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English 11 - 45 minute test 1 (a) (period 12)

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Universities and colleges gives solar energy courses where students learn to build their own solar collectors.. There are also many books that explain the construction of solar collector[r]

(1)Name:………………………………… 45 MINUTE TEST (A) Class 11 A: ( Period 12) I Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d (4ms) I have heard that musician …………… the piano A played B play C to play D playing Try …………… so many mistakes A not to make B not make C to make not D make not Don’t tell Nam because I don’t want ………… A him know B him to know C know D knowing Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest A great B bread C break D steak Choose one word that has the stress pattern differently from the rest A document B important C develop D astonish My father usually helps me …………… E.L A to learn B to learning C learning D learnt It is generous of him …………… to pay for both of us A to offer B offer C offering D offered The accident …………… when we were playing volleyball A occur B occurring C occurred D had occurred I’m sorry for making such a …………… about the noise A trace B mark C fuss D emphasis 10 That was a ………… trick A sneaky B sneak C sneaking D sneaked 11 Choose the underlined part that needs correcting Before he went to Vietnam he has never traveled by bicycle A B C D 12 She was in a very ……… situation She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say A embarrassing B embarrass C embarrassed D embarrassment 13 She lets her children …………… up late A staying B to stay C stay D stayed 14 Did you feel the earth ……………? A move B to move C moving D moved 15 When I ………… to school, I ……… her A go/ meet B went/ met C was going/ met D was going/ meet 16 Before he ……… out, he …………… his homework A goes/ finishes B went / had finished C went/ finished D went/ finish II Read the passage and choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.(1 m) I love my grandmother because she is kind to every one She always keeps the house in very nice order and she (17)…… everything look so easy and perfect But a very, very sad thing happened around about August 1994 She started to get sick My grandfather, aunties, uncles were really worried about her health and every day they used to feed Lop11.com (2) her, pray for her and they did everything but one day (18)…… November, she died in the hospital It was a shock to everyone because they all loved her so much When my grandma was death, everything seemed to change And when Christmas came that year, it was quieter (19)……… other Christmas because grandma wasn’t there and everything was (20)…… I will always remember her 17 A does B wants C makes D decides 18 A at B in C for D on 19 A when B then C than D that 20 A differently B different C differ D differed III Read the passage and choose the best answers among a b, c, d(2ms) In the last few weeks I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers, and watch T.V I had begun feeling bored with this so, last weekend I though I would something different I phoned several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day I was really excited as I hadn’t been to London since I was ten We decided to go by coach as this was the cheapest means of transport In London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings After the tour, we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park at 12 o’clock In the afternoon some of us went shopping and the others went to the theatre We met up again at 6.30 pm and went to a small restaurant in Sotho The meal was really good, but unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected We had to get taxi back to the coach station Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left Why was the writer so excited about going to London ? ………………………………………………………… Why did they decide to go by coach? ………………………………………………………… Where did they have meal in the afternoon? ………………………………………………………… Did they have to catch taxi back to the coach station? ………………………………………………………… III Rewrite the following sentences with the given words (3ms) He got out of the car -> They watched ………………………… Lan wants to go for a picnic -> Lan’s parents will let …………………… You passed the exams -> I heard ………………………………… The cat jumped through the window -> I saw……………… …………………… The old woman couldn’t drive the motorbike -> It was very difficult ……………………… He enjoyed going by bus -> It was safer ……………………………… Lop11.com (3) ==============THE END============== Name:………………………………… Class 11 A: 45 MINUTE TEST (B) ( Period 12) I Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d (4,5ms) They let the boy …………… the piano A played B play C to play D playing I told her …………… so many mistakes A not to make B not make C to make not D make not I have a great ………… for New York A affect B affected C affectedly D affection Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from the rest A ask B angry C bad D hat Choose one word that has the stress pattern differently from the rest A sample B important C personal D document Lan was ……… of hearing about their trip to London A bored B interested C keen D tired It as generous of him …………… to pay for both of us A to offer B offer C offering D offered …………… this morning? A Did it rain B Does it rain C Had it rained D Would it rained The fire …………… when we were playing football A occur B occurring C occurred D had occurred 10 They made a great …………… about the baby A fuss B mark C trace D emphasis 11 Choose the underlined part that needs correcting When he came, we watching T.V in the living room A B C D Lop11.com (4) 12 She was in a very ……… situation She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say A embarrassing B embarrass C embarrassed D embarrassment 13 She made her children …………… the truth A tell B to tell C telling D told 14 Did you feel the earth ……………? A move B to move C moving D moved 15 When we ………… on the computer, it ……… to rain a work/ began B worked/ began C working/ begin D were working/ began 16 After she had done her homework, she ……… out A goes B went C gone D go II Read the passage and choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.(1ms) Many people have recognized T.V as a type of entertainment that exits in many countries Nowadays, people usually (2) _ most of their spare time (3) _ T.V Films of all kinds are the favourite programs of many viewers, young and old alike However, T.V (4) _ us on the native way, too We have seen a lot of movies about (5) _ on T V every day 17 A spend B take C pay D use 18 A to watch B watch C watching D watched 19 A makes B does C affects D bring about 20 A violence B violent C violently D violate III Read the passage and choose the best answers among a b, c, d(2ms) When I was a student, I had a summer job in an expensive restaurant in Glasgow One day we were expecting forty members of football team for lunch I was given the job of peeling potatoes I thought I was managing quite well with my small knife until the owner appeared to see how I was getting on She was amazed that I was using a knife and asked why I wasn’t using the potato peeler I had no ideal what a potato peeler was so she led me into a mall room behind the main kitchen There, on the table, was a small machine like the rubbish bins some people have in their bathrooms She explained as if to a mall child that I had to put the potatoes in, close the lid and press the button When she came back ten minutes later, I told her I thought it was quicker to it by hand She asked what I meant “Well, they aren’t ready yet,” I replied You can imagine how I felt when she lifted the lid and took out the potatoes the size of peas The potato peeler was not automatic When did the story happen? -> …………………………………………………………………… Did the writer have an extra job in a restaurant when he was a student? -> …………………………………………………………………… What job was he given in the restaurant? -> …………………………………………………………………… Did the writer know how to use the potato peeler? -> …………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (5) III Rewrite the following sentences with the given words (3ms) He locked the door -> I saw …………………………………… They sang a song -> I heard ………………………………… The custom officer told her to open the bag -> The custom officer made………………… The cat broke the flower vase -> I saw……………… …………………… The woman can’t drive the car -> It was very difficult ……………………… I meet you again I was happy -> I was happy ……………………………… ==============THE END============== Name:…………………………… 45 MINUTE TEST -A Class 11 A: ( Period 24) I Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d (5ms) Whenever we met , Tom avoided ……… at me A to look B looking c looked d looks Most people enjoy ………… to different parts of the world A to travel B travelling C travel D being travelled My friends advised me not ……… anything further about the accident A to say B saying C said D being said Do you want ………… by the doctor? A to examine B to be examined C being examined D be to examined Ask him ……… in Don’t keep him ………… at the door A come/ stand B to come/ standing C coming / to stand D coming / to standing Lop11.com (6) It is very unpleasant ……… up and to hear the rain beating on the window A to wake B wake C waking D woken Alice didn’t expect ………….to Bill’s party A asking B being asked C to ask D to be asked Choose one word that has the stress pattern differently from the rest A constructive B expensive C promise D original The new student hopes ……….in many of school’s social activities A including B being included C to include D to be included 10 ……… their work, they went home A Finishing B Having finished C Finish D Being Finished 11 Choose the underlined part that needs correcting The bus driver was so tired of drive the same route every day that he asked for a transfer A B C D 12 Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest A hour B helicopter C husband D house 13 Mary spent a lot of time ………books A to read B read C reading D to reading 14 Don’t waste time ………… computer game A playing B to play C played D play 15 She loves …………in the lake A swim B to swim C to swimming D swimming 16 It’s no good ……… to him He never answers the letter A writing B to write C wrote D write 17 My father expects me ……….high marks in school A to get B getting C being got D got 18 In spite of …………the train, we arrive home on time A to miss B missed C miss D missing 19 I look forward to ………from you soon A hear B hearing C heard D being heard 20 If I catch you ……….my apples again, I’ll tell your parents A to teal B steal C stealing D stole III Read the passage and choose the best answers among a b, c, d (2ms) Each nation has many good people who take care of others For example, some of high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages, or homes for the aged They read books to the people in these places, or they visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, the shopping or mow their lawns For boy who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers Lop11.com (7) Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games or learn crafts Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls What volunteers usually to help those who are sick or old in their homes? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… What they help boys whose fathers not live with them? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… Why they use many high school and college students as volunteers? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… Do high school and college students often voluntary work in clubs? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… III Combine the pairs of sentences, using an appropriate participle ( present , or perfect participle ) (3ms) Eg: I knew that he was poor I offered to pay his fare -> Knowing that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare She became tired of my complaints about the program She turned it off ->…………………………………………………………………………………………………… He realized that he had missed the last train He began to walk ->…………………………………………………………………………………………………… She had heard the story before She did not want to hear it again ->…………………………………………………………………………………………………… He was talking to his friend and forgot every thing around him ->…………………………………………………………………………………………………… He had spent all his money He decided to go home and ask his father for a job ->…………………………………………………………………………………………………… He had drunk too much He didn’t drive home himself ->…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ========THE END======== Name:…………………………… 45 MINUTE TEST -B Class 11 A: ( Period 24) I Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d (5ms) For some reasons, I keep ……….today is Sunday A to think B think C thinking Lop11.com D thought (8) We are planning …………several historical sites in Moscow A to visit B visited C visiting D being visited Do you want …………more of this program? A to watch B watching C watch D being watched It is easy ……… animals on the road in daylight A see B seeing C being seen D to see Don’t keep Tom ………… at the door Ask him to come in A stand B standing C to stand D to standing It is very unpleasant ……… up and to hear the rain beating on the window A to wake B wake C waking D woken Mary expected ………….to Bill’s party, but she wasn’t A inviting B being invited C to invite D to be invited Choose one word that has the stress pattern differently from the rest A charity B gratitude C martyr D donation The new student hopes ……….in many of school’s social activities A including B being included C to be included D to include 10 ……… their farm work, the farmers returned home A Finishing B Having finished C Finish D Being Finished 11 Choose the underlined part that needs correcting I spend two hours a day to travel to work A B C D 12 Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest A hour B honor C history D honesty 13 Mary keen on ………books A to read B read C reading D to reading 14 Don’t waste time ………… computer game A playing B to play C played D play 15 She likes …………in the lake A swim B to swim C swimming D to swimming 16 It’s no use ……… to persuade him A to try B trying C try D tried 17 ……….too much, he didn’t drive home himself A To drink B Drunk C Having drunk D Drinking 18 Don’t keep on …………like that; you will wake up your mother A shouting B shouted C shout D to shout 19 I look forward to ………from you soon A hearing B hear C heard D being heard 20 She is good at ……… English A to learn B learning C to learning D learned II Read the passage and choose the best answers among a b, c, d (2ms) Lop11.com (9) Each nation has many good people who take care of others For example, some of high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages, or home for the aged They read books to the people in these places, or they visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, the shopping or mow their lawns For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games or learn crafts Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls Where high school and college students often voluntary work? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… Do young volunteers go and work in the homes of the sick and the old? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… For whom does the organization called “Big Brothers” inform? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… Do most the clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers? -> ……………………………………………………………………………… III Combine the pairs of sentences, using an appropriate participle ( present , or perfect participle ) (3ms) Eg: I knew that he was poor I offered to pay his fare -> Knowing that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare She switched off the light She went to bed ->……………………………………………………………………………… I know that she likes roses.He gave her a bunch of red roses on her birthday ->……………………………………………………………………………… She had failed twice She didn’t want to try again ->……………………………………………………………………………… I watch the news every day I know what’s going on in the world ->……………………………………………………………………………… He had lived there for such a long time He didn’t want to move to another town ->……………………………………………………………………………… After the boy had asked his mother’s permission, he went out ->……………………………………………………………………………… ========THE END======== Lop11.com (10) Name:…………………………… 45 MINUTE TEST -A Class 11 A: ( Period 37) I Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d (5ms) Family …………is a process of controlling the number of children you have A building B controlling C housing D planning “ I’m sorry, I was rude to you yesterday,” I said to Tom A I apologized of being rude to you yesterday B I apologized Tom for having been rude to him the day before C I apologized for my rude to you the day before D I apologized to you as I was rude to you yesterday A ……… is a long running race of about 42 kilometers or 26 miles A long race B mini-marathon C marathon D b and c I heard her feet ……… along the corridor A hitting B pattering C jumping D knocking A …… is a person who has been chosen or appointed on behalf of another person or a group A representative B member C represent D leader He …… 10.09 seconds in the 100 maters final A set B clock C gained Dd clocked We insisted ………… a refund of the full amount A at B on C in D to A ……… is a competition in which people try to win something A test B examination C contest D survey They apologized ………….the late departure of this flight A about B to C of D for 10 Which of these is one of the sports events in the Olympic Games? A hiking B racing C hunting D fishing 11 “Don’t leave the house until I get back, John” his sister said A John’s sister told him to leave the house when she got back B John’s sister told him not to go out till she got back C John’s sister told him to go out until she got back D John’s sister told him not to leave the house until she got back 12 Choose one word that has the stress differently from the rest A representative B marathon C stimulate D maximum 13 You can’t go to England without … to Buckingham Palace A go B being gone C going D to go Lop11.com (11) 14 We object to ……….her like this A treat B being treat C treating D be treated 15 The criminal admitted …………the innocent child A killing B killed C to kill D had killed 16 She has avoided …………to me so far A being talked B talked C to talk D talking 17 She was worried about……….by thieves A robbing B being robbed C robbed D be robbing 18 Choose the underlined part that needs correcting Her mother prevented her from go out that night A B C D 19 “ Would you like to spend the weekend with us?” They…………her to spend the weekend with them A advised B begged C invited D ordered 20 “Go to bed immediately!” Mary’s mother ordered her……….immediately A to go to bed B go to bed C going to bed D to go bed II Read the passage and choose the best answers among a b, c, d (2ms) In 776 B.C, the first Olympia Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus Only the elite and military could participate firstly, but later the Games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth Therefore, contests in jumping, discuss and javelin throwing, running, wrestling, boxing and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their head and having poems sung about their deeds Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that they calculated time in fouryear cycles called “ Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C Were the Olympic Games open to all Greek men and women? -> …………………………………………………………… How many years were the Olympia Games held? -> …………………………………………………………… Where did the athletics compete? -> …………………………………………………………… Did the Greeks believe that athletic events were important? -> …………………………………………………………… III Change the following sentences into Reported Speech ( 3ms) Example: “ I’ll drive you to the airport .” Mary said to John -> Mary insisted on driving John to the airport He said, “I’m sorry I didn’t reply to the letter Lop11.com (12) -> He apologized for …………………………………………………………………………… “ Could you open the window please?” Tom said to Mary -> Tom asked …………………………………………………………………………………… “ You should not drink too much wine.” My father said -> My father advised …………………………………………………………………………… David said that they should go for a picnic on Sunday -> David suggested……………………………………………………………………………… “ It was nice of you to help me Thank you,” Jack said -> Jack thanked………… for………………………………………………………………… “All right, I will wait for you at p.m tomorrow,” She said -> She agreed…………………………………………………………………………………… ………… THE END………… _ Name:……………………………… 45 MINUTE TEST -B Class 11 A: ( Period 37) I Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d (5ms) Choose the underlined part that needs correcting The doctor advised him take the medicines and go to bed early A B C D “ You’d better not lend them any money,” John said to Tom A John advised Tom not to lend them any money B John said to Tom not lend them any money C John advised Tom should not to lend them any money D John said Tom not to lend them any money “……… ”means happening or done once every year A Annual B Spirit C Smooth My father prevented me ………so A not to B not C on doing We object to ……… her like this A treat B being treated C treating treated John McDermott …… hours 15 minutes and 10 seconds A set B clocked C gained We agreed ………….lend him some money A at B on C in A ……… is a competition in which people try to win something Lop11.com D Total D from doing D be D clock D to (13) A contest B test C survey D examination They asked me ……… wait for them at the airport A about B to C of D for 10 Which of these is one of the sports events in the Olympic Games? A hiking B shopping C hunting D racing 11 “Don’t leave the house until I get back, John” his sister said A John’s sister told him to leave the house when she got back B John’s sister told him not to go out till she got back C John’s sister told him to go out until she got back D John’s sister told him not to leave the house until she got back 12 Choose one word that has the stress differently from the rest A spirit B marathon C stimulate D activity 13 You can’t go to England without … to Buckingham Palace A going B being gone C go D to go 14 Mrs White thanked Peter……… her to the dinner A inviting B for inviting C to invite D to inviting 15 The criminal admitted …………the innocent child A to kill B killed C killing D had killed 16 She has avoided …………to me so far A being talked B talked C talking D to talking 17 She was worried about……….by thieves A robbing B being robbed C robbed D be robbing 18 Family …………is a process of controlling the number of children you have A housing B planning C building D controlling 19 “ Would you like to spend the weekend with us?” They………… her to spend the weekend with them A advised B asked C invited D told 20 “Please, please, turn down the radio!” Mark’s sister ………him to turn the radio down A advised B ordered C begged D asked II Read the passage and choose the best answers among a b, c, d (2ms) In 776 B.C, the first Olympia Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus Only the elite and military could participate firstly, but later the Games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth Therefore, contests in jumping, discuss and javelin throwing, running, wrestling, boxing and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their head and having poems sung about their deeds Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that they calculated time in fouryear cycles called “ Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C Where were the first Olympia Games held ? -> ……………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (14) Approximately how many years ago did these games originate? -> ……………………………………………………………… Could the women participate in the Olympia Games ? -> ……………………………………………………………… Were the winners greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their head? -> ……………………………………………………………… III Change the following sentences into Reported Speech ( 3ms) Example: “ I’ll drive you to the airport .” Mary said to John -> Mary insisted on driving John to the airport “I’m happy you have passed the final exams Congratulations!” Lan said to you -> Lan congratulated……………on…………………………………………………………… “ Don’t make so much noise, students” the teacher said -> The teacher told……………………………………………………………………………… “ You should come home before p.m.” Tom’s father said -> Tom’s father advised ……………………………………………………………………… David said that he broke the window -> David admitted……………………………………………………………………………… “ It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner Thank you,” Mr Pike said to Jack -> Mr Pike thanked………… for……………………………………………………………… “I have always wanted to be a teacher,” She said -> She has always dreamed of ………………………………………………………………… ………… THE END………… Lop11.com (15) 45 MINUTE TEST - Number (A) Name:…………………………… Class 11 A: I/ Write the words which contain sounds / sl / , / spr / , / sp / and / st / in their correct column ( 1m ) / sl / ………………… ………………… / spr / …………………… ………………… / sp / ……………………… …………………… / st / ……………………… ……………………… II/ Fill in each blank with a suitable word given in the box (1.5ms) electricity become percent captured who across Laird Gogins is fifty-seven-year-old inventor (1)…………………has developed a device to harness the power of the wind He claims that his invention could eventually provide all the electrical power needed by the United States A network of his wind machines (2) ……………the country could transfer electricity produced in a windy spot to a place where the air still Just one of Gogins’ wind machines will produce eighty megawatts of(3)………………, which is ten times the power produced by all the windmills in the United States were (4)…………………It could provide one hundred (5)………………of the electrical power now consumed However, the inventor admits that the wind will probably never(6) ……………the country’s sole power source III/ Fill in each blank with a suitable relative pronoun (2ms) John does everything ……………………he likes The song to ……………………we are listening is interesting I like the teacher ……………………I learnt English with in high school Mr Pike, ……………………teaches us chemistry, plays the guitar very well IV/ Combine the two pair of sentences, using Preposition + Relative pronoun (2ms) That is the chair I used to sit on it for lunch …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The woman is angry Tom is talking to her …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The house is very beautiful Mary was born in this house …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This is the girl We spoke to her yesterday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (16) V/ Rewrite the following sentences, change the Relative clauses into participle phrases or infinitive phrases (1,5m) The last person that we visited was our grandmother ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We live in a building that was built in 1889 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The children who attend that school receive a good education ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VI/ Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms) Scientists are now looking for cheaper way to use solar energy to heat air and water Many buildings are using solar energy to heat their water now Solar units on the roofs of buildings collect the energy and use it to heat water Although these units are still expensive, more and more people are buying solar hot water heaters Universities and colleges gives solar energy courses where students learn to build their own solar collectors There are also many books that explain the construction of solar collectors In the future, there will be more and more solar collectors, especially in the sunny desert areas of the world What are scientists looking for? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… How people collect energy? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Is it cheap to use solar units? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… What students learn at universities and colleges? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………THE END………………… Lop11.com (17) 45 MINUTE TEST - Number (B) Name:…………………………… Class 11 A: I/ Write the words which contain sounds / spl /, / sk/, / r / and / sw / in their correct column.( 1m ) / spl / ………………… ………………… / sk / …………………… ………………… / r/ ……………………… …………………… / sw / ……………………… ……………………… II/ Fill in each blank with a suitable word given in the box (1.5ms) electricity become percent captured who across Laird Gogins is fifty-seven-year-old inventor (1)…………………has developed a device to harness the power of the wind He claims that his invention could eventually provide all the electrical power needed by the United States A network of his wind machines (2) ……………the country could transfer electricity produced in a windy spot to a place where the air still Just one of Gogins’ wind machines will produce eighty megawatts of(3)………………, which is ten times the power produced by all the windmills in the United States were (4)…………………It could provide one hundred (5)………………of the electrical power now consumed However, the inventor admits that the wind will probably never(6) ……………the country’s sole power source III/ Fill in each blank with a suitable relative pronoun (2ms) Mr John, about……………………we are talking, plays the guitar very well Mary is the only girl ………………………came there early The subject……………………we are going to discuss is very important Mary love her parents’ house in ……………………she was born IV/ Combine the two pair of sentences, using Preposition + Relative pronoun (2ms) The man is very poor and old Dasy must look after him …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The woman wasn’t very friendly I spoke to her yesterday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The bicycle is very modern I told you about it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… There is a No Parking sign I not take notice of it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (18) V/ Rewrite the following sentences, change the Relative clauses into participle phrases or Infinitive phrases (1,5m) John was the only person that won the scholarship ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… They have a building which overlooks the children park ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mary comes from a town that is located 100 kilometres south west of Hai Phong ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VI/ Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms) Scientists are now looking for cheaper way to use solar energy to heat air and water Many buildings are using solar energy to heat their water now Solar units on the roofs of buildings collect the energy and use it to heat water Although these units are still expensive, more and more people are buying solar hot water heaters Universities and colleges gives solar energy courses where students learn to build their own solar collectors There are also many books that explain the construction of solar collectors In the future, there will be more and more solar collectors, especially in the sunny desert areas of the world What people use solar energy for? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… How people collect energy? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Is it expensive to use solar units? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Where will people use more and more solar collectors? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… THE END………………… Lop11.com (19) Name:…………………………… Class 11 A: 45 MINUTE TEST - Number 4(A) I/ Choose one word that is pronounced differently from the rest.( 1m ) A bridges B doors C busses D classes A airports B windows C rooms D pens A finished B learned C lived D changed A decided B wanted C invited D washed II/ Choose the best answer among A, B, C, D (1.m) Crabs, fish and squash are all ……………………animals A aquatic B successful C pet D rare The ………………from 1990 to 2000 marks an important period in the economic development of Viet Nam A century B month C decade D date They congratulated me on the …………………completion of the project A successful B success C successfully D succeed If we go camping, we can get close to ……………………… A natural B nature C naturally D naturalness III/ Choose one suitable word to fill in each blank (1m) Television is one of man’s most ………(1)………means of communication It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes A person with a television set can ………(2)………in his house, and he can watch the president make a………(3)………or visit a foreign country He can see a war happening and watch statesmen try to bring about peace Through television, home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in far- away lands Television also provides more entertainment programmes ………(4)……… any other kind The programmes include plays or dramas, light comedies, sporting events and motion pictures A natural A sit A sport A then B different B make B speech B that C important C C cake C than D cultural D learn D book D as IV/ Below are some jumble words Find the original one using the definition given (1,5ms) CLAMPISHEDOC: very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skills: ……………………………… DOCUPCIE : busy: ……………………………… CSARDID : to get rid of something that you no longer want or need: ………………………… Lop11.com (20) V/ Combine the two pair of sentences, using Relative clauses without Relative pronouns (2ms) The rumour is not true We heard it yesterday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We don’t like the short Tom is wearing it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The birthday party was too noisy I went to it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The film was interesting I watched it on T.V last night …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VI/ Rewrite the following sentences, using cleft sentences (1,5m) Columbus discovered America in 1492 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… He used this gun to kill them ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lan broke the precious vase ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VII/ Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms) My favourite sport is swimming I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at least twice a week ever since You not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim- only a pair of swimming trunks if you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl When you start you may like to use a ring or some water- wings How can you learn to swim? It is best to learn when you are still quite young and some parents even taught their six- month- old babies to swim It is just a good idea to play around in the pool for a while until you get used to being in the water Try to find a good teacher You must learn to keep your balance in the water and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly and easily As soon as you feel confident in the pool you will quickly start making good progress When did the writer learn to swim? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Do we need much special equipment if we want to learn to swim? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… When is the best to learn to swim? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… How will the teacher teach us to swim ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………THE END………………… Lop11.com (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 01:37

