Researching about factor effect to satisfaction of customer when use service at Thegioididong branch Researching about factor effect to satisfaction of customer when use service at Thegioididong branch Researching about factor effect to satisfaction of customer when use service at Thegioididong branch luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp
RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) RESEARCHING ABOUT FACTOR EFFECT TO SATISFACTION OF CUSTOMER WHEN USE SERVICE AT THEGIOIDIDONG BRANCH STUDENT’S FULL NAME : HUYNH NGOC TUAN CUONG STUDENT ID : CGS00064967 INTAKE : August 2017 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : Dr.BUI PHI HUNG August 2017 Advisor’s assessment Abstract : The stiff competition of the retail market, especially the fast-growing smartphone market, are an opportunity for enterprises can increase their competitiveness, expand markets, especially for a big brand and perennial as Thegioididong However that requires business itself must constantly improve its service quality to entice current customers by smartphone market are showing signs of saturation This research paper was using Servqual model consists of five factors that influence customer satisfaction, along with that is through surveys, collect and analyze data with Spss to clarify the factors would really strong influence to the customer when using the services in the branch of 200 D2 , Binh Thanh district of Thegioididong And technical infrastructure, varied payment methods, capable of serving staff are factors 3|Page Chart list : Figure 1.1 Conceptual framework 17 Figure1.2 Sex and age structure in survey 23 List of tables : Table 1.1 Questionnair 25 Table 1.2 The FHY after analysis SPSS 28 Table 1.3 The RES after analysis SPSS 29 Table 1.4 The REL after analysis SPSS 30 Table 1.5 The CAP after analysis SPSS 31 Table 1.6 The EMP after analysis SPSS 32 Table 1.7 The SAT after analysis SPSS 33 Table 1.8 KMO 34 Table 1.9 Total Variance Explained 35 Table 1.10 Rotated Component Matrix 36 Table 1.11 Model Summary 37 Table 1.12 ANOVA 37 Table 1.13 Coefficients 38 Contents Executive Summary Chapter Introduction: 1.1 Research aim : 1.2 Research Question : 1.3 Context and relevance : 1.4 Scope of research: 1.5 Structure of the Paper : 10 1.6 Conclusion : 10 Chapter - Literature Review 11 2.1 Opportunities and challenges in the development of thegioididong intelligent mobile phone market: 11 2.2 The relationship between customer satisfaction and quality service: 12 2.3 SERVQUAL model : 14 2.4 Conclusion : 16 2.5 Conceptual framwork : 17 Chapter Methodology 18 3.1 Inductive Approach : 18 3.2 Quantitative data : 18 3.3 Research Design : 19 3.4 Data Collection : 20 3.5 Data Analysis 21 3.6 Validity : 21 3.7 Reliability : 22 3.8 Conclusion : 22 Chapter Finding 23 4.1 Questionnaires: 24 4.2 Naming and interpreting the meaning of the factors: 26 4.3 Cronbach's Alpha 27 4.4 EFA Analysis : 34 4.5 Regression analysis : 37 4.6 Conclution : 39 Chapter Recomment and conclution 40 5|Page 5.1 Overview of Findings : 40 5.2 About Physical foundations : 40 5.3 About Service capabilities : 41 5.4 Limitation of research : 42 5.5 Future of research : 43 5.6 Conclution : 43 Reference : 44 Executive Summary Research paper aims to answer the question: "What factors would affect the satisfaction of customers using the service in the branch Thegioididong 200, D2, Binh Thanh district, HO CHI MINH CITY The content of the research paper clarifying the factors that would affect the satisfaction of customers using the service in thegioididong, from which identify the factors that would influence the most to customers, can see the needs of the client, proceed to change the quality of service for at the same time determine the need to fix weaknesses as well as strengths need to promote Research articles have used quantitative methods to collect data A table with the number 19 question to conduct the survey of 200 people who have used the service in the branch, 200 Thegioididong D2 Street, Binh Thanh district, HO CHI MINH CITY The questions focus on the customers ' opinions about the quality of service at Thegioididong and questionnaire was distributed to the participants in the next line Survey results collected will be analyzed through SPSS software, research shows the full facilities, clean, diverse forms of payment, the interest of employees to the customer and the employee's understanding of the product need advice affecting customer satisfaction when using services at Thegioididong 7|Page Chapter – Introduction: 1.1 Research aim : The purpose of this research study is to find out the factors that may affect customer satisfaction when shopping mobile devices in 200 D2, Binh Thanh district, HO CHI MINH CITY Ho Chi Minh Learn the importance of each factor for business From that give the greatest impact factor to the satisfaction of the client, at the same time learn the requirements of the consumers with regard to product quality, as well as finding ways to improve the quality of the existing services of the company Moreover this study to review the advantages and disadvantages in comparison with competitors in the same industry 1.2 Research Question : “What factors affect customer satisfaction when using the service at the branch thegioididong, 200 D2 Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City? " 1.3 Context and relevance : Smartphone has become an indispensable means for the life of the people, by the convenience as well as the efficiency in life and daily work that it brings According to a study that showed the students can check their smartphone 60 times in a day and can continuously use them more than hours a day (Harman & Sato, 2011; Kang Jung & the year 2014; Lepp, Barkley, & Karpinski, 2014), the web Page "We are social" has taken the statistics about the trend to use the internet, remote network and especially mobile of the 30 countries in the world including Vietnam Vietnam's population is specifically more than 90 million people will come to 39.8 million internet users (44%), 28 million people own social networking accounts (about 31%), 128.3 million people had mobile networking (141%) and the number of people using social accounts on your phone is 24 million (26%) and according to the report "the situation of mobile ads in regions of Asia, Thai Pacific Opera "by Mediaworks and Marketing Association made in 2015, Vietnam is one of four countries in the Asia-Pacific region has a fast growth rate of the number of smart phone users Traffic levels are used in Vietnam reached the highest landmark in the area For every users in Vietnam using 85MB/month, close by the global average with 90 MB/month It shows the level of penetration of smartphone on in life is growing constantly And that is a piece of fertile land to businesses trading on the smartphone product in General and particular Thegioididong can exploit and make profit And to that job, then the customer satisfaction is the essential thing, to be able to change the products, services or create competitive advantages that the opponent does not have to be aimed at retaining customers 1.4 Scope of research: This essay clarify the factors affecting customer satisfaction when using services at the branch thegioididong smartphone, 200 D2 Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Investigate their importance as guest impact resistance in the process of using the service and what factors are most important in determining the behavior of their purchases Finally, to clarify the business opportunities, the strengths and weaknesses that exist in thegioididong, helping the company can utilize, develop business advantages, as well as improve weaknesses, increase competitiveness in the smartphone market are too many competitors today However this research paper also inevitable that the points limit This dissertation research in a short time, so that the research is also done in a limited range, it is in the branch, number 200 Thegioididong D2 Street, Binh Thanh district, HO CHI MINH CITY , In order to ensure progress If there is sufficient time, then the research can be done in the other branch in Phu Nhuan district, District 1, District and many other affiliates also have a very large customer, in order to have a broader results And followed the survey questions to be applied on a random sample survey with the participation of 250 people and the answers of the candidates participate in a survey may not be accurate 9|Page 1.5 Structure of the Paper : The essays are arranged according to the chapter to be able easily to the system Introduction : Introduction to the need, as well as the reason to choose this topic Present research objectives, scope, object as well as research methods Literature review : Giving evidence on the relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction Talking about the Servqual model and the urgency it for this topic Methodology : Clarification of the research approach, advantages of quantitative research, method of collecting and analyzing data obtained by the software spss At the same time clarify the credibility of this study and the limited existence of corruption Finding : Analysis of results from the survey of generation of revenue through software spss, clarify the factors would really impact on the satisfaction of customers using the service in the branch, number 200 Thegioididong D2, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City Recomment and conclution : Affirm again the strong impact factor to the satisfaction of the customer, from there take out the solutions to enhance the quality of service based on the factors that enhance customer satisfaction 1.6 Conclusion : In this chapter, we have seen a general way about the goal as well as the method of performing the research In the next chapter will present the scientific research related to: "the factors affecting the satisfaction of customers using the service in the branch, number 200 Thegioididong D2 Street, Binh Thanh district, HO CHI MINH CITY "In order to collect more information on the issues surrounding The CAP after analysis SPSS: Table 1.4 The CAP after analysis SPSS Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0,909 Item-Total Statistics CAP1 CAP2 CAP3 Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected ItemTotal Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 6,365 6,205 6,42 4,504 4,978 4,375 0,844 0,738 0,874 0,846 0,933 0,82 Because the Alpha Cronbach's of greater than 0.6, however still proceed to remove because the Alpha Cronbach's CAP2 > variable type 0.909, we are: Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0,933 Item-Total Statistics CAP1 CAP3 Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected ItemTotal Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 3,075 3,13 1,336 1,32 0,874 0,874 31 | P a g e The EMP after analysis SPSS: Table 1.5 The EMP after analysis SPSS Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0,582 Item-Total Statistics EMP1 EMP2 EMP3 Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected ItemTotal Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 6,33 6,025 6,045 4,061 2,909 2,395 0,163 0,535 0,528 0,775 0,27 0,24 Because the Alpha Cronbach's of less than 0.6 and proceed to remove EMP1 as Corrected Item-Total Correlation < 0.3, we are: Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0,775 Item-Total Statistics EMP2 EMP3 Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected ItemTotal Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 3,155 3,175 1,448 1,04 0,641 0,641 The SAT after analysis SPSS: Table 1.6 The SAT after analysis SPSS Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0,662 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 10,69 10,81 10,635 10,69 4,205 4,416 5,6 4,697 0,569 0,498 0,234 0,494 0,503 0,556 0,723 0,562 SAT1 SAT2 SAT3 SAT4 Proceed to remove the SAT with Corrected Item-Total Correlation 50, completely fulfills above conditions 35 | P a g e CAP3 CAP1 REL2 REL1 EMP2 EMP3 RES2 RES1 FHY1 FHY3 Rotated Component Matrixa Component 0,946 0,942 0,929 0,915 0,899 0,888 0,9 0,885 0,885 0,848 Table 1.3 Rotated Component Matrix The results matrix shows 10 variables observed were collected into five factors All the observed variables have Factor Loading is greater than 0.5 So no need to add any other variable types In that there the variable representation CAP3 CAP1 and that is TEAMCAP, similar to the rest of the variables folder in the same group: REL1 and REL2 are variables representing EMP2 and EMP3, TEAMREL is there represented as TEAMEMP, RES1 RES2 and is FHY1 and FHY3 is TEAMFHY, TEAMRES Hypothesis: H1 : The factors Physical foundations, Reliability level, The level of response that impact customer satisfaction H2 : The factor of Service capabilities and Level of empathy to the satisfaction of the customer 4.5 Regression analysis : Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std Error of the Estimate DurbinWatson ,607a 0,369 0,352 0,63481 1,889 Table 1.1 Model Summary Adjusted R Square indicates the level of variation (%) dependent variable is explained by the independent variables Data table shows the variables independent of Physical foundations (TEAMFHY), Reliability level (TEAMREL), The level of response (TEAMRES), Service capabilities (TEAMCAP), the Level of empathy (TEAMEMP) effects impact on 35% of the dependent variable is the satisfaction of clients (TEAMSPECIAL) This result is partly because the study only looked at a limited number of samples of Thegioididong branch should not be covering all the existing stores in HO CHI MINH CITY HCM ANOVAa Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig Regression 45,639 9,128 22,651 ,000b Residual Total 78,178 123,817 194 199 0,403 Model Table 1.2 ANOVA 37 | P a g e The value of the Sig (P-value) of the ANOVA table is used to evaluate the suitability (exist) of the model Small Sig value (usually < 5%) then the models exist So with Sig = < 0.05, the model of a perfect fit Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients (Constant) 0,999 Std Error 0,313 TEAMCAP 0,097 0,049 TEAMREL 0,052 TEAMEMP B Standardized Coefficients t Collinearity Statistics Sig Beta Tolerance VIF 3,192 0,002 0,13 1,989 0,048 0,761 1,314 0,049 0,061 1,057 0,292 0,979 1,021 0,039 0,048 0,05 0,809 0,42 0,864 1,158 TEAMRES 0,061 0,058 0,063 1,055 0,293 0,916 1,092 TEAMFHY 0,473 0,057 0,51 8,245 0,85 1,176 Table 1.3 Coefficients SIG is smaller than or equal to 0.05 means that variable mean in models, in contrast the larger sig 0.05, independent variables that need to be removed So we can see in this study will have the standalone variable type it is: TEAMREL (with Sig = 0.292), TEAMEMP (With Sig = 0.420), TEAMRES (With Sig = 0.293) and the need to retain is TEAMCAP (With Sig = 0.48) and TEAMFHY (With Sig = 0.000) Next is the standardized regression coefficient Beta, in all the regression coefficients, the independent variable would be the largest Beta then turn it to influence the change of the dependent variable Regression equations are not yet standardized we often write collapse has the form: For this equation, the regression coefficients reflect the extent of his influence, the order came to depend From standardized regression equation, we would know that the variable X would influence the strong or weak to medicine based on the standardized regression coefficient, coefficient of increasing importance of the variable with respect to Y So TEAMFHY variables (With Beta coefficient = 0.510) have the biggest impact to TEAMSPECIAL (customer satisfaction) Next is the TEAMCAP variable (With Beta coefficient = 0.130) So Physical foundations are the most powerful impact to customer satisfaction and the next it's Service capabilities And this has been proven for the hypothesis H1 and H2 is not accurate 4.6 Conclution : In this chapter, the research paper presented the findings after using the SPSS STATISTICAL analysis of survey data obtained, the results are expressed through tables and charts as did clarify the factors that impact customer satisfaction when using services at Thegioididong branch No 200, D2, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City, at the same time clarify the factors would most impact to customer satisfaction The next chapter will review and answer the research questions 39 | P a g e Chapter – Recomment and conclution Previous chapters present and discuss the findings of research through data collection, along with the questionnaire Find out the relationship between these factors and customer satisfaction In this chapter will continue to discuss more fully the findings of the study was to answer the question: "What factors affect the satisfaction of customers using the service at the branch thegioididong, number 200 D2, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City " Also see the impact of these factors on the satisfaction of how and what factors most impact 5.1 Overview of Findings : Some key findings after analysis through SPSS related to research questions, first, the research results show that Physical foundations and Service Capabilities are the factors affecting the satisfaction of customers in expenditure D2 branch No 200, Binh Thanh District Physical foundations of which include: Facilities of thegioididong is full, clean, Rich forms of payment, Service Capabilities include next: Shown thegioididong employees have interest in the Customers, Employees have the right product the customer needs advice However Physical Foundations most impact to customer satisfaction and subsequent Service Capabilities 5.2 About Physical foundations : Technical infrastructure plays a critical role in the process of creating and implementing the products as well as decide the level of exploitation of the tourism potential in order to satisfy the needs of customers Thegioididong is a company specialized in the smartphone, mobile accessories as well as other repair services, so the facility is one of the vital resources, by material basis is good to meet the needs of customers as payment, order online Online consultation on products as well as create for clients the most comfortable feeling when coming to the store To improve the quality of infrastructure is also equally important to customer satisfaction As investments on the tables and chairs where transactions with customers, tv, aircondition Online purchase demand increasingly lead to the need for the method of payment convenient and fast for trading This spurred the formation of diverse forms of payment online The transaction between the buyer and the seller are always to be paid based on a single form is paid directly by the delivery of the cash currently, this form of popular still exist Even, when shopping on the website then here is still a popular form of payment for guaranteed safety, customers must make sure with the items ordered, the new pay With small retail goods, the customer only needs to store and pay for items purchased But for many cases customers not have the time to come to your shop without wishing to purchase a large amount of goods they must how to? This requires that your store must have a method of shipping, and simple, fast payment for customers Don't just stop at the customer location to directly review, selection and rehearsals for the payment of that now, just need a smart mobile device with an internet connection, you can get your favorite items with only one click, but made all the stitches from the order , purchase until payment Is the online payment form used for electronics, domestic debit card or credit card or debit payment to international cargo quickly Payment by bank transfer is also how often used Through ATM or direct transactions at the Bank, the account holder to transfer the required amount of the payment to the seller's account in an amount before shipping This way is only done when the buyer can trust in the seller, usually when the two parties are the patrons on the shopping website or seller is a reputable partner This is useful in cases where the buyer and seller in far apart, could not be paid directly in cash, but the risk to buyers if they are not delivered or poor quality of delivery than when peddling Payment by mobile phone, With this service when shopping, customers not need to bring their wallets because the payment will be paid online via mobile phone handsets Telephone billing system built on the model the link between service providers: banks, telecommunications providers, consumer systems, consumers 5.3 About Service capabilities : In parallel with the investment on infrastructure, training process quality team plays an important role, I should have effective competitive advantage for Thegioididong on the market Good product comes good service will create a perfect brand, the more business scale, the greater the brand as more service Thegioididong must improve, good product But 41 | P a g e if the service does not meet the satisfaction of consumers will only cause the reverse reaction To improve the quality of service of the staff need to invest in training services, the staff will be participating in a seminar on customer service or online, this part of the requirement to improve performance Organizing training courses for which specific goals is just for them to know how to interact with customers at the cash register or how to handle a customer complaint before a lot of other customers, a new program gives new employees a clear sense about the product services and core business strategy It can also strengthen the company's approach to its customers and is committed to customer service and the best quality Next, let the staff know 30/30 rules, this simple rule said the employees should know to greet customers within 30 steps or 30 seconds since the customers into the store This demonstrates that clients feel welcome and wishes, from there, they will have a more positive view and business Also, always ensure to each client when leaving the shop all feel happy But if there are any errors that occur, or a mistake, customers still need to be satisfied of what they want, don't act or accusing the clients when they something wrong that is the stipulation that employees need to know Patiently listen to customer complaints and send to them our sincere apologies Then, explain how can solve the problem for the customer service 5.4 Limitation of research : The first is that restrictions on the scope of the survey: because time is somewhat limited so research can only be done at a branch of Thegioididong at 200 D2, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City In addition, this branch contest many other branch Thegioididong inner Tp.HCM, should study this can only apply to the private branch in 200 number D2, Binh Thanh dist, sample number, with about 200 people are customers using the service in the branch of 200 D2, Binh Thanh district of Thegioididong cannot cover off all the customers of Thegioididong in HO CHI MINH CITY Ho Chi Minh There is also a monitor is the most simple feedback tool to give out wrong information The data can be changed easily to fit any problems In addition, the investigations often not dig deeply into the true feel of the client, this can cause a company to spend more time and resources to change a problem but can cause them to miss the other serious thing 5.5 Future of research : In the future, this research can proceed with a larger sample number in over branches of Thegioididong in Ho Chi Minh City, so the results of research will cover more than and can be applied to other branches On the other hand, developing studies to clarify the reverse impact of customer satisfaction for business efficiency of Thegioididong through analysis SPSS Development of the questionnaire with the number of questions more than the current survey, from which can give many more solutions for improving service quality of Thegioididong 5.6 Conclution : So in all five elements in the model Servqual research articles that have looked at the branch of 200 D2, Binh Thanh district of Thegioididong then only the two main factors that impact customer satisfaction which is the Physical foundations and Service capabilities In it, the Physical impact quite large foundations to the satisfaction of customers in this branch of Thegioididong, followed by Service capabilities The study showed the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction along with the benefit of the business So the focus of investment and improve the quality of the two elements should be on critical job for number 200 D2, Binh Thanh district of Thegioididong, to enhance customer satisfaction 43 | P a g e Reference : Castaldi & addeo 2007, A Consumer Perspective on Mobile Market Evolution Wolfgang Kersten and Jan Koch 2010, The effect of quality management on the service quality and business success of logistics service providers George c l Bezerra, Carlos f Gomes 2015, The effects of service quality dimensions and passenger characteristics on passenger's overall satisfaction with an airport Mohsan Khudri Saida Sultana 2015, 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The factors Physical foundations, Reliability level, The level of response that impact customer satisfaction H2 : The factor of Service capabilities and Level of empathy to the satisfaction of. .. the strong impact factor to the satisfaction of the customer, from there take out the solutions to enhance the quality of service based on the factors that enhance customer satisfaction 1.6... changing, customizing services contribute to improving the quality of service, quality has a strong impact on customer satisfaction and ultimately decided to satisfaction of customer loyalty Key to the