 Bring about đem lại, mang

8 Put up with chịu đựng

9 Stand in for thay

10 Keep in touch with sb giữ liên lạc với

11 Set up thành lập



Get on well with sb = get along with sb = be in good relationship with sb = be on good terms

with sb có quan hệ tốt với

14 Be on duty làm nhiệm vụ

15 Look after = take care of chăm sóc

16 Turn up xuất

17 Turn into trở thành, hóa thành

18 Turn out hóa ra, trở nên

19 Get over vượt qua

20 Make out = take in = understand hiểu

21 Pick up nhặt; đón;

22 Look down on/upon sb coi thường

23 Try out = test thử, kiểm tra

24 Put off hoãn

25 Take off cởi (trang phục); cất cánh (máy bay)

26 Go off

nổ( bom, súng ); ôi thiu ( thức ăn); kêu ( chuông đồng hồ)

27 Put aside để dành, tiết kiệm

28 See sb off tiễn

29 Cut down on cắt giảm

30 Come round tỉnh lại, hồi phục

31 Get away from tránh xa

32 Go down with mắc phải, nhiễm phải (bệnh)

33 Bring up nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ

34 Catch on (= be popular) phổ biến

35 Give up từ bỏ

36 Take in lừa

37 On account of = because of


39 Take up bắt đầu sở thích, chơi mơn thể thao

40 Result in = lead to gây

41 Make up one’s mind định

42 Go up tăng lên

43 Break down hỏng; vỡ

44 Take after = look like giống

45 Let sb down làm thất vọng

46 Count on = rely on = trust in tin tưởng, dựa vào 47 Be fond of = be interested in = be keen on thích, say mê

48 Take over nắm quyền, thay

49 Get on lên xe

50 Get off xuống xe

51 Look into điều tra

52 Run out of hết, cạn kiệt

53 Make use of tận dụng

54 be out of order hỏng

55 be out of date lỗi thời

56 be out of work thất nghiệp

57 be out of control tầm kiểm soát

58 Turn down bác bỏ, từ chối; vặn nhỏ (âm thanh) Unit 15: Women in Society

(*) Các cụm động từ (tiếp): Ôn lại bảng cụm động từ thường gặp học Unit 14

STT Cụm động từ Nghĩa

1 Make up for bù đắp, đền bù

2 Make up with giảng hòa

3 Come up with nảy , nghĩ

4 Come across (= run into) tình cờ gặp


6 Carry on tiếp tục

7 Bring about đem lại, mang

8 Put up with chịu đựng

9 Stand in for thay

10 Keep in touch with sb giữ liên lạc với

11 Set up thành lập

12 Catch up with = keep pace with = keep up with bắt kịp với 13 Get on well with sb = get along with sb = be in good relationship with sb = be on good terms

with sb

có quan hệ tốt với

14 Be on duty làm nhiệm vụ

15 Look after = take care of chăm sóc

16 Turn up xuất

17 Turn into trở thành, hóa thành

18 Turn out hóa ra, trở nên

19 Get over vượt qua

20 Make out = take in = understand hiểu

21 Pick up nhặt; đón;

22 Look down on/upon sb coi thường

23 Try out = test thử, kiểm tra

24 Put off hoãn

25 Take off cởi (trang phục); cất cánh (máy bay)

26 Go off nổ( bom, súng ); ôi thiu ( thức ăn); kêu ( chuông đồng hồ)

27 Put aside để dành, tiết kiệm

28 See sb off tiễn

29 Cut down on cắt giảm

30 Come round tỉnh lại, hồi phục


32 Go down with mắc phải, nhiễm phải (bệnh)

33 Bring up nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ

34 Catch on (= be popular) phổ biến

35 Give up từ bỏ

36 Take in lừa

37 On account of = because of

38 On behalf of thay mặt

39 Take up bắt đầu sở thích, chơi mơn thể thao

40 Result in = lead to gây

41 Make up one’s mind định

42 Go up tăng lên

43 Break down hỏng; vỡ

44 Take after = look like giống

45 Let sb down làm thất vọng

46 Count on = rely on = trust in tin tưởng, dựa vào 47 Be fond of = be interested in = be keen on thích, say mê

48 Take over nắm quyền, thay

49 Get on lên xe

50 Get off xuống xe

51 Look into điều tra

52 Run out of hết, cạn kiệt

53 Make use of tận dụng

54 be out of order hỏng

55 be out of date lỗi thời

56 be out of work thất nghiệp

57 be out of control tầm kiểm soát


Unit 16: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian thường bắt đầu trạng từ thời gian như: when, while, after, before, since, until, as soon as,…

a Tương lai đơn + until / when / as soon as + Hiện đơn Ví dụ: I will wait here until she comes back

b Tương lai đơn + after + Hiện hoàn thành

Ví dụ: He will go home after he has finished his work c While / when / as + Quá khứ tiếp diễn/Quá khứ đơn Ví dụ: While I was going to school, I met my friend

d Quá khứ đơn + while / when / as + Quá khứ hồn thành Ví dụ: It started to rain while the boys were playing football e Quá khứ tiếp diễn + while + Quá khứ tiếp diễn

Ví dụ: Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister was playing games f Hiện hoàn thành + since + Qúa khứ đơn

Ví dụ: I have worked here since I graduated

g Tương lai hoàn thành + by / by the time + Hiện đơn Ví dụ: They will have left by the time you arrive

h Qúa khứ hoàn thành + by the time / before + Qúa khứ đơn Ví dụ: He had left by the time I came

i After + Qúa khứ hồn thành/Q khứ đơn

Ví dụ: After I had finished my homework, I went to bed PHẦN B: VÍ DỤ

Câu 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A swift B slim C smile D snippy

Câu 2: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences We saw two policemen after the thief

A was running B to run C ran D run

Câu 3: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one “Shall I make you a coffee?” the girl said to the lady

A The girl wanted to make the lady coffee B The girl offered to make the lady a coffee C The girl refused to make the lady a coffee D The girl promised to make the lady coffee Câu 4: Choose the correct sentence that was made from the suggested words


D Although the fire spread quickly, everybody was able to escape

Câu 5: Choose the correct sentence that was made from the suggested words It / be / birthday / we / present / him / book//

A It was on his birthday that we present him a book B It is at his birthday which we will present him a book C It was for his birthday and we would present him a book, D It will be on his birthday when we present him a book

Câu 6: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences We were good friends We each other for a long time

A have know B had known C had been knowing D knew

Câu 7: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A swagger B small C snack D slang

Câu 8: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) I gave my address to a man I met him on the train last Sunday


Câu 9: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one “I am sorry I forgot to post your letter,” Phong said to me,

A Phong said that he is sorry he forgot to post my letter B Phong apologized me to forget to post my letter C Phong apologized for forgetting to post my letter D Phong was sorry that he forgot posting my letter Câu 10: Choose a word that has different stress pattern A dedicate B recipient C average D cosmonaut Câu 11: Choose a word that has different stress patter A proportion B resource C fertilizer D accomplish

Câu 12: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A steamer B sweater C sleepy D sneeze

Câu 13: it is said that he has friends of his age A little B plenty C a lot D few

Câu 14: Choose the correct sentence that was made from the suggested words Most / goods / make / this / factory / export//

A Most of the goods that made in this factory is for exporting B Most of the goods made in this factory are exported C Most of goods making at this factory is exported D Most of goods that make at this factory for export


Many people have complaint about the dirt from the factory A B C D

Câu 16: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) Not only the athlete but also his wife are going to the party tonight


Câu 17: Choose the correct sentence that was made from the suggested words Not / parents / but / son / invite / reception//

A Not only parents but the son also had invited to the reception B Not only the parents but also their son was invited to the reception C Not only the parents but also the son were invited to a reception D Not only parents but also the son have been invited to a reception Câu 18: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one It’s a pity we don’t have a steak to cook over our camp fire

A We will cook it over our camp fire if we had a steak B If we have a steak, we shall cook it over our camp fire

C We would have cooked it over our camp fire if we had had a steak D If we had a steak, we could cook it over our camp fire

Câu 19: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) We admire Nam for his intelligence , cheerful disposition and he is honest


Câu 20: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

The first human moon landing is one of the most important _ events in the 20th century A historic B historian C history D historical

Câu 21: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) Jim said the switch was dangerous and warned me don’t touch it


Câu 22: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one John Smith is a farmer I bought his land

A John Smith, whom I bought his land, is a farmer B John Smith, whose land I bought, is a farmer C John Smith, who is a farmer, whose land I bought D John Smith, who is a farmer, bought his land

Câu 23: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) Are you sure Tereshkova was the first woman traveling in space ?



A lot of people will be out of work if the factory were closed down


Câu 25: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them


Câu 26: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences He had no of selling the clock- it had belonged to his grandfather A interest B intention C meaning D happiness

Câu 27: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences It is hoped that illiteracy will soon be in our country

A postponed B ceased C eradicated D decreased

Câu 28: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences Our post office offers a very _ rate for parcels of under 15 kg A competition B competive C competitional D competitive Câu 29: Choose a word that has different stress patter

A resource B breakthrough C accomplish D effort

Câu 30: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences He is learning English he can study in England

A so as to B in order C in order to D so that

Câu 31: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A swallow B snowy C slowly D crown

Câu 32: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A smog B sloppy C swollen D snob

Câu 33: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one Tom is going to Mary’s birthday and I’m, too

A Tom is going to Mary’s birthday, but I’m not B Neither Tom nor I am going to Mary’s birthday C Either Tom or I am going to Mary’s birthday D Both Tom and I are going to Mary’s birthday

Câu 34: Choose a word that has different stress pattern A gymnast B enlist C venture D campground

Câu 35: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences If she hadn’t been sick, she with me to the party

A would go B went C had gone D would have gone



Câu 37: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences _he did not attend the English class, he knew the lesson quite well A Despite B Although C In spite of D However

Câu 38: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences The mail scarcely ever arrives before noon _?

A don’t they B is it C does it D doesn’t it

Câu 39: Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence ( A, B, C or D) She is said is living with her aunt in London at the moment


Câu 40: Choose the correct sentence that was made from the suggested words he/ think / live / Paris / five years//

A He is thought to live in Paris five years ago B he is though to have lived in Paris for five years C He is thought he lived in Paris for five years D he was thought that lived in Paris five years ago

Câu 41: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences I hadn’t realized he was English he spoke

A in case B only after C until D when

Câu 42: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences Don’t waste time _ that6 broken vase

A to mend B mending C for mending D on mend Câu 43: Choose a word that has different stress pattern A biography B alternative C aspiration D appreciate

Câu 44: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences I don’t mind waiting for a few minutes

A being kept B to keep C to be kept D keeping

Câu 45: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

Only 489 athletes from 11 nations in the 1st Asian Games in New Delhi, India A joined with B struggled C took part D concentrated


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank from 46 to 55 SAVING ENERGY IN THE OFFICE


include fear of (48) the machine, (49) _of knowledge of the actual cost of running the machine, and just plain laziness

(50) _to control the energy usage of office equipment is wasteful, and can (51) _to costs far higher than most managers, (52) _ The Energy Efficiency & (53) _Authority (EECA) is introducing twofold programme aimed at (54) _the $ 50m which is wasted every year in New Zealand’s offices Office machines in New Zealand consume 370 GWh of energy per year, or about 1% of the country’s (55) electricity consumptiom Câu 46: A result B count C progress D growth

Câu 47: A switched B remained C stayed D driven Câu 48: A spoiling B hurting C damaging D offending Câu 49: A want B need C gap D lack

Câu 50: A Neglect B Failure C Prevention D Loss

Câu 51: A lead B come C take D keep

Câu 52: A explain B realize C decide D produce

Câu 53: A Contract B Convert C Conservation D Conference Câu 54: A saving B sparing C removing D controlling

Câu 55: A all B whole C same D total PHẦN III

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each questionfrom 56 to 60 When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career I decided to give them the confidence to get out and run

I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed by the attitude of many race organizers They complain about the lack of women in the sport but also use this as an excuse for not providing separate changing facilities

I put up posters 40 women, young and old, fit and unfit, joined All of them were attracted by the idea of losing weight but I don’t think they had really thought about running before When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training They didn’t think of chatting and smiling while running in beautiful places, like by a river

At first they ran for only a minute- now they can run for thirty minutes They’ve also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general

I wanted to something for women’s running and I’ve had so much pleasure watching their progress- almost as much as they’ve had themselves

Câu 56: What is the writer’s main aim in writing the text?

A to describe good running methods B to complain about race organizers C to talk about women runners D to describe her own running career Câu 57: What would a reader find out from the text?

A the teaching skills of the writer B the best kinds of places for running


D the progress made by the women in the club

Câu 58: What is the writer’s opinion of the runners she trained? A They were too serious B They were difficult to train

C They needed encouraging D They couldn’t develop their skills Câu 59: Why did the women join the running club?

A to help them lose weight B to meet other people C to have a good time D to become top runners

Câu 60: Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster? A Athletics competitions: how to win B Keep fit by training hard

C Discover the pleasure of running D Riverside Running Club for Women ĐÁP ÁN

1C 2D 3B 4D 5A 6B 7B 8C 9C 10B 11C 12B 13D 14B 15B 16C 17B 18D 19D 20D 21C 22B 23C 24B 25B 26B 27C 28D 29D 30D 31D 32C 33D 34B 35D 36A 37B 38C 39A 40B 41C 42B

43C 44A 45C 46D 47A 48C 49D 50B 51A 52B 53C 54A 55D 56C 57D 58C 59A 60C Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _?

A turn on B turn off C go on D look after

2 Who will the children while you go out to work? A look for B look up C look after D look at Please the light, it’s getting dark here

A turn on B turn off C turn over D turn into

4 The nurse has to _ at the midnight {take (sth) over: take control of or responsibility for}

A take care B take on C take over C take off There is an inflation The prices

A are going on B are going down C are going over D are going up Remember to _ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house

A take care B take on C take over C take off You can the new words in the dictionary

A look for B look after C look up D look at It’s cold outside your coat

A Put on B Put down C Put off D Put into Frank never turns up on time for a meeting

A calls B arrives C reports D prepares

10 Never put off until tomorrow what you can today.{ p ut off: postpone: delay} A B let C delay D leave


12 The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town A went on B went out C went off D went away

13 John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute A take part in B take over C take place D take care of

14 Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _ his boss A up to B on for C on well with D in with

15 Why they talking about money all the time? A keep on B give up C take after D stop by 16 My father gave up smoking two years ago

A liked B continued C stopped D enjoyed

17 The government hopes to _ its plans for introducing cable TV A turn out B carry out C carry on D keep on

18 When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _ the gas supply to the flat

A cut down B cut out C cut off D cut up 19 Look out! There’s a car coming!

A The car is behind you, so you should run B Don’t go away because the car is coming

C Hurry up or you will be late for the car

D You should be careful because the car is coming 20 I was born in Scotland but I in Northern Ireland

A grew up B raised C brought up D rose 21 How you start the computer?

A How does the computer turn on? B How you turn on the computer? C How you turn the computer on? D Both B and C are correct

22 I/ not accept/ offer/ turn down/

A I couldn’t accept his offer to avoid turning down him B I couldn’t accept his offer because he was turned down C I couldn’t accept his offer, so I turned it down

D I couldn’t accept his offer whether I was turned down 23 Both Ann and her sister look like her mother

A take after B take place C take away D take on

24 I’ll be back in a minute, Jane I just want to try out my new tape recorder A resemble B test C arrive D buy

25 She got angry when they started to……… her private life

A ask for B enquire after C ask about D enquire with


A dropped out B closed down C broke up D made up 27 Gertrude takes……….her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair too

A in B up C after D down

28 It took him a long time to ……… the death of his wife

A take away B get over C take off D get through

29 There were so many kinds of cameras………., and I didn't know which to buy A to choose B choosing from

C chosen D to choose from

30 Billy hasn't been working; he won't……… his examinations A get off B get through C keep up D keep off 31 They arrived……… the airport……… good time for the plane

A in - on B to - in C at - in D to - for

32 Did Mr Tan……… the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? A take away B take over C take up D take off 33 Paula applied for the post but she was………

A turned down B checked out C kept under D pushed ahead 34 If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to……… more staff

A give up B add in C gain on D take on 35 Why they……… talking about money all the time?

A keep on B side with C take after D work off

36 In addition to Mr Thomas and Miss White, the principal……… attend the school party A is likely B is going to C are likely D are going to

37 We were too tired to wash after the meal A over B out C up D on

38 I don't know whether I'll go out tonight It depends how I feel A in B at C on D over

39 The police made an appeal the public to remain calm A by B to C at D for

40 These policies in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship A recalled B succeeded C resulted D resigned

41 Part of the path had been by the sea.` `

A washed over B washed away C washed down D made in -




I Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

a disaster b prisoner c agency d family

a international b federation c society d conservation

II Choose the- word whose underlined part is pronounced differently

a gold b region c organize d game

a punch b synchronized c March d touching

a visited b decided c engaged d disappointed III Choose the best answer:

When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he ………… it

a swallows b chews and digests c tastes d dips into

7.’’ Thank you for your nice gift.’’ “………’’

a But you know how much it costs ? b You‘re welcome

c In fact I myself don’t like it d I’m glad you like it “Let’s go to the movie now,’’ Oh!

a Good idea! b I don’t c Why’s that? d I need it The Red List is a special book that provides names of …… animals

a hunted b vulnerable and endangered c endangered d


10 He is unreliable What he says _ be believed

a cannot b must not c may not d might not

11 The picnic because Peter has just had a traffic accident

a will cancel b will be cancelling c will be cancelled d will have


12 We have plenty of time for doing the work We _ be hurried

a need not b should not c must not d may not 13 …… books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with pictures a Comic b Thriller c Romantic d Science 14 .’’What are you doing this weekend?’’ ‘’……….”

a I think it will be interesting b I’m very busy now

c I hope it isn’t raining d I plan to visit my aunt 15 I have earned my own living…… I was fifteen

a while b when c since d as soon as 16 A…….is the one who can keep ball with both hands

a defender b midfielder c attacker d goalkeeper


18 mountain/ the / gorilla / on the verge/ is / of extinction

a Extinction ofthe mountain gorilla is on the verge

b On the verge the mountain gorilla is of extinction c The mountain gorilla of on the verge is extinction

d The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction

19 in / the / home/ are/ and / books / one of / wonderful sources / the/ of / knowledge / pleasure a The wonderful sources of knowledge and pleasure in the home are one of books

b One of the wonderful sources of knowledge and pleasure are books in the home c In the home books are one of the wonderful source of knowledge and pleasure

d Books in the home are one of the wonderful sources of knowledge and pleasure

20 Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to so unless urgent action is taken

a vanishing b damaging c polluting d destroying

21 Government have passed laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade

a enabled b enforced c enacted d ensured

22 - “ ” - “Oh, it’s great!”

a How is the English competition like? b Would you like the English competition? c What you like about the English competition? d What you think of the English


23 Poisonous gases … many factories destroy the ozone layer

a over b from c above d around

24 We first each other in London in 2006

a met b have met c meet d had met 25 Try……….how the other person feels

a realize b to realize c realizing

d not to realize

26 Our teacher came in when we _noisily

a had talked b were talking c are talking

d have been talking

27 : - “You look nice today I like your new hairstyle.” - “ ……….”

a It’s nice of you to say so b Shall I? Thanks c Oh, we done! d I feel interesting to hear that

28 Jack was my _ in the tennis match

A opposing B opponent C opposition D


29 Most Americans don’t object _being called their first names

A for B to C in D about


A had stressed B have stressed C stressed D stresses


1A 2C 3B 4B 5C 6B 7D 8A 9B 10B 11C 12A 13A 14D 15C 16D 17D 18D 19D 20A 21C 22A 23B 24A 25B 26B 27A 28B 29B 30C

VI Error Identification

31 Most of the houses on this street were build in the previous century A B C D

32 People who have drunk alcohol must not to drive at any cost A B C D

33 It is Ha Long Bay that was recognized as the World Heritage Site by the UNESCO A B C D

34 Have you ever read "Oliver Twist," a interesting novel written by Charles Dickens ? A B C D

35 The machine can turned on by pressing this switch


36.My father doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink

a My father doesn’t smoke but he drinks b My father neither smokes nor drinks

c My father enjoys smoking and drinking d My father not only smokes but also drinks

37 “Remember to bring your books,” he said

a He reminded me to bring my books b He warned me against bringing my books

c He asked me if I remembered to bring my books d He said I

remembered to bring my books

38 Mary / not stand / kept / wait / such / long

a Mary can’t stand being kept to wait such a long time b Mary can’t stand be kept waiting for such a long time

c Mary can’t stand being kept waiting for such a long time

d Mary doesn’t stand to be kept waiting for such long time 39 What / population / of / Ho Chi Minh City?

a What Ho Chi Minh s population is it? b What is the population of Ho Chi

Minh City?

c What makes the population in Ho Chi Minh City? d What population is in the Ho Chi Minh City?

40……… , he wouldn’t have missed the train

a If he listened to me b Unless she had listened to me c If he had listened to me d If he



31C 32B 33A 34B 35B 36B 37A 38C 39B 40C IV Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D

Sue (41) reading and often borrows books in the local library (42) is near her house She goes to the library to change her books every evening The library is open until p.m

The library is (43) _ to everybody in the town No one has to pay to borrow books But (44) _ readers keep books for too long, they have to pay a fine Sue's children have been encouraged to read books (45) _ they were very young They often change their books on Saturday morning They all love reading

41 A will love B is loving C loves D has loved

42 A which B when C what D where

43 A freedom B freely C free D freeing

44 A whether B if C or D so

45 A while B during C for D since


41C 42A 43C 44B 45D

II Grammar, vocabulary and speaking: (2.0pts)Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences

11 You shout I'm not deaf

A mustn't B needn't C shouldn’t D can't

12 Yesterday I bought ………umbrella in ……… big shop

A a- a B an- the C an- x(zero) D an - a

13 _ are people who always expect good things to happen

A pessimists B optimists C scientists D terrorists

14 Hoa is fond ………reading and cooking

A of B in C with D on 15 Be careful The vase is very heavy You …………drop it

A must B need C have to

D might

16 My sister is going to get married ………… Smith next month

A with B for C on D to

17 We should take some measures ……….endangered animals

A to protect B to know C to sell D to enact

18 You should not be ………when you have difficulty


19 It is my secret You tell anyone

A needn’t B mustn’t C must D need

20 Alice: “What shall we this evening?” - Carol: “……… ”

A Let’s go out for dinner B Oh, that’s good

C No problem D I went out for dinner


11B 12D 13B 14A 15D 16D 17A 18B 19B 20A

III Pronunciation: (1.0pt)Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest

21 A reading B easy C pleasure D please

22 A ceiling B crown C canal D cook

23 A mind B survive C wildlife D gorilla

24 A some B none C not D nothing

ĐÁP ÁN 21C 22A 23D 24C IV Reading: (2.0pts)

A Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers from question 25 to 29

A lot of people worry about the African chimpanzee Its population in the wild is shrinking

because it is hunted to be sold For every chimp that is taken alive, five to ten chimps die In the past fifty years, Africans have sold three to four thousand chimps for use in business and experiments If this practice continues, the chimp may become extinct

The United States may soon join the other ninety-nine nations that prevent chimps from being bought and sold In Washington, D.C., the Interior Department recommends putting the chimpanzee on the endangered animals list, which will make it against the law to sell them to the United States Once on the list, they will have a better chance to survive

25 Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A The life of a chimpanzee B African jungles

C Save the chimpanzee D The shrinking population

26 The story says that chimps are used for _

A movies B TV programs C experiments D pets

27 For every chimp that is taken alive, five to ten others _

A are born B die C are captured, too D are


28 For the survival of the chimp, the story suggests _

A there is hope B there is no hope C nobody cares D no one


29 The word “shrinking” in line means _

A expanding B increasing C decreasing D developing

B Read the paragraph and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to fill in each gap Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (30) _if we not make an effort to protect them There are many reasons for this In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds, (31) as parrots are caught alive and sold as pets For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat - the place where they live - is disappearing More (32) is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open

spaces than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better

crops, but these chemicals pollute (33) environment and harm wildlife The most successful animal on earth - human beings - will soon be the only ones left, (34) _we can solve this problem

30 A extinct B lost C empty D disappeared

31 A such B where C like D or

32 A area B earth C land D soil

33 A the B that C an D a

34 A because B however C if D unless

Choose the best answer

1 When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he it

A reviews B chews and digests

C swallows D dips into

2 It is a good book I think it is interesting enough for you to

A put down B swallow C look up D understand

3 If you a book, youhave a brief look at it without reading or

studying it seriously

A dip into B put away C pick up D put down

4 books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with


A Comic B Thriller C Romantic D Science

5 Boy, stop reading the book down and go to bed

A Take B Put C Set

D Pick

6. _ unless we are given more information

A Anything can’t be done B Nothing can be done

C Anything can’t have been done D Nothing can have be done

7 A is a report in a newspaper or magazine in which a writer

gives his opinion of a book, a film, or a play


8 Many teenagers are not much in reading books, except for what they are made to read at school

A excited B important C slow D interested

9 This book to Peter It is not mine

A possesses B owns C has D


10 Books are a wonderful source knowledge and pleasure

A with B of C in D


11 After leaving school, many of us only read for

A please B pleasant C pleasure D pleasing

12.A dictionary contains much _about words

A information B knowledge C meanings D sources

13 Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old


A information B fiction C recommendation D interest

14 The reviewer Mathew's new novel as a new style of modern science fiction

A chewed B digested C described D drew

15.I have nearly finished reading the book There are only a few _ left

A pieces B pages C slices D


16 Can you what it would be like to live without books?

A imagine B advise C describe D understand

17.A is a book, film, or play that tells an exciting fictional story about something such as criminal activities or spying

A non-fiction B science C thriller D


18 Who does the book belong ?

A for B to C on D


19 He picked the book and turned page after page

A up B on C away D in

20 Read the book and you can find the information you need

A care B careful C carefulness D


21 To become a novelist, you need to be


22 A is a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

A pleasure B novel C film D


23 A is the story of a person's life written by somebody else

A romance B fiction C biography D science

24 We spend more time watching TV than reading books But

TV has not kill reading

A in addition B nevertheless C however D in fact

25 People enjoy a book different ways

A on B with C upon D in

26 This book is not really It is a waste of money buying it

A.inform B information C informative D informatively

27 Sometimes it is to find suitable books for our children

A difficult B difficulty C difficultly D difficulties

28 A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a


A review B reviewing C reviewer D reviewed

29 Those letters now You can the typing later

A need typing B needn't be typed

C need to type D needn't typing

30 You up early Today's Sunday

A shouldn't get B mustn't get C needn't get D mightn't get

31 The room once a day

A should clean B should be cleaning

C should be cleaned D should have cleaned

32 Have you ever read "Oliver Twist", interesting novel written by Charles Dickens?

A the / the B Ø / an C Ø / Ø D an / the

33.I like books better than films

A Ø / Ø B the / the C Ø / the D the / Ø

34 Mary enjoys reading , adventure, and whatever else she can either buy or


A romance B romantic C romanticize D.romanticism

35 Before eating, thoroughly with soap and clean water

A you should wash your hands B your hands should be washing


36 Fruits in a freezer

A should not put B should not be put

C must put D must be putting

37 It wasn't obligatory to submit my assignment today

A My assignment must have been submitted today B I needn't have submitted my assignment today C My assignment was required to submit by today

D I mustn't submit my assignment today

38 It's time we left for the disco

A We may leave for the disco now B We needn't leave for the disco now

C We should leave for the disco now

D We must have leave for the disco now

39 My car keys are possibly in the kitchen

A My car keys should be put in the kitchen B My car keys cannot be in the kitchen

C I not know whether my car keys are in the kitchen

D My car keys might be in the kitchen

40 The train by bad weather I am not sure

A might delay B might be delayed

C might have delayed D might have been delayed

41 He only had time to _into the report He couldn’t read it thoroughly

A see B dip C break

D read

42 What are the advantages of books _television ?

A with B over C than

D from

43 Today, more books of every kind than ever before

A sell B.have sold C.have been sold D.are sold

44 I am looking for a book

A What’s the title ? B.What name is it?

C.Whose name is it ? D.What is its name ?


1B 2B 3A 4A 5B 6B 7C 8D 9D 10B 11C 12C 13C 14C 15B 16A 17C 18B 19A 20D 21C 22B 23C 24D 25D 26C 27A 28A 29B 30C 31C 32B 33A 34A 35A 36B 37D 38C 39D 40B 41B 42B

43C 44A


45.A swallow B.subject C.digest D.enough

46.A imagine B.important C.example


47.A different B.carefully C.holiday D.reviewer

48.A knowledge B.forever C.journey D.action

ĐÁP AN 45D 46D 47D 48B

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 50

Books are written to (49) knowledge and good books enrich the mind By putting ourselves under the influence of superior minds , we improve our mental powers (50) _ good books ,we learn that people everywhere are the same , and in all ages and in all classes This knowledge improves our loves of others and helps us to live in peace with them .We also understand that the world was made not only for man alone but for every creature that can feel hungry and (51) , warm and cold

(52) _ it may be possible for us to travel throughout the world and see the events taking place everyday, it is not possible for us to see the things that happened in the past However ,good books help us to see not only into the most remote regions of the world today but also the world in which our ancestors (53) _

46.A provide B create C impress D describe

47.A For B By C Through D During

48.A funny B disapointed C thirsty D


49 A Despite B In spite of C But

D Although

50.A live B lived C are living D had lived


46A 47C 48C 49D 50B Circle the correct answer by circling the letter A, B, C or D

Câu 1: A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to……… endangered species

A save B kills C make D Câu 2: You don't look well You ……… see a doctor

A could B need to C are to D should

Câu 3: Many plants and endangered species are now endangering of ………

A expression B extension C extinction D expulsion

Câu 4: The raw sewage needs to be ……….treated

A chemically B chemical

C chemist C chemistry


A I didn’t have a chance to meet my old English teacher because I left school B this is the last time I met my old English teacher at school

C I last met my old English teacher when I left school

D My old English teacher hasn’t met me since I have left school

Câu 6: She ……… home yesterday because her little son was sick

A could have stayed B must have stayed C had to stay D should have stayed

Câu 7: You ……… disturb him during his work!

A should not B could not C must not D don't have to

Câu 8: Tom didn’t begin to read until he was eight A Not until Tom read, he was eight

B Tom had read when he was Wight to read

C It was not until Tom was eight that he began to read

D When Tom was eight, he didn’t know how to read

Câu 9: Whose car is this? – It ……… be Anton's I think I saw him driving a red car like this one

A could B might C must D would

Câu 10: Though he was ill and weak, he ………… get out of the burning building

A was able to B might C could D should Câu 11: ……… is destroying lager areas of tropical rain forests

A Disforestation B Deforestation C Anti-forestation D forests

Câu 12: Whose book is this? – I am not sure It ………… be Anna's

A must B should C would D might

Câu 13: ……… lending me your CD player for a couple of days?

A Can you B Would you mind C Would you D Could you

Câu 14: The government ……….the flood victims with food clothes and money

A gave B provided C offered D presented

Câu 15: You ……… leave work at 3:30 today

A might B can C could D will

Câu 16: The windows look clean You ……… wash them

A are not to B can't C don't have to D mustn't

Câu 17: I don't believe it It ……… be true

A can't B mustn't C shouldn't D wouldn't Câu 18: He spent all his money He even borrowed some from me

A As soon as he borrowed some money from me, he spent it all B Hardly had he borrowed some money from me when he spent it all C Not only did he spent all his money but also he borrowed some from me


Câu 19: May I suggest Monday for our trip to Bristol? A I think we must go to Bristol on Monday

B I think we would be allowed to go to Bristol on Monday C I think Monday is the only day we can manage for the trip

D I think Monday would be a good day for us to go to Bristol

Câu 20: Too tired to continue, David stopped walking

A David couldn’t carry on walking because he was too tired B David couldn’t stop walking because he was to tired C David was too tired to carry out walking

D David can’t continue to walk when he’s tired ĐÁP ÁN


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Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 19:45



