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Chế tạo và nghiên cứu tính chất cấu trúc nano của màng mỏng bi te

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Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha npi Trircmg Dai hoc Khoa hoc Tir nhien * « t ^ mS* ml^ mS^ ml^ ul^ ^M ô!ã ^ ^ #Jằ ^ ằ ^J% *J» *j» fjm #y« Ten de tai : Che tao va nghien ciiu tinh chat cau true nano cua mang mong Bi-Te Ma so: QT- 06-08 Chu tri de tai: TS Ngo Thu Huong (Khoa vat ly) D A I H O C Q U O C GtA HA N O ' TRUNG TAM THONG TIN THU Vl£N D"r / bZ9 Ha noi - 2006 Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha noi Trucmg Dai hoc Khoa hoc Tir nhien * t * klô ã!> ^ ằI^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k»i» »i» •!» Ten de tai : Che tao va nghien cihi tinh chat cau true nano cua mang mong Bi-Te Ma so: QT-06-08 Chu tri de tai: TS Ngo Thu Hirong cac can bo tham gia: PGS Ta Dinh Canh Ha noi - 2006 Bao cao torn tat a Ten de tai: Che tao va nghien cihi tinh chat cau true nano cua mang mong Bi-Te (Ma so : QT-06-08) b Chu tri de tai: TS Ngo Thu Huong c Cac can bo tham gia: PGS.TS Ta Dinh Canh d Thoi gian thuc hien til thang nam 2006 den thang 12 nam 2006 e Muc tieu va noi dung nghien cihi: Muc tieu nghien cuu cua de tai la che tao mang Bi-Te va nghien cuu tinh chat cau true cua cac loai mang Ngoal chiing toi khao sat anh huong cua che cong nghe t6i kich thudc nano cua mang Bi-Te L Cac ket qua dat duoc: Ket qua cua de tai bao gom: 01 bao cao khoa hoc tai hoi nghi qudc te ve vat ly Nano va ky thuat nano (3^^ IWONN) id chuc tai Ha long (6-9/12/2006); g Tinh hinh kinh phi cua di tai: Tong kinh phi thuc chi: 15.000.000 dong Trong - Tir ngan sach nha nu6c: - Kinh phi DHQG: 15.000.000 dong - Vay tin dung: - Von tuco: Khoa quan ly Chu tri de tai (Ky va ghi ro ho ten) (Ky va ghi ro ho ten) u tri de tai WIEU TRUONG A/^i^ ^^ /^^^ ^HO A^'^^W!!^ tS J2i^in/ c/liu (ia/U0 'U0 dil^^ ^ ^ ^ Brief project report a Project title: (QT-06- 08) b Project co-ordinator: Dr Ngo Thu Huong c Co-operator: Prof Dr Ta Dinh Canh; d Duration: from 2006, February to 2006, December) e Objectives and scientific contents: The main object of this project is: f Results: The main result of this project is: one paper was presented at the 3"^^ International Conference, g Budget: 15.000.000 VND (December 5-9, 2006) Muc luc Trang L5i ma dau Tdng quan ve vat lieu Cac phuang phap thuc nghiem 10 Cac ket qua va bien luan 14 Ket luan 29 Tai lieu tham khao 30 Loi mo dau Mot xu the phat triln manh cua khoa hoc, cong nghe hien la nghien cuu va ung dung nhung vat lieu c6 kich thuoc nano nho be - kich thuac ma a cac hieu ung thap chieu va nhiing tinh chSt moi la, uu viet cua vat lieu hoc 16 ro rang [1] Vat lieu mang mong c6 kich thuac nano la mot nhirng loai vat lieu nano dang dugc nghien cuu manh vai nam gan day a cac phong thi nghiem tien tien va hien dai tren the giai [2-6] Mang mong dugc che tao theo nhieu each khac nhau: c6 the la phuang phap hoa hoc, phuang phap vat ly Trong cac phuang phap vat ly c6 phuang phap phun xa, boc bay nhiet, epitaxy chum phan tu la nhung phuang phap quan va dugc trien khai rgng rai [7] Rieng phuang phap boc bay nhiet c6 uu diem Ian la thiet bi dan gian, khong dat tien, de van hanh ma chat lugng mang mong van tot da dugc sii* dung Phan ket qua nghien cu^u chinh cua de tai dugc chia ba phan: Phan 1: Tong quan ve vat lieu Phan 2: Cac phuang phap thuc nghiem Phan 3: Ket qua nghien cuu cua de tai va cac thao luan Noi dung chinh Phan 1: Tong quan ve vat lieu LI Cac hieu ung nhiet dien va ung dung Cach day ghn 200 nam, hieu ung nhiet dien \hn dm tien dugc phat hien boi Seebeck Trong nhiing nam sau cac hieu ung Peltier va Thomson Ian lugt dugc tim Buoc sang thl ky 20, khoa hoc va cong nghe hien dai tham nhap manh me vao dai song va doi hoi cang cao cua no da dat van de nghien cuu ung dung cua cac vat lieu nhiet dien thuc te [8] Cac vat lieu nhiet dien dung d^ lam cac dau do, lam cac sensor c6 uu diem la rat nhay, chinh xac cao, ben va diing de dugc nhiing mau rat nho Nhung mot kho khan Ian cua viec trien khai ung dung cac hien tugng nhiet dien la phai giai quyet dugc mot mau thuan c6 tinh chat nguyen tac a vat lieu: he so pham chat (Z) cua vat lieu nhiet dien ty le thuan vai binh phuang ciia he so Seebeck, dan dien va ty le nghich vai he so dan nhiet [9] Do vay, muon tang Z thi dong thai gia tri cua a, a phai tang va /cgiam Day la mot mau thuan rat kho giai quyet dugc vi hau het kim loai va nhieu vat lieu khac dan nhiet va dan dien gan nhu ty le vai Vi the doi hoi dat len vat lieu nhiet dien rat kho dap ung dugc Vi the he so pham chat cua vat lieu phu thugc rat nhieu vao phan cung nhu vao cac dieu kien cong nghe che tao vat lieu [10-11] L2, Bi2Te3 va cac ho vat lieu nhiet dien Do nhung doi hoi khat khe dat len vat nhiet dien rat kho thuc hien dugc-vi phai thoa man yeu cau gan nhu trai ngugc-nen cac hg vat lieu nhiet dien khong nhieu va viec nghien cuu chung mot each ky luang la v6 cung can thiet, v6 ciing quan trgng Tu vai chuc nam truac cho tai cac nha khoa hgc hau nhu tap trung vao cac nguyen to Bi,Te,Sb va c6 gang tim kiem cac vat lieu nhiet dien tu cac nguyen to [12] Cac hg vat lieu Bi2.xTe3+x va Bi2.xSbxTe3 da dugc nghien cuu ky luang suot may chuc nam qua, thuc te hien chung van dang dugc nghien cuu ti6p N6i nen la hg vat lieu Bi2Te3 Day thuc sir la vat lieu rk c6 trian vgng ung dung He so pham chat cua chung tuong doi cao: ZT = a^K T ^\ o nhiet phong Z.r= la mot gia tri kha Ian c6 the ung dung dugc d cac hg vat lieu khac he s6 Z T chi c6 thS dat gSn bang a nhiet rk cao khong tien cho ung dung a nhiet thap Co the thay tinh vugt trgi cua Bi2Te3 qua hinh 1.1 1.4 p - t y p e materials: TAGS alloys 1.2 (Bi,Sb)2Te3 alloys 1.0 0.8|0.6 0.4 0.2 0 200 1.4 1,2 1.0 400 1 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (K) 1 ' o - t y p e materials: 'llaTe, 45 BiSb alloys Bi2(Te Se)3 alloys \ - Sig-oGejA^ 0.8 0.6 0.4 y f y ^ / alloys CGa,ln)Sb alloyvj^ 0.2 0, \ (Pb,Sr^){Te,Se) - xy-^^-FeSi2 200 o—o r 400 1 - ' 600 800 1000 Temperature (K) 1200 1400 Hinh / :He so pham chat cua mot so vat lieu n va p Ro rang ta thay hgp kim Bi2Te3 c6 tinh chat vugt trgi ve phuang dien nhiet dien Hgp kim c6 he so pham chat ca 0.9 den 1.2 a nhiet khoang xap xi 300 K tuc la gan nhiet phong Trong cac vat lieu khac ta thay he so pham chat ciia no chi tuong doi ion a vung nhiet rat cao Tren vung nhiet do rat khong tien cho ung dung L3 : Vat lieu BijTej Mac dii Bi2Te3 c6 Z r = l a nhiet phong, dieu mo nhung kha nang ling dung to Ion cua vat lieu thuc t6 Song cac doi hoi ky thuat can tim vat lieu nhiet dien c6 thi ung dung vao vung nhiet thap De thoa man yeu cau thi viec nghien cuu cac tinh chk ciia mang mong Bi2Te3 ciing nhu kha nang ung dung cua chung la mot huong nghien cuu c6 nhieu hiia hen Hinh 1.2 la cSu true tinh th€ cua vat lieu Bi2Te3 [13] t [V ZSOA van Oer Wcxjts : Te' X7< A coroi^nt-ionogen ft ZjOil covatent — Te' 2,04 A covaienf a lrit^ l-j7^;-t ^V, TABLE OF CONTENTS ices for nanoparticle-based cancer detection t Kim, K Daniel, C Vassiliou, N Elman, L Josephson, M.J Cima ir-field optical and confocal micoscopic studies on fluorophore-Iabeled protein microarrays hkarna, Y.H Kim, H Y Lee.- Y.H Cho, H Y Park, M.G Kim, B.H Cilhung chanism for sustainable magnetic nanojwrticles under ambient conditions \ Hai, N.D Phu, N Chau, H.D Chinh, LH Hnang, D L Leslie-Pelecky uence of elastic dynamics on glassy polymer for biomedical applications ^unantapong - - estigation of substrate transport by the sodium-glucose cotransporter SGLTl using singleecule AFM 'untheeranurak, R.k.H Kinne, H J Gruber, P Hinterdorfer sma-polymerized surfaces for protein immobilization \ Cuong iracterization of bacteriophage P2 by AFM and TEM Bui, S.S Choi, KJ Kim, T.H: Nguyen, M Joo, D W Kim NA aggregation depending on the substracte treatment using MgCI: :Nguyen,S.S.Choi D.W.Kim, V.C.Bui, M.S Joo - 11 ension of inhibitory effect of chloramphenicol on bacteria by incorporating it into Fe304 magnetic oparticles Khuat, C V Thach, V.T Nguyen, N.H Hai, T.N Phan, N Chau 13 larin immobilized nanointerfaces for biomedical applications Park, a H.Go, J.W Bae ^ 15 , controlled magnetite nanoparticles and their drug loading ability Thach, N.H Hai, NT Ha, H.D Chink N Chau 16 thesis and characterization of porous hydroxyapatite for bone implant ' , Huong, P.T.N Bich "-' - ' • • • 18 "ace engineering iron oxide nanoparticles by water soluble polymers for biomedical application HuongTX Tinh,, LTKGiang LD Tuyen and LQ Minh ; ; : 21 )aration and properties of amorphous sol-gel-derived barium titanate pH-sensing thin film Jhan, LC JhangY.C: Chen, J.C Chou - -f., ^••.;-'^ • ^- • ^' - 24 strength nickel-chromium-molybdenum superalloys for detal restorations Phuong, N P Hai, T N Bach, N V Tuan * " " ' ; '" 28 • hesize ferrite nanoparticles with protein molecules immobilized onto their surfaces iiqi^LH Phuc, D.T K.DungN.T.L Huyen, B.D Long LKVinh, NT.Thang, NT.T.Kieu, ^,j:^,^.;:r.yv,:::v :ã ãsô^;.;- -"y:^v-',v;,r ''ã-ã.n:~ ãã- ã " l ;%'* • XV 29 M Abe rametrlc resonance of acoustic and optical phonons in semiconductor superlattices in presence of ) electromagnetic waves \ Tung T C Phong, N Q Bau 707 i i?f i.^!.W^ N M.C€^ f^ W M i : le of specifically adsorbed Ions in the lateral epitaxial overgrowth of n-type ZnO in water at 90°C 711 F Lange [ueous interfacial thermodynamics and the design of ordered metal oxide arrays ^ayssieres 712 f^.r rromagetism due to oxygen vancancies and defects in semiconducting and insulating oxide thin ns ** i.Hong -^ 713 rface science and optical investigation on nano-scale silicon nitride films for Si-based sub-50nm 716 ergrated circuits application, , , - : „ , , : Feng LC Cheng, CIV Huang Y.L Wang CC Chang velopment of D-gun coatings syster« Tor surface hardening on metals W Machmud, M.R.T Siregar 719 provement of adhesion properties between copper and polvimide / Lee, YB Kim K.K Jee W Y Lee ' ' film 723 e influence of capping layer on InAs nano-dots self assembled on GaAs(lOO): a REFLEXAFS dy Arciprete, A Balzarotti, S Colonna F d'Acapito, Davoli M Lucci, H.N Thanh 725 e formation of one-dimensional structure of Te thin ^ Huong, T.D Canh N.N Long 726 films ' ncentration effects of porphyrazine monolayer at the water-gas interface as studied by molecular lamics simulations (rongsuk, T Kerdcharoen, A Borodin M Kiselev 729 ntosecond laser ablation of polymethylmethacrylate doped with dye molecules and formation of iting structure Nam, K.S Lim, -S.C Jeoung ' 731 ictral change in silver-doped sodium borate glass by femtosecond laser irradiation \ee, K.S Jang, J.H:Shin, S.J Kang, J.E Mun K.S Lim E Kim 733 T study of JAHN-TELLER effect in barium titannat Quang, B T Cong 735 nar Hall effect sensor using spinvalve structure for microbead detection rrhanli M.G Chun KY Sin CO Kim, CG Kim 737 gnetoresistance oscillations in magnetic tunnel junction , ^:Kim, J Zidanic, N V Volkov, G.S Pair in Y.Y Song S.C Yu, CG Kim, J.H Yun 738 actural and dynamic study of melt Lithium-silicate systems rNhan LT Vinh, P.K Hung 739 XXXI Proceedings of the J" IWOFM - r ' ' IWOy!N Conference Halong, yietnan.J^ecember 6-9, 2006 THE FORMATION OF ONE -DIMENSION STRUCTURE FOR Te THIN FILM Ngo Thu Huong, Ta Dinh Canh, Nguyen Ngoc Long Faculty of Physics, Hanoi Universit>' of Science, Vietnam National Universit\- Hanoi EXPERIMENTAL ABSTRACT The synthesis Te films were carried oui in a horizontal tube furnace The mixed powder of Te 4N and 3% wt of C were put on a quartz boat at the center part of the furnace, where the temperature, pressure and evaporation time were well controlled The thermal ' evaporation of the mixed T e - % wt.C powder source was then carried out in the range temperature from 900 to 1000 °C for 15,30 or 60 minutes in Ar g a s / respectively After cooling down, a layer of n-.aterials' was found over the surface of the (111) Si substrate The crystal structure of the synthesized samples was characterized by a Siemens D5005 XRD diffractometer^ and a JEOL-JSM5410LV scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively The influence of the technolog>' conditions on the bmialion of the one-dimensional structure for*Te thin ilm was investigated This film has been successfully abricated b y a thermal evaporation method A mixture if Te metal powder and graphite was used as the tarting material The source materials were annealed ip to 1000 ^C, the Si substrate temperature was of bout 550 °C The structure analysis of the product was amed out by X-fay diffraction The column size of ingle crystal Te wasdepend oa.tbe.source temp_erature, ubstrate temperature, Ar gas pressure At the optimal ondition, the column size is about 300 nm in diameter INTRODUCTION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Within the realm of nanoscience and lanotechnology, nanowires, nanotubes and nanosheets ilay a special role because of their one - dimensional ^ e n the nanowire and nanotube diameter becomes mall, the electronic density becomes large Recently, lere has been much interest in the fabrication of oneimensional nano-materials The thermoelectric laterials are also of interest for applications in cooling fid electrical power generation devices Bismuth illuride (BijTe}) compounds are widely used as lenmoelectric materials for electronic devices The ^stal structural of Bi2Te3 compounds is layered sxagonal and its alloys are very important room mperature thermoelectric semiconductors [1] Many Torts have been made in order to improve the «rmoelectric properties of these compounds by jping another elements It was found that the Zrcould ! significantly enhanced if the materials were inostructured [2] It is particularly interesting to note at some materials, such as bismuth, can exhibit a iriety of different 1-D nanostructures, such as inowires [3], nanotube [4], and nanolines [5] In the evious study, we have investigated the influence of ibstrate temperature on the nanostructure for Bi2Te3 in film [6] In this work, we report about the formation of one mension structure for Te thin films, which was epared by a thermal evaporation ' ' * ; • - , 300 — m OD rS 200 II " •D n n o " T3 CO •n tM CM r>i M 100 - o r- CO 1/1 TS o CO h- ' ajiM.1 20 40 ^II ^II ^ rg a i.A •o ,J 50 29 Fig XRD pattern ofTe thin film Figure shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD) partem at 300 K o f T e thin film sample The intensity of the refiection peaks was normalized to the maximum intensity reflection Comparing XRD of our sample with the XRD panem of Te sumilation spectrum, we know that all the peaks are belong to Te peaks We did not find any peak of graphite that means graphite powder used as the catalyst material Looking at EDS spectrum of the sample (seo Fig 2), we can see that have not got strange elements and all the peaks belong to Te element This result shows that our sample is single phase There are no any oxide phases TeO or TcO: in the spectrum that mean ihc preparing samples is estimated quite well 726 cps Energy (keV) Fig EDS spectrum of Te'thin film 450 °C), so at low tempereture the column structure of Te was formed, at higher substrate temperature, Te element was melted becoming earch grain (see Fig 3b) The experimental conditions affected very much on the formation o f T e single crystal At Ts^b = 550 °C, Fig 4a shows perpect Te single crystal with the size about micrometer at Ar gass pressure about 500 sccc When increasing Ar gas presure twice, the culumns were broken and we can see the hole inside of the crystal (Fig 4b) Figures (3a, b) show the SEM images for Te thin film when the temperature sourse is 1000 °C and the substracte temperatures are 550 and 650 °C, respectively In Fig 3a, when the substrate temperature is550°C, most of the hexagonal structure ofTe column is formed with the size about micrometer in diameter All the columns were oriented on the same direction with high density and homogeneous When increasing the substrate temperature, the column structure did not appear (Fig 3b) The grain size is small (< I /nn) and high homogeneous This process can explain because of the melting point of Te element' is" low (about aj Fig,3 The SEA^ images of Te thin films at different substrate temperatures 727 " b) (a: Tsuh = 550"C: b: T,ut> = 650°Cj oceeumi^i uj ine i JVYUtM- S iwuisis K,onjercnce natong, yiefnam December 6-9 2006 Fig Single crystal Te at different Ar gas pressure fa: 500 sccc: b: 1000 sccc) CONCLUSSION [2] S B Riffat/Xiaoli Ma, Thermoeledrics: a review' of present and potential applications, /Applied Thermal Engineering, 23, (2003) 913 - 935 [3] M S Dresselhaus, Y.-M Lin, T Koga, S B Cronin, Rabin, M R Black, G Dresselhaus, Semiconductors and Semimetals: Recent Trends in Thermoelectric Materials Research 111, Vol 71, Academic, Press, San Diego, CA, 2001, pp 1-121, chap.1 [4] C R R Rao, F L Deepak, Gautam Gundiah, Inorganic nanowires Progress in Solid State Chcrmisio,31 (2003)5 - 147 [5] N T Huong, N D Dung, D T Quyen T D Canh, N N Long, 77?^ influence oftechnolog}' conditions on the formation of the BijTe^ nanowires Proceeding of Vietnam National Conference on Physics, Vol 3, (2005) 1253 - 1256 We have succeeded in preparing the column ructure ofTe thin film by the evaporation method At e optimal condition, the column size is about 300 nm diameter cknowledgment: The authors would like to thank lie Natural Science Council of Vietnam (under Code "811304), the project QT-06-08 for financial support eferences: ] J Jenkins, J A Rayne, R W Ure, Jr Elastic moduli andphononproperties ofBi2Te3, Physical ReviewB5,(1972)3171-3184 Phieu dang ky ket aua nshien ciiu KH-CN Ten de tai (hoac du an): Che tao va nghien cufu tinh chat cau true nano ciia mang mong Bi-Te Ma so: QT-06-08 Co quan chu tri de tai (hoac dir an): Bo mon Vat ly Chat ran - Khoa Vat ly- DHKHTN Dia chi: 334 Nguyen Trai - Thanh Xuan - Ha noi Tel: 8584069 Co quan quan ly de tai (hoac du an): Truong Dai hoc Khoa hoc Tu nhien Dia chi: 334 Nguyin Trai - Thanh Xuan - Ha noi Tel: 8588579 Tong kinh phi thuc chi: Trong do: - Tir ngan sach Nha nude: - Kinh phi cua trucmg: 15.000.000 d - Vay tin dung: - Von tuco: - Thu hoi: Then gian nghien cufu: 01 nam Th^ gian bat dau: 2/2006 Then gian ket thuc: 12/ 2006 Ten cac can bo phoi hop nghien cuu PGS TS Ta Dmh Canh So dang ky de tai So chiing nhan dang ky ket qua nghien cuu: Ngay: 31 Bao mat: a Pho bien rong rai: [x] b Pho bien han che: c Bao mat: Tom tat ket qua nghien curu: Noi dung chinh ma de tai dat dugc la: De tai da cong viec che tao cac mang Te va mang Bi2Te3 co cau true nano bang phuong phap boc bay nhiet don gian Da khao sat tinh chat cau true cua cac mang va ket qua cho tha^y cac mang c6 cau tnic nano v6i kich thu6c tir 120 den 160 nm doi v6i mang Bi2Te3 Doi vdfi mang Te, cac dang cot cua don tinh the Te c6 kich thudc 300 nm da dugc phat hien Kien nghi ve quy mo va doi tugng ap dung nghien cufu; Chu nhiem de tai Ho ten Thu trudng co quan chu tri de tai Ngo Thu Huong Chu tich Hoi dong danh gia chinh thijfc Thu truong CO quan quan ly de tai / W ikuK Tu^ »GHE T G h H ^y/'ClU(€07l' 32 A^n ^i-l£ji£^ ... tich nhiet DTA-TGA cua mau Bi2 Te3 r 3.4 Cau triic cua mang Bi2 Te3 sir dung Bi2 Te3 da duoc nung nong chay Hinh 3.12 la X-ray ciia mau mang Bi2 Te3 dugc che tao tu Bi2 Te3 da dugc nung nong chay... chung bao gom ba lap nam cac cac nguyen tu Bi, Te' va Te" Lien ket giu*a lap nguyen tu Te' -Te la lien ket Vander Waals Lien ket giiia Te' -Bi va Te" -Bi la lien ket hoa tri Hang so mang cua tinh... XRD cua mang Bi2 Te3 duac tao tit hon hap kim loai Bi, Te Tu XRD cho thay rat ro mau khong hoan toan don pha Khi so sanh dinh vai cac dinh sumilation ciia cac nguyen to Bi, Te va Bi2 Te3 ta thay

Ngày đăng: 18/03/2021, 15:58


