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Jerry acuff stop acting like a seller and start thinking like a buyer improve sales effectiveness by helping customers buy (2007)

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Sách stop acting like a seller and start thinking like a buyer improve sales effectiveness by helping customers buy bản pdf, Khen ngợi vì ngừng hành động như người bán và bắt đầu suy nghĩ như người mua Hãy dừng hành động như người bán và bắt đầu suy nghĩ như người mua là một cuốn sách dạy bạn một cách dứt khoát rằng lời nói có ý nghĩa. Nếu bạn muốn tạo sự khác biệt so với những người khác, cho dù bạn đang bán một sản phẩm hay một khái niệm, thì đây là một cuốn sách nên đọc. Bạn không chỉ học cách chuẩn bị cho việc bán hàng thành công mà còn học cách trở nên hiệu quả hơn bằng cách suy nghĩ như một người mua. Theresa Martinez, Giám đốc Thương hiệu, Phòng thí nghiệm Roche Cuốn sách này chia sẻ một cách tiếp cận thông thường tuyệt vời để phát triển một thái độ và tư duy bán hàng mới sẽ hiệu quả cho dù bạn đang bán gì. Jerry đã nêu thành công một công thức mạnh mẽ và độc đáo để đạt được sự tuyệt vời trong bán hàng. Duggar Baucom, huấn luyện viên trưởng bóng rổ, Học viện Quân sự Virginia Đây là cuốn sách dành cho những người thực sự muốn đạt được thành công đáng kinh ngạc trong việc bán hàng. Suy nghĩ như một người mua hàng là cách mạnh mẽ nhất để giúp khách hàng và khách hàng tiềm năng nghĩ khác về bạn và sản phẩm của bạn. Cuốn sách này chỉ cho bạn chính xác cách biến điều đó thành từng bước một. Nếu bạn muốn học cách đảm bảo thành công trong việc bán hàng hoặc tạo ảnh hưởng, đây là cuốn sách bạn phải đọc. Dan C. Weilbaker, Tiến sĩ, Giáo sư Bán hàng McKesson, Đại học Bắc Illinois Một sự thay đổi tư duy diễn ra khi bạn đọc cuốn sách của Acuff và nhận ra tất cả là về chúng. Cuốn sách giúp bạn hiểu tâm lý và hành vi của con người, đồng thời cung cấp cho bạn những lời khuyên, sự khích lệ và ví dụ thiết thực để giúp bạn nổi bật và được khách hàng đánh giá cao bất kể bạn đang bán gì. Charlene Prounis, Đối tác quản lý, Flashpoint Medica

acu1_a01ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page iii Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer Improve Sales Effectiveness by Helping Customers Buy Jerry Acuff with Wally Wood John Wiley & Sons, Inc acu1_a01ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page ii acu1_a01ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page i Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer acu1_a01ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page ii acu1_a01ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page iii Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer Improve Sales Effectiveness by Helping Customers Buy Jerry Acuff with Wally Wood John Wiley & Sons, Inc acu1_a01ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page iv Copyright © 2007 by Jerry Acuff All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada Wiley Bicentennial Logo: Richard J Pacif ico No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, 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created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation You should consult with a professional where appropriate Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of prof it or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages For general information on our other products and services or for technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 7622974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002 Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at www.wiley.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Acuff, Jerry, 1949Stop acting like a seller and start thinking like a buyer : improve sales effectiveness by helping customers buy / Jerry Acuff with Wally Wood p cm ISBN: 978-0-470-06834-2 (cloth) Selling Customer relations I Wood, Wally II Title HF5438.25.A28 2007 658.85—dc22 2006036783 Printed in the United States of America 10 acu1_a02ftoc.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page v CONTENTS Acknowledgments S TART vii S ect ion I THE R IGHT M IND -S ET WITH Chapter I F P EOPLE L OVE H ELP T HEM B UY Chapter E IGHT L AWS OF TO B UY, W E S HOULD S ALES I NTENT 23 Chapter B UILD Y OUR K NOWLEDGE , M ESSAGING , AND R ELATIONSHIPS 47 U SE S ect ion II A T ESTED , E FFECTIVE S ALES P ROCESS Chapter D EVELOP I NTEREST SO C USTOMERS W ILL H EAR Y OU 73 v acu1_a02ftoc.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page vi Contents Chapter E NGAGE C USTOMERS IN M EANINGFUL D IALOGUE 95 Chapter L EARN THE S ITUATION , P ROBLEM , OR C HALLENGE 123 Chapter T ELL Y OUR S TORY 149 Chapter A SK FOR A C OMMITMENT 169 S ect ion III I MPLEMENT THE P ROCESS FOR P ERSONAL P ROSPERITY Chapter H OW TO B UILD P OSITIVE , P RODUCTIVE B USINESS R ELATIONSHIPS 195 Chapter 10 Y OUR B USINESS D EVELOPMENT D RIVES Y OUR F UTURE 233 Notes 247 Index 249 vi acu1_a03flast.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Writing a book, like most things in life, is best accomplished by getting help and learning from others This book would never have come about if it weren’t for the help of so many I will try to recognize as many as I can here although I am certain I will inadvertently leave someone out First, I must thank Laurie Harting at John Wiley & Sons She is such a professional and a joy to work with Her belief in this book and her constant guidance made this book possible My coauthor, Wally Wood, who has become my close friend now after three (well two and a half ) books, deserves a standing ovation for his contribution He makes me think, he knows how to write, and he constantly challenged both of us to make this the best book we could write Wally’s wife Marian also played an important role with this book as she has with each book we have written, and I am so grateful to her for her help Mary Maki did yeoman service transcribing our taped interviews My family has always given me total support and allowed me the time to devote to this effort when I am certain they would vii acu1_c10.qxd 2/12/07 9:59 AM Page 245 Business Development Drives Your Future if a merger takes place and you don’t have a foot in both companies, the odds are 50/50 that you are now toast One acronym to keep in mind is ABL—Always Be Looking You never know where your business opportunities are going to come from, and that means you should craft a powerful elevator speech about what you Always be prepared to give it in 15 seconds when someone asks you what you I highly recommend the e-book, Opening Doors with a Brilliant Elevator Speech by Jeffrey Mayer,3 which will teach you how to craft a compelling elevator speech You want to be able to tell someone quickly and compellingly what you for a living You never know where you’ll find the next opportunity—at a new cocktail party acquaintance, with a seatmate on a plane, or even in an elevator Business development is a process, not a goal You need to be nice to everybody because you really don’t know who may help you some day Have your elevator speech ready because you never know when an occasion will become an opportunity John certainly did not come to the football game expecting or hoping to find a customer If you aim at nothing, you’re bound to hit it But if you know with great clarity what you want and work diligently to get it— and use your time effectively to develop current customers and cultivate new ones—the odds are you will Based on my experience as a salesperson, as a sales manager, and as a sales trainer, I am convinced sales greatness requires three elements: the right mind-set, a sales process you execute well, and the ability to build valuable business relationships At the same time, you must focus on business development What’s different about the approach I’ve described is not in business development, because there many books on business 245 acu1_c10.qxd 2/12/07 9:59 AM Page 246 Implement Process for Personal Prosperity development It’s not in the sales process, because there are other sales processes What has been different here is my emphasis on the right mind-set and on how to build relationships Without those two elements, there’s no way you’ll reach greatness in sales When you meet with a prospective customer, develop the mind-set that you are attempting to discover whether there is a fit between what the customer wants and what you and your organization can offer Increase your knowledge of your company, industry, customers, and competitors; practice your messaging to discover the words and phrases that are most engaging; extend your business relationship Practice the DELTA sales process so customers will hear you out and you can learn their situation and, through emotion and logic, present a solution Finally, build your business relationships consciously, systematically, routinely, and proactively Don’t just sell, help customers buy Don’t act like a seller; think like a buyer Do it, and I am confident you will be dramatically more effective in your sales career and—perhaps even more important—have a lot more fun 246 acu1_z01bnotes.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 247 NOTES Chapter 1 Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of Selling (Austin, TX: Bard Press, 2004) Roger Fisher, William L Ury, Bruce Patton, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (New York: Penguin Books, 1993) William L Ury, Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation (New York: Bantam Books, 1993) Chapter Brian Tracy, “You Are the Message,” Selling Power, July/August 2006, p 18 Cliff Edwards, “Death of a Pushy Salesman,” BusinessWeek, July 3, 2006, p 108 George Bernard Shaw, Mrs Warren’s Profession, Act Gerrard Macintosh, “Personality and Relational Time Perspective in Selling,” Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, Spring 2006, p 29 Chapter Nicole Gull, “Getting to No,” Inc., October 2003, http://www.inc com/magazine/20031001/sales.html 247 acu1_z01bnotes.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 248 Notes Chapter Harry Mills, Artful Persuasion (New York: AMACOM Books, 2000), p 133 Chapter Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management ( Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2006), p 24 Chapter Dave Lakhani, Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005), p 51 Material excerpted from Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want, is reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc Chapter Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Inf luence People (New York: Pocket Books, 1982), p 54 Chapter 10 Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich! The Original Version, Restored and Revised (San Diego, CA: Aventine Press, 2004) Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life (New York: Pocket Books, 1989) www.succeedinginbusiness.com 248 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 249 INDEX A B A BL (always be looking), 245 Accardi, Mike, 52, 99 –101, 154 ACR Method, 176, 185 Acuf f, Jerr y, T he Relat ionship Edge, 197 Administrative assistants, 82 Allen, Paul, 78 Altera Corporation, 27, 28 Altus, Incorporated, 34 –35 Ar t f ul Pe r suasion ( Mills), 110 –111 Ask-for-help close, 171 Ask-for-the-order close, 171 Assumptive close, 171 BMW cars, 18 – 20 Boaz, Melvin, 132–134, 242– 243 Boomerang close, 171 Boyer, Lesley, 180 Bradley, Mike, 58, 167–168 Buddha, 202 Busine ss Casual, Clar if y Please ( Sokolsky), 118 Business development, 235– 246 and industr y knowledge, 244 – 245 maintaining customer base, 236 – 237 new prospects, 237– 241, 244 – 245 time management, 241– 243, 244 249 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 250 Index Busine ssWeek, 27 Buying, f ive rules of, 14 –15 Buying model, C Car ing, and relationship building, 216 – 217 Carnegie, Dale, How t o Win F r ie nds and In f lu e nc e People, 209 Cascading logic, 151, 165–166 Charter Communications, 78 Choice close, 171, 173 Closing See Committ ment Clothing line ( Doncaster), 34 –35, 141–143 Cold calls, 238 Committ ment, 171–191 as behavior change, 174 –178 versus closing, 173 –174 as end to conversation, 186 –187 mind-set, 178 –179 overcoming objections, 185–186 and preparation, 179 –180 pr inciples, of asking for, 173 –174 questions to ask, 183 –186 of salesperson, 175–176 sensor y tr ial close, 183 –186 ser iousness of, testing, 187–191 solid, encouraging, 191 traditional closes, 171, 172–173 Communication, 40 – 42 See also Messaging being ignored, 181–183 stor y (see Stor y) Competitors, 161–162, 165–166 Conferences, speaking at, 238 – 239 Conf idence, building, 69 –70 Connections, making, 90 –92 Contingent close, 171, 173 Control, locus of, 43 – 45 Counterbalance close, 171 Credibilit y, 8, 13, 21, 60 – 61, 81 250 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 251 Index and craf ting questions, 140 –141 and honest y, 161, 168 and meaningful dialogue, 102 and stor y, 162–163 Customer base, maintaining, 236 – 237 Educating See Teaching Eight laws of sales intent, 26 – 27 Ellison, Larr y, 78 Emotion and logic, 151, 160 –163, 165–166 Empathy, 26, 27– 28 F D Daane, John P., 27, 28 Delight needs, 136 –137 DELTA process, 70, 75–94, 97, 125, 171, 197 Derse Exhibits Pittsburgh, 58, 167–168 Dialogue, meaningful See Meaningful dialogue Dionne, Mike, 27, 28 Doncaster clothing line, 34 –35, 141–143, 179 –181 E Earle, Edward, 86 Economy, United States, Facebook, 228 Feeney, Sean, 68 – 69, 125–126, 134 –135, 138 –139 Financial industr y, 131 First impressions, 75–76 Fisher, Roger, Ur y, William L., and Patton, Bruce, G e t t ing t o Y ES, 16 Focus, on customer, 25– 26, 28, 30 –33, 97–98, 208 listening, 176 –178 and meaningful dialogue, 105–108 Forced choice questions, 84 –85 Formula, for sales greatness, Fr iendster, 228 251 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 252 Index G Gatekeepers, 82 Gates, Bill, 78 Genova, Greg, 168 G e t t ing Past No ( Ur y), 16 G e t t ing t o Y ES ( Fisher, Ur y and Patton), 16 Gett ysburg Address, 110 Gif ts, 217, 223 Gitomer, Jef f rey, 235 Lit tle Red B ook of Selling , Goals: clar if iying, 243 – 244 long-term versus shortterm, 43 – 44 H Harshaw, Rich, 85–86 Herman, Fred, 10 –12, 18 Hewlett-Packard, 91 High-pressure, 10, 14, 84 –85 Hill, Napoleon, T hink and Grow Rich, 243 Hostilit y, customer, 31–33, 99 –101 How t o Win F r ie nds and In f lu e nc e People (Carnegie), 209 Human beings, facts about, 207– 209 I I BM ( International Business Machines), 129 Ignored, by customer, 181–183 Impending event close, 171 Industr y knowledge, 244 – 245 Inovis, 68 – 69, 125–126 Integr it y, 216 Integr it y Selling, Intent: and craf ting questions, 130 –131 def inition, 25 and meaningful dialogue, 113 –115 Interest, developing: and knowledge, 76 –79 safe environment and, 90 –94 Internet networking, 33, 228 IProf ile, 33 252 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 253 Index J Jigsaw, 33 Johnson & Johnson, 44 K Keller, Kevin Lane, 136 Kennametal, 168 KMR ( knowledge, messaging, and relationships), 49 –50 knowledge, 51–56 messaging, 56 – 62 relationship, 62– 69 Knowledge, 207– 209 of customer, 39 – 40, 54 –55, 67– 68, 80, 81, 162, 218 – 224 demonstrating, 216 and developing interest, 76 –79 expert, 55–56 industr y, 244 – 245 and KMR ( knowledge, messaging, and relationships), 51–56 and meaningful dialogue, 102–105 product, 38 –39, 128 –129, 162 Kotler, Philip, 136 Kulkis, Shar i, 29 –30, 64, 176 L Lakhani, Dave, Pe r suasion, 158 –160 Language, compelling, 61, 110 –111 Leads, f inding, 33, 237– 241, 244 – 245 See also Pyramid hopping cold calls, 238 leveraging customers, 237– 238, 240 – 241 mind-set, 239 – 240 trade events, 238 – 239 Leveraging customers, 237– 238 Likabilit y, and relationship building, 200, 203 – 205 Lincoln, Abraham, 231 LinkedIn, 33, 228 Listening, 176 –178 See also Focus, on customer 253 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 254 Index Listen/talk ratio, 112 Lit tle Red B ook of Selling (Gitomer), Logic and emotion, 160 –163, 165–166 Long-distance relationships, 225 M Macintosh, Gerrard, 43 – 44 MacLeod, Mike, 60 Maltz, Maxwell, PsychoCybe r ne t ics, 243 Mapping, relationship, 63 – 64, 224 – 227 Martin, Jack, 36 –37 Mayer, Jef f rey, O pe ning Door s With a Br illiant Ele vat or Spee ch, 245 McDonald, Dick, 203 – 204 McNeil Consumer Products ( Johnson & Johnson), 44 Meaningful dialogue, 60, 75–76, 82–83, 97–121, 103 analysis of, 115–121 def inition, 60, 97 and dif fusing hostilit y, 99 –101 establishing, 101–102 and focus on customer, 105–108 and good questions, 132–139 and intent, 113 –115 listen/talk ratio, 112 prepar ing for, 102–105 and safe environment, 108 –111 Medical supplies, 133 –134 See also Pharmaceuticals Melillo Consulting, 91–92, 185–186 Messaging, 56 – 62 and credibilit y, 60 – 61 f irst impressions, 75–76 forced choice questions, 84 –85 meaningful dialogue, 60, 75–76, 82–83 (see also Meaningful dialogue) and mood, 92–94 questions, asking, 126 –147 traditional sales models, 84 –85, 106 –107 254 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 255 Index and word choice, 61, 109 –111 Miller, Charlie, 222– 223 Mills, Harr y, Ar t f ul Pe r suasion, 110 –111 Mind-set: and committ ment, 178 –179 and f inding leads, 239 – 240 Minor points close, 171 Mullen, Linda, 34 –35, 141–143 MySpace, 228 N Needs, of customer, 136 –139 uncover ing, 145–146 versus wants, 138 –139 Networking See also Pyramid hopping online, 33, 228 trade events, 238 – 239 Nightingale-Conant tapes, 10 Nordstrom’s, 163 No-r isk close, 171 Northern Illinois Universit y, 57, 97–98, 128 –129, 176 –177 Numbers, law of large, 16 –17, 30 –31 O Objections, overcoming, 185–186 Online networking, 33, 228 O pe ning Door s With a Br illiant Ele vat or Spee ch ( Mayer), 245 Oracle, 78 P Passion, building, 69 –70 Pe r suasion ( Lakhani ), 158 –160 Pharmaceuticals, 42, 52–54, 78, 97–98, 109, 131–132, 155–156 PICK (professionalism, integr it y, car ing, and knowledge), 216, 240 255 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 256 Index Potts, Henr y, 91–92, 106, 185–186 Preparation, for sales call, 39 – 40, 55–56, 57–59 and closing, 178 –179 and meaningful dialogue, 102–105 messaging, 61– 62 mood, creating, 92–94 Pressure: high, 10, 14, 84 –85 low, 14, 40 – 41, 79 –81, 82–86, 131 Pretend-to-leave close, 171 Product knowledge, 38 –39, 128 –129, 162 Professionalism, 35–37, 216 Prospects, f inding, 33, 237– 241, 244 – 245 See also Pyramid hopping cold calls, 238 leveraging customers, 237– 238, 240 – 241 mind-set, 239 – 240 trade events, 238 – 239 Psycho-Cybe r ne t ics ( Maltz), 243 Psychological environment See Safe environment, creating Puppy dog close, 171 Purchase, versus sale, 102–103 Pyramid, relationship, 198 – 201 Pyramid hopping, 227– 230 and asking questions, 229 – 230 versus networking, 228 online, 228 Q Questions, asking, 126 –147 bad questions, 146 and closing, 183 –186 craf ting the question, 130 –132 and listening, 177–178 and meaningful dialogue, 132–139 and obtaining information, 139 –147 pitfalls, 128 –130 and pyramid hopping, 229 – 230 and relationship building, 209 – 216 and stor y, 164 –165 and uncover ing needs, 145–146 256 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 257 Index R Real needs, 136 –137 Relational time perspective, 43 – 44 Relationship, loss of, 117–118 Relationship building, 8, 13 –15, 27, 28, 197– 231 and asking questions, 144 –145, 209 – 216 dif fusing hostilit y, 31–33, 99 –101 and focus on customer, 25– 26, 28, 30 –33, 97–98, 208 goal of, 64 human beings, facts about, 207– 209 invest ment of time, 205– 207, 230 – 231 and knowledge of customer, 67– 68, 218 – 224 and knowledge of product, 129 and likabilit y, 203 – 205 long-distance, 225 mapping, 63 – 64, 224 – 227 mind-set, 201– 207 relationship pyramid, 198 – 201 and safe environment, 93 –94 and self-esteem, 202– 203 and stor y, 167 and taking action, 216 – 224, 230 – 232 in your company, 227 Relat ionship Edge, T he (Acuf f and Wood ), 197 Relationship mapping, 63 – 64, 224 – 227 Relationship pyramid, 198 – 201 Reputation, of salespeople, Roche Laborator ies, 29 –30, 176 Rogers, Kenny, 241 ROI (return on invest ment ), 138 S Safe environment, creating, 79 –81, 82–86, 93, 98 and craf ting questions, 131, 140 and meaningful dialogue, 108 –111 257 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 258 Index Sales greatness, formula, Sales models, traditional, qualifying questions, 125 Scr ipts See Stor y Secretar ies, 82 Secret needs, 136 –137 Self-esteem, 202– 203 Selling, def inition, –13, 147 Sensor y tr ial close, 183 –186 Shaw, George Bernard, 43 SimplyHired website, 228 Smith & Nephew, 133 –134, 242– 243 Sokolosky, Valer ie, 6, 81–82, 117–118, 189 Busine ss Casual, Clar if y Please, 118 Southwest Airlines, 153 Speaking engagements, 238 – 239 Special-deal close, 171 SPIN Selling, Spoke, 33 Standing-room-only close, 171 Stated needs, 136 –137 Sterling Edge, 180 Stimulus-response close, 171 Stor y: and asking questions, 164 –165 components, of ef fective, 151–153, 158 –163 and customer wants, 163 –166 logic and emotion in, 151, 160 –163, 165–166 and relationship building, 167 scr ipts, traditional, 151 and unassailable positioning, 163 –164 Strategic Selling, Success stor y close, 171 T Teaching, 10 –11, 134 –136, 137, 147, 205– 207 T hink and Grow Rich ( Hill ), 243 Time magazine, 67 Time management, 241– 243, 244 Tracy, Br ian, 25, 235 Traditional sales models, –9, 15–17, 79 –80, 83, 84 ACR Method, 176, 185 closes, 171, 172–173 258 acu1_z02bindex.qxd 2/12/07 10:00 AM Page 259 Index and communication, 106 –107, 113 qualif ying questions, 125 Turnover close, 171 Twain, Mark, 56 Tylenol scare, 44 U Unassailable positioning: establishing, 153 –154 identif ying, 156 –157 and stor y, 163 –164 Universit y of Virginia ( UVA), 222– 223 Unstated needs, 136 –137 Ur y, William L., G e t t ing Past No, 16 V Valer ie & Company, 6, 81, 117–118 Value, br inging, 39, 40, 86 –90, 154 –156 VMI ( Virginia Militar y Institute), 211, 239 – 240 W Wackel, Tim, 103, 107, 108, 126, 181–183 Wackel Group, 103, 126 Wants: versus needs, 138 –139 and stor y, 163 –166 Weilbaker, Dan, 57, 97–98, 128 –129, 176 –177 Wood, Wally, T he Relat ionship Edge, 197 Word choice, importance of, 61, 109 –111 Wurzburg, Incorporated, 52, 99 –101, 154 Y Y2 Marketing, 85–86 Yim, Anthony, 31–32, 67– 68, 115–117, 205– 207 Z Ziglar, Zig, 235 259 ... Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Acuff, Jerry, 194 9Stop acting like a seller and start thinking like a buyer : improve sales effectiveness by helping customers buy / Jerry Acuff. .. 9:56 AM Page iii Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer Improve Sales Effectiveness by Helping Customers Buy Jerry Acuff with Wally Wood John Wiley & Sons, Inc acu1 _a0 1ffirs.qxd...acu1 _a0 1ffirs.qxd 2/12/07 9:56 AM Page iii Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer Improve Sales Effectiveness by Helping Customers Buy Jerry Acuff with Wally Wood

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2021, 11:28

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Mục lục

    Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer

    Section I: Start with the Right Mind-Set

    Chapter 1: If People Love to Buy, We Should Help Them Buy







    Chapter 2: Eight Laws of Sales Intent


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