VESSEL INSPECTION CHECK LIST D 2ND OFFICER Check N/A Passage Plan is drawn “berth to berth “ and all necessary information such as :Navigational warnings, nautical publications , tide calculation , under keel clearance calculation , position frequency, no go areas, emergency anchorage, point of no return, use of parallel index, pos fixing methods and frequency are duly mentioned Signed by all officers and Captain Different pos fix are used during whole voyage including transits in rivers/channels and with pilot onboard In coastal areas GPS / radar / visual observation can be used and compared In ocean passages celestial observations to be compared with GPS ( records of calculations filed ) Pos frequency interval as per passage plan is followed Bridge movement book with position frequency as per passage plan available Positions also to be marked in chart Parallel index is used only on fixed objects , no bouys Following are properly marked in voyage charts: 1) No go areas 2) Contingency anchorages 3) Point of no return ‘’điểm nhập luồng không quay ‘’4) Paralell index distances 5) Echosounder on/off to be marked in chart and on printer paper ( date, time, pos, port ) Used in all coastal waters Anchors are prepared for emergency release when pilot onboard Time , position when prepared to be marked in chart and logged in log book Voyage charts are in good condition and corrected to latest NTM onboard Check against latest cumulative list that ALL corrections are made to voyage charts If any non BA charts used for entering a port it is essential to check with agent that edition onboard is latest edition.( common in Australia,US and Canada) 10 Make sure you have evidence to which NTM ALL charts onboard ( including areas not normally traded ) are corrected 11 All nautical publications onboard are corrected to latest NTM 12 There is a proper T&P file onboard and that all T&P notices are marked in present voyage charts 13 Inventory list of all publications available Explain how to check latest edition onboard ! 14 All equipment on bridge are in good working condition, including bridge wing equipment such as whistle / morse light signal lamp, wind indicators Radar maintenance file available (INMARSAT C No.1 & VDR : ERROR) 15 All gyro repeaters ( bridgewing, steering console, steering gear room ) are aligned 16 Rudder indicators, M/E rpm indicator / ahead and astern indicators are aligned and in good working condition 17 Magnetic compass deviation card not older then year ( if deviation is more then degrees it is necessary to have authorized shore personnel to make calibration and issue a new deviation card at first opportunity ) Magnetic off course alarm ok Deviation card : 18 Compass error taken each watch ( log available) Compare error with present deviation card If big difference new deviation card to be issued 19 Company bridge procedures including emergency procedures on bridge and all officers aware of them ( countersigned by all officers onboard ) Page of VESSEL INSPECTION CHECK LIST 20 Following files/records available: Master night order book, navtex, battery log GMDSS equipment, bellbook nhật ký điều động , dead man alarm log engine ( if UMS ), request for fire loop connecting/disconnecting 21 Radio log updated Daily position, weekly test, dep test ( test emergency message should be sent to shore station within 24h after departure and reply to be recorded + EPIRB test then once a week during voyage ), specify GMDSS operator VIQ 10.7 10.8 10.9 22 Distress messages to be noted in GMDSS log book and countersigned by Master Actions taken to be noted If no action taken reason must be stated 23 ARPA speed input to radar should be log 24 Following posted on bridge: 1) maneuvering characteristics VIQ 4.7 2) Auto/manual and emergency steering change over VIQ 4.8 VIQ 11.48 3) Instruction emergency towing equipment 4) Shore based maintenance contractor certificate 5) Master personal standing order + Company Master standing order (countersigned by all officers onboard) 6) Watch schedule for rating/officers 7) Contact lists PMM and present port Fire detector log book ( to monitor request to switch off loops ) available on bridge Should include date, name of person requesting, time off/on Check of course alarm for gyro and magnetic compass Are daily, pre-arrival, pre-departure, watch handover and pilot-master interchange checklists being completed and signed? VIQ 4.5 4.4 Are records maintained of fire rounds being completed after each watch? VIQ 4.6 Ghi kiểm tra fire watch nhật ký hàng hải sổ lệnh đêm Is a look-out maintained at all times when the vessel is at sea? VIQ 4.19 25 27 28 29 30 31 Has the GPS been adjusted to the correct datum? It is recommended that the GPS receiver is maintained referenced to WGS84 datum VIQ 4.24 32 Check IG pressure indicator on bridge 33 Check bridge log book for correct entrances ( no correction fluid used ): pos, deviation calculation, signature when change of command ( including Master), name of pilot, inspections ( only at change of watch), watch condition Chronometer log available ? Nhật ký khí áp kế 34 Public address system fully operational 35 ALDIS lamp / lifeboat VHF / SART/ navigational shapes ( NUC symbols etc) available and in good working condition Instructions to earth aerials for MF/HF posted and followed 36 AIS updated and to be in low power when in port 37 At GMDSS station following to be posted: call sign, ship station identity, operating instruction for distress situations, shore based maintenance agreement VIQ 10.1 10.2 Can officers demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of how to operate the equipment in an emergency? VIQ 10.3 38 40 Are officers aware of the requirements for position updating on two-way communications equipment? VIQ 10.5 Emergency light available and working at MF/HF stations 41 Distress messages in GMDSS log book countersigned by Master 42 Radiation warning sign at INM antennas 39 Page of VESSEL INSPECTION CHECK LIST 43 Are officers aware of the function of the ship security alert system and how it operates? VIQ 10.6 44 Procedure for helicopter operation available on bridge Equipment onboard as per 6.61 and winch area marked as per regulation 4.2 and 4.3 45 All medicines / bandages onboard as per Company instruction No expired medicine 46 Resuscitation equipment in good working condition Record of hydrotest for airbttls with oxygen ( max interval 10 years ) Btlls to be marked accordingly 47 Medical record book in use and updated 48 Medicine chest certificate valid and posted in hospital Inventory list updated 49 Controlled drugs are stored in a secure locker 50 Disposable records available for expired medicines 51 First aid kit available in bridge / CCR / ECR / galley 52 Stretcher available onboard 53 Hospital clean and ready for use N/A N/A Page of ... magnetic compass Are daily, pre-arrival, pre-departure, watch handover and pilot-master interchange checklists being completed and signed? VIQ 4.5 4.4 Are records maintained of fire rounds being completed