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Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian bắt đầu bằng “When” khi được dùng để diễn tả 1 sự kiện xảy ra trước 1 sự kiện trong mệnh đề chính có thể được rút gọn bắt đầu bằng giới từ “On / Upon + V[r]



HAVE TO (phải) bắt buộc nguyên tắc, thói quen ngoại cảnh - We have to keep quiet at the pagodas and temples

Ở dạng phủ định nghi vấn “Have To” dùng động từ thường

- I don'thave to learn at weekends - I didn'thave to work when I was ill - Does she have to get up at o'clock?

Có thể thêm Got để thân mật

- Have yougot to do it? - I haven'tgot to do it

- I'vegot to walk to work tomorrow 2 MUST

MUST bắt buộc khác với Have to ởnhững điểm sau

MUST bắt buộc luật pháp, nội quy kỉ luật (không tuân theo bị phạt)

- People must drive on the right in Vietnam - Students must go to school on time

MUST suy luận chắn hành động

- She wins the lottery She must be happy

MUST ép buộc làm theo yêu cầu mệnh lệnh

- You must drink as much as you can today

MUST lời khuyên mạnh

- You must see Othello It is marvellous

Trong câu hỏi với “Must” trả lời ‘No” ta phải cẩn thận

+ Nếu thuộc điều cấm ta dùng Mustn't : - Must we trade heroin? - No, we mustn't

+ Nếu có ý nghĩa "khơng cần thiết" ta dùng Needn't :

- Must we wear new clothes every day? - No, we needn't 3 NEED

Chủ từ Form Examples

Người (Active)

- động từ thường : Need + to V - Trợ động từ: Need + Vo

- We need to keep clean - He needs to work - We need keep clean - He needs work hard

Vật (Passive)

- Need + to be + PP - Need + V- ing

- It needs to be painted - The door needs painting 4 MAY, MIGHT

Chỉ đốn hồn cảnh

- There may be snow over high ground - We may not be able to find a hotel - We may have beautiful weather



- He said we might have beautiful weather

MAY phép

- May I see your ticket? - May I search you, sir?

MAY dùng lời cầu nguyện ước muốn

- May God bless you - May he pass the exam 5 CAN, COULD

Diễn tả khả năng, lực

- I can play the piano - He can make furniture - He can speak French

Chỉ yêu cầu

- Can you show me some cameras please? - Can I try them on?

- Can I see your passport?

BE ABLE TO thay cho CAN, dùng Tuy nhiên, ta dùng BE ABLE TO trong trường hợp sau :

1 Chỉ khả dùng hồn thành tương lai

- He has been able to play football for ten years - We hope we will be able to solve that problem soon

2 Chỉ khả đặc biệt xảy tình đặc biệt

- When the boat sank five kilometers away from the shore, he was able to swim ashore - Although the fire spread quickly, everyone was able to escape


USED TO + Vo : thói quen khứ, khơng cịn

- When you were a baby, you used to cry all day and all night - He used to work in a small border town

- You used to be the best footballer in England - He often used to say so, didn't he?

Notes : To be / get used to s.th / doing s.th : quen với gì, quen làm việc

- He is used to hard work (s.th)

- He is used to working hard (doing s.th) - They got used to cold weather (s.th)

- They got used to living in the cold weather (doing s.th)


Ta phân biệt chúng qua bảng minh họa sau :

Form Uses

Used to + Verbs of actions Verbs of states


USED TO đóng vai trị trợ động từ động từ thường dạng phủ định nghi vấn

- He used to play the guitar - He didn't use to play the guitar - Did he use to play the guitar? 7 SHOULD

SHOULD + Vo : có nghĩa "nên, phải" để lời khuyên

- You should go on a diet

- You should eat lots of salad and fruit You shouldn't eat too much

SHOULD + HAVE + P.P (nguyên mẫu hồn thành) nói q khứ (một việc đáng phải làm mà không làm hay ngược lại) : lẽ nên / khơng nên làm gì…

- You should have taken a holiday ( lẽ bạn nên ….)

- You shouldn't have gone to pubs ( lẽ bạn không nên ….)

SHOULD = OUGHT TO : Tuy nhiên OUGHT TO dùng trường hợp trang trọng có nghĩa mạnh

- The government ought to invest more in education 8 HAD BETTER

Về ý nghĩa HAD BETTER gần nghĩa với SHOULD / OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER có nghĩa mạnh hơn, Thường HAD BETTER ngụ ý khuyến cáo, đe dọa lựa chọn (tốt nên)

- Between English and Chinese, you had better learn the former - (A robber to his hostage) : You had better keep silent

- You had better not notify the police - Had you bettermake noise?


WOULD RATHER có nghĩa “thích hơn” mang tính chất lựa chọn S + WOULD RATHER + Vo

- Between English and Chinese, I wouldratherlearn English - I would rather not learn Chinese

- Would you rather stay at home?

Khi người nói muốn người khác làm việc gì, ta dùng cấu trúc S1 + WOULD RATHER + S2 + Past Simple ( V2 / V-ed )

- I’d reather you went home now

- We’d rather they didn’t leave so early It’s just 9p.m.

WOULD RATHER thường đôi với THAN


MODAL VERBS ( Bảng tóm tắt)


1 Lời khuyên khứ Sự tiếc nuối (regret)

should have + V3 (lẽ nên) ought to have + V3

2 Cảnh báo (warning) had better + V (nên, tốt hết ) 3 Sự bắt buộc (obligation) must / have to / have got to + V

4 Sự không cần thiết needn’t / don’t have to + V (ko cần) 5 Sự cấm đóan must not + V (ko phép) 6 Kết luận có sở chắn

khẳng định phủ định

must + V (chắc là) can’t / couldn't + V

7 Kết luận khơng có sở chắn khẳng định

phủ định may / might + V may not / might not + V 8 Kết luận khứ có sở

chắn khẳng định phủ định

must have + V3 (chắc là) can't have / couldn't have + V3

9 Kết luận q khứ khơng có sở

chắn (có thể là) could / may / might have /+ V3 Examples :

(1) You don’t look very good You should have seen the doctor yesterday (2) You had better not move that door It’s not safe

(3) Students in our school must wear uniform (4) They don’t have to work on Sundays (5) Children mustn’t swim here

(6) He must be at home I see his car outside

(6) He can’t be at chool now He is shopping with me (chắc chắn) (7) He may beat home now It’s 7p.m already (không chắn)

(8) You can’t / couldn’t have locked the door Here is the key (chắc chắn không)



(Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian)

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian thường nối liền với mệnh đề liên từ sau When / As


When I came to the bookshop yesterday I met our teacher

− I’ll invite him to the cinema as I meet him • While

(trong khi)

− My mother was cooking while I was cleaning the floor

− I saw him while I was walking to the supermarket • Before

(trước khi)

− She had visited many interesting places before she went to London

Before Ann goes to school, she will call on the book-store • After

(sau khi)

After I finish my work, I’ll go with you

− They moved to HCM city after they had lived here for 10 years • As soon as

( )

As soon as I finish my work, I’ll phone you

− She bought a new car as soon as she had money • Until

( )

− I’ll wait here until he comes

− He should stay at home until he stops coughing • Whenever

( )

− Write to me whenever you are free

Whenever she likes she can come to our restaurant

Chú ý:

Động từ mệnh đề trang ngữ thời gian không chia Tương Lai Nếu hành động hay sự việc xảy tương lai động từ chia Hiện Tại

Các trạng từ chì thời gian đứng đầu câu





Giữa SO THAT ta dùng tính từ trạng từ

Ngồi ra, sau SO ta dùng cụm danh từ bắt đầu FEW, LITTLE, MUCH , MANY

So + Adj / Adv + that … : … … …… - He runs very fast They can not follow him

→ He runs so fast that they can not follow him - The coffee is very hot He can’t drink it

→ The coffee is so hot that he can’t drink it

- He couldn’t the exercises because they are very difficult → The exercises are so difficult that he couldn’t them

So + much / many / few / little + Noun + that … : nhiều … … nên … - He made many mistakes and the teacher was very angry

→ He made so many mistakes thatthe teacher was very angry (many / few + N đếm được)

- He has very little money, so he can not buy even a loaf of bread → He has so little money that he can not buy even a loaf of bread - She has so few books that she can read all of them in a few days

- He had drunk so much wine thathe lay in bed all day (much / little + N khơng đếm được)

Giữa SUCH THAT ta dùng cụm danh từ

Cụm danh từ cụm từ tận danh từ trước thường tính từ, mạo tù …

A house / this house/ a big house / an expensive house

Such + (a/an ) + Adj + Noun + that … : … … ……. - The coffee is very hot He can’t drink it

→ It is such hot coffee that he can’t drink it

- He couldn’t the exercises because they are very difficult → They were such difficult exercises that he couldn’t them - Mr Smith has an intelligent son He is very proud of it

→ Mr Smith has such an intelligent son that he is very proud of it - It was a hot day We didn’t want to go out

→ It was such a hot day that we didn’t want to go out 2 TOO, ENOUGH

Too + Adj / Adv + ( for sb ) + to-Infinitive : quá … nên (ai) … - The coffee is very hot He can’t drink it

→ The coffee is too hot for him to drink ( sau to + V ta không dùng O ) - This table was very heavy We couldn’t carry it out

→ This table was too heavy to carry out

Adj + Enough + ( for sb ) + to-Infinitive : … đủ …… để … - The weather is warm, so we can go swimming

→ The weather is warm enough ( for us ) to go swimming - You are too young to ride amotorbike


Trật tự xếp nhiều tính từ cụm từ

Ví dụ nhà – “house” có tính chất sau: Màu vàng (Yellow), cũ kĩ (old), to (big); đẹp; làm từ gỗ (wooden); thuộc ông (my grandfather’s), nhà theo phong cách Việt Nam; dùng làm nhà kho (storage)

Trật tự tính từ là:

O – S – Sh – A – C – O – M

(Opinion – Size – Shape – Age – Color – Origin – Material)

Eg: My grandfather’s beautiful big cubic old yellow Vietnamese wooden storage house O S Sh A C O M

Tất nhiên cụm danh từ phải bắt đầu mạo từ / số từ: A, an, the, my, their, three, a few, the first, my grandpa’s, Paul’s,

1 Từ nhận xét (Opinion): Useful, beautiful, interesting, lovely, delicious,

2 Kích cỡ (Size): big, small, large, huge, tiny,

3 Hình dáng (Shape): long, short, round (trịn), triangle (tam giác), cubic (hình hộp), heart-shaped (hình trái

tim), flat (bằng phẳng),

4 Tuổi thọ (Age):old, young, new, brandnew, ancient (cổ đại), modern (hiện đại),

5 Màu sắc (Color): Black, red, white, blue, yellow, cream (màu kem), violet (tím),purple (đỏ tía), navy blue

(xanh hải quân), magenta (đỏ thẫm), brick red (đỏ gạch), emerald (xanh ngọc), jet black (đen nhánh),

6 Nguồn gốc (Origin): Vietnamese, English, Indian, Thai, German, American,

7 Chất liệu (Material): Silk (lụa), gold, silver, wooden, metal (kim loại), plastic, leather (da), glass (thủy

tinh), concrete (bê tông), ivory (ngà)

8 Cuối cụm danh từ đơn danh từ ghép

football shoes (giày bóng đá) – storage house (nhà kho) – baby shampoo (dầu gội trẻ em) – dining room (phòng ăn tối) – motor helmet (mũ bảo hiểm motor)


- Their heavy schedule work

- My mother big round delicious birthday cake - The dangerous level pollution - Three comfortable black leather jackets



1 Danh Từ (Nouns)

Được dùng để tên người, vật, nơi chốn hay ý tưởng Danh từ thường dùng làm làm chủ từ (subject) túc từ (Object) câu Nó thường trả lời cho câu hỏi “What / Who ?”

- Lan has just bought a beautiful house

- She is a doctor

- The book is very interesting

2 Tính từ (Adjectives) : Là từ dùng để tính chất, màu sắc

Tính từ dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ hay đại từ Nó thường đứng trước danh từ mà bổ nghĩa,

đứng sau động từ “to be” đứng sau đại từ

- The boy is very intelligent (intelligent sau động từ “be”) - They live in a big city (n) (bigbổ nghĩa cho danh từ city ) - She has blue eyes (n) (blue bổ nghĩa cho danh từ eyes ) - This is a nice garden (n) (nice bổ nghĩa cho danh từ garden )

- They have something interesting (interestingbổ nghĩa cho đại từ something ) (pronoun)

3 Trạng từ (Adverbs)

Trạng từ dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ hay trạng từ khác Nó thường trả lời cho câu

hỏi “How ?”

Trạng từ đứng trước sau động từ

- She performed beautifully (beautifullybổ nghĩa cho động từ performed)

- They run very fast (Fastbổ nghĩa cho ĐT Run, Verybổ nghĩa cho trạng từ Fast) - He quickly became famous

Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, thường trạng từ mức độ : very, really (thực sự), pretty (khá là) , extremely (cực kì)

- He is really kind (really bổ nghĩa cho tính từ kind )

4 Động từ (Verbs)

Là từ để việc làm hay hành động người hay vật - She works in the bank

- My father swims everyday

5 Tính Từ Sở Hữu (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their )



Giới từ dùng trước danh từ, có mạo từ, tính từ , để làm định ngữ trạng ngữ câu A Giới từ thời gian (Prepositions of time):

1 AT : Dùng thành ngữ

At six o'clock At once :

At the moment At times : đôi lúc,

At dawn : lúc bình minh At night

At noon : lúc trưa At that moment / time : lúc At the same time At first sight : lúc gặp

At first At last : sau

At the beginning of : lúc bắt đầu (của) At the end of : lúc cuối (của)

2 IN : Dùng thành ngữ

In the night : vao ban đêm In the day (time) : vao ban ngày

In the morning / afternoon / evening In (all) my life : đời

In time : kịp In summer

In June In (the year) 2000 : năm 2000,

In the 21st century In the beginning : lúc đầu

In the end : cuối Once in a while : đôi lúc, In no time at all : giây lát In the meantime : lúc

In the event that : In case : trường hợp In ten days : 10 ngày (chỉ hành động tương lai)

In the past In the future

3 ON : Dùng thành ngữ

On Sunday / On 10th October On Easter Day : lễ phục sinh

On New Year Day On that day

On Friday evening On time : On the whole : nói chung Off and on : đợt

4 WITHIN : vòng

Within a month / an hour / days …

5 DURING : suốt (khoảng tg)

During the war : suốt chiến tranh During that month : suốt tháng During the meeting : suốt họp

6 FOR :

For two days : hai ngày For ten years : 10 năm

7 BY : vào khoảng (sử dụng với hồn thành)

By noon : vào khoảng trưa By then : vào lúc

8 FROM : từ

From time to time : đôi lúc, From 1975 to 2003


Until 2010 : năm 2010

10 OVER : lúc


Over work : lúc làm việc

B Prepositions of place

1 AT : Dùng để nơi chốn tổng quát • At 10 Tran Phu street

• At university

• At the corner

• At the theatre

• At the post-office

• At the club

• At church : nhà thờ • At school

• At the cinema

• At the station : nhà ga / bến


• At the airport

• At home

• At the pagoda

• At work : nơi làm việc • At the back : phía sau • At sea : ngồi khơi

2 IN : bên nơi chốn (At điểm nhỏ bên bên nơi lớn)

• In Ho Chi Minh city

• In Vietnam

• In the meeting

• In the post office

• In the pagoda

• In the club

• In the grass

• In the way

• In the cinema

• In the house

• In the front

• In the street

• In the middle

• In the army / air force / navy

• In a row

• In line / queue

• In touch with

3 ON : bề mặt nơi chốn • On the river : sơng

• On the road : đườg • On the street : đường phố • On the ceiling : trần nhà

• On the grass : cỏ

• On the table

• On the line : đường truyền • On the way : đường

• On Tran Phu street

• On the page : trang

• On the bus / plane / train / ship

• On the floor : tầng • On the right / left

• On the corner : góc đườg

• On television / radio : TV

4 ONTO : lên

• Onto the table : lên mặt bàn • Onto the roof : lên mái nhà

5 ABOVE : (cao hơn) • Above all

• Above the sea level

6 OVER : lơ lững / phủ lên / ngang qua • Over the flames : phủ lên lửa

• Over the river : ngang qua sơng

• Over the fence

• Over the mountains

• All over the country

7 INTO : vào • Into the house : vào nhà

• Into the cave : vào hang

8 OUT OF : ngồi • Out of the room

• Out of the country


• Off the shore : ngồi khơi • Off the satellite : tách khỏi vệ tinh 10 UNDER : 11 BELOW : bên dưới, thấp

• Under the table

• Under the same roof

• Under the chair

• Under her pillow

• Below the sea level

• Below the fence

• Below us

12 BETWEEN : hai đối tượng 13 AMONG : hai đối tượng trở lên • Between Lan and Diep • Among friends : người bạn

• Among trees

Notes : nhiều đối tượng cố định ta dùng between • Laos lies between Vietnam, China, Thailand and Cambodia

14 THROUGH : xuyên qua 15 ACROSS : ngang qua • Through the forest : xuyên qua rừng

• Through the window : qua cửa sổ

• Across the street : ngang qua đường • Across the river : ngang qua sông

16 NEXT TO : bên cạnh 17 NEAR/ BY/ BESIDE : gần • Next to my house : bên cạnh nhà tơi • Near the supermarket : gần siêu thị C Các giới từ khác :

• Out of date : lỗi thời • Out of work : thất nghiệp

• Out of order : hư hỏng / trật tự, rối loạn • By bus / train / plane / ship

• By the sea : gần bờ biển

• Beside the bank : gần ngân hàng

• By way of : cách / đường • By accident / by mistake : tình cờ, nhầm • On sale : bán rẻ

• On the contrary : trái lại • At least : ra, tối thiểu • For the most part : chủ yếu • In hopes of : với hi vọng • On behalf of : thăy mặt cho

• Via email : e-mail

• On the other hand : trái lại, nhiên • On foot

• In place of / Instead of : thay / thay • Of course

• For good : mãi

• Because of his laziness

• Due to bad weather : thời tiết xấu • In spite of hunger : dù đói

• Despite hunger : dù đói

• According to the doctor : theo bác sĩ • In my opinion : theo ý kiến tơi

• In accordance with : phù hợp với

• Pursuant to the Letter No : theo công văn số • Like you

• Except her : ngoại trừ ta • But me : trừ tơi

• But for money : khơng có tiền

• Besides his main course : ngồi khóa học


• Apart from football : ngồi bóng đá • Without money : khơng có tiền

• With money : có tiền

• By means of barter : cách trao đổi • Thanks to my teachers : nhờ thầy cô

D Các cụm giới từ thông thường : Prepositions after adjectives :


• Angry with : giận • Anxious about : lo lắng

• Abundant in : giàu có, phong phú


• Applied to : áp dụng cho • Ashamed of: xấu hỏ • Available for : sẳn có • Aware of: ý thức

• Absent from : vắng mặt

• Acquainted with : quen với • Afraid of

• Amazed at : ngạc nhiên • Amused at : vui thích


• Bad at : dở • Based on : dựa • Bored with : chán

• Busy with


• Capable of

• Certain of

• Clever at

• Compared to (with)

• Composed of : hình thành từ, bao gồm

• Content with : hài lịng với • Contrary to : trái với, ngược với • Convenient for : thuận lợi cho • Covered with : bao phủ với • Crowded with : đơng đúc D

• Dependent on

• Different from : khác với • Difficult for : khó khăn


• Equal to : với • Excited about : hào hứng


• Familiar with : quen thuộc

• Famous for : nỗi tiếng • Fond of : thích

• Friendly with : thân thiện với

• Far from : xa

• Filled with : đầy • Full of : đầy


• Hungry for : đói, thiếu


• Good at : giỏi


• Identical to : giống hệt • Important to : quan trọng với • Independent of : độc lập

• Inferior to :

• Interested in : quan tâm, thích thú


• Keen on : mê, thích


• Late for

• Lucky to : may mắn O

• Open to : mở ra, cởi mở


• Married to : kết với P

• Perfect for : hồn hảo • Pleasant to : thoải mái • Pleased with : hài lịng với

• Popular with : phổ biến, ưa thích

• Prepared for : chuẩn bị cho • Present at : có mặt



• Quick at : nhanh nhẹn


• Ready for : sẳn sàng • Rich in : giàu

• Responsible to : chịu trách nhiệm với • Responsible for : chịu trách nhiệm


• Satisfied with : hài lịng với • Scared of : sợ hãi

• Sensitive to : nhạy cảm với • Serious about : nghiêm túc • Shocked at : bị sốc

• Similar to : tương tự

• Sorry for : lấy làm tiếc cho • Successful in : thành cơng • Superior to : trội

• Sure of : chắn

• Surprised at : ngạc nhiên


• Thirsty for : khao khát

• Tired of : mệt mõi U

• Used to

• Useful for : có ích


• Welcome to : chào mừng tới • Willing to : sẳn sàng

• Well-known for : tiếng

Prepositions after verbs:

• Apologize to for : xin lỗi • Apply for : làm đơn xin

• Apply to for : yêu cầu

• Ask for : yêu cầu

• Agree with on : đồng ý với • Approve of : chấp thuận

• Break down : hư hỏng xe • Break off : chấm dứt, cắt đứt • Bring about : xảy

• Bring up : ni nấng, dạy dỗ

• Believe in : tin tưởng • Base on : dựa • Belong to : thuộc

• Call off : hủy bỏ • Call on : ghé thăm

• Call up : triệu tập, gọi điện • Carry on : tiếp tục

• Carry out : thực

• Come across : gặp gỡ tình cờ • Come by : ghé thăm

• Come in : vào

• Come off : thành cơng • Comply with : tn thủ • Come from : xuất thân • Concentrate on : tập trung • Consist of : bao gồm • Cut down : giảm

• Dream of : mơ • Die of : chết

• Depend on : lệ thuộc

• Disapprove of : khơng chấp thuận

• Escape from : trốn • Fight with for : đánh với • Find out : tìm


• Give way to : nhường đườg cho • Get on with : tiếp tục với

• Get along with : có mối quan hệ tốt với

• Get in : lên xe (riêng) • Get off : xuống xe

• Get out : cút khỏi, khỏi

• Go off: nổ • Go out : tắt • Go down : giảm • Go up : tăng

• Go along : tiến triển, phát triển • Go away : rời khỏi,

• Go back : trở lại • Go by : trơi qua

• Go on : xảy ra, tiếp tục • Give up : đầu hàng, từ bỏ • Give out : thất bại

• Hear of : nghe • Insist on : nài nỉ

• Keep pace with : theo kip • Live on : sống nhờ • Look after

• Look up : tra từ điển

• Lose touch with : liên lạc • Look forward to : mong đợi

• Make up : thêu dệt, đặt ra, trang điểm • Occur to : xảy đến

• Object to : phản đối

• Participate in : tham dự

• Provide with : cung cấp • Pay attention to : để ý đến

• Put on : mắc vào

• Pay a visit to : viếng thăm • Put out : dập tắt

• Pick out : chọn

• Put aside : bỏ qua bên • Prefer to : thích • Put off : trì hỗn

• Prevent from : ngăn cản, ngăn ngừa • Rely on : dựa vào

• Set off / out : khởi hành • Succeed in : thành công • Take care of: chăm sóc • Turn down : vặn nhỏ • Take notice of: ý

• Think about : nghỉ về, nghỉ đến • Take part in : tham gia

• Think of: suy nghĩ (cho ý kiến, nhận xét) • Wait for : chờ đợi



( câu mong ước )

WISH dùng để diễn tả mong ước không thực tương lai, khứ 1. Future wish (mong ước tương lai): cảm thấy tiếc khơng thể làm việc tương lai

Wish + could + Bare-Inf (Vo)

− He won’t come tomorrow

→ He wishes he could come tomorrow

− I’m sorry I have to go Iwish I could stay longer (but I can’t)

2. Present wish (mong ước tại): thường dùng để diễn tả việc ta cảm thấy tiếc điều hay điều khơng ta mong muốn

Wish + S + Past (be chia “were”)

− He isn’t here now We wish he were here now

− I wish I knewwhat to now (tơi khơng biết phải làm cảm thấy tiếc điều đó)

− I wish I had a motorbike (I don’t have one now)

3. Past wish (mong ước khứ): để diễn tả việc ta thấy tiếc điều hay điều khơng ta mong muốn khứ ta dùng:

Wish + S + Past Perfect

− I hear the party was great I wish I had come / had been there

− I wish I hadn’t told him about the story He didn’t keep secret

Lưu ý quan trọng:

Nếu động từ câu dạng khẳng định, chuyển sang WISH động từ đổi sang dạng phủ định ngược lại

Nếu thực tế cho tương lai, ta dùng Future WISH có nghĩa động từ mệnh đề WISH phải chia dạng Could + Vo

− She won’t have time to visit all the city She wishes she could have time to visit all the city

Nếu thực tế cho Hiện Tại, ta dùng Present WISH có nghĩa động từ mệnh đề WISH phải chia khứ Lưu ý động từ “To be” phải chia Were cho tất

− We have to work on Saturday We wish we didn’t have to work on Saturday

Nếu thực tế cho Quá khứ, ta dùng Past WISH có nghĩa động từ mệnh đề WISH phải chia q khứ hồn thành

− He bought that old car and now he regrets it He wishes he hadn’t bought that old car

Ta dùng “Would” muốn hay điều thay đổi (thường điều gây phiền toái, rắc rối )

− It has been raining all day I wish it would stop raining

− I wish you wouldn’t make such a mess



4. Future wish : cảm thấy tiếc khơng thể làm việc Wish / If only + could + Bare-Inf (Vo)

− He won’t come tomorrow

→ He wishes he could come tomorrow

→ If only he could come tomorrow

− I’m sorry I have to go Iwish I could stay longer (but I can’t)

− It has been raining all day I wish it would stop raining

I wish somebody would buy me a car

Ta dùng “ I wish …would” ta muốn điều xảy hay thay đổi

Ta dùng “ I wish …would” để phàn nàn tình

− You are so noisy, I can’t concentrate on my work I wish you would stop talking

5. Present wish : thường dùng để diễn tả việc ta cảm thấy tiếc điều hay điều khơng ta mong muốn

Wish + Past Subjunctive

− He isn’t here now We wish he were here now / If only he werehere now (giá như)

− I wish ( / If only) I knew what to in this situation (I don’t know and regret it)

6. Past wish : để diễn tả việc ta thấy tiếc điều hay điều khơng ta mong muốn khứ ta dùng:

Wish + S + Past Perfect

− I hear the party was great I wish I had been there / If onlyI had been there




0 condition : diễn tả tình ln ln tình mang tính thói quen

IF Clause Main Clause

Simple Present Simple Present

− If it rains in the sunlight, you see a rainbow

− You stay up late, you get up late

− If we pour oil onto water, it floats

Type : Real condition or Future possible ( Điều kiện xảy tương lai )

IF Clause Main Clause

Simple Present Will / Can / May + Bare-Inf

− If it rains, I’ll stay at home

− You will miss the bus to school if you get up late

− If he finishes his work soon, he can / will go with us

Type : Present Unreal (Điều kiện khơng có thực khơng thể xảy tại)

IF Clause Main Clause

Simple Past

Be : were


Would(n’t) + Bare-Inf Should / Might

− If I were you, I would go with her

− If he had enough money, he could buy this car

− If there weren’t air, man could not live

Type : Past Unreal (Điều kiện khơng có thực khơng thể xảy khứ)

IF Clause Main Clause

Past Perfect

( Had / hadn’t + V3 )

Could (n’t)

Would (n’t) + have + V3

− If I had had time, I would have read that novel

− I would have visited you if I had heard about your troubles

− If you had driven more carefully, you wouldn’t have got the accident

MIXED CONDITION : Điều kiện có thật QK dẫn đến tình khơng có thật Hiên Tại

IF Clause Main Clause

Past Perfect Would / could + V

If he hadn’t missed the train, he would be here now

If we had listened to the teacher yesterday, we could the test now




Đảo ngữ câu ĐK loại : “Should” đảo trước chủ từ “IF” hiểu ngầm

− If he appears, please tell him to wait for me = If he should appear, please …

Should he appear, please tell him to wait for me “If he appears” tương đương với “If he should appear”

Đảo ngữ câu ĐK loại : “IF” hiểu ngầm “WERE” đảo trước chủ từ

Werehe here, he would solve this problem easily

If he were here, he would solve this problem easily

If I had more time, my report would be better

If I were to have more time, my report would be better

Were I to have more time, my report would be better

Trong cấu trúc câu ĐK loại 2, WERE đưa lên đứng trước chủ từ Nếu mệnh đề IF khơng có WERE, WERE TO đưa vào trước thực đảo ngữ

Đảo ngữ câu ĐK loại : Ifở hiểu ngầm had đảo trước chủ từ

If she had left the city, she would have called us

Had she left the city, she would have called us

Đảo ngữ câu ĐK hỗn hợp

Mệnh đề If loại câu ĐK hỗn hợp đảo ngữ theo qui tắc

If he hadn’t missed the train, he would be here now

Had he not missed the train, he would be here now


Ngoài cấu trúc câu ĐK với mệnh đề IF, cịn có cấu trúc có ý nghĩa tương đương gần giống với câu ĐK


Unless = If not

− You will be late if you don’t hurry.

→ You will be late unless you hurry

If he doesn’twork much harder, he won’t pass the exam

Unless he works much harder, he won’t pass the exam.

Chú ý: KHÔNG dùng UNLESS để diễn tả cảm xúc xảy việc khơng diễn ra:

− I will be very surprised if it doesn’t rain tonight


WITH, WITHOUT có nghĩa “nếu có / không” dùng thay cho mệnh đề IF loại câu ĐK Sau WITH, WITHOUT phải danh từ hay cụm danh từ

If you help me, I can finish this assignment

With your help, I can finish this assignment

If you don’t help me, I can’t finish this assignment

Without your help, I can’t finish this assignment

BUT FOR có nghĩa WITHOUT dùng thay mệnh đề IF loại Sau BUT FOR phải danh từ hay cụm danh từ

If you hadn’t brought the map, we would have lost our way

But for / Without your map, we would have lost our way


(loại 2) “ If it had not been for” (loại 3)

But for / Without your map, we would have lost our way

= If it had not been for your map, we would have lost our way


IF cịn thay cụm từ “ as / so long as (chừng mà), providing / provided that

(miễn là), on condition that (với ĐK là), only if (chỉ khi), suppose / supposing (cho là, giả sử )

− She will lend you her car on condition (that) you take good care of it

− They will finish their test providing / provided (that) you give them more time

Suppose / supposing he didn’t come, I would still celebrate my party

4. CẤU TRÚC VỚI “IN CASE (THAT)” (nếu như, trường hợp)

In case có nghĩa trường hợp chuyện xảy In case có nghĩa hồn tồn khác If

− She’ll bring an umbrella if it rains.

Nếu trời mưa đem theo dù, có nghĩa cô thấy trời mưa nên đem theo dù để dùng

− She’ll bring an umbrella in case it rains

Cô đem theo dù để dùng trường hợp trời mưa, có nghĩa cô sợ trời mưa nên đem theo dù để đề phòng

− In case of trouble, call the police = In case that there is trouble, call the police


AS IF / AS THOUGH có nghĩa : thể Tình mệnh đề theo sau “as if / as though” trái ngược với thật dùng sau:


1 Khơng có thật tương lai Would + Verb

− They act as though he would come tomorrow

2 Khơng có thật Past Subjunctive

− He played as if he were a professional tennis player

2 Khơng có thật q khứ Past Perfect

− She spoke as if she had been here yesterday

6. Một số cấu trúc dùng với Past Subjunctive

1 It’s time: It’s time / it’s high time / it’s about time + S + Past Subjunctive

− It’s time we left here (= it’s time for us to leave here.)

− It’s high time he stopped drinking and smoking (= it’s time for him to stop drinking and smoking.)

2 Would rather

Iwould rather stay home tonight ( tự : Vo )


REPORTED SPEECH ( Câu tường thuật )

Câu tường thuật (còn gọi câu gián tiếp) câu dùng để thuật lại hay kể lại lời nói người nào

Câu tường thuật có mệnh đề :

- Mệnh đề (hay gọi mệnh đề giới thiệu) mệnh đề tường thuật

- Lan said, “ I’ma student.” (câu trực tiếp) Lan said : Mệnh đề

“ I’m a student.” : mệnh đề tường thuật

→ Lan said (that) she was a student (câu tường thuật)

A STATEMENTS ( tường thuật câu nói )

• “said” giữ lại, “said to” thường thay “told”

• Đổi ngơi đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu, đại từ sở hữu • Đổi trạng từ thời gian nơi chốn

Here / Now There / Then This / These That / Those

Today That day

Tomorrow The next day, the day after, the following day Yesterday The day before, the previous day

Next week The week after

Last week The week before

Ago Before

Nếu động từ mệnh đề khứ, động từ mệnh đề tường thuật phải đổi lùi khứ bậc

Direct (trực tiếp) Indirect (gián tiếp)

Simple Present Simple Past Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect

Simple Past Past Perfect

Simple Future (will) Future in the Past (would) - He said, “I’m very tired.”

→ He said (that) he was very tired - She said, “ I’m watching TVnow.”

→ She said (that) she was watchingTV then - My friends said, “ We went to the circus last night.”

→ My friends told me that they had gone to the circus the previous night - The boy said, “I’ll have a test tomorrow.”

→ The boy said that he would have a test the following day B Imperative ( tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh )

1. Affirmative Imperative ( câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định )

Khi đổi câu mệnh lệnh sang câu tường thuật ta tiến hành bước sau đây: • Đổi “said” hay “said to” thành “told” hay “asked”

• Thêm tân ngữ (Object) vào sau động từ mệnh đề (nếu cần) • Bỏ từ “please” (nếu có)

• Mệnh đề tường thuật bắt đầu “ To - Infinitive- My mother said to me, “ Close the windows”


→ Ann’s brother asked her to post that letter for him - Lucy said, “Remember to phone me, Andy”

→ Lucy told Andy to remember to phone her 2 Negative Imperative ( mệnh lệnh phủ định )

Khi đổi câu mệnh lệnh phủ định sang câu tường thuật ta tiến hành bước đổi câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định Nhưng mệnh đề tường thuật bắt đầu “ Not + To-Infinitive

- The boy’s mother said to him, “Don’t go out late tonight” → The boy’s mother told him not to go out late that night - Her friends said, “Don’t forget to lock the door.”

→ Her friends told her not to forget to lock the door - Lan said to me, “Don’t wait for metomorrow”

→ Lan told me not to wait for her the next day

3 Reporting commands, requests, orders with Infinitive and Gerund Some common reporting Verbs

Verb + to infinitive Agree – claim (khẳng định) – demand (đòi hỏi) - decide - offer - promise - refuse - threaten (đe dọa) - want = wish

Verb + object + to infinitive advise - allow - ask - beg – command (= order) - encourage– forbid (cấm) - invite - permit - recommend (đề nghị) - remind - request - tell - urge - warn

Verb + gerund admit - allow - deny - propose - recommend - regret - suggest

Verb + preposition + Gerund / Noun accuse sb of (buộc tội) - apologize (to sb) for - complain about - confess to (thừa nhận) - congratulate sb on - inform sb about - insist on (khăng khăng, nài nỉ) - object to (phản đối) - scold (sb) for (quở trách) - thank sb for

− “Open the window, please” she asked me → She asked me to open the window

− “Don’t go out in the rain Jimmy” said his mother → Jimmy’s mother told him not to go out …

− “Remember to post this letter for me”

→ My brother reminded me to post that letter for him

− “I wouldn’teat too much if I were you, Dave” said Pasty → Pasty advised Dave not to eat too much

− “ We don’t take that book out of here”

→ They denied taking that book out of there

− “ I'm really sorryfor being so late, ” said Maria → Maria apologized for being late,

− “OK, I'llgive you a lift,” said Jenny → Jenny agreed to give her a lift

− “Yes, Jill, I think you're right,” said Mike → Mike agreed with Jill

− 'Well done, Tina, you've passed the exam! ” → I congratulated Tina on passing her exam


− 'No, I didn't take it! I wasn't even there! ” said Alice → Alice denied taking it

'Would you like to come to the cinema on Saturday, Pam? ” → I invited Pam to the cinema on Saturday

'Shall I carry your case, Dawn? ”said Peter → Peter offered to carry Dawn's case

− 'I'll be home by eight, mom.” said Ann → Ann promised to be home by eight

− 'No, I won't open the door! ”said Carol

→ Carol refused to open the door


1 Questions with Wh_words

• “said” “said to” chuyển thành “asked” • Từ để hỏi “Wh-” giữ lại

• Trật tự câu hỏi đổi thành câu kể ( = câu khẳng định)

Chú ý : ta thường dùng asked để tường thuật câu hỏiphải nhớ chuyển động từ trợ động từ phía

sau chủ từ câu tường thuật Từ để hỏi “Wh-” giữ lại -Wheredidyougo last night?”

→ I asked him wherehehad gone to the previous night / the night before -When will you finish this report, Paula?” I asked

→ I asked Paula when she would finish that report

2 Yes / No questions : ta thêm “if whether” vào trước chủ từ câu hỏi Trật tự câu phải dạng câu trần thuật (câu kể) Các thay đổi giống phần Wh-Questions.

- She asked “ Are you a teacher?”

→ She asked me if I was a teacher / She wanted to know if I was a teacher / she wondered whetherI was a teacher

-Do youlike fruit juice?”

→ Lan asked me if I liked fruit juice

Chú ý :

Ngồi ask ta dùng “wonder” “ want to know”

Câu hỏi đuôi tường thật giống câu Yes / No Questions phải bỏ phần phía sau - She asked: “You’ll stay here, won’t you?

→ She asked me if / whether I would stay there

Các trường hợp thay đổi :

Khi động từ tường thuật (say, tell ask…) khứ, động từ câu gián tiếp phải lùi khứ

Các trường hợp khơng thay đổi :

Khi động từ tường thuật (say, tell ask …) tại, động từ câu gián tiếp khơng thay đổi thì

Khi động từ tường thuật (say, tell ask …) q khứ, Động từ câu gián tiếp khơng thay đổi trong tình sau:

Tường thuật thật điều ln ln


Khi động từ câu gián tiếp động từ hình thái (modal verbs) : could, would, should, might, ought to, had to, used to

- He said: “ They might win the games.”

→ He said to me that they might win the games

Khi động từ câu trực tiếp : Past Continuous, Past perfect, Past Perfect Continuous thậm chí động từ Simple Past kèm với tg cụ thể giữ nguyên

- He sais : “the Tsunami happened in 2004”

→ He sais that the Tsunami happened/ had happened in 2004

Khi tường thuật câu mong ước (WISH), câu điều kiện loại 2, 3, cấu trúc “It’s (high) time” (đã đến lúc)

- They said: “It’s time we went

→ They said that it was time they went

Khi đổi đại từ (đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu, đại từ sở hữu…), lưu ý ta đổi

của đại từ khơng đổi sang loại đại từ khác

Subject Pronouns

(đại từ làm chủ từ)

S + V

Object Pronouns

(đại từ làm túc từ)

V + O

Possessive Adj

(tính từ sở hữu) Possessive Adv (đại từ sở hữu) Reflexive Pronouns (đại từ phản thân)

I You He / she / it

We You They

Me You Him / her / it

Us You Them

My Your His / her / its

Our Your Their

Mine Yours His / hers / its

Ours Yours Theirs

Myself Yourself Himself / herself /



Khi đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu tường thuật với động từ giới thiệu : agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, asked, told, advise, invite, remind, deny, suggest, apologize for, congratulate on ta tiến hành

bước sau :

• Thêm tân ngữ vào sau động từ mệnh đề / mệnh đề giới thiệu (nếu cần) • Mệnh đề tường thuật bắt đầu “ to / not to - infinitive” hay “ (not) gerund”

• Đổi ngơi đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu, đại từ sở hữu • Đổi trạng từ thời gian nơi chốn

− “Please wait!” I said to him

→ I told / asked him to wait

− “Open the window, please” she asked me

→ She asked me to open the window

− “Don’t go out in the rain Jimmy” said his mother

→ Jimmy’s mother told him not to go out in the rain

− “Remember to post this letter for me” My brother said

→ My brother asked me to remember to post that letter for him

→ My brother Reminded me to post that letter for him

− “I wouldn’teat too much if I were you, Dave” said Pasty

→ Pasty advised Dave not to eat too much

− “ No We don’t take that book out of here”

→ They denied taking that book out of there

− “ I'm really sorry for being so late, ” said Maria

→ Maria apologized for being late

Some common reporting Verbs Verb + to infinitive

Verb + object + to infinitive Verb + -ing form

Verb + preposition + -ing form

agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, want … advise, ask, invite, remind, tell, warn … deny, admit, suggest …

apologize for, congratulate on, warn s.o against …

Chú ý : đổi câu điều kiện sang câu tường thuật ta : Lùi động từ câu ĐK loại

Loại ta giữ nguyên động từ

− She said “ I’ll visit my grandparents if I am free this weekend” (loại : lùi )

→ She said that she would visit her grandparents if she was free that weekend

− “If I had money now, I would buythis car.” (loại : giữ nguyên)

→ Nam said If he had money now, he would buy that car

− “ If you had come earlier, you would have boughtthe tickets” Said the man (loại 3: giữ nguyên)



Activevoice: chủ thể thực hành động

− Ann writes a letter

Passive voice : chủ thể chịu tác động hành động

− A letter is written by Ann

FORM : S + BE + V3 (PP)

Chú ý : Động từ “be” phải chia theo số chủ từ chia theo câu chủ động

Những thay đổi cụ thể

1. Simple Present : am / is / are + Past Participle

− He washes his car every Sunday

→ His car is washed every Sunday − Mary buys some books at the bookshop

→ Some books are bought by Mary at the bookshop

2. Present Continuous : am / is / are + Being + Past Participle

− They are doing their homework now

→ Their homework is being done now − He is mending some chairs

→ Some chairs are being mended.

3. Simple Past : was / were + Past Participle

− Someone stole my car yesterday

→ My car was stolen yesterday

− She took the boys to the circus last night

→ The boys were taken to the circus last night

4. Past Continuous : was / were + Being + Past Participle

− We were doing our tests yesterday morning

→ Our tests were being done yesterday morning − They were repairing the bridge

→ The bridge was being repaired.

5. Present Perfect : Have / has + Been + Past Participle

− We have invited Nancy to the party

→ Nancy has been invited to the party

− He has bought me some interesting novels (me : S1; some interesting novels : S2 )

→ I have been boughtsome interesting novels (S1 (người) làm chủ từ ta không cần giới từ)

→ Some interesting novels have been boughtfor me (S2 (vật) làm chủ từ ta phải thêm giới từ for )

6. Past Perfect : Had + been + Past Participle

− They had told her the news

→ She had been told the news − We had finished her reports

→ Her reports had been finished. 7. Modal Verbs :

will / shall / can / could / would / may / might / must / have to / be going to + Be + PP

− The boy can lift this table

→ This table can be lifted by the boy − He is going to paint the windows



1. Câu có cấu trúc “ People say / think / believe / hope / consider / understand / know / report / expect / claim that ” ta có hai cáchđổi sang câu bị động

− People say that he is very rich (SAY IS )

→ It is said that he is very rich (1)

→ He is said to be very rich (2) ( To – Infinitive )

− They expect that he will recoversoon (EXPCT WILL RECOVER coi )

→ It is expected that he will recover soon (1)

→ He is expected to recover soon (2) ( To – Infinitive )

− They believed that she had gone to Paris (*) (BELIEVED HAD GONE lệch )

→ She was believed to have gone to Paris (*) Perfect Participle ( to have + V3 )

(*) Nếu hành động mệnh đề thứ xảy trước hành động mệnh đề đầu động từ bị động chia dạng Perfect Participle. ( to have + V3 )

Trong câu “had gone” xảy trước “believed” nên đổi sang câu bị động theo cách thứ 2, ta đổi

động từ “had gone” thành “to have gone

2. Câu có động từ tri giác : see, hear, feel, watch, listen to, notice, observe hoặc động từ make, help, know thì đổi sang câu bị động ta thêm “to” vào trước động từ chính

− My father made me do it

→ I was made to do it by my father − We heard him come home late last night

→ He was heard to come home late last night

3. Dạng Passive “Need” : need + V-ing / need + to be done (V3)

− We need to water the plants regularly

→ The plants need watering regularly

→ The plants need to be watered regularly

4. Have / get s.th done ( Causative Form : nhờ làm gì) Active : have s.o s.th / get s.o to s.th

Passive : have / get s.th done

− He had me type this letter yesterday

→ He had this letter typed yesterday

− They will have the mechanic repair their car

→ They will have their car repaired.

5. Khi muốn chuyển cụm từ gồm “ Verb + Preposition + Object ” sang câu bị động, ta phải giữ

nguyên vị trí giới từ

− We must write to him

→ He must be written to. 6 “By” “with” câu bị động

With” thường dùng sau cụm từ : filled with, packed with, crowded with, crammed with

− The train was packed with commuters

Chú ý: Sự khác biệt “by” and “with” liên quan đế diện người

− Dave was hit by a branch (an accident )




Who, Whom, Which, Whose, That , Where, When, Why

Relative Pronouns (đại từ quan hệ) Relative Adverbs (trạng từ quan hệ)

Thường mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ (mệnh đề tính từ) dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước 1. Who:

 Thay cho danh từ người làm chủ từ( S )cho động từ mệnh đề quan hệ Sau “Who”

động từ

− I saw the policeman He helped us last week → I saw the policeman who helped us last week − The man is my brother He is standing over there

→ The man who is standing over there is my brother

2. Whom:

 Thay cho danh từ người làm túc từ( O ) cho động từ mệnh đề quan hệ Sau “Whom”

chủ từ (Noun / pronoun)

− I know the girl John spoke to her → I know the girl whom John spoke to

− The woman is his English teacher You met her yesterday → The woman whom you met yesterday is his English teacher

3. Which:

 Thay cho danh từ vật làm chủ từ hay túc từcho động từ mệnh đề quan hệ Sau “Which” động từ (nếu which S), chủ từ (nếu which O)

− She works for a company That company makes cars → She works for a company which makes cars − The book is very interesting I bought it last week

→ The book whichI bought last week is very interesting

4. Whose:

 Là đại từ quan hệ sở hữu Nó dùng để thay cho tính từ sở hữu (my, your, his, her, our, their) hay danh từ dạng sở hữu cách (Jimmy’s father, the dog’s tail…) Sau “Whose” danh từ

− Mary was looking after a monkey The monkey’s leg had been broken → Mary was looking after a monkey whose leg had been broken − The woman lives alone with dogs Her children are living abroad

→ The woman whose children are living abroad lives alone with dogs

5. Where: Mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ để nói đến nơi chốn (dùng để thay cho cụm từ nơi chốn.) − I’d like to live in the country There is a lot of sunshine there

→ I’d like to live in the country where there is a lot of sunshine − The hotel wasn’t very clean We stayed in that hotel last summer

→ The hotel where we stayed last summer wasn’t very clean

6. When: Mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ để nói đến thời gian ( dùng để thay cho cụm từ thời gian)

− Do you still remember the day? We fist met on that day → Do you still remember the day when we fist met?

7. Why: Mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ lý ( dùng để thay cho cụm từ lý do)

− The reason why I phone you is to invite you to our club meeting

8. That:


“That” buộc phải dùng trường hợp sau :

Sau tính từ so sánh nhất, kể “ the first…” “ the last …” − It was the most interesting film that I have ever seen

− It was the last letter that she sent me

“That” dùng sau đại từ bất định (someone, anyone, everyone, no one ) số từ

như: “ all / every / any / only ”

− These are all the books that we have − She gives her son anything that he asks for

Nếu cụm từ đứng trước danh từ người vật hay người nơi chốn

− The boys and the cows that we saw along the road were merrily taking the pumpkins home − All the people and places that appear in his photos are very lively

“That” không dùng trường hợp sau : “That” không dùng sau giới từ

− This is the woman from whom we bought the picture ( = that we bought the picture from ) • “That” khơng dùng mệnh đề khơng giới hạn mệnh đề nối tiếp

− Mr Nam, who is 50 years old, is my physic teacher ( notthat )


1 Mệnh đề quan hệ giới hạn ( Defining / Restrictive Relative Clause )

Mệnh đề dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước, phận quan trọng câu Nếu bỏ nó mệnh đề cịn lại khơng có nghĩa rõ ràng

− The man who is speaking is my teacher

Mệnh đề “who is speaking” bổ nghĩa cho “The man” khơng giải thích rõ “người nói chuyện” người nghe ta muốn đề cập đến “người đàn ông “

− The book which I borrowed from you is very interesting

Tương tự trên, ta chưa xác định “quyển sách” nào, nên phải có mệnh đề để giải thích rõ “đó sách tơi mượn bạn”

2 Mệnh đề quan hệ giải thích hay cịn gọi mệnh đề không giới hạn ( Non-defining / Non-Restrictive Relative Clause)

Mệnh đề phần giải thích thêm hay bổ sung thêm thơng tin cho danh từ đứng trước Nếu bỏ thì mệnh đề cịn lại có nghĩa rõ ràng Khi viết mệnh đề thường tách khỏi mệnh đề dấu phẩy Đại từ“That” không dùngtrong lọai mệnh đề Ta không lược bỏ đại từ quan hệtrong lọai mệnh đề

− My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor

Trong trường hợp “my father” dược xác định rõ (đó ba tơi) nên mệnh đề “who is fifty years old” phần giái thích thêm, khơng quan trọng

3 Mệnh đề quan hệ nối tiếp ( Sentence Relative Clause )

Lọai mệnh đề dùng để giải thích hay bổ nghĩa cho mệnh đề phía trước Trong trường hợp ta phải dùng đại từ “Which” để nối dùng dấu phẩy tách riêng hai mệnh đề

− You passed the exam And this makes me happy

You passed the exam, which makes me happy − He admires Lynda, which surprises me


C RÚT GỌN MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ ( RELATIVE CLAUSE REDUCTION ) 1 Khi động từ mệnh đề quan hệ dạng chủ động

Khi rút gọn ta bỏ đại từ quan hệ đi, động từ mệnh đề quan hệ phải đưa dạng nguyên mẫu thêm “-ing” Các thành phần khác câu giữ nguyên

− The man who spoke to you yesterday has left for London → The man speaking to you yesterday has left for London

− The street which leads to our school is very wide → The street leading to our school is very wide

2 Khi động từ mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động

Khi rút gọn ta bỏ đại từ quan hệ đi, bỏ “be” trợ động từ, ta giữ lại từ động từ sau mà thơi

− This is the only church that was built in 1900 → This is the only church built in 1900

− The chairs which were broken in the party last night are now mended → The chairs broken in the party last night are now mended

3 Ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ trường hợp sau:

a Sau từ số thứ tự ( first / second ) sau next, last , only sau cấu trúc so sánh

− He was the last man that left the ship = he was the last man to leave the ship

− Mary is the only one that understands him = Mary is the only one to understand him

− The first man that we must see is Tom = The first man to see is Tom b câu nói diễn tả mục đích cho phép

− He has a lot of book that he must read = He has a lot of book to read

− She has something that she had to do = She has something to do

− The children need a garden which they can play in = The children need a garden to play in Chú ý :

Dùng To be + V3 động từ mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động

− Tim is the first man that we sawat the meeting (không thay “ the first man to see” ) O S V

Ta thay mệnh đề “To-Inf” dạng bị động

− Tim is the first man that was seen at the meeting

Có thể thay : Tim is the first man to be seen at the meeting

4. Động từ mệnh đề quan hệ hoàn thành: Khi rút gọn ta bỏ đại từ quan hệ, cụm từ được đưa dạng “having + V3”, cụm từ gọi ( Perfect Participle )

− The men who had served in the army before working here are all responsible workers → The men having served in the army before working here are all responsible workers − The girl who has left here is a promising movie star

→ The girl having left here is a promising movie star


5. Các trường hợp rút gọn khác :

Với cụm giới từ: bỏ đại từ quan hệ To be

− The books which are on the table can’t be taken away → The books on the table can’t be taken away

Với cụm danh từ:

− Ms Marina, who is our teacher, will retire next month → Ms Marina, our teacher, will retire next month

Trường hợp áp dụng cho mệnh đề không giới hạn (mệnh đề nằm dấu phẩy) cụm danh từ gọi đồng vị ngữ (appositive)


• Ta lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ khi đại từ làm túc từ mệnh đề quan hệ ( Whom , Which, That (O) )

• Ta lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề quan hệ giới hạn (mệnh đề khơng có dấu phẩy)

• Ta khơng đượclược bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề quan hệ không giới hạn hay mệnh đề

quan hệ nối tiếp (mệnh đề có dấu phẩy)

• Ta khơng đượclược bỏ đại từ quan hệ khi đứng sau giới từ.

− That is the book (which) I bought last week

− We all like the boy (whom) we talked to at Jane’s birthday party

− She knows the man (whom) the police are looking for



(Mệnh đề quan hệ dùng với giới từ)

1. Khi kết hợp hai mệnh đề mà đại từ quan hệ thay cho từ đứng sau giới từ, ta có cách làm khác

− Karen is the schoolgirl I told you about her.

a) Karen is the schoolgirl I told you about

b) Karen is the schoolgirl who / that / whom I told you about

c) Karen is the schoolgirl about whom I told you

(WRONG: Karen is the schoolgirl about who / that I told you.)

Trong câu (c), dùng "whom" sau giới từ "about" Không dùng “who” hoặc “that”sau giới từ

− The topic is Chinese cookery Marian is interested in it a) The topic Marian is interested in is Chinese cookery

b) The topic that/which Marian is interested in is Chinese cookery c) The topic in which Marian is interested is Chinese cookery (WRONG: The topic in that Marian is interested is Chinese cookery Trong câu (c), dùng "which" sau giới từ "in" Dùng "that" sau giới từ sai

CHÚ Ý: Cách thơng dụng kết hợp hai mệnh đề có giới từ lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ (zero relative) câu (a) ví dụ ví dụ khác sau đây:

− Do you know the man? Ted shares a room with him.

a) Do you know the man Ted shares a room with?

b) Do you know the man who / that / whom Ted shares a room with?

c) Do you know the man with whom Ted shares a room? − Is this the article? You were talking about it.

a) Is this the article you were talking about?

b) Is this the article that / which you were talking about?

c) Is this the article about which you were talking? − The man was found dead The police were looking for him

a) The man the police were looking for was found dead

b) The man who / that / whom the police were looking for was found dead c) The man for whom the police were looking was found dead

2. Ta dùng "preposition + relative pronoun" sau dấu phẩy loại mệnh đề không xác định (Non-defining relative clauses)

− Mr Reese, to whom we sent the letter, hasn't given us his reply (Or: Mr Reese, whom we sent the letter to, hasn't given us his reply.) − I'd like you to see my new laptop, for which I paid $2,300

(Or: I'd like you to see my new laptop, which I paid $2,300 for.)

3. Ta dùng số từ số lượng kèm theo giới từ " of + whom / of which " Cách nói này dùng với loại mệnh đề không xác định ( Non-defining relative clauses )

− They have four children All of them are married → They have four children, all of whom are married − We've taken many tests Most of them were difficult

→ We've taken many tests, most of which were difficult

Những từ số lượng sau dùng với " of whom / of which ": all / most / some / a few / many / much

none / neither / any / either

both / half / each / one / two / three, …


− Two men came to visit me I had met neither of them before

→ Two men, neither of whom I had met before, came to visit me − I asked three people None of them could tell me the way

→ I asked three people, none of whom could tell me the way − The class had thirty students Half of them came from other towns

→ The class had thirty students, half of whom came from other towns − He had three cars One of them was made in Japan

→ He had three cars, one of which was made in Japan

− He has written more than one hundred articles Many of them were about politics → He has written more than one hundred articles, many of which were about politics

4. Trong cách nói trang trọng (formal English), ta dùng "noun + of which" cho số trường hợp

− The presidents of several countries are attending the meeting, the purposeof which is to strengthen the relationship between their countries (which = the meeting)

− The end of the war, the anniversary of which is on 30th April, has been commemorated throughout the country (which = the end of the war)

− The huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt (which = The huge amount of oil was spilled)


Relative Used for Used as Examples

WHO People Subject and object

- The man who lives next door works in my office

- The man who / whom I'm talking about works in her office

WHICH Things and animals Subject and object

- The dog which bit the postman belongs to my neighbour -The dog which you saw outside my house belongs to my


WHOM People

Object only, and after prepositions

- Her new boyfriend is the man whom you saw in her living room yesterday

- She's going to marry the man with whom she went on holiday last month THAT People, things and animals Subject and object

- The man that / who told you this thing must have been a fool - The man that / who / whom she's going to marry comes from

a wealthy family


People, things and


Of whom / Of which

- The children whose paintings win the competition will be given a scholarship

- They were playing a game whose rules I couldn't understand

WHERE Places Adverb of


- This is the bend where the accident happened

WHEN Time Adverb of


- I still remember the day when we first met


Mệnh đề trạng ngữ rút gọn ( Reduction of Adverbial Clauses )

Khi động từ mệnh đề trạng ngữ động từ mệnh đề có chủ ngữ, ta rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ thành cụm phân từ (Participle Phrases)

1 Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian:

− Before we leave here, we will pay him a visit

Before leaving here, we will pay him a visit

− When I’m not studying, I often listen to music to relax

When not studying, I often listen to music to relax

− After he had finished his work, he went out for a drink with some of his colleagues

Having finished his work, he went out for a drink with some of his colleagues

Notes :

Từ nối “As” lược bỏ rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian

− As I was cooking dinner, I found that I had lost my cookbook

Cooking dinner, I found that I had lost my cookbook

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian bắt đầu “When” dùng để diễn tả kiện xảy trước 1 kiện mệnh đề rút gọn bắt đầu giới từ “On / Upon + V-ing” dùng “V-ing”

− When she heard the bad news, she burst into tear

On / Upon hearing the bad news, she burst into tear → Hearing the bad news, she burst into tear

2 Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân:

− Since Tom is a generous man, he always helps unfortunate people

Being a generous man, Tom always helps unfortunate people

− Because the window was broken, it will be replaced soon

Because broken, the window will be replaced soon

− Becaue I have met him before, I could recognize him right away

Having met him before, I could recognize him right away


Thường từ nối nguyên nhân (as, because, since) lược bỏ rút gọn Nếu chủ từ khác ta phải giữ lại chủ từ

− Since the supermarket closed early, we couldn’t buy anything

The supermarket having closed early, we couldn’t buy anything 3 Mệnh đề trạng ngữ mục đích:

− He went to the bookstore so that he could buy a dictionary

→ He went to the bookstore to / so as to / in order to buy a dictionary 4 Mệnh đề trạng ngữ đối lập

− Although he is living a hard life, he looks very happy

Although living a hard life, he looks very happy

− She started working again though she wasn’t feeling very well → She started working again though not feeling very well

− Although my granddad is old, he continues working




1. Used as Subject of a sentence :

Listening to music is always interesting

Learning a language is not easy

2. Used as Complement (bổ ngữ) of a verb : “be”

− Her hobby is painting

3. Used after certain verbs:

acknowledge celebrate finish omit report

admit consider imagine postpone resent

advise defend involve practice resist

anticipate delay keep prevent resume

appreciate deny loathe prohibit risk

avoid discuss mention quit suggest

(can't) stand enjoy mind recall tolerate

(can't) help excuse miss recommend understand

4. Verb + Preposition (giới từ) + Gerund

adapt to care about / for look forward to

agree (with sb) (about/on sth) complain (to sb) (about/of sth) object to

apologize (to sb) (for sth) confess to pay for

approve of concentrate on persist in

argue (with sb) (about/over sth) consist of plan on

ask about count on put up with

be good / clever at decide on rely on

be used to depend on specialize in

be afraid of dream about / of succeed in

be fond of feel like think of

believe in get on with

benefit from / of insist on

( be used to = be accustomed to = be familiar with )

− I apologized to her for being late for the meeting this morning

− We're thinking of making the plan more practical

− People don't care about destroying the environment

− The director objected to producing the new products

− I'm tired of doing the same work

5 Verb + Object + Preposition + Gerund (Các động từ sau cần object dùng với Gerund )

accuse of forgive for stop from

blame for help with strike as

charge with inform about tell about

congratulate on prevent from thank for

deter from punish for use for

discourage from remind about / of warn about excuse for / from

− They accused me of revealing the company's secret

− She prevented him from making the same mistake


6 After some phrases :

can't bear, can't face, can't stand, can't help,

feel like, it's no good, it's no use, it’s (not) worth, there’s no point (in) …

− This book is worth reading

− It’s no use asking for his help

7 Passive Gerund : Being + V3 or Having been + V3

− She avoided being recognized by wearing overcoat and sunglasses

− He dislikes being called when he is at home

− She insisted on being taken to my class meeting last night

− They remembered having been kept in a dark and scaring room

Perfect Gerund : Having + V3

− The little boy denied spilling / having spilled the sugar

− They blamed me for taking / having taken the papers out  Expressions followed by VERB + ing

have a difficult time / a good time / a hard time / an easy time have difficulty / have no difficulty

have (some) problems / have a problem / have no problem have fun

spend one's time waste one's time

go fishing / shopping / camping / swimming / clambing / skiing / hunting … • have (some) problems

• have a difficult time

• have a good time

• have a hard time

• have a problem

• have an easy time

• have difficulty

• have fun

• have no difficulty

• have no problem

• spend one's time

• waste one's time

- He had some problems reading without his glasses - She had a difficult time hiking up the mountain - They had a good time snorkeling

- She had a hard time explaining the situation - Debbie had a problem understanding his accent - She had an easy time selling the delicious cookies - Wanda had difficulty translating the letter by herself - They had fun skiing

- They had no difficulty finding a discount flight to London - Francis had no problem getting from the airport to the hotel - He always spends his time working out at the gym

- She always wastes her time playing video games


1. To-Infinitive follow verbs :

afford consent grow plan strive

agree consent guarantee pledge struggle

aim decline hesitate pretend swear

appear demand hope prove tend

arrange desire long refuse turn out

care = want endeavor manage resolve volunteer


− Did he agree to help you?

− We pretended not to see her when we were in the restaurant

− I happened to meet an old friend this morning

2. Dùng “To-Inf” sau số cấu trúc như: Too + adj / adv + ( for object) + to-inf Adj / adv + enough + ( for object) + to-inf

− He is too young to swim in the river

− You are not old enough to attend the club

To-inf sử dụng làm tân ngữ tính từ: (Adj + To-inf)

− This cake is easy to make

− It was kind of you to help him

“To-inf” dùng sau : for / of

− I’ll wait for you to finish our tasks

− It was kind of you to help me

3. Verb + how / what / when / where / which / why + To- inf

ask - decide - discover - find out - forget - know - learn - remember - wonder

− She forgot how to do this work

4. Verb + Object + To-Infinitive ( Các động từ sau cần object dùng với To-infinitive)

advise enable invite persuade

allow force motivate recommend

command get oblige remind

convince hire order require

encourage instruct permit send

forbid train urge warn

show … how teach / teach … how tell / tell … how …

− I advised her not to quit her job now

− They forced me to break into the house

− The doctor advised my father to drink as mush water as possible

But The doctor advised drinking as mush water as possible (sau Vnếu khơng có O ta dùng gerund)

− He warns the boys not to come near the dog ( or He warns the boys against coming …)

Verb + (Object) + To-Infinitive (Các động từ sau cần không cần object)

ask desire know prepare would like

beg expect need promise

choose help offer want

dare intend pay wish

− The protesters wished to talk with the mayor

I want him to play the song again

− The man wants to cross the street

5. "To infinitive" dùng sau số danh từ:

"ability, anxiety, attempt, decision, demand, desire, determination, effort, offer, plan, promise, refusal, request, willingness, wish "


6. “To-inf” dùng để diễn tả mục đích kết − We go to school to widen our knowledge

− He grew up to be a handsome young man

7. Ta dùng “To-Infinitive” sau danh từ đại từ để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ trường hợp sau:

a Sau từ số thứ tự ( first / second ), sau next, last , only sau cấu trúc so sánh

− He was the last man that left the ship.→ he was the last man to leave the ship

− Mary is the only one that understands him.→ Mary is the only one to understand him

− The first man that we must see is Tom.→ The first man (for us) to see is Tom b Khi câu nói diễn tả mục đích cho phép

− He has a lot of books that he must read→ He has a lot of books to read

− She has something that she has to do→ She has something to do

− The children need a garden which they can play in→ The children need a garden to play in

Passive Infinitive : to be + V3

− He hoped to be invited to the party

− The boys don’t wish to be asked to the principal’s room

− He doesn’t like to be called piggy


1. Sau động từ khiếm khuyết “Would rather / had better”

− You had better (not) work harder

− I'd rather stay at home

Notes: nếu người (S1) muốn người khác (S2) làm điều ta phải chia động từ Quá Khứ

− I’d rather you did your homework now

− He’d rather his friends didn’t leave so early

2. Sau động từ giác quan như:" see, hear, feel, watch, listen to, notice ." sau động từ "make, let, help, have + O” (causative form : have s.o s.th)

− Isawhim unlock the door

− The teacher madeus write a friendly letter

− He had me repair his bike


See , hear , feel, watch, listen to, notice + bare-inf :hành động chấm dứt hay hành động xảy chấm

dứt thời điểm

− We saw him leave the house

− I heard them make arrangements for their journey

See , hear , feel, watch, listen to, notice + Gerund : hành động xảy hay tiếp diễn

− I heard someone coming up the stairs

− I saw them going for a walk in the park some days ago

Notes : Các động từ (ngoại trừ let) bị động phải dùng to infinitive.

− I was made to finish the report in 24 hours

− We are helped to lose weight by jogging


Một số động từ với To-Infinitive Gerund thay đổi nghĩa

Các động từ theo sau “To-Infinitive” “Gerund” khơng khác khác nghĩa hate, love, like, prefer

hate, love, like, prefer doing s.th : có ý nói chung chung

− I hate getting up early

− We love listening to music

hate, love, like, prefer to s.th: đề cập đến ý thích theo thói quen (cụ thể)

− We prefer to go out for lunch on Sundays

− I don’t like to disturb colleagues at home • Begin, start

Các động từ dùng với Gerund hay To-infthì khơng có khác biệt nhiều nghĩa Tuy nhiên ta

dùng “To-inf ”khi động từ dùng dạng tiếp diễn theo sau Start / Beginlà động

từ “understand realize”

− When we finished our class, it was starting to rain

− We began to realize that we were in danger

Các động từ theo sau “To-Infinitive” “Gerund” khác nghĩa 1. Remember / forget

Remember / forget doing s.th: nhớ hay quên hành động / việc làm khứ (past


− Sorry I don’t remember meeting you before

− They will never forget visiting Australia last year

Remember / forget to s.th: nhớ / quên phải làm việc (an obligation)

− Remember to post my letter

− I forgot to turn off the lights before leaving home

2. Try / attempt

Try / attempt to s.th: cố gắng hay nỗ lực làm việc gì, thành công hay thất bại

− I tried to warn him but it was too late

Try / attempt doing s.th: thử làm việc

− Have you tried surfing? It’s great

− Try taking an aspirin You’ll feel better

3. Mean

Mean to s.th: cố ý hay có ý định làm việc

− Sorry, I meant to tell you about the party

Mean doing s.th: có nghĩa là, có liên quan tới việc

− If we catch the early train, it will mean getting up at 5.00

4. Regret

Regret doing s.th: hối tiếc, hối hận việc xảy q khứ

− I regret being so rude to you yesterday

Regret to s.th: thơng báo tin xấu (lấy làm tiếc sửa phải làm điều gì, thường ngịai ý


− I regret to inform you that you have failed the exam

5. Stop

Stop to s.th: dừng lại để làm việc

− Jane stopped to buy us some coke


− He has to stop smoking and drinking because of his ill-health

6. Go on

Go on to s.th : tiếp tụclàm việc khác

− After she received the test paper, she went on to do it • Go on doing s.th : tiếp tụclàm việc làm

− They went on singing after a short rest

7. Consider

Consider to s.th: diễn tả ý kiến ( coi / xem )

− She is considered to be the finest pianist of her generation • Consider doing s.th: xem xét, nghĩ đến việc (= think about)

− I sometimes consider changing another job

8. Need / want

Diễn tả chủ động

− I need to cut this paper • Diễn tả bị động



Động từ chia theo số chủ từ

Chủ từ số ít: động từ chia số Chủ từ số nhiều : động từ chia số nhiều

− The car was new

− The books are on the top shelf  Lưu ý trường hợp sau:

1. Chủ ngữ cụm từ hay mệnh đề : động từ chia số ít:

− Walking in the rain is not a good idea

− To learn a foreign language is necessary

2. Chủ ngữ có cụm từ kèm bổ nghĩa: động từ chia theo số chủ ngữ, cụm từ thường

là cụm giới từ không làm thay đổi số chủ ngữ A list of new books has been posted in the library

The shops along the mall are rather small

The study of languages is very interesting

3. Chủ ngữ cụm động từ nguyên mẫu, danh động từ mệnh đề dùng với động từ số − To learn English is not easy

− Swimming is good for health

− What you say is wrong

4. Chủ ngữ với cụm giới từ như: with, together with, along with, as well as, in addition to, accompanied by, no less than, included with : động từ chia theo chủ ngữ thứ ( S1)

23 students (S1) accompanied by their young teacher (S2) have been out for a picnic

The woman (S1) as well as her neighbors (S2) refuses to pay the bill

John (S1) together with his friends (S2) doesn’t receive scholarships

5. Chủ ngữ kép :

• Hai đơn vị khác nốibằng “AND” : động từ chia số nhiều

− England, Scotland and Wales form Great Britain

− John and Bill are roommates

• Nối “and” nhưng đơn vị động từ chia số − Bread and butter is delicious

• Hai chủ ngữ số nối “AND”, nhưng trước EACH, EVERY, NO, động từ chia số − No teacher and no student is absent today

− Every child and every adult has to take the medicine

− Each boy and each girl is in uniform


chia theo chủ từ sau (S2)

Either you (S1) or she (S2) has to attend the meeting

Either he (S1) or I (S2) am wrong

Neither the students (S1) nor their teacher (S2) forgets the summer holiday

6. Chủ từ danh từ tập hợpnhư : family, team, group, army, club, crowd, staff : động từ

chia số hay số nhiều tùy trường hợp.

Chủ từ dùng đơn vị, nhóm : Động từ số ít

− The football team practises every day

− My family arrives at the airport at 8.00

− The herd of cattle (đàn gia súc) isin the meadow (đồng cỏ)


− The team are having lunch together in the dinning room now

− My family are listening to music and dancing happily

Notes :

Các danh từ police, military, people, public, cattle, poultry, clergy có nghĩa số nhiều với động từ số nhiều

− The police are questioninghim (thẩm vấn) − The American people don'ttrust (tin) the news

7. Chủ từ cụm từ diễn tả số lượng (1 khoảng thời gian, số tiền, hay kích thước ) xem như khối động từ chia số

− Two years is a long time to wait

− It is three kilometres to the station

− 50 tons of rice is enough for these people to survive through the winter

− Fifty dollars seems a reasonable price for this dress

Notes : Khi có cụm giới từ OF sau để bổ nghĩa, động từ chia theo danh từ đứng gầnnó − Half of the tables are occupied

− The majority of the customers are happy

− A quarter of the cake is gone!

8. Một số danh từ số (thường danh từ khơng đếm được) tận -s, ví dụ: news, means (phương tiện), series, species, measles (bệnh sởi), tuberculosis (bệnh lao), mumps (quai bị), aids, billiards, athletics (môn điền kinh), gymnastics (thể dục dụng cụ), dominoes, mathematics, physics, economics (kinh tế), politics (chính trị) động từ chia số

− The morning news is on at o'clock

− Measles is sometimes serious

− Mathematics seems a very difficult subject to some students

9. Một số danh từ có hình thức số nhiều ln với động từ số nhiều : glasses, jeans, scissors (kéo), trousers, shoes, shorts, pants, boots …

− His glasses were broken by his little girl

10. Chủ từ đại từ bất định: động từ chia số ít :

someone, somebody, something everyone, everybody, everything anyone, anybody, anything no one, nobody, nothing

Was there anybody in this room last night?

− Everyone has already prepared well for the test

− I’m afraid that there is something wrong with this computer

11. Danh từ số theo sau EACH, EITHER, NEITHER với động từ số each, one, neither of, either of, much of

− Each answer is correct

− Either letter is torn

− Neither book is new

− Neither of the books ismine ( sách tơi) − Each of the books isof English literature (mỗi sách )

12. Sau NEITHER OF danh từ số nhiều, ta dùng động từ dạng số số nhiều Nhưng động từ dạng số chuẩn mực

− Either of the answers is correct

− Neither of the answers is (are) correct


− None of the wine is sour

− None of the pens is (are) expensive

14. Sau SOME / HALF / MOST danh từ khơng đếm dùng động từ số ít, danh từ đếm được số nhiều ta dùng động từ dạng số nhiều

− Some / Half / Most of the salt is dirty

− Some / Half / Most of the flowers are in bloom

15. Sau MANY danh từ dạng số nhiều động từ dạng số nhiều Sau MANY A danh từ dạng số động từ dạng số

− Many workers go to work on time

− Many a worker goes to work on time

16. Sau phân số danh từ dạng số ít, động từ dạng số ít; danh từ dạng số nhiều, động từ dạng số nhiều

− Three-fifths of the apple is spoiled

− Three-fifths of the apples are spoiled

Một số trường hợp đặc biệt

Subjects Verbs Examples

The number of + N(pl.) Singular - The number of road accidents is increasing

A number of + N(pl.) Plural - A number of spectators were injured

One of + N(pl.) Each of + N (pl.)

Singular - One of my friends is a doctor - Each of the students need to it Much, little, a little, some, an

amount of, the amount of + N (s.) Singular

- A great amount of rice is in bad quality

- A little mud has been collected Many, a few, few, several, both, all,

some + N (pl.)

Plural - Many of them are students

- Several participants have arrived Most (of), some (of), a lot of + N(s.) Singular - Most if the house was destroyed

- Some coffee has spilt on the carpet Most (of), some (of), a lot of + N(pl.) Plural - Most of the tomatoes are ripe

- Some fruits have rotten None of, any of, either of , neither of

+ N (pl.)

Plural or Singular

- None of the parcels needs / need sending

- Either of them has / have to write a report

No + N (s.) Singular - No solution was given

No + N (pl.) Plural - No solutions were given

Notes :




Khi vị trí chủ từ động từ câu đổi cho ta gọi cấu trúc đảo ngữ Có cấu trúc đảo ngữ:

1. Thêm trợ động từ đưa trợ động từ lên phía trước chủ từ động từ − He never failed any exams

→ Never did he fail any exams

− She not only has passed the exam, but passed it with honor

→ Not only has she passed the exam, but passed it with honor

2. Chủ từ động từ đổi vị trí cho − A small village lies along the river bank

→ Along the river bank lies a small village

3. Khi cụm trạng từ nơi chốn đứng đầu câu, ta đảo vị trí chủ từ động từ mà khơng cần thêm bất kì trợ động từ Các động từ thường dùng : be, appear, come, go, lie, sit, stand

− An apple tree was outside the house

→ Outside the house was an apple tree

4. Khi từ hay cụm từ phủ định sau đặt đầu câu, ta sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ Never – at no time – seldom = rarely – little – nowhere – not only – only – only later …… Scarely … when ( vừa … …)

Barely ……when Hardly … when No sooner … than

Một số cấu trúc đảo ngữ thường gặp:

2. At no time / never + V-aux + S + V : không − She has never been so happy before

− Never / at no time before hasshe been so happy (chưa cô ta lại hạnh phúc thế)

Notes: đề có từ : again, before, all my / his / her… life: phải đưa lên đầu

câu với : “Never” vd

3. On no / any account = on no / any condition + V-aux + S + V : khơng lí − You should never be late for the exam

→ On no account shouldyou be late for the exam (khơng lí mà bạn lại đến thi muộn cả)

4. In / under no circumstances = In no way + V-aux + S + V : Không đời nào, dù tình huống không

− Never believe him

→ In no circumstances / In no way will I believe him ( không đời lại tin )

5. Only by + N / Ving + S + V : cách làm − We must act right now or we will lose

→ Only by acting right now willwe win (chỉ cách hành động


6. Only after + N / Ving / a clause + V-aux + S + V : sau làm


→ Only after your graduation will you get a job

− I understood hamlet only after seeing it on the stage ( sau xem Hamlet sân khấu hiểu )

→ Only after seeing hamlet on the stage did I understand it

− They slept only after they had had dinner

→ Only after they had had dinner did they sleep ( sau ăn tối, họ ngủ) 7. Only when + a clause + V-aux + S + V :

− Only when my friend told me didI knowhis name ( sau bạn tơi bảo tơi biết tên hắn) 8. Only with + N + V-aux + S + V : với

− Only with a little money didI geta good job ( với số tiền ỏi, tơi kiếm đuợc công việc tốt ) 9. Only then / later + V-aux + S + V : sau lúc

− Only then / later didI understand ( sau lúc tơi hiểu ) 10 Only if + a clause + V-aux + S + V :

− Only if you tell the truth canI forgiveyou ( nói thật tơi tha thứ ) 11 Only in this way + V-aux + S + V : cách

− Only in this way canwe solvethe problem ( cách giải vđ) 12 By no means + V-aux + S + V : hồn tồn khơng

− By no means didhe intend to hurt you ( hồn tồn khơng có ý định làm bạn tổn thương)

13 Hardly / Scarely + V-aux + S + V + when : vừa … No sooner + V-aux + S + V + than : vừa …

− He had hardly arrived home when the phoned rang

Hardly had he arrived home when the phoned rang − We had no sooner begun our party than the power cut

No sooner had we begun our party than the power cut

14. So + adj /adv + that + S + V : mà

− So heavy is the bag that he can’t lift it ( cặp nặng nhấc lên )

− The quake was so devastating that nearly 5000 people died

→ So devastating was the quake that nearly 5000 people died

15 Such + To be + N + that + S +V

− Such isthe stuff of dream that he implement ( thật giấc mơ vô nghĩa mà o thể thực

đợc )

16 Not till / Not until + N + V-aux + S + V : − Man didn’t fly into space until the early 1960s

− Not until the early 1960s didman flyinto space ( thập niên 1960 ngời bay vào

vũ trụ)

17 Not until + a clause + V-aux + S + V: việc xảy thì… − They couldn’t go out for dinner until the rain stopped

→ Not until the rain stopped couldthey go out for dinner ( trời tạnh mưa họ ăn tối)

18 Not + Object + V-aux + S + V − She didn’t say a single word

→ Not a single word didshe say ( ta chẳng nói lời ) 19 No longer + V-aux + S +V: Khơng bao lâu, khơng cịn

− Women don’t bear a lot of children any longer


20. Với cấu trúc điều kiện

− If he appears, please tell him to wait for me (loại 1)

Shouldheappear, please tell him to wait for me

− If they were here, they would join the games immediately (loại 2)

Werethey here, they would join the games immediately

If we had enough money now, we could buy this car (loại 2)

Were we to have enough money now, we could buy this car

− If he had known the answer, he would have phoned us (loại 3)

Hadheknown the answer, he would have phoned us


1 CLEFT SENTENCE (câu chẻ)

IT + BE + Phần nhấn mạnh + THAT / WHO It was his inventions that won the award

It is me who will the experiment

It is the experiment that I will


Cấu trúc PSEODO-CLEFT SENTENSE dùng với từ để hỏi : What – Where – When – How và Why

− She wants to write a book

→ What she wants is (to) write a book

→ or To write a book is what she wants

− Where he grew up was a little town in Texas

A shirt was what we bought yesterday

− When she met him was last month

Being fast was how he won the contest


− Although he tried hard, he couldn’t manage to open the door

Hard as / though he tried, he couldn’t manage to open the door

− Eventhough it may sound strange, I’ve never been out of this city

Strange as / though it may sound, I’ve never been out of this city

4 Với động từ “ DO / DOES / DID” : dung để nhấn mạnh hành động động từ − She does want to go to the movie tonight

− They do look really tired


COMPARISON I. Equality form: so sánh

1 Affirmative (khẳng định)As + Adj / Adv + as

− My house is as big as yours (adj)

− He runs as carelessly as his brother (adv)

2 Negative (phủ định)

Not + as + Adj / Adv + as

Not + so + Adj / Adv + as ( more common ) − Tom isn’t so old as his brother (is)

− He earns as much money as his brother

− They have as few books as we

− I don’t study as / so well as my sister (does)  Notes :

Khi muốn nói gấp lần ta dùng cấu trúc: Twice as … as ; three times as … as

Their house is about three times as big as our house Khi muốn nói tương tự ta dùng cấu trúc: The same as

Her salary is the same as mine ( = my salary ) − Tom is the same age as Dick

II. Comparative form:

1 Short Adj / Adv : Từ có âm: fine, cheap, hot, cold… Short Adj / Adv + ER + than

− London is older than New York

− His house is bigger than mine

− It’s cheaper to go by train than by plane

2 Long Adj / Adv : Các tính từ trạng từ có hai âm tiết trở lên : modern, comfortable, intelligent… Hoặc từ có âm tiết tận -ed : bored, tired, pleased

More + long Adj / Adv + than − You are morepatientthan me

− The exam is more difficult than we expected

3 So sánh hơn:

Less + Adj / Adv / Noun + than (N khơng đếm được) Fewer + Adj / Adv / Noun + than (N đếm được)

− He studied less hard than his sister

− I earn less money than my husband

− There are fewerstudents go to the library now than ever

III. Superlative form: 1 Short Adj / Adv

The + short word + EST

− What is the longest river in the world?

− Yesterday was thehottest day of the year


2 Long Adj / Adv

The most + long word

− That was the most interesting holiday I’ve ever had

− He is themosttalkative one in our class Notes :

Các tính từ có hai âm tân “-y” coi tính từ ngắn

Lucky – luckier – luckest

Happy – happier – happiest

Easy – easier – easiest

Early – earlier – earliest

Pretty – prettier – prettiest

Các trạng từ tận “-ly” coi trạng từ dài

More slowly / the most slowly More seriously – the most seriously

Một số tính từ hai âm tận “- ow, -er, -le” dùng “long words” hay “short words”

Quiet – clever – narrow – simple

− It’s too noisy here Can we go somewhere quieter / more quiet?

Một số tính từ so sánh bất qui tắc

Adjective / Adverb So sánh So sánh

Good / Well Better Best

Bad / Badly Worse Worst

Far Farther / Futher Farthest / Furthest

Little Less Least

Much / Many More Most

Phân biệt AS, LIKE ALIKE  AS (liên từ dùng câu phức) :

- He does as his father taught him

 AS (giới từ) dùng để nói một đối tượng :

- As a citizen, I try my best to learn and work (Citizen I một đối tượng)  LIKE (giới từ) dùng để so sánh đối tượng:

- Like father, like son (Father son 2 đối tượng khác nhau)

- Like you, he drinks only mineral water (You he 2 đối tượng khác nhau)  Ta dùng UNLIKE tương tự LIKE (trái nghĩa)

- Unlike her, I learn English (She learns French)  ALIKE thường dùng làm tính từ có chức bổ ngữ



A So sánh tăng dần

Diễn tả thay đổi mang nghĩa “càng ngày càng….” Đây kết hợp cấu trúc so sánh giống Comparative + AND + Comparative

− He is working harder and harder

− The rivers are getting more and more polluted

− Fax is less and less used because of the popularity of email

B So sánh song song

Diễn tả tăng giảm kiện Sự thay đổi kiện thứ nguyên nhân dẫn đến Sự thay đổi của kiện thứ Cấu trúc kết hợp cấu trúc so sánh với hình thức khác cấu trúc so sánh tăng dần

The + Comparative + S + V , The + Comparative + S + V The more he eats, the fatter he is

The harder he works, the higher he will be promoted

The more vehicles we use, the more polluted the environment is

The richer he is, the more miserable he gets

The cheaper the hotel is, the less convenient it is

The fewer exams we offer to students,the less pressure they are under.

C Cấu tạo cụm từ sau cấu trúc so sánh

Cụm từ sau cấu trúc so sánh so sánh đại từ, cụm danh từ mệnh đề − I drank as much coffee as he did (clause)

− She didn’t come later than we thought (clause) − We didn’t watch more movies than her (pronoun)

− Mr Lee is more serious than our former teacher (noun phrase)


Sau cấu trúc SS, ta sử dụng đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ ( I, he , we, they …), đại từ nhân xưng tân ngữ (me, her, us, them …), chủ từ + trợ động từ tùy theo mức độ trang trọng tình

− She speaks faster than I (most formal) − She speaks faster than I (formal) − She speaks faster than me (least formal)

Dùng đại từ định “that” “those” để thay cho cụm danh từ sau cấu trúc SS − The air of your city is more polluted than the air of my city

− The air of your city is more polluted than that of my city

− The air of your city is more polluted than my city (sai)

Đại từ sở hữu sở hữu cách dùng sau cấu trúc SS − Your car is much expensive than Mr Kim’s (car). (đúng)

− Your car is much expensive than Mr Kim (sai) − Your car is much expensive than mine (đúng)



Cần ý điểm sau :

Câu dạng khẳng định câu hỏi dạng phủ định ngược lại Chỉ dùng từ sau phần hỏi đuôi : I, you, he, she, it, we, they there

Trong câu có động từ TO BE trợ động từ, ta sử dụng chung phần hỏi đuôi Trong câu có động từ thường đơn, ta dùng don't doesn't phần hỏi Trong câu có động từ thường khứ đơn, ta dùng didn't phần hỏi

Phần hỏi phủ định bắt buộc viết dạng rút gọn - He is an engineer, isn't he?

- Mary doesn't make her clothes, does she?

Notes :

 Câu dạng khẳng định có từ phủ định bán phủ định xem câu phủ định Các từ : no, never, rarely, seldom, hardly, scarcely từ ghép với No : nothing, none, no one, nobody

- She is never angry, is she?

- There was nothing new, was there?

 Chủ ngữ từ với No, Any, Every Some Nếu chỉ vật, phần hỏi đuôi ta dùng đại từ “It” Nếu chỉ người, phần hỏi đuôi ta dùng đại từ “They

- Everything is nice, isn't it?

- Somebody took her book, didn't they? - Nobody is present there, are they?

 Ta dùng Can Can't để lệnh (ít phổ biến): - Shut up, can't you?

 Sau mệnh lệnh khẳng định ta dùng : will you won’t you? - Keep way from the dog, will you / won’t you?

 Sau mệnh lệnh phủ định ta dùng : will you? - Don't forget, will you?

Will you? Làm nhẹ bớt mệnh lệnh (lên giọng) - Give me a hand, will you?

Won't you? Chỉ mời mọc (xuống giọng) - Have a banana, won't you?

 Let's thứ số nhiều; Let us thứ hai số nhiều Câu hỏi đuôi khác - Let's do it by ourselves, shallwe?

- Let us watch the film, will you?

I am ……… , aren’t I ?

I am not ……, am I ?

This / That ……., ….it?

- This bag is heavy , isn’t it?

These / Those … , ……they?



Cần ý điểm sau :

Câu dạng khẳng định câu hỏi dạng phủ định ngược lại Chỉ dùng từ sau phần hỏi đuôi : I, you, he, she, it, we, they there

Trong câu có động từ TO BE trợ động từ, ta sử dụng chung phần hỏi đuôi Trong câu có động từ thường đơn, ta dùng don't doesn't phần hỏi Trong câu có động từ thường khứ đơn, ta dùng didn't phần hỏi

Phần hỏi phủ định bắt buộc viết dạng rút gọn Bảng tón tắt :

Câu Câu hỏi Câu Câu hỏi

khẳng định phủ định phủ định khẳng định

am aren't am not am

is isn't isn't is

are aren't aren't are

was wasn't wasn't was

were weren't weren't were

can can't can't can

could couldn't couldn't could

will won't won't will

shall shan't shan't shall

should shouldn't shouldn't should

may mayn't mayn't may

must mustn't mustn't must

might mightn't mightn't might

ought oughtn't oughtn't ought

V don't don't

Vs (-es) doesn't doesn't does

V -ed didn't didn't did

have haven't haven't have

has hasn't hasn't has

had hadn't hadn't had

- He is an engineer, isn't he?

- Mary doesn't make her clothes, does she? Notes :

Câu dạng khẳng định có từ phủ định bán phủ định xem câu phủ định Các từ : no, never, rarely, seldom, hardly, scarcely từ ghép với No : nothing, none, no one, nobody

- She is never angry, is she?

- There was nothing new, was there?

Chủ ngữ từ với No, Any, Every Some Nếu vật, phần hỏi đuôi ta dùng đại từ “It” Nếu người, phần hỏi đuôi ta dùng đại từ “They”

- Everything is nice, isn't it?

- Somebody took her book, didn't they? - Nobody is present there, are they? Will you? Làm nhẹ bớt mệnh lệnh (lên giọng)

- Give me a hand, will you?


- Have a banana, won't you?

Cũng dùng Can Can't để lệnh : - Shut up, can't you?

Sau mệnh lệnh phủ định ta dùng : will you? - Don't forget, will you?

Let's thứ số nhiều; Let us thứ hai số nhiều Câu hỏi đuôi khác - Let's it by ourselves, shall we?

- Let us watch the film, will you? Exercise

1 She washed the tubes in the laboratory, ? Jack won't take that course, ?

3 Something is in her eye, ?

4 His parents didn't allow him to go out, ? Don't stand in the rain, ?

6 No one likes her, ?

7 The students looked bored in the class, ? The cat has caught five mice, ?

9 Susan ought to iron her clothes, ? 10 Mike and Kathy cant lift that case, ? 11 Nothing can affect his work, ?

12 The worm destroyed that flower last night, ? 13 Ann doesn't her duty today, ?

14 Someone telephoned me this afternoon, ? 15 Mr Smith never smokes cigars, ?

16 Everything looks tasty, ? 17 They shouldn't tease that dog, ?

18 The questions were very difficult, ? 19 We mustn't abuse drug, ?

20 Let's play football now, ? 21 I am handsome today, ? 22 Nobody loves her, ?

23 He learned the new lessons very hard, ?

24 The doctors have rarely had a drink with each other, ? 25 Hans always wears tie when he goes out, ?

26 The cow has not eaten anything for two days, ? 27 Everybody looks happy, ?

28 Nothing will influence his plan, ? 29 He and I did not come to the party, ? 30 You and he were there last night, ? 31 Send it to me, ?

32 Do sit down, ? 33 Let us play in the yard, ? 34 Anybody is fond of beauty, ? 35 Shut up, ?

36 Somebody took her book, ? 37 She is never angry, ? 38 Don't forget, ?


TÍNH TỪ CHỈ THÁI ĐỘ (Adjectives ending -ING or –ED)

Là tính từ mô tả thái độ, cảm xúc người (đối với người, vật, việc đó) Cả tại phân từ (Present Participle : V-ing) khứ phân từ (Past Participle : V-ed)

dùng tính từ thái độ

Quá khứ phân từ (V-ed) dùng để mô tả cảm xúc người (đối với người, vật, việc nào đó) → Nghĩa thụ động

− I was interestedinthe lesson (Tơi thích học đó)

− She is a boring girl She makes me bored (cô gái làm tơi thấy chán)

Hiện phân từ (V-ing) dùng để mô tả người, vật, việc tạo cảm xúc → Nghĩa chủ động

− The lesson was interesting (Bài học thú vị / học làm cho tơi thích thú ) − It was such an exciting festival

Chú ý: Tính từ tận –ED có giới từ theo sau ( excited at / about, interested in, bored with …)

LINKING VERBS (Động từ liên hệ)

Một số động từ, TO BE dùng làm động từ lien hệ

Linking Verbs Examples

1 To Become (trở nên) To Seem (dường như) To Feel (cảm thấy) To Remain (vẫn) To Keep (cứ tiếp tục) To Grow (trở nên) To Get (bị)

8 To Look (trông có vẻ) To Appear ( hình như,


10 To Turn (trở nên)

_ They become rich quicly (giàu có nhanh choùng) _ He seems more quiet

_ I fell very happy

_ She remained silent (im laëng)

_ They keep laughing loudly (cười lớn) _ He grows older (già dặn hơn)

_ We get wet (bị ứơt)

_ She kooks youger than she is _ She appeard very sad

_ The leaves turned red (chuyễn sang màu đỏ)

Ngày đăng: 19/04/2021, 14:05

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