Seal Dolphin . Shark Jellyfish .[r]
(1)Unit 9
Unit 9
Undersea world
(2)A. Reading.
A. Reading.
• Before you readBefore you read::
Work with a partner
Work with a partner. Look at the map and give the . Look at the map and give the
Vietnamese names for the oceans on the map
(3)Thái Bình Dương
n Đ
Ấ ộ Dương
Đ i Tây Dạ ương
(4)• Work with a partnerWork with a partner: :
Look at the picture below. Can you name the sea animal
Look at the picture below. Can you name the sea animal
in each picture? The first letter of the word has been
in each picture? The first letter of the word has been
given to help you
(5)Seal Dolphin
(7)New words of the reading text
New words of the reading text
1. Bay (Bay (n) v nhn) v nhịị
2. MysteryMystery (n) đi u huy n bí (n) đi u huy n bíềề ềề
Mysterious (a)Mysterious (a)
Mysteriously (adv)Mysteriously (adv)
3. BeneathBeneath (prep): d (prep): dướướii
Ex: The boat sank beneath the wavesEx: The boat sank beneath the waves
4. SubmarineSubmarine (n) tàu ng m (n) tàu ng mầầ
5. Marine lifeMarine life (n) cu c s ng d (n) cu c s ng dộộ ốố ướưới bi ni bi nểể
6. Fall intoFall into (v)= to be able to be divided (v)= to be able to be divided into sth được chia thành
into sth được chia thành