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PAPER-II SOCIAL WORK Signature and Name of Invigilator (Signature) OMR Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Name) Roll No (Signature) (In figures as per admission card) (Name) 10 J Roll No. (In words) Time : /4 hours] [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Instructions for the Candidates Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 ệáỹòừệệÊệệệở ờỳ ìằệ ìđệÔỡỹệ ệặỹằệờ ệộỹ ờỳ ỳệáỹ ìđệệệ Êệệđệ ệáỹ ệđệệ áỹệờằệ đệệáỹ ìằệìĩệ ệ ệẽđệ-ệĂệ ệở ệệệệ ệặóỹìắệỳằệòệ ệẽđệ ặùỹ ệáỹòừệệ ệẽệáỹệ ặỹệờđệờ ệáỹ, ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệệỳệờ Ôờỹ Ôỹò ãệệệờíệò ệặỹằệờ ệệẹệ ìệđệỹ ệệỳệờ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ệÊệệ ệỳò ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ãệệẹệ ờỳ ìằệ ìÔỹệờ ãệệệởíệờ, ìãệệỳò ãệệẹệ ệệỳệờ ắệệ ỳáỹđệò ặợỹ : (i) ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệóìệỳệ ệáỹ ằệíệò ỳệíệãệ ỳò ệòằệ / ệệờìằệÊệòđệ ệợíệ ỳệờ ỳệèỹ ằệở ĩệóằệò ặóỹễ ệệ ìệđệệ ỹòỳáỹ-ệòằệ / ìệđệệ ệệờìằệÊệòđệ ệợíệ ỳò ệóìệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ đệ ỳáởỹ (ii) ỳắệáỹ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỷệờ ìđệÔỡỹệệđệóệệáỹ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ờỳ ệộỹ ệÊệệ ệẽđệệở ỳò ệểĩệệ ỳệờ ỷò ệáỹặỹ ệợỳ ỳáỹ ằệở ìỳ ệờ ệổáờỹ ặùỹ Ôỹệờ ệệổịệễ ệóìệỳệ ìãệđệệở ệộỹ/ệẽđệ ỳệ ặỹệở ệệ Ôóỹệệáỹệ ệ íệệờ ặỹệở ệệ ệòìáỹệằệ ệở đệ ặỹệở Êệệễệậ ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳò Ăệóìỹệổịệễ ệóìệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ đệ ỳáởỹ ệÊệệ ệò ệệệ ệờ ằệệợỹệỳáỹ ệờỳ Êệệđệ ệáỹ Ôổỹệáỹò ệặỹò ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ằệờ ằệở ệờỳ ìằệ ệệỳệờ ệệẹệ ìệđệỹ ìÔỹệờ ãệệệởíệờ ệờỳ ệệÔỹ đệ ệệờ ệệỳò ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ắệệệệ ằệò ãệệệờíệò ệợáỹ đệ ặỹò ệệỳệờ ìệìáỹệ ệệệ ìÔỹệệ ãệệệờíệệ (iii) ệ ãệệẹệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ OMR ệĂệỳ ỳò ẻỳệ ệểĩệệ ệ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệáỹ ểìỳệ ỳáỹ Ôởỹ ệẽệờỳ ệẽđệ ờỳ ìằệ ệệáỹ Âệáỹ ìắệỳằệ (A), (B), (C) ệÊệệ (D) ìÔỹệờ íệệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ờỳ ắệộÂệ ỳệờ ệờđệ ệờ ệáỹỳáỹ ỳệằệệ ỳáỹđệệ ặợỹ ãệợệệ ìỳ đệòệờ ìÔỹĩệệệệ íệệệ ặợỹ Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ : ãệệìỳ (C) ệặỹò Âệáỹ ặợỹ ệẽđệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ ờỳắệằệ ệẽđệ ệĂệ I ờỳ đÔỹáỹ ìÔỹệờ íệệờ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ặỹò ểìỳệ ỳáỹđệờ ặùỹ ệìÔỹ ệệ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ìÔỹệờ íệệờ ắệộÂệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ìỳệò đệ Êệệđệ ệáỹ Âệáỹ ìệđệệểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ệệờ ệỳệ ệổằệệểỳđệ đệặỹ ặỹệờíệệ đÔỹáỹ ìÔỹệờ íệệờ ìđệÔỡỹệệở ỳệờ ơệệđệệổắệễỳ ệèởỹ ỳệệ ỳệệ (Rough Work) ệ ệóìệỳệ ờỳ ìđệệ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỳáởỹ ệìÔỹ ệệ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ìđệệệ Êệệđệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ệđệệ đệệệ, áỹệờằệ đệệáỹ, ỳệờđệ đệệáỹ ệệ ỳệờễ ệò ờệệ ìệđệ ìãệệệờ ệệỳò ệặỹệệđệ ặỹệờ ệờỳ, ểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ Êệắệệ ệƯỹ ệệệệ ỳệ ệẽệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ệệ ỳệờễ đệ đệóìệệ ệệơệđệ ỳệ ệẽệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ệệờ ệáỹòừệệ ờỳ ìằệệờ ệệờíệ ệệờìệệ ìỳệờ ãệệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệệ ặỹệờđệờ ệáỹ ệổằệ OMR ệĂệỳ ìđệáỹòừệỳ ệặỹệờÔỹệ ỳệờ ằệệợỹệđệệ ệắệệỳ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệìệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệờ ệđệờ ệệÊệ ệáỹòừệệ ệắệđệ ệờ ệệặỹáỹ đệ ằệờỳáỹ ãệệệở ặỹệằệệểìỳ ệệ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệìệ ệáỹ OMR ệĂệỳ ỳò óỹằệòờỳỹ ệẽìệ ệđệờ ệệÊệ ằệờ ãệệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ 10 ờỳắệằệ đệòằệờ/ỳệằệờ ệệằệ ắệệếỹ ệờđệ ỳệ ặỹò ệờệệằệ ỳáởỹ 11 ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳệ ệểíệịệỳ (ợỳằệóỳằệờỹáỹ) ệệ ằệệíệ ờỹệằệ ệìÔỹ ỳệ ệẽệệờíệ ắệãệệ ặợỹ 12 íệằệệ Âệáỹệở ờỳ ìằệ ỳệờễ ểỳ ỳệờỹ đệặỹ ãệệẹíệờ … Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal / polythene bag on the booklet Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal / without polythene bag and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item Example : where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the original OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall You are however, allowed to carry duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is no negative marks for incorrect answers J-10-13 P.T.O SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks All questions are compulsory Which Indian state has lowest child sex ratio, from among the following ? (A) Kerala (B) Karnataka (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Punjab Which one of the following is not the professional view of social work ? (A) Client as object (B) Client as citizen (C) Client as recipient (D) Client as resource The tendency to commit crime repeatedly without any sense of repentance is called (A) De facto action (B) Terrorism (C) Return-back (D) Recidivism Which of the following is recognised as decade for Natural Disaster Reduction ? (A) 1980s (B) 1990s (C) 1970s (D) 1960s The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act came into force in the year (A) 1999 (B) 2001 (C) 2005 (D) 2009 Written or visual materials read or viewed primarily for the purpose of sexual pleasure is called (A) Sexual photography (B) Pornography (C) Papers on sex (D) Blue film Paper-II Who introduced the concept of ‘Role Playing’ ? (A) E Durkheim (B) G.H Mead (C) W.I Thomas (D) Sigmond Freud Negative reinforcement leads to (A) Extinguish a behaviour (B) Increase in desired responses (C) Eliminate desirable responses (D) Learned helplessness 12 years old Ashad need not be told that he had failed in his exams, on returning home he could guess by the looks on his father’s face and his posture, what his result was ? This is an example of (A) Involvement of visual modality (B) Non-verbal communication (C) Extra-sensory perception (D) Facial cues 10 When monotony in work is reduced by giving a wider variety of duties to employees; it is known as (A) Job enlargement (B) Job rotation (C) Job redesign (D) Job enrichment 11 NICP means (A) National initiative protection (B) National integrative program (C) National integrative policy (D) National initiative planning for child for child for child for child J-10-13 ệệệãệỳệàệễ ệẽđệệĂệ II ìđệÔỡỹệ : ệ ệẽđệệĂệ ệở ệệệệ (50) ệặóỹ-ìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽđệ ặùỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽđệ ờỳ Ôỹệờ (2) ểỳ ặùỹ ệệò ệẽđệ ìđệắệệàệễ ặùỹ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ìỳệ ệệáỹệòàệ áỹệãàệ ệở ìđệđệệệ ệệằệ ỉằệíệ đệóệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ờỳáỹằệ (B) ỳđệệễỹỳ (C) ệìệằệđệệóỹ (D) ệểãệệệ (A) (B) (C) (D) ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệờ ệệệãệỳệàệễ ỳệ ắàệệắệệệìàệỳ Ơỹìỹỳệờịệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ắệệó ờỳ ỵệ ệở ệờắệệÊệỏ (B) đệệíệìáỹỳ ờỳ ỵệ ệở ệờắệệÊệỏ (C) ệẽệệỳÂệệễ ờỳ ỵệ ệở ệờắệệÊệỏ (D) ệểệệơệđệ ờỳ ỵệ ệở ệờắệệÊệỏ ệệệệệệ ờỳ ìỳệò ệệắệ ờỳ ệíệợáỹ ệệáỹ-ệệáỹ ệáỹệơệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ệẽắệìÂệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) ắệệệìắệỳ ộỳàệ (B) ệệểỳắệệÔỹ (C) ắệệệệ ằệệợỹđệệ (D) ệáỹệơệ ắàệệđệ đệỳệáỹệệỳ ệóđệệễằệđệ ìỳệ ệờáỹ ệẽắệộÂệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ắàệắệặỹệáỹ ỳệờ ệệệ Ôờỹđệờ ệở (B) ìỷệ đệóìẻỳàệệệở ệở ắệộìăỹ ỳáỹđệờ ệở (C) ắệệểìỷệ đệóìẻỳàệệệở ỳệờ ệệệệ ỳáỹ Ôờỹđệờ ệở (D) ệệểìỹàệệổịệễ ìđệệặỹệàệệđệ 12 ắệệỏàệ ệÔỹỹ ỳệờ àệặỹ ỳặỹđệờ ỳò ãệèỵáỹệ đệặỹ Êệò ìỳ ắệệờ ệđệò ệáỹòừệệ ệở ờỳằệ ặỹệờ íệàệệ ặợỹ ệáỹ ằệệợỹđệờ ệáỹ ệđệờ ìệệệ ờỳ ệờặỹáờỹ ờỳ ệệắệ ệợáỹ đệỳò ệóƯỹệ ệờ ắệệờ đệóệệđệ ằệíệệ ệờỳíệệ ìỳ ệỳệ ệáỹòừệệ ệìáỹịệệệ àệệ ặợỹ àệặỹ ìỳệỳệ Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ ặợỹ ? (A) Ơỹìỹỳ ệợằệò ỳò ểệ:íệẽệệệ ỳệ (B) ắệệìệỳ ệệẽờệịệ ỳệ (C) ìệìáỹệ ệểắệờÔỹò ắệệệờơệđệ ỳệ (D) ệờặỹáờỹ ờỳ ặỹệắệ-ệệắệ ỳệ ãệệ ỳệàệễ ỳò đệòáỹệệệ ỳệễệệìáỹàệệở ỳệờ ắàệệệỳ ệẽỳệáỹ ỳò ậỹàệổỹò Ôờỹđệờ ệờ ỳệ ặỹệờ ãệệệò ặợỹ ệệờ àệặỹ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ (A) ãệệũệ ìắệệệáỹ (B) ãệệũệ ẻỳệệắệệễđệ (áỹệờờỹệđệ) (C) ãệệũệ ìáỹìỹãệệđệ (D) ãệệũệ ệệộìăỹỳáỹịệ đệ.ệ.ệò.ệò ỳệ ệệệàệễ ặợỹ (A) đệờệđệằệ ìđệìệìỹắệ ỳệũáỹ ệệằỹ ệẽệờờỹệđệ (B) đệờệđệằệ ểỹòíệẽờỹìỹắệ ỳệũáỹ ệệằỹ ệẽệờíệẽệệ (C) đệờệđệằệ ểỹòíệẽờìỹắệ ỳệũáỹ ệệằỹ ệệũìằệệò (D) đệờệđệằệ ìđệìệìỹắệ ỳệũáỹ ệệằỹ ằệệỉđệíệ áỹệềỹòàệ íệẽệệòịệ áỹệờãệíệệáỹ íệệáỹđỹò ìơệìđệàệệ ìỳệ ắệệễ ệở ằệệíệổ ặóỹệ ? (B) 2001 (D) 2009 ìằệìĩệệ Êệắệệ Ơỹìỹíệệ ệệệíệẽò ìãệệờ ệẽệÊệìệỳ ỵệ ệờ àệệợđệ ệóĩệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệèỹệ àệệ Ôờỹĩệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ, àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) àệệợđệ ỳệờỹệờíệẽệỳò (B) ằệòằệ ìệĂệ, ệệìặỹàệ (C) àệệợđệ ệáỹ ằệờĩệ (D) ằệổ ìỳằệ J-10-13 11 ễ Ôóỹĩệỏệ ãệò.ệ ệòỹ ỹằàệổ.ệ Êệệũệệ ìệíệịỹ ẽỳệũàệỹ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ìỳệờ áỹệềỹòàệ ệệÔỹệ ẩỹệệòỳáỹịệ Ôỹệỳ ệệđệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) 1980 ỳệ (B) 1990 ÛúÖ (C) 1970 ÛúÖ (D) 1960 ÛúÖ (A) 1999 (C) 2005 ằệờểíệ ỳò ắệơệệáỹịệệ ìỳệđệờ ệẽệáỹệ ỳò ? 10 ‘¸üƯê»Ư Paper-II 12 13 14 15 16 17 One of the following is not a technique that come under paraphrase (A) Restatement (B) Reflection (C) Summary (D) Open ended question The study of the distribution and determinants of health related status or events in specified populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems is called (A) Entomology (B) Biology (C) Epidemiology (D) Geology “Felt difficulty in fulfilling role obligation” is known as (A) Inter role (B) Role variation (C) Role strain (D) Role ambiguity The model of Social Policy called ‘residual welfare’ has been advanced by (A) Norman Ginsburg (B) Richard Titmus (C) Lewis (D) David Danison The activity that inter-relates various parts of the welfare agency so that it functions as a whole is (A) planning (B) programming (C) co-ordination (D) policy determination Which of the following statement is correct ? (A) Reliability ensures validity (B) Validity ensures reliability (C) Reliability does not depend on objectivity (D) Reliability and validity are independent of each other Paper-II 18 Who has divided Family into ‘Family of orientation’ and ‘Family of procreation’ ? (A) Murdock (B) Kapadia (C) Robertson (D) Warner 19 Probation of Offenders Act came into being in the year (A) 1948 (B) 1952 (C) 1958 (D) 1962 20 The strength of association between two variables is called (A) Correlation (B) Inference (C) Hypothesis (D) None of the above 21 The independent variable is also called (A) Predictor variable (B) Criterion variable (C) Construct (D) None of the above 22 The Research design in which identification of relationship between variables is attempted, is called (A) Experimental design (B) Case Study (C) Descriptive design (D) None of the above 23 What would be mean of 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 2, and (A) (B) (C) (D) 2.5 24 Institutional Re-distributive model is linked with (A) Totalitarian state (B) Welfare state (C) Capitalist state (D) Communist state J-10-13 12 13 14 15 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳ ệỳđệòỳ ệợáỹệẽờỳãệè ờỳ ểệíệễệ đệặỹ ệệò ặợỹ : (A) ệóđệễỳÊệđệ (B) ệẽìệỉệệ (C) ệệáỹệểệ (D) ĩệóằệờ ìệáờỹ ỳệ ệẽđệ ìđệÔỹỹ ãệđệệểĩàệệệở ệở ắệệÊàệ ệệìđơệệ ìÊệìệàệệở ệợáỹ ệỹđệệệở ờỳ ìắệệáỹịệ ệợáỹ ìđệơệệễáỹỳệở ỳệ ơàệàệđệ ệợáỹ ệ ơàệàệđệ ỳệ ắệệÊàệ ệệđơệò ệệàệệệở ỳệờ ìđệàệìđĂệệ ỳáỹđệờ ệở ệẽàệóệ ỳáỹđệệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ỳòỹ ìắệệệđệ (B) ãệòắệ ìắệệệđệ (C) ắàệệệỳ áỹệờíệ ìắệệệđệ (D) ệổ ìắệệệđệ ệổìệỳệ ỳệ Ôỹệìàệắệ ìđệệệặỹđệờ ệở ỳìỹđệệễ ệặỹệổệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳệờ àệệ ỳặỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) ểệáỹ ệổìệỳệ (B) ệổìệỳệ ệìáỹắệệễđệ (C) ệổìệỳệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệìáỹệệ (D) ệổìệỳệ ờỳ ệệđơệ ệở ệỹệệ 17 ệìáỹắệệáỹ ỳệờ ãệđệ ệìáỹắệệáỹ ệợáỹ ệẽãệđệđệ ệìáỹắệệáỹ ệở ìỳệđệờ ìắệệệìãệệ ìỳàệệ ? (A) ệóỹệỡỳ (B) ỳệệìỹàệệ (C) áỹệũệễỹệđệ (D) ắệệđệễáỹ 19 ệáỹệơệò ệìáỹắệòừệệ ìơệìđệàệệ ìỳệ ắệệễ ệở ệđệệ ? (A) 1948 (B) 1952 (C) 1958 (D) 1962 20 Ôỹệờ ệáỹệở ờỳ ệòệ ệệặỹệàệễ ỳò ệãệệổệò àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) ệặỹệệđơệ (B) đệóệệđệ (C) ệìáỹỳằệđệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ 21 ắệệđĂệ ệáỹ ỳệờ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệò ỳặỹệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ : (A) ệẽệệổệỳ ệáỹ (B) ệệđệÔểỹỹ ệáỹ (C) áỹệđệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ 22 ìãệệ đệóệểơệệđệ ìệỳằệ (ìỹãệệđệ) ệở ệáỹệở ờỳ ệòệ ệệđơệ ờỳ ệặỹệệđệ ỳò ệờỹệ ỳò ãệệệò ặợỹ ắệệờ ìỹãệệđệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) ệẽàệệờíệệệỳ ìỹãệệđệ (B) ắệộÂệ ơàệàệđệ (ờỳệ ỹỹò) (C) ìắệắệáỹịệệệỳ ìỹãệệđệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ 23 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, ệợáỹ ỳệ ệệơàệ àệệ ặỹệờíệệ ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2.5 24 ệểÊệệìđệỳ ệóđệ: ìắệệáỹịệòàệ ệệũỹằệ ìỳệệờ ệệìđơệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệắệễệÂệệệỳ áỹệãàệ (B) ỳằàệệịệỳệáỹò áỹệãàệ (C) ệổẹãệòắệệÔỹò áỹệãàệ (D) ệệàệắệệÔỹò áỹệãàệ ệệệệìãệỳ đệòìệ ỳệ ệệũỹằệ ìãệệờ ắệệờệ ỳằàệệịệ (áờỹìệèậỹ àệóằệ ắệợằệờỳàệáỹ) ỳặỹệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ìỳệđệờ ệẽìệệệìÔỹệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ ? (A) đệệũáỹệợđệ ỉãệệệíệễ (B) ìáỹệễỹ ìỹỹệệ (C) ằệờìắệệ (D) ờỹìắệỹ ợỹìđệệđệ 16 18 ỳằàệệịệ ãệờđệò ờỳ ìắệìệđđệ ệệíệệở ỳệờ ểệ: ệệìđơệệ ỳáỹđệờ ắệệằệò íệìệìắệìơệ (àệệ ìẻỳàệệ) ìãệệệờ ìỳ ãệờđệò ệệíệẽ ỵệ ệờ ỳệàệễ ỳáỹ ệờỳ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) ìđệàệệờãệđệ (B) ệẽệờíệẽệệđệ (C) ệệđắệàệ (D) đệòìệ ìđệơệệễáỹịệ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ỳÊệđệ ệặỹò ặợỹ ? ìắệắệệđệòàệệệ, ắệợơệệệ ệóìđệìệệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ (B) ắệợơệệệ, ìắệắệệđệòàệệệ ệóìđệìệệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ (C) ìắệắệệđệòàệệệ ắệệóệáỹỳệệ ệáỹ ìđệệễáỹ đệặỹ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ (D) ìắệắệệđệòàệệệ ệợáỹ ắệợơệệệ ỳ Ôổỹệáờỹ ệờ ắệệđĂệ ặùỹ … (A) J-10-13 Paper-II 25 26 27 28 29 30 Who developed the Physical Quality of Life Index ? (PQLI) (A) Richard Estes (B) D.M Morris (C) Md Yunus (D) Amartya Sen 31 (A) A transparent surface of a building where plants are kept Gender related Development Index is used in (A) Millenium Development Goals (B) World Development Report (C) Human Development Report (D) None of the above (B) A transparent barrier which women face as they attempt to achieve promotion to the higher levels of organisation (C) A place with clear surface where reptiles breed (D) A biological problem with women during pregnancy Which of the following is not correct ? ‘A belief’ becomes a ‘scientific truth’ when it (A) is established experimentally (B) is arrived logically (C) is accepted by many people (D) can be replicated 32 ‘Yellow revolution’ is (A) A tribal custom of NorthEastern States The hypothetical statements denying what are explicitly indicated in working hypothesis are known as (A) Relational hypothesis (B) Complex hypothesis (C) Statistical hypothesis (D) Null hypothesis (B) A symbol of criticism of political decisions adopted by opposition parties (C) The growth, development and adoption of new varieties of oil seeds and technologies to increase oil seed production (D) A revolution to bring changes in the mind of masses for environmental concerns The acronym “BIMARU” represents states (A) Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and U.P (B) Bihar, Maharashtra, Ranchi and U.P (C) Bihar, Mizoram, Rajasthan and U.P (D) None of the above 33 Biomagnification is a process (A) where some compounds remain in the eco-system in virtually unchanged form as they are passed from one organism to another by predation Accountability in governance refers to (A) The ability of citizens to hold leaders, government and public organisations to account (B) The ability of citizens to open accounts in banks (C) The National income account that show profit and loss of government (D) The behaviour of chartered accountants in the corporate world Paper-II ‘Glass Ceiling’ is (B) When some compounds change their properties and become part of other organism (C) Magnification of compounds with one step after the other (D) Bio degradation of environmental system in which some compounds continuously change their characteristics J-10-13 25 26 27 28 29 30 ãệòắệđệ ệổệỳệểỳ ỳò ệệợìệỳ íệóịệắệÂệệ (ệò.àệổ.ằệ.ệễ) ìỳệđệờ ìắệỳìệệ ỳò ặợỹ ? (A) ìáỹệệễỹ ờỹ (B) ỹò.ệ ệệũìáỹệ (C) ệệợ àệổđệóệ (D) ệàệễ ệờđệ ãệởỹáỹ ệệìđơệệ ìắệỳệệ ệổệỳệểỳ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ìỳệệở ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệặỹĂệệìÔỹ ằệừàệ (B) ìắệắệ ìắệỳệệ ìáỹệệờễỹ (C) ệệđệắệ ìắệỳệệ ìáỹệệờễỹ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ệặỹò đệặỹ ặợỹ ? ơệệáỹịệệ ắệợệệìđệỳ ệàệ ệđệ ãệệệò ặợỹ ãệệ ắệệờ : (A) ệẽàệệờíệệệỳ ỵệ ệờ Êệệìệệ ặợỹ (B) àệóìệàệóệ ỵệ ệờ ệìỹệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ (C) ệặóỹệ ệờ ằệệờíệệở ôỹệáỹệ ắệòỳệáỹ ỳáỹ ằệò ãệệệò ặợỹ (D) Ôỹệờặỹáỹệễ àệệ ệẽìệộỳệ ỳò ãệệ ệỳệò ặợỹ ắàệắệặỹệàệễ ệìáỹỳằệđệệệở ệở ãệệờ ệóệỹ ỵệ ệờ ểìíệệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ ệờ ắệòỳệáỹ ỳáỹđệờ ắệệằệờ ệẽệỳằệđệệệỳ (àệệ ặờỹắệệìệệ) ỳÊệđệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệờ ặùỹ ? (A) ệệđơệệáỹỳ ệìáỹỳằệđệệ (B) ãệìỹằệ ệìáỹỳằệđệệ (C) ệệểìĩàệỳòàệ ệìáỹỳằệđệệ (D) ệổđàệ ệìáỹỳằệđệệ ệìáỹắệịệỏ ệÔỹ ìệệệạý (ệò.ệ.ệ..ệáỹ.àệổ.) ỳệợđệ ệờ áỹệãàệệở ỳệờ ìđệạýìệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìệặỹệáỹ, ệơàệ ệẽÔờỹệ, áỹệãệÊệệđệ ệợáỹ àệổ.ệò (B) ìệặỹệáỹ, ệặỹệáỹệềỹ, áỹệểệò ệợáỹ àệổ.ệò (C) ìệặỹệáỹ, ìệãệèệờáỹệ, áỹệãệÊệệđệ ệợáỹ àệổ.ệò (D) ệàệóễệ ỳệờễ đệặỹ ệệệđệ ệở ãệắệệệÔờỹàệệệ ìỳệỳệ ệểờỳệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ? (A) đệờệệệở, ệáỹỳệáỹ ệÊệệ ằệệờỳ ệểíệỹđệệở ỳệờ ãệắệệệÔờỹàệ ỹặỹáỹệđệờ ỳò đệệíệìáỹỳệở ỳò àệệờíàệệệ (B) ệùỳệở ệở ĩệệệệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ỳò đệệíệìáỹỳệở ỳò àệệờíàệệệ (C) áỹệềỹòàệ ệàệ ĩệệệệ ệáỹỳệáỹ ỳệ ằệệệ ặỹệìđệ Ôỹệệễệệ ặợỹ (D) ỳệũáỹệệờáờỹỹ ìắệắệ ệở ệđệÔỹò ằệờĩệệỳệáỹ ỳệ ắàệắệặỹệáỹ J-10-13 31 32 33 ỳệẹệ ỷệíệòáỹò (íằệệệ ệòỉằệíệ) àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệáỹệ ỳò ệệáỹÔỹệỏ ệệặỹ ãệặỹệẹ ệệợơệờ áỹĩệờ ãệệệờ ặùỹ (B) ệệáỹÔỹệỏ ắệáỹệờơệ ìãệệỳệ ệìặỹằệệệở ỳệờ ệ ệáỹ ờỳ ệểíệỹđệệở ệỳ ệÔỹệờđđệìệ ệệđệờ ờỳ ệệàệ ệệệđệệ ỳáỹđệệ ệèỹệệ ặợỹ (C) ệệỳ ệệặỹ àệóệ Êệệđệ ãệặỹệẹ ệệễịệệòằệ ãệòắệ ệẽãệđệđệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ (D) íệệễơệệáỹịệ ờỳ Ôỹệợáỹệđệ ìĂệàệệở ỳò ãệợìắệỳ ệệàệệ ệòệ ẻỳệìđệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) Âệáỹ-ệổắệỏ áỹệãàệệở ỳò ãệđệãệệệòàệ ệẽÊệệ (B) ìắệệừệò Ôỹằệệở ôỹệáỹệ ệđệệ íệ áỹệãệđệòìệỳ ìđệịệễàệệở ỳò ệằệệờệđệệ ờỳ ệẽệòỳ (C) ìệằệặỹđệ ờỳ ệệÔỹđệ ệở ắệộìăỹ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ệẽệợêệờìíệìỳàệệẹ ệợáỹ ìệằệặỹđệ ỳò đệễ ìỳệệở ệở ắệộìăỹ, ìắệỳệệ ệợáỹ đặởỹ ệđệệđệệ (D) ắệệệệắệáỹịệòàệ ệáỹệờỳệáỹệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ằệệờíệệở ờỳ ìÔỹệệíệ ệở ệÔỹằệệắệ ằệệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ẻỳệìđệ ãệợìắệỳ ệắệơệễđệ ỳ ệẽìẻỳàệệ ặợỹ (A) ãệệ óỳỷ ìệệịệ ệệìáỹìÊệìệỳòàệ ắàệắệÊệệ ệở ìệằóỳằệ ệìáỹắệệệ ỵệ ệở áỹặỹ ãệệệờ ặùỹ àệệởìỳ ắệờ ệáỹệừệò ắệộìÂệ ờỳ ỳệáỹịệ ỳ ệờ Ôổỹệáờỹ ãệòắệ ệở ệằệờ ãệệệờ ặùỹ (B) ãệệ óỳỷ ìệệịệ ệđệờ íệóịệơệệễ ệÔỹằệệờ ặùỹ ệợáỹ đàệ ãệòắệ ỳệ ìặỹệệ ệđệ ãệệệờ ặùỹ (C) ỳ ờỳ ệệÔỹ Ôổỹệáờỹ ệệờệệđệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ìệệịệệở ỳệ ệắệơệễđệ (D) ắệệệệắệáỹịệòàệ ắàệắệÊệệ ỳò ãệợìắệỳ ắệđệìệ ìãệệệở óỳỷ ìệệịệ đệắệáỹệ ỵệ ệờ ệđệò ìắệệờệệệệở ỳệờ ệÔỹằệệờ áỹặỹệờ ặùỹ Paper-II 34 35 36 Match the items in List-I with List-II List – I List – II (a) Reproductive (i) Police Child Health Research (b) The National (ii) Trauma Rural Employment Guarantee Act (c) Post Traumatic (iii) Mother and Stress Disorder Child (d) Bureau of (iv) Employment Police Research at village and level Development Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (B) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (C) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Arrange the following Acts in order in which they were enacted Use the codes given below : (i) The Industrial Employment (Standing orders) Act (ii) The Indian Trade Unions Act (iii) The Industrial Disputes Act (iv) The Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification) Act Codes : (A) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (B) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii) (C) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) (D) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) Put the following steps in the process of Participating Rural Appraisal in a sequence I Use of tools II Report generation III Rapport building IV Initial contact V Sharing the learnings VI Participating Action Planning Codes : (A) IV, III, I, II, V, VI (B) IV, II, III, I, V, VI (C) II, IV, III, I, V, VI (D) IV, I, III, II, V, VI Paper-II 37 Arrange the following Acts in order in which they were enacted Use the codes given below : (i) Child Marriage Restraint Act (ii) Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (iii) Hindu Marriage Act (iv) Dowry Prohibition Act Codes : (A) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (B) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii) (C) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) (D) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) 38 Assertion (A) : Prison is a correctional institution that aims at reforming the criminals Reason (R) : Prison segregates the criminals to protect the society Codes : (A) Both (A) & (R) are correct (B) Both (A) & (R) are not correct (C) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct (D) Both (A) & (R) are correct, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A) 39 Match the items of List-I of List-II List – I (Event) (a) International Youth Year (b) International Micro credit Year (c) Mental Health Act (d) Establishment of Planning Commission with those List – II (Year) (i) 2005 (ii) 1950 (iii) 1947 (iv) 1987 (v) 1985 Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (B) (v) (i) (iv) (ii) (C) (iii) (i) (ii) (v) (D) (v) (i) (iii) (iv) J-10-13 34 ệổệò-I ỳò ệÔỹệở ỳệờ ệổệò-II ỳò ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (a) ệẽãệđệđệ ệệằệ (i) ệóìằệệ ệệờơệ ắệệÊàệ (ii) ìệệệệ (b) áỹệềỹòàệ íệẽệệòịệ áỹệờãệíệệáỹ íệệáỹđỹò (ềỹệũệệ) ìơệìđệàệệ (c) Âệáỹ ìệệệệãệ (iii) ệệẹ ệợáỹ ệệệ ệđệệắệ ìắệỳệáỹ (d) ệóìằệệ ệệờơệ ắệể (iv) íệẽệệ ệáỹ ệáỹ ìắệỳệệ àệổáỹệờ áỹệờãệíệệáỹ Ûæú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) 35 (b) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (c) (iii) (ii) (ii) (iii) (d) (iv) (i) (i) (iv) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) ệặỹệệíệò íệẽệệòịệ ệổằàệệểỳđệ (ệẽờãệèằệ) ỳò ệẽìẻỳàệệ ệở ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệệờệệđệệở ỳệờ đệóẻỳệ ệở áỹĩệở : I ệỳáỹịệệở ỳệ ệàệệờíệ II ìáỹệệờễỹ ệđệệđệệ III ệệđơệ ệđệệđệệ IV ệẽệáỹìệỳ ệệễỳ V ãệệ ãệệđệỳệáỹò ỳệ ệệệệ ỳáỹđệệ VI ệặỹệệíệò ỳệàệễắệệặỹò ìđệàệệờãệđệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-10-13 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ìơệìđệàệệệở ỳệờ đệờỳ ìơệìđệàệệìệ ặỹệờđệờ ờỳ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳáởỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ổỳỹệở ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ỳáởỹ : (i) ệệằệ ìắệắệệặỹ ìđệáỹệờơệ ìơệìđệàệệ (ii) íệệễ ỳệ ìệìỳệòàệ ệệệệđệ ìơệìđệàệệ (iii) ìặỹđÔổỹ ìắệắệệặỹ ìơệìđệàệệ (iv) Ôỹặờỹãệ ệẽìệệờơệ ìơệìđệàệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ìơệìđệàệệệở ỳệờ đệờỳ ìơệìđệàệìệệ ặỹệờđệờ ờỳ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳáởỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ổỳỹệở ỳệ ệàệệờíệ ỳáởỹ : (i) ệợêệờìíệỳ áỹệờãệíệệáỹ (Êệệàệò ệÔờỹệ) ìơệìđệàệệ (ii) ệệáỹệòàệ ệãệÔổỹáỹ ệểệ ìơệìđệàệệ (iii) ệợêệờìíệỳ ìắệắệệÔỹ ìơệìđệàệệ (iv) áỹệờãệíệệáỹ ỳệàệệễằệàệ (ìđệắệệàệễ ìơệệổệđệệ) ìơệìđệàệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) 36 (a) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) 37 (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) 38 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệểÔỹòíệộặỹ ệóơệệáỹệệỳ ệểÊệệ ặợỹ ìãệệỳệ Đờỹàệ ệáỹệìơệàệệở ỳệờ ệóơệệáỹđệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệểÔỹòíệộặỹ ệệệãệ ỳò ệóáỹừệệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệáỹệìơệàệệở ỳệờ ằệíệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò đệặỹ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệặỹò đệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ 39 ệổệò-I ỳò ệÔỹệở ỳệờ ệổệò-II ỳò ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (ệỹđệệ) (ắệệễ) (i) 2005 (a) ểệáỹệễềỹòàệ àệóắệệ ắệệễ (b) ểệáỹệễềỹòàệ ằệệó ỳịệ ắệệễ (ii) 1950 (iii) 1947 (c) ệệđệìệỳ ắệệÊàệ ìơệìđệàệệ (iv) 1987 (d) àệệờãệđệệ ệàệệờíệ ỳò Êệệệđệệ (v) 1985 Ûæú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) IV, III, I, II, V, VI IV, II, III, I, V, VI II, IV, III, I, V, VI IV, I, III, II, V, VI (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (v) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (v) (v) (i) (iii) (iv) Paper-II 40 Match the following : List – I (Event) Assertion (A) : Goitre is a common disease in mountainous regions Reason (R) : The diet of the people in mountainous regions lack iodine content Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (B) (A) is true, but (R) is false (C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (D) Both (A) and (R) are false 44 Assertion (A) : Due to strong family ties, women in India sacrifice for their family Reason (R) : It is a product of social conditioning Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false (D) (R) is true, but (A) is false 45 Assertion (A) : Disaster affected population can take care of their emotional and psychological needs with their own resources Reason (R) : The strong sociocultural traditions are powerful support in such situation Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (B) (A) is true, but (R) is false (C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (D) Both (A) and (R) are false List – II (Date of observance) (i) Oct 24th (a) World Consumer Day (b) International (ii) Sept 8th Literacy Day (c) World Mental (iii) Oct 10th Health Day (d) UN Day (iv) March 15th Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (B) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (C) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (D) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) 41 43 Match the items in List-I with List-II and choose the correct code given below : List – I List – II (a) Oral stage (i) Trust V/s Mistrust (b) Anal stage (ii) Industry V/s Inferiority (c) Genital stage (iii) Autonomy V/s Shame & Doubt (d) Latency (iv) Initiative V/s Guilt Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii) (B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (C) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (D) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) 42 Assertion (A) : Inspite of best efforts Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan failed to achieve desirable literacy rate Reason (R) : Results can be achieved without political will Codes : (A) Both(A) and (R) are correct (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) (A) is correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) is correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) Paper-II 10 J-10-13 40 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ỳệờ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (ệỹđệệ) (ệđệệđệờ ỳệ ắệệễ) (i) 24 ổỹệáỹ (a) ìắệắệ ệệệờệệ ìÔỹắệệ (b) ểệáỹệễềỹòàệ ệệừệáỹệệ (ii) ìệệệáỹ ìÔỹắệệ (c) ìắệắệ ệệđệìệỳ (iii) 10 ổỹệáỹ ắệệÊàệ ìÔỹắệệ (d) ệểàệóệ áỹệềỹ ìÔỹắệệ (iv) 15 ´ƯƯ“ƯƠ Ûỉú™ü : (a) (b) (c) (d) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) ệổệò-I ỳò ệÔỹệở ỳệờ ệổệò-II ỳò (A) (B) (C) (D) 41 ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ ệợáỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ổỳỹệở ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệđệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (a) ệóĩệệắệÊệệ (i) ìắệắệệệ ệđệệệ ìắệắệệệ (b) íệóÔỹệ ắệÊệệ (ii) êệờíệ ệđệệệ ặỹòđệệệ (c) ãệđệđệệểíệò ắệÊệệ (iii) ắệệàệÂệệệ ệđệệệ ệệễ ắệể ệểệàệ (d) ắàệệệệ (iv) ệặỹằệ ệđệệệ ệáỹệơệ ệệờơệ ổỳỹ : (b) (iv) (ii) (iv) (iii) ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : (A) (B) (C) (D) 42 (a) (ii) (iii) (i) (i) (c) (d) (i) (iii) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (ii) ộỳỹ ệẽàệệệệở ờỳ ệệắệãệổÔỹ, ệắệễìệừệệ ìệàệệđệ ắệệểìỷệ ệệừệáỹệệ Ôỹáỹ ỳệờ ệẽệệ ỳáỹđệờ ệở ệỳằệ áỹặỹệ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : áỹệãệđệòìệỳ ỷệ ệìệ ờỳ ìệđệệ ỳằệ ệệ ãệệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò đệặỹ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ J-10-13 11 43 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : íệằệíệịỹ ỳệ áỹệờíệ ệắệễệòàệ ừệờĂệệở ệở ệệ ệệàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệắệễệòàệ ằệệờíệệở ờỳ ệặỹệáỹ ệở ệàệệờỹòđệ ỳò ệệĂệệ ỳệ ệệắệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ 44 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệệáỹệ ệở ệệìáỹắệệìáỹỳ ệệđơệ ệẽíệệèỹ ặỹệờđệờ ờỳ ỳệáỹịệ ệìặỹằệệẹ ệđệờ ệìáỹắệệáỹ ờỳ ìằệàệờ àệệíệ ỳáỹệò ặóỹễ ệệễ ãệệệò ặùỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : àệặỹ ệệệệìãệỳ đệóổỳằệđệ ỳệ ệệÔỹ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (R) ệàệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó (A) ệàệ ặợỹ 45 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệệÔỹệ ệẽệệìắệệ ãệđệệểĩàệệ ệđệò ệệắệđệệệỳ ệợáỹ ệđệệờắệợệệìđệỳ ệắệàệỳệệệở ỳò ệđệờ ĩệóÔỹ ờỳ ệểệệơệđệệở ệờ ệểệệằệ ỳáỹ ệỳệò ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệìệệệằệò ệệệệìãệỳệệểộỳìệỳ ệáỹệáỹệẹ ờệò ìÊệìệàệệở ệở ệãệệổệ ắệằệệ ặỹệờệò ặùỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệàệ ặùỹ Paper-II Read the passage given below and answer the following questions as per the understanding of the passage (Question No 46 to 50) have shown that at any given time, 30% of teachers at government schools are absent from their classrooms While the Act mandates the number of teaching hours per year, it does not address the lack of accountability on the part of the teacher or the system if the mandated number of hours is not actually provided The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 guarantees to all children within the agegroup 6-14 years the right to education in proper schools with trained teachers It was a long, long time coming, but this historic legislation, despite the many loopholes, has the power to transform the lives of millions of poor Indian children who have so far been deprived of the opportunity to make their lives better than those of their parents Other problems include discrimination on a caste basis, violence and abuse of children, and discrimination against girls The latter is not often overt but a result of certain existing situations: for example, 27% of schools not have even one female teacher, resulting in a lack of confidence on the part of parents, especially of older girls Fifty percent of schools not have separate toilets for girls As a result, it is estimated that for every 100 girls who enrol in school in rural India, 40 will reach Class IV, 18 will reach Class VIII, nine will reach Class IX, and only one will make it to Class XII Since Independence, elementary eduction has grown into a multi-headed monster of sorts, with its own caste system of service-providers – government ordinary, government elite, private elite, private-run but government-funded, and so on It has provided children of the privileged classes a springboard to greater privilege, while doing nothing to eradicate child labour or provide poor children with even basic literacy, let alone the broader gains of education And finally, and more significantly, what are children learning ? The stated aim of elementary education is to provide the child with the knowledge, skills and qualities to become an independent, thinking, creative human being But a report shows that on the ground we are far from even providing them the basic literacy skills This is the biggest challenge now that children are increasingly going to be brought into the mainstream – can the system help them develop into independent, thinking, creative human beings ? Or will it turn out barely literate automatons that have lost their innate ability to question and explore ? Broadly, the vast majority of the population, both rural and urban, send their children to government-run schools as these are free, that is, they not charge fees However, given that the quality of education in these schools is usually quite poor, the fast-increasing middle class prefer to send their children to privatelyrun schools The new Act addresses some of these issues, but not the more important concern teacher absenteeism Various studies Paper-II 12 J-10-13 đệòệờ ìÔỹàệệ íệàệệ ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ệèởỹ ệợáỹ ệíệờ ìÔỹàệờ ệẽđệệở (ệể 46 ệờ 50) ỳệ Âệáỹ Ôởỹ : ệệằệ ìđệệóằỳ ắệể ìđệắệệàệễ ìệừệệ ìơệỳệáỹ ìơệìđệàệệ 2009, 6-14 ắệệễ ỳò ệàệó ệệổặỹ ệở ệđệờ ắệệằệờ ệệệ ệệệở ờỳ ìằệ, ệẽìệìừệệ ơàệệệỳệở ệờ àệóệ, ệàệóệ ìắệêệằệàệệở ệở ìệừệệ ờỳ ìơệỳệáỹ ỳò íệệáỹđỹò ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệ ìơệìđệàệệ ờỳ ệđệờ ệở ệặóỹệ ệệàệ ằệíệệ, ệáỹđệó àệặỹ ờìệặỹệìệỳ ỳệđệổđệ, ệặóỹệ ệò ỳìệàệệở ờỳ ệệắệãệổÔỹ, ằệệĩệệở íệáỹòệ ệệáỹệòàệ ệệệở ỳệ ãệòắệđệ ệÔỹằệđệờ ỳò ệìệ áỹĩệệệ ặợỹ àệặỹ ệệờ ệđệờ ãệòắệđệ ỳệờ ệđệờ ìệệệắệỳệở ờỳ ãệòắệđệ ệờ ệờặỹệáỹ ệđệệđệờ ờỳ ắệệáỹệở ệờ ắệểìệệ áỹặờỹ ắệệđĂệệệ ệẽệìệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệờ, ệáỹìệỳ ìệừệệ ệđệờ ệờắệệ ệẽÔỹệàệỳệở ệáỹỳệáỹ ệệơệệáỹịệ, ệáỹỳệáỹ ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệệìằệệ ệáỹđệó ệáỹỳệáỹ ôỹệáỹệ ìđệìơệàệđệ, àệệìÔỹ, ỳò ệđệò ãệệìệ ệẽÊệệ/ắàệắệÊệệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệặóỹệóĩệò ìệệệệ ệở ìắệỳìệệ ặỹệờ íệễ ặợỹ ệđệờ ìắệệờệệìơệỳệáỹ ệẽệệ ắệíệệớ ờỳ ệệệở ỳệờ ãàệệÔỹệ ìơệỳ ìắệệờệệìơệỳệáỹ ệẽệệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳệ ỉệẽíệệệờễỹ (íệệờệệ-ệĩệệ) ệẽÔỹệđệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ, ãệệ ìỳ ệệằệ ệệ ờỳ đệổằệđệ Êệắệệ íệáỹòệ ệệệở ỳệờ ệổằệệổệ ệệừệáỹệệ ặỹò ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ óỳỷ ệò đệặỹ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ, ìệừệệ ờỳ ãàệệÔỹệ ắàệệệỳ ằệệệệở ỳò ệệờ ệệệ ặỹò ỷệờèỹệờ ệệệệđàệệàệệ, ãệđệệểĩàệệ ỳệ ệèỹệ ìơệỳệểệ ệệíệ, íệẽệệòịệ ắệể đệíệáỹòàệ Ôỹệờđệệở, ệđệờ ệệệở ỳệờ ệáỹỳệáỹò ổỳằệệở ệở ệờãệệệ ặợỹ àệệởìỳ àệặỹ ìđệệóằỳ ặợỹ, Êệệễệậ, ắệờ ỳòệ đệặỹ ằệờệờ ặùỹ ệÊệệìệ, àệặỹ ìđệìệệ ặỹệờ ãệệđệờ ệáỹ ìỳ đệ ổỳằệệở ệở ìệừệệ ỳò íệóịệắệÂệệ ệẽệàệ: àệđệ ệìỹàệệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ, ệờãệò ệờ ệèỹệệ ệơàệệ ắệíệễ ệđệờ ệệệở ỳệờ ìđệãệò ổỳằệệở ệở ệờãệđệệ ãàệệÔỹệ ệệđÔỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ đệàệệ ìơệìđệàệệ đệệở ệờ óỳỷ ệóĐỹệở ỳệờ ệệệờìơệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó, ơàệệệỳệở ỳò đệóệìÊệìệ ờỳ ãàệệÔỹệ ệặỹÂắệệổịệễ ệệệằệờ ỳệờ đệặỹ ìắệìệđđệ ơàệàệđệệở đệờ ĩệóằệệệệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ ìỳ ìỳệò ỳ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ệệàệ ệáỹ J-10-13 ệáỹỳệáỹò ổỳằệệở ờỳ 30% ơàệệệỳ ệđệò ỳừệệệở ệờ đệóệìÊệệ áỹặỹệờ ặùỹ àệặỹ ìơệìđệàệệ ãệệìỳ ệẽìệắệệễ ơàệệệđệ ệịỹệở ỳò ệểĩàệệ ỳệ ìơệÔờỹệ Ôờỹệệ ặợỹ, àệìÔỹ ệịỹệở ỳò ìơệÔờỹìệệ ệểĩàệệ ắệệệắệ ệở đệặỹ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳò ãệệệò ặợỹ ệệờ, àệặỹ ắàệắệÊệệ ỳò àệệ ơàệệệỳ ỳò ệờáỹ ệờ ãệắệệệÔờỹàệệệ ờỳ ệệắệ ỳệờ ệệệờìơệệ đệặỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ đàệ ệệàệệệở ệở ãệệìệ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ệờÔỹệệắệ, ỉặỹệệ ệợáỹ ệệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ Ôóỹắàệễắệặỹệáỹ, ệợáỹ ằệèỹìỳàệệở ờỳ ìắệỵăỹ ệờÔỹệệắệ ệệệìắệỹ ặùỹ ìđệệ (ệờÔỹệệắệ) ệẽệàệ: ệẽàệừệ đệặỹ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó óỳỷ ìắệêệệđệ ìÊệìệàệệở ỳệ ệìáỹịệệệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ : Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ, 27% ổỳằệệở ệở ỳ ệìặỹằệệ ơàệệệỳ ệò đệặỹ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ, ìãệệờỳ ỳằệ ắệỵệ ìệệệắệỳệở, ìắệệờệỳáỹ ệèỹò ằệèỹìỳàệệở ờỳ ìệệệắệỳệở ệở ệáỹệờệờ ỳệ ệệắệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ 50% ổỳằệệở ệở ằệèỹìỳàệệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệộÊệỳ ệệợệệằệàệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ỳằệắệỵệ, àệặỹ đệóệệđệ ặợỹ ìỳ íệẽệệòịệ ệệáỹệ ệở ổỳằệệở ệở đệệệệểìỳệ ặỹệờđệờ ắệệằệò ệẽàệờỳ 100 ằệèỹìỳàệệở ệáỹ, 40 ỳừệệ IV ệở ãệệẹíệò, 18 ỳừệệ VIII ệở ệặóẹỹệ ãệệểíệò, ỳừệệ IX ệở ệặóẹỹệởíệò ệợáỹ ìệễỳ ỳ ỳừệệ XII ệỳ ệặóẹỹệ ệệíệò đệệ: àệặỹ ệợáỹ ãàệệÔỹệ ệặỹÂắệệổịệễ ặợỹ ìỳ, ệệờ ệòĩệ àệệ áỹặờỹ ặùỹ ? ệáỹìệỳ ìệừệệ ỳệ ỳìÊệệ ằệừàệ, ệệờ ỳệờ ắệệđĂệ, ệđệđệệòằệ, ệộãệđệệòằệ ệệđệắệ ệđệệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệờ ệệđệ, ỳệợệằệ ệợáỹ íệóịệệở ỳệờ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹđệệ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó ỳ ìáỹệệờễỹ đệờ ĩệóằệệệệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ ìỳ ệ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ặỹệ đặởỹ ệổằệệổệ ệệừệáỹệệ ỳệợệằệ ặỹò ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹđệờ ệờ ệặóỹệ Ôổỹáỹ ặùỹ àệặỹ ệ ệèỹò ệóđệệợệò ặợỹ àệệởìỳ ệệệở ỳệờ ệóĩàệơệệáỹệ ệở ãàệệÔỹệ ệờ ãàệệÔỹệ ằệệàệệ ãệệđệờ ắệệằệệ ặợỹ àệệ ắàệắệÊệệ (àệệ áỹệãàệ) đặởỹ ắệệđĂệ, ệđệđệệòằệ ắệể ệộãệđệệệỳ ệđệóàệ ìắệỳìệệ ặỹệờđệờ ệở ệặỹệàệệệ ỳáỹ ệỳệò ặợỹ ? Êệắệệ àệệ ắệặỹ đặởỹ ệệĂệ ệệừệáỹ ỳằệ-ệóệằệệ ệđệệ ỳáỹ ổỳằệệở ệờ ìđệỳệằệờíệệ ìãệệđệờ ệẽđệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ệợáỹ đắệờệịệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ệđệò ểệãệệễệ àệệờíàệệệ ĩệệờ Ôỹò ặợỹ 13 Paper-II 46 The Right of children to free and compulsory Education Act 2009 guarantees to all children the right to 48 (A) they charge less fee (A) education in proper schools with trained teachers (B) they provide education (B) (C) they provide eduction on par with government run schools (C) education to all children within the age group of 3-14 years in proper schools with trained teachers (D) they provide education education to all children within the age group of 6-14 years in proper schools with trained teachers 49 Since independence, elementary education has grown into a multiheaded monster of sorts, with its own caste system of service providers (A) Government ordinary, government elite, private elite, private-run but not government funded (B) (C) more quality quality The stated aim of elementary eduction is to provide the child with (B) the knowledge, skills and qualities to become an independent, thinking creative human being (C) the knowledge, skills and qualities to become an independent, thinking destructive human being (D) All the above 50 Government elite, government ordinary, private elite, privaterun but not government funded Government ordinary, government elite, private elite, private-run, but government funded The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 mandates I Specified number of teaching hours per year II Accountability of teachers III Discrimination on caste basis IV All the above Codes : (A) I only (D) Government elite, nongovernment ordinary, private elite, private run, but government funded Paper-II less (A) the knowledge, skills and qualities to become a dependent, thinking, creative human being (D) eduction to all children of all age groups in proper schools with trained teachers 47 The fast-increasing middle class prefer to send their children to privately-run schools because (B) I and II only (C) II and III only (D) All the above 14 J-10-13 46 ệệằệ ìđệệóằỳ ắệể ìđệắệệàệễ ìệừệệ ìơệỳệáỹ ìơệìđệàệệ 2009 ệệệ ệệệở ỳệờ ìỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ ỳò íệệáỹđỹò ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệẽìệìừệệ ơàệệệỳệở ệờ àệóệ ệàệóệ ổỳằệệở ệở ìệừệệ (B) 3-14 ắệệễ ỳò ệàệó ệệổặỹ ệở ệệò ệệệở ỳệờ ệẽìệìừệệ ơàệệệỳệở ệờ àệóệ ệàệóệ ổỳằệệở ệở ìệừệệ (C) 6-14 ắệệễ ỳò ệàệó ệệổặỹ ệở ệệò ệệệở ỳệờ ệẽìệìừệệ ơàệệệỳệở ệờ àệóệ ệàệóệ ổỳằệệở ệở ìệừệệ (D) 47 48 ệờãệò ệờ ệèỹệệ ệơàệệ ắệíệễ ệđệờ ệệệở ỳệờ ìđệãệò ổỳằệệở ệở ệờãệđệệ ệệđÔỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ àệệởìỳ (A) ắệệờ ỳệ ỳòệ ằệờệờ ặùỹ (B) ắệệờ ỳệ íệóịệắệÂệệ ỳò ìệừệệ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ (C) ắệệờ ệáỹỳệáỹò ổỳằệệở ờỳ ãệợệò ặỹò ìệừệệ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ (D) ắệệờ ãàệệÔỹệ íệóịệắệÂệệ ỳò ìệừệệ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ 49 ệẽệáỹìệỳ ìệừệệ ỳệ ỳìÊệệ ằệừàệ ệệệở ỳệờ àệệ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹđệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệìệệ, ệđệđệệòằệ, ệộãệđệệệỳ ệđệóàệ ệđệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệđệ, ỳệợệằệ ệÊệệ íệóịệ (B) ắệệđĂệ, ệđệđệệòằệ ệộãệđệệệỳ ệđệóàệ ệđệđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệệđệ, ỳệợệằệ ệÊệệ íệóịệ (C) ắệệđĂệ, ệđệđệệòằệ ơắệểệệệỳ ệđệóàệ ệđệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệđệ, ỳệợệằệ ệÊệệ íệóịệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò 50 ệệằệ ìđệệóằỳ ắệể ìđệắệệàệễ ìệừệệ ìơệỳệáỹ ìơệìđệàệệ 2009 ỳệ ìơệÔờỹệ ặợỹ ìỳ I ệẽìệắệệễ ơàệệệđệ ệểỹệở ỳò ìđệìệệ ệểĩàệệ II ơàệệệỳệở ỳò ãệắệệệÔờỹàệệệ III ãệệìệ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ệờÔỹệệắệ IV ệàệóễệ ệệò ổỳỹ : (A) ìệễỳ I (B) ìệễỳ I ệợáỹ II (C) ìệễỳ II ệợáỹ III (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò ệệò ệàệó ệệổặỹ ờỳ ệệệ ệệệở ỳệờ ệẽìệìừệệ ơàệệệỳệở ệờ àệóệ ệàệóệ ổỳằệệở ệở ìệừệệ ắệệđĂệệệ ệẽệìệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệờ, ệẽệáỹìệỳ ìệừệệ ìỳđệ ệờắệệ ệẽÔỹệàệỳệở ỳò ệđệò ãệệìệ ệẽịệệằệò ờỳ ệệÊệ ệặóỹệóĩệò ìệệệệ ệđệ íệễ ặợỹ ? (A) ệáỹỳệáỹ ệệơệệáỹịệ, ệáỹỳệáỹ ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệệìằệệ ệáỹđệó ệáỹỳệáỹòỹ ìđệìơệàệđệ đệặỹ (B) ệáỹỳệáỹ ệểệẽệđệ, ệáỹỳệáỹ ệệơệệáỹịệ, ìđệãệò ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệệìằệệ ệáỹđệó ệáỹỳệáỹò ìđệìơệàệđệ đệặỹ (C) ệáỹỳệáỹ ệệơệệáỹịệ, ệáỹỳệáỹ ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệệìằệệ ệáỹđệó ệáỹỳệáỹò ìđệìơệàệđệ (D) ệáỹỳệáỹ ệểệẽệđệ, íệợáỹ ệáỹỳệáỹò ệệơệệáỹịệ, ìđệãệò ệểệẽệđệ, ìđệãệò ệểệệìằệệ ệáỹỳệáỹ ôỹệáỹệ ìđệìơệàệđệ J-10-13 15 Paper-II Space For Rough Work Paper-II 16 J-10-13 .. .SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks All questions are compulsory Which Indian... ìđệệễáỹ đệặỹ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ (D) ìắệắệệđệòàệệệ ệợáỹ ắệợơệệệ ỳ Ôổỹệáờỹ ệờ ắệệđĂệ ặùỹ (A) J-10-13 Paper- II 25 26 27 28 29 30 Who developed the Physical Quality of Life Index ? (PQLI) (A) Richard Estes (B)... ỹỹò) (C) ìắệắệáỹịệệệỳ ìỹãệệđệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ 23 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, ệợáỹ ỳệ ệệơàệ àệệ ặỹệờíệệ ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. 5 24 ệểÊệệìđệỳ ệóđệ: ìắệệáỹịệòàệ ệệũỹằệ ìỳệệờ ệệìđơệệ ặợỹ ?