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ielts special journal 2019 04

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ZIM School of English and Test Preparation Giới thiệu IELTS Special Journal ấn phẩm đội ngũ chuyên gia luyện thi IELTS Anh Ngữ ZIM biên soạn với mục đích giúp người học có nhìn cận cảnh độ khó đề thi kỹ Nói Viết cung cấp nhiều phương án xử lý đề thi cụ thể qua việc phân tích đề lập dàn ý Nội dung sách bao gồm: • Đề thi thật IELTS Speaking Writing (hình thức thi giấy) tháng • Các chủ đề IELTS tương tự từ trước • Phân tích đề lập dàn ý • Bài mẫu • Phân tích từ vựng hay cấu trúc câu bật • Gợi ý ý tưởng liên quan Ấn phẩm đem lại giá trị lớn tài liệu bỏ qua bạn luyện tập chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi IELTS IELTS Special Journal sản phẩm trí tuệ đội ngũ chuyên gia đại Anh Ngữ ZIM phát hành hàng tháng độc quyền Anh Ngữ ZIM Các hành vi chép hình thức mà khơng có đồng ý văn từ phía Anh Ngữ ZIM hành vi vi phạm quyền luật sở hữu trí tuệ Ghi chú: Thành phần điểm Pronunciation Fluency and Coherence mẫu Speaking giả sử mặc định 8.0 Mục lục Writing Task (06/04/2019) .6 Writing Task (06/04/2019) 10 Speaking (06/04/2019) .12 Writing Task (13/04/2019) 16 Writing Task (13/04/2019) 20 Speaking (13/04/2019) .22 Writing Task (25/04/2019) 27 Writing Task (25/04/2019) 31 Speaking (25/04/2019) .33 Writing Task (27/04/2019) 38 Writing Task (27/04/2019) 43 Speaking (27/04/2019) .45 12/01 06 04 People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world What are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world? Phân tích đề Đề tài “natural world” hay rộng chủ đề môi trường “environment” sử dụng nhiều thi IELTS writing Đề tương tự là: • Some people believe that preserving natural environment is crucial, however, most make no effort to so Why you think this is happening? What are some simple actions that could help the environment? Đề phía áp dụng vài ý từ đề “People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world” ban đầu để phát triển Đối với này, người viết cần nêu rõ phần có (nguyên nhân giải pháp) đề bài, giải yêu cầu đề phát triển ý để củng cố thân kết luận, tóm tắt kết ZIM Dàn ý Introduction Mở giới thiệu chủ đề đưa phần có nguyên nhân cách để học Step 01 Body Step 02 Đoạn thân thứ bàn luận có số lý người thiếu hiểu biết môi trường: Mọi người sống mơi trường thành thị khơng có nhiều thiên nhiên kiến thức không dạy nơi nhà trường Body Đoạn thân thứ hai khẳng định có số giải pháp cho vấn đề: phủ cần thiết lập không gian xanh trẻ em cần dạy tầm quan trọng thiên nhiên trường Step 03 Step 04 Conclusion Kết tóm tắt lại đại ý toàn viết ZIM Bài mẫu These days, many people not fully comprehend how absolutely important nature is for the existence of human beings This essay will discuss some reasons why people not understand its importance, and some ways they can learn more about it In modern societies, most people have a severe lack of understanding when it comes to the role that nature plays in their lives, and this can be attributed to a number of reasons Firstly, most modern cities these days are nothing more than concrete jungles, devoid of any significant amount of nature As a consequence, people are not close to nature and therefore not appreciate or understand its significance Kids these days spend their free time playing computer games or staring at a smartphone or TV screen, while adults are endlessly working or pursuing other leisure activities, which tends to disconnect them from the natural world Another possible reason for this lack of understanding may be that it is not taught in schools For example, biology is not one of the subjects that holds great importance in most schools these days However, there are various solutions to this problem Firstly, cities need to become greener Local governments need to incorporate larger green spaces into cities so that people are encouraged to spend more time in nature on a daily basis The streets must be lined with trees, and there must be large parks in every single neighbourhood Furthermore, there must be large communal spaces where people can learn about gardening and growing food In addition, and most importantly, children need to be taught about the importance of nature in school Such subjects need to be a compulsory part of every child’s education in order to ensure that future generations are well aware of the importance of nature and how to live in harmony with it In conclusion, being close to nature and learning about it in school or elsewhere is of vital importance to future generations Without a deep understanding and appreciation of nature the human race will face catastrophic consequences (343 từ) Estimated Band Score: 8.5 TR 8.0 ZIM CC 8.0 LR 9.0 GRA 9.0 Từ vựng The existence of human beings: tồn loài người A severe lack of understanding: thiếu hiểu biết trầm trọng The role that nature plays in their lives: vai trò thiên nhiên sống họ Nothing more than concrete jungles: khơng có ngồi bê tơng cốt thép Devoid of any: khơng có Staring at a smartphone or TV screen: nhìn chằm chằm vào điện thoại hay TV Disconnect them from the natural world: ngăn cách họ khỏi thiên nhiên Incorporate larger green spaces: tập hợp không gian xanh lớn Be lined with trees: viền với 10 Large communal spaces: không gian chung rộng 11 A compulsory part of every child’s education: phần bắt buộc giáo dục trẻ em 12 Live in harmony with it: sống hài hồ với 13 Being close to nature: gần gũi với môi trường 14 A deep understanding and appreciation: hiểu biết trân trọng sâu sắc 15 The human race: loài người 16 Catastrophic consequences: thảm hoạ tồi tệ Áp dụng luyện tập Ngoài cách phát triển ý theo mẫu trên, người viết phát triển theo hướng sau: Lý Cách giải Nhiều người thiếu hiểu biết tầm quan trọng thiên nhiên tới sống họ, từ mà thờ với kiến thức tự nhiên Nâng cao hiểu biết người dân thông qua lớp học cộng đồng hay tuyên truyền phương tiện truyền thơng Các ý tưởng lấy để phát triển cho đề mục “Phân tích đề bài” ZIM 12/01 06 04 The chart gives information about the percentage of overweight men and women in Australia from 1980 to 2010 Phân tích đề • Dạng bài: Bar Chart • Đối tượng đề cập bài: Phần trăm đàn ông phụ nữ bị thừa cân • Đơn vị đo lường: % • Thì sử dụng: Khoảng thời gian đưa vào năm 1980-2010, nên dùng khứ đơn viết 10 ZIM Part What is an example of an international language that people used to communicate (besides English)? Gợi ý: Chinese: many people speak the language, often used in trades and business, more people are learning to speak Chinese; French, German, Spanish, Russian: also spoken by a lot of people Chinese can be an example of an international language apart from English In fact, around one sixth of the world population speaks Chinese as their first language Even foreigners speak Chinese, mostly in trades and business Do you think people will speak the same language in the future (maybe English)? Gợi ý: Yes: English will still remain the most popular international language as long as English-speaking countries remain dominant Chinese can also be an international language owing to the increasingly important role China plays in international trade No: Countries will keep their languages as they carry national values and represent the indigenous cultures No, I don’t think people will speak the same language in the future, because a language carries national values and represent the indigenous cultures In other words, the loss of a language equals the loss of a cultural identity Individualism urges people to have their own identity, wave their own flags and speak their own language That is why people of different countries won’t be willing to speak the same language What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Gợi ý: Advantage: effective communication/facilitate trades and business meetings/ avoid conflicts and wars between nations Disadvantage: the distinction of a language → the loss of knowledge and cultural identity/increase jobs crisis Having an international language can bring both benefits and drawbacks Despite the fact that people speaking the same language can facilitate trades and business meetings, it can result in the distinction of languages, which will eventually bring about the loss of knowledge and cultural identities Từ vựng Carry national values: mang giá trị quốc gia Represent the indigenous cultures: đại diện cho văn hóa xứ Cultural identity: sắc văn hóa Estimated Band Score: 8.0 FC 8.0 P 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 8.0 ZIM 37 12/01 27 04 Some people think that planning for the future is a waste of time They believe it is more important to focus on the present To what extent agree or disagree? Phân tích Chủ đề “Future Plan” sử dụng lần thi IELTS trước Một số đề chủ đề như: • "Tomorrow is the most important thing in our life." However, some people think that the present time is more important How important is it for individuals and the country to think and something for the future? What is your own opinion? Với dạng này, người viết cần lưu ý cần đưa quan điểm cá nhân rõ ràng mở phát triển chứng minh ý kiến xuyên suốt thân Dưới cách tiếp cận phát triển ý cho đề 38 ZIM Dàn ý Introduction Mở giới thiệu chủ đề đưa ý kiến cá nhân việc tập trung vào lên kế hoạch tương lai có tầm quan trọng Step 01 Step 02 Body Đoạn thân thứ phân tích tầm quan trọng việc lên kế hoạch tương lai, mục tiêu ước mơ động lực để phấn đấu Body Đoạn thân thức hai đưa hai lý cần tập trung vào tại, tương lai ngồi tầm kiểm soát người nên sống giây phút có Step 03 Step 04 Conclusion Kết khẳng định tóm tắt lại đại ý tồn viết ZIM 39 Bài mẫu Some people believe that making future plans is a futile exercise, and that focusing on the present moment is more important Personally, I feel that both perspectives are of equal importance and should be lived simultaneously On the one hand, I believe that it is quite important to plan for the future People need to have goals and dreams to strive towards in order to have a sense of purpose and direction in their lives And to achieve and fulfil these goals and be successful, it is essential that they make plans I am certain that any successful businessman, or millionaire, will tell you that one of the key elements in their success was their careful planning for the future.(1) However, the future is always uncertain, so it is also necessary to have a backup plan when things not work out as expected.(2) On the other hand, it is also extremely important to maintain focus on the present Many people would claim that there are far too many factors that influence our future, and therefore it is out of our control.(3) So, it is necessary that we stay focused on the present moment in order to be able to react and respond appropriately to our current situation and needs If you are too focused on the future, you may not make very good decisions about your present life Furthermore, nobody knows when their life will end, so it is also important to live your life to the fullest in each passing moment In conclusion, I believe it is important to maintain a balance between planning for the future and staying focused on the present moment It is necessary to make plans in order to achieve goals, but it is also necessary to be flexible and be able to adapt to the current changing situations and circumstances (306 từ) Estimated Band Score: 8.0 TR 8.0 40 ZIM CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0 Từ vựng A futile exercise: việc làm vơ ích Both perspectives are of equal importance: hai quan điểm có tầm quan trọng Simultaneously: xảy đồng thời Have goals and dreams to strive towards: có mục tiêu mơ ước để phấn đấu A sense of purpose and direction: ý thức mục đích định hướng To achieve and fulfil these goals: để đạt đượt hoàn thành mục tiêu One of the key elements: yếu tố then chốt The future is uncertain: tương lai bất định, thay đổi A backup plan: kế hoạch dự phòng 10 Too many factors that influence our future: nhiều nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến tương lai 11 Out of our control: tầm kiểm soát 12 To react and respond appropriately: để phản ứng lại cách phù hợp 13 Our current situation and needs: nhu cầu tình hình 14 To live your life to the fullest: sống 15 Each passing moment: giây phút trôi qua 16 To maintain a balance: để trì cân 17 To adapt to the current changing situations and circumstances: để thích nghi với tình huống, hoàn cảnh thay đổi ZIM 41 Áp dụng luyện tập Ngoài cách phát triển ý theo mẫu trên, người viết phát triển theo hướng sau: Lý cần lên kế hoạch tương lai Lý cần tập trung vào Đối với xã hội, vấn đề toàn cầu diễn biến phức tạp, đặc biệt vấn đề biến bổi khí hậu cần kế hoạch tương lai để đối mặt giải Đối với xã hội, việc làm ảnh hưởng đến hệ sau Làm cho tình trạng trở nên tốt đẹp hơn, góp phần đảm bảo tương lai lâu dài tốt đẹp, bền vững Đối với cá nhân, việc lên kế hoạch tương lai thường làm cho người có xu hướng tiết kiệm tiền cho dự định sau này, điều giúp cho sống họ trở nên ổn định hơn, đặc biệt tài Đối với cá nhân, phút giây qua không lặp lại nên nên trân trọng tận hưởng điều có Các ý tưởng lấy để phát triển cho đề mục “Phân tích đề bài” 42 ZIM 12/01 27 04 The chart below shows information about fuel used in the transport sector in different countries in Europe, compared to the EU average, in 2009 and 2010 Phân tích đề • Dạng bài: Bar chart • Đối tượng đề cập bài: Phần trăm nhiên liệu tiêu thụ cho giao thông quốc gia Châu Âu • Đơn vị đo lường: % • Thì sử dụng: Khoảng thời gian đưa vào năm 2009-2010, nên dùng khứ đơn viết ZIM 43 Dàn Mở bài: Viết lại câu hỏi theo cách khác Đoạn tổng quan: Nêu đặc điểm xu hướng độ lớn • Sự sử dụng nhiên liệu cho giao thông Slovakia Spain giảm, France Greece tăng • Mức nhiên liệu tiêu thụ trung bình Châu Âu cao so với tất nước, ngoại trừ Slovakia Đoạn miêu tả 1: Miêu tả so sánh số liệu năm 2009 Đoạn miêu tả 2: Miêu tả xu hướng số liệu năm 2010 Bài mẫu The bar chart illustrates fuel usage for transportation in six different European nations, and compares these figures to the European average, in 2009 and 2010 Overall, while the percentage of fuel used in Slovakia and Spain decreased, fuel consumption in Italy, France and Greece saw opposite trends during the research period Additionally, the European average was higher than the figures for all countries, except for Slovakia In 2009, the transportation sector in Slovakia consumed nearly 7% of the total fuel, about 2% higher than in Austria Italy used about 4.5% of fuel in transportation, compared to approximately 1% in Greece, which was the lowest figure shown on the chart Meanwhile, fuel consumed for transportation in the other countries accounted for just under 4% of total fuel usage in each In 2010, the figure for Austria remained unchanged, at just over 5%, and slightly less fuel was used for transportation in Slovakia and Greece as illustrated by decreases to just over 6% and 2% respectively In contrast, Italy, France, and Greece all experienced increases of roughly 1% in fuel consumption (179 từ) Estimated Band Score: 9.0 TA 9.0 44 ZIM CC 9.0 LR 9.0 GRA 9.0 12/01 27 04 Speaking Part Sharing What you usually share with others? I usually share latest news with my friends, especially interesting stories about popular movie stars or singers like who they are dating or what scandals they are involved in Did your parents encourage you to share things when you were a child? Yes You know Vietnamese people have a really strong sense of community so as a child, one of the things I’ve been taught to share was food Many of the popular dishes in Vietnam such as hotpot or BBQ are great for sharing as well What kinds of things would you not share? I would say my personal life since I highly value my privacy I believe details of our personal life should be kept as secrets to even your friends, especially if you are celebrities Otherwise your reputation could be ruined if one of your friends can’t keep his mouth shut Movie star Who is your favorite movie star? Jenifer Lawrence is my all-time favorite actor She’s beautiful, charming and has a lot of charisma What’s not to like about her? Have you met a movie star in person? Unfortunately no because I live in Vietnam and I’m not a fan of any Vietnamese movie star And to be honest I don’t really care, at least until I finish everything on my plate like achieving 6.5 IELTS Do you want to be a movie star in the future? Not at all Becoming a celebrity means you have to expose your private life to the rest of the world, and sharing has never been my thing I would never sacrifice my privacy for fame or wealth ZIM 45 Từ vựng Sense of community: Ý thức cộng đồng Keep one’s mouth shut: Ngậm miệng Charisma: Sức hút Các chủ đề tương tự: Friends Các chủ đề friends liên quan đến chủ đề “sharing” Chính vậy, cách để phát triển câu trả lời đưa quan điểm liên quan đến điều chia sẻ • Sharing is my thing/not my thing • Sharing is caring Do you like music? Yes → share with them about daily life’s stories → grades, crushes Do you want to be a movie star? No → sharing is not my thing → not want to share details of my personal life 46 ZIM Part Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about something • When this happened • What the situation was • Who you were with And explain why the person didn’t tell the whole truth So I’m going to talk about a time when my brother told me a half-truth that just happened recently actually My brother is a trickster who is able to lie without blinking an eye Three months ago, he told me that he was super broke and asked to “borrow” some immediate cash to pay for the air ticket that he already booked Empathized with his situation, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and gave him some money without asking him to pay back because, you know, he is family and also jobless He was thankful and brought me a bunch of gifts from his trips I was quite happy as I thought my brother has finally grown up and became a more mature person How naive I was! During my next family gathering, I brought up the story to my parents, praising my brother for his maturity My mom’s face dropped and she immediately looked at my brother in disbelief Turned out my brother only told me half of the truth He was really in desperate need for some cash, but he asked both my mom and I, received money from both of us and ended up with twice the amount he needed The ending was predictable: two hours of being scolded and grounded for one month I was neither surprised nor sorry for him He reaped what he sowed, you know Từ vựng Without blinking an eye: không chút cảm xúc To be broke: cháy túi Give sb the benefit of the doubt: định tin tưởng cịn nhiều nghi ngờ You reap what you sow: hứng chịu ảnh hưởng hành động Các chủ đề tương tự: Các ý tưởng từ vựng mẫu sử dụng để phát triển câu trả lời cho chủ đề sau: • Describe something you made but you gave it to other people (friends/family): I gave my brother some money that I earned And he tricked me • Describe a time you taught something new to a person: it was not me but my parents who taught my brother a lesson about trust and responsibilities ZIM 47 Part When is it acceptable to lie? Gợi ý: Lies with good intentions: doctors lie to patients White lie: harmless or trivial lie, avoid hurting feelings Half truth: statement that conveys half of the truth I believe lies, white lies or half-truths, are acceptable acts when they are done with good intentions, be it providing comfort or avoiding hurting feelings A boyfriend, for example, can choose to tell a white lie and tell his girl she looks beautiful in those new expensive jeans A doctor can choose to tell a dying cancer patient that he has more time to live to put the patient’s mind at ease What you think about the fact that everybody has lied at least once? Gợi ý: It represents our self-centered nature → everyone wants a perfect image in front of others There is a thin line between the advantages and disadvantages of lying Some people only lie because they have good intentions I believe lying is part of our nature, as everybody wants to keep a perfect image in front of others In other words, nobody wants to expose their flaws or weaknesses and decide to cover them up by lies Therefore, the fact that everybody has lied at least once, to me, just makes us more human Từ vựng Put sb mind at ease: làm cho khỏi lo lắng Flaw: khuyết điểm Estimated Band Score: 8.0 FC 8.0 48 ZIM P 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 8.0 IELTS Special Journal 4/2019 - By ZIM School of English and Test Preparation Chủ biên Nguyễn Anh Toàn Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Writing Phạm Quốc Hiệp Samuel Prior Đinh Quang Tùng Nguyễn Ngọc Liên Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Speaking Lê Anh Minh Lê Thùy Linh Tạ Phương Thảo Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Listening Cao Thế Vũ Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Reading Đinh Quang Tùng Nguyễn Minh Châu Hoàng Anh Khoa ... Writing Task (06 /04 /2019) .6 Writing Task (06 /04 /2019) 10 Speaking (06 /04 /2019) .12 Writing Task (13 /04 /2019) 16 Writing Task (13 /04 /2019) ... Speaking (13 /04 /2019) .22 Writing Task (25 /04 /2019) 27 Writing Task (25 /04 /2019) 31 Speaking (25 /04 /2019) .33 Writing Task (27 /04 /2019) ... .33 Writing Task (27 /04 /2019) 38 Writing Task (27 /04 /2019) 43 Speaking (27 /04 /2019) .45 12/01 06 04 People have little understanding of the importance of the

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2021, 13:14

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