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English in medicine for 4 year students of medicine

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page Preface Unit : The human body Unit 2: Blood 11 Unit 3: The Skeleton 16 Unit 4: The Eye 23 Unit 5: The Gastrointestinal system 27 Unit 6: The Heart and Circulation 35 Unit 7: The Nervous system 41 Unit 8: The Respiratory system 48 Unit 9: The Urinary system 55 Unit 10: The Skin 61 Unit 11: The Reproductive Organs 66 Unit12: Taking a History 74 Unit13: Examining a Patient 81 Unit 14: Explaining Diagnosis 87 Unit 15: Discussing Treatment 90 New words 97 Appendix 107 Appendix 119 Appendix 120 Appendix 121 References 122 Preface In any professional activities of communication, English use brings about typical features Therefore, speaking English fluently, for example, cannot ensure that one uses it effectively at work Similarly, doctors and students of medicine, and people in health care services face up the problems of using English at work even when they are able to it in everyday life situations That is the reason why a course of medical English is so necessary This course book is compiled for a 3-credit medical English course Medical English is used by 4-years students of medicine who have had experiences of working in health care centers for some years This material outlines all the nescessary medical terms and concepts dealing with all the doctors‘ professional activities at work, and with which the students are supposed to be very familiar Through 15 units and appendixes, the 4-yearmedical students will have chances to improve their English concerning anatomical issues, diseases, and doctor-patient communication skills The prerequisite is that the students have completed genenal English courses, labeled English and English Once they have finished the two general English courses, they are equiped with basic grammar and vocabulary, as well as language skills that are vital for them to be able to go on in this course That is because Medical English will focus on only medical terms and situations of communications used by doctors; there is not much time for language issues emerged in each units From unit to 11 the main systems, senses, and organs of the human body, such as gastro-intestinal system, cardiovascular system, and the eye, are the focus The reading at the beginning of each unit gives the learners an overview of what will be discussed, and is to attract their attention as well when it provide so much interesting anatomical information On the completion of the reading, the learners have certain exercises to enhance the vocabulary they have come across in the texts The last four units are to present important areas of communication in seeing the patients Medical students will find it really useful and practical to practice the communication skills that are so familiar to them Taking a history is a typical example In this unit, vocabulary and structures are given sufficiently so that our future doctors can be confident to interview their foreign patients in English Last but not least to be mentioned here is the appendixes where full of common used abbriviations are given, lots of important instructions are shown, and a number of significant medical terms are explained, which will certainly make you enjoy the Medical English course The last thing to be mentioned here is that this is the first edition of this course book, which means mistakes are unavoidable, and we would appreciate any comments in order to make better editions in the future UNIT 1: THE HUMAN BODY Learning objectives: After study of this unit, students should be able to: List all words of body parts Thoroughly grasp the roots/suffixes/prefixes referring body parts Apply anatomical terms in reading and studying medical materials A READING: Most external parts of the body have ordinary English names as well as anatomical names Doctors normally use the English names, even when talking to each other There are a few exceptions where doctors use the anatomical name; these are shown in parentheses Figure 1 Common terms for body regions, anterior view Anatomical terms for regions are in parentheses Figure Common terms for body regions, posterior view Everyone is interested in the human body, what happens when it is affected by disease and how to stay healthy Articles on health and medicine appear daily in newspapers and magazines Ordinary people who are not specially trained in sccience are frequently asked to make decisions on scientific matters which affect society The scientific terms for the study of body structure is anatomy Part of this word means to ―cut‖ because early anatomists dissected (cut) the human body to learn about its structure The practice of any health care professional requires basic understanding of anatomy and most anatomic data is obtained through the use of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, rather than through experimental studies Physiology is the study of how body parts function, including their chemical and physical processes Anatomy and physiology are closely related Anything that disturbs the normal working of the body is considered a disease and is studied as the science of pathology All living things are organised from very simple levels to more complex levels Living matters begins with simple chemicals which are formed into the complex substances that make living cells, which are the basic units of life Groups of specialised cells form tissues and different tissues function together to form organs Various organs function together to make up the systems of the human body READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions: What is the medical term for the study of body structure? How doctors get most anatomic data nowadays? What is the medical term for the study of how body parts function? What is the basic living unit? What is a system made up of? B Word Parts Pertaining to Body Structure ROOT Cephal/o Cervic/o Thorac/o Abdomin/o MEANING EXAMPLE DEFINITION OF EXAMPLE head microcephaly abnormal smalless of the head neck cervicofacial aertaining to the neck and face chest, thorax extrathoracic outside the thorax abdomen intra-abdominal within the abdomen abdominal wall laparoscope instrument for viewing the peritoneal cavity through the abdominal wall lumbar region thoracolumbar pertaining to the chest and lumber region Lapar/o Lumb/o C REFERRING TO PARTS OF THE BODY When patients talk about their problem they often refer to a part of the body: I’m having trouble with my hip shoulder knee The doctor often needs to ask about a part of the body: the Do you get any pain in chest stomach your back D DESCRIBING RADIATION OF PAIN A patient is telling the doctor about his back pain and the parts of the body it radiates to It starts in the back Then it seems to go into the right buttock and down the back of the right thigh to the knee E To express a pain or ache in a part of the body, we use the expression: chest There’s back a pain in my knee I have got head The word ache can combine with the words showing parts of the body: Examples: toothache headache backache stomachache I have a headache I have a stomachache * “Hurt” and “ache” are verbs We use them like this: My foot hurts I’m aching all over * “Sore” and “painful” are adjectives We can say: My foot is sore or I have a sore foot I have got a sore throat My back is so painful that I can’t stand upright any more Exercise 1: Can you name the parts of the human body? (using ordinary English words) …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… 10 …………………… 11 ………………… 12 …………………… 13 …………………… 14 …………………… 15 …………………… 16 …………………… 17 …………………… 18 …………………… 19 …………………… 20 …………………… 21 …………………… Exercise 2:Can you name the parts of the face? (using ordinary English words) …………………… Exercise 3: Can you name the parts of the head? (using ordinary English words) ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… …………………… ……………………… …………………… ……………………… Exercise 4:Write the ordinary English words for the corresponding anatomical terms in the table using your medical knowledge Look at Figure and Figure to help you Anatomical term Common word Thorax Axilla Ambillicus Coxa Femur Mamma Gluteus Planta Phalange Occiput Exercise 5:Write the adjective that fits each of the following definitions The correct suffix is given in parentheses Pertaining to (-ic) the head cephalic Pertaining to (-ic) the chest _ Pertaining to (-al) the neck _ Pertaining to (-ar) the lower back _ Pertaining to (-al) the abdomen _ Exercise 6:Complete the sentences using ordinary English words Look at A and C opposite to help you A male patient is describing angina pectoris: It’s like a tightness across my (1) , and it goes up (2) my(3) and into my left (4) and (5) the left (6) A male patient is describing renal colic: It starts (1) the loin and goes into the (2) and (3) into the testicle FURTHER READING A healthy body not only looks good on the outside but also maintains the internal organs in good condition A healthy body inside is as important as someone‘s appearance The body consists of major internal organs, muscles, and bones, which all have various functions Let‘s start from the top Inside the head, protected by the skull, is the brain Perhaps the most important organ in the body, the brain controls the main functions in the body Moving down the chest area, there are lungs and heart They are protected by ribcage The lungs regulate breathing by exchanging CO2 with oxygen and the heart pumps blood to all parts of the body A little further down, there is stomach, which, with its excretions and enzimes, digests the food people eat by breaking down nutrients and turning them into fuel and energy for the body to use Digestion continues in the small and large intestines, where nutrients are absorbed The kidney and liver have the important function of eliminating waste; too much alcohol consumption will waken the liver Of course, the bones and muscles, which support the body, are also important for people health Good nutrition and exercise help maintain people‘s health and keep their bodies fit Reading comprehension If you have this condition, your blood is not pumped properly to the rest of the body because your blood vessels are clogged Organ: name of condition: _ If the air is polluted or if you are allergic to certain pollens, you have difficulty breathing Organ: name of condition: _ When you eat, you have difficulty digesting and feel pain Organ: name of condition: _ 10 109 Appendix Symptoms and pain 110 Appendix Verbs used in instructions 111 Appendix Lay terms and definitions 112 NEW WORDS Unit armpit axillary breast buttock cervicofacial cranial cranium ['ɑ:mpit] [æk'siləri] [brest] ['bʌtək] ['kreinjəl] ['kreinjəm] n adj n n adj adj n nách (thuộc) nách vú mơng đít (thuộc) cổ-mặt (thuộc) sọ sọ crown facidal forehead groin intra-abdominal kneecap laparoscope lumbar mammary [kraun] n ['fei∫əl] adj ['fɔ:rid, 'fɔ:hed] [grɔin] ['ni:kæp] ['læpərou,skoup] ['lʌmbə] ['mæməri] đỉnh đầu (thuộc) mặt n trán n háng adj ổ bụng n xương bánh chè n dụng cụ để soi bụng adj (thuộc) thắt lưng adj (thuộc) vú ocular patellar phalangeal pubis stomachache tarsal ['ɒkjʊlə(r)] [pə'telə] [fæ'lændʒiəl] ['pju:bis] ['stʌmək'eik] ['tɑ:sl] adj adj adj n n adj (thuộc) mắt/thị giác (thuộc) xương bánh chè (thuộc) đốt ngón tay/chân xương mu đau bụng, đau dày (thuộc) xương cổ chân Unit anal ['einəl] adj (gi i ph u) (thuộc) h u môn blood bleed cell component erythrocyte factor function hemostasis investigate [blʌd] [bli:d] [sel] [kəm'pounənt] n [i 'riθrəsɒit] ['fæktə] ['fʌηk∫n] [,hi:mou'steisis] [in'vestigeit] n máu v ch y máu, máu n tế bào thành phần n hồng cầu n nhân tố n chức n cầm máu v xét nghiệm investigation leukocyte morbidity nourishment pandemic [in,vesti'gei∫n] n ['lju:kəsait] [mɔ:'biditis] ['nʌri∫mənt] pæn'demik] việc xét nghiệm n bạch cầu n ho nh h nh c a bệnh t t n chất dinh dưỡng n đại dịch 113 phagocytosis plasma platelet pregnancy pregnant substance tissue vessel Unit appendicular appendiculum arthistis arthralgia arthritic bone inflammation joint adj (thuộc) đại dịch; có tính chất đại dịch ( ['fægəsaitousis] ['plæzmə] [pleitlit] ['pregnənsi] ['pregnənt] ['sʌbstəns] ['ti∫u:] ['vesl] n n n n adj n n n thực bào huyết tương tiểu huyết cầu c thai, c mang, c ch a c thai chất mô ống, mạch [æpen'dikjuləm] [ɑ:'θraitis] [ɑ:θraldʒə] [ɑ:'θritik ] [boun] [,inflə'mei∫n] [dʒɔint] adj n n n adj n n n (thuộc) phần phụ nhỏ phần phụ nhỏ chứng vi m kh p bệnh đau kh p (thuộc) chứng vi m kh p xương chứng sưng, chứng vi m kh p mandible muscular muscle neuromyelitis organ osteoarthritis pelvimetry protect ['mændibl] ['mʌskjulə] ['mʌsl] protection rib skeleton skull spondylolysis sternum stiffness synovial system [prə'tek∫n] [rib] ['skelitn] [skʌl] vertebra vertebral Unit blind spot cornea n ['ɔ:gən] [,ɔstiouə:'θraitis] [prə'tekt] n hàm adj (thuộc) bắp thịt, n viêm dây thần kinh t y sống n ph n, quan n bệnh vi m kh p xương m n tính n đo khung ch u v b o vệ ['stə:nəm] ['stifnis] [si'nouviəl] ['sistəm] n n n n n n n adj n b o vệ xương sườn xương sọ tiêu h y đốt sống xương ức tính chất cứng, tính chất khơng lỏng (thuộc) hoạt dịch hệ thống ['və:tibrə] ['və:tibrəl] n adj xương sống, cột sống (thuộc) đốt sống ['kɔ:niə] n n điểm mù giác mạc 114 eyebrow n lông mày [lenz] [len'tikjulə] ['mækjulə] n n adj n n n adj adj lơng mi mí mắt li n quan đến mống mắt-đồng t mống mắt, trịng đen ghép/tạo hình giác mạc th y tinh thể (thuộc) th y tinh thể (thuộc) điểm đen [,ɔkjulou'neizəl] [,ɔfθæl'mɔlədʒist] [,ɔfθæl'mɔlədʒi] [ɔp'tɔmitə] ['pju:pl] ['retinə] ['retinl] adj [,reti'nɔpəθi] ['sklərə] adj (thuộc) mắt-mũi n bác sĩ khoa mắt n khoa mắt n máy đo thị lực n đồng t n võng mạc (thuộc) võng mạc n bệnh võng mạc n màng cứng uveitis vision ['viʒn] n n Unit anus anterior portion cavity cholera circulate ['einəs] n [æn'tiəriə'pɔ:∫n] ['kæviti] ['kɔlərə] ['sə:kjuleit] h u mơn, lỗ đít n phần trư c n khoang n bệnh dịch t , bệnh t v lưu thông circulation colostomy digest digested digestion digestive dysentery gastroenterology gastrointestinal [,sə:kju'lei∫n] [kə'ləstəmi] [daɪ'ʤest] [di'dʒestid] [di'dʒest∫n] [di'dʒestiv] ['disntri] n n v adj n adj n n adj lưu thông ph u thu t làm h u môn gi tiêu hóa tiêu hóa tiêu hóa tiêu hóa bệnh l khoa học dày (thuộc) dày, ruột gum intestine large intestine macerate mastication [gʌm] [in'testin] n n n v n nư u răng, lợi (gi i ph u) ruột ruột gi thấm t, làm cho kiệt quệ nhai eyelash eyelid iridopupilary iris keratoplasty lens lenticular macula oculonasal ophthalmologist ophthalmology optometer pupil retina retinal retinopathy sclera ['aibrau] ['ailid] ['aiəris] [,gæstrouin'testinəl] ['mæsǝreɪt] [mæstɪ'keɪʃn] viêm màng bồ đ o thị lực 115 molecule ['mɔlikju:l] n muscular palate posterior portion peristalsis peristaltic pharyngitis pulverize purification ['mʌskjǝlǝ] ['pælət] [pɔ'stəriə(r)'pɔ:∫n] [,peri'stælsis] [,peri'stæltik] [,færin'dʒaitis] n ['pʌlvǝraɪz] [,pjuərifi'kei∫n] adj (thuộc) bắp thịt, (thuộc) n vòm miệng, hàm ếch n phần sau n nhu động adj nhu động viêm họng v phá h y, tán, nghiền n l m sạch, lọc trong, tinh chế small intestine stomach substance swallow tastebud tongue tonsil tract transanal vocalization ['stʌmək] ['sʌbstəns] ['swɔlou] [tʌη] ['tɔnsl] [trækt] [,voukəlai'zei∫n] Unit artery ['ɑ:təri] n atherosclerosis [,æθirousklə'rousis] atrium ['eitriəm] bradycardia cardiovascular system chamber ['t∫eimbə] circuit cyanosis defibrillation deliver disorder endocardium epicardium fibrous sac heart adj n n v n n n n (adj) ruột non dày danh t loại v t chất n o đ ; chất nuốt nụ vị giác lưỡi amiđan ống qua h u môn n phát âm động mạch n chứng xơ vữa động mạch n tâm nhĩ n nhịp tim ch m n hệ tim mạch n khoang ['sə:kit] [,saiə'nousis] [di:fɪbrɪ'leɪʃn] [di'livə] [dis'ɔ:də] [,endoukɑ:'diəm] n n n v n n n [hɑ:t] n hypertension [,haipə:'ten∫n] hypertensive [,haipə:'tensiv] adj incision [ɪn'sɪʒn] interatrial septum interventricular septum phân t mạch chứng xanh tím kh rung tim phân phát khó ở, rối loạn màng tim màng tim túi sợi tim n chứng tăng huyết áp (thuộc) chứng tăng huyết áp n vết rạch, đường rạch vách ngăn tâm nhĩ vách ngăn tâm thất 116 ischemia [is'ki:miə] n lung myocardium oxygenate palpitations pericardium pulmonary septum tachcardia [lʌη] [,maioukɑ:diəm] ['ɒksɪʤǝneɪt] [pælpɪ'teɪʃnz] [,peri'kɑ:diəm] n ['pʌlmǝnǝri] ['septəm] [,tæki'kɑ:diə] n phổi n tim v Oxy hóa n đ p nhanh, đánh trống ngực màng ngồi tim adj (thuộc) phổi, có liên hệ v i phổi n vách, vách ngăn n chứng tim đ p nhanh, chứng mạch nhanh vein ventricle [vein] ['ventrikl] n n huyết qu n, tĩnh mạch tâm thất Unit axon ['æɜə(r)] brain [brein] brainstem bundle ['bʌndl] central nervous system (CNS) cerebellum [,seri'beləm] n n n n n n sợi trục (thần kinh) óc, não thân não bó hệ thần kinh trung ương tiểu não cerebral cerebrum cortex dendrite fissure ganglion groove hemisphere ['seribrəl] ['seribrəm] ['kɔ:teks] ['dendrait] ['fi∫ə] ['gæηgliən] [gru:v] ['hemisfiə] n thuộc não n não, óc n vỏ não n hình n khe nứt, rãnh n hạch đường rãnh n bán cầu não interconnect layer lobe longitudinal motor neuron nerve nervous system neuron neurotransmitter [ɪntǝkǝ'nekt] ['leiə] [loub] [lɒŋgɪ'tju:dɪnl] peripheral sensory neuron synapse vertebrate [pǝ'rɪfǝrǝl] n [nə:v] ['njuǝrǝutrænzmɪtǝ] [si'næps] ['vɜ:tɪbrǝt] chứng thiếu máu cục v n n adj n n n n n nối liền v i l p thùy theo chiều dọc tế bào thần kinh v n động dây thần kinh hệ thần kinh tế bào thần kinh chất chuyển hóa thần kinh adj/n n n n (thuộc) ngoại biên tế bào thần kinh c m giác kh p thần kinh c xương sống Unit 117 bronchus ['brɔηkəs] n phế qu n bronchitis cartilage cartilaginous cluster eliminate elimination larynx membrane [brɔη'kaitis] ['kɑ:tilidʒ] [,kɑ:ti'lædʒinəs] ['klʌstǝ] [i'limineit] [i,limi'nei∫n] ['læriηks] ['membrein] n n adj n/v v n n n viêm phế qu n sụn (thuộc) sụn đám, b , cụm loại ra, tiết tiết qu n màng metabolism particle passageway pharynx phrenic pleura pleural pleurodesis respiration [mə'tæbəlizm] ['pɑ:tɪkl] ['pæsɪʤweɪ] ['færiηks] ['frenik] ['pluərə] ['pluərl] [,respə'rei∫n] n n n n adj n adj n n trao đổi chất, chuyển hóa mẩu, m nh nhỏ, phần t hành lang hầu, họng (thuộc) ho nh màng phổi (thuộc) màng phổi th thu t dính màng phổi hơ hấp [[θɔ:'ræsik'kæviti] [trǝ'ki: ǝ] [vai'breit] [vai'brei∫n] ['visərə] n n n n n n hệ hơ hấp khoang ngực khí qu n rung động, chuyển động rung động, chuyển động nội tạng ['kæliks] [kɔmpə'ziʃn] [kən'strikʃn] [ɪk'skri:ʃn] ['fʌŋgəs] (sig.) n n n n n đ i th n thành phần cấu tạo, kết cấu thắt, co khít tiết, th i nấm [glɔ'merjuləs] ['hɔlou] [həʊmiəʊ'steisis] n adj n cuộn tiểu cầu rỗng tính nội cân bằng,sự cân thiên nhiên [in'hibitə] ['aisəleit] ['ligəmənt] ['mærǝu] [metə'bɔlik] n v n n adj chất ức chế cô l p, cách ly, tách dây chằng t y thuộc trao đổi chất/chuyển hóa respiratory system thoracic cavity trachea vibrate vibration viscera visceral pleura Unit calyx composition constriction excretion fungus fungi (pl.) glomerulus hollow homeostasis inhibitor isolate ligament marrow metabolic 118 metabolism [me'tæbəlizm] n trao đổi chất, chuyển hóa pelvic bone potassium purplish reservoir sodium sphincter squeeze sterile ['pelvɪs bǝun] [pə'tæsiəm] ['pɜpli:ʃ] ['rezəvwa:] ['səʊdiəm] ['sfɪŋktǝ] [skwi:z] ['sterail] n n adj n n n v adj xương ch u kali đỏ tía hồ chứa natri thắt, vịng ép, vắt, nén vơ trùng alert ureter urethra [ə'lə:t] [juə'ri:tə] [jʊə'ri:θrə] n n n báo động, báo nguy niệu qu n niệu đạo Unit 10 basal complication cutaneous dehydrate ['beisl] [kɔmpli'keiʃn] [kju:'teinjəs] [di:'haidreit] adj n adj v b n, b n, sở kh khăn, rắc rối, biến chứng (thuộc) da kh nư c, nư c dehydration epidermis epithelial epithelium extensive follicle injury integumentary [di:haɪ'dreɪʃn] [epi'də:mis] [epi'θ:ljəl] [epi'θ:ljəm] [iks'tensiv] ['fɔlikl] ['indʒəri] [integju'mentəri] n n adj n adj n n adj kh nư c biểu bì thuộc biểu mơ biểu mơ rộng l n (có số lượng l n, phạm vi rộng) nang tổn thương (thuộc) da keratin lubricate lymphatic melanin outermost perception suy nghĩ, c m nh n pigment radiation ['kerətin] ['lu:brikeit] [lɪm'fætɪk] [melənin] ['autǝmǝust] [pə'sepʃn] n v adj n adj n chất s ng, ke-ra-tin tra dầu mỡ, bôi trơn bạch huyết hắc tố phía ngồi nh n thức, nh n biết, quan điểm, ['pigmənt] [reidi'eiʃn] n n chất màu, chất nhuộm, sắc tố xạ, tỏa (nhiệt, lượng, ) n tính co d n, tính đ n hồi,kh mau phục hồi để lộ ra, tiết lộ (thuộc) bã nhờn, tiết chất nhờn bã nhờn resilience [ri'ziliəns] reveal sebaceous sebum [ri'vi:l] [si'beiʃəs] [si:bəm] v adj n 119 sensory ['sensəri] adj (thuộc) c m giác/ giác quan sheath strata stratum sudoriferous texture ultraviolet [ʃi:θ] [stra:tə](pl.) ['stra:təm] (sig.) [su:də'rifərəs] ['tekstʃə] [ʌntrə'vaiələt] n n n n n adj bao, vỏ, màng bọc tầng l p tầng l p tuyến mồ hôi v i, kết cấu, bố cục cực tím, t ngoại Unit 11 alkaline [ỉlkəlain] adj kiềm bulbourethral gland contraction Cowper's gland dangle doughnut ejaculatory duct encase endometrium epididymis [bʌlbəjʊə'ri:θrl glænd]n [kən'trækʃn] n ['kaupəz glænd] n ['dæŋgl] v ['dǝunʌt] n [i'dʒækjuleitəri dʌkt] n [in'keis] v [endə'mi:triəm] n [epi'didimis] n tuyến hành niệu qu n co thắt t cung tuyến hành-niệu qu n/ tuyến Cowper lúc lắc, đu đưa hình trịn ống phóng tinh cho vào túi, bao vây màng mào tinh hoàn fallopian tube flagelum graafian follicle interstitial myometrium opaque penis propel [fə'ləupiən tu:b] [flə'dʒeləm] ['gra:fiən 'fɔlik] [ɪntǝ'stɪʃl] [maiəu'metriəm] [ǝu'peɪk] ['pi:ni] [prə'pel] n n n adj n adj n v ống Phalop phần cuối c a râu túi trứng (thuộc) khe, (thuộc) kẽ thành mờ đục, không suốt dương v t đẩy đi, đẩy t i prostaglandin scatter scrotum semen seminal vesicle seminiferous sperm spermatic spew [prɔstə'glændin] ['skætǝ] ['skroutəm] [si:men] ['semənəl 'véikəl] [semi'nifərəs] [spɜ:m] [spə:'mætik] [spju:] n v/n n n n adj n a v tiền liệt tuyến tố (sự) phân tán, tung rắc bìu đái tinh dịch túi/ bao tinh hoàn chứa tinh, sinh tinh, d n tinh tinh dịch thuộc tinh dịch, thuộc túi tinh nôn, làm phun tadpole testicle testis vagina vas deferens [tædpoul] ['testikl] ['testis] [vǝ'ʤaɪnǝ] [vỉs'defərənz] n n n n n nịng nọc tinh hoàn tinh hoàn (gi i ph u) âm đạo ống d n tinh 120 viscous ['viskəs] adj nhầy, nh t [ə'lɜ:ʤɪk] [ɔ:rə] [blə:] [kəm'plaiəns] [di:t ætʃt] [di'vɔ:st] adj n adj n n adj adj dị ứng tượng thoáng qua mờ (trường hợp) bệnh án lòng, ưng thu n tách riêng đ ly dị expectation haloe herbal remedy homeopathic laxative medication mortgage out of work pensioner [ekspek'teɪʃn] ['heilou] ['hɜ:bl 'remədi] [houmjə'pæθik] ['læksətiv] [medi'keiʃn] ['mɔ:gidʒ] n n n adj adj n n ['penʃənə] n mong chờ, tuổi thọ quầng sáng thuốc th o mộc thuộc phép vi lượng đồng nhu n tràng thuốc, dược phẩm văn tự chấp, chấp thất nghiệp người hưởng lương hưu premenstrua present complaint radiate recreation resolution separated spouse take a history [pri:'menstruə] n ['reɪdieɪt] [rekri'eiʃn] [rezə'lu:n] ['seprətid] [spauz] v n n adj n unemployed widow widower [ʌn'implɔid] ['widou] ['widouə] a n n Unit 12 allergic aura blur case history compliance detached divorced Unit 13 bend forward couch cross arms forefinger hack [kautʃ] n ['fɔ:fiŋgə] [hæk] n n Initial [ɪ'nɪʃl] lean backwards lie on one's back lie on one's face/ tummy manner ['mænə] thời kỳ tiền kinh nguyệt khai bệnh tỏa ra, phân tán gi i trí tâm, ti u độc vợ chồng khơng cịn sống v i chồng/ vợ ghi bệnh án thất nghiệp người đ n b g a chồng người góa vợ cúi người xuống ghế d i giường khoanh tay ngón tay trỏ vết tốc adj/n/v ban đầu, lúc đầu ng a người sau/ ưỡn nằm ng a nằm sấp n lối, th i, cách cư x 121 sleeve ống tay áo [sli:v] n slip off Spot straight straighten swab tuck turn [spɒt] [streit] ['streitn] [swɔb] [tʌk] [tə:n] cởi vội áo n/v/adj dấu, đốm adj thẳng v làm cho thẳng v/n miếng gạc, lau v chui v o, rúc v o, đút v o, nhét v o v quay, xoay, vặn Unit 14 angina angiogram angioplasty cerebrovascular diagnose diagnosis dietician empysema furred [æn'dʒainə] ['ændʒiəʊgræm] ['ændʒiəplæti:] [serəbrəʊ'væskjulə] ['daiəgnəʊz(s)] [daiəg'nəʊsis] [daii'tiʃn] [emfi'si:mə] [fə:] get rid of sth give up gristle harden jargon prognosis Pump recover n n n adj v n n chứng đau thắt ngực chụp x-quang huyết qu n gi i ph u thông động mạch bị tắc/ hẹp thuộc mạch máu não chẩn đoán phép chẩn đoán chuy n gia dinh dưỡng khí thũng tưa (lưỡi) t bỏ t bỏ xương sụn làm cho cứng rắn thu t ngữ chuyên môn dự đốn bơm, đ p (về tim, máu) bình phục [grisl] ['hɑ:dn] [dʒa:gən] [prɔg'nousi:z] [pʌmp] [ri:'kʌvə] n v [ri'kʌvəri] [spaɪn] [sprein] ['streɪtn] n n Unit 15 consultant counsel remedy [kən'sʌltənt] ['kaunsl] ['remədi] n v n bác sĩ tham vấn khuy n răn, b o phương thuốc cứu chữa settle ['setl] v dịu dần, lắng xuống recovery spine sprain straighten suffer from n n/v v bình phục, khỏi bệnh xương sống bong gân làm cho thẳng, xếp ngăn nắp đau, đau khổ, bị v 122 REFERENCES Barbara Janson Cohen.(2007) Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide.Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publisher Eric H Glendinning Ron Howard (2007) Professional English in use- Medicine Cam bridge University Press Eric H Glendinning, Beverly A S Holmstrom (1998) English in medicine: A course in communication skills Cam bridge University Press Gretchen Bloom (1982) The Language of Medicine in English Regents Publishing Company, Inc Hanoi Medical College (1990) Let’s examine the text Hai Phong Medical college (2011) English in medicine(For the third-year students) R Ribes & P.R.Ros (2006) Medical English Springer Press Rawdon Wyatt (2006) Check your English vocabulary for medicine A & C Black London Robert Liesenborghs (1998) English for Nurses ans Health Care Students-Book VSAT M Co., Ltd 10 Robin A Bradley (2008) English for Nurses ans Health Care A course in general and professional English McGraw-Hill ELT 11 Shirley Soltesz Steiner, R.N., M.S (2005) Quick Medical terminology.John Wiley & Sons, Inc 123 ... phleb/o Vein phlebectomy the surgical removal of a vein or part of a vein Exercise 1: Write a word for each of the following definitions in? ??ammation of the lining of the heart _ in? ??ammation... of medical English is so necessary This course book is compiled for a 3-credit medical English course Medical English is used by 4- years students of medicine who have had experiences of working... heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute Atherosclerosis: The development of fatty, fibrous patches (plaques) in the lining of arteries, causing narrowing of the lumen and hardening of the vessel

Ngày đăng: 19/03/2021, 22:53

