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The data warehouse life cycle toolkit (ralph kimball) XVKmipKH4Q9MTJBEWO6vlmYxNZZ1pLAi pdf

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i The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit Table of Contents Chapter - The Chess Pieces Section - Project Management and Requirements Chapter Chapter Chapter - The Business Dimensional Lifecycle - Project Planning and Management - Collecting the Requirements Section - Data Design Chapter Chapter Chapter - A First Course on Dimensional Modeling - A Graduate Course on Dimensional Modeling - Building Dimensional Models Section - Architecture Chapter Chapter Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 - Introducing Data Warehouse Architecture - Back Room Technical Architecture - Architecture for the Front Room - Infrastructure and Metadata - A Graduate Course on the Internet and Security - Creating the Architecture Plan and Selecting Products Section – Implementation Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 - A Graduate Course on Aggregates - Completing the Physical Design - Data Staging - Building End User Applications Section - Deployment and Growth Chapter 18 - Planning the Deployment Chapter 19 - Maintaining and Growing the Data Warehouse ii The Purpose of Each Chapter The Chess Pieces As of the writing of this book, a lot of vague terminology was being tossed around in the data warehouse marketplace Even the term data warehouse has lost its precision Some people are even trying to define the data warehouse as a nonqueryable data resource! We are not foolish enough to think we can settle all the terminology disputes in these pages, but within this book we will stick to a very specific set of meanings This chapter briefly defines all the important terms used in data warehousing in a consistent way Perhaps this is something like studying all the chess pieces and what they can before attempting to play a chess game We think we are pretty close to the mainstream with these definitions Section 1: Project Management and Requirements The Business Dimensional Lifecycle We define the complete Business Dimensional Lifecycle from 50,000 feet We briefly discuss each step and give perspective on the lifecycle as a whole Project Planning and Management In this chapter, we define the project and talk about setting its scope within your environment We talk extensively about the various project roles and responsibilities You won’t necessarily need a full headcount equivalent for each of these roles, but you will need to fill them in almost any imaginable project This is a chapter for managers Collecting the Requirements Collecting the business and data requirements is the foundation of the entire data warehouse effort—or at least it should be Collecting the requirements is an art form, and it is one of the least natural activities for an IS organization We give you techniques to make this job easier and hope to impress upon you the necessity of spending quality time on this step Section 2: Data Design A First Course on Dimensional Modeling We start with an energetic argument for the value of dimensional modeling We want you to understand the depth of our commitment to this approach After performing hundreds of data warehouse designs and installations over the last 15 years, we think this is the only approach you can use to achieve the twin goals of understandability and performance We then reveal the central secret for combining multiple dimensional models together into a coherent whole This secret is called conformed dimensions and conformed facts We call this approach the Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Your computer has a backbone, called the computer bus, that everything connects to, and your data warehouse has a backbone, called the data warehouse bus, that everything connects to The remainder of this chapter is a self-contained introduction to the science of dimensional modeling for data warehouses This introduction can be viewed as an appendix to the full treatment of this subject in Ralph Kimball’s earlier book, The Data Warehouse Toolkit A Graduate Course on Dimensional Modeling Here we collect all the hardest dimensional modeling situations we can think of Most of these examples come from specific business situations, such as dealing with a monster customer list Building Dimensional Models In this chapter we tackle the issue of how to create the right model within your organization You start with a matrix of data marts and dimensions, and then you design each fact table in each data mart according to the techniques described in Chapter The last half of this chapter describes the real-life management issues in applying this methodology and building all the dimensional models needed in each data mart Section 3: Architecture Introducing Data Warehouse Architecture In this chapter we introduce all the components of the technical architecture at a medium level of detail This paints the overall picture The remaining five chapters in this section go into the specific areas of detail We divide the discussion into data architecture, application architecture, and infrastructure If you follow the Data Warehouse Bus Architecture we developed in Chapter 5, you will be able to develop your data marts one at a time, and you will end iii up with a flexible, coherent overall data warehouse But we didn’t say it would be easy Technical Back Room Architecture We introduce you to the system components in the back room: the source systems, the reporting instance, the data staging area, the base level data warehouse, and the business process data marts We tell you what happened to the operational data store (ODS) We also talk about all the services you must provide in the back room to get the data ready to load into your data mart presentation server 10 Architecture for the Front Room The front room is your publishing operation You make the data available and provide an array of tools for different user needs We give you a comprehensive view of the many requirements you must support in the front room 11 Infrastructure and Metadata Infrastructure is the glue that holds the data warehouse together This chapter covers the nuts and bolts We deal with the detail we think every data warehouse designer and manager need to know about hardware, software, communications, and especially metadata 12 A Graduate Course on the Internet and Security The Internet has a potentially huge impact on the life of the data warehouse manager, but many data warehouse managers are either not aware of the true impact of the Internet or they are avoiding the issues This chapter will expose you to the current state of the art on Internetbased data warehouses and security issues and give you a list of immediate actions to take to protect your installation The examples throughout this chapter are slanted toward the exposures and challenges faced by the data warehouse owner 13 Creating the Architecture Plan and Selecting Products Now that you are a software, hardware, and infrastructure expert, you are ready to commit to a specific architecture plan for your organization and to choose specific products We talk about the selection process and which combination of product categories you need Bear in mind this book is not a platform for talking about specific vendors, however Section 4: Implementation 14 A Graduate Course on Aggregations Aggregations are prestored summaries that you create to boost performance of your database systems This chapter dives deeply into the structure of aggregations, where you put them, how you use them, and how you administer them Aggregations are the single most cost-effective way to boost performance in a large data warehouse system assuming that the rest of your system is constructed according to the Data Warehouse Bus Architecture 15 Completing the Physical Design Although we don’t know which DBMS and which hardware architecture you will choose, there are a number of powerful ideas at this level that you should understand We talk about physical data structures, indexing strategies, specialty databases for data warehousing, and RAID storage strategies 16 Data Staging Once you have the major systems in place, the biggest and riskiest step in the process is getting the data out of the legacy systems and loading into the data mart DBMSs The data staging area is the intermediate place where you bring the legacy data in for cleaning and transforming We have a lot of strong opinions about what should and should not happen in the data staging area 17 Building End User Applications After the data is finally loaded into the DBMS, we still have to arrange for a soft landing on the users’ desktops The end user applications are all the query tools and report writers and data mining systems for getting the data out of the DBMS and doing something useful This chapter describes the starter set of end user applications you need to provide as part of the initial data mart implementation Section 5: Deployment and Growth 18 Planning the Deployment When everything is ready to go, you still have to roll the system out and behave in many ways like a commercial software vendor You need to install the software, train the users, collect bug reports, solicit feedback, and respond to new requirements You need to plan carefully so that you can deliver according to the expectations you have set iv 19 Maintaining and Growing the Data Warehouse Finally, when your entire data mart edifice is up and running, you have to turn around to it again! As we said earlier, the data warehouse is more of a process than a project This chapter is an appropriate end for the book, if only because it leaves you with a valuable last impression: You are never done Supporting Tools • Appendix A This appendix summarizes the entire project plan for the Business Dimensional Lifecycle in one place and in one format All of the project tasks and roles are listed • Appendix B This appendix is a guided tour of the contents of the CD-ROM All of the useful checklists, templates, and forms are listed We also walk you through how to use our sample design of a Data Warehouse Bus Architecture • CD-ROM The CD-ROM that accompanies the book contains a large number of actual checklists, templates, and forms for you to use with your data warehouse development It also includes a sample design illustrating the Data Warehouse Bus Architecture The Goals of a Data Warehouse One of the most important assets of an organization is its information This asset is almost always kept by an organization in two forms: the operational systems of record and the data warehouse Crudely speaking, the operational systems of record are where the data is put in, and the data warehouse is where we get the data out In The Data Warehouse Toolkit, we described this dichotomy at length At the time of this writing, it is no longer so necessary to convince the world that there are really two systems or that there will always be two systems It is now widely recognized that the data warehouse has profoundly different needs, clients, structures, and rhythms than the operational systems of record Ultimately, we need to put aside the details of implementation and modeling, and remember what the fundamental goals of the data warehouse are In our opinion, the data warehouse: • Makes an organization’s information accessible The contents of the data warehouse are understandable and navigable, and the access is characterized by fast performance These requirements have no boundaries and no fixed limits Understandable means correctly labeled and obvious Navigable means recognizing your destination on the screen and getting there in one click Fast performance means zero wait time Anything else is a compromise and therefore something that we must improve • Makes the organization’s information consistent Information from one part of the organization can be matched with information from another part of the organization If two measures of an organization have the same name, then they must mean the same thing Conversely, if two measures don’t mean the same thing, then they are labeled differently Consistent information means high-quality information It means that all of the information is accounted for and is complete Anything else is a compromise and therefore something that we must improve • Is an adaptive and resilient source of information The data warehouse is designed for continuous change When new questions are asked of the data warehouse, the existing data and the technologies are not changed or disrupted When new data is added to the data warehouse, the existing data and the technologies are not changed or disrupted The design of the separate data marts that make up the data warehouse must be distributed and incremental Anything else is a compromise and therefore something that we must improve • Is a secure bastion that protects our information asset The data warehouse not only controls access to the data effectively, but gives its owners great visibility into the uses and abuses of that data, even after it has left the data warehouse Anything else is a compromise and therefore something that we must improve v • Is the foundation for decision making The data warehouse has the right data in it to support decision making There is only one true output from a data warehouse: the decisions that are made after the data warehouse has presented its evidence The original label that predates the data warehouse is still the best description of what we are trying to build: a decision support system The Goals of This Book If we succeed with this book, you—the designers and managers of large data warehouses—will achieve your goals more quickly You will build effective data warehouses that match well against the goals outlined in the preceding section, and you will make fewer mistakes along the way Hopefully, you will not reinvent the wheel and discover “previously owned” truths We have tried to be as technical as this large subject allows, without getting waylaid by vendor-specific details Certainly, one of the interesting aspects of working in the data warehouse marketplace is the breadth of knowledge needed to understand all of the data warehouse responsibilities We feel quite strongly that this wide perspective must be maintained because of the continuously evolving nature of data warehousing Even if data warehousing leaves behind such bedrock notions as text and number data, or the reliance on relational database technology, most of the principles of this book would remain applicable, because the mission of a data warehouse team is to build a decision support system in the most fundamental sense of the words We think that a moderate amount of structure and discipline helps a lot in building a large and complex data warehouse We want to transfer this structure and discipline to you through this book We want you to understand and anticipate the whole Business Dimensional Lifecycle, and we want you to infuse your own organizations with this perspective In many ways, the data warehouse is an expression of information systems’ fundamental charter: to collect the organization’s information and make it useful The idea of a lifecycle suggests an endless process where data warehouses sprout and flourish and eventually die, only to be replaced with new data warehouses that build on the legacies of the previous generations This book tries to capture that perspective and help you get it started in your organization Visit the Companion Web Site This book is necessarily a static snapshot of the data warehouse industry and the methodologies we think are important For a dynamic, up-to-date perspective on these issues, please visit this book’s Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/kimball, or log on to the mirror site at www.lifecycle-toolkit.com We, the authors of this book, intend to maintain this Web site personally and make it a useful resource for data warehouse professionals vi 1 Overview All of the authors of this book worked together at Metaphor Computer Systems over a period that spanned more than ten years, from 1982 to 1994 Although the real value of the Metaphor experience was the building of hundreds of data warehouses, there was an ancillary benefit that we sometimes find useful We are really conscious of metaphors How could we avoid metaphors, with a name like that? A useful metaphor to get this book started is to think about studying the chess pieces very carefully before trying to play the game of chess You really need to learn the shapes of the pieces and what they can on the board More subtly, you need to learn the strategic significance of the pieces and how to wield them in order to win the game Certainly, with a data warehouse, as well as with chess, you need to think way ahead Your opponent is the ever-changing nature of the environment you are forced to work in You can’t avoid the changing user needs, the changing business conditions, the changing nature of the data you are given to work with, and the changing technical environment So maybe the game of data warehousing is something like the game of chess At least it’s a pretty good metaphor If you intend to read this book, you need to read this chapter We are fairly precise in this book with our vocabulary, and you will get more out of this book if you know where we stand We begin by briefly defining the basic elements of the data warehouse As we remarked in the introduction, there is not universal agreement in the marketplace over these definitions But our use of these words is as close to mainstream practice as we can make them Here in this book, we will use these words precisely and consistently, according to the definitions we provide in the next section We will then list the data warehouse processes you need to be concerned about This list is a declaration of the boundaries for your job Perhaps the biggest insight into your responsibilities as a data warehouse manager is that this list of data warehouse processes is long and somewhat daunting Basic Elements of the Data Warehouse As you read through the definitions in this section, please refer to Figure 1.1 We will move through Figure 1.1 roughly in left to right order Figure 1.1 The basic elements of the data warehouse Source System An operational system of record whose function it is to capture the transactions of the business A source system is often called a “legacy system” in a mainframe environment The main priorities of the source system are uptime and availability Queries against source systems are narrow, “account-based” queries that are part of the normal transaction flow and severely restricted in their demands on the legacy system We assume that the source systems maintain little historical data and that management reporting from source systems is a burden on these systems We make the strong assumption that source systems are not queried in the broad and unexpected ways that data warehouses are typically queried We also assume that each source system is a natural stovepipe, where little or no investment has been made to conform basic dimensions such as product, customer, geography, or calendar with other legacy systems in the organization Source systems have keys that make certain things unique, like product keys or customer keys We call these source system keys production keys, and we treat them as attributes, just like any other textual description of something We never use the production keys as the keys within our data warehouse (Hopefully that got your attention Read the chapters on data modeling.) Data Staging Area A storage area and set of processes that clean, transform, combine, de-duplicate, household, archive, and prepare source data for use in the data warehouse The data staging area is everything in between the source system and the presentation server Although it would be nice if the data staging area were a single centralized facility on one piece of hardware, it is far more likely that the data staging area is spread over a number of machines The data staging area is dominated by the simple activities of sorting and sequential processing and, in some cases, the data staging area does not need to be based on relational technology After you check your data for conformance with all the one-to-one and many-to-one business rules you have defined, it may be pointless to take the final step of building a full blown entity-relation-based physical database design However, there are many cases where the data arrives at the doorstep of the data staging area in a third normal form relational database In other cases, the managers of the data staging area are more comfortable organizing their cleaning, transforming, and combining steps around a set of normalized structures In these cases, a normalized structure for the data staging storage is certainly acceptable The key defining restriction on the data staging area is that it does not provide query and presentation services As soon as a system provides query and presentation services, it must be categorized as a presentation server, which is described next Presentation Server The target physical machine on which the data warehouse data is organized and stored for direct querying by end users, report writers, and other applications In our opinion, three very different systems are required for a data warehouse to function: the source system, the data staging area, and the presentation server The source system should be thought of as outside the data warehouse, since we assume we have no control over the content and format of the data in the legacy system We have described the data staging area as the initial storage and cleaning system for data that is moving toward the presentation server, and we made the point that the data staging area may well consist of a system of flat files It is the presentation server where we insist that the data be presented and stored in a dimensional framework If the presentation server is based on a relational database, then the tables will be organized as star schemas If the presentation server is based on nonrelational on-line analytic processing (OLAP) technology, then the data will still have recognizable dimensions, and most of the recommendations in this book will pertain At the time this book was written, most of the large data marts (greater than a few gigabytes) were implemented on relational databases Thus, most of the specific discussions surrounding the presentation server are couched in terms of relational databases Dimensional Model A specific discipline for modeling data that is an alternative to entity-relationship (E/R) modeling A dimensional model contains the same information as an E/R model but packages the data in a symmetric format whose design goals are user understandability, query performance, and resilience to change The rationale for dimensional modeling is presented in Chapter This book and its predecessor, The Data Warehouse Toolkit, are based on the discipline of dimensional modeling We, the authors, are committed to this approach because we have seen too many data warehouses fail because of overly complex E/R designs We have successfully employed the techniques of dimensional modeling in hundreds of design situations over the last 15 years The main components of a dimensional model are fact tables and dimension tables, which are defined carefully in Chapter But let’s look at them briefly A fact table is the primary table in each dimensional model that is meant to contain measurements of the business Throughout this book, we will consistently use the word fact to represent a business measure We will reduce terminology confusion by not using the words measure or measurement The most useful facts are numeric and additive Every fact table represents a many-to-many relationship and every fact table contains a set of two or more foreign keys that join to their respective dimension tables A dimension table is one of a set of companion tables to a fact table Each dimension is defined by its primary key that serves as the basis for referential integrity with any given fact table to which it is joined Most dimension tables contain many textual attributes (fields) that are the basis for constraining and grouping within data warehouse queries Business Process A coherent set of business activities that make sense to the business users of our data warehouses This definition is purposefully a little vague A business process is usually a set of activities like “order processing” or “customer pipeline management,” but business processes can overlap, and certainly the definition of an individual business process will evolve over time In this book, we assume that a business process is a useful grouping of information resources with a coherent theme In many cases, we will implement one or more data marts for each business process Data Mart A logical subset of the complete data warehouse A data mart is a complete “pie-wedge” of the overall data warehouse pie A data mart represents a project that can be brought to completion rather than being an impossible galactic undertaking A data warehouse is made up of the union of all its data marts Beyond this rather simple logical definition, we often view the data mart as the restriction of the data warehouse to a single business process or to a group of related business processes targeted toward a particular business group The data mart is probably sponsored by and built by a single part of the business, and a data mart is usually organized around a single business process We impose some very specific design requirements on every data mart Every data mart must be represented by a dimensional model and, within a single data warehouse, all such data marts must be built from conformed dimensions and conformed facts This is the basis of the Data Warehouse Bus Architecture Without conformed dimensions and conformed facts, a data mart is a stovepipe Stovepipes are the bane of the data warehouse movement If you have any hope of building a data warehouse that is robust and resilient in the face of continuously evolving requirements, you must adhere to the data mart definition we recommend We will show in this book that, when data marts have been designed with conformed dimensions and conformed facts, they can be combined and used together (Read more on this topic in Chapter 5.) We not believe that there are two “contrasting” points of view about top-down vs bottom-up data warehouses The extreme top-down perspective is that a completely centralized, tightly designed master database must be completed before parts of it are summarized and published as individual data marts The extreme bottom-up perspective is that an enterprise data warehouse can be assembled from disparate and unrelated data marts Neither approach taken to these limits is feasible In both cases, the only workable solution is a blend of the two approaches, where we put in place a proper architecture that guides the design of all the separate pieces When all the pieces of all the data marts are broken down to individual physical tables on various database servers, as they must ultimately be, then the only physical way to combine the data from these separate tables and achieve an integrated enterprise data warehouse is if the dimensions of the data mean the same thing across these tables We call these conformed dimensions This Data Warehouse Bus Architecture is a fundamental driver for this book Finally, we not adhere to the old data mart definition that a data mart is comprised of summary data Data marts are based on granular data and may or may not contain performance enhancing summaries, which we call “aggregates” in this book Data Warehouse The queryable source of data in the enterprise The data warehouse is nothing more than the union of all the constituent data marts A data warehouse is fed from the data staging area The data warehouse manager is responsible both for the data warehouse and the data staging area ... record and the data warehouse Crudely speaking, the operational systems of record are where the data is put in, and the data warehouse is where we get the data out In The Data Warehouse Toolkit, ... this book Data Warehouse The queryable source of data in the enterprise The data warehouse is nothing more than the union of all the constituent data marts A data warehouse is fed from the data staging... physical database design However, there are many cases where the data arrives at the doorstep of the data staging area in a third normal form relational database In other cases, the managers of the data

Ngày đăng: 03/04/2021, 10:42

