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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 1 đến unit 10

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on the Arrange the correct order of the words from the first to posters the end: help people to rebuild their house, call the blackboard to answer firemen, manage to put out the fire, ru[r]

(1)Week: 1- Period: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP A - READING * Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will get to know more about friend are friendship * Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, posters * Procedures: T 5’ Contents I Warmer : Word square A H E A R T D F R I E N D E T I N I C E A E S N E E D R R I N D E E D  a, heart, friend, in, need, indeed, nice, dear, after, is A friend in need is a friend indeed (bạn lúc khó khăn hoạn nạn thật là bạn) 7’ 5' 10 - Ask Ss to make a Make sentence with meaningful these words sentence  Introduction II Pre- reading : * Vocabulary : - Follow the steps - acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] (n): quen biết, người quen for teaching voc - incapable of [in'keipəbl] (a): không đủ khả năng, bất tài, bất lực - unselfishness [,ɑn'selfi∫nis] (n):tính không ích kỷ - constancy ['kɑnstənsi] (n): tính kiên định, tính trung kiên - loyalty ['lɑiəlti](n): lòng trung thành, lòng trung nghĩa - sympathy ['simpəθi] (n) số nhiều sympathies: lòng/sự thông cảm trust [trɑst] (n): tín nhiệm, lòng tin, tin cậy - suspicious [sə'spi∫əs] (a): có nghi ngờ, tỏ có nghi ngờ -> suspicion [sə'spi∫n] (n): nghi ngờ; bị nghi ngờ - Listen answer - Repeat - Copy a & - Set on the board - Look at the - Ask Ss for the board answer - Get feedback and - Answer check Checking :ROR * Brainstorm : qualities for friendship 4’ T’s activities Ss’ activities - Explain the game - Listen - Divide class into groups - Start the game - Play the game - Control III While – reading : * Task : Fill in the blanks Answer : mutual incapable unselfish Acquaintance / friend give and take loyal to suspicious * Task : Choose the main idea Answer : B - Conditions of true friendship * Task : Answer the questions What is the first quality for true friendship and what does it tell you? -> The first quality for friendship is unselfish It tells me that a man who is concerned only with their own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend Why are changeable and uncertain people incapable of true Lop11.com - Give posters - Ask Ss to Work Check and groups correct - Answer - Ask Ss to Check and correct Give instructions - Ask Ss to read for the answer in - Work in pairs - Answer - Listen - Read question the (2) T Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities friendship? -> Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object What is the third quality for true friendship and what does it tell you? -> The third quality for friendship is loyalty It tells me that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicious between them Why must there be a mutual trust between friends? -> Because if not people cannot feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets Why can’t people who talk too much keep a friend long? -> Because they cannot keep a secret, either their own or those of others What is the last quality for true friendship and what does it tell you? -> The last quality for friendship is sympathy It tells me that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends, there’s no true friendship 10 1’ IV Post – reading : Discuss the question: “Why we need to have a friend?” I think that we need to have friends because …… I believe that friendship brings us …………… In my opinion, we need to have friends to …… As for me, friendship brings…… -> Answer key: We have to need a friend because of the following reasons - First, every one of us has need of communicating with others We have, in fact, the need exchanging, sharing information, emotion (sự xúc cảm) and feelings (sự xúc động) These can only mostly be done within close relations, among which friendship is a typical example - Second, friendship help us out of loneliness ['lounlinis](n):(sự vắng vẻ, hiu quạnh), and as a result we feel more happy and confident in our lives - Moreover, a friend can also help us out of our problems, and encourage us to confront [kən'frɑnt] (đương đầu) any hardship ['hɑ:d∫ip] (sự gian khổ) of life V Homework : - Learn the lesson and prepare the next period Lop11.com - Ask Ss to discuss - Look at - Write the in pairs answer - Elicit - Copy Give assignment the (3) Week: 1- Period: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP B SPEAKING *Aim: Describe the physical characteristics of a person *Objective: By the end of a lesson, ss will be able to talk about the physical characteristics of a person * Skills: Main Skill: Speaking Sub skills: Listening, Reading, Writing * Procedure: T Content T’ activities Ss’ activities 5’ I Warm up: Kim’ game -Stick the poster on -Look at the the board board handsome short black -Run through voc -Listen sincere [sin'siə] oval pleasant (a): thành thật -Give instructions -Play a game square broad ['brɑ:d] (a): rộng modest ['mɑdist] beautiful good-looking -Control (a): khiêm tốn Group work hospitable ['hɑspitəbl] (a): straight hiếu khách * Introduction: 10’ II Pre-speaking: Vocabulary - crooked ['krukid] (a): cong, oằn, vặn vẹo; xoắn - humorous ['hju:mərəs] (a): khôi hài, hài hước; hóm hỉnh - quick-witted ['kwik'witid] (a): nhanh trí, ứng đối nhanh - good-natured ['gud'neit∫əd] (a): tốt bụng, hiền hậu, đôn hậu - studious ['stju:diəs](a): chăm chỉ; siêng * checking: ROR Set the scene about face, hair, height, forehead… -Follow the steps for -Follow the teaching voc teacher’s instructions -Draw on the board -Ask ss to guess the physical characteristics -Look at the board -Work individually 18’ III While –speaking: *Task 1: Look at the people below & describe their physical characteristics (page 15) Supply ss some *Useful language: useful languages Height: tall medium, short… -Ask ss to describe -Listen &answer Face: square, large ,oval … -Control -Copy Lop11.com (4) T Content Forehead: broad, high,… Nose: straight, crooked … Hair: black, grey… Appearance: handsome, beautiful, good-looking… T’ activities Ss’ activities -Work individually -Run through voc -Give instructions * Task 2: Number the following personalities in order of importance in friendship Report your result to the class caring (chu đáo) honest sincere generous hospitable modest ['mɑdist] understanding ['hɑspitəbl] (mến khách, hiếu (khiêm tốn) pleasant khách) helpful 10’ IV Post –Speaking : * Task 3: Role play *Dialogue build Journalist Interviewee[,intəvju:'i:] (người vấn) Her / his name ? Date of birth ? His/ her personalities ? (friendly, honest , helpful……) What made her successful ? 2’ …………………………………………………… V Homework: Learn the lesson Prepare section C Listening Lop11.com -Listen & the task -Group work Give ss a dialogue build -Ask them to make an interviewee -Go around for help if necessary -Call each pair to Work in pairs report in front of the class Summarize the main points Listen& note -Give homework take (5) Week: - Period: Date of preparing: Aug 1st, 2009 Date of teaching: Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP C - LISTENING * Aim : Listening about Lan’s friendship and Long’s friendship * Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen the information about Lan’s friendship and Long’s friendship * Teaching aids : Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, tape, poster * Procedures : T 5 7 Contents I Warmer : Matching A B apartment building yeâu thích sense of humour xe gaén maùy guitarist toà nhà favourite tình baïn motorbike tính hài hước around xung quanh friendship người chơi guita  Introduction II Pre- listening : * Ask & answer the questions : Who is your best friend? How did you happen to meet him or her? How long have you known each other? What qualities you admire in your best friend? III While – listening : * Task : Listen and decide T or F Lan’s Talk Ha and Lan share an apartment in Nguyen Cong Tru Residental [,rezi'den∫l]((thuộc) dân cư) Area in Hanoi Lan think hat Hai Phong people are unfriendly Lan spent two days in Do Son Ha took Lan to Do Son on her motorbike Ha introduced Lan to a number of her friends there Ha and Lan have become friends since Lan’s trip to Do Son Long’s Talk Minh and Long have been friends since school Long was a guitarist Long loves Minh’s sense of humour They have a lot of things in common Minh always helped Long out of difficulties Key : Lan’s Talk: 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T, 6-F T’s activities - Show the poster - Give clear instruction - Model - Ask Ss to match - Check - Read & ask Ss to repeat Ss’ activities - Look at - Listen - Go to the board & match - Listen & repeat - Show the questions - Work in pairs - Ask Ss to ask & answer - Control - Call or pairs to speak - Listen loudly - Lead to Lan’s talk and Long’s talk - Listen - Give instruction - Read silently - Ask Ss to read the statements in minutes - Listen - Play the tape twice - Give the answer in - Divide class & ask them to teams - Listen & check give the answer - Play the tape & check Long’s Talk: 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-T 10 * Task : Listen and write - Listen - Give instructions Lop11.com (6) T 10 1’ Contents How and where What they like they meet about their friend Lan - They used to - Ha is very friendly live in the same and helpful residential area in - Ha’s sociable She got many friends in Hanoi - Lan went to a Do Son and she holiday to Do introduced Lan Son and went aground there to visit her Long - They met in - Minh has sense of college humour - Minh played the - Minh likes to go to guitar, Long was plays and movies a singer - Minh is a good - They work listener together - Minh is friendly and helpful T’s activities - Give posters - Play the tape twice - Ask Ss to stick the posters on the board - Check IV Post – listening : Take turns to talk about how Ha has been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend - How Ha has been Lan’s best friend? Lan and Ha used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residental Area in Hanoi When Lan was going on a two-day trip to Do Son, she didn’t know anybody there She gave Ha a ring, then Ha rode her motorbike and stay with Lan for two days Ha happened to know a lot of people there, so she introduced Lan around, and they have been first friends ever since - How Minh has been Long’s best friend? Long and Minh met in college Long was there singing and Minh was a guitarist So they work together a lot Minh is very humourous, which is the things Long likes most about him And over the year, they have been through ups and downs And they have many things in common Minh is a very good listener and he always help Long with his problem V Homework : - Prepare the next lesson : Writing Week: 2- Period: Ss’ activities - Work in groups - Stick the poster - Work in pairs - Ask Ss to practise speaking in pairs basing on the information above - Do the work - Go around for help - Report - Call or Ss to report - Copy - Give homework Lop11.com (7) Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP D - WRITING * Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short paragraph about your friend * Teaching aids: textbook, handouts, posters * Procedures T Content T’s activities Ss’ activities I Warm up: Brainstorming - Explain ideas Listen & think - Ask Ss to give words Give words address characteristic s personal information age appearance  Introduction II Pre-writing: * Vocabulary: 10 - generous 'dɑenərəs] (a):rộng lượng - young [jɑη] (a): trẻ; non; trẻ tuổi; nhỏ tuổi - near [niə] (a): có quan hệ mật thiết - tall [tɑ:l] (n): cao Checking: ROR * Matching: Key: - generous  characteristics - young  age - near  address - tall  appearance III While-writing: * Use the following ideas to start writing: 17 1) Your friend’s name, age, sex, address 2) Describe her / his physical characteristics 3) Describe her/his personalities 10 4) Say what you like about her/him IV Post-writing: * Choose four students to present their writing: on board Correcting - Lead to the lesson - Introduce words on board - Give meanings - Tick two lines on board & ask Ss to match - Give key on board - Give word cues by handouts - Run through the sentences - Ask Ss to write - Go around for help - Listen and follow - Listen & understand Follow teacher’s steps Listen & copy - Look & work in pairs - Copy down - Follow teacher’s ideas - Start writing - Present writing on - Call four Ss to present - Correct mistakes on board - Give comment board - Correct mistakes - Listen & copy - Require the task at home V Homework: - Write a short paragraph about your father - Prepare next lesson, Lang Focus Lop11.com (8) Suggested: Of all my friends, I like Thuy the best She is my classmate and we have been friends for a long time We meet one day while she was looking for a book I needed in the school library She has a nice face and when you meet her the first thing you notice are her beautiful dark eyes She is someone I like because she is clever and has a good sense of humour We also have something in common because we both like reading novels and watching films I hope that we will be friend forever Lop11.com (9) Week: 2- Period: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP E LANGUAGE FOCUS * Objective: - Ss can distinguish and pronounce two sounds /ʤ/ & /ʧ/ in single words and sentence - Ss can review infinitive, bare infinitive and use them * Teaching aids: textbook, pictures * Procedures: T 5’ 10’ Contents T’s activities - Asks Ss to look at the pictures - What you call in English? I WARMER: Show the Pictures on the blackboard: + chair, children, chewing gum + Jacket, Jean, July  Introduction II PRONUNCIATION: /ʧ / Chain Choke Cheek Beach Peach Rich Match - Answer - Ask Ss to repeat to introduce sounds /ʤ/ & /ʧ/ /ʤ/ - Repeat - Ask Ss to repeat Jail Village June July Surgeon Region Jerry - Repeat Listen and decide if the word belonging to /ʤ/ - Give Ss a handout to collect - Asks Ss to listen and check - Plays the cassette - Helps Ss to correct - Collect - Check - Repeat - Practise in pairs or /ʧ/ 28’ Ss’ activities - Look at Age, each, coach, college, chew, junk, jeans, Joke, purchase, magic, tragic, butcher Open their book (page 19) Listen and repeat III GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: INFINITIVE: - What you study English for? - What you want to after school? - What you morning exercise for? - What you use phone for?  After verbs : want, have, decide, buy, would like, seem …… use “to Infinitive”  Meaning :“To Infinitive” is used to express a purpose * Exercises 1:(page 20) Key: Who wants st to eat? I have some letters to write I am delighted to hear the news My mother has some shopping to You always have too much to talk about - Elicit - Introduce Infinitive - Asks Ss to - Correct Lop11.com - Answer to find a good job… to be a teacher to keep health to contact my friend - Take notes - Work in pairs (10) T 2’ Contents It’s lovely to see you again It’s too cold to go out I am happy to know that you have pass the exam  Practise : based on prompts: S1: who/ want/ talk with? S2:……… S1: what/do/tonight? S2: have/exercises/do S1: what/decide/do/high school? S2:……… S1: why/morning exercise? S2: keep health BARE INFINITIVE (V0): Giang: Where is Linh? Tuan: I saw him go out minutes ago Giang: what is the matter with him? Tuan: I heard him say to Nam he had a headache He went to see the doctor VERB: see, hear, feel, make, let, watch + V0 * Exercise : page 21 Key : 1.The police watched them get out of the car 2.They let him write a letter to his wife 3.I heard them talk in the next room 4.The customs officers made him open the briefcase 5.The boy saw the cat jump through the window 6.Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money? 7.I felt the animal move toward me 8.Do you think her parents will let her go on a picnic? Practise :based on prompts * S1:I /see/them/go out S2:where/they/decide/go? S1:………… * S1:What/happen? S2:I/ see/ rabbit/jump/the window S1:Oh!really? * S1:what about /trip / Dalat, Lan? S2:I / be / afraid I can’t S1:What / the problem / you? S2:My friends/make/me/stay there/8 days S1:But/my parents/ not let/me/stay there days S2:what a pity! IV HOMEWORK : -learn their lesson -prepare the new lesson T’s activities - Ask ss to practise in pairs - Call some pairs - Give Ss a situation “There are people living in the house They are close friends They are Giang, Linh, Tuan, Nam However, Giang doesn’t know where Linh goes, and he asks Tuan : - Ask Ss to remark Gives some verbs followed bare infinitive - Ask Ss to exercises on page 21 - Correct Ss’ activities - Practise in front of class - Take notes - Give their remark (after verb: see, hear use bare infinitive) - Do exercises - Take notes - Work in pairs - Ask Ss to practise in pairs based on prompts - Encourage Ss to make situation to use the above verbs (feel, make, let…) - Call some pairs to present - Present in front of class - Ask Ss to pay attention to using these Verbs - Take notes Lop11.com - Take notes (11) Week: - Period: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES A READING I Objective: *Knowledge: After the lesson, Sts are going to improve their reading skill as well as way to guess meaning of new words *Skills: reading, speaking, listening II Method: Communicative approach III Teaching aids: pictures, posters, cards IV Procedure: T Content T’s activities Sts’ activities 3’ - Ask Ss to fill the words - Group work I Warm-up: Network about feelings - Give feedback Feelings gsgsg 10’ 22’ Key: excited/ confused [kən'fju:zd] (bối rối)/ upset surprised/ frightened/ sad ** Suggested questions: Would you feel embarrassed or upset if you forgot your mother’s birthday or your father’s birthday? If you make a stupid mistake, how would you feel? is there any one/ thing that you’re very proud of? * “Personal experiences”: the things that have happened to you that influence the way you think and behave II Pre-reading: *Pre-teach vocabulary: - embarrassing [im'bærəsiη] (a) = confused: làm lúng túng, boái roái - (to) glance at: [glɑ:ns]: lieác nhìn - sneaky ['sni:ki] (a): leùn luùt,vuïng troäm - (to) make a fuss [fɑs]: laøm aàm leân * Suggested questions: Who you think they are? Where are they? What are they doing? III While-reading: **TASK 1: Gap-filling Answer key: glanced idols making a fuss sneaky embarrassing **TASK 2: Ordering pictures - Leads Sts to new lesson - Observe -Follows the steps - Listen + repeat - Reads twice as model - Copy *Checking: Rub out and remember - Gives Sts some questions, then gets them to work in pairs  guess details in a story they are going to read - Asks Sts to read the story carefully, then task Lop11.com - Pair work  talk about each picture - Present in front of class - Silent reading - Do task (p.24) - Compare the (12) T Content Answer key: d b 8’ 2’ f e a T’s activities - Corrects c **TASK 3: Keys: A red floppy cotton hat So that she could buy the hat for herself./ To buy the hat for herself A wad of dollar note exactly like the one her father had given her before Because she didn’t like to make a fuss She bought the hat with it IV Post-reading: Discuss the question: What you think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not her? *Suggested: I think the girl would put up a notice at the school board In my opinion, the girl should get on the same bus the next day and look for the boy to return the money to him As for me, I would keep it as a secret As for me, I would tell my father and ask him for advice if I were her **HOMEWORK: - Learn new words by heart - Write a short paragraph to summarize the story (about 100 words) Sts’ activities answers in pairs - Write the words on the board - Gets Sts to work in pairs to - Pair work order the pictures about the -Give feedback -Take notes story they’ve read -Checks + corrects - Ask Ss read the questions in task carefully Then read the passage to answer them - Group work - Listen - Each group chooses the question+ answer - Take notes - Group work - In groups of four, asks Sts to discusses the way solve this find out the solution for the to situation in the story using the problem prompts - Each group presents -Listens + comments - Gives tasks -Listen -Take notes Extra-exercise Multiple choice + Lucky Stars The girl wish to have when she was in grade a a new schoolbag b a new shirt c a red floppy hat d a new bike Her father gave her some money on her birthday a to buy the hat she liked b to buy an ice-cream c to travel d to buy a new computer She saw _ in the boy’s bag a an interesting picture book b a beautiful pen c a mobile phone d a wad of dollar notes like hers She decided to take the money from the boy’s bag without saying anything about it because a she hated him b she didn’t want to make a fuss c she liked him d she didn’t want him to know She bought for herself with the money she took from the boy’s bag a the hat b the shirt c the book d the dictionary Answer key: 1c -2a -3d -4b -5a Lop11.com (13) Week: 3- Period: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES B- SPEAKING  I/ Objectives: _ Aim(s): Students talk about past experiences and how they affected one’s life _ Lexical items: words/ phrases talk about past experiences _ Structures: useful structures used to talk about past experiences II/ Method: Communicative approach III/ Teaching aids: textbook, posters, pictures IV/ Procedure: T 4’ Content Warm up: Question How the people in the photos feel? _ happy/ angry/ frightened/ relaxed/ excited/ bored T’s activities Ask Introduce lesson Sts’ activities Look at the pictures, the answer 12’ TASK 1: Work in pairs Match the things you might have done or experienced Ask sts to match in box A with how the experience might have affected you in box B A with B Work in pairs (page 25) Answer key: 1d 2c 3a 4b 5e Correct Check 15’ TASK Work in pairs A student is talking to her friend about one of her past Ask sts to put in experiences and how it affected her The lines in their conversation the correct order Pair work are jumbled Put them in the correct order, then practise the dialogue Answer key: 1b 2d 3h 4a 5e 6g 7c 8f _ Hỏi kinh nghiệm đã trải qua: Have you ever …? _ Hỏi chi tiết kinh nghiệm đó: How did it happen? _ Hỏi tác động kinh nghiệm đó: How did the experience affect you? - Guide sts how Practise to use tenses -Simple past Past continuous 13’ TASK 3: Work in pairs Underline the structures used to talk about past Check, experiences in the dialogue in Task 2, then use the structures and the help ideas in Task to make similar dialogues  Useful structures: Lop11.com listen, Work in pairs (14) T Content T’s activities Give tasks - Have you ever …? - How did it happen? - When did it happen? - How did the experience affect you? 1’ Homework: Write a short paragraph about 80 words about your past experience Week: 3- Period: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Lop11.com Sts’ activities Take notes (15) Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE C- LISTENING Method: Communicative Approach Objectives: - By the lesson Ss understand family is more important than things - They are no longer selfish Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, tape, cassette player Teaching procedures: T 5’ Stages and Content T’s activities - Explain the way of I Warm-up: playing the game * Kim’s game shout, help, telephone, water, cry, selfish, gas, protect, - Start the game unforgettable, experience, rescue, fire, family, things, terrible Introduce * What happen in the picture? -> big fire, firemen, a girl and her mother, a house on fire, a fire brigade 7’ II Pre- Listening: - Apply the techniques - memorable ['memərəbl] (a): đáng ghi nhớ (translate) of teaching new words - (to) scream [skri:m]: tiếng thét, tiếng hét (picture) reasonably - (to) embrace[im'breis]: ôm, ôm chặt (action and explain) - (to) protect [prə'tekt]:bảo vệ, bảo hộ, che chở (explain or may be translate) - terrified ['terifaid] (a): cảm thấy khiếp sợ, kinh hãi (picture and translate) - (to) escape [is'keip]: trốn thoát (picture, explain or translate) * Ordering words - Ask ss look at the + When you see the fire, what you do? on the Arrange the correct order of the words from the first to posters the end: help people to rebuild their house, call the blackboard to answer firemen, manage to put out the fire, run to the place the question where there is a fire, ask someone to help, escape, - Ask ss work in group scream - Ask ss to read the III While- listening: 12 * Task 1: Christina is being interviewed about the most instruction unforgettable experience in her life Listen to the - Run through the task interview, and then decide whether the statement are true - Ask ss to predict - Play the tape(1 or 2) (T) or false (F) - Ask Ss for answers Answer key: - Ask Ss give the correct information of Christina is a businesswomen (T) the false sentences F (not three years ago -> 13 years ago) F (not because of the light -> because of the gas stove) - Give feedback and correct the answers F (not reading a book -> sleeping) T (Her mother came and rescued her) Lop11.com Ss’ activities - Listen to the instruction of the teacher to play well - Play the game - Listen and repeat - Read - Copy - Look at the board and answer the question - Work in groups - Give answers on the board - Read - listen - Work in pairs - Listen - Answer Give the information - Copy (16) T Stages and Content T’s activities - Ask ss to read the * Task 2: Listen to the second part of the dialogue and fill instruction 10 in the gaps in the summary of Christina’s story below - Run through - Ask ss to guess Answer key: - Get feedback and small everything family play the tape (1 or 2) replaced took appreciate - Ask ss give answers - Correct and give comments Ss’ activities - Read - Listen - Give freely - Listen answers - Give answers - Copy - Ask Ss work in pairs - Go around to help IV Post- listening: * What you think about the sentence: “Family is more - Call some Ss give - Work in pairs - Give their own their own answers important than things”? - Correct if they have answers freely - Exchange your ideas with a partner serious mistakes -> Key: : Family is more important than anything else because it can’t be replace/ it gives me love, support - Say and write on the board V Homework: - Take notes - Learn by heart the lesson - Rewrite your opinion about the sentence: “Family is more important than things” - Prepare the lesson for the next period: “WRITING” Week: 4- Period: 10 Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE D - Writing - Objective: Writing a personal letter describing aLop11.com past experience (17) - Method : Communicative approach - Teaching aids: textbook, poster Time 4’ Content & Steps Teacher’s work Students’ work sts to Pair work Warm up: Complete the following sentences, using the -ask complete them adjectives in the box proud, sad, angry, frightened 15’ He was very -when someone stole his money He was very -when his father appeared on TV with the Prime Minister He was very - when he saw those big dogs running toward him He was very -when he heard that he got bad marks → introduce the new lesson: Writing an embarrassing experience in our life II Pre-writing * Read the following letter and complete the chart below Dear Helen, Last year I had a scary dream, I was walking along an empty street late at night Suddenly a lion appeared at the end of the street He ran toward me with his big mouth open and sharp [∫ɑ:p] (sắt, nhọn, bén) teeth He roared and jumped upon me I screamed loudly and awoke I’m still frightened now By the way, how are you? Do you still have a nightmare as before? I think we have similar problems now Write to me as soon as possible Your friend, Daisy Name of experience when it happened where it happened how it happened how the experience affected you Notes: - embarrassed / embarrassing (adj) - a / an ….thing happened to me… - I felt extremely … - It was a really… experience listen Get feedback -give the answer Follow Ask ss to the task -run through Voc -Model Lop11.com Key: angry proud frightened sad Answer: The frightened experience Last night The writer was walking along an empty street late at night The lion ran toward her with his big mouth open and sharp teeth He (18) Time Content & Steps → elicit: Tenses (past) Form (5 parts) 15’ 10’ Teacher’s work Students’ work roared and jumped some upon her -Explain structures -elicit tenses & Listen form notes *Main points - when it happened - where it happened - how it happened - who was involved - how the experience affected you III While - writing Write a letter to tell your friends the most embarrassing -ask sts to write a letter to tell their experience in the same way friends the most embarrassing experience -go around to give sts some help -ask sts to write on the board IV Post-writing -correct sts’ mistakes and - write a letter to tell their friends the most embarrassing experience -ask for help - write on the board -take notes -give homework 1’ V Homework -rewrite your letters -prepare the next part Week: - Period: 11 Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE D - Language focus Aim: After the lesson, Ss will be able to: Lop11.com -Pronounce the sounds: / m /, /n /, / n / correctly take - take notes (19) -Use the correct tenses of the verbs: simple present, simple past, past progressive, past perfect Structures: simple present, simple past, past progressive, past perfect Teaching aids: cards, book, posters…… Procedure: T Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3’ *** Warm-up: Kim’s game -Give instructions -Observe - Divide the class Work in may wrong running make nose into groups groups home snow seven sing Praise the summer nine morning money winner 10’ I Pronunciation: * Listen and repeat: /m/ /n/ /n/ may nose wrong make nine running summer money bring *Practise reading the sentences: Good morning, I want an apartment in central London We have an expensive apartment in Northend Avenue I remember meeting him on a nice summer afternoon II Grammar: A Present simple tense: Ex: Nam and Phong live with their parents Nam works for a big company Phong is a student He does his exercises everyday 10’  Form: -I, You, We, They + Vo -He, She, It + V-s/es To Be: am / is / are  Use: We sometimes use the present simple tense to tell a story happened in the past Practice: Use the correct present tense forms of the verbs in brackets: The story is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood who (0 live) lives with her mother Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother (1 invite) _her to her cottage, so one fine day she (2 set) _off to visit her The little girl (3 get) _ ready, (4 wave) goodbye to her mother and (5 promise) _to be careful On her arm she (6 carry) _ a basket which (7 contain) _a cake her mother (8 bake) _specially It (9 ) _ a lovely spring morning, the sun (10 shine) and the birds (11 sing) , happy that the winter (12 be) _ over B Past simple, past progressive & past perfect tense: Ex: a Last night, while I was doing the exercises, the phone rang b After I had done the exercises, I went to bed  Form: * Past simple: S + V2 / Ved Lop11.com - Model Correct mistakes -Listen &repeat Repeat ss’ correctly - Listen & repeat -Model -Ask ss to - Underline the underline the words words having these sounds -Observe -Set the sence -Give example -Model -Ask questions & give the form on the board -Listen repeat -Answer -Copy & -Listen -Work in pairs & give the -Give instruction -Ask ss to work in answer pairs -Check Key: invites sets gets waves promises carries contains has baked - Listen & is (20) T 15’ Content * Past progressive: S + was / were + V-ing * Past perfect: T’s activities 10 is shining 11 are singing 12 is Ss’ activities repeat -Answer -Copy -Set the sence -Give model -Ask ss to listen & Use: a The Past simple expresses an action that happened and completed repeat - Ask questions - Listen, give at a point of time in the past b The Past progressive expresses an action happening in the past - Write the forms ideas & take notes on the board when another action happened c The Past perfect expresses an action that happened before another action in the past or before a point of time in the past Practice: Give the correct tense of the verbs: - Ask & explain Game: Lucky number -Observe about the use a He (break) his arm when he (play) football - work in pairs b When I (find ) my purse, someone ( take) _the money S + had + V3 / Ved out of it c By the time I (get) into town, the shops (close) d When it ( start) to rain, they (walk) through the forest e When they ( get) to the station, the train (leave) f He (tell) us about his marriage when we (have) _ afternoon tea g Julia (write) her first novel when she (be) _-19 years old h By the time you (get) _ her letter, she (arrive) _ in Paris C Make sentences from the words given: when / police / arrive / the car / go we / have lunch / we / hear / the news * Key: a broke, was playing b found, had taken c got, had closed d started, were walking e got, had left f told, were having g wrote, was h got, had arrived * Key: When the police arrived, the car had gone when we were having lunch, we heard the news *** Homework: - Go over the lesson - Do the exercises on pages 30-31 -Listen -Work in play -Give instructions groups, -Ask ss to work on the game pairs - Then, give the rule of the game -Ask ss to work in groups - Control the game -Praise the winner Give instruction - Ask ss to work in groups - Give homework -Observe Work in groups & then give the answer 5’ Lop11.com -Take notes (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 00:49

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