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Bộ 5 đề thi chọn HSG môn Tiếng Anh 11 có đáp án năm 2021 Trường THPT Phan Bội Châu

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Part 2: Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding boxes provided below the passage.. Enjoy the benefits of stress.[r]





Bài nghe gồm phần, phần nghe lần, lần cách 15 giây, mở đầu kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu

Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng Tiếng Anh) có nghe

Part 1: For questions 1-10, listen to a conversation and fill in the blank with the missing information Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and /or A NUMBER for each answer in the spaces provided

Silver Owl Campsite, Booking Form Reference: (1)

Name of school: (2) High School Number in Group: 22

Arrival: Friday, 22nd (3)

Accommodation: (4) x 5-person Facilities: (5) and pool

Equipment: bicycles

space hoppers

(6) 10 Contact name: Sarah (7) Phone number: (mobile) (8) Phone number: (eve) 02380 482 652

Email address: sonia@helpdesk.ac.uk

Address: 76-78 (9) Terrace, Southampton Method of payment: school credit card

Card number (if applicable): (10)

Part 2: For questions 1-5, listen to a news reporter called Angela Bond, talking on the radio about her job and choose the best answer(A, B or C) according to what you hear Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes

1 Where is Angela working at the moment?

A Britain B the USA C Asia

2 Angela likes her job because she _ A loves being in dangerous situations

B never knows where she'll go next


3 What did Angela bring home from Hong Kong?

A pictures B carpets C furniture Where did Angela meet her boy friend?

A at her sister's house B at university C in Hong Kong What does Angela to relax?

A She cooks a meal B She goes sailing C She goes shopping Your answers:


Part 3: For questions 1-10, listen to an interview with a woman called Grace Conolly who is talking about her travel experiences in New Zealand and fill in the blank with the missing information Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer in the spaces provided

New Zealand Journey

Grave travelled around south Island on something called (1) _ The first part of Grace's journey took her along the (2) coast of the island

When Grace took a day trip to a place called Kaikoura, she particularly wanted to see (3)

Grace has kept in touch with a friend from (4) since she returned home

Grace took her own (5) _ to New Zealand, so didn't need to hire one The best part of the trip for grace was jet-boating on the Buller River with a company called (6) _

Grace had to visit a hospital because she injured her (7) At a market, Grace bought a (8) to take home

The name of the hostel that Grace particularly recommends is the (9) _

Grace plans to go (10) _ with friends when she next visits North Island


Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence Write your answer A, B, C or D in the numbered boxes

1 _ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning A On account of B According to C Because of D Due to

2 I read the contract again and again avoiding making spelling mistakes A in view of B in terms of C with a view to D by means of


A strike B cancel C draw D rule I reckon Mark is of a nervous breakdown

A in charge B under suspicion C on the verge D indicative

5 Many local authorities realize there is a need to make _ for disabled people in their housing programmes

A assitance B conditions C admittance D provision

6 It turned out that we _ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours

A hadn't B should have C mustn't have D needn't have All three TV channels provide extensive _ of sporting events

A coverage B vision C broadcast D network No matter how angry he was, he would never to violence

A resolve B recourse C exert D resort

9 as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created

A Ranking B To be ranked C Being ranked D In order to be ranking 10 _, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties

A By and large B All together C To a degree D Virtually

11 I am afraid that you have _ the deadline, so we can't take your application into account

A missed B met C delayed D put off

12 The main aim of the campaign is to raise _ of the issues involved

A knowledge B awareness C attention D acquaintance 13 After so many years, it is great to see him _ his ambitions

A get B realise C possess D deserve

14 It was confirmed that the accident was caused by human

A error B slip C fault D blunder

15 The roadworks made to the hotel from the main road difficult A entrance B approach C access D ways in Your answers:


6 10


Part 2: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column on the right (0) has been done as an example

The origins of Halloween

Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the (0) (WEST) world, and is a time when people dress up as witches or ghosts, and go "trick-or treating" It is (1) _ (DOUBT) one of the most popular traditions in the United States and Britain

The celebration (2) _(ORIGIN) about two thousand years ago with the Celts These people were the (3) (INHABIT) of an area that includes Britain, Ireland and Brittany They relied on the land for their (4) _ (LIVE), and this meant that they were at the mercy of (5) (PREDICT) weather conditions, especially during the winter

The Celtic new year began on 1st November, which also marked the beginning of winter, a period (6) _ (TRADITION) associated with death On the eve of the new year, it was believed that the barriers between the worlds of the living and the dead were (7) (TEMPORARY) withdrawn, and it was possible to

communicate with spirits The Celts believed that the spirits offered them (8) (GUIDE) and protection, and the Druids (Celtic priests) were (9) _ (REPUTE) able to predict the future on this point

When the Roman completed their (10) (CONQUER) of Celtic lands, they added their own flavour to this festival The advent of Christianity brought about yet other changes

0. western _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10


The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelating Most American

marriages, particular first marriages uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection rather with practical considerations

In the United States, parents not arrange marriages for their children Teenagers begin date in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts Though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, almost choose a mate of similar background This is due partly to parental guidance Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by voicing disapproval for someone they consider suitable

However, marriages of members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater mobile of today's youth and the fact that they are

restricted by fewer prejudices as their parents Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in armed forces, or pursue a career in a bigger city One away from home and family, they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group

0 interrelated _ _ 4. _ _ _ _ _ 10. _

Part 4: Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with suitable particles Write your answers in the

corresponding numbered boxes (0) has been done as an example Could you deal this problem I'm rather busy

1 The Minister is also implicated the scandal

2 Irrespective _ the poor weather conditions the search for the missing child was continued

3 I have been using her computer ever since she placed it my disposal I met him at the party and he asked you

5 You can't miss him That haircut makes him stand _ in a crowd Your answers:

0 with


Part 5: Complete each sentence with a correct phrasal verb from the box Write your answers in the numbered boxes Each phrasal verb is used only once

put down come out see off set about work out stand for step up track down turn down make up for


2 The police were able to the car thieves using satellite technology This is a sensitive matter, and we have to dealing with it very carefully David's new album is expected to _ at the end of the year

5 I hope this award will your disappointment at not winning the first prize The company has decided to _ production of cars at its factory in Hull You might need a calculator to this problem

8 Claire decided to the job, because it would have meant more travelling Our maths teacher simply won't _ any talking in class

10 Helen is going to the airport to _ some friends Your answers:


6 10


Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap Write your answer in the numbered boxes

The Mysterious Isle

In the early morning of 23 January, 2009, the most powerful storm for a decade hit western France With wind speeds in (1) of 120 miles per hour, it flattened forests, (2)

down power lines and caused massive destruction to buildings and roads But it also left behind an extraordinary creation Seven miles out to sea at the (3) where the Atlantic Ocean meets the estuary of the River Gironde, a small island had (4) _ out of water Locals soon gave it the name The Mysterious Isle What was so remarkable, (5)

its sudden apparition, was the fact that the island (6) _ intact in what is often quite a hostile sea environment It could well become a permanent feature

Scientists (7) realised that the island's appearance (8) a unique

opportunity to study the creation and development of a new ecosystem Within months, it had been colonised by seabirds, insects and vegetation Unfortunately, however, they were not alone in (9) the island attractive It became increasingly difficult to (10) the site from human visitors In its first year, day trippers came in powered dinghies, a parachute club used it as a landing strip, a rave party was even held there one night

1 A surplus B advance C excess D put A fetched B brought C carried D sent

3 A scene B mark C stage D point

4 A risen B growth C lifted D surfaced


10 A prevent B preserve C protect D prohibit Your answers:


6 10

Part 2: Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding boxes provided below the passage

Enjoy the benefits of stress!

Are you looking forward to another busy week? You should be according to some experts They argue that the stress encountered in our daily lives is not only good for us, but essential to survival They say that the response to (1) _, which creates a chemical called adrenal in, helps the mind and body to act quickly (2) _ emergencies Animals and human beings use it to meet the hostile conditions which exist on the planet

Whilst nobody denies the pressures of everyday life, what is surprising is that we are yet to develop successful ways of dealing with them (3) the experts consider the current strategies to be inadequate and often dangerous They believe that (4) of trying to manage our response to stress with drugs or relaxation techniques, we must exploit it Apparently, research shows that people (5) create conditions of stress for (6) _ by doing exciting and risky sports or looking for challenges, cope much better with life's problems Activities of this type have been shown to create a lot of emotion; people may actually cry or feel extremely uncomfortable But there is a point (7) _ which they realise they have succeeded and know that it was a positive experience This is because we learn through challenge and difficulty That's (8) _ we get our wisdom Few of us, unfortunately, understand this fact For example, many people believe they (9) _ from stress at work, and take time off as a result Yet it has been found in some companies that by far (10) healthiest people are those with the most responsibility So next time you're in a stressful situation, just remember that it will be a positive learning experience and could also benefit your health!

Your answers:


6 10

Part 3: Read the following passage For question 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes

Day after day we hear about how anthropogenic development is causing global warming According to an increasingly vocal minority, however, we should be asking ourselves how much of this is media hype and how much is based on real evidence It seems, as so often is the case, that it depends on which expert you listen to, or which statistics you study


meteorologists in the United States showed that less than 20% of them believed that any change in temperature over the last hundred years was our own fault-the rest attributed it to natural cyclical changes

There is, of course, no denying that we are still at a very early stage in understanding weather The effects of such variables as rainfall, cloud formation, the seas and oceans, gases such as methane and ozone, or even solar energy are still not really understood, and therefore the predictions that we make using them cannot always be relied on Dr James Hansen, in 1988, was predicting that the likely effects of global warming would be a raising of world temperature which would have disastrous consequences for mankind: "a strong cause and effect

relationship between the current climate and human alteration of the atmosphere" He has now gone on record as stating that using artificial models of climate as a way of predicting change is all but impossible In fact, he now believes that, rather than getting hotter, our planet is getting greener as a result of the carbon dioxide increase, with the prospect of increasing vegetation in areas which in recent history have been frozen wastelands

In fact there is some evidence to suggest that as our computer-based weather models have become more sophisticated, the predicted rises in temperature have been cut back In addition, if we look at the much reported rise in global temperature over the last century, a close analysis reveals that the lion's share of that increase, almost three quarters in total, occurred before man began to 'poison' his world with industrial processes and the accompanying greenhouse gas emissions in the second half of the twentieth century

So should we pay any attention to those stories that scream out at us from billboards and television news headlines, claiming that man, with his inexhaustible dependence on oil-based machinery and ever more sophisticated forms of transport is creating a nightmare level of 'greenhouse gas emissions, poisoning his environment and ripping open the ozone layer? Doubters point to scientific evidence which can prove that, of all the greenhouse gases, only two percent come from man-made sources, the rest resulting from natural emissions

Who, then, to believe: the environmentalist exhorting us to leave the car at home, to buy re-usable products packaged in recycled paper and to plant trees in our back yard? Or the sceptics, including, of course, a lot of big businesses who have most to lose, when they tell us that we are making a mountain out of a molehill? And my own opinion? The jury's still out as far as I am concerned!

1 The author

A believe that man is causing global warming B believes that global warming is a natural process C is sure what the causes of global warming are

D does not say what he believes the causes of global warming are As to the cause of global warming, the author believes that _ A occasionally the facts depend on who you are talking to

B the facts always depend on who you are talking to C often the facts depend on which expert you listen to D you should not speak to experts

3 More than 80% of the top meteorologists in the United States are of the opinion that _


B global warming is not the result of natural cyclical changes but man-made C the consequences of global warming will be devastating

D global warming is not man-made, but the result of natural cyclical changes Our understanding of weather

A leads to reliable predictions B is variable

C cannot be denied

D is not very developed yet

5 Currently, Dr James Hansen's beliefs include the fact that _ A it is nearly impossible to predict weather change using artificial models B the consequences of global warming would be disastrous for mankind

C there is a significant link between the climate now, and man's changing of the atmosphere D Earth is getting colder

Your answers:


For questions 6-10, write in the corresponding numbered boxes with YES, NO, or NOT GIVEN:

Yes if the statement agrees with the information in the passage No if the statement contradicts the information in the passage Not given if there is no information about the statement in the passage

6 At the same time that computer-based weather models have become more sophisticated, weather forecasters have become more expert

7 Most of the increase in global temperature happened in the second half of the twentieth century

8 The media wants us to blame ourselves for global warming

9 The media encourages the public to use environmentally friendly vehicles, such as electric cars to combat global warming

10 Many big businesses are on the side of the sceptics as regards the cause of global warming

Your answers:

6 10


Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it

1 Although Mary was exhausted, she agreed to join in the activity

→ Exhausted We'll let you know as soon as we have received the information


3 You can only really master a language if you use it regularly

→ Only by It's nobody's fault that the match was cancelled

→ Nobody is to I don't intend to apologise to either of them

→ I have no

Part 2: Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original

sentence Do NOT change the form of the given word You must use between three and six words, including the word given (0) has been done as an example

0 Fiona refused to wear her old dress (not)

Fiona said that she would not wear her old dress


As long as he could see, Kevin really didn't mind where he sat in the stadium (difference)

→ As long as he could see , where he sat in the stadium

2 Somebody should have told us that the date had been changed (informed) → We should _ the change of the date Jane's family persuaded her to enter the competition (talked)

→ Jane was the competition by her family

We never imagined that Julian might be planning to resign from his job (occurred) → It never Julian might be planning to resign from his job


Sally was all ready to leave the office when her boss asked her to type up a report (point)

→ Sally was the office when her boss asked her to type up a report

Part 3: Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topic:

"The widespread use of the Internet has brought many problems What you think are the main problems associated with the use of the web? What solutions can you



Part 1: (10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)


1 A C C A B Part 3:(10 câu x 0,1 = điểm)

1 (the) green bus west (the) dolphins Japan bike / bicycle Adventure Tours foot (wooden) mask Lakeside 10 walking II LEXICO-GRAMMAR (7,5 điểm)

Part 1.(15 câu x 0,15 = 2,25 điểm)

1 B C D C D

6 D A D B 10 A

11 A 12 B 13 B 14 A 15 C

Part 2: ( 10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)

1 undoubtedly originated inhabitants livelihood unpredictable traditionally temporarily guidance reputedly 10 conquest Part 3: ( 10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)

The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelating Most American

marriages, particular first marriages uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection rather with practical considerations

In the United States, parents not arrange marriages for their children Teenagers begin date in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts Though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, almost choose a mate of similar background This is due partly to parental guidance Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by voicing disapproval for someone they

consider suitable

However, marriages of members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater mobile of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices as their parents Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in armed forces, or pursue a career in a bigger city One away from home and family, they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group

0 interrelated particularly than

3 dating/ to date most

5 of

6 unsuitable

7 between / among mobility

9 than 10 once

Part 4: (5 câu x 0,15 = 0,75)

1 in of at after out

Part 5:(10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)


Part 1:(10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)

1 C B D A C

6 B A D B 10 C

Part 2: (10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)

1 stress in / during Even instead who / that themselves at how suffer 10 the Part 3:(10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm)

1 D C D D A


Part 1: (5 câu x 0,2 = điểm)

1 Exhausted as / though Mary was / might be, she agreed to join the activity The minute / moment we have received the information , we'll let you know Only by using it ( a language) regularly, can you really master a language (it)

4 Nobody is to blame for the match cancellation / the match's cancellation / the cancellation of the match / the fact that the match was cancelled

5 I have no intention of apologising / apologizing to either of them Part 2:(5 câu x 0,2 = điểm)

1 As long as he could see, it made no difference to Kevin where he sat in the stadium We should have been informed of / about the change of the date

3 Jane was talked into entering the competition by her family

4 It never occurred to us that Julian might be planning to resign from his job

5 Sally was on the point of leaving the office when her boss asked her to type up a report Part 2: (3 điểm) Giám khảo tự định dựa vào yêu cầu sau:

- Task fulfillment (idea/content): 30%

- Essay organization (coherence, cohesion); 30%

- Vocabulary/structures (variety, accuracy, appropriacy): 30% - Handwriting, essay layout : 10%


Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu:

 Bài nghe gồm phần, phần ghi âm lần Giữa lần ghi âm phần phần có khoảng trống thời gian chờ

 Mọi hướng dẫn làm cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có nghe


1 The books belonged to five different libraries ……… Mr Barush’s bond was $ 2,000 ……… Books are like family to Mr Barush ……… Mr Barush trusts kids around books ……… Mr Barush dusted the books with a soft clean cloth ……… Part Fill in the following blanks according to what you hear (10 pts)

American condemnation of acts of terrorism in Iran is not unprecedented But the U.S (6) to Thursday's attack was at an unusually high level, with both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issuing written statements expressing (7) to the families of victims and calling for the attackers to be held accountable

Iranian officials say at least 27 people were killed and some (8) wounded in twin suicide bomb attacks at a mosque in Zahedan in Sistan-Baluchistan province, where worshippers had (9) to mark the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Imam Hussein The victims included members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards

Corps Responsibility was claimed by the Sunni Muslim (10) group Jundallah, which said it staged the attacks to avenge the execution in June of the group's leader for terrorism

Iran has accused the United States and Britain of funding Jundallah, which it says is based in Pakistan, but all three countries (11) aiding the group In his statement, President Obama said the terrorist attacks were outrageous and said the United States (12) with the families of the victims and with the (13) of Iran in the face of what he termed "this injustice."

Secretary Clinton called the bombings "appalling acts" and said they, along with other recent attacks in Uganda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria underscore the world community's (14) to work together to combat terrorist organizations State

Department Spokesman P.J Crowley said the statements show the United States condemns all forms of terrorist and sectarian-driven (15) wherever it occurs


Pick out the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the other words (5 pts)

16 A decided B hatred C warned D sacred 17 A legal B petal C pedal D level 18 A devise B promise C surprise D realize 19 A ghost B hostage C lost D frosty 20 A debate B depute C depress D deputy III LEXICO-GRAMMAR

Part Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence (10 pts)

21 Does anyone know that jacket might be?


23 Joe seemed to be in a good mood, he snapped at me angrily when I asked him to join us

A yet B so C for D and

24 There are several means of mass communication The newspaper is one Television is

A the another B the other C other D another 25 I read in one paper that they are married

A getting B got C being D having 26 There was hardly food left in the fridge

A more B any C no D some 27 We spent the days on the beach

A few last sunny B last sunny few C last few sunny D few sunny last 28 not fallen over, the athlete would have won the gold medal

A If he B If not C Unless he had D Had he 29 Rarely to work on his own

A he is seen B does he seen C is he seen D does he 30 “We’re going to the seaside” - “Can ?”

A I come as well B also I come C I too come D I as well come Part Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal verbs in the box Use each one once only (5 pts)

catch on go up let down take up settle down 31 Why prices keep ?

32 This new game is really Everyone is playing it 33 It’s time your brother and started a family

34 When she retired, she gardening so she wouldn’t get bored 35 I’m sorry to you but I can’t take you to the airport after all

Part Complete the following sentences with appropriate form of the word in block capitals (5 pts)

36 ACT There is a saying in English: “ speak louder than words.” 37 QUALIFY He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs

38 NATION Do you have a costume in your country? 39 LAND The plane had to make a crash in a field

40 TROULE Traveling in big cities is becoming more everyday


“I know I (not/ stay) so long at the library.”

42 It is necessary that everyone (be) calm in times of danger

43 If you want to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday We (wait) for you there at midday

44 It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) to the seaside

45 Those were the highest words of praise they ever (hear) from the old man 46 Our little children enjoy (take) to the water park every Sunday

47 I don’t feel good I (stay) home from work tomorrow 48 It won’t be safe to use these stairs until they (repair)

49 The city is now crowded with the people who (seek) employment

50 The old man is said (leave) all his money to an old people’s home when he died

Part In each of the following sentences, the words or phrases are marked A, B, C or D Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct and correct it (5 pts)

51 Almost American Indian cultures have been agricultural societies since 2000 BC A B C D

52 Would you like to contribute for our earthquake fund? A B C D 53 The violence is a very great problem in the world A B C D

54 Now that the stress of examinations are over, we can go somewhere for our holiday A B C D 55 Passengers are advised not to leave their luggage attended


Part Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits each space (10 pts)

In the past people suffered (56) a disease called scurvy Their gums bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did not (57) and their muscles wasted away The (58) of these symptoms was a lack of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits

The best (59) of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberries, and fresh vegetables These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure (60) air

Although today more people (61) vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, (62) some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the


Research shows that vitamin C reduces the (63) of colds and can help prevent cancer There is also evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, (64) wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as

cigarette smoke Some recent research also shows that vitamin C has a positive effect on some mental (65) and increases life span

56 A from B with C by D at

57 A close B recover C heal D get well 58 A reason B cause C origin D signs 59 A store B resources C provider D sources 60 A to B towards C in D by

61 A consume B drink C take D have 62 A containing B including C consisting D like

63 A severity B seriousness C gravity D importance 64 A hastens B hurries up C quickens D speeds 65 A chaos B confusions C disorders D disturbances Part Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only ONE word in each space (10 pts)

At sixteen Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war He wandered aimlessly from (66) country to another (67) finally setting down in Australia, where he trained (68) an electronics engineer He established his own business but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the (69)

His retirement suddenly (70) him realize (71) lonely he was and he decided to (72) up a hobby With his interest in electronics, amateur radio seemed a natural choice He installed his own equipment and obtained a licence and his call sign, which is the set of letters and numbers used to announce oneself when making radio contact with other radio amateurs all over the world

Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far-off places One in particular was a man in California with whom he had much in common One night the man in California (73) to mention the village in Europe he had come from Suddenly, Henry realised that this man was in fact his younger brother, Peter At first, the two brothers were at a (74) for words but then little by little they filled in the details of their past lives and not (75)

afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to be reunited with his brother

Part Read the following passage and choose the correct answers (A, B, C, or D) (5 pts) May 7, 1840, was the birthday of one of the most famous Russian composers of the nineteenth century: Peter Illich Tchaikovsky The son of a mining inspector, Tchaikovsky studied music as a child and later studied composition at the St Petersburg Conservatory His greatest period of productivity occurred between 1876 and 1890, during which time he enjoyed the patronage of Madame von Meck, a woman he never met, who gave him a living stipend of about $1,000 a year Madame von Meck later terminated her friendship with Tchaikovsky, as well as his living allowance, when she herself was facing financial difficulties It was during the time of Madame von Meck's patronage, however, that Tchaikovsky created the music for which he is most famous, including the music for the ballets of “Swan Lake” and “The Sleeping


1893, ostensibly of cholera, although there are now some scholars who argue that he committed suicide

76 With what topic is the passage primarily concerned? A The life and music of Tchaikovsky

B Development of Tchaikovsky's music for ballets C Tchaikovsky's relationship with Madame von Meck D The cause of Tchaikovsky's death

77 Where is the best place in the passage to add the following sentence?

She had commissioned some works from him and had so admired his music that she agreed to support him

A In line after the word “Tchaikovsky” B In line after the word “year” C In line after the word “difficulties” D In line 12 after the word “dance” 78 In lines 5, the phrase “enjoyed the patronage of” probably means: A liked the company of B was mentally attached to C solicited the advice of D was financially dependent upon

79 According to the passage, all of the following describe Madame von Meck EXCEPT: A She had economic troubles

B She was generous

C She was never introduced to Tchaikovsky D She enjoyed Tchaikovsky's music

80 According to the passage, “Swan Lake” and “The Sleeping Beauty” are: A dances B songs C operas D plays V WRITING

Part Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it (5 pts)

81 I am only interested in why he did it

→ The only thing 82 House prices have risen dramatically this year

→ There has been 83 I can’t understand how this new computer works

→ This new computer works 84 She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will

→ Her uncle didn’t 85 I only recognized him when he came into light


Part Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given (5 pts)

86 People claim that he was the best tennis player of his times said → He the best tennis player of his times

87 They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic avoid → They left early in order in the traffic

88 Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? should → I about these changes earlier

89 He had a very traditional upbringing, didn’t

he? traditionally → He , wasn’t he?

90 I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me thankful → I’d like to say am for everything you have done for me

Part Composition (10 pts)

The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population This is causing problems not only for poor, developing countries, but also for industrialized and developed nations Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes and suggest at least one possible solution You should write at least 200 words


Tống số điểm toàn bài: 100 điểm

- Làm câu, cho 1,0 điểm Bài luận cho tối đa 10,0 điểm

- Sau cộng toàn số điểm, giám khảo quy hệ điểm 10, khơng làm trịn số I LISTENING

Part (5 points)

T F T F T Part (10 points)

reaction sympathy 270 gathered 10 militant 11 deny 12 stands 13 people 14 need 15

violence II PHONETICS (5 points)

16 C 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 D III LEXICO - GRAMMAR

Part (10 points)


26 B 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 A Part (5 points)

31 going up 32 catching on 33 settled down 34 took up 35 let you down

Part (5 points)

36 Actions 37 disqualified 38 national 39 landing 40 troublesome

Part (10 points)

41 shouldn’t have stayed 42 be/ should be 43 shall/ will be waiting 44 were rushing 45 had ever heard 46 being taken 47 am staying/am going to stay 48 have been

repaired 49 are seeking 50 to have left Part 5: (5 points) (chọn 50%, sửa 50%)

51 A Almost Most

52 C for to 53 A The violence Violence 54 C are is

55 D attended unattended IV READING COMPREHENSION

Part 1: (10 points)

56 A 57 C 58 B 59 D 60 A 61 C 62 B 63.A 64 D 65 C Part 2: (10 points)

66 one 67 before 68 as 69 question 70 made 71 how 72 take 73 happened/ chanced 74 loss 75 long

Part 3: (5 points)

76 A 77 B 78 D 79 D 80 A V WRITING

Part 1: (5 points)

81 The only thing I am interested in is why he did it

82 There has been a dramatic rise (increase) in house prices this year 83 This new computer works in the way I can’t understand

84 Her uncle didn’t leave her anything in his will 85 Not until he came into light did I recognize him Part 2: (5 points)

86 is said to have been


88 should have been told

89 was traditionally brought up/ was brought up traditionally 90 how thankful I

Part 3: (10 points)

The mark given to part is based on the following scheme: - Content: (50% of the total mark);

- Organization and presentation: (20% of the total mark); - Language: (20% of the total mark);

- Handwriting, punctuation and spelling: (10% of the total mark) -THE END - 3 Đề số

PART ONE LISTENING (20p.) Question (10p.)

Listen and complete the notes below WRITE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer Write your answers in the space provided Be careful as you can listen only ONCE


Name Michael Alexander

Address 24 Manly Street 1. _Sydney Shipping agent _

Place of origin China

Date of arrival 28 November

Reference number _

Item Damage Cost to repair or replace



4 needs to be replaced

Not known

The bathroom cabinet The of the cabinets is damaged $140

6 A is split $ _ Set of China Six plates were


About 10 $ _ in total

Questions Listen and choose the correct letter A, B or C Write your answers in the space provided You are going to listen TWICE (10p.)


A they are too slow in making assignments B they give students a lot of work

C they don’t inform students about their progress Stress may be caused by

A new teachers B time pressure C unfamiliar subject matter

3 International students may find stress difficult to handle because A they lack support from family and friends

B they don’t have time to make new friends C they find it difficult to socialize

4 A personal crisis may be caused by A studying for too long overseas B business problems in the student’s own country C disruptions to personal relationships Students may lose self-esteem if A they have to change courses

B they don’t complete a course

C their family puts too much pressure on them

6 Students should consult Glenda Roberts if A their general health is poor

B their diet is too strict C they can’t eat the local food

7 Students in financial difficulties can receive A assistance to buy books

B a loan to pay their course fees

C a no-interest loan to cover study expenses

8 Loans are also available to students who A can’t pay their rent

B need to buy furniture

C can’t cover their living expenses

9 The number of students counselled by the service last year was A 214 B 240 C 2,600


C has suffered badly because of staff cuts Your answers:

1 10


Question Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the space provided under this part (10p.)

1 The of two houses prove such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one A upshot B upkeep C uproar D upsurge

2 In his student days, he was as poor as a church

A beggar B miser C mouse D pauper

3 Harry doesn’t to great fame and fortune, he just wants to make a decent living A crave B hanker C yearn D aspire

4 I wrote to them a fortnight ago but I haven’t had a reply

A as yet B these days C so long D just now I couldn’t stop myself from with boredom during the lecture A sighing B gasping C panting D blowing She didn’t show even a of emotion when the court found her guilty A gleam B wink C flicker D flash

7 It’s not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name

A in type B in print C in letters D in edition The police are looking into new ways of major crime

A contending B wrestling C combating D striving

9 The technological and economic changes of the 19th century had a marked on


A cause B effect C impact D consequence 10 The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night

A loss of sight B lack of vision C invisibility D blindness 11 The are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal A chances B bets C prospects D odds 12 References can have a considerable on employment prospects A cause B decision C weight D bearing 13 The prospects of picking up any survivors are now


A superiority B imposition C priority D seniority 16 The police have been ordered not to if the students attack them A combat B rebuff C retaliate D challenge 17 Meg had a escape when she was hang-gliding yesterday

A slender B close C near D narrow 18 I can’t tell you the exact amount, but I can give you a estimate A smooth B tidy C rough D similar

19 Marge walked away from the discussion Otherwise, she something she would regret later

A will say B said C might say D might have said

20 You are not supposed to park on the hard except in an emergency A lane B shoulder C leg D area Your answers

1 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Question There are TEN mistakes in this paragraph Write them down & give the correction Write your answers in the space provided (5p.)

Line 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Skiing is one of the most popular sports in the world According to recent estimation, about one hundred million of people ski regularly or


Sliding across the snow on skis is also one of the most ancient methods of transport known to the man It has demonstrated that men were already traveling across the snow by means of primitive skis before the invention of the wheel In the Asiatic region of Altai and in Scandinavia, for example, the remains of skis have been found which dated back to 4,000 BC Further evidence is supplied by ancient cave paintings which depict people skiing, and a Norwegian saga which tells the story of an invasion of its territory 8,000 years ago by a tribe of skiers who came from the north

Nowadays, skiing, apart from a sport, has become a big industry and a notable feature of leisure culture Ski resorts and all the activity that they generate is the main source of wealth in many mountain regions, which were previously remote and inaccessible And far from its once elitist image, skiing is now enjoyed by an increasingly broader spectra of society


lag jump lie fall bring

work bring jot get tick

1 My purse has just _ behind the sofa even though I thought I’d lost it for good

2 It was Tony who would always _ the rest of the party He would stop at every window and gaze for hours

3 He’s a nature enthusiast and he will certainly _ the opportunity of visiting the wildlife reserve in Ohio

4 “Keep talking while I _ my notes.” she said

5 Unless your wife stops leading her extravagant lifestyle, you won’t _ on the poor salary you obtain

6 The exact cost of the whole venture isn’t known yet, but our best accounts have been trying to _(it)

7 I don’t quite like the new apprentice’s approach He seems to _ the job

8 Those naughty boys went on making terrible noise in the park even though they had been _ by the annoyed constable

9 His heart attack was _ by too much stress at work 10 I am not friends with Peter anymore We’ve _

Question Use the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space Write your answers in the space provided (5 p.)

The spiral and the helix

They are everywhere, (1-GRACE), curving shapes whose incredible (2- REGULAR) contrasts so sharply with the random world around them We call them spirals and helices but that hardly does (3-JUST) to their diversity or their significance Over the centuries, mathematicians have identified many different types, but the most intriguing are those that (4-REPEAT) occur in the natural world

The need to (5-RAVEL) the mysteries of the existence of spirals and helices has exercised some of the best scientific brains in the world and opened the way to a number of (6-BREAK) in fields as widely varied as genetics and meteorology

The most (7-SPETACLE) spirals on earth are also the most unwelcome hurricanes Their (8-AWE) power comes from the sun’s heat, but they owe their shape to the force caused by the rotation of the earth After (9-NUMBER) years of study, however, Nature’s spirals and helices have yet to (10-CLOSE) all their secrets For example, why, astronomers wonder, are so many galaxies spiral-shaped?

Question Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap Write your answers in the space provided (10p.)


In recent years, people have been putting the environment under stress As a result, certain (5) materials such as timber, water and minerals are beginning to (6) short Pollution and the (7) of waste are already critical issues, and the (8) of the environment is fast becoming the most pressing problem (9) us all The way we respond to the challenge will have a profound effect on the earth and its life support (10)

1 A imprint B indication C impression D impact

2 A put B make C place D stand

3 A judgment B notion C reflection D concept A results B follows C complies D develops A raw B coarse C crude D rough

6 A turn B come C go D run

7 A disposal B displacement C dismissal D disposition A state B situation C case D circumstance A encountering B opposing C meeting D confronting 10 A projects B systems C methods D routines Your answers

1 10


Question Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question Write your answers in the space provided (10p.)

We are descendents of the ice age Periods of glaciation have spanned the whole of human existence for the past million years The rapid melting of the continental glaciers at the end of the last ice age spurred one of the most dramatic climate changes in the history of the planet During this interglacial time, people were caught up in a cataclysm of human accomplishment, including the development of agriculture and animal husbandry Over the past few thousand years, the Earth’s climate has been extraordinarily beneficial, and humans have prospered exceedingly well under a benign atmosphere

Ice ages have dramatically affected life on Earth almost from the very beginning It is even possible that life itself significantly changed the climate All living organisms pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and eventually store it in sedimentary rocks within the Earth’s crust If too much carbon dioxide is lost, too much heat escapes out into the atmosphere This can cause the Earth to cool enough for glacial ice to spread across the land

In general the reduction of the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been equalized by the input of carbon dioxide from such events as volcanic eruptions Man, however, is upsetting the equation by burning fossil fuels and destroying tropical rain forests, both of which release stored carbon dioxide This energizes the greenhouse effect and causes the Earth to warm If the warming is significant enough, the polar ice caps eventually melt

The polar ice caps drive the atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems Should the ice caps melt, warm tropical waters could circle the globe and make this a very

warm, inhospitable planet


much as feet by the next century This could flood coastal cities and fertile river deltas, where half the human population lives Delicate wetlands, where many marine species breed, also would be reclaimed by the sea In addition, more frequent and severe storms would batter coastal areas, adding to the disaster of the higher seas

The continued melting of the great ice sheets in polar regions could cause massive amounts of ice to crash into the ocean This would further raise the sea level and release more ice, which could more than double the area of sea ice and increase correspondingly the amount of

sunlight reflected back into space The cycle would then be complete as this could cause global temperatures to drop enough to initiate another ice age

According to the passage, carbon dioxide is stored in each of the following EXCEPT A polar ice caps B sedimentary rocks C rain forests D fossil fuel

What does the final paragraph of the passage mainly discuss? A The relationship between the ocean and the sun

B The amount of sunlight reflected into space C A rise in global temperatures

D The conditions that could lead to an ice age

Which of the following does the author NOT mention as a consequence of a large rise in global sea level?

A The destruction of wetlands B The flooding of cities C A more diverse marine population D Severe storms

According to the passage, what is the relationship between carbon dioxide and the Earth’s climate?

A Carbon dioxide, which is trapped in glacial ice, is released when warm temperatures cause the ice melt

B The greenhouse effect, which leads to the warming of the climate, is result of too much carbon stored in the Earth’s crust

C Rain causes carbon dioxide to be washed out of the atmosphere and into the ocean D An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide results in the warming of the climate The word beneficial in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to

A calm B inviting C thoughtful D favorable The word massive can be replaced to

A wide B huge C dense D thick It can be inferred from the passage that the development of agriculture A preceded the development of animal husbandry

B withstood vast changes in the Earth’s climate C did not take place during an ice age

D was unaffected by the greenhouse effect The word “this” in the third paragraph refers to


9 The word “inhospitable” is closest in meaning to

A imperfect B uninhabitable C unlikable D cruel 10 What is the main topic of the passage?

A The possibility that the popular ice caps will melt B The coming of another ice age

C Man’s effect on the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere D The climate of the Earth over the years

Your answers:

1 10

Question There are five extracts which have been removed from the following

passage Put an extract from A-G in the correct gap 1-5 to complete the passage There is two extracts you're not going to need Write your answers in the space provided (5p.) Children between the ages of and 12 are the most common sufferers of sleepwalking,

however, (1)………., somnambulism, as it is observed in adults, increases in severity and frequency with age It is reported that more boys sleepwalk than girls and it is between the ages of 11 and 12 that the most number of cases is reported Also, many children tend to grow out of it and because of this, it is surmised (2)………….that may relate to the physiology of the

younger body and mind that does not relate to adulthood

Sleepwalking also seems to occur with more intensity or frequency in a person (3)……… not remember the incident at all It is also a common misconception that it is dangerous to wake a sleepwalker It is, in fact, more dangerous to not wake a sleepwalker This is due to the actions that can be done by a sleepwalker A person might drive a car, walk out into traffic, try cooking, etc All of these actions are highly dangerous to a person (4)…………what they are doing This disorder can be just a mild annoyance to some but can also be a life-altering disorder to others Sleepwalking is more serious than aggressive so the danger lies more with self-injury than injuries to others Sleepwalkers are not allowed in the Armed Services at least partly due to the damage they can cause themselves and also partly to the fact (5)………

Treatments can range from relaxation techniques to anti-depressant medications A that there are other sources for sleepwalking

B who is sleep-deprived and a sleepwalker often will C that advise women to exercise for a good night’s sleeps D while pre-adolescents make up the larger number E who want to have an early night sleep

F that they are around dangerous equipment G who is asleep and unaware of

Your answers


Question Match each of the following headings with its suitable paragraph The first one (0: H) as an example has been done for you There are two extra headings which you not need to use Write your answers in the space provided (5p.)


C A new kind of athlete D New equipment has made a difference E Athletes are what they eat F Personalized programs will help G The influence of drugs H Is there a limit to record-breaking? [0: _H ]

A world record is every athlete’s dream, but the hard-won records of a few years ago are mostly just today’s qualifying times Roger Bannister’s famous four-minute mile of 1956 has been beaten by nearly 15 seconds, while almost an hour and twenty minutes has been taken off the women’s marathon since 1953 ‘Faster, higher, stronger’ is the Olympic motto, and today’s competitors continue to push back the boundaries of what the body can achieve But one wonders if this can continue

[1: ]

The last forty years have seen many important technological advances For example, since the introduction of strong, flexible fiberglass poles, over a meter has been added to the pole vault record There have also been important developments in the design the running shoe And while a shoe won’t actually make someone run faster, modern shoes mean many more miles of comfortable, injury-free training

[2: ]

Pushing back the limits now depends more on science, technology and medicine than anything else Athletic technique, training programs and diets are all being studied to find ways of taking a few more seconds off or adding a few more cm to that elusive world record It seems that natural ability and hard work are no longer enough

[3: ]

The search to find more efficient ways of moving goes on Analysis of an athlete’s style is particularly useful for events like jumping and throwing Studies show that long jumpers need to concentrate not on the speed of approach, as once thought, but on the angle their bodies make with the ground as they take off However, the rules governing each sport limit advances

achieved by new styles For instance only one-footed takeoffs are allowed in the high jump [4: ]

In the future, it should be possible to develop a more individual approach to training programs Athletes will keep detailed diaries and collect data to help predict the point when training becomes overtraining, the cause of many injuries If athletes fee all the information into a database, it may then be possible to predict patterns and to advise them individually when they should cut down

[5: ]

Combining the right diet with a training program is vital Athletes are continually searching for that special ‘go-faster’ ingredient, but apparently it’s still a battle to get them to drink sufficient liquid and to follow a balanced healthy diet throughout all phases of training, competition and recovery Diet in the period after an event is particularly important and often neglected An athlete who doesn’t replace all the liquid lost immediately after a hard run won’t be able to repeat the performance at the same level 24 hours later

Your answers



For over two hundred years, scholars have shown an interest in the way children learn to speak and understand their language Several small-scale studies were carried out, especially towards the end of the nineteenth century, (1) _ data recorded in parental diaries But detailed, systematic investigation did not begin until the middle decades of the twentieth century, when the tape recorder (2) _ into routine use This made it possible to keep a permanent record of samples of child speech, so that analysts could listen repeatedly to obscure (3) _, and thus produce a detailed and accurate description The problems that have (4) _ when investigating child speech are quite different from (5) _ encountered when working with adults It is not possible to carry out certain kinds of experiments, because aspects of children’s cognitive development, such as their ability to (6) _ attention or to remember instructions, may not be sufficiently advanced (7) _ is it easy to get children to (8) _ systematic judgments about language – a task that is virtually impossible below the age of three Moreover, anyone who has tried to make a tape recording of a representative sample of a child’s speech knows how frustrating this can be Some children, it seems, are innately programmed to (9) _ off as soon as they notice a tape recorder (10) _ switched on

Your answers





5 10


Question 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it (5p.)

Example: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock He is Answer: He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock

1 The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plans when they arrived at the venue

It was only We only came to this restaurant because you insisted that we did so

It was at _ Arguing with her won’t get you anywhere

It won’t _ The thief must have come in through the window

The thief almost _ What put me off the idea was simply how expensive it was going to be

The sheer _


Example: We couldn't find the cat anywhere (NOWHERE ) Answer: The cat was nowhere to be found

1 She is determined to become a doctor (HEART)

_ She just pretended to welcome him, then quickly left the waiting room (MOTIONS) _ The success of the venture cannot be guaranteed (SUCCEED)


4 We simply must pay them the whole amount before the end of the month (ALTERNATIVE) _

5 Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals (MONOPOLY) _ Question Essay writing (10p.)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer You should write about 250 words


Questions (10p.) 1p for each correct answer Milperra

2 First class movers 601 ACK

4 Screen Door

6 Dining room table Leg

8 broken 200 10 60

Questions 11 – 20 (10p.) 1p for each correct answer


Question Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the space provided under this part (10p.) 0.5p for each correct answer

1 B C D A A C B C C 10 D 11 D 12 D 13 C 14.C 15 C 16 C 17 D 18 C 19 D 20 B Question There are TEN mistakes in this paragraph Write them down & give the correction Write your answers in the space provided (5p.) 0.5p for each correct answer

Line Mistake Correction

1 estimation estimates

2 one hundred million of people one hundred million people

3 the man man

4 has demonstrated has been demonstrated

5 dated date

6 10 Norway Norwegian

7 13 from a sport from being a sport

8 15 is are

9 16 accessible inaccessible

10 17 spectra spectrum

Question Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of one verb from the box and a suitable particle (5p.) 0.5p for each correct answer

1 turned up work it out

2 lag behind lie on

3 jump at ticked off

4 am jotting down brought on

5 get by 10 fallen out

Question Use the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space Write your answers in the space provided (5 p.) 0.5p for each correct answer

1 graceful breakthroughs regularity spectacular justice awesome repeatedly innumerable unravel 10 disclose

Question Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap (10 p.) 1p for each correct answer


Question Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question (10p.) 1p for each correct answer

Question There are five extracts which have been removed from the following

passage Put an extract from A-G in the correct gap 1-5 to complete the passage (5p.) 1p for each correct answer

1 D A B G F

Question Match each of the following headings with its suitable paragraph (5p.) 1p for each correct answer

1 D A B F E

Question Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word (10p.) 1p for each correct answer

1 using/ analysing pay

2 came nor

3 extracts/ sounds/ utterances make faced/ tackled/ considered/ solved switch

5 those 10 being


Question 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it (5p.) 1p for each correct answer It was only when the journalists arrived at the venue that they heard about the changes to the wedding plans

2 It was at your insistence that we came to this restaurant It won’t you any good to argue with her

4 The thief almost certainly came in through the window The sheer expense/ cost was what put me off the idea

Question For each of the sentence below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word given This word must not be altered in any way (5p.) 1p for each correct answer

1 She has set her heart on becoming a doctor

2 She just went through the motions of welcoming him, then quickly left the waiting room It cannot be guaranteed that the venture will succeed

4 We have no alternative but to pay them the whole amount before the end of the month Our company has got monopoly of importation

Question Essay writing

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls


Use specific reasons and details to support your answer The impression mark í based on the following scheme:

1 Content: (4p.) a provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate

2 Language: (3p.) a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students

3 Presentation: (3p.) coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students


Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu:

• Bài nghe gồm phần, phần ghi âm lần Giữa lần ghi âm phần phần có khoảng trống thời gian chờ

• Mọi hướng dẫn làm cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có nghe

Part Listen to the story on the tape and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) (5 pts)

1 The books belonged to five different libraries ………

2 Mr Barush’s bond was $ 2,000 ………

3 Books are like family to Mr Barush ……… Mr Barush trusts kids around books ………

5 Mr Barush dusted the books with a soft clean cloth ……… Part Fill in the following blanks according to what you hear (10 pts)

American condemnation of acts of terrorism in Iran is not unprecedented But the U.S (6) to Thursday's attack was at an unusually high level, with both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issuing written statements expressing (7) to the families of victims and calling for the attackers to be held accountable

Iranian officials say at least 27 people were killed and some (8) wounded in twin suicide bomb attacks at a mosque in Zahedan in Sistan-Baluchistan province, where worshippers had (9) to mark the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Imam Hussein The victims included members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps

Responsibility was claimed by the Sunni Muslim (10) group Jundallah, which said it staged the attacks to avenge the execution in June of the group's leader for terrorism

Iran has accused the United States and Britain of funding Jundallah, which it says is based in Pakistan, but all three countries (11) aiding the group In his statement, President Obama said the terrorist attacks were outrageous and said the United States (12) with the families of the victims and with the (13) of Iran in the face of what he termed "this injustice."

Secretary Clinton called the bombings "appalling acts" and said they, along with other recent attacks in Uganda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria underscore the world community's (14) to work together to combat terrorist organizations State

Department Spokesman P.J Crowley said the statements show the United States condemns all forms of terrorist and sectarian-driven (15) wherever it occurs


Pick out the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the other words (5 pts)

16 A decided B hatred C warned D sacred 17 A legal B petal C pedal D level 18 A devise B promise C surprise D realize 19 A ghost B hostage C lost D frosty 20 A debate B depute C depress D deputy III LEXICO-GRAMMAR

Part Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence (10 pts) 21 Does anyone know that jacket might be?

A who B whom C whose D which

22 The cheetah runs 70 miles hour It’s the fastest animal in the world

A each B per C a D one

23 Joe seemed to be in a good mood, he snapped at me angrily when I asked him to join us

A yet B so C for D and

24 There are several means of mass communication The newspaper is one Television is

A the another B the other C other D another 25 I read in one paper that they are married

A getting B got C being D having 26 There was hardly food left in the fridge

A more B any C no D some

27 We spent the days on the beach

A few last sunny B last sunny few C last few sunny D few sunny last 28 not fallen over, the athlete would have won the gold medal

A If he B If not C Unless he had D Had he 29 Rarely to work on his own

A he is seen B does he seen C is he seen D does he 30 “We’re going to the seaside” - “Can ?”

A I come as well B also I come C I too come D I as well come Part Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal verbs in the box Use each one once only (5 pts)

31 Why prices keep ?

32 This new game is really Everyone is playing it 33 It’s time your brother and started a family


35 I’m sorry to you but I can’t take you to the airport after all

Part Complete the following sentences with appropriate form of the word in block capitals (5 pts)

36 ACT There is a saying in English: “ speak louder than words.” 37 QUALIFY He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs

38 NATION Do you have a costume in your country? 39 LAND The plane had to make a crash in a field

40 TROULE Traveling in big cities is becoming more everyday

Part Put the verbs given in the brackets into the appropriate tenses or forms (10 pts) 41 “You were late for your dental appointment.”

“I know I (not/ stay) so long at the library.”

42 It is necessary that everyone (be) calm in times of danger

43 If you want to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday We (wait) for you there at midday

44 It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) to the seaside

45 Those were the highest words of praise they ever (hear) from the old man 46 Our little children enjoy (take) to the water park every Sunday

47 I don’t feel good I (stay) home from work tomorrow 48 It won’t be safe to use these stairs until they (repair)

49 The city is now crowded with the people who (seek) employment

50 The old man is said (leave) all his money to an old people’s home when he died

Part In each of the following sentences, the words or phrases are marked A, B, C or D Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct and correct it (5 pts)

51 Almost American Indian cultures have been agricultural societies since 2000 BC A B C D

52 Would you like to contribute for our earthquake fund? A B C D 53 The violence is a very great problem in the world A B C D

54 Now that the stress of examinations are over, we can go somewhere for our holiday A B C D 55 Passengers are advised not to leave their luggage attended


Part Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits each space (10 pts)

In the past people suffered (56) a disease called scurvy Their gums bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did not (57) and their muscles wasted away The (58) of these symptoms was a lack of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits

The best (59) of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberries, and fresh vegetables These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure (60) air

Although today more people (61) vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, (62) some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the

chronically ill

Research shows that vitamin C reduces the (63) of colds and can help prevent cancer There is also evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, (64) wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as

cigarette smoke Some recent research also shows that vitamin C has a positive effect on some mental (65) and increases life span

56 A from B with C by D at

57 A close B recover C heal D get well 58 A reason B cause C origin D signs

59 A store B resources C provider D sources 60 A to B towards C in D by

61 A consume B drink C take D have 62 A containing B including C consisting D like 63 A severity B seriousness C gravity D importance 64 A hastens B hurries up C quickens D speeds

65 A chaos B confusions C disorders D disturbances Part Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only ONE word in each space (10 pts)

At sixteen Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war He wandered aimlessly from (66) country to another (67) finally setting down in Australia, where he trained (68) an electronics engineer He established his own business but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the (69)

His retirement suddenly (70) him realize (71) lonely he was and he decided to (72) up a hobby With his interest in electronics, amateur radio seemed a natural choice He installed his own equipment and obtained a licence and his call sign, which is the set of letters and numbers used to announce oneself when making radio contact with other radio amateurs all over the world

Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far-off places One in particular was a man in California with whom he had much in common One night the man in California (73) to mention the village in Europe he had come from Suddenly, Henry realised that this man was in fact his younger brother, Peter At first, the two brothers were at a (74) for words but then little by little they filled in the details of their past lives and not (75)


Part Read the following passage and choose the correct answers (A, B, C, or D) (5 pts) May 7, 1840, was the birthday of one of the most famous Russian composers of the nineteenth century: Peter Illich Tchaikovsky The son of a mining inspector, Tchaikovsky studied music as a child and later studied composition at the St Petersburg Conservatory His greatest period of productivity occurred between 1876 and 1890, during which time he enjoyed the patronage of Madame von Meck, a woman he never met, who gave him a living stipend of about $1,000 a year Madame von Meck later terminated her friendship with Tchaikovsky, as well as his living allowance, when she herself was facing financial difficulties It was during the time of Madame von Meck's patronage, however, that Tchaikovsky created the music for which he is most famous, including the music for the ballets of “Swan Lake” and “The Sleeping Beauty”

Tchaikovsky's music, well known for its rich melody and sometimes melancholy passages, was one of the first that brought serious dramatic music to dance Before this, little attention had been given to the music behind the dance Tchaikovsky died on November 6, 1893, ostensibly of cholera, although there are now some scholars who argue that he committed suicide 76 With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A The life and music of Tchaikovsky

B Development of Tchaikovsky's music for ballets C Tchaikovsky's relationship with Madame von Meck D The cause of Tchaikovsky's death

77 Where is the best place in the passage to add the following sentence?

She had commissioned some works from him and had so admired his music that she agreed to support him

A In line after the word “Tchaikovsky” B In line after the word “year” C In line after the word “difficulties” D In line 12 after the word “dance” 78 In lines 5, the phrase “enjoyed the patronage of” probably means: A liked the company of B was mentally attached to

C solicited the advice of D was financially dependent upon

79 According to the passage, all of the following describe Madame von Meck EXCEPT: A She had economic troubles

B She was generous

C She was never introduced to Tchaikovsky D She enjoyed Tchaikovsky's music

80 According to the passage, “Swan Lake” and “The Sleeping Beauty” are: A dances B songs C operas D plays V WRITING

Part Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it (5 pts)

81 I am only interested in why he did it


82 House prices have risen dramatically this year

→ There has been 83 I can’t understand how this new computer works

→ This new computer works 84 She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will

→ Her uncle didn’t 85 I only recognized him when he came into light

→ Not until

Part Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given (5 pts)

86 People claim that he was the best tennis player of his times said → He the best tennis player of his times

87 They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic avoid → They left early in order in the traffic

88 Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? should → I about these changes earlier

89 He had a very traditional upbringing, didn’t he? traditionally → He , wasn’t he?

90 I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me thankful

→ I’d like to say am for everything you have done for me Part Composition (10 pts)

The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population This is causing problems not only for poor, developing countries, but also for industrialized and developed nations Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes and suggest at least one possible solution You should write at least 200 words


I LISTENING Part (5 points)

1 T F T F T Part (10 points)


16 C 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 D III LEXICO - GRAMMAR

Part (10 points)

21 C 22 B 23 A 24 D 25 A 26 B 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 A

Part (5 points)

31 going up 32 catching on 33 settled down 34 took up 35 let you down

Part (5 points)

36 Actions 37 disqualified 38 national 39 landing 40 troublesome

Part (10 points)

41 shouldn’t have stayed 42 be/ should be 43 shall/ will be waiting 44 were rushing 45 had ever heard 46 being taken

47 am staying/am going to stay 48 have been repaired 49 are seeking 50 to have left

Part 5: (5 points) (chọn 50%, sửa 50%) 51 A Almost  Most 52 C for  to 53 A The violence  Violence

54 C are  is

55 D attended  unattended IV READING COMPREHENSION

Part 1: (10 points)

56 A 57 C 58 B 59 D 60 A 61 C 62 B 63.A 64 D 65 C Part 2: (10 points)

66 one 67 before 68 as 69 question 70 made 71 how 72 take 73 happened/ chanced 74 loss 75 long

Part 3: (5 points)

76 A 77 B 78 D 79 D 80 A V WRITING

Part 1: (5 points)

81 The only thing I am interested in is why he did it


84 Her uncle didn’t leave her anything in his will 85 Not until he came into light did I recognize him Part 2: (5 points)

86 is said to have been

87 to avoid getting/being caught 88 should have been told

89 was traditionally brought up/ was brought up traditionally 90 how thankful I

Part 3: (10 points)

The mark given to part is based on the following scheme: - Content: (50% of the total mark);

- Organization and presentation: (20% of the total mark); - Language: (20% of the total mark);

- Handwriting, punctuation and spelling: (10% of the total mark) -THE END - 5 Đề số

PART A LISTENING (4.0 points) Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu:

- Nội dung nghe gồm 02 phần, phần thí sinh nghe lần, đĩa CD tự chạy lần I- You will hear a radio announcer talking about Plymouth Sea Life Centre For each question, fill in the missing information in the blanks


Adults (1) ……… pounds, children 2.00 pounds Special prices for over sixties and school groups


Every day except 25 and 26 December FOR CHILDREN - (special quiz)

Animals are fed every (2) ……… from 9.30 am Slide and (3) ……… shows from 10.00 am GROUPS

Guided tours available - ask at the (4) ……… NEW ATTRACTION

Walk through the big (5) ……… made of glass REFRESHMENTS



II- You will hear an interview with a student called Sarah Mercer, who is planning to become a weather forecaster For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C

1- Why did Sarah first become interested in the weather? A She studied weather in school science lessons

B She had experience of bad weather where she lived C She saw programmes about weather on TV

2- Who encouraged Sarah’s interest in the weather at home? A her mother

B her father C her grandfather

3- Pupils at Sarah’s school club

A produced a book about the weather

B provided information to the school for projects C set up equipment for studying the weather

4- What mistake did Sarah’s family make during a sailing trip? A They didn’t recognise signs of bad weather coming

B They hadn’t made preparations for bad weather C They failed to check weather forecasts regularly 5- Sarah thinks in future she’d like to

A work in the area of sport

B be on TV weather programmes C travel abroad for her job

6- What kind of weather does Sarah like best? A when the sun is shining

B when it’s raining hard C when there’s fog

PART B PHONETICS ((1.0 point))

I Circle one letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose main stress pattern is different from the others (0.5 point)

1 A perform B campus C mountain D equal A distinguish B appliance C opinion D politics

3 A information A contaminate C mathematics D politician A understanding B anniversary C experience D celebration A referee B dedicate C volunteer D understand


1 A closure B pleasure C conclusion D pressure

2 A enough B rough C tough D though

3 A walked B threatened C passed D forced

4 A picture B temperature C failure D


5 A streets B phones C books D makes PART C GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (5.0 points)

I Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions (4.0 points)

1 ……… the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished

A Until B In C By D On

2 They are going to make ……… excursion next month

A a two-week B two-weeks C two weeks' D a two-week's He refused to give up work , ……… he had won a million pounds

A despite B however C even though D as though The new system didn’t ………… expectations

A catch up with B bring about C come across D come up to The newspaper report contained ……… important information

A many B another C an D a lot of

6 You ……… better be careful not to miss the train

A would B should C had D did

7 Helen asked me ……… the film called “Stars Wars”

A have I seen B have you seen C If I had seen D if had I seen

8 She had no ……… of selling the clock It had belonged to her grandmother A intention B meaning C interest D opinion The noise ……… from the boat engine might disturb sea animals

A comes B came C coming D has come

10 I’m really looking forward ……… to university

A to go B go C going D to going

11 “Let’s go dancing, ………?” - “Yes, let’s”

A will we B we C don’t we D shall we 12 I don’t want much sugar in my coffee Just……., please

A few B a few C little D a little

13 As the drug took ………, the patient got better


A field B scope C list D range

15 We are very happy to have received a(n) of 500 dollars from a foreign company A charity B donation C hospital D organization 16 How many ……… are there in the competition?

A participants B participations C participative D participates 17 Young volunteers often help the sick or the aged to clean ……… their houses

A on B off C up D in 18 Jim ……… her on passing the final exams

A thanked B prevented C congratulated D warned 19 The party I was the guest of honors was extremely enjoyable

A by which B at which C for which D to which 20 We don't allow ……… in the classrooms

A people smoke B smoke C people to smoke D to smoking

21 A wedding is a wonderful opportunity for ……… off new clothes

A wearing B carrying C showing D putting 22 It’s a good idea to see your doctor regularly for ………

A a revision B a control C an investigation D a check-up 23 He said that the plane had already left and that I ……… arrived an hour earlier A must have B had to C should have D was supposed to

24 Yuri Gagarin was the first person ……… into space A flew B to fly C flown D fly

25 Many parents not let their children make a decision ……… their future career A in B about C on D out

26 Anne: “Make yourself at home” - John: “………” A Yes, can I help you B Not at all Don’t mention it

C Thanks! Same to you D That’s very kind Thank you

27 ……… saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen A What the woman was B The woman was

C That the woman was D What was the woman

28 We were so late that we ……… had time to catch the train

A nearly B almost C hardly D simply 29 Many species of animals have become …… due to the irresponsible activities of people

A endanger B dangerous C danger D endangered


C but the oil prices fluctuated D oil prices were fluctuating

31 - “Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti or something different?” - “………….” A Anything will B Yes, please C Never mind D I don’t mind

32 He had an excellent grade in his examination ……… the fact that he hadn't worked particularly hard

A despite B although C because of D on account of 33 Opposite our house there is a large park, ……… there are beautiful trees and flowers

A where B in that C which D that 34 ……… earlier, I would have done it for you

A Had I known B If I knew C Should I know D Were I to know 35 Only when you grow up ……… the truth

A you will know B you know C you know D will you know 36 We delayed our departure ……… the weather condition

A in spite of B on account of C instead of D on behalf of 37 During the rush hour the traffic ……… in the city centre is terrible

A condensation B accumulation C concentration D congestion 38 Don’t be silly! That ……… possibly be Madonna!

A mustn’t B shouldn’t C won’t D can’t 39 Mike is not feeling well so we gave him ……… to than you

A fewer B little work C less work D least works 40 Our friends won a big prize when he took part in the ……… on TV last week

A game show B news C music program D weather forecast II Each of the following sentences has underlined parts Circle A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part of the sentence that needs corrections (0.5 point)

1 Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources on Earth

2 Plants and animals live in the sea sank to the sea bed when they died

3 Learning a foreign language enables a student develop an understanding of another culture

4 Mrs Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities

5 In a laboratory experiment, an investigator often begins by work out different conditions for two groups of subjects

III Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters (0.5 point)


2 Solar energy, wind power and water power are sources of energy (ALTERNATE)

3 This organization is very concerned about the…… of the rain forests (DESTROY)

4 In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but (NECESSARY)

5 Two…… from the group “Friends of the Earth" are talking to the students (REPRESENT)

PART D READING (5.0 points)

I Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions (2.0 points )

Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country's impressive population growth For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966 In September 1966 Canada's population passed the 20 million mark Most of this surging growth came from natural increase The depression of the 1930's and the war had held back marriages, and the catching-up process began after 1945 The baby boom continued through the decade of the1950's, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956 This rate of increase had been exceeded only once before in Canada's history, in the decade before 1911 when the prairies were being settled Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950's supported a growth in the population, but the

expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per thousand, one of the highest in the world

After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25 years Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society Young people were staying at school longer; more women were working; young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families; rising living standards were cutting down the size of families It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution

Although the growth in Canada's population had slowed down by 1966 (the increase in the first half of the 1960's was only nine percent), another large population wave was coming over the horizon It would be composed of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957

1 What does the passage mainly discuss?

A Educational changes in Canadian society B Canada during the Second World War C Population trends in postwar Canada D Standards of living in Canada

2 According to the passage, when did Canada's baby boom begin?

A In the decade after 1911 B After 1945 C During the depression of the 1930's D In 1966

3 The word "five" in line refers to


A new B extra C accelerating D surprising The author suggests that in Canada during the1950's

A the urban population decreased rapidly B fewer people married C economic conditions were poor D the birth rate was very high

6 The word "trend" in line is closest in meaning to

A tendency B aim C growt D directive The word "peak" in line 12 is closest in meaning to

A pointed B dismal C mountain D maximum When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level?

A 1966 B 1957 C 1956 D 1951

9 The author mentions all of the following as causes of declines in population growth after 1957 EXCEPT

A people being better educated B people getting married earlier C better standards of living D couples buying houses 10 It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution

A families were larger B population statistics were unreliable C the population grew steadily D economic conditions were bad

II Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions (2.0 points )

Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme heat One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun's rays Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of

maintaining a constant body temperature Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy, desert

mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant's gazelles The overheated body then cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed the temperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel This is an advantage since the heat of the first few hours of daylight is absorbed in warming up the body, and an excessive build-up of heat does not begin until well into the day

Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for non-adapted animals The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself, whereas human beings die after losing only 12 to 13 percent of their body weight An equally important adaptation is the ability to replenish this water loss at one drink Desert animals can drink prodigious volumes in a short time, and camels have been known to imbibe over 100 liters in a few minutes A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink enough water to rehydrate at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication


it is a common experience in people that appetite is lost even under conditions of moderate thirst

1 What is the main topic of the passage?

A Weather variations in the desert B Adaptations of desert animals C Diseased of desert animals D Human use of desert animals

2 According to the passage, why is light coloring an advantage to large desert animals? A It helps them hide from predators B It does not absorb sunlight as much as dark colors

C It helps them see their young at night D It keeps them cool at night The word "maintaining" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to

A measuring B inheriting C preserving D delaying The author uses of Grant's gazelle as an example of

A an animal with a low average temperature B an animal that is not as well adapted as the camel

C a desert animal that can withstand high body temperatures D a desert animal with a constant body temperature

5 When is the internal temperature of a large desert mammal lower? A Just before sunrise B In the middle of the day C Just after sunset D Just after drinking

6 The word "tolerate" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A endure B replace C compensate D reduce What causes water intoxication?

A Drinking too much water very quickly B Drinking polluted water C Bacteria in water D Lack of water What does the author imply about desert-adapted mammals?

A They not need to eat much food B They can eat large quantities quickly

C They easily lose their appetites D They can travel long distances looking for food

9 Why does the author mention humans in the second paragraph? A To show how they use camels

B To contrast them to desert mammals C To give instructions about desert survival D To show how they have adapted to desert life

10 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an adaptation of large desert animals?


III Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A,B,C or D) for each space: (1.0 point)

The computer is undoubtedly one of the most (1) and important inventions of the twentieth century Boring or time-consuming jobs which, in the past, would have been (2) by hundreds of workers can now be done by one small computer However, the (3) of the computer has not been entirely problem-free Many people feel that we are already too (4) on computers They think that computers themselves are (5) too powerful, and that people are no longer in control of them

One of the problems with a computer is that, like any other machines, it can

(6) If a computer is (7) , the information it is storing can be lost If a computer program has a(n) (8) in it, the computer’s calculation can be seriously (9) A faulty program in a hospital or police computer could (10) terrible mistakes

1 A shocking B amazing C astonishing D surprising A done out B made out C carried out D figured out A usage B experiment C introduction D operation

4 A dependent B based C influenced D carried A becoming B getting C running D turning

6 A break up B break down C break into D break out A changed B modified C contaminated D damaged A foul B abnormality C wrongdoing D error A devalued B affected C fooled D broken 10 A B produce C find D cause

PART E WRITING (5.0 points)

I Finish each second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the clues at the beginning of each sentence There’s an example at the beginning (0) (2.0 points) Can you close window, please?  Would you mind closing the window?

1 “I am sorry that I broke the glass” said Jim

Jim apologised I really think you ought to take some exercises

It is high time _ He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk

No sooner If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned

The sooner The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately

So _ I prefer going out for a meal to staying at home


There has _ While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time

Despite _ “Shall we go to Paris for the weekend, John?” Mary asked

Mary suggested 10 It is thought that the accident was caused by human error

The accident _ II Finish each second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in the brackets There’s an example at the beginning (0) (1.0 point)

The next Olympic Games will be held in Asia (take)  The next Olympic Games will take place in Asia

1 I offered to help her but she said “No, thanks” (turned)

She _ I would prefer you not to phone me at work (rather)

I He is determined to campaign for his son’s freedom (intention)

He has _ “It is not worth worrying about the past” I told him (point)

I told him that _ I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.(matter)

No III Write an essay (about 230 words) on the following topic: (2.0 points)

In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice


SECTION Questions 1-6 (2.0 points) 0.3 point for each correct answer:

1.-3.70hour hour 3-videos 4-information desk 5-tunnel 6-snacks SECTION Questions 1-6 (2.0 points)

0.3 point for each correct answer:

1- B 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-B PART B PHONETICS ((1.0 point))


0.1 point for each correct answer:

1 A D A C B

II Circle one letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others (0.5 point)

0.1 point for each correct answer:


I Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions (4.0 points)

0.1 point for each correct answer:

1 C A C D D C C A C 10 D 11 D 12 D 13 D 14 D 15 B 16 A 17 C 18 C 19 B 20 C 21 C 22 D 23 C 24 B 25 C 26 D 27 A 28 C 29 D 30 B 31 A 32 A 33 A 34 A 35 D 36 B 37 D 38 D 39 C 40 A

II Each of the following sentences has underlined parts Circle A, B,C or D to indicate the underlined part of the sentence that needs corrections (0.5 point)

0.1 point for each correct answer:

41 C 42.B 43.C 44.C 45 B

III Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters (0.5 point) 0.2 point for each correct answer:

1 Worldwide Alternative Destruction Necessities Representatives

PART D READING (5.0 points)

I Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions (2.0 points)

0.2 point for each correct answer:

1 C B A C D A D A B 10 A

II Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions (2.0 points)

0.2 point for each correct answer:


III Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A,B,C or D) for each space: (1.0 point)

0.1 point for each correct answer:

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A

6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.D

PART E WRITING (5.0 points)

I Finish each second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the clues at the beginning of each sentence (0) (2.0 points)

0.2 point for each correct answer:

1 Jim apologised for breaking the glass It is high time you took some exercises

3 No sooner had he returned from his walk than he got down to writing the letter The sooner we (can) solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately I’d rather go out for a meal than stay at home

7 There has been a considerable fall/decrease in the value of these goods in the past week Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior/ the fact that I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time

9 Mary suggested (John and her) going to Paris for the weekend 10 The accident is thought to have been caused by human error

II Finish each second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in the brackets (1.0 point)

0.2 point for each correct answer: She turned down my offer of help

2 I would rather you did not phone me at work

3 He has no intention to stop campaigning for his son’s freedom I told him that there was no point in worrying about the past No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get the money

III Write an essay (about 230 words) on the following topic: (2.0 points) Marking scheme:

1 Format (0.2 point) - The composition has three parts: The introduction, the body, the conclusion

2 Content (1.0 point) a provision of main ideas and details as appropriate

3 Language (0.5point) a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of upper secondary gifted students

4 Presentation (0.3point) coherence, cohesion and style appropriate to the level of upper secondary gifted students


Website HOC247 cung cấp môi trường học trực tuyến sinh động, nhiều tiện ích thông

minh, nội dung giảng biên soạn công phu giảng dạy giáo viên nhiều

năm kinh nghiệm, giỏi kiến thức chuyên môn lẫn kỹ sư phạm đến từ trường

Đại học trường chuyên danh tiếng

I Luyện Thi Online

- Luyên thi ĐH, THPT QG: Đội ngũ GV Giỏi, Kinh nghiệm từ Trường ĐH THPT danh

tiếng xây dựng khóa luyện thi THPTQG mơn: Tốn, Ngữ Văn, Tiếng Anh, Vật Lý,

Hóa Học Sinh Học

- Luyện thi vào lớp 10 chun Tốn: Ơn thi HSG lớp luyện thi vào lớp 10 chuyên

Toán trường PTNK, Chuyên HCM (LHP-TĐN-NTH-GĐ), Chuyên Phan Bội Châu Nghệ

An trường Chuyên khác TS.Trần Nam Dũng, TS Phạm Sỹ Nam, TS Trịnh Thanh

Đèo Thầy Nguyễn Đức Tấn II Khoá Học Nâng Cao HSG

- Toán Nâng Cao THCS: Cung cấp chương trình Tốn Nâng Cao, Tốn Chun dành cho em HS THCS lớp 6, 7, 8, u thích mơn Tốn phát triển tư duy, nâng cao thành tích học tập trường đạt điểm tốt kỳ thi HSG

- Bồi dưỡng HSG Tốn: Bồi dưỡng phân mơn Đại Số, Số Học, Giải Tích, Hình Học Tổ

Hợp dành cho học sinh khối lớp 10, 11, 12 Đội ngũ Giảng Viên giàu kinh nghiệm: TS Lê

Bá Khánh Trình, TS Trần Nam Dũng, TS Phạm Sỹ Nam, TS Lưu Bá Thắng, Thầy Lê Phúc

Lữ, Thầy Võ Quốc Bá Cẩn đơi HLV đạt thành tích cao HSG Quốc Gia

III Kênh học tập miễn phí

- HOC247 NET: Website hoc miễn phí học theo chương trình SGK từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất môn học với nội dung giảng chi tiết, sửa tập SGK, luyện tập trắc nghiệm mễn phí, kho tư liệu tham khảo phong phú cộng đồng hỏi đáp sôi động

- HOC247 TV: Kênh Youtube cung cấp Video giảng, chuyên đề, ôn tập, sửa tập, sửa đề thi miễn phí từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất mơn Tốn- Lý - Hố, Sinh- Sử - Địa, Ngữ Văn, Tin Học Tiếng Anh

Vững vàng tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

Học lúc, nơi, thiết bi – Tiết kiệm 90%

Học Toán Online Chuyên Gia

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 18:52

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