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The common kestrel hunts vertebrate animals in a small, familiar hunting ground, whereas the very similar lesser kestrel feeds on insects over a large area.. The common kestrel roost an[r]


§Ị sè…… (8)-KEY

Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) với từ có phần gạch chân đựoc phát âm khác với ba từ lại: 1 a chocolate b classmate c negotiate d violate

2 a drop b joke c top d confidence a executive b successful c commute d utensil a ground b found c though d sound a client b resist c confidence d disease Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) để hoàn thành câu sau:

6 Her whereabouts have been shrouded in……since she received the death threat a veil b excavation c conscious d secrecy Disagreements about defence cuts have opened up deep … within the military a divisions b relations c association d.connections He of the race after two laps

a out b dropped out c let out d dropped off The… is highly contagious, so don’t let anyone else use your towel

a symptom b bruise c contusion d infection 10 They were making the most… amount of noise last night

a advanced b complicated c tremendous d sophisticated 11 Much of the coast has been…….by nuclear waste

a fertilized b irrigated c nourished d contaminated 12 The treatment has so far done little to……the spread of the cancer

a capture b catch c arrest d keep

13 In the square in front of the hotel stands a… to all the people killed in the war a landmark b monument c spot d destination 14 He was….to see Jeannie reach the other side of the river safely

a relieved b irritated c ridiculous d terrified

15 This year the farmers were just able to gather in the…….before the fine weather came to an end a collection b seed c plant d harvest

16 If he……how to use a computer, he could get a good job

a know b had known c knew d knows

17 If sea water… salty, it would be more interesting when we spend our summer holidays by the sea a had not been b were not c are not d is not

18 We have to protect our country’s natural…., such as oil, coal, and forest

a resources b methods c rates d population

19 if there were not effective birth control methods, women… having children

a won’t delay b couldn t delay’ c will delay d couldn’t have delayed 20 She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I …….there

a was not b had not been c were not d am not 21 The weather prevented Nguyet… driving to city

a with b to c at d.from

22 …… most journalists studied journalism in college, some older writers never attended a university a However b Although c And d Because

23 If they had recognized her, they……to her

a will speak b will have spoken c would speak d would have spoken 24 We can not grow enough food to… the increasing population

a supportable b supportive c support d supporter

25 If she asks for money, I… her a gave b will give c would give d would have given Đọc kỹ đoạnvăn sau chọn phơng án ( a b , c, d) cho câu từ 26 đến 35.

Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roots The reasons for roosting communally are not always obvious, but there are some likely benefits

In winter especially, it is important for birds to keep warm at night and conserve precious food reserves One way to this is to find a sheltered roost Solitary roosters shelter in dense vwgetation or enter a cavity- horned larks dig holes in the ground and ptarmigan burrow into snow banks- but the effect of sheltering is magnified by several birds huddling together in the roost, as wrens, swifts, brown creepers, bluebirds, and anis Body contact reduces the surface area exposed to the cold air, so the birds keep each other warm Two kinglets huddling together were found to reduce their heat losses by a quarter and three together saved a third of their heat

The second possible benefit of communal roosts is that they act as “ information centers” During the day, parties of birds will have spread out to forage over a very large area When they return in the evening some will have fed well,but others may have found little to eat Some investigators have observed that when the birds set out again next morning, those birds that did not feed well on the previous day appear to follow those that did The behavior of common and lesser kestrels may illustrate different feeding behaviors of similar birds with different roosting habits The common kestrel hunts vertebrate animals in a small, familiar hunting ground, whereas the very similar lesser kestrel feeds on insects over a large area The common kestrel roost and hunts alone, but the lesser kestrel roosts and hunts in flocks, possibly so one bird can learn from others where to find insect swarms

Finally, there is safety in numbers at communal roosts since there will always be a few birds awake at any given moment to give the alarm But this increased protection is partially counteracted by the fact that mass roosts attract predators and are especially vulnerable if they are on the ground Even those in trees can be attacked by birds of prey The birds on the edge are at greatest risk since predators find it easier to catch small birds perching at the margins of the roost

26 What does the passage mainly discuss?


27 The word “ conserve” is closest in meaning to

a retain b watch c locate d share

28 Ptarmigan keep warm in the winter by

a huddling together on the ground with other birds b building nests in trees

c burrowing into dense patches of vegetation d digging tunnels into the snow. 29 The word “ magnified” is closest in meaning to

a caused b modified c intensified d combined 30 The author mentions kinglets in line as an example of birds that

a protect themselves by nesting in holes b nest with other species of birds c nest together for warmth d usually feed and nest in pairs 31 The word “ forage” is closest in meaning to

a fly b assemble c feed d rest 32 Which of the following statements about lesser and common kestrels is true? a The lesser kestrel and the common kestrel have similar diets

b The lesser kestrel feeds sociably but the common kestrel does not. c The common kestrel nests in larger flocks than does the lesser kestrel d The common kestrel nests in trees; the lesser kestrel nests on the ground 33 The word “ counteracted” is closest in meaning to

a suggested b negated c measured d shielded

34 Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an advantage derived by birds that huddle together while sleeping?

a Some members of the flock warn others of impending dangers

b Staying together provides a greater amount of heat for the whole flock

c Some birds in the flock function as information centers for others who are looking for food d Several members of the flock care for the young.

35 Which of the following is a disadvantage of communal roosts that is mentioned in the passage?

a Diseases easily spread among the birds b Groups are more attractive to predators than individual birds. c Food supplies are quickly depleted d Some birds in the group will attack the others

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) cho câu từ 36 đến 45

Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in season Drying, smoking, and salting could preserve meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat , like that of fresh milk, was very limited; there was no way to prevent spoilage But in 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking – and- sealing process of canning And in the 1850’s an American named Gail Borden developed a means of condensing and preserving milk Canned goods and condensed milk became more common during the 1860’s, but supplies remained low because cans had to bemade by hand By 1880, however, inventors had fashioned stamping and soldering machines that mass- produced cans from tinplate Suddenly all kinds of food could be preserved and bought at all times of the year

Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets Growing urban populations created demand that encouraged fruit and vegetable farmers to raise more produce Railroad refrigerator cars enables growers and meat packers to ship perishables great distances and to preserve them for longer periods Thus, by the 1890’s, northern city dwellers could enjoy southern and western strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously available for a month at most, for up to six months of the year In addition, increased use of iceboxes enabled families to store perishables An easy means of producing ice commercially had been invented in the 1870’s, and by 1900 the nation had more than two thousand commercial ice plants, most of which made home deliveries The icebox became a f ixture in most homes and remained so until the mechanized refrigerator replaced it in the 1920’s and 1930’s

Almost everyone now had amore diversified diet Some people continued to eat mainly foods that were heavy in starches or carbohydrates, and not everyone could afford meat Nevertheless, many families could take advantage of previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare

36 What does the passage mainly discuss?

a Caused of food spoilage b Commercial production of ice

c Inventions that led to changes in the American diet. d Population movements in the 19th century.

37 The phrase “in season” in line refers to

a a kind of weather b a particular time of year c an official schedule d a method of flavoring food 38 The word “ prevent” is closest in meaning to

a estimate b avoid c correct d confine 39 During te 1860’s canned food products were

a unavailable in rural areas b shipped in refrigerator cars c available in limited quantities d a staple part of the American diet 40 it can be inferred that railroad refrigerator cars came into use

a before 1860 b before 1890 c after 1900 d after 1920 41 The word “ them ” is closest in meaning to

a refrigerator cars b perishables c growers d distances 42 The word “fixture” is closest in meaning to

a luxury item b substance c commonplace object d mechanical device 43 The author implies that in the 1920’s and 1930’s home deliveries of ice

a decreased in number b were on an irregular schedule c increased in cost d occurred only in the summer 44 The word “ Nevertheless” is closet in meaning to

a therefore b because c occasionally d.however


Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) để hoàn thành câu sau 46 The doctor recommended……

a my father that to eat more fish and not to drink wine b my father that eating more fish and no drinking wine c that my father eating more fish and not drinking wine d that my father eat more fish and not drink wine 47 it’s impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.- Which sentence expresses the same idea?

a The traffic makes people be impossible to cross the road b The traffic makes everyone impossible to cross the road c the traffic makes it impossible to cross the road. d The traffic makes it be impossible to cross the road

48 I would prefer you not to smoke in here.- Which sentence expresses the same idea as the above? a I d rather you didn t smoke in here’ ’ b I’d rather you shouldn’t smoke in here c I’d rather you not to smoke in here d I’d rather you don’t smoke in here 49 having been served lunch, ………

a the problem was discussed by the members of the committee b it was discussed by the committee members the problem c the committee members discussed the problem.

d a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee 50 The chairman requested that………

a the members studied more carefully the problem b the members study the problem more carefully c with more carefulness the problem could be studied D the problem was more carefulnessly studied Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) cho chỗ trống từ 51 đến 60:

In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Indian Government agreed to set ( 51) “Operation Tiger”- a campaign to save this threatened creature They started by creating nine special parks ( 52) that tigers could live in safety The first was at Ranthambhore, a region ( 53) was quickly turning into a desert ( 54) too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle At the time there were just fourteen tigers left there The government had to clear twelve small villages, which meant moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land( 55) be handed back to nature

Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall ( 56) for tigers to hide in, and there are now at least forty of them ( 57) the park, wandering freely about Other animals have also benefited For example, there are many ( 58) deer and monkeys than before The people ( 59) were moved are now living in better conditions They live in new villages away ( 60) the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the animal’s future looks a little safer

51 a in b down c up d on 52 a for b order c such d, so 53 a in which b with which c for which d which 54 a because b although c despite d but 55 a can b could c will d might 56 a much b enough c too d so 57 a near b outside c within d leaving 58 a fewer b more c better d less 59.a that b.which c whose d by who 60 a off b to c far d from

Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) cho chỗ trống từ 61 đến 70:

Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty air People produce most of the ( 61) that cause airpollution Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particles of solid or ( 62) matter These substances result chiefly from burning ( 63) to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings Industrial processes and the ( 64) of garbage also contribute to air pollution, natural pollutants ( impurities) include dust, pollen, soil particles and ( 65) occurring gases

The rapid growth of population and ( 66) and the increasing use of automobiles and airplanes have made air pollution a ( 67) problem The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can cause ( 68) problems Polluted air also ( 69) plants, animals, building materials and fabrics In addition, it causes ( 70) by altering the earth’s atmosphere

61 a wastes b.products c garbage d substances 62 a tiny b Liguid c organic d volcanic 63 a timber b lead c fuel d carbon 64 a disposing b emitting c contaminating d burning 65.a naturally b unpleasantly c odourlessly d originally 66 a Industry b electricity c smog d exhaust 67 a harmless b difficult c poisonous d serious 68 a environment b city c atmosphere d health 69 a harms b accounts for c pollutes d kills 70 a pollution b harmful gases c damage d eruption

Chọn phơng án ( a b, c ,d) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa để câu sau trở thành câu đúng: 71 I used to asking (A) my father many (B) questions when (C) I was small(D)

72 If man continues destroying ( A) the environment, his (B) life will (C) be affected(D) 73 There are (A) only a little (B) seats left (C) for the concert on (D)Saturday

74 We haven’t ( A) seen each (B) other from (C) we left school(D) 75 They speak more (A) direct (B) than people (C) in the (D) South

Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần với câu cho sẵn sau đây: 76 People say that Mary is a good worker


a My house is smaller than yours B My house is smaller than your c my house is not as big as yours d a and c are correct.

78 Mary didn’t wear the raincoat, so she got cold

a if Mary wore the raincoat, she wouldn’t get a cold b If Mary had won the raincoat , she didn’t et a cold c If Mary had won the raincoat , she wouldn t have got a cold.

d If Mary has worn the raincoat , she wouldn’t have got a cold 79 She stepped back and didn’t say a word

a She stepped back when didn’t say a word B She stepped back until didn’t say a word c She stepped back without saying a word. D She stepped back before she said a word 80 The girl living next to me is getting married next year

a The girl that lives next to me is getting married next year b The girl lives next to me is getting married next year

c The girl lives next to me gets married next year d The girl who is living next to me getting married next year §Ị sè…… (8)

Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) với từ có phần gạch chân đựoc phát âm khác với ba từ lại: a chocolate b classmate c negotiate d violate

2 a drop b joke c top d confidence a executive b successful c commute d utensil a ground b found c though d sound a client b resist c confidence d disease Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) để hoàn thành câu sau:

6 Her whereabouts have been shrouded in……since she received the death threat a veil b excavation c conscious d secrecy Disagreements about defence cuts have opened up deep … within the military a divisions b relations c association d.connections He of the race after two laps

a out b dropped out c let out d dropped off The… is highly contagious, so don’t let anyone else use your towel

a symptom b bruise c contusion d infection 10 They were making the most… amount of noise last night

a advanced b complicated c tremendous d sophisticated 11 Much of the coast has been…….by nuclear waste

a fertilized b irrigated c nourished d contaminated 12 The treatment has so far done little to……the spread of the cancer

a capture b catch c arrest d keep

13 In the square in front of the hotel stands a… to all the people killed in the war a landmark b monument c spot d destination 14 He was….to see Jeannie reach the other side of the river safely

a relieved b irritated c ridiculous d terrified

15 This year the farmers were just able to gather in the…….before the fine weather came to an end a collection b seed c plant d harvest

16 If he……how to use a computer, he could get a good job

a know b had known c knew d knows

17 If sea water… salty, it would be more interesting when we spend our summer holidays by the sea a had not been b were not c are not d is not

18 We have to protect our country’s natural…., such as oil, coal, and forest

a resources b methods c rates d population 19 if there were not effective birth control methods, women… having children

a won’t delay b couldn’t delay c will delay d couldn’t have delayed 20 She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I …….there

a was not b had not been c were not d am not 21 The weather prevented Nguyet… driving to city

a with b to c at d.f rom

22 …… most journalists studied journalism in college, some older writers never attended a university a However b Although c And d Because

23 If they had recognized her, they……to her

a will speak b will have spoken c would speak d would have spoken 24 We can not grow enough food to… the increasing population

a supportable b supportive c support d supporter 25 If she asks for money, I… her

a gave b will give c would give d would have given Đọc kỹ đoạnvăn sau chọn phơng án ( a b , c, d) cho câu từ 26 đến 35.

Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roots The reasons for roosting communally are not always obvious, but there are some likely benefits


The second possible benefit of communal roosts is that they act as “ information centers” During the day, parties of birds will have spread out to forage over a very large area When they return in the evening some will have fed well,but others may have found little to eat Some investigators have observed that when the birds set out again next morning, those birds that did not feed well on the previous day appear to follow those that did The behavior of common and lesser kestrels may illustrate different feeding behaviors of similar birds with different roosting habits The common kestrel hunts vertebrate animals in a small, familiar hunting ground, whereas the very similar lesser kestrel feeds on insects over a large area The common kestrel roost and hunts alone, but the lesser kestrel roosts and hunts in flocks, possibly so one bird can learn from others where to find insect swarms

Finally, there is safety in numbers at communal roosts since there will always be a few birds awake at any given moment to give the alarm But this increased protection is partially counteracted by the fact that mass roosts attract predators and are especially vulnerable if they are on the ground Even those in trees can be attacked by birds of prey The birds on the edge are at greatest risk since predators find it easier to catch small birds perching at the margins of the roost

26 What does the passage mainly discuss?

a How birds find and store food B How birds maintain body heat in the winter c Why birds need to establish territory d Why some species of birds nest together

27 The word “ conserve” is closest in meaning to

a retain b watch c locate d share 28 Ptarmigan keep warm in the winter by

a huddling together on the ground with other birds b building nests in trees c burrowing into dense patches of vegetation d digging tunnels into the snow 29 The word “ magnified” is closest in meaning to

a caused b modified c intensified d combined 30 The author mentions kinglets in line as an example of birds that

a protect themselves by nesting in holes b nest with other species of birds c nest together for warmth d usually feed and nest in pairs 31 The word “ forage” is closest in meaning to

a fly b assemble c feed d rest 32 Which of the following statements about lesser and common kestrels is true? a The lesser kestrel and the common kestrel have similar diets

b The lesser kestrel feeds sociably but the common kestrel does not c The common kestrel nests in larger flocks than does the lesser kestrel d The common kestrel nests in trees; the lesser kestrel nests on the ground 33 The word “ counteracted” is closest in meaning to

a suggested b negated c measured d shielded

34 Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an advantage derived by birds that huddle together while sleeping?

a Some members of the flock warn others of impending dangers

b Staying together provides a greater amount of heat for the whole flock

c Some birds in the flock function as information centers for others who are looking for food d Several members of the flock care for the young

35 Which of the following is a disadvantage of communal roosts that is mentioned in the passage?

a Diseases easily spread among the birds b Groups are more attractive to predators than individual birds c Food supplies are quickly depleted d Some birds in the group will attack the others

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) cho câu từ 36 đến 45

Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in season Drying, smoking, and salting could preserve meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat , like that of fresh milk, was very limited; there was no way to prevent spoilage But in 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking – and- sealing process of canning And in the 1850’s an American named Gail Borden developed a means of condensing and preserving milk Canned goods and condensed milk became more common during the 1860’s, but supplies remained low because cans had to bemade by hand By 1880, however, inventors had fashioned stamping and soldering machines that mass- produced cans from tinplate Suddenly all kinds of food could be preserved and bought at all times of the year

Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets Growing urban populations created demand that encouraged fruit and vegetable farmers to raise more produce Railroad refrigerator cars enables growers and meat packers to ship perishables great distances and to preserve them for longer periods Thus, by the 1890’s, northern city dwellers could enjoy southern and western strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously available for a month at most, for up to six months of the year In addition, increased use of iceboxes enabled families to store perishables An easy means of producing ice commercially had been invented in the 1870’s, and by 1900 the nation had more than two thousand commercial ice plants, most of which made home deliveries The icebox became a f ixture in most homes and remained so until the mechanized refrigerator replaced it in the 1920’s and 1930’s

Almost everyone now had amore diversified diet Some people continued to eat mainly foods that were heavy in starches or carbohydrates, and not everyone could afford meat Nevertheless, many families could take advantage of previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare

36 What does the passage mainly discuss?

a Caused of food spoilage b Commercial production of ice c Inventions that led to changes in the American diet d Population movements in the 19th century.

37 The phrase “in season” in line refers to

a a kind of weather b a particular time of year c an official schedule d a method of flavoring food 38 The word “ prevent” is closest in meaning to


39 During te 1860’s canned food products were

a unavailable in rural areas b shipped in refrigerator cars c available in limited quantities d a staple part of the American diet 40 it can be inferred that railroad refrigerator cars came into use

a before 1860 b before 1890 c after 1900 d after 1920 41 The word “ them ” is closest in meaning to

a refrigerator cars b perishables c growers d distances 42 The word “fixture” is closest in meaning to

a luxury item b substance c commonplace object d mechanical device 43 The author implies that in the 1920’s and 1930’s home deliveries of ice

a decreased in number b were on an irregular schedule c increased in cost d occurred only in the summer 44 The word “ Nevertheless” is closet in meaning to

a therefore b because c occasionally d.however

45 Which of the following types of food preservation was NOT mentioned in the passage? a Drying b Canning c Cold storage d Chemical additive Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) để hoàn thành câu sau

46 The doctor recommended……

a my father that to eat more fish and not to drink wine b my father that eating more fish and no drinking wine c that my father eating more fish and not drinking wine d that my father eat more fish and not drink wine 47 it’s impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.- Which sentence expresses the same idea?

a The traffic makes people be impossible to cross the road b The traffic makes everyone impossible to cross the road c the traffic makes it impossible to cross the road

d The traffic makes it be impossible to cross the road

48 I would prefer you not to smoke in here.- Which sentence expresses the same idea as the above? a I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here b I’d rather you shouldn’t smoke in here c I’d rather you not to smoke in here d I’d rather you don’t smoke in here 49 having been served lunch, ………

a the problem was discussed by the members of the committee b it was discussed by the committee members the problem c the committee members discussed the problem

d a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee 50 The chairman requested that………

a the members studied more carefully the problem b the members study the problem more carefully c with more carefulness the problem could be studied D the problem was more carefulnessly studied Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) cho chỗ trống từ 51 đến 60:

In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Indian Government agreed to set ( 51) “Operation Tiger”- a campaign to save this threatened creature They started by creating nine special parks ( 52) that tigers could live in safety The first was at Ranthambhore, a region ( 53) was quickly turning into a desert ( 54) too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle At the time there were just fourteen tigers left there The government had to clear twelve small villages, which meant moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land( 55) be handed back to nature

Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall ( 56) for tigers to hide in, and there are now at least forty of them ( 57) the park, wandering freely about Other animals have also benefited For example, there are many ( 58) deer and monkeys than before The people ( 59) were moved are now living in better conditions They live in new villages away ( 60) the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the animal’s future looks a little safer

51 a in b down c up d on 52 a for b order c such d, so 53 a in which b with which c for which d which 54 a because b although c despite d but 55 a can b could c will d might 56 a much b enough c too d so 57 a near b outside c within d leaving 58 a fewer b more c better d less 59.a that b.which c whose d by who 60 a off b to c far d from

Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) cho chỗ trống từ 61 đến 70:

Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty air People produce most of the ( 61) that cause airpollution Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particles of solid or ( 62) matter These substances result chiefly from burning ( 63) to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings Industrial processes and the ( 64) of garbage also contribute to air pollution, natural pollutants ( impurities) include dust, pollen, soil particles and ( 65) occurring gases

The rapid growth of population and ( 66) and the increasing use of automobiles and airplanes have made air pollution a ( 67) problem The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can cause ( 68) problems Polluted air also ( 69) plants, animals, building materials and fabrics In addition, it causes ( 70) by altering the earth’s atmosphere


66 a Industry b electricity c smog d exhaust 67 a harmless b difficult c poisonous d serious 68 a environment b city c atmosphere d health 69 a harms b accounts for c pollutes d kills 70 a pollution b harmful gases c damage d eruption

Chọn phơng án ( a b, c ,d) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa để câu sau trở thành câu đúng:

71 I used to asking (A) my father many (B) questions when (C) I was small(D)

72 If man continues destroying ( A) the environment, his (B) life will (C) be affected(D) 73 There are (A) only a little (B) seats left (C) for the concert on (D)Saturday

74 We haven’t ( A) seen each (B) other from (C) we left school(D) 75 They speak more (A) direct (B) than people (C) in the (D) South

Chọn phơng án ( a b, c, d) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần với câu cho sẵn sau đây: 76 People say that Mary is a good worker

a Mary is said that she is a good worker B Mary is said to be a good worker c It is said to be a good worker d Mary is said that to be a good worker 77 Your house is bigger than mine

a My house is smaller than yours B My house is smaller than your c my house is not as big as yours d a and c are correct

78 Mary didn’t wear the raincoat, so she got cold

a if Mary wore the raincoat, she wouldn’t get a cold b If Mary had won the raincoat , she didn’t et a cold c If Mary had won the raincoat , she wouldn’t have got a cold

d If Mary has worn the raincoat , she wouldn’t have got a cold 79 She stepped back and didn’t say a word

a She stepped back when didn’t say a word B She stepped back until didn’t say a word c She stepped back without saying a word D She stepped back before she said a word 80 The girl living next to me is getting married next year

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 11:34



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