English a little easier and rrore irrteresting... The first step is to tbel positive about learning English. We cau learn ti'ol, ottr tttistakes.. The second step is to[r]
(1)socrAo DUC vA EAo rAo ry41 BiNH
pe ruAo sAl cr-rnl r- i<i t t{avr H0c ltir 9- 2o2o IVl6n:'IIENG ANH 9 (Chrxrng trinh 7 nInr.;
Me dei:444 Thiti giun tbn hdi 15 phtir Lli g,),,, t)) tt'ttttil
I Tim t* cri phAn gph chf,n ph{t 6nr kh6c v6i c{c ttr cdn l4i
l A viruses B fridggg Cl tables D stages
2 A played B cooked C plor,i'ecl I) ntentioned
3 A, poern B grqcer C stqr,e I) n'otrdcr'
4 A character B scliool C cl:ernisil') Lt cltanrpagne
5 A seat B peace Cl [reach D wealtli
II Chgn il6p 6n thich hg'p ntrit OO hoirn thAnh cic cffu sau
6 If we recycle bottles and carrs, \,ve a lotol-natural resources
A would save B save C savecl D u'ill save
7 Tony and Phong have been pen pals 1br over two years and ther, a[ leasl orle e ever)r two u,eeks
A correspond B rryrite C erchalrg-c I) visit
L They are flying to Florida torriglrt, ?
A don't tlrey B aren't the,v C ale tliel l) tltei, lrvrt't
9 wish I molley to biry a new laptup
A" have B had C rviltr lrave I) shall lrave
10 He thinl<s that or1 the lnternet is a waste o{ tiure
A chatter B to clmt C cltirttiit:: ii .-lr:rt
11 The lteadtrasler has decided tlrtrt thlee lec:tr-rre lialls in tiiri :,^cliooi !rcri scl]'Irstci
A willbe built li are bc-ing bLrilt C rrili biriirl i) riiilbc bLrilcling 12 I like watching the nervs on TV because it's very
A forrral B inlbrmal C infbrnrative l-) iirfbrinatiort
13 Lonclori is , capital of Englancl
A the B O C an D it
14 A: "l'll piclt yoLr Lrp at eight o'clocli on nt.v r\ral to tlre airport" 13: " ,
A Itwoulcl be be11er' B Fror pleastrle C.Creat i'lisecl'riutlterr l-r I lravc a plrorte 15 The teacher asked rne if I lealniug [i.nglislr
A liked B will lilie C lilie l.) lil'es
16 A: "Shall rve go to the cineura?" B: " "
A Yes Iet's B Yes, lwill C Yes rnc shall D Ycs let tte
17 Wlten learning Englisli" you shoLrld have a cliclionary to the rier,l lvoltls
A look into B Iook after C looli up lJ looli fi:r
18 lt uas vely colcl- slic rvrrrc'rr uuat
A tliat B so C bccairsc li as
19.OLrr nalional fbotballteaur rvill arrive Ihailaird on tlie illsl o1''.llrrualr,,
A et Il f]," C rr' 51 i"
20 We him sirrce he rnarried
A wou't see/get B didri't see/gol C haven't seerr/gcts D hai,eri't seer/got
IIL Chgn dip 5n thich hgp nh6t s6 A, B C ho{c D c6 cring rrghiu r'6i tt'trrrirc cunr til du'gc gach chffn 21 Wutch out! There's a car conring!
A Get over B J'rrrn clou,n C l-otili orii I) Stt off
22 Nobody catr denl, the hcna.lit.y o{'the Interncl irr oul'liie
A advantages B iulbrrnation C eveitts D uhanges
IV Trong m6i cAu sau c6 mQt t6i sai ri'phf,n dupc gach ehin (A, B, C hoirc D) Hny tiur l6i sai tlti
23 That was very k.ilrd_ol'),ou helpius me to fi.nish my work
A was B to tlnish C helping D kind oi'
24 I didn't read a ne\\'spaper silrce I bought this television
A nervspaper B boLrght C dicln't rr:ad D this television
25 The girl laughed happt' as he plaled rvith the tecldJ- bear
A the teddy bear B.'Ihe girl C happ-v l) pla,t,ed
V Dgc tlogn vin sau, ehgn itdp dn thfch hg'p ntrdt A6 tli6n vio nrSi ctrS tr6rrg
Some people learn a second language easily Other people lrave (26) learrring a new language
How can you lrelp yourself learn a nelv language such as Euglisli'/ 'llrere arc several nravs to Ilake leamittg
(2)The first step is to tbel positive about learning English lf 1''rt irelieve tluti 10tt clrt leetrtt' -r'ou vYill learn'
(27) patie,t you don't have to urr<Jerslani eve[thirrg rll 0tr,,, lt's tlatttral to rlake nristakes when
yo.i l"o* sorirething,err, We cau learn ti'ol, ottr tttistakes
The second step is to practice your E'glish For exanrpl^e *'r'itc irr a.loul'ttitl- tlr clittrl' c'r'er)'day' You l'itl get used to (2g) in lJnglish rn.f-yi,,-rr;Ll leel cornlo.rtablc cxptlessitig;'ortr icleas in Errglish'
After several weeks you will see that yot.,, urr1ti,,g is irrproving ln rdtl itiorr \'ur'l llll'ts1 sllciili F'"rrglisli everydav'
You can practice witlr -\'our classntates (29)" " " " ' class'
TIie third step is to keep a recorcl ,,f ,c,,,, larrguage learnirLg Yotr can rvlitu'tltis irl ltlttt'-ioLrrnal' After
eac6 class, think about rvlrat y,otr clicl Dicl \'ou iuls\\,cr a (lircstt(,lli:ili " ' ' 'l l)itl roLi trll(lelstalltl sonlething tlre teacher explainecl'? Perlraps tlre lessr:tt was <jii'frcLrlt btlt yotl trie ci ttl ttttcicrsltulti it'
It is irnportalt to practice everYc'la1'attcl tllakc a l'ecOrd ol'f ilttI acliicr"cnrcttts'
26 +.advatttage B tlor-rble C' opporrunitr I)' clrance
21 A.Be B' Being C"fo ire D' LJesrr
28 A writing B' u'rile C' rvriltcir i)' {o ri't'ite
29 A.otttside B of side Cl' lresiclc l]' tr1 side
30 A corrective B' correctlY C' eollcctiort I)' e
()l'ltrct VI Dgc do4n vin sau vh chg, cau trii ldi thich hg'p ,hf t ch, r,6i ci' htii'
Tlre thing I liked urost rvlren I rvas yoLrng rvuiil].- change of''sr:rr)s()r'rs spling stll.lllllcf' autttttttr altd u'itrter
- I could see them all coure a.d go arrcr each oue \\'as corrpletelt clit'flrt'ertt l'l."1'ilt tlrc citl'" Y'rt can buy sLlmrrer flowers i,
'vinter ancl eat tlre sarne vegetables
all tlrc yeir'rourtci! v\ilre|siis' itl the ctltttltrl" I conld
o'ly eat t6i'gs at certain ti,res ol.tlre year - tbr:e.raurple strarvllc'r'r'ics itt little ilrrd lrriills ill \\'illler' I lived m1'
childhood r,vith the seasorrs
Also r,ve macle most of our lbocl and rvoulcl never ezrt iiozcn ol tinned tbocl tiveri'tliiltg rvas f,reslr - so it
rnust be better than tlie type ol fbocl t anr tatring nri\v in tlre cit5, 1,1i11, people rna-v thirrli peopie in tlter cot-ttttt)t
*rissalotofthiugsaboLrtlnoder, life,butirrrni,opiniortheyrrrissri-lot,rorctltalrtltettl-tlleyttrissreallifb'
31 Which of the follorving setttettces is NOT trrte?
A Many city people thirrk they live better than those irr fhc criurttr-r, B In the cotrltlrl'side ttrlips are sro\\'ll itt lr ittter'
C, The r,vriter didn't Llse to eat fl'oz-en ancl 1ir;necJ looc'l' D People in the city can glo\\i vegetables all the vear rottttcl'
32 What cloes the worcl "tlrem" ill trrat'agraph I refer to """"""' '?
A plants B cottttttl sicle peoplc C' -l seltsutls 33 In tlre countryside, in rVhich seasoll cotrlcl the rtritet' bttY stt'a$'hert'ies'?
A In wirtter B' ln sr-ltrttrter C' ltl aLttLillitl
34, What thiirg dicl the rvritel like rllosl wlten he/slte n'as votttt-s'l
A The wei-tlrer.in spring I :1.l'1 u'ilcl arrimals
atrci pliints'
C.Florversinspr.irrg.D l.lrecltiitlgeoi'seasotls.
35.Tlreword real,,inparagraplr2isclosesl-ittnreanittgto , ' '-,
A fake B' true C' irnaginary l)' rrtificial
VII Chgn c6u vilit I4i thich tro'p nhAt ctro m6i cdu sau' 36 "Do you have a contpttter?" Nalll asked nre'
!, -r,- r
A Nanr asked me if I had a complrter B Nanr iisiiecl r,,e rvhelhct' i iiad a cotlrpttter'
c Nam askecl nie if dicl I have a conlputer D A ancl B are cot'cct' 37 It's a pitYl I catl't drive a car
A I wish I could drive a car B''l rvislt I ctrn't drive a car' C I rvish I san drive a car D' I r'vish i coLrlcltl't cll'ive a cat" 38 It's the first time I've used the Internet'
A lt,s the firsttirle I've lound the Iuternet useful B I have liever ttsecl the Il')1tlrllet belbre'
C I haven,t used the Interrret for a long time D I llr-st itsecl tltc lrllertrct el lotig titlle ago' 39 Orrr teachers encoumge trs to stttdy' hald'
A we should study lrard Il we wcr.e erlcoLll'aged to stucl-r, lrarcr by our teaclrerc'
c we are studyi,g 5ard D We afc encour?gecl 1o slucl.\' hanr bv our teachers'
A I didn,_t enjoy the meal and I had a stomachache B I cliclrr't enioy the rneal becattse I lracl a
C I had a stomachaclre so as not to enjol the nreal D 'I-ire tneal tnade ttle ilaver tl stottlaclrache'
-D tt'ittttt' attcl atttttltrtt
xHAo sAT cHAT Lt-rgNG HQc xl t ruAu HQC 2019'2020
oAp AN naol* rttNc ANH 9
(Chrro'ng trinh 7 ntimi
tlhi chir
ma ac +++
ua of ts.:
ua ae ttt wa ttizzz
CAU B I C C C A B D C A I D t0 D ll C t2 B r3 C C D C A t4 A l5 A i) C C] lr u A C] C t6 t7 l8 r9 20 2t 22 L) 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 C li IJ C t] (' L a ts l] i) t) l) (' 13 l) i; l) I) A, ll L) t) D t) L' tl D B B B D A D A A f) t) D C L) D B A A B t) ts A D C u A C C C B B B B D D C D D tl C A A A A B A, C C D D B A D C B C B D 4A l I l I I I i
X,l6i ctit.t ditry: 0,25d