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Tiếng anh cơ bản 2

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Lesson 1. What’s your name? VOCABULARY. Country City Britain ['britən] Japan [dʒə'pæn] Canada ['kænədə] Mexico ['meksikou] Thailand ['tailənd] Hungary ['hʌηgəri] Australia [ɔs'treiliə] Brazil [brə'zil] United States of America [ju:'naitid steits əv ə'merikə] China ['t∫ainə] Russia ['rʌ∫iə] Turkey ['tə:ki] Italy ['itəli] Spain [spein] Germany ['dʒə:məni] Korea [kə'ri:ə] Ukraine [ju:'krein] Poland ['poulənd] Morocco [mə'rɔkou] Sweden ['swi:dn] France ['frɑ:ns] India ['indiə] Argentina [ɑ:dʒən'ti:nə] Peru [pə'ru:] Greece [gri:s] Bangkok [bæη'kɔk] Tokyo ['toukiou] Budapest [bju:də'pest] London ['lʌndən] Istanbul [istæn'bul] Madrid [mə'drid] Paris ['pæris] Athens ['æθinz] Rome [roum] Rio de Janeiro ['ri:ou də dʒə'niərou]  Washington ['wɔ∫iηtən] Moscow ['mɔskou] Sydney ['sidni] Seoul [soul] Buenos Aires [bwenɔs 'aiərəs]  Lima ['li:mə]  Ankara ['æηkərə]   !!"#$%&'& !'$$#() Activity1. Thailand ['tailənd] Brazil [brə'zil] Istanbul [istæn'bul] United States of America [ju:'naitid steits əv ə'merikə] Renato [ri'nɑ:tou] Sally ['sæli] Mehmet ['mimit] Lah [la:] Activity2. Madrid [mə'drid] Marco ['mɑ:kou] Enrique [en'ri:kei] Activity3. Paris ['pæris] Athens ['æθinz] George [dʒɔ:dʒ] Marie [mə'ri:] Lesson 2. This is Bruno and Maria VOCABULARY. Artist ['ɑ:tist](n) ' * !+ , " * !+ , People's artist, eminent artist ['eminənt]-' * !+ , .&.' * !+ , / 0 1 Police officer [pə'li:s'ɔfisə](n)  2 ! 0 3"4 * / , 5 2 ! 0  Receptionist [ri'sep∫ənist] (n) . 0 . Secretary ['sekrətri] (n) /67 0 Teacher ['ti:t∫ə](n) ' 0 " Waiter ['weitə] (n) '/8 9 . 9  9 3 Doctor ['dɔktə](n)  0 !+ , 76" Engineer [,endʒi'niə] (n) 67 , !/ A civil/mining/electrical/mechanical engineer (67 , !/.7&/ * ':3" 2 :; * :86+ 0 1 Student ['stju:dnt](n) ! Farmer ['fɑ:mə](n)'/8 9  0 ; 9 5'/8 9 <'&.'/8 9  2  *  Journalist ['dʒə:nəlist](n)  9  0 "67 0 ' 2 Chef [∫ef](n)  0 /8 2 ' Nurse [nə:s](n) 7 0 / , 7 0 Actor ['æktə](n) 3&, Actress ['æktris](n) =&, Technician [tek'ni∫n](n) 67 , . * 8 * 3 0 7'" 2  Accountant [ə'kauntənt](n) .6 0 " 0 '/8 9 '/ , !< 2 ! 0 6 0 " 0  Chief accountant-6 0 " 0 /8 2 '1 Lesson 3. Questions, questions VOCABULARY. Married ['mærid] (adj) -"!1" 0 < 9 '"4 * " 0 8 * To be/get married to somebody (>. 0 7>. * ';+ 9 8 0 1 Surname ['sə:neim] (n) (= family name1" * Address [ə'dres](n) ; * + 2 Age [eidʒ] (n) < 2  Job [dʒɔb] (n)  *  * > 9 3<' *  First name ['fə:st'neim] (n) ' Phone number [foun 'nʌmbə] (n) !;?"@ Landing Card ['lændiη kɑ:d] (n) A;BC<'C.6@>3 DEF-G!.71 Secret ['si:krit](adj) -H"3!1. 9 36+ 0 5+ 0 3. *  (n) ; 9 + 0 3. *  To keep a (the) secret ('/ , 3< * ; 9 + 0 3. * 1 Good-looking ['gud'lukiη](adj) ; * &,+ 9 " 0 '" * + 9 < 0  Lesson 4. How many students are there? VOCABULARY. Classroom ['klɑ:srum]-1 " 9 '" * >8 0 " *  Self-study room [,self 'stʌdi] -1 " 9 'I" *  Café ['kæfei]-1  * 3 9 J 0 4 Reception desk [ri'sep∫n desk] -1 JK7L. Computer [kəm'pju:tə] -1 3C7M Cassette player [kə'set 'pleiə(r)] -1 3 0 7 0  0  Book [buk]-1 ! 0  Table ['teibl]-1  0  9  Chair [t∫eə]-1 ' 0 Car park ['kɑ:pɑ:k] -1  , ;. *  Library ['laibrəri]-1 / * " 9 ';" * ! 0  Friendly ['frendli] -&N1 .3. * . 0 . *  Beautiful ['bju:tiful] -&N1 ; * 57< 0 < 0 ; *  International [,intə'næ∫ənl] -&N1 J< 0  0 Good [gud]-&N1 < 0 77 *  Kind [kaind] -&N1 / 2  0 .. 9 " 0 >" 9 '< 0  Interesting ['intristiη]-&N1 > 9 3J.3> 9 3 0 7 0 Popular ['pɔpjulə]-&N1 ;/8 *  9 '/8 9 /< * ';/8 *   9 '/8 9 /+ 0 5< 2  0 < 2  0 ' Modern ['mɔdən] -&N1  * ; *  Brochure ['brou∫ə]-1 ! 0 3" 2 '"4 * ! 0 " 2 <' "4 * J 2 ' 0 " 9  0 'O I. HOW TO MAKE PLURALS (Cách chuyển danh từ số ít sang số nhiều) No ENDING(Tận cùng) RULE(Công thức) EXAMPLE (Ví dụ) 1 Generally +s books, students, pens, cars 2 -s, -ss, -x, -zz, -ch, -sh +es addresses, boxes, buzzes, watches, toothbrushes 3 -o +es +s tomatoes, potatoes radios, pianos 4 -y a) after a consonant b) after a vowel y  i+es +s lorry lorries, baby babies keys, ashtrays 5 -f, -fe f, fe  v+es knife  knives, life  lives shelf  shelves, leaf  leaves (roof  roofs) 6. Irregular (Bất quy tắc ): a man  two men a child  ten children a woman  two women a person  five people a tooth  two teeth II. HOW TO PRONOUNCE PLURALS (Cách phát âm danh từ số nhiều) FINAL SOUND (Âm cuối) PRONOUNCE (Phát âm) EXAMPLE (Ví dụ) b, d, v, m, n, l, a vowel [z] beds [bedz] trains [treinz] schools [sku:lz] tables ['teiblz] shelves [∫elvz] keys [ki:z] bags [bægz] doors [dɔ:z] teachers ['ti:t∫əz] rooms [ru:mz] P, t, k, θ, f [s] cups [kʌps] students ['stju:dnts] books [buks] months [mʌnθs] roofs [ru:fs] S, z, ∫, t∫, dʒ [iz] classes [klɑ:siz ] addresses [ə'dresiz] buzzes [bʌziz]watches [wɔt∫iz] toothbrushes ['tu:θ'brʌ∫iz]oranges ['ɔrindʒiz Lesson 5. Where’s my pen? VOCABULARY. Mobile phone ['moubail foun] -1 ;?"@&;P' Calculator ['kælkjuleitə]-1 3 0 7+ 0  Pen [pen] -1  0 .7 0  Glasses [glɑ:siz] -1 6+ 0 ;"34 0 -Qspectacles ['spektəklz]1 Watch [wɔt∫]-1 ;< 9 '< 9 -;"7" 2  0 1 Camera ['kæmərə] -1 3 0 7D 2 3 0 7J73 Personal stereo ['pə:sənl 'steriou]-1 3 0 7!"C.-R1 Keys [ki:] -1 + 9 6" 0 Comb [koum] -1  0 >/8 *  Wallet ['wɔlit] -1  0 + 0 -;< 9 ;/ * '" 2 & * '. 0 > * ;/8 *  Diary ['daiəri]-1 !< 2 . * 67 0 Ring [riη]-1  0 ., 0 " 9 '5" 9 '" 9  Bag [bæg] -1 " 0  * 4 0  Pencil ['pensl]-1  0 + 9 Book [buk] -1 ! 0  Notebook ['noutbuk] -1 !< 2 75!< 2 ' 0  Coat [kout] -1  0 "" 9 ''" 9  0 " 9 <-; 9 <'1 Red [red]-&N1 ;" 2 -;< 9 . * 1 Orange ['ɔrindʒ]-&N1 " 0 3 9 &3 Yellow ['jelou]-&N1 " 0 3 9  9 ' Pink [piηk]-&N1 3 9 < 9 ' Blue [blu:]-&N1  Purple ['pə:pl] -&N1 + 0 " 0 3 9 + 0 -3 9 ;" 2  9 3 9 >3< *  8 0 1 Green [gri:n]-&N1 > 0 .7> *  Brown [braun] -&N1 . White [wait] -&N1 4 0 ' *  *  Grey [grei] -&N1 (=gray) 0 3-" 0 3 9 '/ , 3 9 ; 9 4 0 '1 Black [blæk]-&N1 ; Lesson 6. Families VOCABULARY. Brother ['brʌđə] -1 53 Father ['fɑ:đə] -1 < 0 Mother ['mʌđə] -1 3 * Parent ['peərənt]-1 53 * -Parents:3 * 1 Sister ['sistə]-1  * 3' 0  Uncle ['ʌηkl]-1  0 5 0 5. * 5&/8 * ' Grandfather ['grændfɑ:đə] -1 <' Grandmother ['grændmʌđə]-1  9 Aunt [ɑ:nt]-1 <&+ 9 + 0 338 *  0 ' 0  Husband ['hʌzbənd] -1 '/8 9 < 9 ' Wife [waif]-1 '/8 9 8 * Son [sʌn]-1 " 2 < 0 3 * Daughter ['dɔ:tə] -1 "' 0  2 < 0 3 * Girlfriend ['gə:lfrend] -1  * ' 0 '/8 9 7 Boyfriend ['bɔifrend]-1  * '/8 9 7 Niece [ni:s] -1  0 ' 0 -" 2  * 31 Nephew ['nefju: / 'nevju:] -1  0 -" 2  * 31 Grandson ['grændsʌn]-1  0 - 2 <' 9 1 Granddaughter ['grændɔ:tə] -1  0 ' 0 - 2 <' 9 1 Cousin ['kʌzn]-1 -31" * 5-31" 0  0  <. * &+ 9 Senegal [seni'gɔ:l] -1 SP'TU'>-.71 Senegalese [senigə'li:z] -1 '/VU'> Vet [vet] -1  0 !+ ,  0 7-/1(= veterinarian [,vetəri'neəriən] = veterinary surgeon ['vetrinri 'sə:dʒən], = veterinary) Animal ['æniməl]-1 ;< * '. * !. * " 0 < 0 .5 0 . *  Men, dogs, birds, flies, fish and snakes are all animals ('/8 9 " 0 3< 9  0  9 4 0 ; 9 > 9 ;< * '. * 1 Domestic animal (;< * '. * <1 Wild animal (;< * '. * "'& * 1 Sick people [sik 'pi:pl] -1 Yoghurt ['jougə:t] -1 (=yoghourt ['jougə:t] / yogurt ['jougə:t])!/ ,  A carton of yoghurt (3< * < * !/ , 1 Twice [twais]-&1 >. 9  Hard [hɑ:d]-1 4 * ' 9 '7'"6" 0 64'6< 2 WF !!"XY">7&%&'$$( Relax [ri'læks] -1 ' 2 + 0 '+ 2 '8 Toast [toust]-1  0 3+ 9 /8 0 ' Jam [dʒæm]-1 3/ 0  Novel ['nɔvəl] -1  2 7 0 7 *  Tromso ['trɔmsou] 7"Z7 Marseille ['mɑ:selz] !"U"[ Brussels ['brʌslz] >"H>'3 Vienna [vi'enə] \5"H! Budapest ['bu:dəpest] \>"H]'7"^ Manchester ['mɑ:nt∫estə] 7_'>& Hongkong ['hɔηkɔη] Lourenco Marques [lɔ'rensə 'mɑ:kes] >"H`"a3J Lesson 10 $ Do you like jazz? VOCABULARY Coliseum [kɔlə'si:əm]-1 ; * 7 0 /8 9 ' b3 , [...]... [,sevn'ti:nθ] 17th eighteenth [ei'ti:nθ] 18th nineteenth [nain'ti:nθ] 19th twentieth ['twentiəθ] 20 th twenty first ['twenti fə:st] 21 st twenty second ['twenti 'sekənd] 22 nd twenty third ['twenti θə:d] 23 rd twenty seventh ['twenti 'sevnθ] 27 th thirtieth ['θə:tiəθ] 30th thirty first ['θə:ti fə:st] 31st Dates Lesson 22 VOCABULARY January February March April May June July ['dʒænjuəri] ['februəri] [mɑ:t∫] ['eiprəl]... the early 1960s The band was formed in London in 19 62 Miles Davis (1 926 – 1991) American Jazz musician (one of the most influential of the 20 th Century) He is a bandleader, composer and trumpeter Stan Getz (1 927 – 1991) Mick Hucknell American Jazz musician He is a saxophonist a member of Simply Red (an English pop band) Luciano Pavarotti (1935 – 20 07) an Italian tenor (giọng nam cao) and one of the... [,ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒə]) nha khảo cổ ̀ [ded] (adj) chế t (người, vật, cây cố i Dates Lesson 22 ORDINAL NUMBERS first [fə:st] 1st second ['sekənd] 2nd third [θə:d] 3rd fourth ['fɔ:θ] 4th fifth [fifθ] 5th sixth [siksθ] 6th seventh ['sevnθ] 7th eighth [eitθ] 8th ninth [nainθ] 9th tenth [tenθ] 10th eleventh [i'levnθ] 11th twelfth [twelfθ] 12th thirteenth ['θə:ti:nθ] 13th fourteenth [fɔ:'ti:nθ] 14th fifteenth [fif'ti:nθ]... c bê ̣nh) He's off (work) sick ( anh ấ y nghỉ ố m) To feel sick( cảm thấ y buồ n nôn) Sore throat [sɔ: θrout] (n) đau, nhưc nhố i (về một phầ n của thể ) ́ Stomach ache ['stʌmək'eik] (n) sự đau bụng, sự đau trong dạ dày Temperature ['temprət∫ə] (n) nhiê ̣t độ, số t (nhiê ̣t độ thể trên mức bình (thường)) To get/have/run a temperature lên cơn số t Tired ['taiəd] (adj) mê... Lamb [læm] (n) cừu con; cừu non, thi ̣t cừu non Lettuce ['letis] (n) rau diế p Lemon ['lemən] (n) quả chanh; cây chanh Oil [ɔil] (n) dầ u Onion ['ʌniən] (n) củ hành Orange juice ['ɔrindʒ dʒu:s] (n) nước cam Potato [pə'teitou] (n) cây khoai tây; củ khoai tây Rice [rais] (n) thóc; gạo; cơm Tea [ti:] (n) cây chè; chè, trà, nước trà; chén trà Weak tea ( trà loãng) Strong tea (trà đậm)... (=night-robe ['naitroub]) áo ngủ (của phụ nữ) ['swetə] Lesson 24 I’m going to save money VOCABULARY Save money [seiv 'mʌni] dành dụm, tiế t kiê ̣m (tiề n) Resolution [,rezə'lu:∫n] (n) sự quyế t tâm; sự quyế t đi ̣nh Travel around Europe ['trævl ə'raund 'juərəp] du lich vòng quanh châu Âu Have French lessons [həv frent∫ 'lesn] học tiếng Pháp Spend more time with parents ['peərənts] dành thời... and across multiple musical genres (thể loại) Demi Moore: (11/11/ 62 USA) one of the best known actress of 1990s Hollywood Jodie Foster: (19/11/ 62 USA) actress, producer, director Sharon Stone (10/3/58 USA) actress, producer, former film model Stone Roses English rock band from Manchester, formed in 1984, split in 1996 George Michael (25 /6/63 LONDON) two-time Grammy Award winning English singer-songwriter... hơi ['dʒu:dou] WRITING AND SPEAKING Title First name Family name County ['taitl] (n) đầ u đề ( sách, tranh ), tước vi ̣; danh hiê ̣u ['fə:st'neim] (n) tên thánh, tên riêng ['fæmili'neim] (n) (=surname ['sə:neim]) (tên) họ ['kaunti] (n) hạt, tỉnh (đơn vi ̣ hành chính lớn nhấ t của Anh) Number of home số nhà Road or street đường phố Town (n) thành phố, thị xã Country ['kʌntri] Post code... ['kju:kʌmbə] (n) cây dưa chuột, quả dưa chuột I was born in England Lesson 18 VOCABULARY Receive Appear Hit record bản) (v) [ə'piə] (v) [ri'si:v] [hit 'rekɔ:d] (n) nhận, linh, thu ̃ xuấ t hiê ̣n, hiê ̣n ra, ló ra đĩa hát thành công (bán được hàng triệu Teenager (Teener [ti:nə]) thanh thiế u niên (người ở tuổ i 13 đế n 19) Rhythm and blues [,riđəm ənd 'blu:z] (n) loại âm nhạc dân gian dựa... dầ u giấ m; rau trộn dầ u giấ m Pizza Apple pie Cheesecake Kebab Risotto ['pi:tsə] (n) Pasta Juice Steak món bánh pitsa bánh táo bánh kem thi ̣t và rau quả nướng bằng xiên ( pl risottos) cơm Italia(cơm, nước sốt, thịt, hành…) mì ố ng, mì sợi; món mì nước ép (của quả, thi ̣t, rau) thi ̣t bò ở cổ và vai thường nướng hoặc chiên (làm bíptết) ['pæstə] (n) ['æpl'pai] (n) ['t∫i:zkeik] . -&N1 >8 0 < 2 5"< 2  Young [jʌη]-&N1  2 5"5 2 < 2 5" 2 < 2  Long [lɔη]-&N1. ['twentiəθ] 20 th twenty first ['twenti fə:st] 21 st twenty second ['twenti 'sekənd] 22 nd twenty third ['twenti θə:d] 23 rd twenty

Ngày đăng: 11/11/2013, 12:11

