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Unit 12. A vacation abroad

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-Ss write down the correct answers into their notebooks. -Look at the pictures. Write the sentences. e) Na was walking with her dog at 8 o’clock last night. c.E/ When Nam won the rac[r]



Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Lesson 2: Speak

Lesson 3: Listen Lesson 4: Read Lesson 5:Write

Lesson 6: Language focus

*********************************************** Date: UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Week: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Period: 21st @& ?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make, accept and decline invitations

II/Language contents: ♣Grammar:

-Invitations ♣Vocabulary:

-Statue of Liberty, price, come over, bother, tour, include, abroad, pick (someone) up


-Rub out and remember , True/false statements , pair work , group work , filling gap , Ask and answer drill, Guessing game, Matching, …

IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T shows the photocopied pictures to

students, one by one, and asks Ss to guess what country it is

-Ss guess

1/Warm up:

♣Technique: Guessing game

The United States of America Ss’ guessing


-T.asks Ss to match the names of the countries in the box with


pictures / flags Ss match -T corrects their mistakes if necessary

-Ss write words on the board into their notebooks

-T asks: Have you ever had a vacation abroad? -Ss answer: Yes, I have/No, I haven’t

-T has Ss practice in pairs

-Ss practice Each student is asked to

say one time

-T corrects their mistakes if there are any

-Ss takenote

-T asks some questions Ss answer

*Match the names of the country


a-The United States of America b-Australia

c-Thai Lan d-Britain e-Canada f-Japan

*Tell your partner which country you would like to

visit and why?

Example: If yes,

A: Which country you want to visit? B: I’d like to visit Australia

A: Why?

B: Because Australian people are friendly ********************************** A: Which country you want to visit? B: I’d like to visit Britain

A: Why?

B: Because English is popular all over the world *************************************** A: Which country you want to visit?

B: I’d like to visit Canada A: Why?

B: Because there are a lot of beautiful sights and lakes // I like its snowy winter

*************************************** A: Which country you want to visit?

B: I’d like to visit Thai land A: Why?

B: Because it has many beautiful pagodas ********************************** A: Which country you want to visit?

B: I’d like to visit The United States of America A: Why?

B: Because they have many superb (hùng vĩ) views ***************************************** A: Where you want to visit?

B: I’d like to visit Japan A: Why?

B: Because that country has many beautiful gardens 2/Presentation:


-T remarks Ss takenote

+ Who are they in the picture?

They’re Mrs Smith and Mrs.Quyen

+ What are they doing

They’re phoning + Where are they?

Mrs Quyen is in Ha Noi and Mrs Smith is in San Francisco

-T explains Newwords

-Ss give the meaning of Newwords -T reads

-Ss repeat

-Using “Rub out and remember” to check vocabulary

-T sets the scene: “Mrs Quyen is going to the USA for a vacation She’s ringing her friend, Mrs Smith to tell her about the trip/tour Ss listen

-T gives statements and asks Ss to read them carefully Then put T/F statements

Mrs Quyen


-tour (n): chuyến du lịch -in’clude (v): bao gồm

-a’broad (adv): nước

-’pick (someone) up: đón, rước (ai) -price (n): giá

-come ’over (v): đến -’bother (v) bận tâm

♣Technique: Rub out and remember

♣Technique: True/False statements

a) Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from the airport in San Francisco

b) Mrs Smith invite Mrs Quyen and her husband to stay with her while they’re in town

c) Mrs Quyen doesn’t accept Mrs Smith’s invitation because she wants to stay with a Vietnamese friend of hers

d) Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in the USA for days

e) Mrs Quyen and her husband will come over to Mrs Smith’s place for dinner one night


-Has Ss open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue on page 112

-Calls on some Ss to correct the false sentences Ss correct -T gives the answers -Ss takenote

-Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule with the information taken from the dialogue

-T has Ss answer the questions -Ss answer

-Lets Ss compare their answers with their partners

-Calls on some Ss to answer -T corrects their answers -Ss takenote

-Tells Ss to read the dialogue again and pick out the statements

indicating the following situations -Ss read and pick out

-T corrects their answers and gives marks

-Ss observe

-T asks Ss to write them into their notebooks

-Ss write


-Listen to the dialogue


a) F (Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from Ha Noi) b) T

c) F (Because her accommodation is included in her ticket price)

d) T

e) F (Only Mrs Quyen will come over to Mrs Smith’s)

f) T

*Complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule

DATE Monday

25 Tuesday26 Wednesday27 Thursday28 SCHEDULE Coming to

San Francisco


out Havingdinner with the Smiths Leaving San Francisc o

♣Technique: Ask and answer drill *Answer the questions:

a) No, they won’t Because they are coming on a tour, and their accommodation is included in the ticket price, so they will stay at a hotel

b) No, he won’t Because he will have a business meeting in the evening (that day)

c) Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel 4/Production / Marks

+ Making an invitation

Mrs Smith: “… Would you like to come and stay with us while you’re in town?” “Then you must come over for dinner one night”

+ Accepting an invitation

Mrs Quyen: “ Yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights We leave on the 28th”

+ Declining an invitation

Mrs Quyen: “That’s very kind of you, but we’re coming on a tour Our accommodation is included in the ticket price”

+ Making a complaint


-T writes on the board and helps them how to prepare a good lesson at home

-Ss copy down


-Learn new words by heart

-Practice the dialogue and answer the questions again

-Prepare: UNIT 12(Cont) Lesson 2: Speak + Find out New words

+ Complete the itinerary *Comments:

Date: UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Week: Lesson 2: Speak

Period: @&?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their plans for a trip abroad



-Review modal verbs: will / shall ♣Vocabulary:

-gym, gallery, itinerary, via, rate, sightseeing, Atlantic, depart, brochure


-Slap the board, Networks, individually, pair work, Ask and answer drill, Matching, …

IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content -T asks Ss to play game

-Ss give feedback

-T corrects their answers

-T asks Ss to match -Ss match

-T corrects and gives marks

-T present newwords -Using translation

-T uses explanation “room for displaying works of art” -Using translation

-T uses explanation “by way of” -Using translation

-T uses explanation: “visiting places of interest”

-Using antonym:“Pacific”(adj)

-T reads – Ss repeat.(Chorally, then individually)

-T asks Ss questions for information about the flights, accommodation,

1/Warm up:

♣Technique: Networks Britain

Thailand Australia

Japan Canada USA 2/Pre-speaking:

♣Technique: Matching / Marks A B

1.Depart a đến

2.Arrive b chuyến bay 3.Flight c nơi ở, chỗ

4.Accommodation d điều kiện thuận lợi, csvc 5.Facility e khởi hành, rời khỏi

1e, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5d.


- gym (n): nhà tập thể dục - ’gallery (n): phòng trưng bày - i’tinerary (n): lộ trình

- via (pre): / qua dường - rate (n): tỉ lệ

-’sightseeing (n): ngắm cảnh , tham quan - Atlantic (adj): (thuộc) Đại Tây Dương -brochure (n) : tờ rơi

♣Technique: Slap the board 3/While-speaking:

A: Where shall we stay?

B: The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym A: What time should we leave Los Angeles?


and tourist place

-Ss answer individually

a/ How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston?


b/ Which flight can you take everyday

of the week? 835 and 45 c/ Which of the hotel is cheaper?

Atlantic Hotel.

d/ How much is a double room in Revere Hotel? $150-$180 e/How about the Atlantic Hotel? $60-$100 -T corrects if necessary -Ss takenote

-T has Ss work in pairs.Complete your itinerary Use the brochures and flight information

-T corrects their mistakes if there are any

-Ss takenote

-T has Ss write the full answers into their notebooks

-Ss write -T monitors

B: There’s a daily flight at 10am Would that be OK?


A: When will we leave Los Angeles?

B: We’ll leave Los Angeles at 10.00 on Mon 19 A: Which flight?

B: Flight 835

A: What time will we arrive Boston then? B: At 4:00

A: Where shall we stay?

B: The Atlantic Hotel is not very expensive and it has a restaurant, a swimming pool, and shops A: OK Which places should we visit?

B: Most tourists in Boston visit the Paul Revere’s House and Boston University

A: When will we leave Boston?

B: We’ll on flight 710 leaving Boston at 10: 00 on Thursday ,21.


A: When will we leave Los Angeles?

B: We’ll leave Los Angeles at 23:00 on Wed 21 A: Which flight?

B: Flight 21

A: What time will we arrive Boston then? B: At 5:00

A: Where shall we stay?

B: The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym, a swimming pool,a business center, restaurants and shops

A: OK Which places should we visit?

B: I think we should visit the Harvard Medical School and Museums and art galleries

A: When will we leave Boston?

B: We’ll on flight 710 leaving Boston at 10: 00 on Thursday ,22.

Depart Los Angeles: Flight 835 at 10:00 am on Mon 19 ,Via-Chicago. Arrive Boston: At 4: 00pm


-T calls Ss to match Ss match -T corrects and gives Marks -Ss write down


A: When will we leave Los Angeles?

B: We’ll leave Los Angeles at 14.00 on Sun 18 A: Which flight?

B: Flight 942

A: What time will we arrive Boston then? B: At 20:00

A: Where shall we stay?

B: The Atlantic Hotel is not very expensive and it has a restaurant, a swimming pool, and shops A: OK Where should we visit?

B: We should visit the Museums and art galleries

A: When will we leave Boston?

B: We’ll on flight 710 leaving Boston at 10: 00 on Thursday ,21.


A: When will we leave Los Angeles?

B: We’ll leave Los Angeles at 11.00 on Tues 20, Via- Detroit, Philadelphia

A: Which flight? B: Flight 45

A: What time will we arrive Boston then? B: At 18:00

A: Where shall we stay?

B: The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym A: OK Where should we visit?

B: We should visit the Paul Revere’s House

A: When will we leave Boston?

B: We’ll on flight 710 leaving Boston at 10: 00 on Thursday ,21.

4/Post-speaking: Marks

Match the questions in column A with the answer in column B One example has been done for you

column A column B

0/Can I check in here for the British Airways flight to New York? 1/May I see your ticket and your passport? 2/Can you put your suitcase on the scale,

a) Yes, sir b) That’s fine c) Of course d) 35 kilos e) Here you are f) That would be fine


-T.writes on the board and explains -Ss listen and take note into their notebooks


3/How much does it weight?

4/Would you like to go through the departure lounge?

5/Here you are

2a - 3d - 4f - 5b


- Learn by heart new words

- Prepare: UNIT 12 (Cont.) Lesson 3: Listen (Listen to the weather reports Fill in the blanks) *Comments:

Date: UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Week: Lesson 3: Listen

Period: @&?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in listening to the weather forecast for information about the weather in big cities in the world

II/Language contents: ♣Grammar:



-temperature, centigrade, minus, humid


-Chatting, Filling gap, Brainstorming, …

IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content -T writes the topic on the board

-T asks Ss to find the words related to the topic Collects Ss’ words and writes them on the board

-T asks Ss some questions to lead in the lesson

-Ss answer

-T remarks and gives marks

-T lets Ss listen to the tape twice -Ss complete

-Asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners

-Calls on some Ss to give the answers

-Lets Ss listen to the tape again to check their answers

1/Warm up:

♣Technique: Brainstorming fine cold Degree rainy dry cloudy

cool snowy hot humid wet 2/Pre-listening:

♣Technique: Chatting / Marks

-Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on TV or on the radio?

+ Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t -What does it often tell you about? + Weather and temperature

-Do you think it’s necessary to listen to the weather forecast? Why? / Why not?

+Yes, I Because it’s very important and it affects our life

3/While-listening: -Listen to the tape ♣Technique: Gap fill

City Weather Temperature

low high 1.Sydney 2.Tokyo 3.London 4.Bangkok 5.New york 6.Paris Dry, windy Dry, windy Humid, cold Warm, dry Windy, cloudy Cool, dry 20 15 -3 24 8 10 26 22 7 32 15 16


Words related to the weather


-Asks Ss to answer some questions about weather and temperature -Ss answer

-T gives feedback -Ss takenote

-T writes on the board and explains how to the exercise -Ss takenote

-Helps them how to prepare a good lesson at home

And here is today’s weather forecast for the international traveler

1 Let’s strart with Sydney It will be a dry day in Sydney today, and windy For the

temperature, the low will be twenty and the high will be twenty six degrees

2.Tokyo will be dry and windy, with a low of fifteen and a high of twenty two

3 London is going to have a humid day It will be very cold with a low of minus three and a high of seven

4 Bangkok will be warm and dry, with a low of twenty - four degrees centigrade and a high of thirty-two

5 New York is going to have a windy day It will be cloudy with a low of eight and a high of fifteen

6 In Paris it will be cool and dry today The low will be ten degrees and the high will be sixteen

4/Post-listening: Marks

-What is the weather like in Sydney today? + It will be dry and windy

-How about the temperature?

+ The low will be twenty, and the high will be twenty six degrees

-What’s the weather like today? + Today it’s very hot


-Write-it-up use information in the table to write a weather report, beginning with “Here is today’s weather forecast for the international travelers”

In Sydney, It will be…

-Prepare: UNIT 12 (Cont.) Lesson 4: Read + Find out Newwords

+ Read the text

+ Answer the questions


Date: UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Week: Lesson 4: Read

Period: @&?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to obtain some knowledge about some sceneries in the USA

II/Language contents: ♣Grammar:

-Past grogressive tense with when, while ♣Vocabulary:

-volcano, lava, pour out, carve, overhead, wharf, prison, valley, situate, rock, shore



IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content -T presents 11 card board

numbered from to 11 on one side and the words on the other side

-T explains how to play

-Ss play Ss match in sequence of an

Adjective with a Noun -T gives marks

-T asks some questions -Ss answer

-T corrects Ss.takenote

-Do you remember Mrs.Quyen? +Yes, I do.

-What plan did she have? She planned to travel around the USA // She had a vacation in San Francisco.

-T sets the scene: “As we know Mrs.Quyen and her husband went on holiday to USA They visited lots of famous places of interest You look at the pictures and guess which places she visited.”


1/ Warm up:

♣Techniques: Pelmanism / Marks Adjectives Nouns Humid

Warm Windy Dry Cloud

Humidity Warmth Wind Dryness Cloud Coolness


dry dryness 2/Pre-reading:

♣Techniques: Guessing

Place What she did and saw

a.Hawaii b.New York c.Chicago d.Mount Rushmore e.San Francisco

Went swimming, visited Kilauea Volcano.

Went shopping, bought lots of souvenirs.

……… ……… ………


6 10 11




-T explains Newwords -Ss copy down and give the meaning of the words -Using translation

-Using explaining: “cut” -Uses explaining: “above your head”

-Using translation

-T reads – Ss repeat (Chorally then individually)

-T checks “voc.” by using:

@Newwords: - ’prison (n): nhà tù - ’valley (n): thung lũng - vol’cano (n): núi lửa

- ’lava (n): dung nham, nham thạch - pour out (v): đổ ra, chảy ra, tuôn trào

- wharf (n): cầu tàu , cầu cảng - carve (v): chạm khắc

- ’overhead (adv): phía đầu - ’situate (v): tọa lạc, địa điểm - rock (n): tảng đá



-T explains grammar -Ss takenote

-T draws the grid on the board -T asks Ss to copy the grid in their


-T asks Ss to read the postcard from Mrs Quyen to her children and fill in the gaps with the information taken from them -T calls on some Ss to go to the board and write the information in the grid

-Ss give feedback

-T corrects if there are any -Ss takenote into their notebooks

-T asks Ss to look at the

questions on p.upload.123doc.net and read the postcard

Then answer the questions -Each students does a sentence and

writes it on the board

-T calls on some Ss to ask and answer the questions in front of the class

-T corrects their answers if necessary

-Ss copy down the correct sentences into their notebooks -T gives sentences

-Ss say and write it on the board -T remarks and gives Ss marks

♣Techniques: Matching


-Past progressive with when / while


: The lava was pouring out when we flew overhead

While Dad was visiting the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, I went shopping 3/While-reading:


*What Mrs.Quyen did and saw:

♣Techniques: Grid

Place What she did and saw

a.Hawaii Went swimming, visited Kilauea Volcano

b.New York Went shopping, bought lots of souvenirs.

c.Chicago Saw Lake Michigan.

d.Mount Rushmore

Saw the heads of American presidents.

e.San Francisco

Visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the Napa Valley wine-growing area and the Alcatraz prison


♣Techniques: Ask and answer drill + Answer the questions:

a) She went there by plane

b) She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz

c) It is a mount where the heads of four

American presidents are carved into the rock; (and it can be seen from more than 100

kilometers away)

d) It is also called “The Windy City” e) She went shopping

4/ Post-reading: Marks


-Ss takenote

-T writes on the board and explains how to prepare a good lesson at home

-Ss takenote

a) Mrs Quyen went to Kilauea Volcano by bus F (By plane)

b) Chicago is called “The Windy City” T

c) While Mrs Quyen’s husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State


she went sightseeing F.(went shopping) d) She bought lots of souvenirs T


-Learn by heart new words

-Read the text and answer the questions again -Prepare: UNIT 12 (Cont.) Lesson 5: Write + Complete the postcard

+ Write a letter *Comments:

Date: UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Week: Lesson 5: Write

Period: @& ?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a postcard to their friend about their trip

II/Language contents: ♣Grammar:

-Present simple tense, simple past tense ♣Vocabulary:

-complain, hospitable, heaviness, suitcase


- Individually, pair work , group work , Filling gap, Lucky number, Networks, Rub out and remember




Teacher’s and students’ activities Content -Holds the class to play :

“Lucky numbers” -Ss play

-T corrects and gives Marks

-T asks Ss to write - Ss write -T remarks - Ss takenote -Then T asks some questions -Ss answer - T remarks

-Do you often write a postcard? +Yes, I do/No, I don’t

-What parts are there in the postcard?

Opening - Dear…, + Body of the postcard

Closing -Regards/Love/Your


1/Warm up: Marks

♣Technique: Lucky numbers

a Where did Mrs.Quyen and her husband spend their holiday?

-They spent in the USA.

b Lucky number

c What did they see on Mount Rushmore?

-They saw the heads of four American presidents

d Who did they visit when they were in the USA? -They visited Mrs Smith.

e Lucky number

f What did Mrs Quyen while her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building?

-She went shopping.

g Lucky number

h What did Mrs.Quyen buy?

-She bought lots of souvenirs.

i What did she send to her children from the USA? -She sent postcard.

j Lucky number 2/Pre-writing:

♣Technique: Networks

souvenirs books

Nha trang Hue photos Ha Noi

Dalat Ha Long Bay postcards Phong Nha cave visit beautiful places Take photogragh meet old friends Eat special food

Send postcard Buy souveirs

Things to buy

Places to visit


-T explains Newwords by using Translation -Ss takenote

-T reads Ss repeat (Chorally, individually)

-T checks vocabulary by using technique : “Rub out & remember”

-T shows a postcard written by Mrs.Quyen to Sally and asks Ss to complete Quyen’s postcard and filling the missing words

-T asks Ss to read the complete postcard

-T corrects if necessary -Ss takenote

-T asks Ss to imagine that you’re a tourist on vacation in a certain place/city in Vietnam Write a postcard to a friend about your trip Using the information in part 2/p118 -Ss write

-Lets Ss compare their postcard with the partners

-T calls on some Ss to the front of the class and asks them to read their postcards to the whole class

-Ss give feedback

-T corrects if necessary -Ss takenote


-com’plain (about)(v): phàn nàn, than phiền ’hospitable (adj): mến khách

-’heaviness (n): sức nặng, trọng lượng -’suitcase (n): va-li quần áo

♣Technique: Rub out and remember 3/While-writing:


♣Technique: Filling gap Anwers:

1 in lovely/nice/happy people bought

3 weather for

4 visited heaviness her 10.soon


Dear Mai,

I’m having a wonderful time in Nha Trang The people here are really friendly, helpful, and hospitable The weather has been fine and sunny almost everyday The Nha Trang beach is very beautiful and the sea is calm

In Nha Trang, I visited some of my old friends, Thao and Thy It was nice to see them We visited the Oceanic Institute and bought a lot of souvenirs for you and my family

See you soon

Your friend, Lan 4/Post-writing/Marks

*Exhibition your postcards


Dear Nam,


-T writes on the board and explains how to the exercises

-Ss takenote

See you later

With love, Minh 5/Homework:

-Write a postcard to another friend -Learn by heart Newwords

-Prepare: UNIT 12 (Cont) Lesson 6: Language focus + Do all exercises in “Language focus” *Comments:

Date: UNIT 12: A VACATION ABROAD Week: Lesson 6: Language focus

Period: @& ?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about activities using the present and past progressive tenses

II/Language contents: ♣Grammar:

-Past progressive

-Past progressive with when and while -Progressive tense with always

♣Vocabulary: -Revision


- Individually, pair work , group work, Bingo, Chain game, Matching

IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures



-T guides Ss how to play “Bingo”

-Ss listen Ss choose words and write them in wordsquare then play

-T reads: take, eat, walk, read,…


-Holds the class to play : “Chain Game” -Ss play

-T remarks and gives Marks

-T explains grammar by giving the examples

-Ss listen and takenote

-Look at the pictures Say what each person was doing at eight o’clock last night

-Each student does a sentence and writes it on the board

1/Warm up: Marks ♣Technique: Bingo

take eat walk

read miss forget

watch talk write ♣Technique: Chain game

S1: Yesterday, I watched TV

S2: Yesterday, I watched TV, and I made toys

S3: Yesterday, I watched TV, I made toys and I did my homework

……… 2/Presentation:

a) Past progressive

Ex: What were you doing at o’clock last night? - I was doing my homework at o’clock last night

I/He/She/It + was + verb-ing. We/ You/They + were + verb-ing.

b) Past progressive with when and while


I was sleeping when you phoned me last night past progressive past simple

S1 + was/were + V-ing + when + S2 + V2/ed + O.

He was watching TV while she was reading last night past progressive past progressive

S1 + was/were + V-ing + O + while +

S2 + was/were + V-ing +O

c) Progressive tense with “always.”


- Are you always doing your homework? Be Adverb V-ing

Use: “The adverb always can be used with the present progressive to describe repeated actions.


a) b) c)


-T corrects their answers -Ss copy down the correct sentences into their notebooks

-T asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 119 and the exercise

-Each student is asked to say a sentence and writes it on the board

-T corrects their mistakes if there are any

-Ss write down the correct answers into their notebooks -Look at the pictures Write the sentences Say what the people are always doing

d) e) f)



a) Ba was taking a shower at eight o’clock last night b) Hoa was eating dinner at o’clock last night

c) Bao was reading a comic at o’clock last night d) Nga was writing a letter at o’clock last night e) Na was walking with her dog at o’clock last night f) Lan was talking to her grandmother at 8:00 last night

3.2/p119 *Answers:

a C/ The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came

b.F/ While Hoa was eating, the phone rang

c.E/ When Nam won the race, the crowd was cheering d.B/ Mrs Thoa was cooking when Tuan arrived home e.D/ When Lan arrived at school, the school drum was sounding

f.A/ It was raining when the plane got to Ha Noi


-T asks Ss to the exercise -Ss the exercise

-T calls on some Ss to give the answers

-Ss give -T corrects

-T asks Ss to put the verbs in past Progressive Ss put

-T corrects and gives marks

-T writes on the board and explains

-Ss takenote

-Helps them how to prepare a good lesson at home

d) e) f)


a) Bao is always forgetting his homework b) Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella

c) Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing the bus d) Nam is always watching TV

e) Na is always talking on thee phone f) Liem is always going out


-Put the verbs in past progressive

a What you (do) at o’clock last night? were…doing

b I (have) a bath at o’clock last night was having

c No, Tam (not/sleep) when you called him wasn’t sleeping

d Yes, Nhi (wash) the dishes last time was washing

e You (learn) your lessons were learning


-Do all exercises again

-Prepare: UNIT 13 FESTIVALS.

Lesson 1: Getting stared + Listen and read + Find out Newwords



Period: 78th-82nd *DIVISION OF LESSONS:

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Lesson 2: Speak and Listen

Lesson 3: Read Lesson 4: Write

Lesson 5: Language focus

*********************************************** Date: UNIT 13: FESTIVALS

Week: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Period: 78th @&?

I/ Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about traditional festivals

II/Language contents: ♣Vocabulary:

- festival, fetch, award, competition, teammate, separate, urge, yell ♣Grammar:



- True/false statements ,Chatting, pair work , group work , Matching, …

IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-Asks Ss to imagine that we have five friends coming to Viet Nam from different countries Each person has a hobby You work in groups and answer the questions where should these people go on their visits to Viet Nam? Why? -Ss listen and work in groups -T gives the suggested answers -Ss takenote

-T introduces the dialogue.Ss listen

“Ba invites his friend Liz to a traditional festival in the North of Viet Nam” Do you know what kind

of festival it is? –Yes It’s the cooking festival

-Who are talking in the conversation? +They’re Ba and Liz.

-Where are they now?

+They’re at the rice-cooking festival.

1/Warm up:

♣Technique: Chatting

1 Tom likes swimming and sunbathing Where should he go? Why?

He should go to beautiful beaches such as:

Vung Tau, Nha Trang, Ninh Chư or Do Son,etc… -Because the sights in there have quiet sand beaches

They are really big and beautiful beaches for people


2 David is interested in ancient cities  He should go to the ancient capital Hue Or: Hoi An Ancient Town

-Because in there has many ancient cities Huckleberry likes mountain-climbing  He should go to Sapa

-Because in there it has tall and beautiful mountains Oliver is keen on pottery

He should go to Lai Thieu village in Binh Duong province or Champa tribes in Ninh Thuan province or Bat Trang village in Hai Duong provine

-Becase these are famous places for pottery in Viet Nam country

5 Robinson is fond of crowded places


-How many competitions are there in the rice-cooking festival? +Three. -What are they? + They’re

water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking

-T.explains Newwords Ss listen and give the meaning of the words

-T.reads - Ss repeat (Chorally then individually) +Using explaining: “a day or period

of religious or other celebration” +T.uses explaining: “to go to get something and bring it back” +Using: “translation”

+Using: “translation”

+Using explaining: “a group of people forming one side in a game”

+T.explains: “sb/sth from sb/sth” +Using explaining: “To make a person / animal move quickly” +T.explains: “To shout loudy” -T.checks voc by using:


-T.explains compound words -Ss takenote

-T.has Ss reminds -Ss remind

-Lets Ss listen to the tape Ss listen -Then calls them to practice

-Ss practice

-T corrects their pronunciation if necessary


- ’festival (n): lễ hội

- fetch (v): lấy, mang - a’ward (v): tặng, tặng thưởng - compe’tition (n): tranh tài - ’teammate (n): đồng đội

- ’separate (v): tách rời - urge (v): thúc giục

- yell (v): hét to, la to (cổ vũ) ♣Technique: Matching @Grammar:

*Compound words: N –V+ing:

Ex: One fetches the water (a) water-fetching

Viet Nam exports rice (a) rice-exporting

*Passive forms: (in present)

Ex: The fire is made in the traditional way Pieces of bamboo are used to make the fire 3/Practice:

3.1/p121, 122.


-T.asks them to read the statements and check (V ) the boxes Using the

information in the dialogue Ss work in pairs

-T asks Ss to give their answers and correct the false sentences -Ss answer and correct

-T remarks

-T asks Ss to work in groups -Ss work in groups

-T has Ss answer the questions -Ss answer

-T corrects their answers and gives Marks

-Ss takenote into their notebooks

-T writes on the board and explains

how to prepare a good lesson at home

-Ss copy down into their notebooks


♣Technique: True / False? *Answers:

a/ F ( One person from each team takes part in the water-fetching contest)

b/ F (One person must take one water bottle) c/ T

d/ F (Pieces of bamboo are used to make the fire) e/ F ( In the final contest, the judges taste the rice) f/ T

4/Production / Marks: *Answer the questions:

a/ How many competitions people enter in cooking festival?- Three competitions

b/ In a water-fetching competition, what people do?

- People fetch water c/ What about a rice-cooking competition?

- They have to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice

d/How about a fire-making competition?

- They try to make a fire by rubbing

pieces of bamboo together 5/Homework:

-Practice speaking the dialogue with your partner -Learn by heart Newwords and Grammar

-Prepare: UNIT 13 (Cont.) Lesson 2: Speak +Put the sentences in the correct order


Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:00

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