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test for beginner multiple choice test 1 1 this man has dark a heads b head c hairs d hair 2 and a a beard b barber c moustaches d facehair 3 he is a jacket a wearing b carrying c having d holding 4 a

6 48 0

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66.Yeuk Yee had her house painted white yesterday.. A.She had to paint her house white yesterday.[r]



1.This man has dark

A heads B head C hairs D hair

2.and a

A beard B barber C moustaches D facehair 3.He is a jacket.

A wearing B carrying C having D holding

4.and he is a piece of paper.

A wearing B holding C having D getting

5.He is sitting at his

A chair B desk C office D room

6.- perhaps he is

A work B at work C business D on job

7 You arrive at a party at p.m What you say?

A Goodnight B Good-bye C Good evening D Good afternoon

8.Someone offers you a drink You don't want it What you say ?

A Thank you B Please C No thank youD No please 9 Henderson going to work.

A likes not B don't like C doesn't like D not like 10 early in the morning?

A Does he get up B Gets he up C Do he get upD Get he up 11.He to drive a car

A am learning B learning C is learning D are learning 12 A train is a bus.

A more quickly B quickly C quicker than D more quick 13.He swim very well

A not can B cannot C doesn't can D don't can 14 the bus to work.

A Always Roberts catches B Roberts always catches C Roberts catches always D Roberts does always catches 15.Peter works in London

A He goes there by train B He there goes by train C He goes by train there D There goes he by train 16 TV last night?

A Did he watch B Watched he C Did he watched D Does he watch

17 I spoke slowly, but he understand me

A canned not B didn't can C didn't could D could not 18.He made last year

A many money B much money C a lot of money D lots money

19 I asked him

A to not go away B to go not away C not to go away D go not away

20.He used to live London.

A on B in C to D at

21.James to him on the phone

A spoked B speaked C spoke D


22."Quiet please -I

A am doing a test! B a test! C doing a test! D does a test 23.I won't go to Cambridge if it tomorrow


24.While he to London he saw an accident

A was driving B drives C drove D had driven

25.Millions of cigarettes every year

A is smoke B are smoking C are smoked D are smoke 26.He has a experience of marketing in Europe

A grand B wide C large D great

27 I remember him in London

A of meeting B to meet C to meeting D


28.But I saw him in Frankfurt

A years ago B for years C before years D since years 29 Could you look the blackboard and read what is on it?

A to B on C for D at

30.Smith went abroad last year abroad before

A He had never been B He had been never

C He never went D He went never

31.The last Olympic Games in Barcelona

A were helded B was holded C were held D were


32.He took cheese

A all of B all C the all D all of


33.The committee held a last week

A meeting B gathering C session D


34.I the Prime Minister's speech very carefully

A heard to B heard C listened to D


35.He would have known that if he the meeting A had attended B would have attended

C has attended D would attend

36.Would you mind the door?

A open B to open C opening D to


37 In August he for us for 25 years

A will have worked B will work C is going to work D will be working

38 since I came back to the office?

A Did Robinson telephone B Was Robinson telephoning C Telephoned Robinson D Has Robinson telephoned 39.He speaks English very well he's only 12

A whereas B despite C in spite of D although

40."Don't that," I said, I him not to that










Mr and Mrs Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate agent Agent: Good morning Mr and Mrs Wallace?

Mrs Wallace : Mr Hogan? Agent How you do.

Mrs Wallace : I spoke to you on the phone is my husband. Mr Wallace : How you do.

A This B It C He D That

42.Agent: How you sit down (They all sit down at a desk )


43.Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you're

A intending B interesting C intended D


44.in buying a property for about £85,000, is that ?

A true B possible C not D right

45.Mrs Wallace : No Well the price is right, but - er - well, we a problem We've been living abroad for the last ten years -

A make B have C are D


46.Mr Wallace : Longer that

A than B that C as D to

47.Mrs Wallace : Yes, I suppose it is - and we want to settle back here

A because B and C but D so

48.we have very different ideas of the of place we'd like to live in

A kind B piece C shape D area

49.Mr Wallace : Yes, you see prefer to live in town, in a centrally located flat

A I B I'd C we D we'd

50.Mrs Wallace : And I am really keen to live in country

A the B a C some D

-51.Here's the book you wanted Is there anything ……… I can get you?

A other B else C also

52.When his wife died, he was ……… with grief

A undergone B overdone C overcome

53.He's a Cockney: he was born and ……… up in London

A.got B came C brought

54.They were married for 10 years but now they live

A.over B apart C besides

55.The course consists ……… three different stages.

A.of B on C from

56.It took him more than three months to get ……… his illness.

A.across B out of C over

57.It's getting late The train leaves in 15 minutes It's time we……… to the station.

A.go B went C were

58.I'm looking forward to ……… from you Please write to me soon.

A.hear B hearing C heard

59.She finds it difficult to get ……… on such a small salary.

A.up B through C by

60 I'd rather you……… smoke, if you don't mind

A.didn't B stop C give up

61.Shall I take you to the station?


62.They should talk more slowly.

A.They talk too quickly. B.They would like to talk more slowly

C.They might have slower talks. D.Talking is not fast. 63.Mirana remembered to phone the doctor.

A.She remembered phoning the doctor. B.Mirana forgot to remember to phone

C.She didn't forget to phone the doctor. D.She remembered that she phoned her

64.Madame Traiviey has lived nearly 115 years.

A.She was very old. B.She is very old.

C.She died when she was nearly 115. D.Madame Traiviey has many more years

65.She can hardly see it.

A.She sees very hard. B.She is hard with it.

C.She cannot see it very well. D.It is hard to see her. 66.Yeuk Yee had her house painted white yesterday.

A.She had to paint her house white yesterday. B.Her house was not blue last week

C.They painted her house white for her yesterday. D.She painted her house yesterday

67.Either teacher knows the answer.

A.No teachers know the answer. B.Both teachers know the answer

C.All the teachers know the answer. D.Any teacher can answer. 68.I'd rather be a millionaire.

A.I've been a millionaire. B.I'd better be a millionaire. C.I'd prefer to be a millionaire. D.You have more millions than me

69.You don't have to this test.

A.You can choose not to this test. B.You mustn't it.

C.You can't this test. D.You have no desire to it. 70.If Muriel had come, she would have won.

A.If she hadn't won, she'd have come. B.Muriel didn't win because she didn't come

C.When Muriel came she always won. D.She didn't come, but she won anyway

71.He said I looked tired and asked me if I……… like to sit down.

A.did B would C will


A born B.dead C.married 73.You can't see the garden from the street because it's ……… the house.

A in front of B under C behind

74.I've spent all my money I can't buy ……… else.

A no more B anything C.nothing

75.They lent him $8 and he's paid back half So now he……… them $4

A must B needs C owes

76.Her boyfriend left her, but she soon got ……… it.

A over B past C round

77.The best thing for a hangover is to go to bed and sleep it……….

A away B off C over

78.Napoleon ……… to Russia in 1812.

A has gone B went C goes

79.Alice went to bed early She said she……… a terrible headache.

A did B caught C had

80.My father……… to smoke a lot, but he gave it up several years ago.

A.did B.went C.used

81.Red my favourite colour.

A. is B. are C. be D. am

82.Kate and I are students go to the Seven Dials School in Brighton.

A. They B. You C. She D. We

83.Wayne is penfriend from Australia.

A. Kate B. Kate is C. Kate's D. Kates

84.Can you use computer?

A. a B. one C. two D. an

85.I have got two brothers names are Antony and Steven.

A. They B. There C. Their D. His

86.Can 'Brain Box' play piano?

A. a B. an C. the D. not

87.He is my brother name is Bill.

A. He B. His C. Her D. She

88.I haven't got sisters.

A. no B. any C. don't D. aren't

89.Are your glasses?

A. the B. this C. those D. that

90.This my favourite book.

A can't

B isn't

C aren't

D hasn't

91 you ride a motorbike?

A. Have B. Has C. Can

D. How

92.A: Where are my shoes? B: in the wardrobe.

A. They're B. There are C. There are D. It's


A. torch B. torchs C. torches D.


94 Bert got a rope?

A. Have B. Can C. His D. Has

95.A: Have you got a lighter? B:

A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I have got C. That's all right D. Yes, I has

96 your glasses on the table?

A. Is B. Are C. These D. This

97.There's a river Can you ?

A. swimming B. to swimming C. swim D. to


98.John can fly aeroplane.

A. an B. some C. a D. those

99.We live in Brighton, England house is on High Street.

A. Our B. We C. His D. Their

100 walkman is yellow.

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 11:58

