five: Maths, IT, Science, Vietnamese, and English... Point and say/ 40.[r]
(2)O E
(3)i l
g o
Leave me out
(4)r i
A t
(5)a n e h i t V
Leave me out
(6)s h
t s
M a
(7)S c i c e n c e
(8)u s i h c
Leave me out
(9)Wednesday, October 31st, 2018.
Unit 6: How many lessons you have today? Lesson 1: Part &2
a Vocabulary:
lessons: tiết học
1 Look, listen and repeat/ 40
(10)(11)How many lessons you have today?
I have four:Maths, Vietnamese, Music and
(12)b Sentence Pattern:
Maths,Vietnamese, Music and
How many lessons you have today?
(13)b Sentence Pattern:
How many lessons you have today?
(14)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(15)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(16)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(17)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(18)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(19)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(20)2 Point and say/ 40
How many lessons you have today?
(21)How many lessons you have today?
How many lessons you have today? I have Art, Music, PE and English
(22)Game: Magic hatGame: Magic hat
Unit 6: How many lessons you have today? Lesson 1: Part 1,2
Wednesday, October 31st, 2018.
Unit 6: How many lessons you have today? Lesson 1: Part 1,2
(23)(24)(25)(26)I have ……… How many lessons you have today?
(27)(28)Reorder the words to make sentence
lessons/ How/ have/ do/ today/ many/ you?
(29)(30)Unit 6: How many lessons you have today? Lesson 1: Part 1,2
Wednesday, October 31st, 2018.
lesson: học, tiết học
1 Look, listen and repeat/ 40 a Vocabulary:
b Sentence patterns:
How many lessons you have today?
I have four: Maths, Vietnamese, Music and English. 2 Point and say/ 40
- Learn the words and sentences by heart - Prepare for lesson 1: Part 3,4,5
lessons: tiết học
(31)1 1 0
1 10