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  • 1.1. Rationale

  • 1.2. Aims of the study

  • 1.3. Research Questions

  • 1.4. Method of the study

  • 1.5.Scope of the study

  • 1.6. Significance of the study

  • 1.7.Organization of the thesis


  • 2.1. Conceptualization of Motivation

  • 2.1.1. Definition of Motivation in Second Language Learning

  • 2.1.2. Different kinds of motivation in language learning

  • 2. 2. Role Play technique as a motivating factor in speaking lesson

  • 2.2.1. Definition of Role Play

  • 2.2.2. Classification of Role-play

  • 2.2.3. Advantages of role-play


  • 3.1. Background to the study

  • 3.1.1. Hypothesis

  • 3.1.2. Setting of the study

  • 3.1.3. Subjects of the study

  • 3.2. Data collection

  • 3.2.1. Method of data collection

  • 3.2.2. The data collection instruments


  • 4.1. Data analysis

  • 4. 1.1. Data analysis of teachers’ survey questionnaire and direct interview

  • 4.1. 2. Data analysis of students’ questionnaire and direct interview

  • 4.1.3. Data Analysis from the teachers’ class observation

  • 4.2. Discussion of data analysis

  • 4.3. Findings


  • 5.1. Conclusion

  • 5.2. Limitations and suggestions for further study

  • 5.3. Implication

  • 5.3.1. Suggestions for teachers and students


  • Appendix

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1 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES PHẠM THỊ HẰNG NGA USING ROLE PLAY TECHINIQUES TO MOTIVATE 2ND YEAR ACCOUNTING- MAJORED STUDENTS AT DAINAM UNIVERSITY TO IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILL ( Sử dụng thủ thuật đóng vai nhằm gây hứng thú học nói cho sinh viên năm thứ chuyên ngành kế toán trường ĐH Đại Nam) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 60 14 10 Hanoi, 2012 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES PHẠM THỊ HẰNG NGA USING ROLE PLAY TECHINIQUES TO MOTIVATE 2ND YEAR ACCOUNTING- MAJORED STUDENTS AT DAINAM UNIVERSITY TO IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILL ( Sử dụng thủ thuật đóng vai nhằm gây hứng thú học nói cho sinh viên năm thứ chuyên ngành kế toán trường ĐH Đại Nam) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 60 14 10 Supervisor: Hoàng Thị Hồng Hải, M.A Hanoi, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Declaration i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv Lists of tables and figures vi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Method of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Conceptualization of motivation 2.1.1 Definition of motivation in Second Language Learning 2.1.2 Different kinds of motivation in language learning 2 Role-play technique as a motivating factor in speaking lesson 2.2.1 Definition of role-play 2.2.2 Classification of role-play 10 3.2.3 Advantages of role-play 14 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Background to the study 16 3.1.1 Hypothesis 16 3.1.2 Setting of the study 16 3.1.3 Subjects of the study 16 3.2 Data collection 18 3.2.1 Method of data collection 18 3.2.2 The data collection instruments 18 The questionnaire 18 Interviews 19 Observation 19 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYIS & FINDINGS 4.1 Data analysis 4.1.1 Data analysis of teachers‟ survey questionnaire and direct interview 21 4.1.2 Data analysis of students‟ questionnaire and direct interview 30 4.1.3 Data analysis from Class Observation 36 4.2 Data discussion 36 4.3 Findings 37 CHAPTER 5: COMCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion 40 5.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study 40 5.3 Pedagogical Implication 41 REFERENCES 43 APPENDICES Appendix 1: I Appendix 2: IV Appendix 3: VII LISTS OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1: Data collected from the survey questionnaire for teachers 20 Table 2: Data collected from the survey questionnaire for students 29 Figures illustrates data collected from the survey questionnaire for teachers Figure 1: The frequency of using role play activities 21 Figure 2: Teachers‟ opinion on role play 22 Figure 3: Students‟ attitude towards role play activities exploited by teachers 23 Figure 4: Students‟ participation in role play activities 23 Figure 5: The effectiveness of role play in enhangcing students‟ participation 24 Figure 6: Benefits of using role play 25 Figure 7: Frequency of difficulties faced by teachers 26 Figure 8: Factors causing difficulties 26 Figure 9: Suggestions to make role play more effective 27 Figures illustrates data collected from the survey questionnaire for students Figure 10: Frequency of applying role play 30 Figure 11: Students‟ opinion on role play 30 Figure 12: Students‟ participation in role play 31 Figure 13: Benefits of role play 32 33 Figure 14: Frequency of difficulties faced by students 34 Figure 15: Factors causing difficulties 34 Figure 16: Suggestions to make role play more effective 35 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Rationale The past few decades have witnessed a radical methodological change in English language teaching Since its appearance in 1960s, the Communicative Approach has been widely applied in language teaching In the light of this approach, English is looked on as an international means of communication The context of international integration and development has attached increasing importance to communication in general and oral communication in particular That fact accounts for the need to educate communicatively competent students who after graduating from universities are able to take part in jobs concerning the use of English as an effective tool of communication Oral communication skills, therefore, have become the focus of language teaching as far as the objectives of English courses of the English Department at Dainam University are concerned Being put in a simple way, developing speaking skill among students is the focus of language teaching However, like many other universities in Vietnam, the teachers at Dainam University are facing the problem of their students‟ low level of participation in speaking activities in their classrooms While there may be a variety of reasons for students‟ poor participations such as students‟ shyness when speaking in front of a crowd or their unwillingness to show weakness in speaking English, I believe one such reason has been their lack of motivation In my opinion, it is the teachers‟ role to recognize the importance of motivation in English language learning and thereby try to seek ways to enhance their students‟ motivation in improving their speaking skills If motivated, even unmotivated learners will be likely to participate more in speaking activities in the classroom as well as practice it more outside the classroom Of all the methods used to motivate students‟ participation in speaking lessons, Role Play method is very effective in inducing students‟ motivation As Doff (1988) points out, Role Play increases motivation Always talking about real life can become very dull, but the chance to imagine different situations adds interest to a lesson In addition, Role Play gives a chance to use language in new contexts and for new topics Role Play is also a technique that can 10 make the students work in pairs, support one another, make the class more interesting and reduce students‟ boredom Moreover, Role Play is fun and motivated, the students get the chance to speak more and it is useful to extend knowledge So Role Play can be seen as a bridge to join the theory inside the classroom to the reality outside the classroom Role Play has a lot of advantages It can increase learners‟ motivation, it gives chance to use language in new contexts and for new topics and it encourages learners to use natural expressions, intonation as well as gestures As a result, learners‟ ability communicate in the target language will be improved The idea of applying role play techniques in order to motivate students to speak English is not a recent practice; however, in Vietnam this technique has not been fully exploited by teachers in English classes due to some limitations in English Teaching This assumption has led me to undertake a research titled “Using Role Play technique to motivate Second year Accounting- majored students at Dainam University to improve their speaking skill.” I am interested in analyzing the use of role play in teaching speaking for the students I also want to know the advantages and the problems encountered by learners and teachers in using it .2 Aims of the study This study is aimed at investigating the use of Role Play technique in communicative English classes at Dainam University To be specific, the aims of the study are: - To explore the frequency of employing Role Play and difficulties that students and teachers encounter when applying this technique in Speaking lesson at Dainam University - To prove the hypothesis Role Play technique will help teachers motivate students to speak more in English Speaking lessons 1.3 Research Questions With the purposes mentioned above, the research questions will be: How often is Role Play applied in speaking lessons at Dainam University? Does using Role Play motivate students to participate more in speaking class? What difficulties teachers and students encounter when Role Play is used in speaking lesson? 11 1.4 Method of the study Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to carry out the study The data were collected by means of questionnaires, interviews and observation 1.5.Scope of the study The study focuses specifically on using Role Play in teaching speaking to the second year students at Accounting Department, Dainam University So the study limits itself to the teaching and learning Speaking only 1.6 Significance of the study - Theoretical significance of the study: The study supplies the English language teachers with the understanding of Role Play techniques in terms of types, advantages when employing them - Practical significance of the study: The research provides the language teachers and learners recommendations or suggestions for the successful exploitation of this technique 1.7.Organization of the thesis This thesis consists of five chapters: - Chapter 1, The Introduction, presents the rationale, the aims, the research questions, the method of the study, the scope, the significance of the study - Chapter 2, The Literature Review, deals with some theoretical background that is relevant to the purpose of the study: Motivation and Role Play - Chapter 3, The Methodology, reports the design of the study, the participants of the study, the instruments used in the research and the statistical method to analyze the data - Chapter 4, The Data Analysis and Findings, provides an analysis of the data as well as the interpretation of the results - Chapter 5: The Conclusion and Recommendation draws pedagogical implications including a number of recommendations for teachers of English to apply Role Play as method to motivate students to participate in classroom speaking activities Limitations of the study and suggestions for further possible research are also given in this part - The Appendices are the last part of the thesis, following the References 12 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter will explore some theoretical background to the study Specifically, it firstly discusses the concept of motivation and later discusses how this concept relates to learning and teaching in several contexts In addition, the chapter will also review the concept of Role Play and its role in motivating students to speak English in class 2.1 Conceptualization of Motivation There have been so far many researches on the theory of motivation which have generally come to a conclusion that motivation is an abstract concept used to describe the willingness of a person to expand effort to reach a particular goal Some scholars and psychologists of the first half of the 20th century determined two interior factors of motivation, instincts and drives, which are of great importance in our lives However, in the second half of the 20th century, researchers found that self- actualizing tendencies are the central force in motivation in people Maslow(1970) analyses two groupings of seven levels of basic needs They are deficiency needs including physiological, safety, belongingness and love, and being needs consisting of cognitive, aesthetic and selfactualization Williams and Burden (1997) point out "Motivation is concerned with such issues as why people decide to act in certain ways and what factors influence the choices they make It also involves decision as to the amount of effort people are prepared to expand in attempting to achieve their goals" (p 119) According to Dornyei (2001), the concept of motivation has been seen differently That is how individual‟s conscious attitudes, beliefs, and interpretation of events influence their behavior He also adds that motivation explains the reason why people decide to something, how hard they are going to pursue it and how long they are willing to sustain the activities 2.1.1 Definition of Motivation in Second Language Learning 13 Motivation is not only a vital but also a highly complex factor determining success or failure in L2 learning Therefore, the concept of motivation in L2 learning has been studied by a number of authors Keller (1984) defines "interest" as one of the major components of motivation in foreign and second language learning Nonetheless, Gardner (1985) sees the important role of effort and desire to achieve the learning goal “Motivation in the present context refers to the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning plus favorable attitudes towards learning the language” (p 10) Similarly, Ellis (1997) emphasizes the role of attitudes and effective states “Motivation involves the attitudes and effective states that influence the degree of effort that learners make to learn an L2” (p 75) Meanwhile, Littlewood (1998) sees the complex combination of motivation from many different components: In second language learning as in every other field of human learning, motivation is the crucial force which determines whether a learner embarks on a task at all, how much energy he devotes to it, and how long he perceives It is a complex phenomenon and includes many components: the individual’s drive, need for achievement and success, curiosity, desire for stimulation and new experience, and so on ( p 53 ) In addition, according to McKay and Tom (1992), it is the need and drive to communicate with others in a new language that provide strong motivation for most learners (p.2) However, Gardner and Lambert (1972), two dominant researchers of the social psychological approach, propose that the broad concept of the “integrative motive” consists of three main components: attitude, integrativeness and motivation There are some other new approaches the researchers of which wish to make close the gap between theories of motivation in educational psychology and in the L2 field The 47 introduced to English speaking classes Also, at the very first stage of organizing role play, teachers should give brief and clear instructions, and locate the roles clearly These are decisive factors leading to the success of employing role play technique Teachers‟ demonstration is also another solution that two groups suggest for the full exploitation of this technique Chapter has presented the data, which were obtained from the two survey questionnaires, interview and the detailed description of the data analysis and findings Pedagogical implications and conclusion will be presented in the last chapter 48 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter draws conclusion and implication for the teachers of English at Daiinam universities It also discusses the limitations of the study and proposes suggestions for further research 5.1 Conclusion This study is done with the purpose of investigating the extent to which role play motivates students to participate in speaking activities Finding out the frequency of exploiting this technique in speaking lessons and the difficulties that teachers and students face with when conducting this technique are also other aims of this research To achieve this aims, the survey questionnaire, the direct interview and teachers‟ classroom observation were conducted The target populations are 20 teachers of English and 246 nonEnglish majored students at Dainam university The findings of the study show that role play is applied frequently and it can increase students‟ interest and participation in speaking activities The study also reveals that how to exploit this technique is still a challenge for both teachers and students Thus, in order to make use of role play, some suggestions have been made It is hoped that the study will prove worthwhile to those who want to motivate students in speaking classes and who are concerned about the problem 5.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study Although the study has accomplished the objectives set at the beginning, it still bears some limitations Due to the shortage of time, limit of knowledge and the scope of the study, the study cannot cover all the uses of role play in four language skills Therefore, further research may include the use of role play in teaching other language skills such as listening, reading and writing A similar experimental study should be carried out to find out the effectiveness of using role play to enhance students‟ motivation in gaining the listening, reading and writing skill in English 49 Obviously, mistakes are unavoidable All comments and remarks on this research will be highly appreciated 5.3 Implication As shown is this study the use of role play can be effective in promoting students‟ interest and motivation in speaking activities in English classes In the section below, I would like to give some suggestions for teachers to conduct a successful role play activity 5.3.1 Suggestions for teachers and students The success in teaching doesn‟t depend on the lesson program only, but more importantly is how the teacher presents the lesson and uses various techniques to manage the class more lively and enjoyable Regarding to the teaching speaking by using role play, I would love to give some suggestions for the teacher and students as follows: For the teachers - The teacher should choose the materials that are appropriate and not too difficult for the students As role plays represent real – world scenarios, materials should simulate the materials that would be used in the real world For example, in the „extraterrestrial‟ role play mentioned above, toothbrushes, watches, lightbulbs and keys can be examined by the „aliens‟ Authentic materials certainly prepare the students for copying with the language they hear and read in the real world outside the classroom Thus, newspapers, cuttings, advertisments, signs, maps, graphs, charts, hotel brochures, tickets, menus, timetables and other authentic materials should be brought to the classroom - Before assigning the role play to the students, the teachers should make sure that the students have fully understood and have the information they need - The teacher should keep control the students‟ activities The teacher becomes the controller, and controls the event in the same way as a traffic controller, helping the flow or traffic and avoiding bottlenecks, but not telling individuals which way to go‟ Rather than a traditional, teacher – centered classroom structure, the teacher keeps a 50 relatively low profile and students are free to interact with each other spontaneously This reduces student anxiety and facilitates learning - The teacher should present the language in an enjoyable, relaxed and understandable way For the students - The students are hoped not to be shy in acting out their role - The students are hoped to be active and creative in enriching their vocabularies - The students are expected to use English when they practice role play activities although it is hard for them - The students should take part much in acting out role play - The students should ask the teacher if there is something that they don‟t understand regarding to the role play activities 51 REFERENCES Atkinson, J.W (1964) An Introduction to Motivation Princeton NJ: Van Nostrand Brown, H.D (1994) Teaching by principles Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall Brown, HD (2000) Principles of Language Teaching and Learning ( 4th ed ) New York: Addison Wesley Longman Bygate, M (1987) Speaking Oxford: OUP Byrne, D (1986) Teaching Oral English England: Longman Cross, D (1991) A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching England: Vaughan James Doff, A (1988) Teach English: A Training Course for Teachers- Trainer’s Handbook Cambridge: CUP Dornyei, Z (2001) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom Cambridge: CUP Dougill, J (1994) Drama Activities for Language Learning London: Macmillan 10 Ellis, R (1994) Second Language Acquisition Oxford: OUP 11 Ellis, R (1997) Second Language Acquisition Oxford: OUP 12 Finegan, E (1999) Language: Its Structure and Use (3rd ed.) Harcourt Brace 13 Gardner, R.C (1968) Attitudes and Motivation: Their Role in Second Language Acquisition TESOL Quarterly Vol 2, 143 14 Gardner, R.C & Lambert, W.E (1972) Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning New York: Newbury House 15 Gardner, R.C (1985) Social Psychology and Language Learning The Role of Attitudes and Motivation London: Edward Arnold 16 Gillham, B (2000) Developing a Questionnaire London: Wellington House 17 Harmer, J (1994) The Practice of English Language Teaching London: Longman 18 Harmer, J (1998) How to Teach English England: Longman 52 19 Haycraft, J (1978) An Introduction to English Language Teaching England: Longman 20 Jones, K (1982) Simulations in Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP 21 Ladousse, G.P (1987) Role Play Oxford: OUP 22 Ladousse, G.P (1997) Role Play Oxford: OUP 23 Littlewood, W (1981) Communicative Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP 24 Littlewood, W (1998) Foreign and Second Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP 25 Littlewood, W (2000) Foreign and Second Language Learning Cambridge: CUP 26 Maslow, A (1970) Motivation and Personality New York: Harper & Row 27 Norris- Holt, J (2001) Motivation as a Contributing Factor in Second Language Acquisition TESOL Vol 7, Retrieved June, 22, 2011, from http://teslj.org/Articles/Norris-Motivation.html 28 Nunan, D (1991) Language Teaching Methodologies New Jeysey: Prentice Hall International Ltd 29 Oxford, R.L (1990) Language Learning Strategies What Every Teacher should know New York: Newbury House 30 Ur, P (1996) A Course in Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP 31 Williams, M and Burden, R L (1997) Psychology for Language Teachers: a Social Constructivist Approach Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 32 Wingate, J (1993) Getting Beginners to Talk London: Prentice Hall 53 Appendix 1: Questionnaire for teachers of English My name is Pham Thi Hang Nga I am a teacher of English at Dainam Univerisity I am doing my graduation paper for the Degree of Master in Language Education This survey questionnaire is designed for my study titled “Using role- play technique to motivate second year Accounting majored students at Dainam University to improve their speaking skill.” Your assistance in fulfilling the following items is highly appreciated You can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Thank you very much for your help First of all, please fill in some information about you: - Your gender (Male/ Female): …………… - Your age : ………… - How long have you been teaching English: ………… Please put a tick (v) for the most suitable answer for each of the following questions How often you use role play activities in your English speaking class? A Very often B often C Not often D Never What you think of role play activities?(You can choose more than one answers.) A It is noisy and a waste of time B Role play makes my students lazier C Students have more opportunities to practice English D Role play makes my teaching more interesting because students involve more in my teaching E Others (Please specify) ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… How most of your students respond to role- play activities? A Very interested C Not very interested B Interested D Bored What most of your students when they are asked to role play in speaking class? 54 A Join with great interest C Join only when being asked B Join only when feeling interested D Do not play E Others (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… In your opinion, does role play motivate students to speak more? A Yes B No If you choose Yes, please answer question and keep answering question to question 10 If you choose N, please answer question and keep answering question to question 10 Why does role play motivate students to participate more in speaking activity?(You can choose more than one answers.) A Make speaking lessons more enjoyable C Lower anxiety and develop confidence B Make speaking lessons less challenging D Create more chance to speak E Others (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… If the use of role play in speaking classes is ineffective, what you think are reasons? (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… Do you find it difficult to organize role-play activities? A Yes, very often C Yes, not very often B Yes, often D Never In your opinion, what factors make it difficult for teachers to carry out role-play activities? 55 (You can choose more than one answers.) A Class is too noisy to control C Students are lack of vocabulary B Students don‟t co-operate D Others ( Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… 10 To make role-play activities in speaking classes more interesting and effective, what you think teaches should do? (You can choose more than one answer.) A Teacher should choose a variety of interesting and practical topics B Teachers should explain instructions clearly and locate roles clearly to students C Teachers should demonstrate what to to students D Others (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… Thank you very much for your cooperation! 56 Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Students My name is Pham Thi Hang Nga I am a teacher of English at Dainam Univerisity I am doing my graduation paper for the Degree of Master in Language Education This survey questionnaire is designed for my study titled “Using role- play technique to motivate second year Accounting majored students at Dainam University to improve their speaking skill.” Your assistance in fulfilling the following items is highly appreciated You can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Thank you very much for your help First of all, please fill in some information about you: Your gender (Male/ Female): …………… Your age : ………… How long have you been learning English: ………… Please put a tick (v) for the most suitable answer for each of the following questions How often is role-play applied in your English speaking class? A Very often B Often C Not often D Never How you find role-play activities organized by your teacher? A Very interesting C Not very interesting B Interesting D Not interesting at all What you when your teacher asks you to role play in pairs or group? A Join with great interest C Only join when being asked by teachers B Only join when feeling interested D Do not join How you feel after taking part in role- play activities? A Comfortable and relaxed C Uncomfortable B Normal D Others (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 57 In your opinion, is the use of role- play to motivate students to speak effective? A Yes B No If you choose Yes, please answer question and keep answering question to question 10 If you choose No, please answer question and keep answering question to question 10 Why does role play motivate students to participate more in speaking activities? (You can choose more than one answer.) A Make speaking lessons more enjoyable B Make speaking lessons less challenging C Lower anxiety and develop confidence D Create more chance to speak E Others ( Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… If the use of role play in speaking class is ineffective, what you think are reasons? (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… Do you find it difficult to role play? A Yes, very often C Yes, not often B Yes, often D Never What difficulties you often have when taking part in role-play activities? (You can choose more than one answer.) A Shy and not confident when speaking in front of a crowd B Lack of vocabularies C Partners not cooperate 58 D Others( Please specify) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… 10 To make role-play activities in speaking classes more interesting and effective, what you think teaches should do? (You can choose more than one answer.) A Teacher should choose a variety of interesting and practical topics B Teachers should explain instructions clearly and locate roles clearly to students C Teachers should demonstrate what to to students D Others (Please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… … Thank you very much for your cooperation! 59 PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA NGHIÊN CỨU SỐ Tên Phạm Thị Hằng Nga Tôi giảng dạy môn tiếng Anh trường ĐH Đại Nam Tôi làm luận văn tốt nghiệp khoá học Thạc sĩ, chuyên ngành Phương pháp giảng dạy Những câu hỏi sau nhằm phục vụ cho việc nghiên cứu việc sử dụng thủ thuật đóng vai nhằm gây hứng thú học nói tiếng Anh cho sinh viên năm thứ chuyên ngành Kế toán trường ĐH Đại Nam.Xin em vui long trả lời câu hỏi sau theo suy nghĩ Chân thành cảm ơn cộng tác em! Đầu tiên, điền thông tin cá nhân em: Giới tính: …………………… Tuổi :…………………… Em học môn tiếng Anh bao lâu: …………………… Hãy đánh dấu tick (v) bên cạnh đáp án mà em chọn Hoạt động đóng vai có thường xuyên cô giáo em sử dụng học nói khơng? A Rất thường xun B Thường xun C Không thường xuyên D Không Em thấy hoạt động đóng vai nào? A Rất thú vị B Thú vị C Không thú vị D Chán Em thư ờng làm giáo viên yêu cầu em thực hành hoạt động đóng vai? A Tham gia tích cực B Chỉ tham gia cảm thấy hứng thú C Chỉ tham gia gi áo viên nhắc nhở D Không tham gia Em cảm thấy sau tham gia hoạt động đóng vai? A Phấn khích thoải mái B Bình thường C Khó chịu D Ý kiến khác( Ghi rõ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 60 Theo em, việc sử dụng hoạt động đóng vai có góp phần vào việc tạo động lực cho sinh viên tích cực học kỹ nói hay khơng? A Có B Khơng Nếu câu trả lời em Có, trả lời câu hỏi số tiếp tục trả lời từ câu điến câu 10 Nếu câu trả lời em Không, trả lời câu tiếp tục trả lời từ câu điến câu 10 Tại hoạt động đóng vai tạo động lực cho sinh viên tích cực học nói?( Em chọn nhiều đáp án) A Vì hoạt động làm cho học nói thú vị B Vì hoạt động làm cho học nói đơn giản C Vì hoạt động giúp sinh viên bớt căng thẳng, từ thêm tự tin nói D Vì hoạt động tạo cho sinh viên nhiều hội để thực hành nói E Ý kiến khác (Ghi rõ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Nếu việc sử dụng hoạt động đóng vai khơng hiệu quả, theo em, đâu nguyên nhân (Ghi rõ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Em có hay gặp khó khăn tham gia vào hoạt động đóng vai khơng? A Có, thường xuyên B Có, thường xuyên C Có, thỉng thoảng D Khơng Em thường gặp phải khó khăn tham gia hoạt động đóng vai? (Em chọn nhiều phương án) A Cảm thấy em ngại khơng tự tin nói trước đám đơng B Thiếu từ v ựng C Bạn đóng vai khơng hợp tác tích cực D Ý kiến khác (Ghi rõ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 61 10 Để phát huy tính hiệu việc sử dụng hoạt động đóng vai học nói, theo em giáo viên cần làm gì?( em chọn nhiều phương án) A Giáo viên nên chọn nhiều chủ đề nói thú vị, mang tính thực tế B Giáo viên nên giải thích yêu cầu tình rõ ràng phân vai cụ thể cho sinh viên C Giáo viên nên làm mẫu cho sinh viên xem trước D Yêu cầu khác (Ghi rõ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Cảm ơn hợp tác em! ... DAINAM UNIVERSITY TO IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILL ( Sử dụng thủ thuật đóng vai nhằm gây hứng thú học nói cho sinh viên năm thứ chuyên ngành kế toán trường ĐH Đại Nam) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field... Subjects of the study 16 3 .2 Data collection 18 3 .2. 1 Method of data collection 18 3 .2. 2 The data collection instruments 18 3 .2. 2.1 The questionnaire 18 3 .2. 2 .2 Interviews 19 3 .2. 2.3 Observation 19 CHAPTER... lesson 2. 2.1 Definition of role-play 2. 2 .2 Classification of role-play 10 3 .2. 3 Advantages of role-play 14 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Background to the study 16 3.1.1 Hypothesis 16 3.1 .2 Setting

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:53


