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Nội dung

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write an argumentative exposition using the right format and language structures. II.Language focus:[r]


Period 37

Unit 6: the he ENVIRONMENT Getting started & listen and read I Objects

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Use new words about environments in the correct way

+ Read the text for general and specific information through Matching exercises and answering questions

II Language contents:

+Vocabulary: garbage dump, deforestation, air pollution, dynamite fishing, water pollution, spraying pesticides

+ Grammar: Conditional sentences: type 1

+ Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skills. III Teaching aids

Teaching plan


Cassette, pictures, extra – board IV Procedure

1 Checking up: 2 New lesson

Teacher & Students’ activities Contents 1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss to discuss and make a list of people’s activities that destroy the environment

- Work in groups of to

- May use Vietnamese when discussing - Call some groups to talk about their lists - Give English equivalences

- Give suggested answers

- Ask Ss to match these above environmental problems to the pictures in the textbook

2 Presentation:

- Explain the meaning of the new words - Listen and repeat the new words

- Individual work and pair work

- Help Ss to read new words and ask them to read

* Check Vocab: R & R 3 Practice:

 Set the scene

Mr.Brown is talking to some voluteer

conservationists Guess the place where they are going to work

-Give Ss minute to guess

- Listen and read the passage I Listen and read Mr Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists”

- Ask Ss to look at “Listen and read”; play the tape times

- Ask Ss to match the names in column A with the tasks in column B then write the full sentences

- Call on some Ss to read the full sentences - Give correct answers

* Getting started

+ Throw garbage in the street + Cut down trees

+ Leave the light on when unnecessary * Matching

a) air pollution

b) spraying pesticides c) garbage dump d) water pollution e) deforestation f) dynamite fishing 1 New words:

+ Garbage dump: bãi đổ rác + Deforestation (n): nạn phá rừng + Air pollution (n): Ô nhiễm khơng khí + Dynamite fishing (n) đánh bắt cá thuốc nổ

+ Water pollution (n) « nhiƠm nớc

+ Spraying pesticides (n) phun thuôc trừ sâu 2 Prediction

* Answers:

The coservationists are going to clean the beach

3 Matching a) Answers:

Groups 1: f, walk along the shore Groups 2: e, check the sand


- Have Ss read the passage again and answer the questions in b)

- Go around the class and provide necessary corrections

- Give correct answers

4 Comprehension questions b) Answers:

1 The speaker is Mr Brown

2 The listeners are members of volunteer conservationists.

3 They are on the beach.

4 If they work hard, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon.

5.Grammar  Example:

If we work hard, we will make this beach clean


S+will/can IF+S+V(HT§)

1 I/have/money/I/buy/a book

 If I have money, I will buy a book 2.The beach/be/polluted/We/ not/clean The beach will be polluted If we don't clean it

3.If/you/not/do/homework/ you/get/bad marks

If you don't your homework, you will get bad marks

4 Drill:

- Repeat the vocabularies and structures

+Vocabulary: garbage dump, deforestation, air pollution, dynamite fishing, water pollution, spraying pesticides + Grammar: Conditional sentences: type

5 Homework:

- Summarize main points


Period 38

Unit 6: the he ENVIRONMENT Speak & listen

I Objects

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Persuade other people by using give expression:

I think you should …….; Why not… ? Why don’t you … …? + Complete the information notes about ocean pollution through a report

+ Use new word in the right context by playing word games and engaging in different class activities

II.Language contents:

Vocabulary: Dissolve, traffic jam, exhausts fume, raw sewage, oil spill Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skills.

III Teaching aids

Teaching plan


Cassette, pictures, extra – board IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

+ Write new words 2 New lesson

Teacher & Students’ activities Contents 1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss question: “What can you to protect the environment?”

- Discuss in small groups and find the answers

2 Speak:

* Pre speaking:

- Write all new words on the board in both English and Vietnamese

* Check Vocab: What & where

a) Try to persuade your partner to the following things to protect the environment. - Work in pairs, persuade your partners to things to protect the environment Follow the example

- Ask Ss to look at the structures and sentences in partt a)

- Explain them

* While - speaking:

- Ask Ss to read the persuading expressions and the idea cues give in the textbook carefully Make sure Ss understand all of the ideas suggested

- Go around and provide help if necessary - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue

1 Newwords:

- Wrap (v): gãi, bäc l¹i - Dissolve (v): hoà tan

- Traffic jam (n): tắc nghẽn giao thông - Exhaust fume (n): khói thải từ xe cé - Trash = garbage

+ raw sewage (n): nớc thải (cha đợc xử lý) + oil spills (n): giếng dầu

+ marine life (n): sinh vËt biÓn + Regulation (n): th«ng lƯ 2 Practice

2.1 Form

I think you shoud Won't you

It would be better if you Can I persuade you to Why don't you

Why not

What/how about + V-ing *Use: Express persuasion * Example: (textbook)

A: I think it would be better if we reuse and recycle bottles and cans

B: Why? How come?

A: Because reusing and recycling bottles can reduce garbage and save natural resources a) Suggested answers:

A: I think it would be better if we go to work by bike

B: Why? How come?

A: Because going to work by bike can save energy and at the same time it can keep the air cleaner


-T: Give feedback and suggested answers: - Ask Ss to work in group and find the answers to the questionnaire

- Divide class in groups

- Call on some Ss from groups to present in front of class

- Call on some representatives to present in front of

- Give feedback and suggested answers 3 Listen:

- Guessing game

- divide class into small groups

- Ask Ss to have guesses on how the ocean is polluted

- Call some Ss to explain their ideas in front of class

- Provide some necessary words in the tape - Listen to the tape more than once and complete the notes

- Compare the answers with their partners

b) Find possible answers to the questionnaire.

* Example: Save papers by

Recycling and reusing paper.

Using tree leaves to wrap food and othe things

c) Now discuss with a partner the best way to protect the environment .

( Student s answers)3 Listening.

* Answers:

How the ocean polluted

- Firstly: raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea.

- Secondly: Garbage is dropped into the sea - Thirdly: oil spills come from ships at sea. - Next: Waste materials come from factories.

- Finally: oil is washed from the land.

4 Drill:

- Repeat the vocabulary and structures

Vocabulary: Dissolve, traffic jam, exhausts fume, raw sewage, oil spill 5 Homework:

- Summarize main points

- Learn by heart some new words and practice talking about the problem to protect the environment


Period 39

Unit 6: the he ENVIRONMENT Read

I Objects

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the poem with some old English by doing Matching exercise and Answering questions

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: end up, second hand, junk yard, treasure, foam, nonsense, folk Structures: conditional sentence type

Language skills: Practice reading skill. III Teaching aids

Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

What is the name for each one? a) dump

b) trash

c)water matter d) pesticide e) dynamite

1 You can put your rubbish in it:…… You must put it in a rubbish bin:… Factories produce it:……

4 crops are spayed with it: …… It is a powerful explosive 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the following questions about poetry

+ Do you like poetry?

+ Do you often read poetry? + Who is your favorite poet?

+ Have you ever read a poem in English? + What is it? Do you understand it?

2 Pre reading:

- Ask Ss to look at the poem in the book - Read the poem

- Give some new words and explains the meaning

- Help Ss to read the new words * Check Vocab: Slap the board


Have Ss work in groups

Get them to close the books and guess the answers for te pre-questions provided -Call on Ss to give the answers

3 While- Reading:

T: Set the scene “You are going to read a poem about environment Please scan the poem and answer the following questions - Have Ss work in groups

-Get them to read the poem and check the predictions

- Ask Ss to read the poem again and match the word in A to an appropriate in B encourage Ss

1 New words:

+ End up (v): cạn kiệt, sử dụng hết, kết thúc + Second – hand (a) qua sử dụng

+ Junk – yard (n): b·i phÕ th¶i + Treasure (n): kho báu, châu báu + Foam (n): bọt khí

+ Nonsense (n): Đều vô nghĩa 2 Pre-questions

a Who are the people in the poem? b Where are they?

c What's the problem of the environment mentioned in the poem?

*Answer keys:

a The mother and her son b They are in the park/wood c The wood is polluted

3 Matching (Match each word in A to an appropriate explanation in B)

* Answers:


1 junk-yard c a piece of land full of rubbish

2 end up g reach a state if

3 treasure f valuable or precious things

4 foam e mass of bubbles of air or gas

5 stream d a flow of water

6 hedge a a row of things forming a fence


to guess the meaning of the word if they don’t know some words

- Call some Ss to read the answers aloud - Give the correct answers

- Ask Ss to read the poem more carefully and answer the questions This task can be done in pairs

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in class

- Give the answers

- Calls on some Ss to read the passage aloud in front of class

- Checks Ss’ pronunciation and intonation 3.4 Post - reading:

What- if

- Divide the class into two or four groups namely A, B, C, D each group gets sentences with only IF half

- Student A read its half and B has to complete the sentence with the idea on the board to protect our environment

- Help Ss to complete and correct the mistakes 4 Drill:

- Vocabulary: end up, second hand, junk yard, treasure, foam, nonsense, folk

- Structures: conditional sentence type 5 Homework:

- Summarize main points - Do homework at workbook

- Prepare the next period 42 “WRITE”

4 Comprehension questions * Answers:

1 If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard

2 The mother think other folk pollute (are responsible for the pollution of) the environment but not her and her son

3 If the boy keeps on asking such questions, his mother will take him home right away No, because he is right: if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment form pollution

6 (Student’s answers) eg: put the bin around the school yard Pick up the rubbish/garbage and throw it into a trash bin Should not litter/spit on the ground/

5 Production

A: If you throw rubbish into street, B: it will pollute the environment Ex:


1 If I see somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I will…

2 If I meet the Minister for the environment, I will

3 If I live on an island, I will… 4 If I live in a jungle, I will…

5 If I catch an injured species, I would…. B.


Period 40

Unit 6: the ENVIRONMENT Write

I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a complaint letter with the right format and language

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: complaint, refreshment, fly, response Language skills: Practice writing skill.

III Teaching aids

Teaching plan, extra – board IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Write conditional sentences type 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

- Guides Sts to play game “Jumble words” + edn up = …

+ secndo – hand =… + Jnuk – yard = … + Treaseru = … + foma = … + nonnesse

2 Pre Writing

T: Explain the meaning of new words T: Help Ss to read

T: Introduce the formal complaint letter T: Set the scene

“ Mr Nhat wrote a complaint letter to the director of L & P company in HCM city The five sections of the letter are not in the right order Label each section with the appropriate letter: S, C, R, A or P.”

Ss: Read and write down into notebook Ss: Work in pairs and the labeling and ordering

T: Read the letter once

T: Call on some pairs read the aloud the letter with the correct order Each pair reads aloud one part

T: Give feedback and answer key

- Play follow teacher’s guides + Answers

+ End up

+ Second – hand + Junk – yard + Treasure + Foam + Nonsense 1 New words

- complaint (n) than phiÒn - fly (n): ruåi

- refreshment (n): khoan khoái - response (v): trả lời, đáp lại - situation (n): tinh - complication (n): phức tạp - resolution (n): định - action (n): hoạt động - politeness (n): lễ phép 2 Ordering

Answer key: Dear sir/madam

R: I would suggest that your company should tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving

S: I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the north


3 While writing

T: Implicit the writing task by asking questions: Are there any lakes behind your house?

What people in the lake? Which problems remain …

T: Ask Ss to read the situation in the textbook of local authorities to complain about the way of catching fish in the lake behind your house Following S-C-R-A-P format

Ss: Work individual, write a letter to the head T: Ask Ss to compare the writing and gives feed back and suggested writing

on the ground after their refreshment When the truck leave the place, the ground is covered with trash and a few minutes later there is smell flies

P: Faithfully, Hoang Binh 3 Writing

Dear Mr president

I am writing to you about the problem of fish catching in the lake behind my house I am very worried because they don't use fishing rod or not net but use electricity to catch fish

After a short time they leave the lake, a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface Other animals such as frogs, toads and even birds have also died from electric shock waves

I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish

I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing the actions taken to protect the environment from the local authority Sincerely

4 Drill

T: Ask Ss to read their writing aloud - Ask for comments from other Ss 5 Homework


Period 41

Unit 6: the he ENVIRONMENT Language focus

I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the adverbs correctly II Language contents:

Vocabulary: assignment, sigh

Grammar: + Adjectives and adverbs + Adverb clauses of reason (as, because, since) + Adjectives + that clause+ Conditional sentences type

Language skills: Practice writing skill.

III Teaching aids Teaching plan, extra – board IV Procedure

1 Checking up: No 2 New lesson

Teacher & Ss’s activities Content 1 Warm up

T: Ask Ss to arrange the letter to make complete words

1 wols = asd = dogo = pahapy =

2 Presentation and practice 1: T: Explain vocabulary

- Help the Ss to review the formation and the use of adverbs of manner through questions

+ How are adverbs formed? + What we use adverbs for?

T: Ask Ss to go on with exercise 1, use the adverbs to complete the sentences

3 Presentation and practice 2. T: Give out clauses

He failed the exams He is too lazy

T: Ask Ss about the relation between clause -> reason

T: Introduce the words expressing clause of reason: because = as = since

T: Ask Ss to exercise - Explain the example

T: Give feedback and the correct answers

Answers: slow sad good happy

1 Change the adjectives into adverbs: New words

Assignment (n): exercise Sigh (n): long deep breath

Formation Adjective + ly = adverb

Adjective Adverb

Extreme Extremely

Good Well

Happy Happily

Sad Sadly

Slow Slowly

Ss: Do exercise 1, change the adjectives into adverbs

 Usage: we use adverbs of manner to modify the verb It usually goes after the main verb

Answers b slowly c sadly d happily e well

2 Join the pairs of sentences together use "because; as; since"

Eg: Ba is tired because/as/since he stayed up late watching TV

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend * Answers

b I have a broken led because/as/since I fell over while I was playing volleyball c I am going to be late for school because/as/since the bus is late


4 Presentation and practice 3 T: Explain the structure

T: Let Ss practice the structure by completing the dialogue in the book

T: Call some pairs to practice the dialogues aloud

T: Feedback and give correct answers

- Help the Ss to revise the conditional sentences type

"If + main clause, subordinate clause" (simple present tense) (will infinitive)

T: Have Ss exercise Match each half sentence in column A with suitable one un column B, if it is ok, this activity can be done orally through the game watching

T: Feedback and give correct answers


e I want to go home because/as/since I feel sick

f I am hungry because/as/since I haven't eaten all day

3 Complete the dialogues * Structures:

S + be + adj + that clause

Eg: I am pleased that you are working hard

Ss: Compare the answers with their partners

* Answers:

b excited that I can go to Da lat this time c I am sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday

d I am disappointed that you did not phone me about it

e I am amazed that I could win the first price

4 Match each half sentence * Answers

1 e a3 c4 d5 b 4 Drill

- Repeat the forms and structures: + Adjectives and adverbs

+ Adverb clauses of reason (as, because, since) + Adjectives + that clause

+ Conditional sentences type 5 Homework

T: Summary the main points


Unit 7:

Saving energy

getting started & listen and read I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the words and phrases relating to energy – saving Understand the dialogue and the ways to save energy

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: water bill, enormous, crack, pipe, dripping faucet Language skills: Practice Listing and reading skill.

III Teaching aids

Teaching plan, cassette, textbook, sub-board, poster IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Write sentences, using conditional sentence type 2 New lesson

Teacher & Ss’s activities Content 1 Warm up

- Talk about the name of energy

+ water, wind, oil, wood, sun, nuclear, … - How we can save that energy?

2 Presentation

T: Ask Ss to loot at picture in part "Getting started" have them work in pairs and make a list of thing the family could to save energy T: Call on some Ss to read the list aloud

T: Give suggested answers T: Introduce the new words *Check Vocab: R & R T: Play the tape once

T: Divide class into group

T: Give group a piece of consisting columns: A (new words) and B (Vietnamese meanings)

T: Ask Ss to match the words in A with the meaning in B

T: Call on Ss to read the answers - Give answers

3 Practice

T: Set the scene " Mrs Mi is talking to her neighbor, Mrs Ha about the water bill this month"

T: Ask Ss to practice the dialogue with a partner - Call on some pairs to practice aloud

- Feedback on Ss' pronunciation and intonation

- Talk about the name of energy - Answer the questions

* Getting started Suggested answers:

- Save water by turning off the faucet when there is enough water supply

- Turn off the lights when unnecessary - Turn off TV and radio when nobody watches or listens

Ss: May use sentences with modal verbs such as "must, should"

1 New words:

Water bill: hoá đơn trả tiền nớc Enormous (a): lớn, nhiều

Crack(v): r¹n, nøt, rß rØ Pipe (n): èng dÉn níc

Plumber (n): thợ lắp đặt, sửa ống nớc Dripping faucet (n): vòi nớc chẩy nhỏ nhọt Matching

New words Meaning

1 water bill a thợ sửa ống nớc enormous b Hố đơn tiền nớc crack c vịi nớc bị chảy nhỏ

giät pipe d to, líp plumber e èng níc 6.dripping

faucet f vÕt nøt, g·y

3 T/F statementsAnswers: True


Correct the mistakes if any

T: Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and decide the statements in the book true of false Correct the false one

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend T: Call some Ss to read the answers T: Ask them to explain their choice

3 False (Mrs Ha hasn't check the pipes yet)

4 False (Mrs Ha suggest taking showers)

5 True

4 Drill

T: Call on some Ss to translate the dialogue into Vietnamese T: Help Ss to revise the new vocabulary

5 Homework


Unit 7:

Saving energy

Speak + LF3

I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Use suggestions to suggest ways to save energy through group discussion II.Language contents:

Vocabulary: solar, nuclear power, solar panel, advance Grammar: Making suggestions

Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skill. III Teaching aids

Teaching plan, textbook, sub-board, poster, tap, cassettes IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Ss: Make a list of things the family could to save energy 2 New lesson

Teacher & Ss’s activities Content 1 Warm up

- Guides Sts to play the game “Jumble words” with the words

- Play the game follow the teacher’s guide


2 Presentation

-T: Help Ss to review the way to make suggestions

T: Ask Ss to make some sentences with the structures above

- Look at the expressions in the tables and pictures Make suggestions about how to save energy

3 Practice

T: Have Ss looked at the expressions in the above tables and pictures in the book to make suggestions about how to save energy Follow the example

T: Call some Ss to read the suggestions aloud

Ss: Individual work

T: Correct and give suggested answers

+ awter llbi = Water bill + suomrone = Enormous + kcrac = Crack

+ ippe = Pipe

+ rebmulp = Plumber + facetu = faucet 1 Model Sentences

A I think we should turn off the faucet I suggest fixing the faucet

2 Grammar

Suggestion Response

I suggest + V-ing I think we should… Shall we …?

Why don't we…? How about + V-ing…? What about + V-ing…? Let's…


That's a good idea All right

No I don't want to I prefer to …

Let's 3 Practice


Suggested answers:

b I think we should turn off the gas fire c I suggest turning off the fan

d I think we should turn off the air conditioner when no one is in

e Why don't we turn off the TV when no one watches it

f I think we shouldn't go to school by motorbike g Let's go to school by bus or bicycle

b Answers:

A: I think we should turn off all the lights before leaving the class

B: That is a good idea

C: What about going to school by bus?

D: Great! Let's take the bus to school every day


4 further practice

T: Ask Ss to work in group of four Work out an ACTION PLAN to save energy for your class

T: Explain the example in the book

T: Go around class and provide help if necessary

Ss: Work in group

T: Call on some groups act out the discussion

- Correct and give suggested answers -Making sentences, get ready to give the answers to the whole class

*Language Focus (p.64) Have Ss work in pairs

-Get them to make suggestions from the phrases provided

- Go around and give help - Call on Ss to give the answers - Give feedback and correct answers

things B: All right

C: Why don't we reduce the amount of water we use every day?


4 further practice Making suggestions:

+ …suggest(s) Doing S.th + …suggest(s) that + S + should / shouldn’t Do S.th

*Language Focus

* Examples:

1 I suggest collecting some Money

2 I suggest giving lessons to poor children

3 I suggest that you should work harder on your pronunciation

……… 8 Drill

- Repeat the content of the lesson 9 Homework


Unit 7:

Saving energy

Listen + LF1,2

I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Understand and know how to common listening tasks: TRUE or FALSE and gap filling

+ Get general knowledge about one kind of alternative energy: solar energy

+Students will be able to further improve their understanding about common connectives, phrasal verbs

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: solar, nuclear power, solar panel, advance Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skill.

Grammar:Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after, go on III Teaching aids

Teaching plan, textbook, sub-board, poster, tap, cassettes IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Ss: Make a list of things the family could to save energy 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up


T: Give some questions to ask Ss about solar energy

- What is solar energy?

- What are advantages of solar energy? - Is solar energy operated in VN? 2 Pre listening

-T: Explain some newwords -Check Vocab: R & R

-True/False prediction - Ss guess T or F 3 While listening

Ss: Ss: Listen to the tape times and check their predictions

T: Call on Ss to give answers T: Give correct answers

T: Ask Ss to read the sentences in b) and guess the missing words

T: Call on some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud

T: Give correct answers

Ss: Look at the sentences, listen to the tape again and complete them

Ss: Compare the answers with partners 4 Post Listening

* Presentation 1:

T: Explain function of the connectives

T: Ask Ss to give some examples to demonstrate the use of the connectives

1 New words

-Solar (a): thuộc mặt trời

-Solar energy (n): lợng mặt trời -Nuclear power (n): lợng nguyên tử -Solar panel (n): tÊm pin mỈt trêi

-Advance (a): mức độ cao, tiên tiến -Roof (n): mái,

2 True/False prediction Answer key:

1 true

2 false (most of our electricity comes from the use

of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power

3 False (it is enough to provide power for total population

4 true

5 false (in 2015) 3 Filling


1 effective pollution countries store roof instead Grammar



* Practice1.

T: Tell Ss to exercise Complete the sentences use the correct connectives

T: Ask Ss to compare the answers with a friend T: Feedback and gives correct answers

*Presentation 2

T: Implicit the meanings of the phrases verbs through examples "Now, can you guess the meaning of those of phrasal verbs in the following context?"

+ It is dark here Can you turn on the light? + Please Turn off TV when you finish watching.

+ It's important to look for a job after graduation.

+ My sister looks after the pet when I am away + She goes on taking about himself.

* Practice 2

T: Have Ss exercise complete the sentences use the right tense form of the phrasal verbs in the box and the pictures

T: Have Ss compare their answers with a friend T: Correct any necessary mistakes

T: Give the correct answers

- Because: to give a cause (reason) - So, therefore: to give an effect - Or: to give an alternative * Answers:

a and b but c because d therefore e or f so

g and h however b Phrasal verbs

- Turn on: switch on/start - Turn off: switch off/stop - Look for: take care of - Go on: continue

* Complete the sentences Use the right tense form of the phrasal verbs in the box and the pictures


a Look after b Go on c Turn on d Looked for e Turn off

8 Drill

- Repeat the content of the lesson 9 Homework


Unit 7:

Saving energy


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get general idea of the reading through choosing the best summary and answering questions

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: luxury, necessity, consumer, household, Account for, tumble dryer, innovation Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skill. III Teaching aids

textbook, white board markers IV Procedure

Checking up:

T: Asks Ss to talk about how to save energy in their house 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

- Guides Sts to play the game “net words” Water

2 Pre reading T: Read the text firstly T: Explain the new words Ss: write down new words

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs and make sentences with new words they have learnt

T: Call on some Ss read their sentences aloud T: Give comment to make sure Ss understand the use of the words

3 While reading

T: Ask Ss to read the passage very quickly and check their prediction

T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions T: Give the correct answers

T: Have Ss read the passage more carefully and choose the best summary for it among

following options

T: Ask Ss to give explanations for their choice - Give correct answers

- Tell Ss to read the passage again and answer the question

T: Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud

- Play the game follow the teacher’s guide 1.New words

-Luxury (n): xa xỉ >< necessity -Consumer (n): ngời tiêu ding -Household (n): hộ gia đình

-Account for (v): chiÕm, chủ yếu -Tumble drỷe (n): máy xấy

- Innovation (n): đổi Pre questions

+ Which continents are mentioned in the text?

+ Are electricity, gas and water luxuries or necessities?

* Answer

+ America and Europe + They are necessities

3 The best summary Answers:

3 North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources.

4 Comprehension questions Answers:

1 Western consumers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money.

2 We can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt light bulbs to spend energ


in front of class

- Make necessary corrections and gives correct answers

4 Post reading

- Expand the topic by opening a discussion on question:

T: Ask Ss to work in group to list the reasons for saving energy

T: Call on representative of some groups to present in front of class

- Give suggested answers:

less on lighting

3 She will pay US$2 for lighting if she uses energy saving bulbs instead.

4 The purpose of the labeling scheme is to help consumers to know how efficient each model is, compared with other appliances in the same category so that they can save money and energy.

5 Discussion

Why should we save energy? * Suggested answers:

- Save money

- Conserve the Earth's resources - Protect environment

- Prevent natural disasters

5 Drill

- Asks Sts to read again, repeat some words and model of sentences 6 Homework

- Review the lesson - Assign homework


Unit 7:

Saving energy


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short, simple speech with clear organization and present it in from of the whole class

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: Review

2 Language skills: Practice writing skill II Teaching aids

textbook, white board markers III Procedure

1 Checking up:

Answer the question: Why should we save energy? 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

- Introduces the way to write a speech

2 Presentation

T: Implicit the function of the parts a speech by questioning

What we in introduction? What is included in body? ……

T: Give correct answers

3 Practice

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs, put the sections in the correct place to complete a speech

- Call on some Ss to deliver the speech in front of class

- Comment and correct any necessary mistakes

T: Give suggested answer:

T: Tell Ss to choose one of the topics in the book: reducing garbage, reusing paper and saving energy in the kitchen and then prepare a speech for the class

T: Ask Ss to compare the writing with a friend

6 Write

* Definition of a speech

It is the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience A speech usually has three parts: Introduction, body and conclusion

* Matching


Parts of speech Functions Introduction

2 Body

3 Conclusion

A summing up what you have said

B getting people's attention and telling them what you are going to talk about C giving details in easy-to-understand language

* Answers: 1.b 2.c 3.a b) Ordering

Suggested answers:

3 Good evening, ladies and gentleman I am professor Robert and tonight I am going to tell you how to save money

2 Most of us use too much gas You can reduce this amount by:

- Traveling by bicycle or public transport - Having mechanic check your motorcycle regularly

1 If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the


T: Introduce "peer correction" Have Ss check and comment on each other writing

- Go around class and offer help if necessary - Call on some Ss to deliver the speech they have written in front of class

T: Give comment on S's performance regarding pronunciation, body language, eye contact …

- Give suggested answers

* Suggested answers: - Reducing garbage:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen Thank you for coming here today I am professor Hung President of friends of the Earth I am going to tell you about the ways of reducing garbage

As we know that reducing garbage is necessary We can reduce garbage by: + Collecting plastic bags

+ Not keeping solid waste with food waste Putting different kinds of waste in different places

I hope that you will be able to find the most suitable way to reduce the amount of

garbage we produce - Reusing paper:

- Saving energy in the kitchen …

4 Drill

T: Summarize the main points 5 Homework

- Copy your writing in your exercise book - Review the lesson


KiÓm tra tiÕt

I Objectives

II Matrix


I Listen and choose the best answers (2pts)

In Western (1) , electricity, gas and water are not luxuries but necessities

Companies now realize that (2) _ want products that will not only work effectively, but also save money

For most North American households, (3) _ accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill However, this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100 watt light bulb (4) _ an energy saving bulb These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer Therefore consumers can save about US$7 to US$ 21 per bulb

1 A cities B countries C country D nation

2 A customers B listeners C consumers D workers

3 A lighting B fighting C working D cooking

4 A on B in C this D with

II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2pts)

1 He is going to the post office ……… he wants to send a letter

A because B but C and D moreover

2 She bought potatoes ………… cabbage at the market

A although B and C however D but

3 I’d love to play soccer ……… I must complete my home work

A since B moreover C but D and

- Review and consolidate the knowledge which Ss have learnt through all topics (The environment & saving energy)

- Grammar: simple present, conditional sentences, adverbs, adjectives, pronunciation, vocabulary

Standar unit (topic) contents


Realize Grasp thoroughly Apply Total Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub


(2) (2)


(1,5) (0,5) (2)


(2) (2) Grammar

(2) (2)


(2) (2)

Total 12


4 Do you want to have coffee …… tea?

A and B or C although D but

5 Can you turn ……… the light? It’s too dark

A on B off C in D for

6 We can ……… easily in the daylight

A to read B reading C readed D read

7 Can you tell me the reasons for …… the Mother’s Day?

A celebrating B celebration C celebrate D celebrated Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all ………… people

A English B Vietnamese C Japanese D Jewish

III Read the passage then answer the questions (2pts)

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our Sun

At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or nuclear power This power could be provided by the Sun one percent of solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total population

Many countries are already using solar energy Solar panels are placed on the roofs of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to heat water The energy can be stored for a number of days, so on cloudy days you can use solar energy, too

Sweden has an advanced solar energy program There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015

* Questions:

1 Is solar energy an efficient source of power?

-> ………

2 Where are the solar panels placed?

-> ………

3 How long can the energy be stored?

-> ………

4 Is the solar energy used in Sweden now?

-> ………

IV Use Connectives to combine each pair of sentences (2pts) He is very tired He has to finish his homework (but)

-> ………

2 I like watching TV I like going to the cinema (and)

-> ………

3 She wears glasses She wants to see well (because)

-> ………

4 We are saving money We want to buy a new house (so)

V What you suggest to the following people? (2pts)

He uses plastic bags to wrap food

-> I suggest he……… She always turns on the light when going to bed

-> I suggest she……… His motorcycle uses too much gas

-> I suggest he ……… He is having a toothache

-> I suggest he… ………. 3 Drill

- Hand in and count the test paper 4 Homework:


Period 48

Chữa Kiểm tra tiết I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the answers of the exercises in the written test, then understand them more clearly

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: Review Grammar: Review

2 Language skills: Practice writing skill II Teaching aids

textbook, white board markers III Procedure

1 Answers: I Listening:

In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are not luxuries but necessities

Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only work effectively, but also save money

For most North American households, lighting accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill However, this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100 watt light bulb with an energy saving bulb These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer Therefore consumers can save about US$7 to US$ 21 per bulb

1 B C A D


5 A D A D

III Yes, it is.

2 The solar panels are placed on the roofs of a house The energy can be store for a number of days Yes, it is

IV He is very tired but he has to finish his homework I like watching TV and going to the cinema

3 She wears glasses because she wants to see well We want to buy a new house, so we are saving money V.(Suggested answers)

1 I suggest he should use banana leaves to wrap food

2 I suggest she should turn off the lights before going to bed I suggest he should buy a new motorcycle

4 I suggest he should go to the dentist 3 Drill

- Repeat the model of sentences, some vocabularies and structures 4 Homework


Teaching date:

Period 49

Unit 8:


Getting started + listen and read I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Get further information about celebrations in the world

- Practice reading comprehension skill for details to complete a table II Language contents:

Vocabulary: sticky rice cake, occur, live apart, Israel, Jewish, Passover, slavery, joyful, parade

Language skills: Practice reading and listening skill III Teaching aids

textbook, tape, cassettes, posters IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Use the connectives to combine each pair of the sentences He is very tired He has to finish his homework (but) The room is very small It's quite comfortable (although) 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

T: Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of famous celebrations in Vietnam and world wide

In the time allowed, group with the longest list will be the winner

T: Ask Ss further questions about facts of the above celebrations

Eg: In which country people celebrate ? What they do?

2 Presentation T: Teach vocabulary

T: Asks Ss to work with a partner Match the icons with the names of the celebration they present

- Correct the Answers 3 Practice

T: Have Ss listen and read the passage about celebrations in Vietnam and in other countries and ask them to complete the table with five heading

- Gives some new words, explains and asks Sts to read

Christmas Valentine Easter

Mother's day Thanksgiving day Halloween

Lunar New Year Mid- fall Festival Teacher's day May Day Wedding

I Getting started Easter

2 Wedding Birthday Christmas Mid – fall Lunar New Year

1.New words

- Sticky rice cake (n): traditional chung cake - Occur (v): happen, take place

- Live apart (v): far away - Israel: níc Israel

- Jewish (adj) ngời thái

- Passover (n): Lễ hảI (ngêi th¸i) - Slavery (adj): condition or work of slave - Joyful (adj): cheerful

- Parade (n,v): march with display 2 Complete the table


passage in the book and then give the answers

- Helps Sts to complete

- Calls some Sts to write down their answers

- Corrects the mistake and give answers

 Discussion

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the questions


In late January or

early February

Clean and decorating homes, and

enjoying special food

Sticky rice

cake Vietnam

Passover march orLate early April

(not available)

Specia l meal called the Seder



Around the same

time as Passover

People crowd the

streets watch colorful


Choco late or sugar


In many countries


1 When does Tet occur ?

2 What our people at Tet ? What special food they eat ? Which country celebrate Tet ? 4 Consolidation

- Summarize the main points 5 Homework


Teaching date:

Period 50

Unit 8:


Speak + listen

I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Give and respond to a compliment for common situations

- Complete a song by filling the missing words and update themselves with the information about one of the best known songs in English – speaking countries

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: contest, take part in, charity program/ activities, activist, nominate. acquaintance, bring to mind, kindness, trusty

Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skill III Teaching aids

textbook, tape, cassettes, posters IV Procedure

1 Checking up: 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

T: Call on a Ss to answer to questions

- Do you usually give a compliment? On which occasion? To whom?

2 Pre speaking T: Teach vocabulary

T: Let Ss to play the game “slap the board” T: Introduce the structure to give and respond to a compliment

T: Demonstrate by the first situation in the book “Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest”

3 While speaking

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs Read the situations in the book and then give and respond to

appropriate compliment

Ss: Work in pairs and give responds

T: Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue before class

4 Post speaking

T: Tell Ss to work with another partner: think of the situations in which you can compliments your friends and respond from his/her or them, then make up dialogues with your partner T: May give suggestions such as:

+ Passing the final/ entrance exam + Graduating from university

+ Winning the first prize in a singing contest + Having finished making a birthday card T: Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of class

- Feedback and give suggested answers 5 Listening

T: Set the scene “On new year’s Eve, many people in western countries hold parties which

1.New words:

Contest (English speaking contest) (n) Competition (n): cuéc thi

Take part in (v): participate: tham gia Charity activities (n): hoạt động từ thiện Activist (n): ngời động tham gia Nominate (v): ghi danh, mệnh danh Acquaintance (n): ngời quen

Bring to mind (v): remember Kindness (n): tèt tö tÕ

Trusty (a): đáng tin cậy 2 Compliments

Give a compliment Respond a compliment

Well done Thanks

That’s a great/an

excellent… It is nice if you to say so Let me

congratulate you on

That’s very kind if you  Example

Mai: well done, Trang Trang: Thanks

3 Practice

Suggested answers: b, Mother: well done, Huyen Huyen: Thanks, Mom

c, Friends: congratulations on your nomination, Tuan

Tuan: It’s nice of you to say so

d, You: That’s excellent drawing, Hoa Hoa: That’s very nice of you to say so


first minutes of the year in the company of friends and family people may dance, sing and drink a toast to the year ahead After the

celebrations, it is time to make new year

resolutions and these are a list of decisions about how to live in the coming year Horns are blown at midnight, and people hug and kiss to begin the new year with much love and happiness Auld Lang Syne, with words by Robert Burns, is often sung at midnight on New Year’s Eve Auld lang syne is one of the best known song in English speaking countries Auld lang syne means the times gone past; the good old days In scot Auld = old; lang = long; syne = since

T: Play the tape several times if necessary T: Tell Ss to compare the answers with a friend - Call on some Ss to read/sing the song aloud in front of class

- Give feedback and give correct answers T: Ask Ss to work in group and discuss:

“What you and your family usually does on New Year’s Eve (lunar New Year)?

Huong: That’s very kind of you 4 Listening

*answers a day b Take c Mind d Hand e Kindness f

Suggested answers - Go out in the streets - See fireworks display - Hold year- end party - Wait for lucky money

8 Drill

T: Summarize the main points and structures to give a compliment and respond to a compliment

9 Homework


Teaching date:

Period 51

Unit 8:



I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get to know about more one of the important celebrations in Australia and the USA: Father's Day through the reading about opinions, feelings and memories of children about their father

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: Lose heart, groom, hug, considerate,

priority, sense of humor, distinguish, terrific, proud of Language skills: Practice Reading skill

III Teaching aids

textbook, Hand outs with further information about Father's Day IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

T: Call on some Ss to read the song " Auld Lang Syne" again

2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

Table completion

Divide Ss into small groups Each group is given a piece of card containing 10 important

celebrations in Vietnam and their dates The card is in two columns: Celebration and date Group with the complete table in the shortest time will be the winer

Celebration Date

1 1.1

2 Valentine’s day

3 8.3

4 April fool ’s day

5 30.4

6 May day

7 15.8

8 20.11

9 People’s army founding anniversary

10 24 12

2 Pre reading

T: Introduces new vocabulary

T: Ask Ss to make sentences with the new words given

- Write down new words and read after the teacher

*Setting the scene

On Father’s Day in Australia and in the USA, children show their love to to their fathers by giving their father presents, cards


Have Ss work in groups

Get them to close the book and think of the adjectives that children use to talk about their fathers

3 While reading

Get Ss to open the books on page 68, read the opinions and check their predictions

-Call on Ss to give answers -Give feddback

- Have to complete the table by filling either the date or celebration

Celebration Date

1 Lunar New year 1.1*

2 Valentine’s day 14.2

3 International Women’s day 8.3 April fool ’s day 1.4

5 Victory day 30.4

6 May day 1.5

7 Mid fall festival 15.8*

8 Teacher’s day 20.11

9 People’s army founding anniversary 22.12

10 24 12

1.New words

Lose heart (v): tự tin/ can đảm Groom (n): rể

Hug (v): ôm, chào

Considerate (a): õn cn, chu đáo hay quan tâm đến ngời xung quang

Priority (n): sù yªu tiªn, qun u tiªn Sense of humor (n): khiếu hài hớc Distinguish (v): phân biệt

Terrific (a): Kinh khủng, đáng sợ Proud of (a): Tự hào

2 Prediction

strong great generous healthy considerate the best handsome terrific humorous


great love to their fathers The followings are opinions, feelings and memories of children about their fathers"

T: Divides class into three groups Each group read one passage answer questions about it T: Call on representative from each group to read the answers aloud

- Make any necessary corrections - Give correct answers

T: Ask Ss one additional question

"What image of a father can you draw from the passages?”

T: Calls on some Ss to read the passages aloud 4 Post Reading

T: Tells Ss to work in groups of to and discuss about their fathers

Suggested question are:

Can you tell me about your father? How old is he?

What does he do?

What does he look like?

What you like best about him?

What are your feelings and opinions aloud him? Which memories you have about your father that you remember until now?

a To her father

- He teaches her how to love, cry and laugh

+ Jane (USA)

b He is possibly dead These ideas may tell about that:"… how much you are missed, … I now have children, Dad…? - Yes, she is married with some children on her weeding day, her father stood and gave her a hug

+ Bob (Australia)

- He is considerate, generous and humorous

c His scene of humor makes him different from others

Yes, he is

d a father can be a teacher, a care taker and a friend.

4 Discussion

5 Drill

- Asks Sts to read the poem again 6 Homework

- Summarize the main points


Teaching date:

Period 52

Unit 8




I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to a friend to share their ideas about particular issue (there should be a day for mother or father in Vietnam)

II.Language contents:

Vocabulary: essential, enhance, tradition, support, outdoor, national wide Language skills: Practice writing skill

III Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Exercise book and write new words 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up


Provide a number of words and ask Ss to work in groups to classify them under three headings: who, which and when

New year’s Eve, gift, song, people, friend, Australian, tourist, mother’s day National day, season, cake, keyboard, mid – autumn festival 2 Pre - Writing

T: Introduce the new words - Write down all new words - Listen and brainstorm


-Ask Ss to keep their books closed, show the outline on the board

-Get Ss to put the parts in the correct order

-Call on Ss to give answers -Give feddback

*Ask Ss to give details about + When to celebrate, in what season, or what mont? Why? + How to celebrate: having parties, sending cards + What sepcial gift to give? + What special food to offer?

T: Set the scene" In Vietnam people not celebrate mother's day or father's Day You think It is necessary to have a day to celebrate for your mom and

Who Which When

People Friend Australian Tourist Gift Songs Cake keyboard

New year’s eve Mother’s day National day

Mid-autumn festival

1 New words Essential (a): cÇn thiết

Enhance (v): Tôn lên, làm tăng thêm Tradition (n): truyền thống

Support (v): ủng hộ, tán thành Nationwide (n): toµn quèc


+ When to celebrate, in what season, or what month? Why?

+ How to celebrate: having parties, sending cards + What sepcial gift to give?

+ What special food to offer? *Answers:

Paragraph 1: (3) Paragraph 2: (1) Paragraph 3: (2) 3 Writing


In my opinion, it is import to have a day to celebrate for our parents


friend to brainstorm the seasons for celebrating, when and how to celebrate these days

T: Gather some ideas and tell Ss to open the book

3 While Writing

T: Ask Ss to follow the outline and work independently to write a letter to a friend as instructed

- Ask Ss to compare their writing with a friend

- Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud

- Comment and give suggested answers if necessary

4 Post writing " Peer correction"

T: Ask Ss to work with a friend, exchange their writings and correct for each other

Ss are asked to recognize their friend's mistakes in the writing and offer the suggested corrections

T: Pick up some typical writing to correct in front of class

suitable day to celebrate because Sunday is a day off so everybody is free from work or study Moreover, April is in late spring or early summer, and then weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoor

It is not necessary to have parties but it’s good idea to have a family gathering when members have lunch or dinner together Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards, or bring them a special cake Children also should serve their parents the food that they like best

In conclusion, I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents and wants their parents to be happy

- Read the writing aloud

5 Drill

- Summarize the main points 6 Homework


Teaching date:

Period 53

Unit 8:


Language focus

I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Recognize and distinguish relative clauses - Know how to use them in various situations II.Language contents:

Grammar: + Relative clauses

+ Adverb clauses of concession Language skills: Practice writing skill III Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant, handouts on additional exercises IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

Supply the correct word from

a There are many …… throughout the year (celebrate) b He wants to …… his room (decorate

c Tet is a ……… festival of Vietnamese people (joy) 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

Relative clause completion Ask Ss to work in groups

Say the first clause of complex sentence Call at random on members of the groups to complete the sentences

Students with no reaction (no answers) in less then seconds will be the loser

- Work in groups

Can use their own ideas but they have to make sense

Sentences need to be completed: 2 Presentation 1

T: Tell Ss how to identify a relative clause compare:

"The word crowded in the first sentence is an adjective, which are crowded" is a clause (it has a finite verb: are) The clause is doing exactly the same work as the adjective: it is describing the holiday resorts So we can call it an adverbial clause, or (more usually) a relative clause because it "relative" to the noun in this case by means of the word "which" relative clause can describe persons, things and events The appropriate relative pronouns are "who", "which" and "when" There are kinds of relative clause in written language

Relative clause without comas are called "defining" or "identifying clauses" they provide essential information about the subject or object

Eg: what kind of book with be popular?

1 New year’s Eve is the night when… April fools’ Day is a day when …

- Crowded holiday resorts are not very pleasant

-> Holiday resorts which are crowded are not very pleasant

1 Join the sentences Use relative clauses Ss: Do exercise and compare the answers with a


Tet is a festival Tet occurs in late January or early February

-> Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February

* Answers

a Auld Lang Syne is a song which is song on New year's Eve

b This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday.

c My friend Tom, who sings western songs d We often go to the town cultural house, which always open on public holidays

e We like reading books which tell about different people and their cultures


– defining clauses" they provide additional information, which are be omitted/ removed Eg: the book, which contains pictures, will be popular

3 Practice 1

T: Tell Ss to exercise Join the sentences Use relative clauses


T: Make necessary corrects and give correct answers

3 Practice 2:

T: Ask Ss to study the picture in the book and use the relative clauses to describe each of the people in the pictures Follow the example in the book

Ss: Look at the example and exercise in individual

- Compare the answers with a partner T: Call on some Ss to read their answers - Give suggested answer

4 Presentation 3

T: Explain the meaning of "though, although, even though + clause, and the examples

4 Practice 3

T: Have Ss done exercise join the sentences, use the words in the brackets Ss: work in pairs

- Compare the sentences with a friend

T: Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of the class

- Feedback and give correct answers Notice

friends, who come to stay with us during Christmas

2 Describe each of the people in the pictures


I am the boy who is wearing a while T -Short

- My aunt Judy is the woman who is holding Jack

* Suggested answers

- Mom is the woman who is sitting in a armchair receiving a gift from the little girl - Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister

- Linda is he girl who is wearing a pink dress/ giving a gift to mom

- Grandmother is the woman who is wearing a violet blouse/ giving a gift to the baby

- Uncle John is the man who is wearing a pink jumper

- Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother's Lap:

3 Join the sentences

- Though, although, even though (mỈc dï, dï) + clause

-> These express the opposite ideas

Eg: Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet even though she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes


b Although we don't have a mother's Day in Vietnam, Dad and I have special gift and parties for my Mom very year on the 8th of


c we went to Hanoi to watch the parade on the National Day last year even though we live in Nam Dinh

d Many tourists enjoy festivals in Vietnamese culture very much

e Event though in Australia Christmas season is in summer, Australian enjoy Christmas as much as people in European countries f Although Jim came to the show late due to the traffic jam, he could see the main part of the show

4 Complete the sentences Use the correct tense of the verbs and the information


a although Mrs Thoa was tired, she helped Tuan with his homework

b Even though Liz has an examination tomorrow, she is still watching TV now


that there is not "but" in the complex sentences with "though, though, even though"

4 Practice 4

T: Tell Ss to exercise look at the picture and complete the sentences by using "Thought, although, even though" use the correct tense of the verbs and the information T: Let Ss check the answer for each other - Feedback and give correct answer

4 Practice 5

- Helps Sts to complete exercise - Asks Ss to work in groups

- Let Ss check the answer for each other - Feedback and give correct answer

- Calls Ss to write down the answers on the board

- Remarks and corrects the mistakes


e Even though the keyboard wasn't working well, Mary tried to finish letter

5 Drill

- Repeat the relative clause and Adverb clauses of concession - Join the sentences Use relative clauses

a She is a nurse She took care of me b Is this the book? You want me to read it? 6 Homework

- Summarize the main points


Period 54

Unit 9:

Natural disasters


I Objectives

Students listen and read a dialogue for detail information about a weather forecast and will be able to

- Get to know and use new words about weather - Understand the information in a weather forecast II Language contents:

Vocabulary: snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, typhoon 2 Language skills: Practice listening and reading skill

II Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant, cassette, picture, posters III Procedure

1 Checking up: No

2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

Guessing game

Provide three clues about the word weather forecast Ss have to guess the word If Ss can guess the word in the first clue they get 30 points, 20 in the second clue and 19 in the third clue

1 We know whether it is going to rain or to be sunny if we watch this program

2 It is usually broadcasted on TV after the news It starts with letter W

Asks Ss some questions about the topic: - Do you usually watch the weather forecast? - Do you think weather forecasts are truthful? 2 Presentation

T: Tell Ss to look at the pictures on page 75 and answer, in which program we see in these pictures? (in weather forecast)

T: Set the scene "Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they are watching a weather forecast on TV Now you look at the book and listen to the tape?

3 Practice

T: Play the tape more than one if necessary T: Make any pronunciation corrections if necessary

T: Have Ss worked independently and fill in each blank one word and phrase from the dialogue T: Call on some Ss to read aloud their completed sentences in front of class

- Work in groups to guess

* Answers

Weather forecast

1 Vocabulary

-(to) turn up: điều chỉnh to lên (âm TV, radio) -thunderstorm (n) bảo giông -central highlands (n) cao nguyªn -(to) trust: tin tëng

-just in case (n) đề phòng 2 Prediction

What are they watching? * Answer

They are watching Weather Forecast program

3 Gap filling


1 turn up; weather forecast raining

3 central highlands have temperature weather forecasts

4.Comprehension questions


Gap filling

Have Ss work in pairs

Get them to look at the book, listen to the dialogue, the read in pairs and exercise 2b on page 75

-Call on Ss to give the answers -Give feed back and correct

Comprehension questions

Show the questions on the poster Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, then answer the questions in pairs

-Go around and give help -Call on Ss to give answers to the whole class

-Give feed back

Further Practice


Have Ss work in groups

-Get them to make the weather forecast about tomorrow for some places in Vietnam

- Go around and give help - Call on Ss to give the answers - Give feedback and correct answers

-Because she wants to listen to the wether forecast

2 Which city is the hottest today? - HCM city is the hottest

3 Where is Thuy going?

-She is going to a park on the other side of Thang Long bridge with her old friends What does Thuy’s grand- mother want her to do?

- She wants her to bring along a Raincoat

5 Discusion

What will the weather be tomorrow in: -Quang Binh

-Ha Noi

- Ho Chi Minh City 4 Drill

T: Ask Ss to work in group of to and discuss to make a weather forecast for the following day in Vietnam

T: Call on some representatives from groups to read their forecast aloud in front of class - Comment and make necessary corrections

5 Homework


Period 55

Unit 9:

Natural disasters

Speak + Listen I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Know what should be prepared for a typhoon

- Improve the discussion skills: agreeing and disagreeing

- Get to know some ideas on how to live with earthquakes through sentence completion exercise

- Listen to the talk better, identify and catch key words for the answers II Language focus:

Vocabulary: Canned food, bucket, fix the leak, roof, peg, door latch, power cat, Fixture, block, zone, roller, hang potted plant, doorway

Language skills: Practice speaking and listening III Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant, sub-board cassette, tape and pictures about earthquakes IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

- Write new words - Answer the questions:

+ What is the weather like today? 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

- Have there been any typhoons in our hometown?

+ What should we when there is a typhoon? + Do you know anything about earthquakes? + Are there any earthquakes in Vietnam?

+ in which countries earthquakes usually occur?

- Can use Vietnamese to express their ideas if there are any difficulties

- May provide help later on 2 Pre speaking

T: Introduce the new words 3 While - speaking

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs, study the list and check what preparations should be made for a typhoon

T: Call on some pairs to explain their answers - Correct and gives suggested choice

T: Have Ss continue working in pairs but with another partner

- Ask them to talk about what they think they want to buy and to prepare for a typhoon, explain why The ideas in the box and the samples on page 77 maybe helpful

T: Call on some pairs to practice in front of class

- Comment and give suggested answers 4 Post - speaking

T: Say seven to ten statements about what we should to prepare for a typhoon, if the

1 New words

Canned food (n): đồ ăn đóng hộp Backet (n): xơ

Fix the leak: sửa chữa lỗ thủng Roof (n): mái nhà

Peg (n): móc treo

Door latch (n): khoá bên (cửa) Power cut (v): cắt điện

Available (a): có s½n Damage (v) = destroy

Fixture (n): cố định vật chỗ Block (v): ngăn cản, cản trở

Zone (n) khoanh vïng, ph©n vïng Roller (n): quay

Hanging potted plant (n): chậu treo hoa Container (n) đồ đựng hàng hố

Doorway (n): lèi cưa vµo Practice

a Students' answers b Suggested answers

1 We should buy some candles

2 We should invited some friends to dinner

3 we should buy a dog we should buy a ladder We should go to the movies we should paint the house we should buy matches


statements are true (should do) Ss will repeat the statements If the statements are false (should do), Ss will stay silent

T: Give suggested statements:

Ss: May use agreeing and disagreeing structures that they have learned


T: Ask Ss some questions:

+ Do you know anything about earthquakes? + Are they dangerous?

+ Are there any earthquakes usually occur? + What would you if an earthquake occurred? (before, while and after the earthquake)

T: Set the scene "An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes, Actually he will give us advice on what should we before and during an earthquake Listen to the talk and complete the table"

T: Play the tape several times if necessary T: Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud - Feedback and give correct answers, Play the tape again and stop at each answer

door latches

10 We should wash your blankets * Example

A: I think we should buy some candles and matches before a typhoon

B: Yes, I agree with you Because there maybe a power cut when the wind is strong

……… 4 Listening


1 bottom shelf of the bookshelf fridge

3 washing machine mirrors

5 window inside

7 under a strong table door way

9 Conner of the room

8 Drill

- Summarize the main points 8 Homework

- Summarize the main points - Prepare " READ"

Teaching date:

Period 56

Unit 9:

Natural disasters


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to

- Get general background information on some common natural disasters such as

earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoon, volcanoes and tornadoes through comprehension exercise: "true/ false and" " sentence completion"

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: Pacific Rim, collapse, majority, abrupt, shift, hurricane, erupt, funnel, baby carriage

Language skills: Practice reading skill III Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant, sub-board cassette, tape and the picture of natural disasters IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

T: Call on some Ss to talk about what to before/ while/after an earthquake - Write news words

2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

T: Give definition of natural disasters


- Ask Ss to match the names of the disasters to its correct definition

T: gives correct answers

T: Asks Ss to look at the passages and pictures then

introduce the new words

T: Explain the words in the book

T: Ask Ss to match the picture to the correct words and then compare their answer with a partner's

- Give correct answers 2 Pre reading

- Read the text and introduces new words 3 While - reading

T: Set the scene "you are going to read a passage about disasters that we have mentioned earlier Read and the comprehension tasks assigned

T: Ask Ss to highlight or underline the information in the passage for their answers

T: Helps Ss to compete

T: Calls some pair of students t T: Corrects and gives answers

Ss: work independently, read the passages and decide whether the statement are true or false correct the false ones

- Compare the answers with a friend

Earthquake (n): động đất Volcano (n): Núi lửa

Typhoon (n): bão nhiệt đới

Pacifc rim: quốc gia thái bình dơng Collapse (v): sụp đổ

Majority (n) nhiều, nhiều Abrupt (v): đột ngột xẩy

Shift (n) dịch chuyển, thay đổi Hurricane (n) = cyclone = typhoon Erupt (v): Eruption (n): Phun trào Funnel (n): CáI phễu

Baby cariage (n) xe n«i  Answers:

1 snowstorm earthquake volcano 2 Matching

1 Earthquake a mountain or hill with openings through which ashes and gases ejected tidal wave b violent storm especially in

east Asian seas

3 typhoon c violent storm over small area

4 volcano d another word for tsunami, waves caused by tides

5 Tornado e sudden and violent movements of the earth surface


1 e 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 3 True/False Statements * answers:

1 true true

3 false: the tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California

4 true

5 false: the eruption of mount Pinatubo is the world's largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years

6 true

4 Complete the sentences

1 _ occur around the pacific Rim

2 _ homes, office blocks and highways collapsed

3 _ there is a abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth

4 _ a cyclone

5 _ the word "typhoon"

6 _ passes overland below a thunderstorm and sucks up anything that is in its path

4 Drill


5 Homework

- Summarize the main point points - exercise at workbook


Period 57

Unit 9:

Natural disasters

WRITE I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short story by using guided information and pictures

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: circle, shelter, scared, behave Language skills: Practice writing skill III Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant, sub-board IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions - What country has the most volcanoes? - What is the definition of an earthquake? 2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up


- Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson + Have you ever written a story? What is it about?

+ How long did it take to you write it?

+ Did you write it in Vietnamese or in English?

+ Do you think it is a successful one? 2 Pre writing

T: Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson

- Have you ever written a story? What is it about?

- How long did it take to you write it?

- Did you write it in Vietnamese or in English?

T: Introduce the new words

T: Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures to


 Picture 1:

- What you see in the first picture? - Who is she? What's she doing? - What's the weather like?

 Picture 2:

- what's wrong with the dog? - Is he behave strangely

- What you think is going to happen?  Picture 3:

- who is in the picture with Lan? - What does she say?

 Picture 4:

- what is happening?

- Whole class

1 New words

Circle (n): vßng trßn Shelter (n): chỗ ẩn nấp Scare (a): sợ

Behave (v): có c sử, hành động c sử

2 Writing

It was a beautiful day The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan was outside playing with her dog, Skippy All of a sudden, the dog began behaving strangely She kept running around in circle Lan ran home with her dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing Lan's mother, Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house


- Where are Lan's family members?  Picture 5:

- is the wind strong?

- What is the weather like?  Picture 6:

- what you see in the picture?

- What are Lan and her parents doing now?

- Does the weather become good again? T: Ask Ss to turn back on page 79 and study the outline of the story with the guided words 3 While - writing

T: Have Ss write the story individually Note that Ss can make changes and add more details to the story to make it more interesting

- Ask Ss to compare their story with a friend - Give suggested writing

storm came with strong winds and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad What a clever dog skippy is She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon

4 Drill

T: Call on some Ss to read their own story T: Correct the mistakes


Period 58

Unit 9:

Natural disasters


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to further practice with pronouns "who, that, which" and clearly "defining" and "non – defining clauses"

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: horn, snout, rhinoceros, logo, swallow, chew, extensive, tail. Grammar: + Relative pronouns "who, what, which"

+ Relative clauses

Language skills: Practice writing skill III Teaching aids

textbook, teaching plant, sub-board pictures, textbook, sub- board IV Procedure

1 Checking up:

T: Call on Ss to combine the sentences by using relative clause S1: I bought a new type writer It cost me a lot of money

-> ……

S2: Tom is one of my closest friends He is very intelligent -> ……

2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up

- Let Ss play the game Knowledge Game-short answers.

- Tell Ss to work with another partner to answer the following questions about general understanding

Pair work

- The pair with the most correct answers will be the winner

Questions Answers

1 Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake?

Kobe Which country won the

1998 Tiger Cup? Kobe

3 Which animal has one or

two horns on its snout? rhinoceros Which explorer discovered

America? ChristopherColumbus

5 Which planet is the closest

to the earth? Venus

6 Which animal in Viet Nam was chosen to be the logo of SEA Games 2003?

buffalo Which ASEAN country is

divided into two regions by the sea?

Malaysia Which food you can chew

but you can not swallow and which one you can swallow but you can not chew?


1 New words Horn (n): song

Snout (n): mòi, mâm

Rhinoceros (n): tê giác Logo (n): biểu tợng


2 Presentation

T: Introduce some new words

T: Help Ss to review relative clauses and pronouns definition of relative pronouns and asks them to give some examples to make sure

that they understand the use of relative clauses

3 Practice 1:

T: Asks Ss to use relative pronouns "who, which, that" to answer the questions Start with the words given like the example Ss: Do exercise, then compare the answers with a partner

T: Call on some Ss to read their whole sentences

- Feedback and give correct answers

4 Practice 2:

T: Keep Ss in pairs but with another partner

- Ask Ss to match each of the sentences in column A with a related sentence in column B use the suitable relative pronouns to join the sentences

T: Calls on some pairs to read the answers - Corrects the mistakes and give the true answers

5 Practice 3:

T: Help Ss to identify "defining" and "non defining clause" (see period – language focus Unit 8)

T: Instruct Ss to exercise Underline the relative clause in the sentence, and then add commas to separate the non-defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence

chew (v): nhai

Extensive (a): nhiều, đa dạng Tail (n): đuôi

2 Practice Example

The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe

 Answers:

b The country which won the 1995 tiger cup is Singapore

c The animal which has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros

d The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus

e The planet which is closest to the earth is venues

f The animal which was chosen to be the logo of SEA games 2003 is the buffalo

g The ASEAN country which is divided into regions by the sea is Malaysia

h The food which you can chew but you cannot swallow is the chewing gum, and the thing you can swallow but you cannot chew is water

3 Matching * Answer:

2.g: It snow…… Lang son, which is …

3.f: Pompeii, which is an ancient city of Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of mount Vesuvius

4.a: people and made more than 200.000 homeless

5.c: the cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which is bordered by the Bay of Bengal on the south, was one of the worst natural disasters of 20th century.

6.d: The most disasters earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150 000 people 7.b: The October 1989 Loma Pieta earthquake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, caused extensive damage to older buildings in San Francisco Bay area


* Answers:

b Kangaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails

c Ba, who lives in Trang Tien street, likes playing the guitar

d (defining)

e Neil Armstrong, who first walked on the moon, live in the USA

f (defining)



- Comments and give correct answers 6 Consolidation

T: Set the scene "You rewrite the sentences in exercise 3, replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written You may use fact or your imagination"

T: Call on some Ss to check the answers T: Correct the mistakes

7 Homework


Teaching date:

Period 59 KiÓm tra tiÕt I Objectives:

- Review and consolidate the knowledge which Ss have learnt through all topics (The environment & saving energy)

- Grammar: simple present, conditional sentences, adverbs, adjectives, pronunciation, vocabulary

II Matrix:


I Listen and fill the missing words (2pts)

Tet or the Lunar New Year holiday is the most (1) …….festival in Viet Nam Tet is a joyful festival which occurs in late(2) …… or early February It is a time for families to (3)

and decorate their houses, wear new clothes and enjoy special (4) such as sticky

…… ……

rice cakes Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet

II Read the passage carefully, then answer the following questions (2pts):

If you live in an Earthquake zone, you should take some time to look around your house Place haevy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelves Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine to prevent them from moving Put hanging potted plants in plastic containers Check the mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom Make sure they can’t move Don’t put your bed next to a window

Planning where you are going to be during an earthquake is very important The first thing to remember is to stay in side Then you should sit under a strong table or doorway,or stand in the coner of a room

 T/F statements:

If you live in an earthquake zone, you should:

1 place kooks on the top of the bookshelves ………

2.Check the mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom that they can’t move ………… Put your bed near a window ………

4 Stay outside, sit under a strong table or doorway, or stand in the corner of a room …… III Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences (2pts):

1 ……… Mrs Hoa was tired, she helped Tuan with his homework Standar

unit (topic) contents


Realize Grasp thoroughly Apply Total Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub


(2) (2)


(2) (2)


(2) (2) Grammar

(2) (2)


(2) (2)

Total 12


A who B which C whom D whose Can you tell me the reason for … the Mother’s Day?

A celebrating B to celebrate C celebrate D celebrated We think that Mother’s Day should be celebrated ………

A nationhood B nation wide C nationality D nation It’s very nice …… you to say so!

A in B on C of D at

6 According to the weather … ………., it will be raining tonight

A forecast B forecaster C forecasted D forecasting

7 Many people become …… because of natural disasters every year

A homeland B homesick C homeless D homework

8 We are going to … the anniversary of our 50th weeding.

A to celebrate B celebrated C celebrating D celebrate IV Combine these pairs of sentences, using who, which, where, whom (2pts)

1 He met many friends The friends encouraged him in his work

+ ………

2 He often tells me about his village He was born in his village

+ ………

3 The book was rather difficult I gave him that book


4 The man is a worker We play with the man every day

+ ………

V Use the words to write a story (2pts) 1.It/ beautiful day Lan/ outside/ play/ her dog

……… All of a sudden/ dog/ behave strangely Lan/ run/ home/ with/ dog

……… Lan’s mother/ tell Lan/ there/ be/ typhoon coming



Teaching date:

Period 60

Ch÷a bµi KiĨm tra tiÕt

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the answers of the exercises in the written test, and then understand them more clearly

II Procedure:

1 Teacher s remarks:

- Remark what the Ss’ answers and explain what Ss didn’t understand clearly 2 Answers:

I Mỗi ý 0,5 điểm.

(1) important (2) January (3) clean (4) meals


Tet or the Lunar New Year holiday is the most important festival in Viet Nam Tet is a joyful festival which occurs in late January or early February It is a time for families to clean and decorate their houses, wear new clothes and enjoy special meals such as sticky rice cakes Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet

II Mỗi ý 0, điểm. F

2 T F F

III Mỗi ý 0, 25 điểm.

(1) A (2) B (3) A (4) B

(5) C (6) A (7) C (8) D

IV Mỗi ý 0, điểm.

1 He met his friends who encouraged him in his work He often tells me about his village where he was born The book which I gave him was rather difficult The man whom we play with every day is a worker V Mỗi ý 0, điểm.

1 It was a beautiful day Lan was outside playing with her dog

2 All of a sudden the dog behaved strangely Lan ran home with her dog Lan’s mother told Lan there was a typhoon coming


Period 61

Unit 10:

life on other planets Getting started + Listen and read I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about UFOs with basic information received through discussion and the reading

II Language contents:

Vocabulary: UFOs, meteor, sighting, alien, spacecraft, egg- shaped, plane – like, treetop

Language skills: Practice reading and talking skills. III Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


Cassette, pictures, posters about UFOs, extra – board IV Procedure:

1 Checking up: (No checking) 2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and explicit the meaning of UFOs

- Asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the following questions

a have you ever heard of UFOs? Do you thing they really exist?

a Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? What are they about?

c What you want about UFOs?

d If you saw a UFO, what would you do? - Gather ideas and provide some facts about UFOs (see supplements)

3.2 Presentation:

- Ask Ss to look at Listen and read - Explicit the new words

- Play the tape and set the scene: "UFOs are strange flying objects that some people report that they have seen in the sky and believed to be spacecraft from another planet, Many scientists not believe so, they say that if people see a UFO, it might be an aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor however, there is still evidence for people believe in the existence of UFOs"

3.3 Practice:

- Tell Ss to work individually and find the words in the text having meanings as in the book instructed

- Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context of the passage

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers

1 Getting started:

- Group work, find out the answers + UFOs = Unidentified Flying Objects

1 New words:

+ Meteor (n): băng

+ Alien (n): xa lạ, ngời hành tinh + Sample (n): mÉu, lµm vËt mÉu

+ Spacecraft (n): tÇu vị trơ

+ Egg – shape (a): hình trứng + Plate – like (a): hình đĩa

+ Treetop (n): ngän c©y

2 find contextual meanings of the words: - Individual work and pair work

* Answers: Evidence meteor aliens collecting captured disappeared

3 Completing the notes:


in front of class Ask Ss to explain their answers:

- Feedback and give correct answers

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the passage

3.4 Consolidation:

- Divide class into small groups Ask them to match the timeline in A to the events in B when the game is finished, ask Ss to recall the passage and present it to class

soil samples ……

f ……… claimed they were captured by aliens and taken abroad a spacecraft

g …… and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO…

h ……… that he saw a plate like device at a treetop 30 meters away …

- Group work


1 1947 a a woman

2 1952 b a farmer

3 1954 c Kenneth Arnold

4 1964 d a young pilot

5 1971 e 1,500 UFO sightings

6 1978 f two men

* Answers: 1- C

2- E 3- A 4- B 5- F 4 Drill:

- Summarize the main points

- Vocabulary: UFOs, meteor, sighting, alien, spacecraft, egg- shaped, plane – like, treetop 5 Homework:

- Summarize the main points

- Imagine and describe to answer the questions: 1 What are UFOs?

2 What UFOs look like? - Prepare "Speak + Listen"

Teaching date:

Period 62

Unit 10:

life on other planets Speak + listen

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Speak with a friend about things which might be on Mars such as water, little creatures, minerals,…

+ Be update with background knowledge about Mars and solar system

+ Listen to a rather long talk about the moon and be more confident in true or false listening comprehension exercise

+ Get more information about the moon II Language contents:

Vocabulary: mineral, microorganism, gemstones, little creatures, sparkling spots, trace, precious, science for fun program, crater, and Olympic champion

Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skills. III Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


Cassette, pictures, extra – board IV Procedure:

1 Checking up:

- Talk about your guess + What are OFOs?


3.1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss to work in group of to and make good guesses about Math

Suggested questions:

+ What you thing might be on the Mars? + Are there any people? Any plants?

- Gather ideas and comments 3.2 Speaking:

* Pre- speaking:

- Introduce the new words

* While speaking:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice the dialogue in the book

- Keep Ss in groups and ask them to make up similar dialogues about the drawings, using the cues in section as

- Go around the class and provide help if necessary

- Feedback and give suggested answers

* Post speaking:

- Ask Ss to work in group and discuss: tell each other what you think might be on Mars on the moon and on other planets

- Encourage Ss to share and exchange ideas and background knowledge that they know about planets

- Call on some Ss to make a presentation in front of class

- Give addiction about solar system (see supplements)

3.3 Listening: * Pre listening:

- Ask Ss to look at the book and explicit the new words

* While listening:

- Have Ss listen to the description of the moon Then check (✓) the correct statements about

- Group work

1 Speak: * New words:

+ Minerals (n): chất, khoáng sản + Microorganism (n): vi sinh vật + Gemstones (n): đá qúi

+ Little creatures (n): sinh vËt nhá + Sparking spots (n): vÕt lÊp l¸nh + Trace (n): dÊu vÕt

+ Precious (n): quÝ, quÝ gi¸ - Pair works

* Suggested answers:

1 Phuong: What these drawings say, Minh?

Minh: There might be plants in Mars Phuong: And what about those dark shapes on the left conner?

Minh: Well they migh be sight of gas, there maybe some plants in Mars


Hung: What these pictures say?

Hao: There may be mountains and Mars. Hung: And what about the wavy lines on the right corner?

Hao: Well, they might be water There may be some litter creatures in Mars. - Group work

(Student’s answers)

2 Listen:

* New words:

+ Science for fun program (ch¬ng tr×nh khoa häc vui

+ Crater (n): miƯng nói lửa

+ Olympic champion (n): ngời đoạt giảI cuéc thi Olympic

- Individual work


the moon

- Play the tape several times if necessary

- Ask Ss to compare their answers with earlier guesses with a friend

- Feedback and give correct answers

* Post listening:

- Asks Ss to work in groups and make a short presentation about the moon, encourage Ss to use as much information in the listening as possible However, they also use their own knowledge to make the presentation more information and interesting

- Call on some Ss to make the presentation in front of class

- Comment and have feedback on Ss’ performance

a ✓ c ✓ d ✓ f ✓ i ✓ j ✓ - Group work

4 Drill:

- Summarize the main points

- Vocabulary: mineral, microorganism, gemstones, little creatures, sparkling spots, trace, precious, science for fun program, crater, and Olympic champion

5 Homework:


Period 63

Unit 10:

life on other planets Read

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to enhance reading skill through ordering and answering questions exercises

II Language focus:

Vocabulary: physical condition, push up, orbit, cabin, circus, marvelous. Language skills: Practice reading skill.

III Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


pictures, extra – board IV Procedure:

1 Checking up:

- Talk about the information about the moon you know 2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Let Ss play the game “Q&A ” - Ask Ss questions about space trip + Have you ever heard of a space trip? + What people go there for?

+ What should we have to prepare if we want to take a trip to the space?

+ What can we there?


3.2 Pre reading:

- Ask Ss to look at the passage

- Introduce and explain the new words

3.3 While reading: - Reads the passage once

- Ask Ss to read the passage independently and put the phrase in order to show what you need and get in joining a trip into the space - Call on some Ss to explain their answers - Feedback and give correct answers

- Have Ss read the passage more carefully and answer the questions Remind them to write the answers in full sentences

- Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of class

- Make necessary corrections and give correct answers

- Whole class

* New words:

+ Physical condition (n): tình trạng sức khoẻ + Plush up (n): hít đất

+ Orbit (n): quay quanh + Cabin (n): ca bin, khoang + Marvelous (a): tuyÖt vêi - Individual work

- Compare the answers with a partner b) Answers:

4 – – – –

b) Answering comprehension questions

1 if you decide to take part a space trip, you will have to run a lot, swim everyday, and do aerobic and push ups to have an excellent physical education.

2 If you want to show you are in perfect health you must a letter from doctor

3 You can see pictures of the earth: your country, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the tall, mountains.


3.4 Post - reading:

- Expand the topic by introducing group discussion

* Topic - Group work

If you were able to take a space trip, what would you to prepare for the trip?

What would you like to bring along? What would you there?

4 Drill:

- Summarize main points

- Vocabulary: physical condition, push up, orbit, cabin, circus, marvelous 5 Homework:

- Summarize main points - Do exercise:

* Fill in the blank with the most suitable words:

1 Many people say that they once saw… Flying objects

2 If you want to take the trip to a space, you must be in good …… Condition 3 We call people from other planet …


Period 64

Unit 10:

life on other planets write

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write an argumentative exposition using the right format and language structures

II.Language focus:

Vocabulary: (Revise) Structures: (Revise)

Language skills: Practice writing skill. III Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


extra – board IV Procedure:

2 Checking up:

Call on some Ss to the exercise in “Homework” S1: …

… S2: … … * Answers:

1 Unidentified 2 physical. 3 aliens 4 Mars 3 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Let Ss play the game Networks - Ask Ss to work in groups of to

Note: The words must be correctly spelled and related to the topic

3.2 Pre writing:

- Explain the definition of an argumentative writing

In writing, there is a argumentative writing

- Group work

- Make a list of words relating to planets - The group with longest list will be the winner

Planets * Answers:

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun Sun


which presents one s ideas, opinions andmake them persuasive to readers At the same time, this kind of writing has to successfully protect the opinions and refuse the opposite once An argumentative writing should basically consist of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion

- Implicit the outline and the functions of three main parts in an argumentative exposition through matching exercise Ask Ss to read the outline of an expression in column A then put the paragraph in column B in order to match the section in column A T: Call on some Ss to read the answers

- Further explain the outline and give correct answers

3.3 While writing:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the dialogue between An and Ba about the sentence of UFOs Make sure Ss understand the dialogue especially Ba’s opinions about existence of UFOs

- Tell Ss to use Ba s opinions in the dialogueto write exposition independently

- Go around the class and pick up some typical writings to read aloud and have some necessary corrections

- Give suggested answers

3.4 Post writing:

- Ask Ss to work in pair and introduce cross check

“ ” (students correct for each other)

- Comment and point out the most common mistakes that Ss make in their writing Suggest the ways what Ss can avoid those mistakes in their later writing practices

- Whole class and pair work

- Read and match

a)Matching: * Answers:

+ Introduction -> (ii) + Body -> (iii)

+ Conclusions -> (i) a Read the dialogue …

- Individual work

- Compare the answers with a partner * Suggested answers:

I believe UFOs exit because articles and reports in newspapers talk a lot about their appearance.

Firstly, many people from different countries reported that they once saw flying saucers Secondly, there are many photos of flying saucers and some photographers said they saw man like creatures get out of vehicles. Moreover, people are discussing those mysterious circles on the fields in the countryside of Great Britain

So I think UFOs are not our imagination They are real, and we should be ready to see their visit.

- Pair work.

4 Drill:

- Summarize main points 5 Homework:


Period 65

Unit 10:

life on other planets Language focus

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Master the use of modal verbs: “may” and “might”

+ Distinguish the deference between conditional sentences type and type and use them properly

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: (Revise)

Grammar: + may/might + bare – infinitive + Conditional sentence: type + Conditional sentence: type 2 Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


pictures, extra – board III Procedure:

1 Checking up:

- Perform your writing you wrote in the last period 2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Let Ss play the game Jumbled words - Write the new words in the wrong order Example:

1 aolobnl 2 ecrasru 3 ertnmgau 4 nilea 5 …….

3.2 presentation and practice 1:

- Help the Ss to review the usage of modal verbs “may” and “might”

- Ask Ss to work with a partner Use “may” or “might” and talk about Andy’s presents - Tell Ss to compare their answers with a friend

- Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of class

- Feedback and give correct answers

3.3 Presentation practice 2:

- Help Ss review the form and the usage of conditional sentence type

- Group work

* Answers: balloon saucer argument alien …….

- Whole class and individual work 1 May and might:

=> may/might + V_inf Answers:

b It might be a box of crayons, or it might be a box of paint

c It s might be a football, or it might be abasketball.

d It may be a boat, or it might be a train.

e It may b a flying saucer, or it might be a meteor.

f It might be an evening star, or it might be a spacecraft

2 Complete the sentences Use the verbs in the box.


- Ask Ss to make sentence using conditional sentence type Make sure Ss use the correct verb form in “if clause” and “main clause

- Tell Ss to exercise

- Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud in front of class

- Correct mistakes if any

- Feedback and give correct answers 3.4 Presentation and practice 3:

- Compare and explain the types of conditionals

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and complete the sentences by using conditional sentences type

- Tell Ss to exchange the exercise and correct for each other

- Call on some Ss to read their answers - Make necessary corrections and give correct answers

If clause Main clause

Present simple

If + S1 + V(es,s) S2 + will + VFuture simple Use:

+ Conditional sentence type can be used to describe situations and consequences that are possible in the present or future.

- Whole class and pair work Answers:

b will miss , doesn t hurryc is not , will drop

d will join , finishes e writes , won t forget

3 Look at the pictures Complete the sentence conditional sentence: Type 2


If clause Main clause

Past simple

If + S1 + V(ed, irrg) Future in the pastS2 + would + V use

+ Conditional sentence type can be used to describe imaginary and unreal or untrue situations / actions at present or in the future


If Lan works hard, she will pass the exam

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a house in the center of the city

* Answers:

b If Mr Loc Had a car, he would drive it to work

c If Lan lived in HCM city, she would visit Sai Gon park water.

d If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time.

e If Hoa lived in Hue, He would visit her parents everyday.

f If Nga owed a piano, she would play it very well.

g If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades

h If Na had enough money, she would buy a new compute.

4 Drill:

- Summarize main points 5 Homework:

- Summarize main points


Period 66 Review I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some main knowledge they learned in Unit Celebrations” by doing exercises given

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: (Revise)

Structures: + Relative pronouns and relative clauses 2 Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


the book Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng

III Procedure:

1 Checking up:

- Answer to question: What would you if you met an alien from outer space? 2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss to say name of some celebrations in Viet Nam and in the world they know

3.2 Activity 1:

- Ask Ss to read the passage in exercise III in Unit 8:Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 77,78) - Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers

3.3 Activity 2:

- Ask Ss to read the passage in exercise IV in Unit 8:Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page78)

- Retell the use and the form of relative pronouns and relative clause

- Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers

- Whole class * Example:

+ Tet holiday (Lunar New Year) + Do Son Bull fighting.


1 Each line of the following passage contains one error Find and correct it.

- Pair work, read the sentences and correct them

- Compare the answer with partners * Answers:

1 after before 2 buyed bought 3 who which 4 others other 5 members member 6 much many 7 is are 8 them their 9 wrapping wrapped

10 neighborhoods neighbors

2 Choose the best answer in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. - Individual work

- Compare the answers with partners * Answers:

1 whose who despite on

5 was washing-was making

6 which


4 Drill:

Vocabulary: (Revise)

Structures: + Relative pronouns and relative clauses 5 Homework:


Period 67 Review I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to continue revising some main knowledge they learned in Unit “Celebrations” by doing exercises given

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: (Revise)

Structures: + Relative pronouns and relative clauses 2 Language skills: Practice

II Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


the book “Bµi tËp bỉ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng

II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher s’ : Teaching plan


the book Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng

2 Students : Textbook, workbook III Procedure:

1 Checking up:

- Make up sentences using relative clause 2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Make up sentences using relative clause 3.2 Activity 1:

- Ask Ss to read the passage in exercise V in Unit 8:Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 78) - Retell the use and the form of relative - Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers

3.3 Activity 2:

- Ask Ss to read the passage in exercise X in Unit 8:Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn ThÞ Chi (Chđ

- Whole class

1 Combine these pairs of sentences, using Who, Which, where, and Whose

“ ”

- Individual work

- Compare the answers with a partner * Answers:

1 He met many friends who encouraged him in his work.

2 He often tells me about his village where he was born.

3 Can you understand the question which he asked you last time? 4 The man whose son we play with everyday is an architect.

5 The city where/ in which we spent our vacation was very beautiful.

6 The train which broke down twice on the way arrived two hours late.

7 I stopped in a small town where my sister was working.

8 The book which I gave him was rather difficult.

9 The picture which you were talking about has been stolen.

10 She is the girl who I bought these roses for. 2 Complete each sentence of the following letter.

- Pair work, read the sentences and complete them


biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 81)

- Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the letter - Correct and give the correct answers

1 I have just received your letter and I fully agree with your idea which suggests organizing a day for fathers.

2 We should celebrate Father s Day as peopledo in Australia and the USA.

3 It will be the time for children to express their feelings, memories and love for their fathers.

4 In my opinion, we should celebrate this day on December 20th.

5 I suggest this day because October 20th is the day for Vietnamese Women.

6 And two days after this day is Vietnamese People Army Day when we show ouradmiration for the solders.

7 On the Father s Day, children can sendcards, gifts to their fathers.

8 They can also have parties, read poens or sing some songs to make their fathers happy. 9 I think many other people will also share this idea, so we should write to more friends.

10 I look/ am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

4 Drill:

Vocabulary: (Revise)

Structures: + Relative pronouns and relative clauses 5 Homework:


Period 68 Review I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some main knowledge they learned in Unit 10 “Life on other planets” by doing exercises given

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: (Revise) Structures: + Modal verbs + Conditional sentences:

2 Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


the book Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng

III Procedure:

1 Checking up:

- Answer the questions: + Have you ever seen UFOs? + If yes, can you describe them? 2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Call on some Ss to describe the appearances of the UFOs they have known in this Unit

3.2 Activity 1:

- Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise III in Unit 10:“Bµi tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 98)

- Explain how to this exercise

- Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Explain the new words if necessary 3.3 Activity 2:

- Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise IV in Unit 10:“Bµi tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 98 - 99) - Retell the form and the usage of the conditional sentence type

If clause Main clause


subjunctive Would/ could/ should/ might/…+ bare infinitive - Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers

- Whole class

1 Choose one option that has similar meaning to the word provided.

*Example: (Work book) - Individual work

- Compare the answers with a partner * Answers:

1 A vanish

2 B flying saucer A valuable

4 D spaceship C space creature

2 Rewrite the following sentences, using the conditional sentence type 2.

- Look at the example and work in pairs - Compare the answers with partners * Answers:

1 If Nam weren t (too) young/ were old/ wereolder, he could/ would take part…….

2 If he took more / some exercise, he would be healthy/ healthier.

3 If we had (some) matches, he could light a fire.

4 If I asked him (for help), he would help me. 5 If I knew his address, I would/ could write to him.


7 If I had a map, I could direct you.

8 If English people didn t speak quickly/ spokemore slowly, I could understand them.

9 If I didn t live near my office/ lived far frommy office, I would spend much time traveling to work.

10 If Tom weren t so fat/ were thinner, hecould get through the bathroom window.

4 Drill:

Vocabulary: (Revise) Structures: + Modal verbs

+ Conditional sentences: 5 Homework:

- Summarize main points


Period 69 Review I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to continue revising some main knowledge they learned in Unit 10 “Life on other planets” by doing exercises given

1 Language focus:

Vocabulary: (Revise) Structures: + Modal verbs

+ Conditional sentences:

2 Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II Teaching aids:

Teaching plan


the book Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng

III Procedure:

1 Checking up: (No checking)

2 New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities

3.1 Warm up:

- Ask Ss to make up some conditional sentence type

3.2 Activity 1:

- Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise V in Unit 10:“Bµi tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 99)

- Explain the usage of“Might”

- Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Explain the new words if necessary 3.3 Activity 2:

- Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise VI in Unit 10:Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 99- 100) - Explain how to this exercise

- Go around the classroom and give provided help

- Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Explain the new words if necessary 3.4 Activity 3:

- Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise VIII in Unit 10:Bài tập bổ trợ- nâng cao Tiéng Anh 9- NXB Giáo dục- Nguyễn Thị Chi (Chủ biên+ Nguyễn Hữu Cơng(page 100- 101)

- Explain how to this exercise

- Go around the classroom and give provided

- Whole class

1 Complete the following sentences, using might + one of the verb in the box.

“ ”

- Read the verbs in the box and the sentences given

- Complete the sentences

- Compare the answers with partners *Answers:

1 might rain might wake might bite might be might hang

6 might need might slip might go might invite 10 might break

2 Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

- Individual work

- Compare the answers with partners * Answers: 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 D

3 Complete each of the conditional sentences below in a suitable way.

- Individual work

- Compare the answers with partners



- Call on some Ss to read the answers

- Correct and give suggested answers if necessary

4 Drill :

Vocabulary: (Revise) Structures: + Modal verbs

+ Conditional sentences: 5 Homework:


Period 70

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 21:37



