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The effects of peer feedback on the first year students’ writing performance

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ĐỒNG HOÀNG MINH THE EFFECTS OF PEER FEEDBACK ON THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS’ WRITING PERFORMANCE: AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT AT HANOI LAW UNIVERSITY Ảnh hưởng phản hồi từ bạn học đến kỹ viết tiếng Anh sinh viên năm thứ đại học Luật Hà Nội MA MINOR THESIS Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 HANOI – 2016 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ĐỒNG HOÀNG MINH THE EFFECTS OF PEER FEEDBACK ON THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS’ WRITING PERFORMANCE: AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT AT HANOI LAW UNIVERSITY Ảnh hưởng phản hồi từ bạn học đến kỹ viết tiếng Anh sinh viên năm thứ đại học Luật Hà Nội MA MINOR THESIS Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Assoc Prof Nguyễn Văn Trào HANOI – 2016 DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis submitted for the Master of Art degree at the University of Languages and International Studies is a presentation of my own research and has not been previously submitted at any other universities for any degrees Wherever contributions of other researches are involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature, and acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussion The work was done under the guidance of Associate Professor Nguyen Van Trao, at Hanoi University i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To complete this thesis, I owe profound indebtedness to many people who have assisted me a lot when I carried out the research I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mr Nguyen Van Trao for all the helpful support, guidance and encouragement he gave me while I was conducting the research I am truly grateful to him for his advice and suggestions right from the beginning when this study was only on its formative stage I would like to send my sincere thanks to my colleagues and the first year students at Hanoi Law University who have enthusiastically filled out my survey questionnaire and provided me with their writing papers Without their assistance, it would have been really difficult for me to handle the task I own a great debt of gratitude to my family for all the support I received to finish this thesis ii ABSTRACT Peer feedback plays an essential part in enhancing students’ writing skills The reality of the students’ writing performances at Hanoi Law University suggests that they still repeat common writing mistakes after their writing products are reviewed carefully by the teachers This study is aimed at finding out students’ attitudes towards the use of peer feedback activities in English writing classes and the extent peer feedback affects their writing performances An action research project, realized by means of survey questionnaire and student writing analysis, was conducted in this study to achieve the desired aims The results indicate that the students hold positive attitudes towards peer feedback activities in learning English writing and a large number of them will continue to use peer feedback in the future The analysis of the students’ writing papers show that the students made considerable improvement in writing English under the application of peer feedback in learning process In addition, the number of writing mistakes in the students’ writing papers sharply fell after the action research iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES viii PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims and objectives of the study 2.1 Aims of the study 2.2 Objectives of the study 3 Research questions .3 Scope of the study Methods of the study Significance of the study .4 Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Theoretical background to the teaching of writing 1.1.1 Definition of writing iv 1.1.2 Approaches to the teaching of writing: product versus process approaches 1.2 Peer feedback in writing teaching 1.2.1 Definition of feedback 1.2.2 The importance of corrective feedback 1.2.3 Types of feedback 10 1.2.4 Definition and types of errors 12 1.2.5 The training section 13 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 17 2.1 Research method .17 2.2 Data collection instruments 19 2.2.1 Questionnaire 19 2.2.2 Students’ writing analysis 21 2.3 Participants of the study 21 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 23 3.1 Answer to the first research question: What are the students’ attitudes towards peer feedback in English writing skills learning? 23 3.1.1 Data collected from questionnaires 23 3.2 Answer to the second research question: To what extent does the use of peer feedback affect the students’ writing performance? 36 3.2.1 Data collected from first drafts and revised drafts of the writings 36 3.3 Summary 40 PART C: CONCLUSION .41 Summary of the major findings 41 v Limitations of the study .43 Recommendations for further studies 43 REFERENCES 44 APPENDIX I I APPENDIX II V APPENDIX III: Criteria for writing assessment IX vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EFL: English as a Foreign Language ESL: English as a Second Language HLU: Hanoi Law University L1: First Language L2: Second Language vii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1: Error codes 14 Figure 1: The students’ involvement in peer feedback before its application in class .23 Figure 2: The students’ involvement in peer feedback after its application in class 24 Figure 3: The focuses of peer feedback per different aspects before its application in class .25 Figure 4: The focuses of peer feedback per different aspects after its application in class 25 Figure 5: Reasons why students not understand their peer feedback 27 Figure 6: Students’ reactions when they not understand peer feedback .28 Figure 7: The students’ attitudes towards the effect of peer feedback before its application in class .29 Figure 8: The students’ attitudes towards the effect of peer feedback after its application in class .29 Table 2: The reasons why the students found peer feedback useful before and after the application (data from the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire) 30 Table 3: The reasons why the students found peer feedback not useful before and after its application (data from the pre-questionnaire and postquestionnaire) .34 Figure 9: The students’ opinions on their future use of peer feedback 35 viii REFERENCES Abisamra, N (2003) An analysis of errors in Arabic speakers’ English writings American University of Beirut Retrieved June 2016, from http://abisamra03.tripod.com/nada/languageacq-erroranalysis.html Bell, H J (1991) Using peer response groups in ESL writing classes TESL Canada Journal, 8(1), 65-71 Brown, H D (1994) Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents Burt, M & Kiparsky, C (1972) The Gooficon: a repair manual for English Rowley: Newbury House Byrne, D (1982) Teaching writing skills London: Longman Byrne, D (1991) Teaching writing skills – Longman handbooks for language teachers Longman: London Chomsky (1965) Aspects of the theory of syntax Cambridge M.I.T Press Cole, P G., & Chan, L (1994).Teaching principles and practices.UK: Prentice Hall Davies, P., & Pearse, E (2002) Success in English teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press Diab, N M (2010) Effects of peer-vursus self-editing on students’ revision of language errors in revised drafts Science Direct, 38(1), 85-95 Ellis, R., Loewen, S &Erlam, R (2006).Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 28, 339-368 44 Ellis, R., & Sheen, Y (2006).Re-examining the role of recasts in L2 acquisition Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 28(4), 575-600 Enginalar, H (1993) Student response to teacher feedback in EFL writing System 21, 193-204 Ferris, D.R (2002) Treatment of error in second language student writing.University of Michigan Press Ferris, D R (1995).Can advanced ESL students become effective self-editor? 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A Never B Sometimes C Often D Always What does peer feedback usually focus on? (Please tick √ your choice) a Content (ideas & expressions) b Organization of ideas c Vocabulary d Grammar e Mechanics (i.e, paragraph format, punctuations, spellings, capitalization) (5 = strongly agree, = agree, = uncertain, = disagree, = strongly disagree) Generally, you understand your peer feedback in your writing? A Yes B No (Please go to question 4) I What are the reasons why you don’t understand your peer feedback? (You can choose MORE THAN ONE answer) A The comments are too general to understand B The comments are irrelevant and unclear C The correction codes are too difficult to understand D The language for correction is inappropriate E The peer’s handwriting is illogical and untidy F Others: (Please specify)………………………………………………………… What you often when you not understand your peer’s feedback? A Ignore the feedback B Ask my peer to explain unclear points C Use a reference book (dictionary or reference materials) D Ask my teacher for help E Correct the mistakes pointed out by my peer even when I not understand it F Others (Please specify)…………………………………………………………… What types of feedback does your partner often give you? A The content of my writing B The organization of my writing C The use of vocabulary D The grammar of my writing E The mechanics in writing II Do you think peer feedback is useful? A Very useful B Fairly useful C Not very useful D Not useful I think peer feedback is useful because (5 = strongly agree, = agree, = uncertain, = disagree, = strongly disagree) a It helps me find out and correct writing mistakes b It helps me avoid the same kinds of mistakes in my writings c It helps me make clear some grammar rules d It helps me to be more careful in writing English e It helps me to express and organize ideas better f It helps me improve the content of writings g Peer feedback creates collaborative learning environment h Peer feedback makes me more confident in writing III I think peer feedback is not useful because (5 = strongly agree, = agree, = uncertain, = disagree, = strongly disagree) a Peer correction is too time consuming b I don’t feel confident enough to give feedback to my friends’ compositions c I don’t like others to read and comment on my work d I feel sad when my friends find out mistakes in my writings e I don’t feel confident in peers’ correction f It doesn’t help me to avoid common mistakes in writing g Others(please specify) 10 Will you use peer correction in the future? A Yes B Not sure Thank you for your answers! IV C No APPENDIX II PHIẾU HỎI KHẢO SÁT Phiếu câu hỏi nhằm mục đích nghiên cứu khảo sát thái độ sinh viên hình thức phản hồi từ bạn học kỹ viết tiếng anh ngoại ngữ mức độ ảnh hưởng việc áp dụng hình thức phản hồi từ bạn học đến kỹ viết tiếng anh sinh viên trường đại học Luật Hà Nội Phiếu câu hỏi sử dụng cho mục đích phân tích số liệu nhằm phục vụ cho nghiên cứu Chúng tơi trân trọng bạn phản hồi cho câu hỏi Tên ý kiến cá nhân bạn giữ bí mật trường hợp Khoanh tròn câu trả lời bạn Bạn có thường xuyên nhận phản hồi từ bạn học cho viết khơng? A Không B Thi thoảng C Thường D Luôn Các phản hồi từ bạn học mà bạn nhận thường tập trung vào điều gì? (Đánh dấu √ vào lựa chọn mình) (5 = tán thành, = tán thành, = không chắn, = không tán thành, = không tán thành) a Nội dung (ý cách diễn đạt) b Cách xếp ý c Từ vựng d Ngữ pháp e Chính tả, viết hoa, dấu câu, định dạng đoạn văn V Nói chung, bạn có hiểu phản hồi từ bạn học cho viết khơng A Có B Không (Trả lời tiếp câu số 4) Những nguyên nhân khiến bạn không hiểu phản hồi từ bạn học gì? (Bạn chọn nhiều câu trả lời) A Các nhận xét chung chung B Các nhận xét không phù hợp không rõ ràng C Các ký hiệu sữa lỗi sai q khó hiểu D Ngơn ngữ sử dụng để sửa khơng thích hợp E Chữ viết tay người sửa lộn xộn khó đọc Bạn thường làm khơng hiểu phản hồi từ bạn học mình? A Bỏ qua phản hồi B Yêu cầu người phản hồi giải thích điểm chưa rõ C Sử dụng tài liệu tham khảo từ điển D Yêu cầu giúp đỡ từ giáo viên E Sửa lỗi sai người phản hồi chưa hiểu rõ F Cách giải khác (Xin rõ) Loại hình phản hồi mà bạn học thường đưa cho bạn gì? A Nội dung viết B Cách tổ chức viết C Việc sử dụng từ ngữ D Ngữ pháp viết VI E Cách chấm câu, tả viết Bạn có nghĩ hình thức phản hồi từ bạn học có hiệu khơng? A Rất hiệu B Khá hiệu C Không hiệu D Khơng hiệu Tơi nghĩ hình thức phản hồi từ bạn học có hiệu (5 = tán thành, = tán thành, = không chắn, = không tán thành, = không tán thành) a Nó giúp tơi phát sửa lỗi sai viết b Nó giúp tơi tránh lỗi sai tương tự viết c Nó giúp tơi nắm rõ số quy tắc ngữ pháp d Nó giúp tơi cẩn thận viết tiếng anh e Nó giúp tơi thể xếp ý tốt f Nó giúp tơi cải thiện nội dung viết g Nó giúp tơi tạo mơi trường học tập có tính cộng tác h Nó giúp tự tin viết tiếng anh Tôi nghĩ hình thức phản hồi từ bạn học khơng có hiệu (5 = tán thành, = tán thành, = không chắn, = không tán thành, = không tán thành) VII a Phản hồi từ bạn học tốn thời gian b Tôi không cảm thấy đủ tự tin để phản hồi cho viết bạn c Tơi khơng thích người khác đọc nhận xét viết d Tơi cảm thấy buồn bạn tìm lỗi sai viết e Tơi khơng cảm thấy an tâm phần phản hồi người khác viết f Nó khơng giúp tơi tránh lỗi sai hay gặp viết g Nguyên nhân khác (Xin nêu rõ) 10 Bạn tiếp tục sử dụng hình thức phàn hồi từ bạn học tương lai khơng? A Có B Khơng chắn Cảm ơn câu trả lời bạn! VIII C Không APPENDIX III: Criteria for writing assessment Content - Covering all points required by the topic in the question, all the information is presented clearly - Having specific, appropriate support and logical analysis, the ideas are relevant and the placement of ideas is logical Organization - Clear topic sentence in each paragraph relating to the question - Paragraphs are well organized to illustrate ideas to the question - Appropriate transition and coherence devices Vocabulary - Appropriateness and variety of diction (idea expression) - Accuracy of word choice and correct idiomatic usage - Correct word formation Grammar - Control of sentence structure (complete sentence and boundaries, sentence variety) - Control of verbs (formation, agreement, tenses) - Control over use of articles, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions and word order Mechanics - Paragraph and essay format IX - Control over use of punctuation, contraction, spelling, capitalization and other conventions (use of words for numbers, parenthesis, symbols, etc) X ... constraints of peer feedback activities at the end of the action research when they saw the benefits of this method in learning The students’ opinions on whether they will use peer feedback. .. the students provide peer feedback to their peers’ writing Then, the students’ first drafts are compared with their second drafts to see if peer feedback helps them improve their writing Furthermore,... out the students’ attitudes towards peer feedback in writing lessons The pre-questionnaire investigates the extent of using peer feedback and the opinions of the students about that kind of feedback

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 09:02


