Android Chat
@2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 1 Android Introduction Hello Threads @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 2 Goal Create a basic chat application that uses broadcast UDP to send and receive messages on the local network (75%) Improve the chat application (25%) You: Your text You: Your text @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 3 Layout ListView showing both the messages sent as well as received EditText allowing users to enter text to be sent Send button – sends the text @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 4 Application Structure Main Activity ServerThread OnCreate( ) Create the thread Start the thread OnDestroy( ) close the socket Constructor Open the Socket If successful – “Server Started” Find the broadcast IP Address Find the IP Address run( ) while (socketStillOpen){ receive packet display Message send reply } OnClickListener( ) Send Message Message Handler sendPacket( ) send UDP @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 5 Main Activity (HelloThreads) ClassMembers EditText msg; // For typing the message Button send; // For sending the message ListView msgList; // For displaying the message list ArrayAdapter <String>receivedMessages; // Holds the list of messages ServerThread myThread; // The server thread handling all networking Handler myHandler Similar to the one in HelloThreads OnCreate( ) Get handles (findViewById) to all GUI elements msgList = (ListView)findViewById(; receivedMessages = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.message); msgList.setAdapter(receivedMessages); Create ServerThread: myThread=new ServerThread(getApplicationContext(),mHandler) Start the Thread: myThread.start(); Register the OnClickListener for the Send Button OnDestroy( ) OnClickListener( ) case PACKET_CAME: String incomingMessage = (String) msg.obj; receivedMessages.add("You: "+incomingMessage); @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 6 ServerThread public class ServerThread extends Thread Class Members Handler mHandler; // Handler for messages in the main thread Context mContext; // Context to the application (for getting ip Addresses) DatagramSocket serverSocket; // Socket used both for sending and receiving boolean socketOK=true; // True as long as we don't get socket errors InetAddress myBcastIPAddress; // my broadcast IP addresses InetAddress myIPAddress; // my IP addresses public ServerThread(Context currentContext,Handler handler){ mContext = currentContext; mHandler = handler; try serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(PORT); serverSocket.setBroadcast(true); . catch and handle the exception try getMyWiFiBcastAndIPAddress(); . catch and handle the exception run( ) – similar to HelloThreads, without the reply sendPacket(String msg) – similar to UDP sender in HelloSockets @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 7 Getting the IP Address: getMyWiFiBcastAndIPAddress( ); WifiManager mWifi = (WifiManager) (mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE)); WifiInfo info = mWifi.getConnectionInfo(); DhcpInfo dhcp = mWifi.getDhcpInfo(); int myIntegerIPAddress = dhcp.ipAddress; int myIntBroadcast = (dhcp.ipAddress & dhcp.netmask) | ~dhcp.netmask; byte[] quads = new byte[4]; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) quads[k] = (byte) ((myIntegerIPAddress>> k * 8) & 0xFF); try{ InetAddress myIPAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(quads); return myIPAddress; }catch(Exception e){ if(D) Log.e(TAG,"Cannot Get My Own IP Address"); return null } Improvements Your choice of examples – below are only examples Different improvements are worth different amount of points Max points 125% Examples (only examples – go wild!): Add names to the messages Add images Add voice Add preferences Handle Application lifecycle (on restart, on pause, on resume, etc.) Vibrate or notify on receipt of a new message Handle landscape/portrait Localize it Looks (background, icon, button, etc.) Make utility for saving all messages in a file @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 8 . @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 1 Android Introduction Hello Threads @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu 2 Goal Create a basic chat application that uses broadcast. broadcast UDP to send and receive messages on the local network (75%) Improve the chat application (25%) You: Your text You: Your text @2010 Mihail L. Sichitiu