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University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context and Implications for Vietnam D IN H VA N TO A N * Abstract: University - enterprise cooperation is hecomiỉig a vơrv popular trend in the \i'ơrld II tìveỉỵ qffect educatioỉh rescarch and clcvelopmơnỉ acỉivịíiưs iti universitites a nd optim ly ilizư the p a rties' resources Basecl on theoretical anỉitmơnt.s inícrnaỉional ưxpưricncơs and scvcral chmcsíic case síudies, the paper analyses the current staíus, /imitaểioHs suhịective causcs o f universiíy prise cooperation /rom both sides, anaìyze barriers thiơ to governm ent \s policics and management; and provides possible soỉiỉtions and recom m endatiom to remove í he barriers in order to promote operations and to enhartce the effectiveness q f universities in Victnam, thus contrihuting to socioeconomic devehpm ent Keywords: University - Enterprise Cooperưtìon: Vietnum Enterprise universities at that time being that education institutions and busi- it shiíted its focus to research and nesses to benefit both parties The idea o f connecting univer- made research a vital factor tbr Sum marized from the studies o f sity - enterprịse was initiated by education activities that contri- over 3,000 colleges on the content the German philosopher Willhelm huted directly to social and eco- and m ethods o f cooperation the Humboldt According to nomic defínition University - Partnership in the wor!d Will- development especiallv o f university- enter- helm Humboldt, besides educa- the development o f the fields o f prise cooperation was constructed tion, universities must also have technology for both civilian and suitably for the present era and the íunction o f research and col- military purposes, contributed to accepted by the European Com- laborate with Industries In 1810, Germany becoming the most po- mission Accordingly, it is every he íòunded the University o f Ber- werful countrv in the vvorld direct or indirect, individual or Iin with a difference from other {ỉniversity o f Economics National l 'niversity * I ietnam Universitv- Enterprise partner- non-individual interaction be- ship is detìned as the interaction tween universities and enterprises and transaction betvveen higher to benefit both parties It includes: N-7 (275) 2017 E cónịm ic R eview University - Enterprise Cooperation in ỉnternational Context Dinh Van Toan developm ent becomes the development trend prise as the main components of (R&D) exchange o f personnel In developed countries, most o f this cooperation were examined (scliolars, students and experts), the technological innovations that In the world, University - En commercialization o f R&D improve economic efficiency are terprise cooperation can be ob- sults, development and dissemi- related served in many forms and levels nation o f education and training knovvledge and The iowe rlevel and more C01T1- programs, enterprise developm ent technology transferring thus the monly seen activities are: student and governance [1] These colla- importance o f universities to en- admission borations are, therefore, also con- terprises continues to be highlv trips, financial support and teach- sidered as collaborations between regarded The government has ing aids Higher level ones in- the academic sector and the pro- always piayed a crucial role in clude: experts exchange; know- duction sector creating a legal environment and ledge contributes policies, íorm ing a trilateral al- investing in research to jointly more and more to economic de- liance: Government - University - own and transfer research tech- velopment, the cooperation be- Enterprise In this study, aspects nology; tween universities and enterprises related to university and enter- development research As and technology Table 1: re- to universities sharing, through R&D technology field sharing; investing in enterprise to commercialize Asỉa Australia Forms of partnership UK Enterprise accepts university students as intems and internships, FO R M S OF U N IVER SITY - ENTERPRISE PAR TNER SH IP ỈN SOME C O UNTRIES Europe No to German V Itaỉy Sweden China Singapore ✓ ✓ ✓ s Japan Enterprise provides toois and resources, technological equipment for university teach- s s s ing and leaming Enterprise empỉoys scientists from universities to work under fixed-term contract Enterprise joins university advisory board Enterprise exploits commerda! value from re5 s ✓ V / V / searches under technology transíemng contracts V Constaiction of Science and technology parks ✓ University establishes companies (vvholly or partly owned) to invests in research, experi- V s ment, manuíactunng test University builds enterprise incubation centres Source: [4-6] and data collected by the author Econỏm ic R eview N^7 (275) 2017 y/ s ✓ ✓ Unỉversity - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context Dinh Van Toan the results o f scientiíic research and transíerring, commercializing intellectual propertv m anagement, and provide Products and services research licensing, technology transíerring, to society (Table l).University- Science and technology areas are íĩnancial Enterprise cooperation is complex even more impotant tives, etc to promote startup and resuits in prioritized resources, tax incen- of cooperation between universitie- as sand enterprises and integrates into each other, so Along it is based Iess on short-term fi- European nancial gains and more on long- Germany, Italy and Sweden, the term goals, especially on logical UK government has started taking socio-econom ic thinking, attitude and vviliingness practical steps in the 1990s to context o f the parties [1-3] Results o f encourage university- enterprise policy system and the m easưres studies and reality showed that collaboration A typical example needed there are difficulties and barriers was the creation o f specialized enterprise from both parties: limited aware- agencies for university innovation different characteristics, ness, iníormation, knowledge and and development, organizations every country, the State plays the beliefs; limited resources on im- such as higher education rịrm role o f the “midwife’\ creating the plementation, initial funds and research councils to legal and provide funding and mechanisms support, catalyzing policies and processes in the cóordination o f for these activities [7] ỉn Asia, in implementation both parties In addition, there are the 1990s„ íịreseeing the demand State also barriers due to incompatible for Creative economy based on between legal and policy frameworks o f innovation, Singapore has estab- govemment - university - enterprise the govemment that not en- lished is always strong and Interactive for courage cooperation management investment; especially mechanisms with a number countries practical such policies and mechanisms The roỉe o f each party in stemmed from building a culture 1.1 of promoting cooperation interaction to each cultural country, promote university- cooperation framework ensures the and have but in providing mechanism the the The connection three parties: development o f the country Enterprises have the decisive role in creating connections and universities in put specific cooperative partner- countries, training, research and develop- ships from those connections into are interested in policies íormula- ment The policy have been ap- practice The first task is raisíng tion to promote research activities plied intwo o f the most presti- awareness, considering coopera- at link gious Universities: tion with universities as a means Industries with National University o f Singapore o f contributing to the develop- for developing high and Technical ment o f enterprises and to the so- University [8] In particular, the cio-economic development It is legal and necessary to build long-tenn con- are nections to share and develop of new kno\viedge and technology especialỉy in developed universities ưniversities strategies quality to human technological and resources and innovation In Asian Na Yang framework particular, policies that support breakthrough investment for R&D concentrated activities enterprises of and countries, Govemments and between ỉn general, depending on the policies in the form N-7 (275) 2017 Econỏmỉc Revieiv Dinh Van Toan University - Enterprise Cooperation ỉn International Context Enterprises also have a role in management activities to meet research developing policies, taking ap- society demands and cooperate sources for research and coopera- propriate measures in implement- with enterprises In addition to tion vvith enterprises ing the goals o f the partnerships high re- Research by the Center for Large corporations and many training, universities are also in- Science and Business Research of group o f companies around the terested in commercializing re- the world often are interested in and search Applied have strategies for R&D and in- Thus, the role o f universities is Iiovation In order to implement becoming increasingly important thesc strategies, businesses often in establishing a connection be- associate tween search-capable with re- universities to combine research and implemen- human human resources them selves quality resources, products and patents itself and entrepreneurs, organizations and Industries to achieve this goal University o f Miinster o f Sciences, Germany (2011) shovved that: In the past few decades, the interest o f policy makers has shiíted dramatically to universities They considered universities an important factor in cooperation through creativity, tation A large enterprises that Traditional education experts have been actively investing in suggested that emphasizing on R&D collaboration with universi- commercialization ties is IBM As early as 1956, the mine the quality o f education and Zurich estab- reduce the ranking o f universities lished, directly organized and par- However, the fact remains that ticipated in numerous cooperation most reputable universities are the proịects universities leading institutions in research throughout Europe And in 2011, and technology transfer activities IBM along with Svviss Feđeral vvith enterprises The results o f a Institute o f Technology in Zurich survey on 3,000 universities in (ETH the Europe showed that the highest R ohrer N anotech- percentage o f respondents (48%) toenterprises, nology Center, with the main thought that the strongest motiva- the research goal o f developing Na- tion for universities to increase avvareness o f cooperation with no structures to develop energy their cooperation vvith enterprises enterprises, establish relationships technology is to increase funding, followed and by supporting facilities for aca- cooperation At the same time, For universities: the competi- demic and research activities [1] there tive, integrative environm ent and University - enterprise coopera- encourage exchanges the rapid pace o f technology de- tion is increasing at universities, appropriate mechanisms velopment pushed universities to even as competition between uni- management and coordination o f modify versities implementation Laboratory with Zurich) Binnig and was established and inform ation technology [4] their institutions Ecốrỉồmic R evỉew and will under- transferring and exchanging o f new knowledge and technology In recent years, the way in which universities contribute to society includes N-7 (275) 2017 in attracting students not only educational activities, enterprise development or providing human resources forenterprises but also the full exploitation of the role in cooperation with enterprises [1] To carry out this task, similar universities responsibility build need to long-term to be have increase strategic policies to and for University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context 1.2 Bene/ìts and motivations Capital for research Dinh Van Toan a c t iv i t ie s thai mercia1ization o f research P rod for both sides: universities and focus on product quai ity troi ucts Hovvever, the more impor- enterprises systems, Consulting services, or tant and strategical beneíits are some laboratories the com petitiveness and sustaina- are important íactors for devel- Therefore, for the purpose o f re- ble developm ent o f enterprises opment enterprises ducing research costs, broadening when need to constantly improve tech- the activity scope, opening up distribution based on new know- nology and apply new technolo- new directions for technological ledge technology and their ovvn gies into production and man- development companies collabo- craft secrets from work with high- agement to bring in the most prof- rate with universities to utilize level scientists and administrators it Enterprises must look for inven- technological innovation be the from universities tions, technological Products that market leader in R&D or solve are practical to raise their competi- problems o f technologv and envi- will promote and tiveness in the market and deveiop ronment in a short period o f time quality o f research, realize the sustainably [9] Universities as re- with reasonable costs and capable value o f scientiíìc works, enhance search centers oíten own research experts [10] credibility and brand o f the uni~ Knovvledge and Therefore, technology results, knowledge and new tech- small-scale - For universities, cooperation improve the versity The research works will universities, in addition to pro- have a realistic environment for Upon studying the university- moting their names and brands collation and testing, thus their enterprise cooperation in R&D, (through scholarships and tầcili- applicabilitv Tran Anh Tai and Tran Van Tung ties), having the opportunity to vvill further increase Collabora- (2009) suggested that this activity recruit high quality human re* tion with businesses is also a vvay is usually carried out only by sources to meet the production for universities to mobilize re- large enterprises; small business- requirements, also sources for research; build capaci- es invest only a small amount o f gain the revenue from the com- ty for staff, lecturers and re- Table cooperation production vvith nologies that enterprises need Through developing enterprises in the production : M O TIV ATỈO N S FOR UNIVERSITY - E N T E R P R IS E C O O P E R A TIO N Unỉversity Enterprise Enhancing teaching technology Seeking source of modern technology Increasing ĩinancial resources / tunding Using the laboratory Veriíied source of knowledge and data Human resources / Cost saving Poỉitical pressure Risk sharing in basic research Enhancing credibility stabilizing long-term research proịects • Job opportunities for graduates Recruitment channel Source: Rohrberck and A rnold [12] N-7 (275) 2017 E cốnỏm ic R eview Dinh Van Toan University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context searchers through R&D activities the same ti me will be a major mo- C om m ittee) Compared to other Through cooperation with enter- tivator for university scientists countries especially prises, the research units and teams in R&D countries and chance to renovate their organiza- activities and serve human re- changes in this issue is very slovv tional structures and management sources training Rohrberck and in Vietnam, especially the prac- to bemore effective; adịust, up- Arnold (2006) in the study o f tical datc the program teaching and university-enterprise cooperation solutions from government and research methods to suit the ac- have shown that the basic inter- ministries still lack synchronism tual needs o f the enterprise - the ests and motivations o f the parties Research results in universi- employer Reality has shown that lead to the inevitable need for this ties participating in the Profession universities have students alvvays want to study at cooperation (Tabỉe 2) universities that have strong connecùons with enterprises to increase their employability after University - - the European USA, the policies, mechanisms and Oriented Higher Education Enterprise Proịect deployed by the M inistry of cooperation in Vietnam Education and Training In Vietnam , the Party and the (POHE) shovved that co-operation with State have been paying special between universities and business mechanisms attention to the cooperation be- has not been miich developed and organizations also have better tvveen universities and enterprises Most universities establish a net- opportunities to update advanced for the past tvvo decades State- work o f only about 10 strategic teaching methods m ents o f guiding principles af- partners Ho Chi Minh City Nong top firmed that universities must be Lam University vvas the only one scientists, while enterprise has the centres for Science and technolo- that was able to establish strategic strength markets, gy research, transfer and apply long-term cooperation vvith 120 investing and launching commer- technology in production and life; enterprises ciaiization to transíer technology to closely link enterprises, em- have a smaller number o f short- and research results Thus, uni- ploying institutions, training insti- term, irregular partners such as: versity- enterprise cooperation is tutions and the State to develop Hue considered a model com bining hum an to and Forestry and Hung Yen Uni- research social dem ands (socio-economic versity o f Technical Education developm ent 2011- have 20 to 40 partners each; some current trenđ o f economic devel- 2020); considering enterprises as have very few partners like Vinh opment The fínal product o f the the centres o f innovation, applica- University vvith only [5] The collaborative process is mutually tion and technology transíer, the results o f the survey o f nearly beneficial ỉn this collaborative m ost important source o f demand 1,400 alumni vvho participated in prccess, enterprises benìt from in the Science and technology the project shovved that: 72.8% the highly m arket (Resolution o f the 6th said they could meet the demands competitive Products [11], and at Plenum o f the XI Central Party o f employers; 75.5% said that graduation; universities business-oriented The university gathers in capturing and production distribution successíully íịrmation o f new, Ecónỗm ic R eview - in the N-7 (275) 2017 resources according strategy Other universities University o f Agriculture University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context Dinh Van Toan "internship is extremely useíul for outside VNU; connecting VNU proịects ordered the current job" This helps stu- and vvith enterprises and localities account for less than 30% of the dents to be coníìdent energetic to promote cooperation among total revenues from cooperative and find the right job according to member units and scientists with activities [13] Cooperation vvith their strengths and maịors aíter enterprises The laboratories un- Petrovietnam in R&D reached the graduation Hovvever, other colla- der the "phoi thuoc" model at the highest level in 2012, 2013 vvith borative aspects at deeper levels in University o f Technology, VNU research topics, costing 10 biilion line with the trend of integration has created better conditions for VND in total But all these topics and resource sharing in enterprise students to interact with realitv vvere directly received by the in- cooperation are still limited and enhance dividual 2.1 research capacity Results ()f cooperation in although the university has not got enough funding to build high- a number o f universities For the past 10 years stemmed from the demand for innovation quality laboratories from VNU through individual contracts - Cooperation betvveen Hanoi nology (H U ST), a m ajor universi- comprehensive tv vvith Rang Dong Light Sotirce signed vvith mạịor and Vacuum Flask Companv in university management and the corporations (Petrovietnam, Viet- R&D and technology transfer is a desire scientists, tel, VinGroup, AIC, BRG ) and typical cooperation; proịects that many educational institutions in màny organisations in the World, increase research capacity, two Vietnam, especially the technical on average, every year there are mutual laboratories (one located sector, have developed models o f nearly 1,500 staff members and at Rang Dong and one at the Uni- ccx)peration over 1,200 students exchanged versitv) have contributed to the with enterprises and entrepreneurs with foreign countries, thousands remarkable grovvth o f Rang Dong with varied results Some o f the o f undergraduates awarded scho- in production and distribution A successíul examples of university- larships from enterprises with a special exam ple is the model o f enterprise cooperation are: total value o f billion; scientists BK Holding (BKH ) consists o f in production demanđ - for - distribution, innovation o f individual and in implementation through scientists Universitv o f Science and Tech ỉn the period from 2011 to 2015, by enterprises cooperation Vietnam National University, and units from VNU carried out member com panies, training Hanoi (VNU) is one o f the two dozens o f large projects / pro- cooperation program and train- National Universities vvhich have grams serving the community and ing schools (college and high successfully deployed the part- according to enterprises' orders school) that HUST contribnted nership models at two levels: With the advantage o f high legal íounding Capital and has members connecting universities and insti- status, VNU receives large fund- on the board BKH acts as a tutes under the VNU system, la- ing for equipment, facilities and bridge for cooperation, calling for boratory model “phoi thuoc” link- scholarships in 2011-2015 Hovv- investment from enterprises and ing member universities with re- ever, on average revenues from individuals for scientists and the search institutes and enterprises scientiíìc research proịects and universitv vvhen there is demand N'-7 ( 275) 17 E conỏm ic R e vit w University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context Dính Van Toan íbr product development COITÌ- quality human hiring o f experts, lecturers and supplvunder in technology research One spe- program with enterprises Human íunding cial íeature is that HUST or other Resource development, curriculum compi- and individuals in the school cooperation the full cost o f the invitations, mercialization or early investment units the resources Training Procurement and Company for lation and training program scholarships for can contribute Capital to these established in 2000 is a ỉ 00% students o f the program Further- enterprises by "ideas, technologi- state-ovvned one-member limited more, cal process and intellectual prop- liability business erty" BKH's production and dis- mainly in the fields of: labor ex- consultancv and technologytrans- tribution results have increased port: short-term ferring services, the University o f steadily since 2009 in term s o f training under sales, dividends and revenue con- enterprises tribution to the university from abroad travelling and studying enterprises prìt In 2013, BKH paid over consultancy services operate and accounting activi- billion VND in dividends, trans- - company operating vocạtional contracts and in order to activities, enhance provide with Construction has established 13 individuals; scientific research institutes and These institutes National University o f Civil ties separately as business model ferred over billion VND as in- Engineeringhas frastructure expenses and over8 cooperation signed Total revenue o f these units has with decreased gradually from 2011: billion VND in proíỉt to the Uni- Vietnam Expressway Corporation from 203 billion VND in 201 ] to versity [14] and to 68 billion VND in 2015, but these Hanoi University o f Industry bring advances in technologies units play the connection role in - agreements Viglacera Corporation cooperation with enterprises under the M inistry o f Industry and new materials to training and and Trade was established on the research basis o f the Industrial College in are able to visit and intern at the Agriculture and Forestry was one 2006 and has cooperated with production facilities o f Viglacera; o f the íirst universities selected domestic and íoreign enterprises lecturers are able tograsp the for a pilot study o f the vocationaỉ since the competency for training model from the POHE in establishment o f Centre for En construction materials 2005 Through this program, the terprise engineering; provide University has cooperated with Vocational Skills Assessment opportunities for lecturers to util- over 500 domestic and íbreign These are the nodes for receiving ize their strengths in scientiíìc enterprises and implementing collaborative research activities; the two sides Thailand, etc.), giving students development collaborated to develop training the programs participate 2008 enterprises, through Partnership activities short-term and with training Accordingly, students requirements in line with Hue University (Laos, opportunity in of Cambodia, to directly management, and vocational skills assessment International standards to meet production and business activities to close the cycle o f training the demand for hi-tech labor of at quality improvement and high- enterprises employment opportunities Ecốnỗm ỉc R eview N-7 (275) 2017 Viglacera sponsors the enterprise; increase after University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context Dinh Van Toan graduating fổr students [5] In tancy, training and career orienta- Data for the past years on VNU addition, tion cooperation and other su n e v ed the formed University centers and activities, providing em- a ployment opportunities for stu- cases showed research institute to carry out ap- dents ìter graduation, and facili- lected plied research, cooperation and tating the comprehensive coop- support as well as scholarsbips development eration for students accounted for over - four has schemes and programs 70% Thai Nguyen University is between two parties from revenue that: funds col- íìnancial, from mạterial technology one o f the three Vietnam Region- 2.2 General assessment transíer activities, while scientiíìc al Universities that have streng- University - enterprise coop- research on orders placed by En both eration in Vietnam for the past terprises only account for tess domestically and internationally, few years is still unsystematic in than 30% o f total revenue T he including terms o f methodology, duration num ber o f inventions, innovations with foreign enterprises based in and and technologies transferred Vietnam In 2015, Samsung Viet- any), comprehensive universities to enterprises is atlso nam set up research and training cooperation signed by maịor cor- limited The number o f sgmed laboratories costing over $40,000 porations and universities such as partnerships and partners of uini- at the University o f Iníịrmation Vietnam National Universities are versities tend to increase, hcwev- and Communications Technolo still short-term There has been no er, the percentage o f enterprises gy, demonstrating its comm itm ent long-term success for both parties as partners is very low A t>piical to human resource development, for the last 10 years A recent example o f cooperation and part- helping IT students to access and study by T & c Consulting also nership developm ent o f Thai experience the latest technology found that: most Nguyen University recemtly Enterprises such as Samsung also came from immediate needs, shows that am ong over 200 iníter- showed their efforts to cooperate short-term business plans rather national organizations and umits with than cooperating with the univsrsity thened their cooperation detailed cooperation universities, connecting content Cooperations including from (if cooperations long-term strategic by training to production and distri- plans (78% to 22%); the degree o f (129 bution activities as a ỉong-term cooperation is mainly at "early and 29 íoreign organizations* in businesses in Vietnam The part- developmental understanding" Vietnam), there are only enrter- nership office o f Thai Nguyen and "short-term cooperations”; in prises that have signed a fornnal University more than 400 enterprises, only cooperation [16] and Minami Fuji considered universities international organizfti«ons Company located in Thai Nguyen 47 as In term s o f collaborative oon- University demonstrates the de- "long-term partners" and "strateg- tent, recently, partnerships of mni- termination to enhance long-term ic partners" o f their university [3] versities are mostly in educa*ic>nal cooperation between the two par- In terms o f the m ethodof co- activities and supplying hưnnan ties in recent years The office is operation, universities are mainly resources for enterprises Co>ỉla- responsihle for organizing consul- receiving grants from enterprises boration in Science and technolo- N-7 (275) 2017 Ecốnịmic Revíeĩw Dinh Van Toan University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context gical research is limited and has been built on the basis o f long- shortcomings in the implementa- not been able to keep pace with term commitment and sustainabil- tion o f C opyright and intellectual the vvorld (universities follow or- ity betvveen the parties property issues: weakness in im- the - Many university ieaders are plementation, lack o f clear rules m ark et, sc ie n c e -te c h n o lo g y P ro d not aware o f the importance o f o f entitlement to successful incu- ucts are jo in tly o w n e d b o th sid es transíerring and commercializing bation for the parties; lack o f ex- develop for comm ercialization) nevv products and technologies to perts and proíessional services to According to Hoang enterprises Furthermore, the funds support business incubation (2011), these collaborations are collected from these activities are - Enterprise leaders are not still spontaneous [9] The fact o f still limited, so the ieaders o f uni- ready to share stocks (owner’s cooperation at the above men- versities are not active in promoting equity) and cooperate in business tioned major universities shows cooperation vvith enterprises and ders from enterprises and Ha Van that thc ratio o f technology transferring, trial production - On the other hand, for many invest in long-term R&D with universities and enterprises, universities are not an - Universities are not actively commercialization contracts ap- attractive place to seek innovation cooperating, sharing iníormation plying research results, produc- and creativity; most enterprises and patent rights for enterprises tion - distribution is very low not trust the results o f applica- and entrepreneurs compared to other activities Rev- tion in production - distribution enue o f universities, practices from the ideas o f uni- including BKH o f HUST, is still composed niaịorly o f business and Consult ing services Enterprises in the university have not yetutilized the ađvantage o f holding new technologies and patent rights 2.3 Notabỉe issues and causes versity scientists; Causes for the prohlems above include: - Most o f the university's ma- 2.4 Barriers and limitations ìn implementation environment - The ỉargest barriers to the desired results from these partnerships are the lack o f infonnation and understanding from both jo r research and revenue pro- sides Most enterprises say they grams are funded by the State have no point o f contact with the budget On the one hand, many universities Universities and enterprises research Products are not linked - The law on civil servants and have not yet considered the coop- to practical applications On the officials (banning civil servants eration betvveen the two sides as other hand, universities and scien- and officials from public universi- means and solutions that contri- tists mainly focus on ordered re- ties bute to the development o f each search at the basic stage because management o f enterprises); other party's strategy there is no risk regulations o f the law and admin- - from participating in the - The role o f promoting coop- - Startup activity, one o f the istrative management mechanism eration still lies on the leaders, important driving forces for uni- in public universities are still "ri- especially enterprises leaders and versitv-enterprise cooperation, is gid" and is "constraining" the in- alumni, currently íacing difficulties due to itiative to seek business partners partnerships have Ecỏnỗm ic R evỉew not N-7 (275) 2017 University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context Dinh Van Toan and develop partnerships to bring providing information), improve implem enting the cooperation so resources to the university program s, that the universities prioritize on support m echanism s for enterprise innovation and the research, technology and mechanisms to establish eco- application technology supplying high systems from the research activities o f the resources university consultancy - Legal and policy regulations prioritizingstartup, trial production and building technology o f new in universities are - Issue a fmancial m echanism not completed, thus reduce the in- that is appropriate for startups and herent advantage o f universities technology incubators in universi- when cooperating with enterprises ties: includes not only high-risk incubation - Policies on R&D and technology application have not gi ven priority and favorable practical treatm ent to university scientists; at the same time, the Science and íìnance such as investment funds but also the State funding to com m ercialize research results 3.2 For both universities and developed makes the cooperation perception o f and vievvpoint on cooperation vvith the principle o f "mutual understanding and mutual benefit from cooperation" 3.1 For the government human andproviding on the enter- prise'sissues: on the other hand, the enterprises need to plan investment on R&D and receive results for commercialization Enterprises play an important role asproviders o f iníormation and critics so the meet the universities can demand of the technologv and labor market 3.3 For enterprises technology market being under- ỉ Recom m endations quality enterprises - It is necessary to change the activities undesirable transíer, Formulate policies, mechanism s and regulations on the forms, contents, cooperation and remunerationmechanisrrs; at At the same time, there need to be the - Perfect the policy system in a m echanism for scientists to not scientists order to orientate and adjust the only care about the protection o f actively participate in and explore connecting betvveen intellectual property or Copyright; cooperation with enterpriscs universities and enterprises fol- oncontrary enterprises not to parallel lowing the direction of: promot- worry too much about keeping establishing and transferrirg o f ing socialization, encouraging the technological secrets intellectual activities private sector to invest in educa- - same time and encoiỉrage individualỉ with property to in registcring, righb for to enterprises to have a source o f regular contact, share revenue to reinvest in research The two sides need tional activities; increasing au- m aintain tonomy and self-responsibility o f information and ideas through the universities; encouraging enter- specialized prises to invest in technological cooperation R&D cooperation prọịects and activities, including approachingfinancial suppoit and the developm ent plan to build invest strategic long-term cooperation production - Create com m unication channels or netvvorks betvveen enterprises and universities (collecting, updating data, Consulting and departm ent or through on joint - Com bine harm oniously the beneíits and responsibilities in and development - Build a database of pirtner enterprises, in acively research and trial - Support startups, prom ae the establishment N-7 (275) 2017 of uni veisitty's Ebonômic ReV£W Dinh Van Toan University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context enterprises vvith company model Conclusion shortcomings (wholly or partially owned) to Universitv-enterprise implem entation difficulties in all in policy and results, cooperation is an inevitable trend three aspects: governm ent, enter- provide services and implement and brings long-term beneíits to prise business ideas cooperation, joint the stakeholders In the process o f governm ent venture, affĩliation vvith reputable developing the legal system and policies to guide enterprises governm ent plays the role o f the and regulate these activities as "m idw ifeM, providing the soon Capital ize research - Take initiative in inviting ca- cooperation, les;al and university should as possible Thẹ improvethe The legal supportingpolicies fram ework and mechanism s for from enterprises to participate in and m echanism s for implem enta- the operation o f universities and training and research activities at tion startups, startup incubators, and the university; at the same time, enterprise cooperation and, more an pay attention to selecting and recently, startups in universities activities íostering are o f strong interest Hovvever it scientists has these com pletely synchronous At the startup programs and proịects and activities are still very limited: same tim e, universities and enter- develop not diverse in forms, especially prises not going in depth; the beneíits perceptions are strategic pable managers and staff aspirations scientists with to business participate the idea in of commercialization of technological research Products fram ework In been Vietnam, shovvn small universitv- that compared to the open ecosystem for of R&D universities should need to and and also be change their views cooperation, on have potential o f the parties Enterpris internal m echanism s to promote es and universities need policies creativity that cooperation with universities and m echanism s to free their own spirit, be active in sharing ideas has strategic significance: seek resources and inform ation to understand the business and spirit in universities and the spirit other long-term o f innovation and creativitv in com petitiveness o f both sides in enterprises should be encouraged the context o f competition and and developed integration o f the country^ 3.4 For enterprises * ỉt is necessary to recognize innovate opportunities for the development o f enterprises - Formulate internal policies to promote and build The opportunities, the enterprise potential policies to mechanisms support and startups, encourage university scientists to participate in proịects and share academic knowledge with enterprises E cốnõm ic R eview and to entrepreneurial increase the To take advantage o f existing innovative culture and R&D activities within Have entrepreneurial and overcom e exploit the each partv to challenges of of the full Reíerences: M arketing Science-to-Business Research Centre current com petition, there need to (2011), ‘The State o f European be synchronous solutions from U niversity-Business Cooperation: both the parties and the State Final Report - Study on the coop- Recom m endations are proposed eration betvveen Higher Education in Institutions and public and private N-7 (275) 201 the paper to overcom e University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context organisations in Europe’, Euro- Dinh Van Toan Planning and Investment, No 13, đào tạo, nghiên cứu: nhu Commis- 2015 cầu, lợi ích biện pháp thực sion,http://bookshop.europa.eu/en pean Minh Long fc‘Sự hợp tác hiện”, Proceedings o f Internation /the-state-of-european-university- trường đại học doanh al Science C-onferences, Foreign business-cooperation- n g h iệp '\http://www.tinmoi.vn/Su Trade pbN C 0213081/ -hop-tac-giua-truong-dai-hoc-va- 15/11/2011 National Vietnam ỉnstitute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy doanh-nghiep-0118224.html, ac- cessed on 15/8/2016 12 Rohrberck Hanoi, R., Arnoỉd H.M M aking university-industry Wilson, DL, A Review o f collaboration work - 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Lessons from successíul Tung, Liên kết trường đại “Danh sách đơn vị, tổ chức collaborations (2012) học doanh nghiệp hoạt quốc tế có hợp tác với Đại học động đào tạo nghiên cứu , Thái trường đại học doanh Vietnam http://tnu.edu.vn/Pages/tnu- nghiệp: Kinh nghiệm quốc tế Press, Hanoi, 2009 dustry-un ivers ity Doan Van Tinh, “ Liên kết National University ngu>ên’\ thoathuanhoptac-tnustatic-24- liên hệ với Việt Nam”, Economy 11 Ha Van Hoi, “ Hợp tác and Forecast Review, M inistry o f Nhà trường doanh nghiệp tnusite-5~53.html,accessed on 15/8/2016 N-7 (275) 2017 Ecốnồmỉc Revỉew ... after University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context Dinh Van Toan graduating fổr students [5] In tancy, training and career orienta- Data for the past years on VNU addition, tion cooperation. .. for Upon studying the university- moting their names and brands collation and testing, thus their enterprise cooperation in R&D, (through scholarships and tầcili- applicabilitv Tran Anh Tai and. .. the M inistry o f Industry and new materials to training and and Trade was established on the research basis o f the Industrial College in are able to visit and intern at the Agriculture and Forestry