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Chọn một đáp án thích hợp để hoàn tất các câu hỏi về đoạn văn sau: Plague is a disease carried by animals, primarily by rodents and by people.. It was widespread in Europe, when in 1300s[r]

(1)http://kinhhoa.violet.vn Knowledge is power! test VIIi I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A stay B pay C cake D quay A find B style C tonight D mid-term B provided C painted D opened A wanted A booked B canned C begged D bottomed A wants B says C looks D laughs II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A decide B complete C vacation D almost A applicant B appliance C delicate D relevant A competent B computer C compliance D commuter A inference B inferior C reference D redundancy 10 A product B purpose C postcard D postpone III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London road A Through B Owing C Because D Since 12 He is a little bit in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say A disabled B deaf C diseased D dead 13 I’ll have to _ to you, otherwise he will hear A shout B say C whistle D whisper 14 She remember the correct address only _ she had posted the letter A since B afterwards C following D after 15 Mr and Mrs Hudson are always _ with each other about money A annoying B arguing C discussing D shouting 16 The children did not know the _ by which the game was played A facts B customs C orders D rules 17 Of course I’m a Christian I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too A since B then C and D but 18 It’s an awful _ your wife couldn’t come I was looking forward to meeting her A harm B sorrow C shame D shock 19 He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second when it was offered A load B pile C helping D sharing 20 It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _ a story A invent B combine C imagined D lie 21 If only he told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone wrong A had B have C would have D should have 22 He left his book at home, he’s always so A forgetting B forgotten C forgettable D forgetful 23 Mr and Mrs Black were delighted when they to sell their house quickly A succeeded B could C risked D managed 24 scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply A Late B Later C Latter D Lately 25 Can you tell me the of these shoes? A charge B price C amount D expense 26 the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more A Nevertheless B Meanwhile C Despite D Although 27 The cat was afraid when it saw its in the mirror A picture B look C sight D reflection 28 I’ve always _ you as my best friend Make your dream become true Lop11.com (2) Knowledge is power! A regarded B thought C meant D supposed 29 He found learning to drive easy and his driving test the very first time A sat B succeeded C passed D made 30 He often _ about his expensive car A praises B shows C boasts D prides 31 Lee is at the local Chinese restaurant Four waiters worked there altogether A a waiter B an waiter C the waiter D waiter 32 Can you tell me who is responsible _ passports? A to check B checking C about checking D for checking 33 I got nervous during the exam When the examiner asked my name, my mind went completely _ A empty B blank C white D void 34 This school has the highest standards in the area A learning B intelligent C academic D study 35 The other motorist drove right in front of me, I couldn’t avoid his car A to hit B hitting C hit D from hitting IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: The table tennis match was very enjoyable before (36) _ lit a cigarette and ruined the evening After (37) _ smoking, they let the cigarette fall on the wooden floor Unfortunately, they drop it without putting it out but (38) _ paid any attention to it Even the woman (39) _ sitting next to the man with the cigarette did not notice Soon, however, there was (40) _ smoke Suddenly flames (41) _ up into the air Someone immediately ran out of the room (42) _ the fire brigade Two or three men got some buckets of water (43) _ the fire, but it was useless Everyone in the large hall (44) _ very frightened The next moment people rushed towards the main door Before the fire brigade arrived the whole building was on fire On (45) _ the burning building, one of the firemen succeeded in rescuing an old woman 36 A someone B anyone C no one D anybody 37 A finish B finishing C finished D finishes 38 A someone B anyone C no one D anybody 39 A she was B was C who was D she 40 A a lot of B many C a few D little 41 A shoot B shoots C shot D shooting 42 A phone B phoning C to phone D for phoning 43 A to put out B they put out C putting out D put out 44 A was B were C has D have 45 A enter B entering C entered D he entered V Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn tất các câu hỏi đoạn văn sau: Plague is a disease carried by animals, primarily by rodents and by people It was widespread in Europe, when in 1300s, 25 million people died and ranging epidemics spread as later as the latter pert of the 7th century Once people became aware of the fact that plague was spread by rats that carried the epidemic on ship from one port to another, rodent extermination put an end to be devastating plagues in the world In the United States, plagues occurred in epidemic strength in San Francisco in 1900 intensive rat control measures were employed immediately, but squirrels in the area had been infected and had to be destroyed too Descendents of these rodents continued the infection and have transmitted it to other rodents as prairie dogs in western and southern parts of the United States The plague is endemic to those areas that are sparsely populated There have been scattered case of plague since 1900, but no serous outbreaks 46 Plague is spread by _ A rats B ships C rodents and people D prairie dogs and squirrels 47 You can infer that there were no further ranging plague epidemics A after the 1300s B after the 7th century C in Europe D in San Francisco 48 The plague spread in Europe because A infected rats traveled in the ships B people didn’t know what caused the disease Make your dream become true Lop11.com (3) Knowledge is power! C nothing was done to prevent it D all above 49 Ranging epidemics ended in Europe when A ships weren’t allowed in foreign ports B rats were exterminated C population moved out of the big cities D 25 million people had died 50 You can infer that in the late 1300s _ A Europe’s population was very small B intensive rat control measures were applied C people were extremely poor D people were accustomed to the plague The end test Ix I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: B tidy C timer D kite A timid A trousers B route C shout D amount B waste C husband D inspiration A whisper A cleaned B played C snowed D brushed A churched B chimney C check D cholera II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A estimate B activate C migrate D inflate A spectacular B variety C psychological D contribute A irritable B irrelevant C irreparable D irrational A innovate B inevitable C innocent D insecticide 10 A ignite B igloo C ignorant D ignore III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were to his arguments A closed B dead C careless D indifferent 12 Your argument _ that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case A outlines B presupposes C concerns D presents 13 You are under no obligation _ to accept this offer A indeed B eventually C apart D whatsoever 14 Could you possibly _me at the next committee meeting? A stand in for B make up for C fall back on D keep in with 15 She should have been here, but she’s gone _ flu A through with B down with C back on D down by 16 She expressed her for certain kinds of cheaply produced movies A disapproval B distaste C dissatisfaction D disloyalty 17 He became a millionaire by of hard work and a considerable amount of luck A process B effect C dint D cause 18 He’s a very difficult person to with A deal B C get D treat 19 She’s _ a kind person that she can never say no to anyone A so B quite C very D much 20 I must remember to put that dinner invitation in my A agenda B diary C record D journal 21 You can look up the number in the phone _ A index B register C dictionary D directory 22 He’s been teaching music for years, but he hasn’t any _ A examinations B experience C experiences D qualifications 23 I don’t know the price, but it costs about $50 A accurate B true C proper D exact 24 In a dream he had a of the future Make your dream become true Lop11.com (4) Knowledge is power! A view B vision C reflection D image 25 My brother lives on the 15th floor of that of flats A block B building C tower D house 26 If I _ the chance, I would have trained to be a doctor A would had B would have C had had D have had 27 Don’t worry, it’s just a difficult stage She’ll it A get on with it B get through to C get up to D grow out of 28 The crime seemed to be going up and up A percentage B wave C figures D rate 29 I am the habit of reading in bed A in B on C of D from 30 In order not to jerk the vehicle you must release the _ frequently A windscreen B dashboard C clutch D indicator 31 Not did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again A even B only C at all D always 32 I _ with your predicament but things could be a lot worse, you know A agree B sympathize C share D feel 33 The left wing of the party prospers the right wing seems to be losing ground A until B whether C unless D while 34 To be I couldn’t understand what he was getting at A sly B humble C cowardly D honest 35 The of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from any Latin-base language A extract B derivation C genesis D descent IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: When I first arrived to take up my new job, I stay in a hotel, but I soon started looking for some permanent (36) _ The first flat I (37) _ over was in a basement and was obviously extremely damp in winter Quite apart from the fact that the only (38) _ was a brick wall Then, I had a look at a small flat in a modern (39) _ It had a (40) _ space and a garden, but the (41) _ was far too high for me I didn’t want to end up in a tiny place, so I answered an ad for house-sharing The house was in a quiet (42) _ , as soon as I saw it I fell in love with it There was a high overgrown hedge around the front garden, and place to park car in the drive The room to (43) _ looked out (44) _ the back garden, and had a big bay window Although it meant (45) _ the kitchen and living room, I did have my own bathroom, really just a shower and washbasin crammed into what must have once been a cupboard 36 A home B accommodation C house D landlady 37 A passed B viewed C came D looked 38 A view B entrance C distance D bathroom 39 A tower B department C block D square 40 A living B breathing C working D parking 41 A lift B roof C area D rent 42 A surrounding B neighborhood C context D premises 43 A let B myself C pay D lend 44 A in B over C at D for 45 A without B in C sharing D having V Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn tất các câu hỏi đoạn văn sau: Of all the natural wonders of the world, few are as spectacular as Niagara Falls Located on the Niagara River along the border between the US and Canada, Niagara Falls actually consists of two falls, the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls The former is on the US side of the border, in the state of New York, while the latter is on the Canadian side About 80% of the water in Niagara River flows over the Horseshoe Falls, which is the more impressive of the two falls About 10 million people visit the falls each year, most during the summer Make your dream become true Lop11.com (5) Knowledge is power! tourist season Sightseers can ride steamers up close to the boiling water of the falls, or view them from parks on both sides of the river Niagara Falls has long been a popular honeymoon destination for newlyweds 46 Which of the following is entirely on the US side of the border with Canada? A Niagara River B American Falls C Niagara Falls D Horseshoe Falls 47 It can be inferred from the passage that Horseshoe Falls A is the larger of the two falls B is the less impressive fall C has 15% of the Niagara River flowing over its edge D is in the state of New York 48 According to the passage, where can people watch the falls? A From trains B From airplanes C From parks or boats D From cars 49 In line 6, the word “them” refers to _ A steamers B sightseers C parks D waterfalls 50 According to the passage, Niagara Falls A is a favorite sport of newlyweds C can be viewed from only one side of the Niagara Falls B generates very hot water D is only impressive during the summer tourist season The end test x I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A children B child C mild D wild A both B myth C with D sixth B booked C hoped D waited A helped A name B natural C native D nation A blood B food C moon D pool II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A mature B machine C majesty D majority A consolidate B conference C confidence D context A subsequent B delinquent C frequently D consequent A nutritious B contagious C continuous D numerous 10 A excellent B exciting C extensive D existence III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 The cows got out of the field through a _ in the fence A gap B crack C fault D cut 12 In this job you must up to the problems and not run away from them A gaze B face C raise D play 13 Over the past two years the of living has risen considerably A rate B charge C cost D price 14 In hot weather, fresh milk quickly turns A bitter B foul C sour D rotten 15 Women workers wear hats in their hair gets caught in the machinery A course B occasion C event D case 16 The government’s present policy is seen as a to local democracy A threat B harm C suppression D sneer 17 It was not easy to understand her to the situation A feelings B conduct C outlook D reaction 18 He always did well at school having his early education disrupted by illness A on account of B in spite of C in addition to D even though 19 He told his father a long and _ story to explain his lateness A inconceivable B unconvincing C unimaginable D incredulous 20 After listening to all the arguments I am now of that there should be no new road Make your dream become true Lop11.com (6) Knowledge is power! A attitude B opinion C thought D idea 21 One condition of this job is that you must be to work at weekends A available B capable C acceptable D accessible 22 It was too late to of the contract A back out B back down C back up D back away 23 All his companies had been successful and he was known to be _ rich A absolutely B completely C extremely D thoroughly 24 Religions and politics interest him almost _ A equally B the same C similarly D alike 25 Employees who have a are encouraged to discus it with the management A hindrance B disturbance C disadvantage D grievance 26 He denied _ in the hotel at 7a.m A himself B to be C it’s him D being 27 After a thorough search, the police _ most of the missing jewels A retreated B refreshed C recorded D recovered 28 If you hear the fire , leave the building quickly A alarm B publicity C caution D notice 29 We need information before we can decide A far B farther C further D furthest 30 Unless my room was warmer tonight, I’m going to to the hotel manager A argue B regret C complain D sympathize 31 Many countries have compulsory military service A aborted B absconded C abolished D abstracted 32 By the time his daughter graduates, retired A he B he has C he’ll being D he’ll have 33 The north-west of Scotland is and there are lots of lakes A country B woody C hills D mountainous 34 If in March, they should give you a host of splendid blooms a few months later A planted B earthed C dug D installed 35 He had to get a bank loan when the money finally _ A gave in B gave off C gave over D gave out IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: In 1967, a research team from an American university (36) out to explore the well of Sacrifice at Chitchen Itza Unfortunately, however, the water in this well was so dark that it was impossible for divers to see, so the team had to use filters to clean it Just as this work was about to begin, some (37) Indians told the team that the well was (38) by spirit of a rain god The god was (39) as Chac, and they warned the team that Chac would (40) revenge if his home was disturbed The team listened politely but (41) these warnings and went on with their research (42) the summer, pumps and filters were used, but it wasn’t until (43) months later that the water was clear enough for divers to go down into the well When they got (44) to work they began to discover various objects at the (45) of the well (46) the things they brought back to the surface were human bones, and by the time they had (47) they had recovered more than 50 skeletons This was (48) that the well had indeed been used for human sacrifice Perhaps it would have been better if the team had (49) to the warnings of the Indians, because within a year, several members of the team had been (50) in mysterious accidents 36 A put B broke C set D looked 37 A local B natural C near D close 38 A lived B housed C resided D inhabited 39 A named B called C told D known 40 A have B make C D take 41 A ignored B refused C denied D rejected Make your dream become true Lop11.com (7) Knowledge is power! 42 A Along 43 A few 44 A down 45 A end 46 A Between 47 A ended 48 A clear 49 A listened 50 A died B Within B several B through B ground B Around B finished B proof B heard B wounded C Throughout C various C about C depth C within C concluded C evident C noticed C killed D Inside D any D at D bottom D Among D achieved D obvious D watched D missed test xi I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A candy B sandy C many D handy A earning B learning C searching D clearing B stays C says D plays A pays A given B risen C ridden D whiten A cough B tough C rough D enough II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A occurrence B particular C spectator D preference A ferocious B adventure C orient D achievement A utterance B attendance C performance D reluctance A architect B pioneer C military D principal 10 A librarian B respectable C terrific D terrorist III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 The thought of taking such an examination had never for one moment _ my head A entered B occurred C crossed D slipped 12 According to a recent survey most people are on good with their neighbors A relations B acquaintance C relationships D terms 13 This young author has already received the sort of that others have to try lifetime A attentiveness B note C recognition D notoriety 14 I hope this headache _ soon A goes out B comes away C wears off D passes away 15 They began constructing the bridge in 1960, but several years _ before the project was completed A advanced B elapsed C proceeded D progressed 16 After the accident and the subsequent appearance in court, he was from driving for a year A dispossessed B forfeited C disqualified D invalidated 17 At first the shelves in the kitchen were very simple, we just had to _ a few holes on the wall A stab B drill C pierce D saw 18 When she was taken to hospital, two ambulance men carried her out of the house on a _ A stretch B hammock C mattress D hoarse 19 As a result of the company’s policy, there are now many more supermarkets built A magnification B increase C intensification D expansion 20 My cousin’s main for going abroad was his poor health A need B reason C cause D desire 21 He parked in the wrong place and the police his car away A hoisted B hitched C towed D lifted 22 The work keeps and I seem to get very little done A piling on B growing up C heaping on D piling up 23 I’m not to your plan but it needs modifying Make your dream become true Lop11.com (8) Knowledge is power! A objected B opposed C disputed D conflicted 24 Luggage may be placed here _ the owner’s risk A by B under C at D with 25 He doesn’t to take a holiday this summer A suppose B determine C plan D suggest 26 A coach carrying football _ crashed into a lorry on the motorway A watchers B fans C people D lovers 27 He ran down the beach and into the sea A dived B sank C headed D bathed 28 She was born in Japan, but has now _ in the United States A fixed B planted C settled D stuck 29 His business is growing so fast that he must take more workers A up B on C over D out 30 Since he was a boy, one of his has been stamp-collecting A hobbies B cares C sports D professions 31 She has a lot of free time and wants to know how best to it A waste B spend C make D save 32 The examiners will test your _ to drive under normal conditions A ability B advantage C wisdom D virtue 33 It is dangerous to _ out of the windows of the train A hold B slope C lean D bend 34 He hated his job, as a of fact he has now given it up A nature B matter C condition D type 35 Fat people should the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things A disobey B resist C deny D refuse IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: Researchers in the United States have discovered a powerful drug, pregnenolon, that can improve (36 in mice In the laboratory, mice were trained to associate a sound with a shock a few second later They ahd to (37) their way through a maze to avoid the shock Then some of the mice were given pregnenolon The mice that had been injected with the drug showed such a (38) improvement in memory that the researchers were astonished It was already known that pregnenolon can help people (39) from spinal cord (40) after car crashes or falls, but (41) this new research shows is that it plays an even more important role The results suggest that it may one day be possible to treat people (42) memories have been affected by old age or disease Scientists have already tried out the drug on a number of patients (43) had been (44) affected by Alzheimer’s disease and who were (45) of (46) members of their own family (47) they only show a (48) improvement, if any, but the scientists believe that the doses they used (49) have been either too high or too low They are confident that they will reach their (50) aim of producing a drug that will be safe and effective for humans 36 A recollection B recognition C reminder D memory 37 A remember B remind C review D realize 38 A grand B significant C decisive D important 39 A recover B return C rescue D regain 40 A harm B damage C hurt D injure 41 A which B what C who D that 42 A who B their C whose D which 43 A who B they C which D whom 44 A badly B wrongly C hardly D heavily 45 A disable B incapable C unaware D unconscious 46 A reviewing B recognizing C reminding D realizing Make your dream become true Lop11.com (9) Knowledge is power! 47 A Improbably 48 A petty 49 A should 50 A long-distance B Unfortunately B mean B ought B long-time C Unlikely C poor C will C long-sight The D Importantly D small D might D long-term end test xii I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A agent B change C blame D champion A music B future C public D cubic A laughter B bought C drought D caught A chorus B chairman C chronicle D scholar A patient B efficient C precision D appreciate II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A dismiss B destroy C discount D district A competent B museum C musician D computer A intelligent B apprentice C preferential D potential A mountain B maintain C fountain D maintenance 10 A shuttlecock B cyclist C athletics D helmet III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 She came in quietly not to wake the baby A as if B so as C such as D if so 12 The child was told to eat all his vegetable or he would get no ice-cream A in case B else C instead D in fact 13 Sport is sometimes used by government as a tool of foreign A policy B political C politics D politician 14 Violence at football matches is a symptom of problems in A nation B society C fraternity D sate 15 Sportsmen their political differences on the sport field A take part B put aside C take place D keep apart 16 Please accept our congratulations! A finest B warmest C dearest D deepest 17 It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation’s A inheritance B heritage C possessions D legacy 18 A part-time job give me freedom to my own interest A pursue B chase C seek D catch 19 She’s interrupting me when I’m talking A sometimes B never C always D just 20 In his first game for Newcastle, Keegan _ a goal after 58 minutes A scored B won C earned D gained 21 Shy people often find it hard to group discussion A take place in B take part in C get on with D get in touch with 22 It a lot of patience to be a nurse A uses B takes C spends D costs 23 I couldn’t decide between the two records, so I bought _ of them A each B both C either D all 24 People still haven’t _ how dangerous pollution can be A remarked B noted C realized D minded 25 After I finished working, I switched off the machine A have B had C having D to have Make your dream become true Lop11.com (10) Knowledge is power! 26 I think access to cinemas and theaters is the main of city life A amenity B attraction C leisure D recreation 27 I don’t want to go, but there is no way of getting it A from B off C out of D away 28 That child is really by his grandparents A stained B polluted C spoilt D naughty 29 When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been by burglars A broken into B broken up C broken down D broken off 30 His bad behavior was put _ his upbringing A up B with C off D down to 31 What he told me was a _ of lies A pack B load C mob D flock 32 Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to _ them from decay A defense B protect C arm D guard 33 In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely A wiped up B wiped out C wiped away D wiped off 34 through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale A Rummage B Ravage C Forage D Salvage 35 The rain seems to have set for the evening A upon B about C in D down IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: A climber whose heart had stopped beating in a snowstorm on Mont Blanc was reviewed by French doctors during a five-hour operation yesterday Alan Haywood, 41, had set off with four friends on Saturday to climb Mont Blanc Early on Saturday morning the (36) had set off for the summit, and although the skies were (37) at first, it soon began to snow heavily As the storm get worse, they (38) see where they were going They had no (39) but to dig a hole in the snow to keep the (40) in and wait for the storm to pass They were (41) for 24 hours During the night, Mr Haywood’s body temperature began to fall, and when it drops to below 25*C, his heart stopped beating His friends feared the worst and thought he was (42) The men were found the following day by the Chamonix mountain (43) team, who had been sent up the mountain to find two other climbers who had disappeared All seven were then lifted off the mountain by helicopter and taken to Chamonix hospital, where doctors (44) to get Mr Haywood’s heart beating again (45) in time A doctor said there was a good chance that he would (46) , and explained that the effects of the extreme cold would have help to (47) serious damage So far this year there has been a (48) number of emergencies in Chamonix The mountains around the town have (49) 93 lives and left 726 people injured Eleven people are still (50) _ 36 A party B set C crew D pack 37 A clean B clear C pure D calm 38 A didn’t manage B couldn’t C didn’t succeed D didn’t achieve 39 A possibility B choice C occasion D opportunity 40 A temperature B warmth C fever D hot 41 A caught B held C trapped D closed 42 A die B died C death D dead 43 A rescue B release C delivery D repair 44 A could B managed C achieved D succeeded 45 A only B simply C just D merely 46 A save B repair C recover D rescue 47 A avoid B prevent C escape D obstruct 48 A record B greatest C largest D highest 49 A claimed B removed C killed D died 50 A away B absent C out D missing Make your dream become true 10 Lop11.com (11) Knowledge is power! test xiii I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A idiom B ideal C idol D identical A ready B steady C steak D stealth B stall C landscape D examine A traffic A hear B spear C dear D swear A muddle B smuggler C ambush D mutter II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A souvenir B opposite C bakery D kilometer A instrumental B communicate C mathematics D accidental A contestant B satellite C similar D interview A comment B compact C commence D compound 10 A powerful B substance C basement D celestial III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 She always _ the smell of fresh bread with her mother, who loved baking A remembered B associated C exemplified D attributed 12 The judge said the thief had shown complete for the law A ignorance B disregard C disobedience D negligence 13 These suggestions are to be accepted by the majority of members A unlikely B impossible C undoubtedly D inconceivable 14 The unscrupulous salesman the old couple out of their life savings A deprived B swindled C robbed D extracted 15 Frank would be more popular in the office if he didn’t tried so hard to _ himself with the boss A regard B sympathize C congratulate D ingratiate 16 You’ll have to hurry because the train leaves in ten minutes A latter B last C latest D least 17 This is the photograph of the school I when I lived in Swindom A used B assisted C joined D attended 18 The purpose of the examination is to the students’ knowledge of the subject A try B inspect C prove D test 19 The three friends all for the same job A requested B applied C intended D referred 20 I have absolutely no doubt _ the innocence of the accused A about B over C on D with 21 He hit the vase with his elbow and it to the floor A crashed B smashed C broke D knocked 22 All students must leave their addresses so that the letters can be sent _ A forward B through C on D to 23 When the starter gave the all the competitors in the race began to run the track A signal B warning C shot D show 24 He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a on it A badge B mark C label D notice 25 In spite of her protests, her father her train for the race three hours a day A let B made C insisted D caused 26 I can’t make what’s happening A away B out C D over 27 We’re on holiday this year; but at least we are properly prepared _ it this time A about B at C with D for 28 Since the accident he has walked with a _ Make your dream become true 11 Lop11.com (12) Knowledge is power! A slope B limp C lame D strain 29 The doctor gave the patient examination to discover the cause of his collapse A a thorough B a universal C an extract D a whole 30 Can you the paper with you when you come to see me, please? A bring B collect C take D get 31 Some of the passengers spoke to the reporters about their in the burning plane A occasion B happening C event D experience 32 Fortunately the machine was not _when it caught fire A in order B in use C in progress D in ruins 33 He was offered the job his qualifications were poor A despite B in spite of C even though D whereas 34 Scientists have discovered the close between smoking and several serious diseases A action B connection C union D combination 35 We are _ him to arrive at any moment A waiting B hoping C expecting D wishing IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: A long and happy marriage is something that many people wish for, but finding the right partner is (36) more difficult than you might imagine A friend of mine, Susan, had not been very successful in her (37) to find the perfect partner, and she was beginning to lose heart and feel rather (38) One day she happened to hear someone (39) a computer dating agency which could help you to find the ideal partner Susan immediately (40) an appointment to see someone at the agency, then wanted to see (41) would happen The agency arrange a meeting with a “suitable” partner at the local railway station a week later, although I (42) her not to go My friend arrived a few minutes (43) but could see no one who matched the (44) of the man in the photograph she had been sent She (45) a man waiting under the station clock and (46) a bunch of flowers, but there was no one (47) around Suddenly the man started chatting to her and, after a while, he asked her if she would (48) to go and have a coffee Not (49) much later did they come to the conclusion that they had both waiting for each other! When they had both (50) from the shock, they decided that the computer had been right after all! 36 A so B much C too D lot 37 A fight B duty C work D attempt 38 A depressed B ashamed C embarrassed D bored 39 A mentioning B telling C talking D relating 40 A did B had C set D made 41 A that B what C which D who 42 A advised B urged C suggested D whispered 43 A after B since C ago D early 44 A look B appearance C gesture D manner 45 A realized B considered C noticed D respected 46 A fetching B wearing C carrying D holding 47 A more B other C extra D else 48 A want B desire C like D need 49 A until B when C then D after 50 A returned B recovered C reviewed D realized The Make your dream become true end 12 Lop11.com (13) Knowledge is power! test xiV I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A envelops B makes C laughs D packages A special B lecturer C shocks D patient B bought C drought D ought A fought A creative B creature C creamy D crease A spread B bread C break D breath II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A dialect B dynasty C diagonal D diamond A existential B colonialist C metropolitan D Argentina A admirable B applicant C applicable D appliance A kangaroo B genuine C genocide D fortunate 10 A conspiracy B contemporary C contradictory D consistency III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 We have arranged special insurance to cover medical in the event of an accident A prices B expenses C accounts D money 12 he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual A Although B However C Therefore D Still 13 While the builders were repairing the roof they _ the bathroom window A break B broke C have broken D was broken 14 This ticket one person to the museum A permits B admits C enters D allows 15 he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home A For B Thus C So D As 16 The Grand Canyon is the product of _ A decay B crumbling C deterioration D erosion 17 Some people enjoy training; for others it is only a to an end A means B method C way D tool 18 Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you _ to leave? A thinking B planned C around D about 19 She her neighbor’s children for the broken window A accused B complained C blamed D denied 20 Don’t forget to _ the alarm clock for six o’clock tomorrow morning A put B ring C set D wind 21 She had no _ of selling the clock – it had belonged to her grandfather A intension B meaning C interest D opinion 22 He had to leave early, _ he? A didn’t B mustn’t C hasn’t D shouldn’t 23 The Department was also deeply in various improvement schemes A connected B entailed C involved D implied 24 We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no _ for them A request B claim C requirement D demand 25 After a short holiday, he himself once more time to his studies A applied B converted C engaged D exerted 26 He is not under arrest, nor have the police placed any on his movements A obstacle B restriction C veto D regulation 27 The other transport unions gave the railway workers their A agreement B solidarity C backing D alliance 28 He read it through quickly so as to get the of it before settling down to a thorough study Make your dream become true 13 Lop11.com (14) Knowledge is power! A detail B run C core D gist 29 Before you start a business, you will have to raised the necessary A investment B income C savings D capital 30 all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday A Making B No matter C Considering D Despite 31 A glass of wine now and then won’t you any harm A make B C take D give 32 He was very taken by her aggressive attitude A about A aside C apart D aback 33 At school he had a good academic record, and also at sports A prevailed B achieved C surpassed D excelled 34 As he approached the end of the race he found it hard to _ his speed A carry on B keep on C maintain D persevere 35 I hope you won’t take if I tell you the truth A annoyance B offence C resentment D irritation IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: An American professor who has studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about the sudden end of their empire (36) to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of California, the (37) of the Mayan civilization in Central America was (38) about by the Mayas themselves Their object was to display their (39) and power by making their buildings and decoration as beautiful as possible This (40) using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to make them smooth Unfortunately, the creation of lime is a process which require intense heat, and they therefore (41) to cut down huge numbers of trees This affected the quality of soil, and it became almost impossible to farm Professor Hansen, who has (42) returned from an excavation in the El Mirador region of northern Guatemala, (43) a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia that the Mayas having (44) this mistake in the 3rd century, repeated it 600 years later, at which time it proved fatal Increasing the Peloponnesian War which ravaged (46) Greece However, (47) the Greek civil war, which only (48) for 27 years, the Mayan wars (49) on for many centuries, and left many of their great cities and temples in (50) 36 A Referring B relating C According D Respecting 37 A collapse B drop C crash D stop 38 A made B came C turned D brought 39 A wealth B fortune C salary D cash 40 A depended B needed C requested D involved 41 A obliged B forced C must D had 42 A still B just C already D yet 43 A explained B suggested C claimed D told 44 A done B had C taken D made 45 A lack B shortages C droughts D failures 46 A antique B old C past D ancient 47 A unless B apart C without D unlike 48 A stayed B spent C longed D lasted 49 A ran B went C came D brought 50 A injuries B damages C spoils D ruins The Make your dream become true end 14 Lop11.com (15) Knowledge is power! test xv I Chän mét tõ cã phÇn in nghiªng ®­îc ph¸t ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cïng nhãm: A day B take C many A feat B steady C peanut B recent C even A cement A beat B dread C bread A literacy B liberate C license II Chän mét tõ cã vÞ trÝ träng ©m kh¸c so víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i nhãm: A monetary B capitalism C contrary A distance B dictator C tolerance A annoyance B restaurant C grandmother A monotonous B poisonous C disastrous 10 A ambulance B yesterday C political III Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn tất câu sau đây: 11 you have no key, you will have to get back before I go out A Although B Provided C As 12 They the training sessions as necessary but unpleasant A believed B regarded C noticed 13 You are _ your time at school; you might as well join the army A losing B missing C wasting 14 The tree fell on top of him and _ his leg A smashed B crashed C crushed 15 The music the composer’s joy of life A appeals B attracts C expresses 16 Although his work is not outstanding it is A enough B sufficient C well 17 Several _ of typhoid have been reported A types B cases C occurrences 18 She loves London, in the spring A mostly B specially C most 19 Living in that awful flat is getting her A low B down C under 20 Where is the book of _ for using this washing machine? A instructions B directives C regulations 21 The truth of the matter is _ from that newspaper report A not the same B the opposite C unlike 22 They stared up into the sky until the noise of the rocket _ A died away B went out C gave up 23 Tom is looking forward to _ his new job on Monday A be starting B be started C start 24 I’m not sure she is coming, but I suppose A isn’t B won’t C no 25 You’d rather watch TV this evening, ? A isn’t it B hadn’t you C wouldn’t you 26 General Wynding was placed _ command of the southern army A in B to C at 27 If you look hard enough, you _ it A will find B will be finding C are finding 28 He saw a young woman on the pavement outside the shop Make your dream become true 15 Lop11.com D make D defeat D celebrate D threat D liberal D departure D dominant D dishwasher D religious D furniture D unless D remarked D spending D cracked D arouses D adequate D doses D especially D below D orders D different D wore off D starting D not D won’t you D with D found (16) Knowledge is power! A stood B standing C has stood 29 It was a great pity, but we could at all to help the man A none B nothing C not 30 The reason for all the changes being made to us A explained B had explained C was explained 31 “I don’t want a holiday,” she said; “I’d rather _ the money.” A saved B save C have saved 32 May I have _ more meat, please? A a little B small C another 33 I was pleased to see how she looked after her recent illness A right B pleasant C well 34 He was born during the war, which would _ him about 50 now A give B make C age 35 I am not sure if the new tax is _ a good idea after all A much B as C such D was stood D anything D were explained D will save D a few D nice D calculate D so IV Chọn từ để hoàn tất khoảng trống đoạn văn sau: One of the most exciting archeological discoveries in history was made in November 1922, when Howard Carter was working in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt After many months of work, he finally (36) across an unknown tomb Together with his friend Lord Carnavon, who was providing the (37) for the excavations; he entered the dark chamber At first there was disappointment, because the tomb was (38) and it was clear that it had been (39) at some time in the past However, workers eventually uncovered a small stairway that (40) down to another door that had not been opened Carter went down the dark staircase, walking (41) in case there were any traps As he opened the door, Lord Carnavon (42) if he could see anything He replied “Yes, wonderful things” It was clear at once that they had discovered what they had been looking (43) The tomb of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun was full of treasures of great (44) There were over 5,000 objects of silver, gold and precious stones which had (45) there undiscovered for thousands of years Lord Carnavon’s pleasure at (46) the treasures did not (47) long Many of local people were afraid of disturbing the pharaohs’ tombs, and believed that pharaohs would (48) revenge on anyone who entered them Lord Carnavon had (49) little attention to these warnings, but only a few weeks later, he suddenly fell ill and died; at the exact time of his death, all the lights in Cairo suddenly (50) out, and far away in England, his dog also died 36 A came B arrived C got D found 37 A salary B money C currency D wage 38 A deserted B abandoned C left D empty 39 A taken B robbed C stolen D broken 40 A took B brought C led D conducted 41 A accurately B carefully C carelessly D precisely 42 A demanded B requested C questioned D asked 43 A into B after C up D for 44 A expense B price C cost D value 45 A lied B laid C lain D lying 46 A discovering B inventing C learning D searching 47 A stay B take C make D last 48 A have B take C make D bring 49 A sent B paid C taken D made 50 A went B passed C gave D ran The Make your dream become true end -16 Lop11.com (17) Knowledge is power! KEY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D D D A B D B A C D B B D D B D C C C A A D D D B C D A C C A D B C B A B C C A C C A A B B C B B A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D D B A D C A D B D A B B C A D B D D D B A C D D A C B B D D B B D D C D D B A B C B A C D A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Make your dream become true A C D B A C A B D A A B C C D A D B B B A A C A D D D A C C C D D A D C A D D D A C B A D D B B A C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 C D C A A D C A B D A D C C B C B A D B C D B C C B A C B A B A C B B D A B A D B C A A B B B D D D 17 Lop11.com D C A B C D A C B C B B A B B B B A C A B B B C B B C C A D A B B A C A B B B B C D A B C C B A A D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A C B D C D B A C D B B A B D B D D B A A C A C B B D B A A D B C B C B D A C D B A D B C D D C A B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D B C A C C B D A B B A B B D D A D C C A A C D A B C D D D B D D C B C A D A D D B D D B D D D B D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 C B D A C D B A B C C B C C C D B D B A D A D D C A A B B C B A C B C A B D B C B D D D C A D B B A (18)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 03:39

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