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Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 1.. In each semester, students usually receive their ______ with subjects’ results from their form teacher.[r]



I/ Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using S + to be + (not) + Adj + enough + to infinitive.

1 My sister is old She can drive a car

→……… The radio isn’t small You can’t put it in your pocket

→……… This coat isn’t warm I don’t wear it in winter

→……… She is beautiful and intelligent She can become Miss World

→……… The weather was fine We could go camping

→……… Those apples aren’t ripe We can’t eat them

→……… Mr Robinson isn’t rich He can’t buy a house

→……… The worker is clever He can make fine things from wood

→……… He is strong He can carry that suitcase

→……… 10 The fire isn’t very hot It won’t boil a kettle

→……… 11 The ice is quite thick We can walk on it

→……… 12 The ladder wasn’t very long It didn’t reach the window

→……… 13 It is not warm We can’t go swimming

→……… 14 You are not old You can’t have a front-door key

→……… 15 He didn’t have much money He couldn’t live on it

→……… 16 It was very hot You could fry an egg on the pavement

→……… 17 Linda is clever She can make that model

→……… 18 He isn’t tall He can’t reach the lights

→……… 19 My son is young He can’t live alone

→……… 20 This movie is very interesting We can see it

→……… 21 That book isn’t useful You can’t read it


22 These apples aren’t ripe I can’t eat them

→……… 23 These shoes are very small She can’t wear them

→……… 24 Nam is short He can’t become a police man

→……… 25 He spoke too fast We couldn’t hear anything

→……… 26 Tom is not tall He can’t be a good basketball player

→……… 27 Mai is good She can pass the next examination

→……… 28 This exercise is very difficult We can’t it

→……… 29 The weather was fine We could go camping

→……… 30 The ice is quite thick We can walk on it

→……… II/ Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.

1 It is a (wooden/ round) table

→……… She is wearing a (green/ new/ beautiful) dress

→……… What a (sunny/ lovely) day!

→……… My uncle lives in a (old/ lovely/ small) house

→……… That girl has (blue/ nice/ big) eyes

→……… He gave me (black/ leather) gloves

→……… My teacher has a (round/ pink/ small) face

→……… It’s a (small/ metal/ black) box

→……… Mrs Thanh has a (black/ long/ straight) hair

→……… 10 She has (green/ nice/ big) eyes

→……… 11 Liz has a (blue/ thick) book


III – Complete the sentences with the right reflexive pronouns. Susan cut when she sliced up onions


3 The children can now dress We had a great vacation We enjoyed very much

5 All of you are good football players Did you teach to play football ……… or did anyone teach you?

6 Mr Hawk cuts every morning when he shaves The dog hurt when it jumped out of the window Be careful, son! You may cutbadly with that sharp knife The girl is amusing with her kitten 10 I must blame for that fault 11 My sister often looks in the mirror 12 Mark made a sandwich 13 This refrigerator defrosts 14 Hoa and I saw that accident yesterday 15 Did you pay for ? 16 The children can look after for a few days 17 Please help me I can’t it 18 Take care of ! 19 Please try and understand how I feel Putin my position 20 I gave them a key so that they could let in IV Change the sentences into Reported speech.

1 “Open the door,” he said to them

-He told them “Bring it back to me”, He said to me

-He told “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us

-She told “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said

-Tom told Ann “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her

-He asked Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said

-I told Mary “Can you sit beside me, Jean?” Tom asked

-Tom asked Jean “I want a camera for my birthday,” he said


9 “Don’t keep the door locked,” he said to us

-He told us 10 “Don’t use too much hot water,” she said to us -She asked us 11 “Do it again,” she said to them

She told them 12 “Don’t get your shoes dirty, boys,” she said

-She told

13 “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William”, his mother said - William’s mother told 14 “Don’t bite your nails,” said Mrs Rogers to her son

-Mrs Rogers told 15 “Remember to bring your passport with you.”

- She asked me 16 “Do not write on the wall,” said the teacher to the boys

-The teacher told the boys……… 17 “You should play sports every day.”

- My mother told me 18 She said to Nam: “You should get up early.”

- She said to Nam 19 They said to us “You should all your homework”

- They said that: 20 My father said to me: “You should eat more vegetables”

My father said


Put the word in the correct form


4 The farmer said to the tiger he (leave) _ his wisdom at home

The terrible of this tour annoyed us in a 20-minute wait at the station (serve) TV commercials interrupt the _ programs that the audience is emotionally spent time on (interest)

7 Helping the elderly and poor people is a job for our community (meaning)

Her _ sounds like that of a native speaker (pronounce) The farmer felt _ when he knew his chicken laid a gold egg (excite) 10 Despite being a 4-star hotel, it is too bad (serve)

11 Without saying anything to us, she left _ (sudden) 12 Hard work always brings (succeed)

13 Ms Thien An said: “You shouldn’t use that _to cook pancakes, Ms Trang” (steam) 14 Nam attended immediate English courses because he wants to improve his _ (pronounce)

15 Although he worked hard, he received _ semester results (satisfaction) 16 Customers felt satisfied with doing their shopping in the new mall (convenient)

17 Thomas Edition was the American scientist who invented _ electric lights (successful)

18 Schools need to encourage students to be the young _in social activities (volunteer)

19 His Spanish _ is becoming better after courses (pronounce)

20 Children felt _ after their grandma told “Tam and Cam”, a Vietnamese folktale (excite)

21 The smart phone producers introduced many new products in _use (commerce)

22 Remember that kitchen is always a/an place to children (safe) 23 , we are trying to keep Vietnamese cultures alive in our society nowadays Tradition)

24 Mr Phong is to hear about his school result in The English- speaking contest (please)

25 After a discussion with all the _ _of the stores, the local organizers accepted their requests (own)

26 New Year is coming nearer, I (buy) _ some new clothes in two weeks 27 Mr Sang said to my mom she should (buy) me a new dictionary 28 Her family (emigrate) to Canada last year

29 The little child enjoys (transmit) sounds by a hand-made device 30 “Do you know who was the of the telephone, Nga?” I asked (invent )


33 Shopping in a mall is convenient and comfortable to get a wider of products (select)

34 Ms Lan wants to have a part time job as a teaching (assist) 35 Using products made in Vietnam is to be of being a Vietnamese (pride) 36 , we entered the house when it began to rain (Fortunate) 37 It’s _for your son to play with the scissors They can make him injured (safe) TEST 1

I Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: His parents are very proud _ _ his first semester result

A in B on C at D of

2 I know your listening skill has improved _ than before

A harder B better C worse D good

3 His bad _ towards a lot of people made his parents upset

A festival B behavior C cooperation D wisdom

4 He says he will hardly ever have dinner o’clock

A until B after C in D on

5 My father asked me to tie some pieces of heavy wood a long

A rag B clothes C straw D rope

6 In each semester, students usually receive their with subjects’ results from their form teacher

A report cards B vacations C application form D postcards Learners should underline or _ key words they need to remember

A send B bring back C highlight D take part in

8 Could you help me please, Hoa? +

A That’s right B Why I do? C Don’t disturb me D Sure I’ll give you my hands

9 To be a member of the club, take the form and your personal information, guy

A fill out B care for C lead to D set up

10 Her hobbies are dancing, drawing and acting

A favor B satisfaction C aims D interests

II Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting: 11 Please take this report card to your parents and ask her to sign it A B C D

12 The bank closes at p.m If you arrive before p.m., no one can serve you A B C D


Thanks (13) _ your letter I’m (14) to hear you had an enjoyable Christmas vacation

We (15) our first semester reports a few days ago I got good grades for Science, English and History, but my math result was poor My math teacher asked me (16) _ more time on it I must study harder next (17) _ It is almost Tet That’s the Lunar New Year Festival in Viet Nam I think I told you about it in my last letter We’re going to Hue tonight to (18) _ the festival with my grandmother I’ll send you a postcard from there

Write soon and tell me all your news

13 A from B for C of D with

14 A please B pleases C pleased D pleasure

15 A receive B receives C received D receiving

16 A spend B spent C spending D to spend

17 A semester B behavior C habit D memory

18 A celebrates B celebrated C celebration D celebrate

IV Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow it are True of False: Nga’s grandmother used to live on a farm when she was a young girl She didn’t go to school because she had to stay home and help her mom She used to look after her younger brothers and sisters Nga’s great-grandmother used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes She had to everything without the help of modern equipment After dinner, Nga’s great-grandmother lit the lamp and her great-grandfather used to tell them stories Nga asked her grandmother to tell her the tale” The lost shoe” It’s an old folktale

19 Nga’s grandmother used to live on a farm _

20 She used to take care of her younger brothers and sisters _ 21 Nga’s great-grandmother lit the lamp in the afternoons _ 22 Nga’s great-grandfather used to tell them stories in the evenings _ V Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence:

23 Last year we had an _ summer holiday (enjoy) 24 Her next-step mother behaved towards her (cruel)

25 _, Vietnamese women usually wear Ao Dai on the wedding day (Traditional) 26 His parents were _ about his semester result (excite)

27 A lot of new modern was supplied for their school in this school year (equip)

28 It’s _ for you to memorize all words you learned although they are vocabulary VI Use the correct tense or form of the verb given in each sentence:


31 Hoa’s family used to _ here (live)

32 It’s amazing that she _ my dress that I wore it when I was 15 years old (fit) VII Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it: (2.0 pts)

33 Their teacher said to them,” Don’t make so much noise.” - Their teacher told them _ 34 I often earned a lot of money when I was young

- I used 35 Let me see the best thing of this machine after use

- May ? 36 Her speaking skill in English is so good

- She speaks _ TEST 2

I/ Choose the best answer)

1 In the early 19th century, G Bell’s greatest ……… for man was the telephone

A service B invention C demonstration D exhibition

2 Please put that nice rug ……… the small table and between the chairs

A in B on C under D above

3 It is dangerous for your children ……… with small beads

A play B plays C to play D playing

4 Sorry, Sir We are making a plan of the meeting next week

A a job B a business C an arrangement D a precaution

5 The young lady talking to the principal has ………

A brown curly hair B a brown curly hair C a curly brown hair D curly brown hair The cat belongs to the people who live ……… I live in the first floor and they live on the

2nd floor.

A inside B outside C upstairs D downstairs

7 She came ……… with a new idea for increasing sale

A on B up C in D over

8 Everyone loves him because of his good ………

A person B character C member D public

II/ Supply the correct form of the word given in each sentence Hard work always brings ……… (succeed) Bao is very ………, kind and generous (social) Your order is ready for ……… (deliver)

4 She’s always worried about the ……… of her family (safe) ………, the barber cut my hair too short (luck)


III/ Supply the correct forms of verbs

1 The moon (move) ……… around the earth

2 They (watch) ……… television - their favorite program is on at the moment ……… you (play) ……… with dolls when you were a little girl?

4 Mary usually (go) ……… to the school library twice a week, but last week she (not go) ………

5 I think you have to (wash) ……… all vegetables carefully before cooking IV/ Error the mistake

1 The boy cannot repair the bicycle by itself A B C D

……… Eating too much sugar can lead forhealth problems


……… V/ Read and choose the best option to fill in the gaps

Can you imagine what life would be (1) if there were no telephone? You could not call your friends (2) the phone and talk to them When a (3) broke out in your house you could not call the fire department If somebody were sick, he could not call a (4) Therefore, we should (5) our deep thanks to Alexander Graham Bell, a (6) , who invented the telephone in 1876

1 A like B of C for D as

2 A to B in C on D by

3 A light B fire C sunlight D match

4 A dentist B farmer C doctor D engineer

5 A given B gave C giving D give

6 A Dutch B Mexican C Scotsman D Vietnamese

VI/ Reading comprehension (1.0 m)

I am lucky enough to have a lot of friends Each of us, however, has a different character Brian is the most sociable He is also extremely kind and generous Kenny and Steven are quite reserved in public Both boys enjoy school, but Kenny is also a star soccer player and Steven only likes the peace of the school library I am not as outgoing as Brian but I enjoy telling jokes My friends usually enjoy my sense of humor Although we have different characters, the four of us are very close friends

1 My friends and I are not alike Brian likes helping people

3 Kenny is very sociable

4 Steven goes to the library once a week

VII/ Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence I intend to pay for the damage

-> I am……… It isn’t necessary for you to wake up so early


3 He is intelligent He can answer all the questions (enough)

-> He is ……… I advise you to keep your house clean and tidy

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 15:52

