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He advised us to make good use of our time as we wouldn't get such an opportunity again.. He recommended our making good use of our time as we wouldn't have such an opportunity againa[r]


DE THI THU DAI HOC LAN 2 (Time: 90 minutes)

I Choose the word/phrase that best replaces the underlined words

1 You never really know where you are with her as she just blows hot and cold a keep taliking b keeps taking things c keeps changing her mood d keeps testing Now the grandparents have the children on their hand

a in their care b in trouble c spanked d to obey them Mon, can you tell Todd to stop making fun of me?

a mocking b lying to c flattering d flirting

4 There is something about him I just can't stand and he really gets under my skin a pushes me b presses me c treats me d annoys me I was turning into the left lane when a car came out of nowhere and hit me a stopped right in front of me b suddenly appeared

c spun over d fell off a truck

II Read the following passage and choose the word/phrase that best fits each space: Aeroplanes have the (6) of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them They also have the great disadvantages of being (7) form of transport But nothing can (8) them for speed and comfort Travelling far above the clouds at an extremely high speed is an unforgettable (9) You don't have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane gets you to your

(10) rapidly Foe a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight You can (11) a free film show or sip chamgagne on some services But even when such luxuries are not available, there is plenty to (12) you occupied An aeroplane offers you anusual and breathtaking view of the world You fly (13) high mountains and deep valleys If the landscape (14) from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you The journey is so smooth (15) there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and on time

6 a famous b reputation c knowledge d idea

7 a more expensive b the more expensive c most expensive d the most expensive

8 a combine b match c suitable d face

9 a story b spending c experience d job

10 a destination b departure c place d arrival

11 a show b watch c look at d observe

12 a keep b stay c feel d behind

13 a below b on c beneath d over

14 a hides b hid c is hidden d is hidding

15 a for b that c as d which

III Choose the phrase/clause that best completes each unfinished sentence below 16 .will Mr Brown be able to regain control of the compnay

a Because of hard work b In spite of his hard work c Ony if he works hard d Only with hard word 17 "Lucy took a job working nights."

" it is a mystery to me."

a Why she did b Why did she c Why she did d Why did she

18 a vegetable by most people, botanists classify the tomato as a berry a Although considered b Considering it c That it is considered d It is considered 19 Burrowing(hang ham) animals provide paths for water in soil, and so the roots of plants

a decaying and they dying b.when they die and decay c they die and decay d when they will die and decay

20 ., Eleanor Roosevelt, was herself a delegate(ủy,thái, cắt, cử) to the United Nations


They call Jamaica the "Island in the sun" and that is my memory of ir Of

sunshine, warmth and abundant fruit was growing everywhere, and of love There were two sisters ahead of me in the family, and though of course I didn't know it, there was an exciting talk of emigration(sự di cư), possibly to Canada but more usually to England, the land of opportunity I guess that plans were already being made when I was born, for a year or so later my Dad left for London Two years after that my mum went as well and my sisters and I went left in the care of my grandmother

Emigrating to better yourself was a dream for most Jamaicans, a dream many were determined to fulfill(thuc hien) Families were close and grandmothers were an important part of family like so, when the mass emigrations began, it seemed perfectly right and natural for them to take over the running of families left behind

Grandmothers are often strict, but usually also spoil(nuong chieu) you She ran the family like a military operation: each of us, no matter how young, had our tasts Every moning, before we went to school, we all had to take a bucket(cai thung, cai so)

appropriate to our size and run a relay(noi nhau) from the communal(tap the) tap to the barrels until they are full My sisters had to sweep the yard before they went to school My grandmother would give orders to the eldest and these were passed down- as I got older I found this particularly annoying! But I can tell you, no one avoided their duties

My Dad came over from England to see how we were getting on He talked to us about the new country, about snow, about the huge city, and we all wanted to know more, to see what it was like I didn't know it at that time., but he had come to prepare us for the move to England Six months later my grandmother told me that I was going to join my parents and that she, too, was emigrating

London was strange and disappointing There was no gold on the pavements, as the stories in Jaimaica had indicated(chi ra, noi) The roads were busy, the buildings were grey and dull, with many tall,high- rise blocks It was totally unlike Jamaica, the house all small and packed close together In my grandmother's house I had a big bedroom, here I had to share

Then came the biggest shock: snow While flakes(bong tuyet) came out of the sky and Dad smiled, pointed and said: " That's snow!" I rushed outside, looked up and opened my mouth to let the flakes drop in The snow settled on my tongue and it was so cold that I cried My toes lost of feeling As my shoes and socks got wet and frozen, there came an excruciating pain and I cried with the intensity(suc manh,te liet) of it I didn't know what was happening to me

21 The writer says that when he was very young

a he was upset because his parents left b he was very keen to go to England c his parents changed their plans d his parents had decided to leave 22 According to the writer, many people from Jamaica at that time

a wanted to improve their standard of living b wanted to be free from responsibility c had ambitions that were unrealistic d dislike the country they came from 23 The writer says that when he lived with his grandmother

a he wanted to be like other children b he was treated like the other children c he tried to avoid doing certain duties d he found some of her rules strange 24 What does "this" in the third paragraph refer to?

a having to sweep the yard before school b being given orders by his grandmother c being told what to by his sisters d having to duties he found difficult 25 What happened when the writer's father came?

a he felt eager about what his father told him b His father didn't tell him why he had come c He didn't know how to react to his father d His father told him things that were untrue

26 When the writer first went to London, he was disappointed because a it was smaller than he expected b he had been given a false impression of it c he had to spend a lot of time on his own d his new surroundings frightened him 27 What does the writer say about snow?

a he was not sure how to react when he saw it b he was embarrassed that it made him cry c he was not very keen to touch it


28 The word "abundant" in the first paragraph means

a plentiful b lacking c short d scarce

29 The word "excruciating" in the last paragraph means

a painful b rather painful c extremely painful d painless 30 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

a Too many changes b A strange childhood c From Sun to Snow d Hard times V Stress

31 a contour b flouride c keeness d discard

32 a automobile b immensity c investigate d statistical 33 a ridiculous b untrustworthy c supervisor d anxiety 34 a outnumber b nitrogen c mineral d impudence 35 a apprentice b conspicious c endangered d undergrowth VI Choose the sentence (A,B,C or D) which is closest in meaning to the one in bold. 36 Simon had not expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.

a Simon felt weaker than before the operation

b The operation left Simon fell weaker than he had expected c Simon wishes she would have been stronger

d Far from his expectation, Simon's health was worse

37 100% attendance on the course is not something we ask of you.

a We ask you for 100% attendance b Nearly perfect attendance is not required c We don't ask you to attend class regularly

d We don't expect you to attend all of the lessons on the course

38 "Make good use of your time You won't get such an oppurtunity again," he said to us.

a He advised us to take advantage of our time as you wouldn't get such an opportunity before

b He told us to make good use of our time since such an opportunity won't see us again c He advised us to make good use of our time as we wouldn't get such an opportunity again

d He recommended our making good use of our time as we wouldn't have such an opportunity again

39 Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. a Contrary to appearance, the dog was, in fact, quite dangerous

b Although the dog appeared quite harmless, it was, on the contrary, was quite dangerous c Although the dog appeared quite harmless, but it was quite dangerous

d Despite its harmless appearance, the dog is quite dangerous 40 He got down to wrtiting as soon as he returned from his walk. a Hardly had he got down to writing when he returned from his walk b Hardly had he got down to writing as long as he returned from his walk c No sooner had he got down to writing than he returned from his walk d No sooner had he returned from his walk than he got down to writing

VII Identify the word/phrase(A,B,C or D) that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

41 Dresses, skirts, shoes, and children's clothing are advertised at great reduced prices this weekend a b c d

42 He lived in New York since 1970 to 1985, but is now living in Paris a b c d

43 Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own research paper this semester a b c d

44 The need for a well rounded education as an idea espoused by the Greeks in time of Socrates a b c d 45 The president refuses to accept either of the four new proposals made by the contractors a b c d

VIII Choose one word/phrase A,B,C or D that best completes each of the sentences: 46 My flowers haven't come in spite of the fine weather

a out(hien ra) b in c over d with

47 Ann studied very hard last year, but she couldn't gain to any university a acceptance b admission c adoption d entrance


a are they b isn't he c is he d aren't they 49 Do you mind if I with your work while you are getting tea ready?

a get through b carry on c turn to d come on

50 No one should be treated

a preferable(ua chuong) b preferably c preferential(uu tien) d preferentially

51 "I am sorry you failed the examination." Frankly, I wish I harder." a studied b would study c had studied d did study 52 She would take charge of me She was

a dutiful b commanding c charging d responsible 53 "Must you come when your neighbor calls?"

"No, I "

a must not b mustn't c don't have to d must not have 54 He devoted most of his life novels

a to having written b to write c to wrtitingq d to have written 55 We landed at Athens Airport, which is the sea

a on b by c in d below

56 .you get used to the job, it won't seem so bad

a Since b While c Once d As

57 In many countries the can get the dole

a unemployers b unemployees c unemployed d unemployment 58 Last night we a great deal from the heat

a suffered b were suffered c had suffered d were suffering 59 They have changed the wording on the package to the new regulations

a comply with b come to c call up d take up

60 His sister was full of for the way in which he had so quickly learned to drive a car

a pride b admiration c surprise d jealousy

61 There is only one species of snake poisonous in Michigan

a it is b that is c is d being

62 Weigh the of each altenative before deciding

A.checks and balances b assets(cua cai) c pros and cons d profits 63 Our city is very bare and doesn't have enough ,I am afraid

a green b evergreens c greenness d greenery

64 Nothing can grow in this poor alkaline

a land b soil c earth d ground

65 Hardly had we settled down in our seats the lights went out

a than b after c before d when

66 Janet went out harry a present

a buying b for buying c to buy d so that she bought

67 If he it yesterday, he would be here with us tomorrow night

a finished b finishes c had finished d would finish 68 You need an atmosphere to study if you want to succeed in college a customary b conductive(co tc truyen dan) c mature(pt) d ornamental(trang tri) 69 During the earthquake, I felt the building violently

a shake b to shake c shaking d shook

70 I never wear black because it doesn't me

a match b fit c go with d suit

IX Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences, then choose the answer- A, B, C or D - that fits best.


Of all the aspirations which make up the American Dream, perhaps the most prominent(noi bat,dang ke) is to own one's own home Americans are very proud of their homes and spend a great deal of time maintaining their houses and keeping the property in good condition A man's home is often called his cattle, and the hours spent keeping his fortress(thanh luy) safe and secure become one of his greatest pleasures

If a home is in an especially fashionable neighborhood, the owners may


appearance If there is a large back yard, great care may be spent in having it properly landscaped with exotic(la,ki la) trees, shrubs and plants

It is almost a certainty that you should be the first visitor to an American home, you will be taken on a grand tour of the premisses(nha cua) The owner will take great pride in showing to you the place he calls home Every closet(phong rieng), every

cabinet(tu dung do,phong lon) and closed door will be opened so that you can actually see the extent and value of his home

You will even be taken into the father's den(phong nho toi tan,lup xup) and the mother's sewing room These are special rooms for the respective man and woman of the house to insure their privacy(rieng tu) They may be off-limits to the rest of the family but, for the visitor they are open to scrutiny(quan sat) and inspection(tham quan)

It is, of course, considered polite on the tour to comment favorably on each room picking out its most salient(noi bat,dac sac), important feature, such as the special view from the window, the vaulted ceiling in the foyer(phong giai lao) or the exotic choice of wallpaper in the bathroom

The finished basement(tang ham) is a special cause for pride for the family with its exercise room,video games, carpenter shop and launderette In most homes it is here that the family entertains itself in the evening while the rest of the house becomes more of a showcase(tu bay hang) On your tour you may be reminded of the hours the owners had spent "fixing up the house" so it would be "nice for the kids to bring over their friends" You may even sense a feeling of competition in knowing that they have not only "kept up with the Jones" but also have far surpassed(vuot qua) them

The tour will terminate(dung,ket thuc) after an hour or so somewhere on the back lawn(san co) next to the two-car air-conditioned garage where you may be treated to a snake and light refreshment

Showing off one's home is more than an exercise in vanity(tinh tu man,tu cao) It is a tribute(cong hien) to one's accomplishment(thanh tuu) It is a way of saying that a man has been a good provider for his family and that he has realised one of his dreams 71 What is considered the biggest reachable dream for most Americans?

a To own one's own house b To be president of the United States of America c To be very rich and famous for fifteen minutes

d To be a movie or rock star

72 What is often called a castle for many Americans?

a One's own home b Mc Donald's c Disneyland d The White House 73 If a man lives in a good neighborhood, who may be consulted to fix up the appreance of the home?

a An architect b A house designer c An interior decorator d One's mother-in-law 74 If it is your first visit to an American home, what will the owner probably do? a ask you for a gift b ask you if you like the house c treat you to coffee and refreshment d give you a grand tour of his home 75 What is the father's room of a house called?

a Daddy's room b His den c The master's bedroom d The tiger's den 76 What is considered polite behavior if you are taken on a grand tour of someone's home?

a to praise everything you see b to listen carefully to evrything that is said c to comment favorably on each room d to be careful not to break anything

77 What is the purpose of a finished basement?

a It is used as a family recreation room b It is used as a storage room

c It is a place to watch TV d It is a sound-proofed room for the kids 78 What is meant by "keep up with Jones"?

a It means to be a good neighbor b It means to earn as much as you can c It means to make one's home look better than one's neighbors

d It means to remain competitive with one's neighbor


Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 06:52

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