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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 7: World population - Period 1: Reading

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Discussing the pictures: - T gets the Ss to work in pairs to look at the two pictures on page 80 and discuss the questions on page 81.. - T calls on some Ss to give the answers to the qu[r]

(1)I II III Time 8’ 15’ UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION Period 1: READING Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context Materials: Textbook, handout, pictures Procedure: T’s activities I Warm up: - T asks the Ss some question: How many people are there in your family? There are many children in a family Do you think it is good or bad? Why? In your opinion, which reasons cause some following situations( T shows some pictures): a No land to build house b Water pollution c Traffic jam d Water shortage - T asks the Ss about population of Vietnam and some countries in the world - T introduces the topic of the lesson: WORLD POPULATION II Before you read: Discussing the pictures: - T gets the Ss to work in pairs to look at the two pictures on page 80 and discuss the questions on page 81 - T calls on some Ss to give the answers to the questions and elicits comments from other Ss T may give some suggested answers Questions: Where can you find these scenes? The first picture: Lop11.com Ss’s activities - Ss obsever and answer - Ss answer: Overpopulation - Ss answer - Work in pairs and discuss - Ss may be give the answers: (2) a Is this a small or a big family? b How many children have they got? c What about their house? The second picture: a Where is this? b What about their life, their houses? a This is a big family b They have got children c This is an old cottage with nothing valuable a This is a poor town b They have a hard life and live in a very old house c Are all people working? c No Some people are working, some people are unemployment What does each of the pictures tell The first picture tells us that you? if there are too many people in a family, we may not support our children properly and give them a good life and education The second picture indicates that population explosion can lead to poverty and unemployment Do you think that the larger in It is not always true that the population a country is, the stronger it larger in population a country is? Why/ Why not? is, the stronger it is The reason is that a large population can result in poverty, environmental pollution, unemployed and social evils, which will easily weaken a country Pre – teaching vocabulary: - Ss write down (to) reach (to) double Third World (n) vươn tới, đến gấp đôi các nước chậm phát triển available (adj) sẵn có (to) raise animal nuôi động vật (to) support cung cấp limit (v,n) hạn chế average (n) trung bình decrease >< increase Lop11.com (3) giảm tăng 10 Birth-control methods: các biện pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ 11 Family planning: kế hoạch hóa gia đình - T asks the Ss to hear T reading and then read up to the teacher - T uses some methods to help the Ss learn by heart the new words 20’ 10’ 10’ III While you read: Read the passage: - T asks Ss to look at the passage on the page 81 - T asks the Ss to read the passage by themselves in some minutes - T calls each student to read a paragraph T corrects Ss’s pronunciation if they have - T asks the Ss find out where the Ss don’t understand and then the teacher can explain to them as necessary - T calls some Ss to translate three paragraphs into Vietnamese ● Setting the scene: You have read the passage about the world population Now the task in the textbook Instruction: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box: - T asks Ss to read through the words in the box and guess the meaning - T asks Ss what kinds of word in the box: noun or adjective…and asks the Ss to translate into Vietnamese - T might remind Ss of some strategies to task 1: + First, Ss should read through the sentences provided in the task to identify the part of speech of the word Lop11.com - Listen and repeat - Ss look at the passage - Ss read by themselves - Each student reads a paragraph - The Ss maybe ask the teacher - Ss translate into Vietnamese - Do the task - Read the words in the box - Ss answer - Ss listen to the T (4) to fill in each blank For example, in sentence the word to fill in should be an adjective; in sentence the two word should be noun… + Read the first sentence carefully to understand the meaning Read the words in the box to choose the most suitable one to fill in the blank, paying attention to their right form + Continue with the rest of the sentences - T asks the Ss to work individually to the task - T goes around to help the Ss when necessary - T asks the Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss - T asks the Ss for their answers and tells them to explain their choices and then asks Ss to translate into Vietnamese 2’ - T asks other Ss to give comments if incorrect IV/ Homework: - T asks the Ss to learn by heart the new words - T asks Ss to prepare the next part Lop11.com - Ss work individually to the task - Ss exchange their answers with friends - Give the teacher the answers Although Method Increase Resources Figures Limit International Control - Ss take note (5)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 21:05

