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Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple forms of the verbs in parentheses.. in Ha Noi since then.[r]



Năm học: 2010 – 2011

Lớp 10 11



S + V(s/es)

- Usage:

We use the present simple to talk about habits, routines, to make general statements of fact, or to express opinions Adverbs of frequency such as always, usually, often, , never are often used with the present simple

- Examples:

Hoa enjoys her home economic class very much. We often play football after class.

Remember to add “s” or “es” to the end of the verbs after the subjects he, she and it.

We use do/ does to make negative and interrogative sentences (except the sentences with the verb BE)


S + am / is / are + V-ing - Usage:

We use the present progressive to describe an action/ activity that is in progress (happening) at the moment of speaking

Signals: Listen, look, at the moment, now, be quiet, hurry up - Examples:

They are studying at the library now.

She is doing her homework.


S + V-ed - Usage:

We use the past simple to describe actions, events or situations began and ended in the past - Examples:


We visited Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum


S + was / were + V-ing - Usage:

We use the past progressive to describe activities in progress (were happening) at a specific time or during a period in the past

- Examples:

Liz was studying at o’clock yesterday morning They were playing volleyball yesterday afternoon


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with appropriate present simple or present progressive forms of the verbs in brackets

1 Mr Trinh normally on his farm, but he this month in Tien Giang He how to plant new crops (work, spend, learn)

2 Nam and his friends chemistry lessons in the lab They some experiments They always chemistry lessons twice a week Their teacher always the lessons interesting (have, conduct, have, make)

3 Most weekdays, Miss Hoa her motorbike to school But as it today, she a bus to work; and her sister, Linh, the shopping at the supermarket instead of the green market where she usually (ride, rain, take, do, go)

4 Mr Quoc at a street crossroad in Hue He to find one more passenger for his cyclo before he home He usually his work at p.m., but tonight he cannot go home until 11 p.m Business not good these days (sit, hope, go, finish, be)

5 Mr Robinson: Where are the children?

Mrs Robinson: They in the garden They home from school at about 5.15 and usually straight out to play with their friends (play, get, go)

6 Mr Liem is the owner of a small factory He his factory's accounts.He to expand his business He a meeting with his bank manager tomorrow He the bank will- give him a short-term loan (check, want, have, hope)

Exercise 2: Put in the correct form of verbs.

MAl : I hear the light (go) (0) went out in your flats last night

HOA: Yes, I (watch) (1) was watching a film on TV when suddenly we (lose)

(2) all the power But it (come) (3) on again after about ten minutes

MINH: Kim (come) (4) down the, stairs when the lights (5) out She almost (fall) (6) over

TAM: Quang and I (play) (7) table tennis at the time

BINH : I (work) (8) _on the computer I (lose) (9) a whole hour's work But this morning I (get up) (10) early and (do) (11) it again



It (be) (0) was just before the Second World War Tom (be) (1) only 20 at the time and (live) (2) with his mother He (work) (3) in a bank and traveling to London every day One morning, he (receive) (4) a mysterious letter It was addressed to 'Mr Thomas Parker' The letter, which was signed 'A Friend', (ask) (5) Tom to go to the Crown Inn during his lunch hour All morning, as he (deal) (6) with customers Tom (wonder) (7) whether he should this At lunchtime, he (decide) (8) to go to the inn It (be) (9) full of people and Tom (can't recognize) (10) anyone He just (wonder) (11) if he should leave, when a stranger (introduce) (12) himself and (say) (13) he (know) (14) Tom's father, who (die) (15) when Tom (be) (16) a baby The stranger (explain) (17) that Tom's father, Bill, (be) (18) a secret agent in the First World War Through this meeting, Tom was recruited to be a secret agent, too, and already (work) (19) in France when the war (begin) (20)



S + have/ has + P2 - Usage:

 We use the present perfect to describe actions or situations that happened at an unspecified time in the past with either no time reference or with reference to recent time like just, already,

recently, still, yet

We have been to Ha Long Bay

I have just/ already seen the film "The Hero"

 We use the present perfect to describe actions or situations happening at an unspecified time in the past and continuing up to the present moment with time references like before, ever, never, ,

so far, or with since and for.

The Robinsons have lived in Ha Noi for years / since 2003.

 When we use the present perfect, we see things as happening in the past but having a result in the present

I've washed the dishes (They are clean now.) He's eaten all the eggs (There aren't any left.)

 The present perfect also implies that the action or situation will continue in the future

They have worked for a long time


S + had + P2


- Usage:

We use the past perfect to refer to an activity or situation that completed before another event or time in the past The past perfect is more common in written English than in spoken English The second event or time must be mentioned or implied

- Examples:

We had arrived there before midnight

When he had finished eating lunch, he went to the canteen to have some coffee I had never heard of that film


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the past perfect forms of the verbs

1 I couldn't get in my house because I (forget) my keys

2 Their telephone wasn't working because they (not pay) the bills

3 Brigit told me that she (work) in China as a teacher a few years before 4 Everything on the fields was brown because it (not rain) for months 5 When Liz and Tim (finish) dinner, they sat down and watched TV

Exercise 2: Put in the blanks with the past simple or past perfect forms of the verbs.

1 Yesterday I (meet) Dr Lai in a cafeteria He (be) at school with my grandmother

2 Hoa (tell) Nam that she couldn't go to the theatre, but Nam already (buy) the tickets

4 Ba (not tell) anybody how he (get) into the closed classroom I (not recognize) Linh, because she (cut) her hair very short Before Liz (go) to Vietnam, she never (travel) by hired motorbike After we (discuss) the project on the phone, I (write) my boss a letter

about it

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple forms of the verbs in parentheses

1 Liz America in 1999 and in Ha Noi since then (leave, live) Van is having stomach upset She a lot of fruits all day yesterday (eat) "Do you like computer games?" "I it yet." (not try)

4 The Y&Y office a new bookshop, and it's going very well (open) "Do you know Ho Chi Minh City well?" "Yes I there last year." (study) (Conversation)

TUNG: I know Liz Robinson

LAM: Really? How long you her? (know) TUNG: Oh, quite a long time now

LAM: When you first her? (meet)

TUNG: Last summer We each other on the train to Hai Phong (know) LAM: you ever to her afterwards? (talk)

TUNG: Yes, many times This morning I her to help me with my English exercise (ask)

LAM: she ? (agree)

TUNG: Of course, she did She's a very good friend, isn't she?



The Titanic, which was built by the British in 1912, was the largest, fastest and most luxurious ship at that time Many people thought that it was “unsinkable” So, they provided only twenty lifeboats for 2,227 passengers on board The ship was only two days at sea and more than halfway between England and its New York destination Many passengers were on board the night when it rammed an iceberg Because the ship was travelling so fast that it couldn’t avoid the huge iceberg Fright increased the number of deaths as people jumped into the icy water or fought to broad the lifeboats Four hours after the disaster, another ship, the Carpathia, rescued the 705 survivors The famous Titanic enjoyed only two days of sailing before plunging into 12,000 feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland, where it lies today

1 When / Titanic / build?

Who / build / Titanic?

Why / the Titanic / could / not / avoid / iceberg?

Which ship / rescue / 705 survivors?



Type 1

The simple present

- The simple present. - The simple future ( WILL + Verb).

- CAN, MAY, + Verb

These sentences refer to habitual activities, activities that are true in general or future activities


If you like it, you can buy it.

If it’s sunny, we will go to the beach.

Type 2

The simple past WOULD/ COULD/ + Verb

These sentences refer to things that are not real or not probable now


If I had a billion dong, I would buy a car. If you were a president, what would you do? Type 3 Past perfect

( Had + past participle (P2) WOULD/ COULD/ + HAVE + past participle (P2) These sentences refer tounreal past events – things


that didn’t happen


If her parents hadn’t been ill, she would have gone to university. If I had seen some jeans, I might have bought them.


Exercise 1: Put in the correct form of the verbs. A: I don’t think we can catch the bus

B: Well, if we (hurry), we (catch) one

1 I want to find another job I will have more free time if I (work) on a different job What (you/ do) if you won the lottery?

3 It would be quicker if you (use) a computer A: My brother always spends his money on expensive things

B: If he (be) practical, he (can save) some money

5 Last month, we paid a massive electricity bill If we (not/ waste) so much electricity, the bill (not/ be) so large

6 If Mr Brown (save) some money when he was young, he (not/ be) so poor now

7 I don’t like this neighborhood because the ground here is very low If it (rain), the place (be) flooded

8 I could understand him if he (speak) more slowly

9 If I (be) in the party yesterday, I (meet) my dearest old friend Exercise 2: Write conditional sentences to match the given situations.

Example: She is not in your position She isn’t able to advise you.

If she were in your position, she would be able to advise you. Liz doesn’t live in the country She doesn’t feel very happy

……… Mr Jones wants to buy a new car but he does not have much money

……… My cat wants to eat all my food in the fridge but it cannot open it

……… Make me some coffee, and I’ll give you one of my biscuit

……… Study hard, or you won’t pass the final exam

……… You didn’t come home early so the house was broken into and things were stolen

……… My uncle smoke too much, that’s why he coughs a lot

……… I didn’t see Mary yesterday, so I didn’t say hello to her

……… I left Nhung’s house early, so I didn’t see her boyfriend

……… 10 Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table


I have bought a lottery ticket If I win the first prize, I will purchase a secondhand car and buy a lot of presents for my family and my friends When I have my own car, I will drive to any places in the city Now I have to go by bus and it is very inconvenient I have a bike but I never cycle to work because it is a long way If I win the second prize, I will purchase a brand-new motorbike Riding a motorbike is not as interesting as driving a car but it is better than going by bus It won’t matter if there is no prize for me Buses are still my choice every day I am saving money and I will buy a motorbike when I have enough money A car is just my dream When I can earn much more money I will buy a flat and run my own business Now I am living in a rental house Those are my plans for the future

1 How / the author / go to work?

……… ……… What / he / bought?

……… ……… What / he / / if / he / win / the first prize / for the lottery?

……… ……… Why / he / save / money?

……… ………


 Tenses in the reported clause don’t change after the present or future reporting verbs

Hoa says, “I want to go home”. Hoa says she wants to go home.

 Tenses in the reported clause will change after the past reporting verbs Changes in Reported speech

1 Tense

Direct SpeechReported speech

Present simple → Past simple

Present progressive → Past progressive

Past simple → Past simple/ Past perfect

Past progressive → Past progressive, Past perfect progressive *

Present perfect → Past perfect

Present perfect progressive → Past perfect progressive

Past perfect → Past perfect

Past perfect progressive → Past perfect progressive 2 Time

now → then*, immediately*

today → that day*

tonight → that night *

tomorrow → the next/ following day*

yesterday → the day before*/ the previous day*


last night → the night before*

two days ago → two days before/ earlier*

3 Place

here → there*

this → that*

these → those*

* (Optional, depend on context) Reported speech: Commend, request,

We use ASK, TELL, REMIND, + Object + to + INFINITIVE to report other’s request, command,

“ Nam, you shouldn’t tell anyone about the story,” Ba said. Ba told Nam not to tell anyone about the story.


Exercise 1: Reported speech with the reporting verb in the present. “Lis is going back to American for this summer holidays.”

→ Ba says “You have to keep the classroom clean and tidy.”

→ The instructions say “They went to the Grand Canyons last year.”

→ Tim tells me “Do you need anything else?”

→ My sister asks me “ Which attractions you want to go?”

→ Hoa asks Liz “What’s the number of your motorbike?”

→ The police ask me “How many books did you order last week?”

→ The librarian asks me “Does the National Museum open all day?”

→ The tourist asks Lan Exercise 2: Reported speech with the reporting verb in the past.

1 “I’ve just sat for my final exam.”

→ Nam said that “You are putting on a lot of weight, Mai.” Dr Lai said

→ Dr Lai told Mai that “These restaurants were expensive, but their foods were awesome.”

→ Liz told Tim that “When we arrived, both drivers were lying on the street unconsciously.”

→ The policeman reported (that) “Do you like the food here?”

→ The restaurant owner asked us “Why don’t you learn to speak Japanese at this centre?”

→ Yoko asked me “Did you play a lot of tennis last week?”

→ Nam asked Liz “I’ll come and see you tomorrow.”


Exercise 3: Reported speech: Commend, request,

Example: Nam: I won’t tell anyone about it (promise)

→ Nam promised not to tell anyone about it. Liz: Shannon, don’t eat in my room (ask)

→ Liz asked Teacher: Long, I’d like you to study harder (tell)

→ The teacher Miss Hoa: Minh, please don’t talk so loud in class.(ask)

→ Miss Hoa Linh: I’ll stop littering my room from now on (promise)

→ Linh Lan: I will prepare the food for the whole group (offer)

→ Lan Exercise : Read the passage Make questions using the suggested words and answer them.

Sydney is Australia’s most exciting city The history of Australia begins here In 1788 Captain Apthur Phillips arrived in Sydney with 11 ships and 1624 passengers from Britain (including seven hundred and seventy prisoners) Today there are about 3.6 million people in Sydney It’s the biggest city in Australia, the busiest port in the South Pacific and one of the most beautiful cities in the world

There are over 20 excellent beaches close to Sydney and its warm summer climate and cold winter have made it a favourite city for immigrants (người nhập cư) from overseas There are three things that make Sydney famous: its beautiful harbour, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was built in 1932 and the Sydney Opera House, which was opened in 1973

1 How many / prisoners / brought / to / Australia / in 1788?

……… ……… Where / history / Australia / begin?

……… ……… What / the weather / like / in Sydney / in winter?

……… ……… When / Sydney Opera House / open?

……… ………


Defining relative clause Non-defining relative clause

who, which: S

- The woman who lives next door is a doctor - My brother Jim, who lives in London, is a doctor.


- I don’t like the story which has unhappy ending. - Hanoi, which is the capital city of Vietnam, is

located on the Red River.

who, which: Obj. - The man whom I wanted to see was away

- Have you found the keys which you lost? - Miss Lan, whom you met yesterday, is my sister.- We stayed at the Grand Hotel, which Ann recommended to us.

who, which + preposition - The man who I spoke to is very kind.

… to whom I spoke ……

- The music which we listen to is very good. …… to which we listen …….

- This is my brother, who I told you about yesterday. … about whom I told you … - Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which I’d never been to before

…… to which ………. whose

- I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.

- A house whose walls were made of glass is nice. - Lan, whose brother is a student, speaks Englishfluently

when, where, why - The building where he live is very old.

- I will never forget the day when we met each other.

- I don’t know the reason why you did it.

- Mr Born is going to spend a few weeks in Paris, where his daughter lives.

- We are going on holiday in August, when the weather isn’t so hot.

* Which can be used in relative clauses to refer to the whole class of the earlier clause. E.g She arrived on time, which amazed everybody.

Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity.


Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable word in each sentence. 1 Peter, who/ whom/ that I had seen before, wasn’t at the party. 2 Have you got the money that/ who/ whom I lent you yesterday? 3 David comes from Whitney, which/ that/ whose is near Oxford.

4 She’s the singer who/ whom/ whose has just signed a contract with a recording company. 5 Mary’s sister, who/ whom/ that I spoke to, wasn’t very polite.

6 I don’t understand people who/ whom/ whose hate animals. 7 Here’s the person that/ who/ whose car was stolen.


Exercise 2: Combine each pair of sentences in to one, using a suitable relative pronoun or adverb This is my new house My father has just bought it

I recently went back to Hanoi I was born there

The man is standing over there He is my brother’s friend

I can’t remember the name of the hotel We stayed there last week

I like the present You gave it to me on my birthday

This is Mrs Lan She taught us English last year

The man lives next door to us Do you know him?

His stepmother is not very kind to him He is living with her

Exercise 3: Find the errors in these sentences and correct them

1 One of the people which I admire most is my uncle

Baseball is the only sport in which I am interested in it

3 My classroom is located on the second floor of Carver Hall, that is a large brick building in the centre of the campus

A myth is a story expresses traditional beliefs

5 Dianne Jones, that used to teach Spanish, has organized a tour of Central American for senior citizens

6 I’ve met many people since I came here who some of them are from my country

People can speak English, that can be understood in many countries

My grandmother, who is a wise woman, has greatly influenced my life

Exercise 4: Read the passage Make questions using the suggested words and answer them.

There are about 5,000 to 6,000 living languages in the world today But only about six of them are major languages of the world Two-thirds of the world's population speak those six languages English is the most widely used language in the world 350 million people speak English as their first language Another 350 million people speak it as a second language Nobody knows exactly how many people speak it as a foreign language There are more and more people who learn English today because it is necessary for their work and life As a mother tongue, it ranks only second to Chinese, which is little used outside China Chinese is the only language with more speakers than English This is because of the huge population of China, more than 1.2 billion people In many countries, the textbooks in universities are in English Many universities classes are taught in English although their first language is not English In Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject at all schools, colleges and universities

1 How many / living languages / in the world / today?


2 ………

3 Which language / with more speakers / English?


4 ……… Which language / the most widely used / world?


6 ………

7 How many / people / speak English / first language?

……… ………


Exercise 1:

1 works, is spending, is learning

2 are having, are conducting, have, makes rides, is raining, is taking, is doing, goes is sitting, is hoping, goes, finishes, is are playing, get, go

6 is checking, wants, has, is hoping Exercise 2:

2 lost came was coming went6 fell

7 were playing was working lost 10 got up 11 did Exercise 3:

1 was was living worked received

5 asked was dealing was wondering decided

9 was 10 couldn’t recognize11 was just wondering 12 introduced

13 said 14 had known 15 had died 16 was

17 explained 18 was 19 was already working 20 began WEEK 2

Exercise 1:

1 had forgotten hadn’t paid had worked hadn’t rained had missed

Exercise 2:

1 met, had been didn’t recognized

2 told, had already bought went, had never traveled didn’t tell, had got had discussed, wrote Exercise 3:

1 left, has lived ate haven’t tried

4 has opened studied


Exercise 4:

1 When was the Titanic built? It was built in 1912

3 Who built the Titanic? The British did / built

5 Why couldn’t the Titanic avoid the huge iceberg? Because the ship / it was travelling so fast

7 Which ship rescued 705 survivors? The Carpathia did / rescued week 3

Exercise 1:

1 hurry, will catch will work would used

5 were, could save

6 hadn’t wasted wouldn’t have been had saved, wouldn’t be

8 rains, will be spoke

10 had been, would have met Exercise 2:

1 If Liz lived in the country, she would feel very happy Mr Jones would buy a new car if he had much money If my cat could open the fridge, it would eat all my food If you make me some coffee, I’ll give you one of my biscuit If you don’t study harder, you won’t pass the final exam

6 If you had come home early, the house wouldn’t have been broken into and things wouldn’t have been stolen

7 If my uncle didn’t smoke too much, he wouldn’t cough a lot If I had seen Mary yesterday, I would have said hello to her

9 If I hadn’t left Nhung’s house early, I would have seen her boyfriend 10 If Jack hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table Exercise 3:

1 How does the author go to work? He/She goes to work by bus What has he bought?

4 He has bought a lottery ticket

5 What will he if he wins the first prize for the lottery? He will buy a secondhand car

7 Why is he saving money?

8 He is saving money to buy a motorbike

_ WEEK 4


1 Ba says that Liz is going back to American for that summer holidays The instructions say that we have to keep the classroom clean and tidy Tim tells me that they went to the Grand Canyons the year before My sister asks me if I need anything else

5 Hoa asks Liz which attractions Liz wants to go

6 The police ask me what the number of my motorbike is

7 The librarian asks me how many books I ordered the week before The tourist asks Lan if/whether the National Museum opens all day Exercise 2:

1 Nam said that he had just sat for his final exam

2 Dr Lai told Mai that she was putting on a lot of weight

3 Liz told Tim that those restaurants were expensive, but their foods were awesome

4 The policeman reported (that) when they arrived, both drivers had been lying on the street unconsciously

5 The restaurant owner asked us if we liked the food there

6 Yoko asked me why I didn’t learn to speak Japanese at that centre Nam asked Liz if she played a lot of tennis the week before She said she would come and see me the next day

Exercise 3:

1 Liz asked Shannon not to eat in her room The teacher told Long to study harder

3 Miss Hoa asks Minh not to talk so loud in class

4 Linh promised not to stop litter her room from then on Lan offered to repair the food for the whole group Exercise 4:

1 How many prisoners were brought to Australia in 1788? Seven hundred and seventy prisoners

3 Where does the history of Australia begin? The history of Australia began in Sydney What is the weather like in Sydney in winter? It is cool

7 When was the Sydney Opera House opened? It was opened in 1973

WEEK 5 Exercise 1:

1 whom that which who

5 whom who whose whose

Exercise 2:

1 This is my new house, which my father has just bought I recently went back to Hanoi, in which/ where I was born The man who/ that is standing over there is my brother’s friend


6 This is Mrs Lan, who taught us English last year Do you know the man who/ that lives next door to us?

8 His stepmother, with whom he is living, is not very kind to him./ His stepmother, whom he is living with, is not very kind to him

Exercise 3:

1 which → whom/ that in it →

3 that → which

4 expresses → expressing that → who

6 who → 0, them → whom that → which

8 who → , who ,

Exercise 4:

1 How many living languages are there in the world?

2 There are about 5,000 to 6,000 living languages in the world today Which language is the only language with more speakers than English It is Chinese

5 Which language is the most widely used in the world? It is English

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 16:26

