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i §ò sè 7 i choose the best answer 1 i didn’t believe them at first but in fact every thing was true a they say b they said c what they said d how they said 2 what’s the name of the man a you borro

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The face of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel does.. TRAN DUNG HA 2..[r]


§Ị sè 7

I Choose the best answer :

1 I didn’t believe them at first but in fact, every thing……….was true

A they say B they said C what they said D how they said What’s the name of the man……… ?

A you borrowed his car B which car you borrowed C whose car you borrowed D his car you borrowed

3 Colin told me about his job,……….very much

A that he’s enjoying B which he’s enjoying C he’s enjoying D he’s enjoying it

4 Sheila couldn’t come to the party,…….was a pity A that B it C what D which Some of the people……….to the party can’t come

A inviting B invited C who invited D they wew invited Do you know the woman………lives next door? A she B who C her D whom They are never on time, …………can’t be explained A who B that C what D which A pensioner is someone………….no longer works and gets money from the state

A whom B whose C which D that

9 Some people……….were arrested, have now been released A that B which whom D x 10 the party………… wasn’t very enjoyable

A we went B which we went to last night C where we went to D that we went to party last night

11 They give their children everrything…….they want A what B.x C who D how

12 the women ………he fell in love left him after a few weeks A with whom B who C to whom D for whom 13 Do you still remember the day…….we fist met? A where B whom C which D when

14 I don’t know the name of the woman….I spoke on the phone A whom B who C to whom D to that 15 This school is only for children……… first language ins’t English A who B that C whose D x 16 Fortunately we had a map, … we would have lost A no which B without which C none that D without that 17 The secrectaries were the only people ………

A to get a pay rise B getting a pay rise C who to get a pay rise D to whom get a pay rise

18 I have message for people…… by the traffic chaos A delay B delayed C who delayed D whom delayed 19 An obstacle is something,……… your away

A blocked B to block C that is blocked D which is blocking 20 At last I found the information that I was looking………A for B for it C for that D it 21 A battery is a device…………electricity by chemical means

A it produces B by which production of C produces D which produces 22 Scientist can’t agree on ……….related to other orders of insects

A that fleas are B how fleas are C how are fleas D fleas that are 23 ……….so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places that they have never even seen A That makes the monarch butterfies’s migration

B The migration of the monarch butterflies is

C What makes the monarch butterflies’s migration D The migration of the nomarch butterlies, which is

24 She turned off the record player………sho could study A now that B even if C so that D in case 25 In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know………

A what the requirements for each vegetable are B that the requirements for each vegetable C what are each vegetable’s requirements D that is rerquired by each vegetable

26 …………they are native to tropical regions, some species of bamboo have adapted to temperate zones A Despite B Although C Nevertheless D For

27 ……… riding a bicycle is good leg exercise, it does not use up a lot of calories

A As B Although C Because D So that 28 ……… the cities not provide better and cheaper mass transport, the traffic problem will get worse A So that B Even though C If D Before 29 Dimonds are often found in rock formations called pipes,…… the throats of extinct vocalnoes A in which they resemble B which resemble

C there is a resemblance to D they resemble

30 The Egyptians constructed walls and embankments………… marvels even today

A they are considered B which are considered C.are considered D who are considered II A Vocabulary : choose the best answer

31 Lan always ………her bike to school

A rides B drives C travels D runs 32 He goes to the library to…………some reference book

A pay B.borrow C buy D lend 33 Students often have a three-month……… every summer


§Ị sè 7

A hodiday B rest C break D relaxation 34 In class students must pay……… to the teachers

A attendance B concentration C focus D attention 35 She has got a bad………… for definitions

A memory B mind C brain D nerve 36 On the…………of the teachers’ day, we wish you all the best

A situation B occasion C opportunity D chance B Verb-forms

37 They’ll certainly come………….them

A when calling B you’re calling C if you call D you call 38 “ why was Mr Hoa so angry with his student?”

“ Because of………late”

A her to be B her being C she is D she was 39 Marie Curie was the first woman in France……… a university profesor

A was B to be C used to D is 40 When he………, every one………

A arrived/ had left B had arrived/ left C would arrive/ leaves D arrived/ has left 41 I suddenly remembered I ………….my wallet on the bus

A leave B had left C have left D would leave 42 I……… the washing up before my mother came home

A was doing B did C had done D must have done 43 The room smelled terrible someone……….before I came

A had smoked B smoked C seemed to smoke D would smoke 44 Ce’line Dion ……… to receive recognition for her talent in 1982

A had begun B began C probably begins D would have begun 45 His ambition is……… the richest man in the world

A becomes B will become C became D to become III Word- forms

46 My sister has talent in…………and she has won many prizes

A photographic B photogenic C photograph D photography 47 A person who is more beautiful in photographs is said to be………

A photogenic B photography C photograph D photographic 48 Despite his………… , he succeeded in learning foreign languages

A disables B disabled C disablility D disable 49 We should help children from poor families to have proper………

A school B schooling C scholar D scholarship 50 Teachers who are good at ………can make students understand easily

A demonstrate B demonstrating C demonstrations D demonstrative 51 The exhibition has……… interest in her work

A stimulated B stimulate C stimulating D stimulation 52 I tried to get to know the……….of my new house as much as possible

A surround B surrounded C surrounds D surroundings 53 ………can be off work on May Day

A Labour B Labourers C Labouring D Laboured 54 The…………in the war should be taken care of

A injuring B injure C injures D injured 55 Be patient with………….work

A time-consumption B time-consuming C time-consumed D time-consumalable IV Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

56.Tom can run faster than Tim

A Tim can run less fast than Tom B Tim can run as not fast as Tom C Tim can not run as fast as Tom D Tim can run slower than Tom 57.I wish my English were good enough to go for the interview

A My English is too good to go for an interview B My English is good enough to go for an interview C If only my English were good enough for me to go for the interview

D My English was good enough and I could go for the interview 58 The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel

A The face of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel does


§Ị sè 7

B The face of my airline ticket costs more than any hotel

C The face of my airline ticket costs more than the price of the hotel D The face which I paid for my airline ticket is cheaper than the hotel 59 I regret going to bed so late last nigh

A I wish I didn't go to bed so late last night B I wish I went to bed early last night C I wish I hadn't gone to bed so late last night D I wish I had gone to bed early last night 60 Unlike my sister, I exercise every day

A My sister exercises every day but I don't B My sister and I exercise every day C I exercise every day but my sister doesn't D I don’t like my sister to exercise V Reading Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Australia is a big country, but nearly all Australians live near the sea On hot summer days you can see thousands of people at the beach Many beaches have waves that are very high These large waves are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers Surfing is a skill and needs learning Don't expect to be able to surf properly the first time you try However, by practicing a few time you will learn how to it

Surfing is not a new sport Perhaps its origins need explaining It started hundreds of years ago in Hawaii Men swam out to sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by riding the waves These first surfers did not use a board They were "body surfers" Many people still this type of surfing today

After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing on them These first surf-boards were made of wood and the water made them not after a while Today surfboards are made of plastic or fiberglass instead

61.Surf is

A waves that are on the high sea B waves breaking on the ship C high waves breaking n the seashore D high and small waves

62 Surfing is a skill and therefore

A it is not easy to it B it is impossible to practice it C it is dangerous to it D it needs practice from day to day 63 Surfing started

A five decades ago in Hawaii B hundreds of years ago in Australia C long ago in Australia D in Hawaii

64 Men of long ago did surfing by

A using their bodies B using a board

C using fishing boats D riding the waves on water skis IV Missing words

Nowadays, we must say that all high schools teach mathematics and it is (65) _ one of the (66) _ important subjects High school students are required to study mathematics even though they are interested (67) _ it or not Up to now, no one knows exactly the time (68) _ the early people began (69) _ on mathematics Mathematics has been developed today It is no longer only figures, simple calculation, and forms Mathematics (70) _ into branches, (71) _ arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry; other branches have gradually been added The (72) _ of the electronic computer is one of the great (73) _ in mathematics Thank to computers, we can (74) _ a lot of time when solving problems

65 A believed B considered C learnt D taken

66 A more B as C most D least


§Ị sè 7

67 A at B of C on D in

68 A what B where C when D why

69 A work B to working C working D worked

70 A is divided B are divided C have been divided D were divided

71 A so on B such as C on example D like

72 A searching B loss C invention D disappearance

73 A achieve B achievements C achievers D achievable

74 A save B spend C send D loss

II Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

75 He didn't give (A) me (B) any ink, so I (C) couldn't write (D) no more 76 Either Peter (A) or Mary (B) have left (C) the door (D) unlocked

77 The film (A) on television (B) made us so (C) boring that we went (D) to bed early 78 If he (A) does a mistake, (B) will he (C) feel sorry (D) for it?

79 John decided (A) buying a new car in the morning, (B) but in the afternoon he (C) changed (D) his mind 80 He would not (A) accept the doctor's advise, (B) what (C) was very foolish (D) of him

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 15:10



