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Tài liệu exercise of good students

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EXERCISES I/ Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of one of the words in the list. big crowed early easily high important interested peaceful reliable serious simple thin 1. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual. 2. I’d like to have a _________________ car. The one I’ve got keeps breaking down. 3. Unfortunately, her illness was_________________ than we thought at first. 4. You look_________________. Have you lost weight? 5. I want a________________ flat. We don’t have enough space here. 6. He doesn’t study very hard. He’s________________ in having a good time. 7. Health and happiness are_________________ than money. 8. The instructions were very complicated. They could have been__________ 9. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was________________ than usual. 10. I like living in the country. It’s________________ than living in the town. 11. You’ll find your way around the town________________ if you have a good map. 12. In some parts of the country, prices are_________________ than in others. II/ Fill in the blanks with the comparative of the adverbs in the box easily early fast carefully high often hard long loud 1. We could have found the place more easily with a map. 2. We can’t hear. Could you speak a bit____________________? 3. I can’t jump any_______________ than that. 4. We are late. Can you walk_______________________ than that? 5. There are big traffic jams in big cities. They happen__________ nowadays. 6. Who works the________________ in your family? 7. Of all the student, Mark did the test the__________________. 8. The movie starts at eight, but we should get to the theater a few minutes _________________. 9. This exercise may take__________________ than we thought. III/ Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most…) or a comparative (-er or more…) 1. We stay at the ______________ hotel in the town. (cheap) 2. Our hotel was ______________ than all the others in the town. (cheap) 3. The United States is very large but Canada is ______________. (large) 4. What’s the__________________ river in the world? (long) 5. What is the________________ sport in your country? (popular) 6. Everest is the_____________ mountain in the world. It is ______________ than any other mountains. (high) 7. We had a great holiday. It was one of the______________ holidays we’re ever had. (enjoyable) 8. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ______________ . (comfortable) 9. What’s the______________ way of getting from here to the station? (quick) 10. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The______________ is 14 years old. (old) IV/ Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. There are lots of hotels in HCM City. You get a wider (wide) choice here than in the other cities of Viet Nam. The new world hotel is the____________ (famous) because president Bill Clinton once stayed there. It’s also one of the______________ (expensive) hotels in the city. It is currently the____________ (large) hotel in Viet Nam with 552 guest rooms. Hotel Sofitel Plaza is a______________ (small) hotel but it is________________ (expensive) than the New World hotel. It’s the______________ (comfortable) of all. Hotel Equatorial HCM City is also a superior first-class hotel in the city, but it is_______________ (cheap) than Hotel Sofitel Plaza. These hotels are________________ (popular) with business people than with tourists. Personally I can’t think of anything________________ (boring) than a big modern hotel. My own favorite is Binh Quoi Tourist Village, which is______________ (small) and________________ (pleasant) than many other hotels. The staff at Bing Quoi Tourist Village are________________ (helpful) than at the other hotels. Binh Quoi tourist Village is also in a_____________ (nice) place than the others. There are 49 well-furnished rooms in a very quiet atmosphere. It is just about 20 minutes by car from the city center. V/ Rewrite the sentences with as…. as…. or not as…. as…. 1. Bob is taller than Jack. Jack isn’t______________________________________________________ 2. Tokyo is bigger than Ha Noi. Ha Noi isn’t___________________________________________________ 3. Jill is more intelligent than Bill. Bill is________________________________________________________ 4. Are you and your husband the same age? Are you___________________________________ your husband? 5. You work harder than I I don’t _______________________________________________________ 6. Dogs are friendlier than cats. Cats_________________________________________________________ 7. The sun is hotter than the moon. The moon____________________________________________________ 8. You look younger than Carol. Carol________________________________________________________ VI/ Complete the sentences with an opposite adjective in its comparative or superlative form. 1. A: Dick is the youngest in the family B: No, he isn’t. He is the oldest. 2. A: Janet was richer than John. B: No, she wasn’t. She was__________________________________ 3. A: This is the easiest exercise in the book. B: No, it isn’t. It’s__________________________________________ 4. A: Robert is more polite than his brother? B: No. he isn’t. He is_______________________________________ 5. A: The weather today is colder than yesterday. B: No, it isn’t. It’s_________________________________________ 6. A: Jack is meaner than Alan. B: No, he isn’t. He is_______________________________________ 7. A: I am the tallest in this class! B: No, you aren’t. You’re___________________________________ 8. A: Nam was the happiest in the class. B: No, he wasn’t. He was___________________________________ VII/ Give the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets. 1. It was an awful day. It was the (bad)_____________ day of my life. 2. He was a bit depressed yesterday, but he looks (happy)____________today 3. John’s car runs (well)________________ than Mary’s. 4. That’s the (far)_______________ way to the city center. 5. I feel (good)_________________ today than I did last week. 6. HCM City is the (big)______________ city in Viet Nam. 7. Marjorie has (many)_______________ books than Sue. 8. He acts (badly)______________ than ever before. 9. This bottle has (little)______________ water than my bottle. 10. Nam is (nice)_______________ than Minh. VIII/ Rewrite the following sentences, using Comparative 1. My homework is worse than yours. Your homework is____________________________________________ 2. He does the test more easily than Nga. Nga________________________________________________________ 3. An dictionary is more expensive than an English book. An English book_____________________________________________ 4. He behaves now worse than he used to. He used to__________________________________________________ 5. My uncle is fatter than my father. My father__________________________________________________ 6. Viet Nam isn’t as large as the USA Viet Nam__________________________________________________ 7. My friend cooks better than I do. I_________________________________________________________ 8. Hue to Ha Noi is nearer than HCM City to Ha Noi. HCM City to Ha Noi_________________________________________ IX/Choose the best option that best completes each sentence: 1. He is not______________ tall as his father. A. the B. as C. than D. more 2. John’s grades are_____________than his sister’s. A. higher B. more high C. more higher D. the highest 3. Deana is the_______________ of the three sisters. A. most short B. shorter C. shortest D. more short 4. She speaks English as_____________ as her friend does. A. good B. well C. better D. the best 5. Of the three shirts, this one is the_____________ . A. prettier B. most prettiest C. prettiest D. most pretty 6. The baby’s illness is_______________ than we thought at first. A. bad B. badder C. worse D. badly 7. Today is the_____________ day of the month. A. hoter B. hotter C. hotest D. hottest 8. He works more______________ than I. A. slow B. slowly C. most slowly D. slowest 9. My book is as______________ as yours. A. good B. well C. better D. the best 10. I love you_____________ than I can say. A. much B. many C. more D. the most X. Choose the correct answer A,B,C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. He suggested that we……… to the theatre instead of staying at home A. should go B. go C. will go D. A and B are correct 2. They would buy that house if they ………….enough money. A. have B. have had C. had D. would have 3. The rules of the games ………by the referee within ninety minutes. A. is observed B. observe C. are observed D. must observe 4. Tom as well as his two brothers…………very good at Maths. A. is B. are C. have been D. being 5. We have lived in this town ………1998. A. for B. since C. ago D. in 6. The teacher let me……home early because I felt sick. A. go B. going C. to go D. went 7. It’s not worth…………her to change her mind. She will never listen to anybody. A. persuading B. to persuade C. make D. to make 8. They…………all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach . A. passed B. used C. took D. spent 9. I prefer coffee…… .tea. I don’t like tea. A. from B. than C. over D. to 10. Tom enjoys……strange stamps. A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. to collecting XI. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. What you ( learn) since you (come) .here?. How many friends you (make) .? I (meet already) a lot of interesting peole. 2. Yesterday, I ( see) .Pam, a friend of mine, at a restaurant. I (not see) . her for years. At first, I ( not recognise) her because she (lose) . at least fifty pounds. 3. If I ( be) taller, I (can) .be a policeman, but I’m too short. XII. Give the correct prepositions to complete the following sentences 1. Write to me and tell me all .your holiday in France. 2. The wall of the room was made .thick glass. 3. She asked her sister to look ………… her baby when she went shopping yesterday. 4. My present job is not very wonderful, but I prefer it ………….what I did before. 5. Did he break the window……… accident or on purpose? 6. She apologized…………her teacher for her coming late. 7. Sorry, I haven’t written ……… you for such a long time. 8. Young children are keen……… playing in the rain. 9. At weekends, the library is crowded……… students. 10. ……… the end, he succeeded in solving the problems. XIII. Give the correct form of words in brackets in the following sentences. 1. He had no (CHOOSE)………but to make his own (DECIDE)………. . 2. The (DISCUSS)…………lasted 2 hours but we didn’t reach any (AGREE)……… . 3. You should (APOLOGY)……………to her for your (RUDE)…………… . 4. We often go (BOAT) and (FISH) .in the river in Summer. 5. The shop (ASSIST)………….is always (HELP)………………to customers 6. He has . bought a new car (recent) 7. How . those shops are (beauty) 8. She has finished her best (perform) 9. Helen speaks English very .(fluent) 10. This is the most machine in our field (value) 11. We can keep the land in condition by killing weeds. (weel) 12. The ball was followed with great .(excite) 13. That was an match, wasn’t it? I was . to see it.(excite) 14. is a good career. I want to become a (teach) 15. Rubber trees are very (use) 16. Sports are very good for our (healthy) 17. Don’t worry about her (complain) 18. What is the real .of the house?(wide) 19. She danced so that the audience clapped their hands many times(beauty) XIV. Read the text , then answer the questions In Britain, natural gas is the most popular fuel for heating homes, and for cooking. It is piped all over the country from the gas fields below the North sea. Natural gas is used chiefly as a direct source of energy, although it is also used in the chemical industry. At the moment, the supply is plentiful, but it will be running short by the end of the century, and it will run out during the 21 st century unless new supplies are found. We could do without natural gas, as coal gas can be used as a substitute, and there should be enough coal to last for several centuries. However, it is a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient. 1. What is natural gas used for? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where does it come from? __________________________________________________________________ 3. What is gas used chiefly as? When will it run out? __________________________________________________________________ 4. What can be used as a substitute for natural gas? __________________________________________________________________ 5. Is natural gas expensive or cheap? __________________________________________________________________ XV. Make questions for the underlined words or phrases 1. People learn English because it’s useful for their work ________________________________________________________________________ 2. She often goes to work by bike ________________________________________________________________________ 3. They have moved to London for nearly two years ________________________________________________________________________ 4. I want to know more information about the English course ________________________________________________________________________ 5. He often goes out for a walk with his family after dinner ________________________________________________________________________ XVI/ rewrite these sentences 1. She spends two hours a day practicing English. It takes………………………………………………………………………………… 2. If you don’t work hard, you won’t pass the entrance exam. Unless…………………………………………………………………………………. 3. We finished this task in about two hours We spent………………………………………………………………………………. 4. People think Columbus found America before others. America……………………………………………………………………………… 5. “ Shall we go for a ride to the countryside this Sunday” one of the boys said One of the boys………………………………………………………………………… 6. I like ice – cream and my sister likes it, too. Both……………………………………………………………………………………. 7. We didn’t return home until we finished the test. Not until……………………………………………………………………………… 8. I had just arrived home when my mother phoned me. No sooner………………………………………………………………………………. 9. This exercise is very difficult so we can’t do it well. This exercise isn’t……………………………………………………………………… 10. Although they were very poor, they managed to send their children to school. Despite…………………………………………………………………………………. 11. They use milk for making butter and cheese Milk 12. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before This is the first time 13. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Ann” John asked John asked 14. It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday You 15. Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information If XVII. Find one mistake and correct it in each of the following sentences. 1. My best friend is coming to Hanoi to visit me in 19 th July __________________ 2. Most of the students seemed very nervously before the final exam __________________ 3. When she came to visit me, I did my homework __________________ 4. Vicky had had that motorbike only three days ago. __________________ 5. Would you mind to help me do this exercise, please? __________________ 6. Most of their farm work used to do by hand years ago. __________________ 7. You know where Karen is, do you? __________________ 8. She’s a very interesting person. I always enjoy to talk to her _______________ 9. Would you like going camping with us this Sunday? __________________ 10. When you want to go fishing this morning, I'll go with you __________________ . EXERCISES I/ Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of one of the words in the list. big crowed early. you have a good map. 12. In some parts of the country, prices are_________________ than in others. II/ Fill in the blanks with the comparative of the adverbs

Ngày đăng: 27/11/2013, 13:11

