JOB Components of a Service Is a unit of work executing a business transaction No need of user intervention (1) Create a PGM.FILE entry with TYPE=B and BATCH.JOB=@ BATCH.JOB.CONTROL BATCH Is a set of JOBS that form a business transaction (2) Create a BATCH record with the JOB.NAME as PGM.FILE record SERVICE Is a trigger to execute a BATCH Configuring a JOB in T24 TSM (3) Create a TSA.SERVICE record with the ID same as BATCH record ID (4) Start TSM TSA.SERVICE (5) Note down the TSA ID for your routine COB (6) Now start the TSA's Description TSA.SERVICE Server Name As the name signifies, it is an application in T24 where the services are defined Work Profile User Service Control - field that controls the starting and stopping of this service If set to START, T24 will allow us to start TSM by issuing the command START.TSM To stop the TSM, set this field to STOP Review Time TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE Application used to specify the number of agents The number of agents in TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE can be set based on time Agents can be increased/decreased based on time (T24 application server time) Time Agents Required