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A measurement of effectiveness of giving checking instructions by uils student teachers during their practicum at high school against a set of generated criteria

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER A MEASUREMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF GIVING -CHECKING INSTRUCTIONS BY UILS STUDENT TEACHERS DURING THEIR PRACTICUM AT HIGH SCHOOL AGAINST A SET OF GENERATED CRITERIA: A QUALITATIVE OBSERVATION OF FIVE CASE STUDIES Supervisor: NGUYỄN CHÍ ĐỨC, M.A Student: NGUYỄN HẰNG NGA Year of enrolment: QH2009.F1.E5 Ha Noi, May 2013 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP TÊN ĐỀ TÀI NGHIỂN CỨU VỀ LỜI HƯỚNG DẪ N CỦA SINH VIÊN THỰC TẬP TRONG KÌ THỰC TẬP TẠI TRƯỜNG PHỔ THƠNG DỰA TRÊN MỘT HỆ THỐNG TIÊU CHÍ ĐÁNH GIÁ Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Th.s Nguyễn Chí Đức Sinh viên: Nguyễn Hằng Nga Khoá: QH2009.F1.E5 HÀ NỘI – NĂM 2013 ACCEPTANCE I hereby state that I: Nguyen Hang Nga from QH2009.F1.E5, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL), accept the requirements of the college retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation paper deposited in the library In terms of the conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Hanoi, May 29th 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS On the completion of this paper, I would like to express my deep gratitude to many people First and foremost, I would like to shoe my special thanks to my supervisor, Mr Nguyen Chi Duc, for his enthusiastic guidance, valuable comments as well as encouragement, without which my scientific research would not have been accomplished Secondly, my sincere thanks are also for three supervising teaches and the students from four classes at Vietduc High School who enthusiastically participated in the research Furthermore, it would be a serious shortcoming if I forget to thank ULIS student teaches who had the practicum at Vietduc High School for their participation in the observations Last but not least, I would like to send my warm thanks to my family, my old teachers, my friends and my classmates who have given me great encouragement which helps me overcome the difficulties during the process of doing research i ABSTRACT Giving- checking instruction skills was concerned not only by teachers but also by many researchers However, few studies investigate the effectiveness of giving and checking skills and construct a set of criteria for effective instructions With the deep concerns about this situation, the researcher carried out the study titled “ A measurement of effectiveness of giving- checking instructions by ULIS student teachers during their practicum at high school against a set of generated criteria: a qualitative observation of five case studies” The aims of the research were to construct a set of criteria for giving effective instructions, then to use the criteria for investigating the effectiveness of giving instructions, to make comparisons and contrasts between the successful and less successful student teachers and then to form implications for related pedagogy The instruments adopted were observations as main instrument to measure the effectiveness of giving instructions and self- reflections for reflecting the effectiveness of checking instructions The study yielded significant findings in response to the effectiveness of giving instructions by five cases according to four components of instructions: the content, the organization, the language use and the facilitating techniques To be more specific, four out of five cases made the successful performance in giving- checking instructions With regard to the differences between two groups of student teachers, the successful ones frequently employed adequate information, separate the long instructions into smaller ones, use simple verbs, combine both first and second language and utilize more facilitating techniques in giving- checking instructions rather than the less successful ones did Based on those findings, the implications were made for current and future student teachers or any researchers who take interest in the same field ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study………………………………………………… Research purpose ………………………………………………… Methods ……………………………………………………………… Significance of the study……………………………………………… Structure of the study………………………………………………… PART II- DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1- Literature Review 1.1 Key concepts………………………………………………………… 1.1.1 Teaching practicum…………………………………………… 1.1.2 Instructions and giving- checking instructions ……………… 1.1.3 Criteria for effective instructions……………………………… 1.2 Related studies………………………………………………………… 1.2.1 In the world …………………………………………………… 1.2.2 In Vietnam……………………………………………………… 10 Chapter 2- Methodology 12 2.1 Setting of the study…………………………………………………… 12 2.2 Participants…………………………………………………………… 12 2.3 Other participants……………………………………………………… 14 2.3.1 Pupils from high schools……………………………………… 14 2.3.2 The supervising teachers from high schools…………………… 15 2.4 Data collection instruments…………………………………… 2.4.1 Observation………………………………………………… Justification for the use of observation…………… 15 15 15 Observation scheme……………………………… 16 Observation procedure…………………………… 17 iii Inter- rater reliability check………………………… 18 2.4.2 Interview …………………………………………………… 18 2.5 Data analysis …………………………………………………………… 19 2.6 Limitations of the methods…………………………………………… 19 Chapter 3- Findings and Discussion 20 3.1 Checking inter-rater reliability………………………………………… 20 3.2 Quantitative findings…………………………………………………… 20 3.3 Qualitative findings…………………………………………………… 22 3.3.1 The content………………………………………………… 22 3.3.2 The organization of the instructions………………………… 24 3.3.3 Language of instruction…………………………………… 25 3.3.4 The use of facilitating techniques ………………………… 28 Checking instructions………………………………………………… 29 PART III- CONCLUSION 31 3.4 Summary of finding……………………………………………………… 31 Limitations………………………………………………………………… 32 Suggestions for further study……………………………………………… 32 References…………………………………………………………………… 34 Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………… 36 Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………… 41 Appendix 3…………………………………………………………………… 46 Appendix 4…………………………………………………………………… 51 Appendix 5…………………………………………………………………… 52 Appendix 6…………………………………………………………………… 54 iv LIST OF TABLES Tables Page Table Criteria for giving effective instructions Table The information of give cases 13 Table The information of pupils 14 Table The results from the observations judged by three observers 20 Table The effectiveness of giving instructions iii 20- 21 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VNU: Vietnam National University ULIS: University of Languages and International Studies FELTE: Faculty of English Language Teacher Education ELT: English Language Teaching ELT 2: ESL/ EFL classroom techniques and practices ELT 4: Pedagogical techniques EFL: English as Foreign Language L1: First Language L2: Second Language iv PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study Many researchers made their suggestions or techniques on effective instructions (Walker and Walker, 1991, as cited in Wright, 2005; Cotton, 1995; Harmer 1995 & 1998, Ur, 1996; Ur, 1996; Gerhard, 1996, as cited in Boom, 2003; Buchanan and Huczynski, 1997, as cited in Boon, 2003; Nguyen et al., 2003, cited in To et al., 2011; Harmer, 1998; Holmes (as cited in Susana, 2002); Boon, 2003; Scrivener, 2005; Brashaw(n.d.) ) However, few studies integrated those suggestions and techniques into a set of criteria to investigate the effectiveness of giving and checking instructions Other researchers carried out studies in giving- checking instrument skills They mainly focused on finding the problems and the solutions to those problems (Susana, 2002; Vo, 2009; Nguyen, 2010; Dinh, 2011; Hoang, 2012) without measuring the effectiveness of giving- checking instructions In addition, none of the studies discussed the differences in giving- checking instructions between the successful performers and less successful ones Last but not least, the collected data of the previous studies were not checked for the inter- rater reliability Instead, they mainly came from the subjective judgments of the researchers Those concerns have led to the constitution of this study: A measurement of effectiveness of giving- checking instructions by ULIS student teachers during their practicum at high school against a set of generated criteria: a qualitative observation of five case studies Research aims This study aims to achieve four aims follows To construct a set of criteria to judge the effectiveness of giving- checking instructions To investigate the effectiveness of giving- checking instructions against a generated set of criteria in five case studies Appendix Classroom observation form - For the supervising teachers- Em Nguyễn Hằng Nga, sinh viên lớp 09e5 trường Đại học Ngoại Ngữ, ĐH Quốc Gia Hà Nội Em làm nghiên cứu đánh giá tính hiệu lời hướng dẫn hoạt động giáo viên thực tập trong đợt thực tập trường phổ thơng Vì vậy, em mong nhận giúp đỡ cô giúp em điền vào đánh giá để giúp kết nghiên cứu em khách quan Em xin chân thành cảm ơn! Classroom observed: Observer: Instructor: Date and time: Content (nội dung lời hướng dẫn) Đánh dấu tích √ vào c ột có(2) khơng(3) nội dung lời hướng dẫn có chứa khơng chứa thơng tin cột Nếu có, đánh giá thang điểm phù hợp: 1: hồn tồn khơng hiệu quả(totally ineffective) 2: khơng hiệu quả(slightly effective) 3: hiệu quả(effective) 4: hiệu quả(extremely effective) Nội dung lời hướng dẫn Có Khơng Thang điểm Ghi (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) What to do?(làm gì) How to do?(làm nào) 41 41 How long to do?(làm thời gian bao lâu) With whom to do?(làm với ai) How to present the outcome?(trình bày kết sao) How the outcome is assessed?(đánh giá kết nào) Organization(cấu trúc lời hướng dẫn) Lời hướng dẫn có chia thành bước nhỏ khơng? Có Khơng Hãy đánh giá cấu trúc lời hướng dẫn cách đánh dấu tích vào bảng sau: 1: hồn tồn khơng hiệu quả(totally ineffective) 2: khơng hiệu quả(slightly effective) 3: hiệu quả(effective) 4: hiệu quả(extremely effective) Tiêu chí Thang điểm Thứ tự bước hợp lý,logic(logical sequences) Sử dụng công cụ kết nối(cohesive devices) 42 42 Ghi Others:…………………… Comment: Lời hướng dẫn có thực cần thiết chia thành bước nhỏ không? (Are smaller steps necessary?) …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Language(ngôn ngữ sử dụng để đưa lời hướng dẫn) Lời hướng dẫn sử dụng ngôn ngữ mẹ để hay tiếng anh? Ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ Tiếng anh Nếu sử dụng tiếng anh, đánh dấu tích vào bảng sau: 1: hồn tồn khơng hiệu quả(totally ineffective) 2: khơng hiệu quả(slightly effective) 3: hiệu quả(effective) 4: hiệu quả(extremely effective) Tiêu chí Thang điểm Đơn giản(simple) Ghi Động từ đơn giản( simple verbs) Cấu trúc đơn giản(simple structures) Có thể nhận sounds thấy(perceptible) speed Comment : Việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ thứ hai có thật cần thiết việc đưa lời hướng dẫn không? 43 43 (Is using second language for giving instructions necessary? ) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Facilitating techniques(phương pháp hỗ trợ việc đưa lời hướng dẫn) Giáo viên thực tập có sử dụng phương pháp hỗ trợ việc đưa lời hướng dẫn khơng? Có Khơng Nếu có sử dụng, đánh dấu tích vào bảng sau 1: hồn tồn khơng hiệu quả(totally ineffective) 2: khơng hiệu quả(slightly effective) 3: hiệu quả(effective) 4: hiệu quả(extremely effective) Phương pháp cần Thang điểm Có thiết sử dụng phương pháp khơng?(C/ K) 44 44 Ghi Ví dụ minh họa(examples) Giải thích(explanation) Đưa tình hu ống(situation) Làm mẫu(demo) Ngôn ngữ thể (body language) Vật thể trực quan(realia) Tranh ảnh(pictures) Others:………………………… Comment: Việc sử dụng cơng cụ hỗ trợ có thực cần thiết không? (Is using facilitating techniques necessary?) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Em xin chân thành cảm ơn giúp đỡ cô ạ! 45 45 Appendix Transcripts of instructions given by five cases ST1 First, I have a small game for you I will divide the whole class into two groups Here, four musical notes You choose one of musical notes and answer the question and you will get one point Now, group Can you choose one of the musical notes Your group will answer this question Your answer is… Group two [Teacher shows a profile outline] Can you repeat how to write a prolife for the whole class? Here some new words for you Hey class Listen and repeat after me I have an example for this word Can you read the example and guess the meaning of the words Xem từ nhắc lại listen and repeat Now, write the words into the notebook After you write the new words Now I would like you to open your book p 156 Mời HIếu đọc cho cô yêu cầu Hêy class are you clear? Giang B can you repeat the task? Nói tiếng việt you work in groups of six You have one minute to work in groups Are you ready? Let’s start Other groups? Have you finished Now I would like you to activity on page 156 You will have to write a paragraph of Trinh Cong Son individually You have 10 minutes to write this paragraph Are you clear? Các bạn ý, viết Trịnh Công Sơn, tránh dùng ST2 Các em mở sách trang 169 Look at some pictures Can you guess who are they? 46 46 Can you guess the topic today? Anyone can stand up and say one playwright and actor you know? Can you say something about them? Do you know when they were born? Now we learn some vocabulary Các bạn chép từ nhé! Bây mở sách trang 170 and tell me what you have to in task A? tell me the requirement of task A So now, I divide into groups: group 1, 2, 3[Teacher points and locates at three groups] Discuss yourr answers in groups After 10 minutes, I will call someone to write answer on the board ST3 The whole class, you want to play a game? The game named crossword … The whole class, anyone can read aloud the whole instruction for me? rules on the screen Today, we learn unit 13, theater and movies Do you know Forrest Gump? Let’s see the trailer of the movie [Teacher turns on video] Now I introduce some new words related to the movies [Teacher shows new words] you write down new words on your note book… The whole class have you finish writing? Now, listen to the recording of pronunciation of words![Teacher turns on the pronunciation of new words] Now I call someone to repeat the words Thuy Duong, Phuong Thao repeat the new words for me The whole class, repeat the new words This side repeats the words, and this sides Now, open your book page 174 After y read the passage, you fill in the blanks with information in passage … And now we check together Chung, can you come here and check the answer 47 47 Here the outline of movie description Teacher calls one student to read aloud and asks student to write outline on notebook I would like you to invite you to see a movie Rain man [Teacher asks students to work in group]: Now you work in three groups Group one write the background of the movie Group two write story summary of the movie and group three write significance of the movie.[Teacher dilivers A0 paper to student and give instructions] [Teacher checks answers of two groups] ST We learn listening skill first oke I want you to play a game Now, I will present the rule of the game The name of the game is Musical notes Teacher calls one S to tell the name of the game ask the Vietnamese meaning of the game What does this mean? And I will divide you into three groups: , and G will be a judge, G2 and will be players Oke? And your duty is group and will go to the board write Vietnamese and foreign musicians For ex, if you write one musician in English, you get one more point Are you clear? Minh Anh can you translate the rule of game in Vietnamese? Cả lớp hiểu chưa nhỉ? Các em nhóm việt tên nhạc sĩ tiếng Anh tiếng Việt oke! Now! Let’s start Now, could you tell me the name of musician letters Tên nhạc sĩ có ch ữ Yes, Văn Cao Do you know some songs of him? Can you translate Tien Quan ca in English for me? Now, I would like to check your vocabulary in previous lessons in Part A reading? By jumbled words You know? What does this mean? Những từ đư ợc xếp lộn xộn em xếp lại Now open your book p , look at, listen and repeat Any new words you don’t know We task in textbook Có phút đọc nội dung task one, sau nghe Now the whole class, are you ready for lesson? Now, let’s start 48 48 Now, you want to listen again? Do you know the name of the character here? Now làm task Các bạn trả lời xem đồng ý ý kiến bạn Kiên Oke Do you understand? ST5 Now, I will count from one to five People of the same number are in the same group Cơ đếm,bạn số vào nhóm One, two, three, four five Long: which is your number? … [Teacher continues counting and asks student their numbers in Vietnamese] Now,các bạn số vào nhóm Nhóm ngồi đây, nhóm 2, nhóm Nhóm nhóm ngồi đây[Teacher points at the position of each group] Nhiệm vụ tìm theo nhóm in groups and then write Cả lớp ý lên bảng nhiệm vụ bạn làm nhỉ? Nhóm xong lên bảng viết So the whole class, look at the board and let’s check together [Teacher checks answers] So, the winner is group Now it is time for you to practice making the dialogue I would like to call some of you to stand up and make these dialogue Huy, nhắc lại lời nói nào, tiếng VIệt Bây làm theo pairs , cặp đọc đoạn hội thoại sách [Gọi hs read aloud the passage] Can you read louder? Sơn, translate into Vietnamese Các ý lên đoạn hội thoại now I give you handouts with useful language for expressing agreement and disagreement Các nhìn handouts: bên trái: agreement; bên phải: disagreement Đây ngôn ngữ diễn tả đồng ý như: That is how I feel Making suggestions 49 49 Bây cô muốn con làm đoạn hội thoại ngắn sử dụng useful Language Các y lến bảng Cô bôi đen thông tin:Let’s going camping thay b ằng Let’s that/ why don’t we go camping Let’s that thay kết hợp với reasons for agreeing Now, practice in pairs making a passage using the suggestion in textbook and handouts Bây làm việc theo cặp, lập đoạn hội thoại ngắn sử dụng gợi ý sgk handouts Bây nhiệm vụ nhỉ? Teacher calls some student to answer T’s questions Những thông tin cô bôi đen gi ống đoạn hội thoại trước Let’s that thay Trong sách có reasons for agreeing and disagreeing Chúng ta du l ịch Chúng ta ghi lí breathtaking scenery Now, practice Các xem đoạn hội thoại mẫu handouts Now I would like some of you to practice Teacher calls some ss Stand up please Make a dialogue Oke class, pay attention to Nam and Long Làm đoạn hội thoại Các ý cô gọi xem bạn nói Oke class Now I want you to report discussion about the reason for your agreement and disagreement and final decision Các đưa lí khơng định cuối có khơng Các tiếp tục làm theo nhóm Nào mời bạn lên trình bày The reason why you go camping? Agree and disagree 50 50 APPENDIX INVITATION LETTER FOR STUDENT PARTICIPATION THƯ MỜI THAM GIA NGHIÊN CỨU Thân chào em……… Chị Hằng Nga, chị viết thư để nhờ riêng em việc Chị muốn tìm hiểu lời hướng dẫn giáo viên thực tập học tiếng anh Đồng ý tham gia có nghĩa em giúp chị làm việc này: Ghi lại trình, nội dung lời hướng dẫn hay cảm nghĩ, nhận định lời hướng dẫn hay điểm em thích thú tiết học tiếng anh em lời hướng dẫn cô giáo thực tập dạy tiếng anh em lớp sau học Em đảm bảo quyền lợi sau đây: Được cung cấp giấy bút để ghi cảm nhận, đồng thời em viết khơng bị tiết lộ ngoài, sử dụng làm liệu nghiên cứu tên giả nhà nghiên cứu tự đặt Chị đảm bảo việc không gảnh hưởng đến học tập lớp em mối quan hệ em với cô giáo thực tập Chị mong nhận hợp tác em nghiên cứu Phiền em trả lời thư chị cho biết tham gia vào nghiên cứu không Cảm ơn em tham gia nghiên c ứu này! 51 51 APPENDIX Consent Form Title of the Project: A measurement of effectiveness of giving- checking instructions by ULIS student teachers during their practicum at high school against a set of generated criteria: a qualitative observation of five case studies You have been invited to participate in a project about effectiveness of givingchecking instructions by ULIS student teachers during their practicum at high school This project is conducted as the graduation paper of the researcher If you agree to participate, the researcher will schedule an observation at a time convenient for you In addition to the results from the observations, I also would like to report your comments There are no anticipated risks associated with participating in this project At the end of this project, I will offer to share materials arising from this, if you choose Your participation in the project is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time You also may refuse to answer specific questions for any reason I am happy to answer any questions you may have You may reach the researcher at 01649613989 or by email at nguyenhangnga49@gmail.com Please indicate your willingness to participate by completing and signing the information below Once you have done so, please keep one copy of the letter and return a signed copy to me at your earliest convenience Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Nguyen Hang Nga 52 52 I have read the above and agree to participate in the observation Agree _ Do not agree _ I give you permission to report my comments in your research Agree Printed Name _ Do not agree _ Signature Date 53 53 Appendix Two students’ self- reflections Self- reflection 1(one student from C1) Self- reflection on the task (one student from C4) 54 54 55 ... checking instructions by ULIS student teachers during their practicum at high school against a set of generated criteria: a qualitative observation of five case studies Research aims This study aims... high school against a set of generated criteria: a qualitative observation of five case studies” The aims of the research were to construct a set of criteria for giving effective instructions, ... support of videos The data from observations is used to achieve three goals as follows Goal 2: To investigate the effectiveness of giving- checking instructions against a generated set of criteria

Ngày đăng: 20/03/2021, 19:31

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