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Unit 10 - Health and Hygiene

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**** Don’t forget to brush your teeth after meals... Remember to wash your own clothes.[r]


Unit 10 : HEALTH and HYGIENE.


1 Listen Then practice with a partner ( P 103 ) Vocabulary

- Tooth (n) - Teeth (n) nhiều - Toothache (n) bệnh đau - To have a toothache (v) bị đau

 I have a toothache  Minh has a toothache - Appoitntment (n) hẹn - Appoint (v) hẹn

- Scared (a) sợ - Hate (v) ghét - Sound (n) âm

- Drill (n) máy khoan, khoan - Loud (a) to, ầm ĩ

- Feel – felt (v) cảm thấy - Fill ( v) trám , làm đầy - Cavity (n) lỗ sâu

- Hurt – hurt (v) đau, bị thương - Afterward (adv) sau 2 Listen and Answer ( P.104 ) Vocabulary

- Leave – left (v) rời khỏi - Explain (v) giải thích

- Explanation ( n) lời giải thích - Remind (v) nhắc nhở

- Sensibly (adv ) cách hợp lý - Sensible (a) hợp lý

3 Listen and Read ( P 104 ) Vocabulary

- Surgery (n) phòng khám bệnh - Check (v) kiểm tra

- Smile (+ at ) (v) mỉm cười với - Serious (a) nghiêm trọng

- Seriously (adv) cách nghiêm trọng - Pleased (a) hài lòng

- Forget – forgot ( v) quên - Notice (v) nhận ra, nhận thấy



2 ***** What is the matter with you ? What is wrong with you ? EXERCISES

1 Remember to wash your own clothes


2 What’s wrong with her?

What’s the _?

3 Remember to keep in touch.


4 Remember to write a letter to me.

Don’t _

5 Remember to your homework before you go to bed.

Don’t _

6 What was wrong with your mom ?

What _ ?

7 What is the matter with her sister ?


8 What’s the matter with Hoa ?

What _ ?

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 08:49
