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Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Signature) Roll No (Name) (In figures as per admission card) (Signature) (Name) J 1 Time : 1¼ hours] Roll No PAPER - II SOCIAL WORK Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Instructions for the Candidates !J-1015-PAPER-II! [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number should be entered on the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (1), (2), (3) and (4) You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item where (3) is the correct response Example : Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Booklet only If you mark your response at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, such as change of response by scratching or using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the original OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall You are however, allowed to carry original question booklet and duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There are no negative marks for incorrect answers 13 In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, English version will be taken as final J-1015 (In words) Uốổổỗỹỉụ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỹổ Đõ ởDU ÃÔ êÔU ỗỉè Sổ U Ơổ UụĩU ếU ỗĩỗạé Đõ ý-ổ ì ổõ ếóộỗòÃÔậốỉ ý óủé Uốổổ ýổUệ óụ U, ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ƠổÃÔụ ẻ ẻố ổỉằốé óĩU UổĂ ỗìU ƠổÃÔụ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ èổ âõÃÔố ỗỗĩỗạè ổĂ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằ, ỗõÃÔố ổĂ ƠổÃÔụ Ơòỉ ÃÔUố óủ ẹ (i) ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ ÃÔ ỗĩ ộỗSèÃÔổ U ĩằố ÃÔổằ ÃÔố õốĩ ÃÔổ ẩÔổầá ĩÂUé ạộĩố óộĐỹ ỉổ ỗếổ SUốÃÔU-õốĩU ÃÔố ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂUé (ii) ÃÔòU ởDU U U ỗẻỹổổộõổU ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ ởDU èổ ýụ ÃÔố õÂỉổ ÃÔụ ƠUố èUó ủÃÔ ÃÔU ĩÂU ỗÃÔ ỉ ờU óủÂUé ẻụỏờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗì ởDU/ý ÃÔì óụ ỉổ ẻộếổUổ Ơổ ằỉ óụ ỉổ õốỗUỉĩU ì óụ Ơổỹè ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔố ổộỗUờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂU èổ âõố õìỉ âõ ĩUừUổÃÔU âõÃÔ Sổ U ẻờõUố õóố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ĩ ĩÂé U ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ƠổÃÔụ ổĂ ỗìU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé âõÃÔ ếổẻ èụ ƠổÃÔố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ òổõ ĩố ổỉằố ƠừU óố ƠổÃÔụ ƠỗèỗUQÔ õìỉ ỗẻỉổ ổỉằổé (iii) Đõ ổĂ ÃÔ ếổẻ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔổ ếU OMR ổÃÔ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔÂU ƠUừU OMR ổÃÔ ÃÔổ ếU Đõ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔU ẻÂé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ỗĩ ổU âổU ỗòÃÔậ (1), (2), (3) èổ (4) ỗẻỉ ằỉ óủÂé ƠổÃÔụ õóố âổU ÃÔ òởổ ÃÔụ õ ệUÃÔU ÃÔổĩổ ÃÔUổ óủ ủõổ ỗÃÔ ố ỗẻạổỉổ ằỉổ óủé âẻổóUổ ẹ ếỗÃÔ (3) õóố âổU óủé ýổ ÃÔ âổU ÃÔòĩ ý ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ OMRU ổÃÔ U óố ƠỗÃÔè ÃÔU óủé ỉỗẻ Ơổ OMRU ổÃÔ U ỗẻỉ ằỉ òởổ ÃÔ Ơĩổòổ ỗÃÔõố Ơỉ Sổ U âổU ỗóổÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ, èụ âõÃÔổ ìờậUỉổÂÃÔ óố óụằổé ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗẻỹổụ ÃÔụ ỉổờòỹÃÔ ẫáÂUé ÃÔổổ ÃÔổì (Rough Work) Đõ ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ Ơỗèì ởDU U ÃÔÂUé ỉỗẻ Ơổ OMR ổÃÔ U ỗỉè Sổ ÃÔ Ơĩổòổ Ơổ ổì, Uổĩ ếU, ẩÔổ ếU ỉổ ÃÔổĐỹ ệố õổ ỗq ỗõõ ƠổÃÔố óổ óổ õÃÔ, ƠỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ Ơòổ Ơệẻý ệổỏổ ÃÔổ ýỉổằ ÃÔUè óủ, ỉổ ÃÔổĐỹ Ơỉ Ơộỗè õổẽ ÃÔổ ýỉổằ ÃÔUè óủ, ủõ ỗÃÔ ƠỗÃÔè ỗÃÔỉ ằỉ âổU ÃÔổ ỗìUổổ ỉổ õẩÔẻ Sỉổóố õ ếẻĩổ èổ Uốổổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ Ơỉổỉ ổổỗỏè ỗÃÔỉ ổ õÃÔè óủé ƠổÃÔụ Uốổổ õìổ# óụ ÔU ìờĩ OMR ổÃÔ ỗUốổÃÔ ìóụẻỉ ÃÔụ ĩUừUổổ ƠổòỉÃÔ óủ ƠừU Uốổổ õìổỗ# ÃÔ ếổẻ âõ Ơ õổ Uốổổ ệò õ ếổóU ĩÃÔU ổỉÂé óổĩổỗÃÔ Ơổ Uốổổ õìổỗ# U ìờĩ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ èổ OMR ổÃÔ ÃÔố ầộUĩốÃÔU ýỗè Ơ õổ ĩ ổ õÃÔè óủé 10 ÃÔòĩ ốĩ/ÃÔổĩ ếổĩU òổĐZU ÃÔổ óố ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔÂUé 11 ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ õÂằổÃÔ (ÃủÔĩÃộÔĩUU) Uỉổ ĩổằ Uếĩ Ơổỗẻ ÃÔổ ýỉụằ òỗỹè óủé 12 ằĩè âổUổ ÃÔ ỗĩ ÃÔổĐỹ ÃÔổUổìÃÔ ƠÃÔ óố óủé 13 ỉỗẻ Ơằýố ỉổ ỗóẻố ỗòòUổ ì ÃÔổĐỹ ỗòõằỗè óổ, èổ Ơằýố ỗòòUổ Ơỗèì ìổổ ổằổé P.T.O SOCIAL WORK PAPER - II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each All questions are compulsory is the first step in understanding and intervening in interaction pattern (1) Communication (2) Sensitization (3) Mobilization (4) Confidentiality The progressive transaction between caseworker and the client is component (1) (2) Problem (3) Place (4) Process NDRF (in India) stands for (1) National Disaster Relief Fund (2) National Disaster Response Force (3) National Disaster Research Forum (4) National Disaster Resettlement Foundation Ability to understand anothers need and circumstances is (1) Negotiation (2) Advocacy (3) Co-operation (4) Empathy Which of the following Act restrict and regulates the de-reservation of forests ? (1) (3) Person The Environment Act The Forest Conservation Act (2) (4) The Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act The Indian Forest Act therapy depends upon a theory of inner conflict (1) Psycho social (2) Psycho dynamic (3) Behavioural (4) Social cognitive Child labour in any form is prohibited under which article of the Indian constitution ? (1) Article 22 (2) Article 23 (3) Article 24 (4) Article 25 J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II õìổÃÔổỉỹ ýổ - II ỗẻỹổ ẹ Đõ ýổ ì ổõ (50) ếóộ-ỗòÃÔậUốỉ ý óủé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ẻụ (2) ƠÂÃÔ óủé õệố ý Ơỗòổỉỹ óủé ƠèUỗÃýÔỉổ ýỗèìổ ÃÔổ õìổ ƠổủU óSèổ ÃÔU ì óĩổ ÃÔẻì óủé (1) õổU (2) õòẻốÃÔUổ (3) õổU (ằỗèìổ ếổổ) (4) ằổốỉèổ ÃÔõ ƠỉỉÃÔèổỹ ƠổủU õòổốỹ ÃÔ ếố ýằổìố õổĩ ÃÔóĩổèổ óủé (1) ỉỗè (2) õìSỉổ (3) Sổ (4) ýỗÃýÔỉổ NDRF (ệổUè (1) (2) (3) (4) ì) ýèốÃÔ óủ ẹ ổĩ ỗầ$ổSUU ỗUĩốẩÔ ẩÔầU ÃÔổ ổĩ ỗầU$ổSUU USổũõ ẩÔổõỹ ÃÔổ ộUĩ ỗầU$ổSUU ỗUõỹ ẩÔổUì ÃÔổ ổĩ ỗầU$ổSUU UốõủUĩìU ẩÔổâầUổ ÃÔổ ỗÃÔõố ẻờõU ÃÔố ƠổòỉÃÔèổƠổ ƠổủU ỗUỗSỗèỉổ ÃÔổ õìổ ÃÔố ỉổỉèổ ÃÔóĩổèố óủ é (1) õỗẽòổèổỹ (2) ổ - õìỹ (3) õóỉổằ (4) èẻộệờỗè ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ Ơỗẽỗỉì òổ ÃÔ ỗò-ƠUổổ ÃÔổ õốỗìè ƠổủU ỗòỗỉỗìè ÃÔUèổ óủ? (1) ỉổỹòUổ Ơỗẽỗỉì (2) ổộƠổ ÃÔ ýỗè ÃýờÔUèổ ỗòổUổ Ơỗẽỗỉì (3) ò õUổổ Ơỗẽỗỉì (4) ệổUèốỉ ò Ơổỗẽỗỉì (1) (3) ỗỗÃÔõổ Ơèẹõổỏỹ ỗõhổè U ƠổẽổỗUè óủé ìổõổìổỗÃÔ (2) ìổằỉổìÃÔ ỉòóổUUÃÔ (4) õìổ õổổổìÃÔ ệổUèốỉ õỗòẽổ ÃÔ ỗÃÔõ ƠộUẻ ÃÔ èóè ếổĩổì ỗÃÔõố ệố MÔ ì ỗỗỏh óủ? (1) ƠộUẻ 22 (2) ƠộUẻ 23 (3) ƠộUẻ 24 (4) ƠộUẻ 25 J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II In the historical precedents of professional social work, Jane Addams is best associated with (1) Charity organisation society (2) The poor laws (3) Settlement movement (4) Country councils Which is not a core aspect of field work programme in social work Education ? (i) Learning by doing (ii) Educationally planned (iii) Programme of Investigation (iv) Handing out solutions of problems Codes : (1) 10 11 12 13 14 (i) only (2) (ii) only (3) (i) and (ii) only (4) (iii) and (iv) only Which of the following can not be said to be closely associated with therapeutic intervention of psycho analytic theory of social work practice (1) Free Association (2) Transference (3) Counter Transference (4) Environmental Influences The concept of Phenomenal Field is best associated with : (1) Carl Rogers (2) Carl Jung (3) G W Allport (4) Kurt Lewin involves keeping certain impulses out of awareness by replacing the unwanted impulse with its opposite : (1) Regression (2) Isolation (3) Projection (4) Reaction Formatrion If a person is trying to make up for what he or she perceives as deficits or deficiencies; which of the defence mechanism he/she is using in doing so ? (1) Asceticism (2) Denial (3) Compensation (4) Projection is a disturbance that occurs between a person and environment and involves the denial of differences and an unrealistic focus on similarities (1) Confluence (2) Introjection (3) Projection (4) Retroflection J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ỗèóổỗõÃÔ ờòổỹẻổóUổổ ì ầUõ ÃÔổ ổì õếõ ỉổẻổ ộầáổ óộƠổ óủé (1) ủỗUUố ƠổũằỹổĐ$ổ õổõổĐUố õ (2) ẻ ộƠU ĩổũ$ õ (3) õủUĩìU ìờòìU õ (4) ÃÔỵUố ÃÔổâỗõậõ õ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ỗổổổ ì ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ ổổÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổỉỹÃýÔì ÃÔổ ìờĩ óĩờ óố óủ? (i) ÃÔUÃÔ õốạổ (ii) ổủỗổÃÔ ẻởỗcU õ ỗỉổỗè (iii) Ơòỏổ ÃÔổỉỹÃýÔì (iv) õìSỉổƠổ ÃÔổ óĩ ẻổ ÃờÔU ẹ (1) ÃÔòĩ (i) (2) ÃÔòĩ (ii) (3) ÃÔòĩ (i) ƠổủU (ii) (4) ÃÔòĩ (iii) ƠổủU (iv) 10 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ò ỉòóổU ÃÔ ìổỗòĩỏổổìÃÔ ỗõhổè ÃÔ ỗỗÃÔõốỉ óSèổ õ ẽỗcặU MÔ õ ộầáổ óố ÃÔóổ ổ õÃÔèổé (1) ìộè õổóỉỹ (2) õÃýÔìổ (3) ýỗè - õÃýÔìổ (4) ỗUòổằè ýệổò 11 õổòởỗèÃÔ ổổ ÃÔố ẽổUổ õếh óủ ẹ (1) ÃÔổĩỹ Uổằõỹ õ (3) ố ầUĩờ ƠổĩổỹU õ (2) (4) ÃÔổĩỹ ỉộằ õ ÃộÔỹU ĩỗò õ ì ỉó ỗỗóè óủ ỗÃÔ ÃộÔU Ơổòằổ ÃÔổ, ƠòổỗUè Ơổòằ ÃÔ Sổ U âõÃÔổ ỗòUổẽố Ơòằ ĩổÃÔU, Ơỗìổèổ - ổổ õ ếổóU Uạổ ổé (1) ýỗèằì (2) Ơĩằổò (3) ýổổ (4) ýỗèỗÃýÔỉổ ỗìổỹổ 12 13 ỉỗẻ ÃÔổĐỹ ỉỗè ỗÃÔõố ÃÔổ ổổUổ ỉổ ÃÔìố ÃÔ MÔ ì ẻạèổ óủ âõÃÔổ ỉỗẻ òó ờUổ ÃÔU ÃÔố ÃÔổỗổổ ÃÔUèổ óủ èổ òó ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõố õộUổổ ỉộỗè ÃÔổ ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔUằổ? (1) òủUổỉ (2) ĐÃÔổU (3) ổỗèờỗèỹ (4) ýổổ 14 ÃÔ õổ ỗòổổệ óủ ổ ỉỗè ƠổủU ỗUòổ ÃÔ ếố ổỗUè óổèổ óủ; Đõì ƠõìổèổƠổ ÃÔổ ÃÔổUổ ổèổ óủ èổ õìổèổƠổ U õổ ếĩ óổèổ óủ ỗõÃÔ ốU ỉổỹ ÃÔổ ƠổẽổU óố óổèổé (1) õýòổó (2) Ơèẹổổ (3) ýổổ (4) ýỗèòcU J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II 15 16 is a disturbance of contact that describes the process during which individuals to themselves what they would like to to someone else or to have someone else to them (1) Confluence (2) Introjection (3) Projection (4) Retroflection Which one of the following drugs is derived from opium ? (i) Heroin (ii) Morphine (iii) Methadone (iv) Nicotine Codes : 17 18 19 20 21 (1) (i) and (ii) only (2) (iii) and (iv) only (3) (i) only (4) (i) and (iv) only According to Kelman which one of the processes is responsible for short term change in attitude : (1) Compliance (2) Identification (3) Internalisation (4) Assimilation The concepts of habitat and niche are particularly used for understanding the impact on clients behavior in which of the social work practice models /theories ? (1) Gestalt theory (2) Life model (3) Systems theory (4) problem solving theory Which among the following is the main exponents of differential association theory ? (1) Edwin H Sutherland (2) Donald R Cressey (3) Jeremy Bentham (4) John Fischer Which one of the following is a type of dream mechanism ? (1) Sublimation (2) Symbolisation (3) Rationalisation (4) Repression is the study and review of past operating experience (1) Recording (2) Accountability (3) Monitoring (4) Evaluation J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II 15 16 ÃÔ õÃỹÔằè ỗòổổệ óủ ổ ÃÔ õố ýỗÃýÔỉổ ÃÔ ếổU ì ếèổèổ óủ ỗõì ỉỗè Ơ õổ õổ ỉòóổU ÃÔUè óủ ủõổ ò ẻờõUổ ÃÔ õổ ÃÔUổ ổóằ ỉổ ẻờõUổ mổUổ Ơ õổ ÃÔUổổ ổóằé (1) õýòổó (2) Ơèẹổổ (3) ýổổ (4) ýỗèòcU ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõố ầỵUằ ƠẩÔốì õ ỗÃÔổĩố ổèố óủ? (i) ỗóUổĐ (ii) ìổũẩÔốỹ (iii) ìủổầUổ (iv) ỗÃÔổUố ÃờÔU ẹ 17 18 19 20 21 (1) ÃÔòĩ (i) ƠổủU (ii) (2) ÃÔòĩ (iii) ƠổủU (iv) (3) ÃÔòĩ (i) (4) ÃÔòĩ (i) ƠổủU (iv) ÃÔĩìủ ÃÔ ƠộõổU ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõố ýỗÃýÔỉổ Ơậổòỗẽ ỗUòèỹ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗìẻổUU óủ? (1) õýòổó (2) èổẻổìốÃÔUổ (3) ƠổỉèUốÃÔUổ (4) ƠổìõổÃÔUổ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ỉòóổU ÃÔ ìổũầUĩổ/ỗõhổèổ ì õ ỗÃÔõì Ơổòổõ ƠổủU ÃÔìỹSĩ (ỗổ)ÃÔố ƠòẽổUổổƠổ ÃÔổ õòổốỹ ÃÔ ỉòóổU U ầá òổĩ ýệổò ÃÔổ õìổ ì ỗòổỏ MÔ õ âỉổằ ỗÃÔỉổ ổèổ óủ? (1) ằSUổậU ỗõhổè (2) ốò ìổũầUĩ (3) ỗõSUì ổUố (4) õìSỉổ - õìổẽổ ỗõhổè ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ỗòệẻÃÔ õóỉỹ ỗõhổè ÃÔổ ýìộạ ýỗèổẻÃÔ óủ? (1) ầUỗò õẻUĩủầU (2) ầUổủậầU ƠổU ÃýÔõố (3) Uìố ếì (4) ổũ ỗẩÔổU ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ Sò - ỉộỗè ÃÔổ ýÃÔổU óủ? (1) âẻổèốÃÔUổ (2) ýèốÃÔốÃÔUổ (3) Ơổủỗỉ - Sổ (4) ẻì Ơèốè ÃÔ ỗÃýÔỉổổốĩ Ơộệò ÃÔổ Ơỉỉ ƠổủU õìốổổ óủé (1) Ơỗệĩạ (2) òổếẻóố (3) ỗUòốổổ (4) ìờậỉổÃÔ J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II 22 23 The source of data collected in the field by the researcher is called (1) Primary source (2) Secondary source (3) Tertiary source (4) None of the above The type of pre-experiment design includes : (a) On -spot case study (b) On group pretest- post-test design (c) Quasi-experimental design (d) Post-test comparision group design Codes : 24 25 26 27 (1) (b) only (2) (a), (b), (c) (3) (a), (b), (d) (4) (b), (c), (d) A passive leader is a/an : (1) Democratic leaders (2) Prophet (3) Autocratic leaders (4) Laisser - faire leaders Which one of the following is not the main function of a leader ? (1) Leader as expert (2) Leader as planning (3) Leader as mediator (4) Leader as symbol of glory According to Reinforcement Theory the strong base of interpersonal attraction has been : (1) Reward (2) Punishment (3) Secondary reward (4) Secondary punishment While utilising general systems theory in social work practice, the social workers should be aware of which of the following environments ? (i) The actual environment (ii) The environment as perceived by the client (iii) The environment as perceived by the practitioner (iv) The early - childhood environment Codes : (1) J-1015 (i) only !J-1015-PAPER-II! (2) (iv) only (3) (i), (ii) only (4) (i), (ii), (iii) only Paper-II 22 23 ổổẽÃÔèổỹ ổổ õ ổ ầUUổ ĐÃÔữUặUổ ÃÔUèổ óủ òó (1) ýổỗìÃÔ dổè (3) èởèốỉÃÔ dổè ýổÃữÔ - ýỉổằ ỗÃÔSì ÃÔ ỗầU$ổĐỹ ì ổổỗìĩ óủ ẹ (a) èÃÔổĩ ÃÔõ Ơỉỉ (c) Ơẽỹ-ýổỉổỗằÃÔ ỗầU$ổĐỹ ÃờÔU ẹ (1) ÃÔòĩ (b) (3) 24 (a), (b), (d) ÃÔ ỗỗcÃýÔỉ èổ óủ ẹ (1) ĩổÃÔèổỗổÃÔ èổ (3) ÃÔỗUìổĐỹ èổ ÃÔóĩổèổ (2) (4) óủé ỗmèốỉÃÔ dổè âỉỹộè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố (d) õìờó ờòỹ-UốUổổ-âổU Uốổổ ỗầU$ổĐ âổU-Uốổổ õổỉ õìờó ỗầU$ổĐỹ (2) (a), (b), (c) (4) (b), (c), (d) (2) Âđ»´ÕÚU ¥ãSÌÿỉð - õìỹÃÔ èổ (b) (4) 25 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ èổ ÃÔổ ìộạ ýÃÔổỉỹ óố óủ? (1) ỗòổỏổ ÃÔ MÔ ì èổ (2) ƠổỉổÃÔ ÃÔ MÔ ì èổ (3) ìỉS ÃÔ MÔ ì èổ (4) õìờó ÃÔ ýèốÃÔ ÃÔ MÔ ì èổ 26 ýếĩốÃÔUổ ỗõhổè ÃÔ ƠộõổU, Ơèòủỹỉỗè ƠổÃÔỏỹổ ÃÔổ ýìộạ ƠổÃÔỏỹÃÔ Uóổ óủ ẹ (1) ộUSÃÔổU (2) ẻầU (3) ằổủổ ộUSÃÔổU (4) ằổủổ ẻầU 27 õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ ỉòóổU ì õổìổỉ èổ ỗõhổè ÃÔổ ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔUè õìỉ, õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔìốỹ ÃÔổ ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ỗÃÔõ ỗUòổ ÃÔố ổÃÔổUố óổố ổỗó? (i) òổSèỗòÃÔ ỗUòổ (ii) õòổốỹ mổUổ Ơộệờè ỗUòổ (iii) ÃÔèổỹ mổUổ Ơộệờè ỗUòổ (iv) ƠổUỗệÃÔ ế ÃÔổ ỗUòổ ÃờÔU ẹ (1) ÃÔòĩ (i) (2) ÃÔòĩ (iv) (3) ÃÔòĩ (i) ƠổủU (ii) (4) ÃÔòĩ (i), (ii) ƠổủU (iii) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! Paper-II 28 is the potency of goals and objects in the life span of group (1) 29 30 31 33 (2) Consensus (3) Power (4) Valence The process not needed in experimental research is : (1) Manipulation and replication (2) Participant observation (3) Controlling (4) Reference collection The method that bring about desirable changes in the defective system for ensuring social progress is (1) Social Group Work (2) Community Organisation (3) Social Action (4) Social Work Research Community is a social group with some degree of we feeling and living in a given area are the words of _ (1) 32 Cohesion Bogardus (2) Ogburn (3) Bertrand (4) Tonnies PTSD stands for (1) Pre Transmit Stress Disorder (2) Post Transmit Stress Disorder (3) Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder (4) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Match the List - I with List - II and select the correct answers from the codes given List - I List - II (a) Classical conditioning (i) Pavlov (b) GOMS model (ii) Skinner (c) Operant conditioning (iii) Newell (d) Social learning theory (iv) Bandura Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (4) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 10 Paper-II 28 ỗÃÔõố õổìổỗÃÔ õìờó ÃÔ ốòỉổố ĩỉ ƠổủU âgỉ óủé õộõằỗè (2) õòỹõìỗè (3) ổỗè (1) (4) õỉổ - ổìèổ 29 ýỉổằổìÃÔ ổổẽ ì ỗÃÔõ ýỗÃýÔỉổ ÃÔố ƠổòỉÃÔèổ óố óủ? (1) ỗUổĩ ƠổủU ộUổòởỗổ (2) ệổằốẻổUố ỉỹòổổ (3) ỗỉổổ (4) õẻệỹ õÃÔĩ 30 ẻổỏờổỹ ỉòSổ ì õổìổỗÃÔ ỗòÃÔổõ ÃÔổ õộỗè ÃÔU ÃÔ ỗĩ hỗè òổUốỉ ỗUòèỹ ĩổèố óủ òó ÃÔóĩổèố óủ é (1) õổìổỗÃÔ õìờó ÃÔổỉỹ (2) õìộẻổỗỉÃÔ - õằặU (3) õổìổỗÃÔ ỗÃýÔỉổ (4) õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ổổẽ 31 ềềõìộẻổỉ õổ õổìổỗÃÔ õìờó óủ ỗõì ÃÔ óẻ èÃÔ ềóì ệổòổể óổèố óủ ƠổủU ổ ÃÔ ỗỗè ổổ ì Uóè óủểể - ỉ ổẻ óủ _ÃÔ (1) ếổằổầUỹõ (2) Ơổũằếỹ (3) ếUỵUầU (4) Uổũố$ 32 PTSD ýèốÃÔ (1) (3) 33 óủ ẹ ýố ỵUổõỗìU SỵUõ ỗầUõƠổũầỹUU ÃÔổ ýố ỵUổũìủỗUÃÔ SỵUõ ỗầUõƠổũầỹUU ÃÔổ (2) (4) ổSU ỵUổõỗìU SỵUõ ỗầUõƠổũầỹUU ÃÔổ ổSU ỵUổũìủUÃÔ SỵUõ ỗầUõƠổũầỹUU ÃÔổ õờố-I ƠổủU õờố-II ÃÔổ õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗ ƠổủU âÃÔ ố ỗẻ ằ ÃờÔUổ ì õ õóố ÃờÔU ÃÔổ ỉ ÃÔốỗ ẹ õờố - II õờố - I (i) ổòĩổò (a) ĩổỗõÃÔố ƠộÃờÔĩ (b) GOMS ìổũầUĩ (ii) ỗSÃÔU (c) ỗÃýÔỉổýõờè ƠộÃờÔĩ (iii) òủĩ (d) õổìổỗÃÔ Ơỗẽằì ỗõhổè (iv) ếầờUUổ ÃờÔU ẹ (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (4) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 11 Paper-II 34 Match the items List - I (a) WHO (b) ECOSOC (c) UNESCO (d) FAO codes : (a) (b) (1) (ii) (i) (2) (iii) (i) (3) (i) (ii) (4) (iv) (iii) in List - I with List - II and choose the correct code given below : List - II (i) New York (ii) Rome (iii) Geneva (iv) Paris (c) (iii) (iv) (iii) (i) (d) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) 35 Match the characteristic of organisational structure as given in List - I with the corresponding type of organisational structure given in List - II List - I List - II (Characteristics of organisational (Types of organisational structure) structure) (a) Voluntary Interaction (i) Mechanistic (b) Pyramid Shaped (ii) Informal (c) Wide Spans (iii) Verticle (d) Closed Control (iv) Organic Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) (4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) 36 Match List - I with List - II : List - I (Theory) (a) Psycho Analytic Theory (b) Ego Psychology (c) Psycho-Social Theory (d) Problem Solving Theory Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 12 List - II (Name of the theories) H-H- Perlman Began Sigmund Freud Anna Freud Paper-II 34 âê¿è - I °ß´ âê¿è - II ÃÔ ìẻổ ÃÔổ õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗ ƠổủU âÃÔ ố ỗẻ ằ ÃờÔổ ì õ õóố ÃờÔU ÃÔổ ỉ ÃÔốỗé õờố - I õờố - II ỉờỉổũÃỹÔ (a) WHO (i) (b) ECOSOC (ii) Uổì (c) UNESCO (iii) òổ (d) FAO (iv) ỗUõ ÃờÔU ẹ (1) (2) (3) (4) 35 (b) (i) (i) (ii) (iii) (c) (iii) (iv) (iii) (i) (d) (iv) (ii) (iv) (iv) õờố - I ì ỗẻ ằ õằặUổìÃÔ ẫáổĂ ÃÔố ỗòổỏèổ ÃÔổ õờố - II ì ỗẻ ằ õằặUổìÃÔ ẫáổĂ õ õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗé õờố - I õờố - II (õằặUổìÃÔ ẫáổĂ ÃÔố ỗòổỏèổĂ) (õằặUổìÃÔ ẫáổĂ ÃÔổ ýÃÔổU) (a) SòủỗUÃÔ ƠỉổỉỗÃýÔỉổ (i) ỉổỗổÃÔèổòổẻố (b) ỗUổỗìầU ƠổÃÔổUòổĩổ (ii) ƠổủổỗUÃÔ (c) ỉổÃÔ ỗòSèởỗè (iii) êÔ:òổỹẽU (d) õỉè ỗỉổổ (iv) Ơòỉòố ÃờÔU ẹ (1) (2) (3) (4) 36 (a) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (a) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (b) (iii) (ii) (i) (ii) (c) (iv) (i) (iv) (iv) (d) (ii) (iii) (iii) (i) õờố - I ÃÔổ õờố - II õ õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗé õờố - I (ỗõhổè) (a) ìổỗòĩỏổ ỗõhổè (b) Ơóìữ ìổỗòổổ (c) ìổõổìổỗÃÔ ỗõhổè (d) õìSỉổ-õìổẽổ ỗõhổè ÃờÔU ẹ (1) (2) (3) (4) J-1015 (a) (i) (iii) (i) (ii) (b) (ii) (iv) (ii) (i) (c) (iv) (ii) (iii) (iii) !J-1015-PAPER-II! (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) õờố - II (ỗõhổèÃÔổU ÃÔổ ổì) . ĩỹìủ ếốằủ ỗõằìầU ẩýÔổỉầU Ơổ ẩýÔổỉầU (d) (iii) (i) (iv) (iv) 13 Paper-II 37 Match the following movements in List - I with the corresponding area of focus in the List - II : List - I List - II (a) Chipko Movement (i) System change (b) Narmada Bachao Andolan (ii) Rehabilitation (c) Operation Mitra (iii) Disaster relief (d) Naxal bari Movement (iv) Deforestation Codes : 38 (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Match the following meanings in List - I with the corresponding concepts in List - II : List - I List - II (Meaning of concepts) (a) (concepts) Time-bound package of (i) A theory (ii) An activity (iii) Project (iv) Skill inter-related activities (b) Facts are assembled, ordered and seen in relationship (c) Capacity to apply knowledge and understanding to a given situation (d) Activity conducted in a fixed period Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 14 Paper-II 37 õờố - I ì ỗẻ ằ Ơổẻổĩổ ÃÔổ õờố - II ì ỗẻ ằ ỗòỏỉ ổổ õ õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗé õờố - I õờố - II (a) ỗÃÔổ Ơổẻổĩ (i) ỉòSổ ỗUòèỹ (b) ìỹẻổ ếổƠổ Ơổẻổĩ (ii) ộòổỹõ (c) ƠổũUổ ềỗìổể (iii) Ơổẻổ õóổỉèổ (d) õĩếổầáố Ơổẻổĩ (iv) ỗòỹốÃÔUổ ÃờÔU ẹ 38 (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) âê¿è - I ì ỗẻ ằ Ơỹ ÃÔổ õờố - II ẻố ằĐỹ ƠòẽổUổổ õ õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗé õờố - I õờố - II (ƠòẽổUổổƠổ ÃÔổ Ơỹ) (ƠòẽổUổổĂ) (a) USU õếh ằỗèỗòỗẽỉổ ÃÔổ õìỉếh ủÃÔ (i) ÃÔ ỗõhổè (b) èỉổ ÃÔổ õếhèổ ì ÃÔổ, ỉòỗSè ƠổủU ẻạổ (ii) ÃÔ ỗÃýÔỉổ (iii) ỗUỉổổ (iv) ÃÔổủổĩ ổèổ óủ (c) ỗÃÔõố ẻổ ỗSỗè ì ổổ ƠổủU õìổ ÃÔổ ĩổằờ ÃÔU ÃÔố ổìèổ (d) ÃÔ õộỗỗè Ơòỗẽ ì ÃÔố ằĐỹ ỗằỗèỗòẽố ÃờÔU ẹ (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 15 Paper-II 39 Match List - I with List - II : List - I List - II (a) Cognitive social work (i) Soren kierkegaard (b) Existential social work (ii) Robert sunley (c) Radical social work (iii) Gold stein (d) Medical social work (iv) Cas Codes : 40 41 (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) (3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) Identify the correct chronological sequence : (1) Arya samaj, Atmiya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, Arya Mahila Samaj (2) Brahmo Samaj, Atmiya Samaj, Arya Samaj, Arya Mahila Samaj (3) Atmiya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Arya Mahila Samaj (4) Arya Mahila Samaj, Arya Samaj, Atmiya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj Arrange the correct sequences of the analytical process of SPSS : (a) Data access (b) Data management and data preparation (c) Planning (d) Data collection (e) Deployment (f) Data analysis (g) Reporting Codes : (1) (c) (d) (a) (b) (e) (g) (f) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (3) (c) (d) (g) (f) (b) (a) (e) (4) (c) (a) (b) (d) (f) (g) (e) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 16 Paper-II 39 õờố - I ÃÔổ õờố - II õộìỗĩè ÃÔốỗé õờố - I õờố - II (a) õổổổìÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ (i) õổU ÃÔốÃỹÔằổầỹU (b) ƠỗSèòUÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ (ii) UổũếỹU õĩ (c) Ơổìờĩ ỗUòèỹòổẻố õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ (iii) ằổậầUSUố (d) ỗỗÃÔõổ-õếẽố õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ (iv) ÃủÔõ ÃÔổũ ÃờÔU ẹ 40 41 (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) (3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) ỗỗĩỗạè ÃÔổ ÃÔổĩÃýÔì ÃÔ ƠộõổU ỉòỗSè ÃÔốỗé (1) Ơổỉỹ õìổ, Ơổìốỉ õìổ, ếýrổổ õìổ, Ơổỉỹ ìỗóĩổ õìổ (2) ếýrổổ õìổ, Ơổìốỉ õìổ, Ơổỉỹ õìổ, Ơổỉỹ ìỗóĩổ õìổ (3) Ơổìốỉ õìổ, ếýrổổ õìổ, Ơổỉỹ õìổ, Ơổỉỹ ìỗóĩổ õìổ (4) Ơổỉỹ ìỗóĩổ õìổ, Ơổỉỹ õìổ, Ơổìốỉ õìổ, ếýrổổ õìổ S P S S ÃÔố ỗòĩỏổìÃÔ ýỗÃýÔỉổ ÃÔổ õóố ƠộÃýÔì ì ỉòỗSè ÃÔốỗé (a) ầUUổ âổằì (b) ầUUổ ýếẽ èổ ầUUổ âÃýÔì (c) ỗỉổ (d) ầUUổ õằýó (e) ỗUỗỉổ (f) ầUUổ ỗòĩỏổ (g) ýỗèòẻ ÃờÔU ẹ (1) (c) (d) (a) (b) (e) (g) (f) (2) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (3) (c) (d) (g) (f) (b) (a) (e) (4) (c) (a) (b) (d) (f) (g) (e) J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 17 Paper-II 42 Assertion (A) : Men enter into institutionalized pattern of exchange Reason (R) : The pattern helps to satisfy their economic needs Codes : 43 (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (3) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (4) (A) is correct and (R) is false Assertion (A) : Substance abuse is a condition which needs medical help Reason (R) : Medical help is required in situation of infirmity Codes : 44 (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct (2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (3) (A) is true but (R) is false (4) (A) is false but (R) is true Assertion (A) : Conflict free harmonious society is practically impossible Reason (R) : Society requires dishormony for its formation and growth Codes : 45 (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) Both (A) and (R) and not correct (3) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (4) (A) is correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) Assertion (A) : Human Rights are inherent in all beings by virtue of their being human Reason (R) : Human Rights are natural Codes : (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (3) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect (4) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 18 Paper-II 42 ƠỗệÃÔ èÃỹÔ (A) : ĩổằ ỗòỗìỉ ÃÔ õổSổỗÃÔ ủUỹ ì ệổằ ĩè óủé ỉó ủUỹ âÃÔố ƠổỗỹÃÔ ƠổòỉÃÔèổƠổ ÃÔổ ờUổ ÃÔUèổ óủé (R) : ÃờÔU ẹ 43 (1) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ (2) (A) (3) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ (4) (A) õóố ƠỗệÃÔ õóố óủ ƠổủU (R) ,(A) ÃÔổ õóố ScốÃÔUổ óủé ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ õóố óố óủé õóố óủ ƠổủU (R) (A) ÃÔổ õóố ScốÃÔUổ Ùãè´ ãđÐ ãđ ¥ỉđÚU (R) »ÜÌ ãđÐ (A) : Ùàỉð ÃÔổ ẻộLÔỉổằ õố ỗSỗè óủ ỗõì ỗỗÃÔõÃÔốỉ ìẻẻ ÃÔố MÔUè óổèố óủé ếốìổUố ÃÔố óổĩè ì ỗỗÃÔõÃÔốỉ ìẻẻ ÃÔố MÔUè óổèố óủé ÃÔổUổ (R) : ÃờÔU ẹ 44 (1) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ (3) (A) õóố ƠỗệÃÔ èÃỹÔ õóố óủé óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) ằĩè óủé (A) : (2) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ (4) (A) ằĩè õóố óố óủé óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) õóố óủé õổỏỹUỗóè õổìSỉờổỹ õìổ ỉòổóỗUÃÔ MÔ õ Ơõệò óủé õìổÃÔổ Ơ ỗìổỹổ ƠổủU õòởỗh ÃÔ ỗĩ ƠõổìSỉ ÃÔố MÔUè óổèố óủé (R) : ÃờÔU ẹ 45 (1) (A) ¥ỉđÚU (R) ỴỉðÙỉð´ âãè ãđ´ ¥ỉđÚU (2) (A) ¥ỉđÚU (R) ỴỉðÙỉð´ âãè Ùãè´ ãđÐ (3) (A) ¥ỉđÚU (R) ỴỉðÙỉð´ âãè óủ ƠổủU (R) , (A) ÃÔổ õóố SổcUốÃÔUổ óố óủé (4) (A) õóố ƠỗệÃÔ èÃỹÔ (R) , (A) ÃÔổ õóố ScUốÃÔUổ óủé óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) , (A) ÃÔổ õóố ScốÃÔUổ óố óủé (A) : ìổò óổ ÃÔ ổè óU ìổò ì ìổò ƠỗẽÃÔổU Ơèỗỹỗóè óủé ìổò ƠỗẽÃÔổU ủõỗằỹÃÔ óủé (R) : ÃờÔU ẹ (1) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ õóố óủ ƠổủU (2) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ õóố óủ ĩỗÃÔ (3) (A) õóố (4) (A) J-1015 (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố ScUốÃÔUổ óủé (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố ScốÃÔUổ óố óủé óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) ằĩè óủé ằĩè óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) õóố óủé !J-1015-PAPER-II! 19 Paper-II Read the passage of given below and answer the following questions (46-50) as per the understanding the passage : In considering whether there is still a role for a code of ethics in social work, it will be useful to explore briefly what a code of ethics is and what functions it performs The adoption of a code of ethics is often regarded as one of the essential features of a profession Social work is a professional activity Implicit in its practice are ethical principles which prescribe the professional responsibility of the social worker The primary objective of the Code of Ethics is to make these implicit principles explicit for the protection of clients and other members of society Here the rationale for the code of ethics is explicitly linked with the status of social work as a profession The kind of argument as to why professionals in general need a code of ethics would be that they possess a particular knowledge and expertise which they use to help people who have need of this The people who use their services need to be able to trust the professionals both to have sufficient expertise to what they claim to be able to do, and not to deceive or abuse the service user A code of ethics is a public declaration which usually includes statements that members of a profession should ensure that they have relevant and up-to-date skills, that they will not discriminate against clients or service users on grounds of sex, race, and that they should not exploit the user or employ their knowledge for inhumane purposes The codes usually include a statement of the values of the profession, which tend to include variations on respect for person, user self determination, the promotion of social justice and professional integrity This is often followed by short statements of more specific principles such as confidentiality, client participation and anti-discrimination, sometimes with a brief commentary attached Some are quite detailed and provide guidance about how to act in particular types of situation Nevertheless, codes of two to five pages cannot and should not claim to provide guidance about how to act in all the situations social workers are likely to encounter The code for the United States makes this quite clear In itself, this code does not represent a set of rules that will prescribe all the behaviors of social workers in all the complexities of professional life Rather, it offers general principles to guide conduct, and the judicious appraisal of conduct, in situations that have ethical implications It is important to distinguish a code of ethics, which is usually quite a short statement of general ethical principles, from a code of practice, which includes much more detailed guidance about what to in specific situations Although some so-called codes of ethics include much more detailed guidance on, for example, how qualifications should be described, how social workers should advertise, and may also have a disciplinary function The extent to which such codes of ethics guide social workers and protect users is not through detailed and prescriptive rules relating to what a social worker should and should not do, but rather insofar as they function as a kind of professional pledge on the part of the worker to be a certain sort of person (trustworthy, honest, skilled, respectful) In spite of the claims made in the codes of ethics themselves that their main purpose is to guide social workers and protect clients/users, it is important to recognize that they may also fulfil all or some of a number of other functions J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 20 Paper-II ỗổỗĩỗạè ằlổổ ÃÔổ ỗẫáỉ èổ ằlổổ ÃÔ Ơè ì ỗẻỉ ằ ýổ (46 - 50) ÃÔổ Ơố õìổ ÃÔ ƠổẽổU U âổU ẻốỗé õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ì ƠổổU õỗóèổ ÃÔố ÃÔổĐỹ ệờỗìÃÔổ óủ, ĐõU ỗòổU ÃÔUè õìỉ ỉó ổổ âỉổằố óổằổ ỗÃÔ ƠổổU õỗóèổ ỉổ óủ ƠổủU òó ỉổ ÃÔổỉỹ õổỗẻè ÃÔUèố óủé ỗÃÔõố ềỉòõổỉể ì ỗÃÔõố ạổõ ƠổổU õỗóèổ ÃÔổ Ơổổ âõÃÔố ýìộạ ỗòổỏèổƠổ ì ìổổ ổèổ óủé õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ ằỗèỗòỗẽ óủé Đõì ÃộÔU õ ƠổổU ỗõhổè Ơèỗỹỗóè óủ ổ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ ÃÔố ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ ỗìòổỗUỉổ ÃÔổ ỗẽổỹỗUè ÃÔUè óủé ƠổổU õỗóèổ ÃÔổ ìờĩ âgỉ ỉó óủ ỗÃÔ òó Đ Ơèỗỹỗóè ỗõhổèổ ÃÔổ õòổỗỹỉổ èổ õìổ ÃÔ Ơỉ õẻSỉổ ÃÔố õộUổổ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỉổ ÃÔUé ỉóổĂ ƠổổU õỗóèổ ÃÔổ ổ ìờĩổẽổU óủ âõ, ÃÔ ềỉòõổỉể ÃÔ MÔ ì, õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔố ỗSỗè õ ScU èổủU U ổầáổ ằỉổ óủé ỉổòõổỗỉƠổ ỉổ ổòU ĩổằổ ÃÔổ õổìổỉèẹ ƠổổU õỗóèổ ÃÔố MÔUè ỉổ óủ, ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ỗõ èUó ÃÔổ èÃỹÔ ỗẻỉổ ổằổ òó ỉó óổằổ ỗÃÔ âóổ ÃÔ ạổõ èUó ÃÔố ổÃÔổUố ƠổủU ỗòổỏổèổ óổỗõĩ ÃÔố óủ ỗõÃÔổ ò â ĩổằổ ÃÔố ìẻẻ ÃÔ ỗĩ âỉổằ ÃÔUè óủ ỗõÃÔố âó MÔUè óủé ổ ĩổằ âÃÔố õòổƠổ ÃÔổ âỉổằ ÃÔUè óủ âó ỉó ỗòòổõ óổổ ổỗó ỗÃÔ ÃÔ èổ âóổ ổ ÃộÔU ÃÔU ÃÔổ ẻổòổ ỗÃÔỉổ óủ âõ ÃÔU ÃÔố âÃÔ ổõ ỉổỹè ỗòổỏổèổ óủ; ƠổủU õổ óố, ò âõ õòổ ÃÔổ âỉổằ ÃÔUòổĩ ÃÔổ ẽổạổ óố ẻằ, Ơòổ Ơố ỗSỗè ÃÔổ ẻộLÔỉổằ óố ÃÔUằé ƠổổU õỗóèổ ÃÔ ýÃÔổU ÃÔố õổòỹỗÃÔ ổổỏổổ óủ ỗõì ýổỉẹ õ ÃÔ ổổỗìĩ óổè óủ ổ ỗÃÔõố ổòU ÃÔổ ỉó ỗòòổõ ỗẻĩổ õÃÔ ỗÃÔ âÃÔ ổõ õ ýổõỗằÃÔ ƠổủU ƠổẽộỗÃÔèì ÃÔổủổĩ óủ ỗÃÔ ò õòổỗỹỉổ ỉổ âõ õòổ ÃÔổ âỉổằ ÃÔUòổĩổ ÃÔ õổ õủõ, ềSĩể Ơổỗẻ ÃÔ ƠổẽổU U ỗÃÔõố ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ ệẻệổò óố ÃÔUằ; õổ óố ò âõ õòổ ÃÔổ âỉổằ ÃÔUòổĩ ÃÔổ ổổỏổ óố ÃÔUằ, Ơ ổổ ÃÔổ Ơìổòốỉ âgỉổ ÃÔ ỗĩ âỉổằ ÃÔUằé Đ õỗóèổƠổ ì, Ơổì èổủU U, ỉòõổỉ ÃÔ õ ìờậỉổ ÃÔổ ÃÔ óổèổ óủ ỗì ềỉỗổỉổ ÃÔ ýỗè õììổ ÃÔố ệổòổể, ềâỉổằÃÔèổỹ ÃÔổ Ơổìỗổỹỉể ềõổìổỗÃÔ-ỉổỉ ÃÔổ ýổõổóể ƠổU ềỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ ĐỹìổẻổUốể - ủõ ìờậỉổ ÃÔổ ổổỗìĩ ÃÔU ÃÔố ƠổU ổộÃÔổò Uóèổ óủé ĐõÃÔ ếổẻ Đõì ÃộÔU ƠỗẽÃÔ ỗòỗổcU ỗõhổèổ, ủõ ằổỗỉổèổ, õòổốỹ ÃÔố õóệổỗằèổ, ệẻệổòỗòUổẽ ÃÔ ếổU ì õỗổổ ÃÔ Uóè óủ ỗÃÔ õổ ÃÔệố-ÃÔệố õỗổổ ỗUỗổỉổĂ ệố Uóèố óủé Đì õ ÃộÔU ỗUỗổỉổĂ èổ ỉổỹổ ỗòSèởè óổèố óủ ƠổủU âõ ỉó ìổằỹẻổỹ ỗìĩèổ óủ ỗÃÔ ÃộÔU ạổõ èUó ÃÔố ỗSỗèỉổ ì óì ÃủÔõ ỉòóổU ÃÔUé ỗẩÔU ệố ẻổ õ ĩÃÔU ổĂ ởcặUổ ÃÔố õỗóèổƠổ ì óì ỉó ẻổòổ óố ÃÔU õÃÔè, óì õổ ẻổòổ ÃÔUổ óố ổỗó ỗÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹƠổ ÃÔ õổì ổ ệố, ỗSỗèỉổĂ Ơổ ÃÔố õệổòổ óổ õÃÔèố óủ â õệố ÃÔ ếổU ì ỗẻổổ-ỗẻỹổ ỗìĩ ổằổé õỉộổ Uổỉ ƠìỗUÃÔổ ÃÔố ổ õỗóèổ óủ âõì Đõ ếổè ÃÔổ ÃÔẻì ScU ÃÔU ỗẻỉổ ằỉổ óủé ỉó õỗóèổ Ơ-Ơổ ì , õ ỗỉìổ ÃÔ õìờó ÃÔổ ýỗèỗỗẽò óố ÃÔUèố ổ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹƠổ ÃÔ õờổỹ ỉòóổU ÃÔổ , âõÃÔ ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ ốò ÃÔố ờUố ỗUĩèổ ÃÔổ õìỗóè ÃÔU ÃÔổ ẻổòổ ÃÔU õÃÔé ếỗậÃÔ òó èổ ƠổUổ ÃÔ ỗẻổổ-ỗẻỹổ ÃÔ ỗĩ, ƠổủU ƠổUổ ÃÔ ỉổỉõằè ìờậỉổÃÔ ÃÔ ỗĩ, õố ỗSèỗỉổ ÃÔ õẻệỹ ì õổìổỉ ỗõhổè ýẻổ ÃÔUèố óủ ỗÃÔ ủỗèÃÔ Ơổổỉ óổ õÃÔè óủé ỉóổĂ ÃÔ ƠổổU-õỗóèổ, ổ Ơổì ủỗèÃÔ ỗõhổèổ ÃÔố õỗổổ ổổỏổổ óủ, ƠổủU ẻờõUố ỉòóổU õỗóèổ, ổ ỗòSèổU õ ỗẻỹổ ýẻổ ÃÔUèố óủ, Đ ẻổổ ì ƠèU SổcU ÃÔUổ MÔUố óủ, ỗõõ ỗòổỏ ỗSỗèỉổ ì èổ ĩ ổ ỗÃÔ ÃÔUổ ỉổ óủé ỉlỗ ÃộÔU èổÃÔỗè ềƠổUổ õỗóèổƠổể ì ÃÔóố ƠỗẽÃÔ ỗòSèởè ỗẻổổỗẻỹổ ổổỗìĩ Uóè óủ, âẻổóUổổỹ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ ỗòổổ ÃủÔõ ÃÔU, âÃÔố ổủổỗổÃÔ ỉổỉèổĂ ỉổ óổ? õổ óố, âÃÔổ ÃộÔU ƠộổổõổìÃÔ ýÃÔổỉỹ ệố óổ õÃÔèổ óủé ỗõ õốìổ èÃÔ ỉ ƠổổUõỗóèổĂ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹƠổ ÃÔổ ìổằỹẻổỹ ƠổủU ýỉổổổƠổ ÃÔố õộUổổ ÃÔUèố óủ, Đèổ ìổổ ỗòSèởè ò ƠổẻổổìÃÔ ỗỉìổ ÃÔ ìổỉì õ õệò óố óủ ỗõõ ỉỗó ỗẽổỹỗUè óổ õÃÔ ỗÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ ỉổ ÃÔU ƠổủU ỉổ ÃÔUé ỉ õỗóèổĂ ÃÔ ýÃÔổU ÃÔố ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ ổổỏổổƠổ ÃÔổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔUèố óủ ỗõõ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ ÃÔ ỗòổỏ ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ ỉỗổ (ỗòòõốỉ, ĐỹìổẻổU, ÃộÔổĩ, ổhổĩộ) ế ổèổ óủé ƠổUổ õỗóèổƠổ ÃÔ Ơ Đ ẻổòổ ÃÔ ếổòờẻ ỗÃÔ âÃÔổ ýìộạ âgỉ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹƠổ ÃÔổ ìổằỹẻổỹ ÃÔUổ ƠổủU õòổỗỹỉổ ÃÔổ õộUổổ ýẻổ ÃÔUổ óủ, ỉóổĂ ỉó õìổổ ìóòờổỹ óủ ỗÃÔ ỉ ƠổổU õỗóèổĂ õổU ỉổ/Ơổủ Ơỉ ÃÔổỉỹ ệố ÃÔU õÃÔèố ãñ´ÐU J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 21 Paper-II 46 47 48 49 50 Why professionals need a code of ethics ? (1) So that they are guided in behaviour and clients are protected (2) So that they may ensure that they have up to date and relevant skills (3) So that they may prescribe all behaviours for clients (4) So that they may offer guidance in general Code of ethics and code of practice are : (1) Dissimilar (2) Similar (3) Related (4) Unrelated Values and principles are related in the following manner : (1) Values arise out of principles (2) Principles arise out of Values (3) Values are synonymous with principles (4) Values and principles are in cyclical relationship The code of ethics helps social workers by : (1) Prescribing rules (2) Informing them of rules (3) Guiding conduct (4) Protecting them The values of the profession as outlined not include : (1) User self determination (2) Respect for persons (3) Discrimination (4) Professional Integrity -o0o- J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 22 Paper-II 46 47 ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔổ ÃÔổ ƠổUổ õỗóèổ ÃÔố MÔUè ỉổ óủ? (1) ỗõì âó ỉòóổU ÃÔ ổổ ì ỗẻổổ-ỗẻỹổ ỗìĩ õÃÔ ƠổủU ỗõõ õòổỗỹỉổ ÃÔổ õộUổổ ỗìĩ õÃÔé (2) ỗõõ ò õộỗỗè óổ õÃÔ ỗÃÔ âÃÔ ổõ ƠổẽộỗÃÔèì ƠổủU ýổõỗằÃÔ ÃÔổủổĩ óủé (3) ỗõõ ò õòổỗỹỉổ ÃÔ õờổỹ ỉòóổU ÃÔổ ỗẽổỹỗUè ÃÔU õÃÔé (4) ỗõõ ò õổìổỉèẹ ỗẻổổ-ỗẻỹổ ẻ õÃÔé ƠổUổ õỗóèổ ƠổủU ỉòóổU õỗóèổ óủ ẹ (1) 48 49 50 Ơõìổ (2) õìổ (3) õếh (4) Ơõổh ìờậỉ èổ ỗõhổè ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ỗÃÔõ MÔ ì õếh óủ? (1) ìờậỉ ỗõhổèổ õ â óổèố óủé (2) ỗõhổè ìờậỉổ õ â óổè óủé (3) ìờậỉ ƠổủU ỗSổhổè õìổổốỹ óủé (4) ìờậỉ ƠổủU ỗõhổè ÃÔ ếố ÃýÔốỉ õếẽ óủé ƠổUổ õỗóèổ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹƠổ ÃÔố õóổỉèổ ÃÔUèố óủ ẹ (1) ỗỉì ỗẽổỹỗUè ÃÔUÃÔé (2) ỗỉìổ ÃÔố ổÃÔổUố ẻÃÔUé (3) ƠổUổ ì ìổằỹẻổỹ ÃÔUÃÔé (4) âÃÔố õộUổổ ÃÔUÃÔé ỉòõổỉ ÃÔ ìờậỉổ ÃÔố ổ MÔUạổ ẻố ằĐỹ óủ âõì ổổỗìĩ óố óủ ẹ (1) ýỉổổổ Ơổì-ỗẽổỹUổ (2) ỉỗổỉổ ÃÔ ýỗè õìổ (3) ỗòệẻ (4) ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ ĐỹìổẻổUố -o0o- J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 23 Paper-II Space For Rough Work J-1015 !J-1015-PAPER-II! 24 Paper-II ... ìổõổìổỗÃÔ (2) ìổằỉổìÃÔ ỉòóổUUÃÔ (4) õìổ õổổổìÃÔ ệổUèốỉ õỗòẽổ ÃÔ ỗÃÔõ ƠộUẻ ÃÔ èóè ếổĩổì ỗÃÔõố ệố MÔ ì ỗỗỏh óủ? (1) ƠộUẻ 22 (2) ƠộUẻ 23 (3) ¥ÙéÀð 24 (4) ¥ÙéÀð 25 J-1015 !J-1015 -PAPER- II! Paper- II... Psycho social (2) Psycho dynamic (3) Behavioural (4) Social cognitive Child labour in any form is prohibited under which article of the Indian constitution ? (1) Article 22 (2) Article 23 (3).. .SOCIAL WORK PAPER - II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each All questions are compulsory is the first