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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Consolidation Unit 2

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WRITING: Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.. Complete each of these sentences with a suitable preposition.[r]

(1)Consolidation Unit I PRONUNCIATION Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently to the others a grade b great c sneaky d embrace a money b notice c glance d ankle a imagine b glance c geography d religion a looked b noticed c turned d helped a change b English c single d anger II Choose the correct answer After Jessica her degree, she intends to work in her father's company a will finish b finishes c finished d is finishing As you your car at the moment, can I borrow it? a don't use b didn't use c aren't using d haven't used When she saw a snake at her feet, she a screamed b was screaming c had screamed d screams When he realised that I at him, he away a looked - was turning b was looking – turned c was looking - was turning d looked - turned I _ the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if you like a finish b am finishing c have finished d had finished I was sure that I him before a met b had met c have met d was meeting Before I started the car, all of the passengers their seat belts a will buckle b had buckled c was buckling d have buckled The minute I got the news about Sue I my parents a phoned b was phoning c had phoned d have phoned A lot since I last you a happened - saw b happened - have seen c has happened - saw d has happened - have seen 10 Your eyes are red - ? a did you cry b have you been crying c have you cried d you cry 11 A small stone struck the windshield while we _ down the gravel road a drive b were driving c had driven d had been driving 12 In the next few year, thousands of speed cameras on major roads a are appeared b will appear c are appearing d are going to appear 13 After she hospital, she had a long holiday a leaves b is leaving c left d has left 14 for a long time before you got a job? a Were you looking b Have you looked c Have you been looking d Had you looked 15 The film _ by the time we to the cinema a already began - got b have already begun - got c had already begun - got d already began - had got 16 She glanced briefly his lapel badge a in b on c at d up 17 my experience, very few people really understand the problem a To b In c With d From 18 People here have a more relaxed attitude their work a to b in c on d for 19 The novel is based on his in the war a attitudes b images c situations d experiences 20 I don't like that man There is a sneaky look on his face a furious b humorous c dishonest d guilty 21 She made a big about not having a window seat on the plane a complaint b fuss c excitement d interest Lop11.com (2) Consolidation Unit 22 He has a very outgoing and makes friends very easily a person b personal c personality d personage 23 He to the spot where the house used to stand a pointed b showed c directed d glanced 24 Teenagers often have their who they admire very much a ideals b admirers c images d idols 25 I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet a close look b quick look c direct look d furtive look 26 Before he turned 14, Mozart a few lesser piece for the piano a has composed b had composed c was composed d would composed 27 He was busy his homework a to b doing c for doing d that he was doing 28 Rarely succeed in ballet if they start after the age of 12 a children b children have c children d are children 29 Have something to eat before you a leave b left c will leave d had left 30 this holiday for ages a We're looking forward to b We looked forward to c We look forward to d We've looked forward to 31 hard all year, so I felt that I deserved a holiday a I work b I worked c I'd been working d I've worked 32 The traffic lights green and I pulled away a turned b were turning c has turned d had turned 33 How fast when the accident happened? a are you driving b were you driving c did you drive d had you driven 34 Where ? Which hairdresser did you go to? a did you cut your hair b have you cut your hair c did you have cut your hair d did you have your hair cut 35 Fortunately, the hospital's new air-conditioning system when the first heat wave of the summer arrived a had installed b installed c had been installed d had been installing 36 A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the A ideal B idea C idol D fan 37 A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a A picture B clip C news D cartoon 38 She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes A looked B stared C glanced D sighted 39 This girl was disliked by the rest of the class A helpful B sneaky C unselfish D generous 40 He pulled a(n) of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket A sum B amount C piece D wad 41 I’ve never fallen in such a(n) situation before A embarrassed B embarrassing C confused D confusing 42 The children were about opening their presents A interested B fond C keen D excited 43 I know from that he’ll arrive late A knowledge B experience C understanding D reality III Choose the underlined word or phrase- A, 8, C, or D- that needs correcting 36 The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problem already A B C D Lop11.com (3) Consolidation Unit 37 Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his A B C D office key 38 There are few areas of human experience that have not been writing about A B C D 39 I think you will enjoy the experience by taking part in the show A B C D 40 I find that necessary to something about traffic problems in our city A B C 41 While I did my homework, I had a good idea A B C D 42 Don’t make so much fusses over the children A B C D 43 John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday A B C D 44 After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle A B C D 45 She did not know where most of the people in the room are from A B C D IV Write a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first Use the word or words in brackets I started working in this hotel six months ago (worked) Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks (went) I met her during my stay in Paris last summer (while) We haven't gone to the cinema for over a year (It's) Sam played tennis yesterday and it was his first game (never) How long is it since they went to Nairobi? (When) Mac Kenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty (By the age) She is still working on her homework (stopped) Could you deliver the goods to my house? (delivered) 10 In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door (when) V Complete these sentences using the verb given Use the past simple or the past perfect As Geoff was introduced to Mrs Snape, he (realize) that he (meet) her before During the previous week, I (go) to the gym every morning By the time I _ (get) back to the bathroom, the bath (overflow) The boy told me that he (lose) his train ticket and (not/ know) how he would get home I was just about to leave when I (remember) my briefcase She _ (walk) into the station only to find that the train _ (leave) At the conference, scientists reported that they (find) a cure for Malaria Lop11.com (4) Consolidation Unit On my last visit to Wixton I (find) that the village (not change) much In a surprise move, the Prime Minister (resign) last night 10 Jane didn't want any dinner She (eat) already 11 When she _ (come) into the hall, everyone _ (start) cheering 12 After they (eat) all the food, they (pick) up their bags and left 13 I thought I would get to the restaurant first, but Jim _ (arrive) before me 14 By the time I (get) to the party, most people (go) home As soon as I _ (turn) the ignition key, the engine (catch) fire 15 I suddenly remembered that I (forget) my keys 16 While Diana (watch) her favourite TV programme, there (be) a power cut 17 Who (drive) the car at the time of the accident? 18 By the time Sheila (get) back, Chris (go) home 19 David (eat) Japanese food before, so he (know) what to order 20 I (do) some shopping yesterday, when I (see) your friend 21 What you (do) when I (come) to your office yesterday? 22 Laura (miss) the party because no one (tell) her about it VI WRITING: Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order 41) to/ play/ five/ He/ piano/ started/ the/ years/ ago  42) he/ was/ not/ hungry/ all/ had/ day/ Tim/ because/ eaten  43) letter/ the/ ,/ opening/ the/ was/ telephone/ I/ rang/ While  44) the/ during/ quite/ Britain/ much/ winter/ It/ snows/ in  45) seen/ were/ the/ ever/ They/ poorest/ people/ I/ had/  VII Complete each of these sentences with a suitable preposition She had a quick glance ……… the newspaper as she gulped down her coffee She got ………… the bus and sit ………… next …………an old man If you don't like the scarf, you can take it …………… to the shop She showed her new toy ……………her friends How much did you pay ……………… your new car? He pointed ……………the dog when it ran ……………….them Are you interested …………….practicing speaking English? You should have more confidence ……………your own abilities The fire started in the kitchen because she forgot to turn the light ……………… 10 My parents gave me a bicycle …………… my birthday Lop11.com (5)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:29



