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Unit 8. Country life and city life

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Nội dung

city life country life.. Students work in pairs to answer the questions in Exercise on page 73V. T asks Ss the questions.[r]



Division of lessons:

1 Getting started + Listen and read Speak + Language focus 3 Listen + Languagefocus 1,2 Read , Languagefocus Write , Languagefocus

Date Period



I Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the city life and the country life

II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: relative, peaceful, permanently, remote accessible, medical facilities, mention Grammar: present progressive

III Techniques: What and Where, brainstorming, chatting IV.Teaching aids: pictures, cassette

V Procedures:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

T talks to Ss about life in the city life and life in the country by asking some questions Ss answer

T can give marks

Teacher presents new words Ss repeat and say the meaning Ss copy

Ss copy

Ss play the game “What and Where” Get Ss talk about city life and country life The words in the box of getting started may help them

Ss listen to the dialogue between Na and Hoa (twice)

Then Ss practice in pairs

Give feedback ang get more information Compare their ideas

1) Warm up / Marks (5’) Chatting

a/ Where you live ?

b/ Do you want to live in the city ? Why ? c/ Do you want to live in the country ? Why ? 2) Presentation (10’)


Relative (n) ( uncles, aunts, cousins )

relative (a)

peaceful (a) ( quiet and calm) peace (n)

permanently (adv)= forever: vónh viễn remote: far away land

accessible (a)

medical facilities (n) mention (v)

What and Where 3) Practice (15’) Brainstorming

noisy quiet

Dialogue * Possible answers

Tall buildings Plenty kinds of good Polluted air

Traffic jam Entertainment busy

Beautiful views Fresh food Fresh air Friendly peaceful


Students work in pairs to answer the questions in Exercise on page 73

T asks Ss the questions

T asks pioneers from the groups to show their ideas before class

* Answer

a/ Na has been to Kim Lien village b/ She was there for the weekend

c/ To her, the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to

d/ There is no libraries, no movies, no supermarkets, no zoos

e/ Country life is becoming better Many remote areas are getting electricity People can now have things like refrigerators and TV, medical facilities are more accessible 4) Production (12’)

Do you prefer the city or the country ? Like ? Why ?

5/ Homework (3’)

- Write a short passage about why they prefer the citylife or countrylife

- Prepare: Speak + focus Comments :


Date Period



I Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice speaking about the changes of a place

II Language contents: 1.Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar: progressive tense III Techniques: wordsquare

IV Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures , cards V Procedures:

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Divide the class into teams

Ask Ss to go to the board and circle the word they find

The team which circles more words will win the game

Setting the scene T explains

Ask Ss to make a sentence about her health T explains the form-use of the present progressive tense

T prepares six cards of cues

Model first two cues the whole class repeat chorally, then some Ss read out


Give a new cue, a new student repeat, go on until most of the Ss in class can remember the structure

1 Warm up / Marks (5’)










 Modern, dirty  tall  Busy  expensive

 Noisy  beautiful Pre-speaking (15’) “ Hoa’s grandmother is 78”

“Five years ago, she was 73 and she was stronger than she is now”

“Hoa’s grandmother is getting weaker” Form: am/ is/ are + V-ing

Use: used to describe changes with “get” and “become”

* Drill (focus 3) a/ The boys/ get/ tall

b/ The old man/ become/ weak c/ It/ become/ dark

d/ The weather/ get/ cold e/ Students/ get/ better

f/ The school yard/ become/ cleaner Answers

a/ The boys are getting tall

b/ The old man are becoming weak c/ It is getting dark


Ss look at two pictures on page 73 and talk to their partners about the changes of the town The words in the box under the pictures may help Ss write the word prompts on the board so that Ss can speak easily pairwork or groupwork

Ask Ss to work in groups and talk about changes in their hometown/ neighborhood Call on volunteers from each group to show their ideas before the class

Other groups can add in their ideas

e/ The students are getting better f/ The school yard is becoming cleaner While-speaking (10’)

* Speaking

eg: traffic busy sky cloudy houses high city beautiful trees green (trees) * Possible answers

Traffic is getting busier

There are more tall buildings and houses The houses are getting more modern The town is becoming more beautiful There are more green trees

The streets are becoming cleaner / larger Goods are getting more expensive Post-speaking (10’)

* Speak 2

5 Homework (5’)

- Describe changes in their school - prepare: Listen + focus 1,2


Date Period



I Aims:

After finishing the lesson, students will be able to complete the dialogue by listening and further practice in Present Continuous to talk about the future

II Language contents: 1.Vocabulary: none

2.Grammar: Present Progressive III Techniques: Matching IV Teaching aids: cassette, tape V Procedures:

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Students play matching game

After checking, teacher can give marks

Ask Ss to use the suitable verbs in the present progressive tense to complete the dialogue in exercise page 72

Get Ss to work in pairs

Call some pairs to practise the dialogues before class and teacher corrects

1.Warm up / Marks (5’) Matching


Green city

Busy house

Tall park

Beautiful building

Modern trees

Noisy streets

Dirty road

Expensive transportation

Wide things

Clean traffic

Key: busy traffic

Modern house / transportation Pre-listening (10’)

( Focus on page 72 ) Answers

a/ am playing d/ am going b/ are doing e/ are cleaning c/ am watching f/ am having * Concept checking

 What tense we use in dialogues ? present progressive tense


Set the scene

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and complete the dialogue on page 74

Ss listen twice and find out the missing words individually

Ss share their answers with their partners

Ask Ss to exercise on page 77

Call on some Ss to practice the dialogue on page 77

Give them the shipping information and ask them to make similar dialogues

 Pre progressive Tense is used to talk about the future

3 While-listening (15’)

“Aunt Hang is talking to Lan on the phone She is coming to visit Lan in Hanoi”

* Tape transcript:

Aunt Hang that arriving

Lan this Thursday

3 It’s 10 late where 11 afternoon

5 from 12 speak coming 13 my week 14 get her Post-listening (10’)

Focus / page 77 Eg1:

S1:Is the boat to Qui Nhon leaving

at 11.30 ?

S2: Is that good fortune ?

S1: That’s right

S2: I’m very sorry It’s been delayed

S1: Oh no !

S2: Now, It’s leaving at 13.55

5 Homework (5’)

- Write sentences, using pre progressive tense about what they/ you are doing next week - prepare: Read



Date Period



I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about one of the social problems

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: rural (a) urban (a) strain (n)

typhoon (n)

drought (n) struggle (n) migrant (n) increase (n)

2 Grammar: Present progressive tense

III Techniques: jumbled words, brainstorming, rub out and remember IV Teaching aids: sub-board, cards

V Procedures:

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Teacher writes the words with disordered letters on the board or use the poster Divide the class into teams

Ask Ss from each term to go to the board and write the correct words

The team which is faster with more correct words win the game

T presents new words Ss repeat and say meaning Ss copy

Checking vocabulary

1 Warm up / Marks (5’) - Fulentipl  plentiful - taneru  nature

- Loofd  flood

- roestdy  destroy - laputipoon  population Pre-reading (10’)

* Pre-teach

- rural (a): something deals with the countryside

- urban (a)

- strain (a) sức ép - typhoon (n) - drought (n) - struggle (n) - migrant (n) - increase (v) * What and Where * Brainstorming


Ask Ss to think of the difficulties of farmers’ life

Whole class

Get Ss work in group to guess

Let Ss read the text silently and answer the questions

Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete summary on page 75, using the information from the passage

Ss can read the complete passage twice (individually)

Ss exercise on page 75, let them read the text again and work with their partners

T gives a situation, Ss work in groups and discuss

Teacher reminds Ss the forms of comparative and superlative adjectives Students repeat

Teacher corrects

Ss work in pairs to make comparisons between the city and the country about : food, traffic, transport, air, entertainment, medical facilities, schools electricity with the adjectives

get little money Possible answers - drought

- the weather - hard work - no vacations

3 While- reading (20’)

What many farmers to solve their problem ?”

 They move to the city so that they can get well-paying jobs


(1) leaving (7) school

(2) home (8) hospitals

(3) ciyt (9) problem

(4) rural (10) world

(5) city (6) problems Answers

a rural e tragedy b plentiful f urban c increase

d strain

4 Post-reading (5’)

“ If you were a Minister, what would you for farmers ?”

 build streets, theaters, stadium in the country

 build schools, hospitals Language focus 4

2 Pre-teach (18’) * Forms: Comparative

short adj + er + than + Object more + long adj + than + Object *Superlative

The + short adj + est The most + long adj Irregular adjectives

Good/ well  better  the best

Bad  worse  the worst

Many/ much  more  the most

Little  less  the least

3 While (10’) Language focus

Answer key:


Ask Ss to exercise on page 79

in the country

b The school in the city is bigger than in the country


5 Homework (5’)

- Ask Ss to write things that the goverment should for the rural areas

- Prepare for Consolidation


Date Period


I Aims :

This lesson helps Ss to review the structures they have learnt from the units 1,2,3,4 and they will have a good chance to some exercises more and more

II Language contents 1/ Grammar :

1 (not) adjective + enough + to –Infinitive 2.Reflexive pronouns

3.Modal : must , have to , ought to 4.Used to

5.Prepositions of time

6.Present simple to talk about general truth 2/Vocabulary : from unit to unit

III Techniques: Matching

IV Teaching aids : sub- boards , cards V Procedures :

Teacher’s and SS’ activities Contents

T asks Ss to match infinitive form with past form

Ss work in pairs

T corrects and gives marks

I Warm up (3’) Marks Matching

Infinitive Past

Use Fit Make Appear Hold lose


T asks Ss to repeat the structure

Then T asks them to complete the sentences

T asks Ss to fill in each blank with a correct reflexive pronoun

Ss practice T corrects

T asks SS to repeat the differences of useage: must, have to, ought to

In order to check Ss’ knowledge , T gives them an exercise

If Ss finish correctly , T can give marks

Then T asks Ss to rewrite the sentences, be sure to keep the meaning unchanged

Ss write the sentences on the board T corrects

Fill in the blanks with a correct preposition SS practice and T gives the key

1 S+ be + Adi + enough + To- Infinitive EX : The worker is clever enough to make fine things from wood

a/ Peter is too young to see the horror film -> Peter is not b/ He’s too weak to carry this box -> He isn’t

c/I don’t think he is strong He can’t lift such a heavy box (enough )

2 Reflexive pronouns : myself , yourself, himself,

EX: My sister often looks at herself in the mirror

1/ Hoa and I saw that accident yesterday 2/Please help me I can’t it

3/ Susan , you did these exercises, didn’t you ?

4/ The boy killed

3 Modal : must, have to, ought to , Ought to : talk about advice

.must : the speaker is giving his own feelings , saying what he thinks is necessary

have to : the speaker is just giving situation 1/ She work on Saturday mornings

2/ Vietnamese children wear uniform when they go to school

3/ Sorry We go or we’ll miss the last train 4/ You put knives out of children’s reach S + used to + V ( Inf)

-> To talk about the habit in the past

EX: My father used to take us to the zoo when he was alive

1/ When I was a child we lived in Bristol (used)

-> We when I was a child

2/When I was younger , this book was one of my favorites ( favorite )

-> This book used of mine when I was young

3/ I live in London once, but I don’t remember anyone

-> I used

4/ Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to -> Tam used

5 Prepositions of time

on ,at, in, after, before,between, a/It often rains May

b/ Do you give each other presents Christmas Day ?

c/They often go out for dinner Saturday evenings


T asks Ss to give some examples

SS exercises using the instructions in parentheses

6.Present simple

EX: The sun rises in the east Most rivers flow into the sea Bees make honey

*** Consolidation

Do as directed in parentheses 1/ The moon goes around the sun ( Correct the mistake)

2/ He wasn’t very experienced He couldn’t the job ( enough )

3 Where did your grandparents use to live ? ( Answer the question )

4 Bob didn’t have a city map so he got lost ( Make a question with “Why” )

5.They were very ( luck ) to survive a shipwreck( Supply the correct word form) III Homework (2’)

- Practice the exercises again -Learn by heart structures

-Prepare the structures from unit to unit

Comments :




I Aims :

This lesson helps Ss have a chance to review the structures and vocabulary from unit to unit

II Language contents 1/ Grammar :

1 Reported speech Adverbs of manner Gerunds

4.Modals : may, can, could 5.Present perfect

6.as as , like, the same as , different from 2/Vocabulary : from unit to unit III Techniques: Gap-fill

IV Teaching aids : sub- boards , cards V Procedures :

Teacher’s and SS’ activities Contents

T asks Ss to put the following sentences into a dialogue

Ss work in pairs and read aloud before class T corrects and gives marks

I Warm up (3’) Marks With pleasure

2 What can I for you ? Sure I’ll it


T asks Ss to repeat the structure

Then T asks them to complete the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first Ss complete the sentences

T can give an exercise SS observe and practice SS choose the right word

T helps them remember how to use adverbs of manner

T asks SS to tell some verbs which are followed by gerunds

T gives Ss an exercise using To-inf or Gerunds

Ss practice and compare with their partners

T helps Ss to remember how to use the modals

Ss exercise

Ss remond the structure of present perfect tense

Ss complete the sentences, using the simple past or present perfect tense

5 Could you me a favour ? 6.Thanks It’s very kind of you! (5-2-4-3-6-1 )

II Language focus (30’) Reported speech

a/ “ Please turn off the radio “ -> Phuong told Tuan b/ “Can you help my son with his English ?”

-> Mai asked her friend

c/Mrs Jackson said , “ You should improve your Spanish pronunciation,

Tim “

-> Mrs Jackson said Adverbs of manner

*Choose the right words

1 Our team won the game because we played very good, well )

2 I always feel ( happy, happily ) when the sun is shining

3 Tom drove ( careful, carefully) along the narrow road

3 Gerunds : V-ing

enjoy, stop, hate , love, like, dislike Choose the right word

1 She likes ( planting, to plant ) roses in the garden

2.You don’t need ( to come, coming ) to the meeting

3 My sister hates ( to , doing ) the ironing She hopes ( to have, having ) a suitable job Modals : May , Can ,Could

.Can, could : Asking for favors May: offering assistance

1 ( Can, Should, May ) you help me ?

2 ( Should, May ,Need ) I help you, madam ? Could you ( do, make, take ) me a favour ? ( Give, Let, Ask) me help you

5 Present Perfect

Ex: I have lived here for ten years I haven’t seen Tam since he left school a/ I ( work ) with himsince 1970 b/ They ( live ) there for the whole life c/ He (leave) for London a year ago d/ I ( go )to Ha Long Bay last week 6.Comparison : as as, like, the same as, different from

a/ My bicycle is nice but yours is nicer (as as) -> My bicycle isn’t

b/ Your hair is black , mine is black too ( the

S+ told, asked + O+ To-inf S1 + said + S2 + should + Verb


T asks Ss to complete the sentences

In order to check Ss’ knowledge , T gives them an exercise

If Ss finish correctly , T can give marks Ss choose the right word


-> Your hair is color as c/ My primary school is small but my high school is big ( As As )

*** Consolidation

1 Red is ( different , same, like) from yellow 2.He sings ( like, different,same ) a singer Let me (to do, do, doing ) it for you

4.The teacher asked me ( give, to give, giving ) you this novel

5 John has lived in Paris ( since, for, at ) last summer

6 My son is too tired ( to have, have ) dinner III Homework (2’)

- Practice the exercises again -Review all the structures

Prepare for the first term examination

Comments :

Date :

Period :


I Aim :

This lesson helps Ss have a chance to recognize their mistakes and can use the grammar in the right way Teacher can help Ss remember the structures having been learnt in the first term

II Contents

I Choose the right words or phrases in parentheses to complete the following sentences (2,0 ms)

1) They’ll arrive (on,at,in) Monday, 14 July

2) How long will he (must, should, have to) stay there ? 3) Ba speaks English very (good, well, very good)

4) She asked her children (to stop, stop, stopping) playing 5) He enjoys (to get, getting, get) up late on Sunday mornings 6) They have learnt English (since, for, in) 2003

7) You can shop (with comfortable, with comfort, in comfort) in the new shopping mall in town

8) Where does she often have her hair cut ? At a (hairdresser, hairdresser’s, hairdressers’)

II Read the passage carefully, then decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) and answer the questions (3ms)


Scouting began in England in 1907 Two years later, an American businessman, William Boyce, got lost in London A boy helped him and explained that he was a scout This meeting led the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910

In 1994, there were 5,400,000 scouts in America Now scouting is popular worldwide The Scouting Association has more than 25 million members, making it the largest voluntary youth organization in the world

A.Choose True or False (1,5 ms)

1) BSA means the Boy Scouts of America

2) William Boyce was introduced to scouting in 1910

3) The Scouting Association in the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world B.Answer the questions (1,5 ms)

a When did scouting begin in England ?

b What are the three aims of the scouting programs ?

c How many members does the Scouting Association have now ? III Do as directed in parentheses (3,5 ms)

1) Their mother said to them, “Don’t make so much noise” (change to reported speech)

2) He didn’t go to school because he had a headache (Make a question for the underlined words)

3) He is tall He can play volleyball

(Combine two sentences, using “enough”)

4) That’s a very old bike He (have) it for a long time (Give the correct form the verb)

5) Surface mail is many cheaper than airmail (correct the mistake)

6) I am tall, but you are talller

(Rewrite the sentence, using “as as”)

7) A few/ residents/ concerned/ the/ months/ and/ store owners/ the/ have/ about/ mall/ for/ been/ new/ (Put the words in the correct orders to make a meaningful sentence)

IV Match a word or phrase in A with a noun in B (1 m) A

1)a young 2)hard 3)modern 4)an old 5)a strong 6)traditional

B a buffalo b equipment c folktale d work e girl

f stories III Keys I 2,5 ms

Mỗi câu đạt 0,25 điểm 1) on

2) have to 3) well 4) to stop 5) getting 6) since 7) in comfort 8) hairdresser’s

II ms A 1,5 ms 1) T 2) F 3) T B 1,5 ms


b They are building characters, and encouraging good citizenship and personal fitness

c It has more than 25 million members now

III 3,5 ms

1) Their mother told them not to make so much noise

2) Why didn’t he go to school ? 3) He is tall enough to play volleyball 4) has had

5) many  much

6) I am not as tall as you

7) The residents and store owners have been concerned about the new mall for a few months IV 1m 1e 2d 3b 4c 5a 6f

III Remarks about Students’ answers 1/ Statistics

8B(45)  %

8C(46)  %

8D(44)  % 2/ Advantages 3/ Disadvantages - - - - Date: Period:




I Aims :

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write letters to their friends about their neighborhood

II Language contents: Vocabulary:none Grammar:none

III Techniques: group work

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, sub-board V Procedures:

Teacher and Ss’ acctivities

Ask Ss to put the outline for an information letter in the correct order

T prepares cards with outlines on them

Some other Ss rearrange them in the correct order

Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in Exercise on page 76

Give feedback

Ask Ss to write letters to friends about their neighborhood

Let them write individually

Ask them to compare with their partners and correct if they can write suggested letter

Choose some letters to correct before class (using projector if possible)

whole class

Ask Ss to write their letter (after correction) on their notebooks

1 Warm up * Revision

Answer key 1_Heading Writer’s address Date Dear 2_Opening 3_Body of letter 4_Closing Pre-writing

a/ Where you live ?  I live in a small town

b/ What does your house look like ?  My house looks very nice

c/ What can you see from your bedroom window ?  From my bedroom window, I can see

d/ How far is it from home to school ?

 It’s far from my home so I have to ride my bike ? e/ f/

3 While-writing

(Writer’s address) (date)

Dear Post


Teacherintroduces the exercise and asks Ss to the task

Comments :

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 17:46

