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REVISION FOR THE FIRST STAGE (G12) NUMBER 1 Câu 1: Khoanh tròn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với những từ còn lại A. mother B. window C. student D. unhappy Câu 2: If you . more carefully, you wouldn’t have had so many accidents. A. driven B. drive C. drove D. had driven Câu 3: Christmas Day, there are a lot of parties A. In B. At C. For D. On Câu 4: New Zealand was the first country women right to vote. A. given B. gave C. to give D. give Câu 5: Khoanh tròn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ còn lại A. painted B. needed C. picked D. landed Câu 6: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây. We usuaslly goes to the Church on Sunday. A B C D Câu 7: She fell in love with a man was from another country. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose Câu 8: Khoanh tròn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với những từ còn lại A. keenness B. inflation C. willing D. marvellous Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi ô trống từ 9 đến 15 As you return the Radio for your favourite music programme, do you even wonder how can hear those sounds? How do they travel through the air and (9)_____ your radio exactly as they are send out? It all began nearly a hundred years ago. When a young Italian called Guglielmo Marconi discorved (10)_____ to send sounds through the air. Marconi was born in Bologna (11)_____ northern Italy, in 1974. His father was a rich Italian bussinessman, and his mother was a Scot (12)_____ had live in Ireland and had gone to Italy to study music. The family lived in a country house just outside of Bologna. (13)_____ he was a boy, people did not think that Marcori was clever. He was a quite boy who spoke little but thought a lot. He liked to sit and read science books (14)_____ his father's big library. He also loved to do experiments with electricity. For most of his early life, he was (15)_____ at home. He did not go to school. Câu 9: A. make B. look C. travel D. reach Câu 10: A. how can B. how much C. how D. how many Câu 11: A. at B. in C. on D. to Câu 12: A. whom B. who C. which D. whose Câu 13: A. Where B. so C. If D. when Câu 14: A. by B. on C. in D. from Câu 15: A. invented B. discovered C. made D. taught Câu 16: Hanoi is of Vietnam A. an capital B. one capital C. a capital D. the capital Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi ô trống từ 17 đến 21 Like any other universities, the Open University can give you a degree. However,you don’t have to (17)_____ working to study. It can also open up a whole variety of interest. If you have (18)_____ studied before, you will enjoy the special, new pleasure of increasing your knowledge. You will make friends of all kinds. You may also find that your qualification provides new career opportunities. You don’t actually (19)_____ to the Open University for lectures, but study at home, using television, radio and computer softwares. You can (20)_____ one class a month if you wish at an Open University center. Of course, there are exams to take, as in any universities. If you (21)_____ like to know more, all you have to do is complete the form below. It could be the start of a wonderful new period in your life. Câu 17: A. end B. leave C. break D. stop Câu 18: A. ever B. often C. never D. always Câu 19: A. enter B. go C. arrive D. join Câu 20: A. give B. attend C. study D. learn Câu 21: A. would B. will C. can D. did Câu 22: Khoanh tròn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ còn lại A. African B. Chinese C. American D. English Câu 23: Do you mind . the cooking? A. to do B. doing C. for doing D. do Câu 24: This dictionary . in 1999. A. was published B. is published C. was publish D. were publish Câu 25: you save your money, you will be able to go to college. A. Unless B. Although C. So D. If Câu 26: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây. He had stolen my money, today. A B C D Câu 27: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây. She said that she liking her work so much. A B C D Câu 28: The boy is afraid . snakes. A. about B. in C. of D. on Câu 29: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây I was listening to the Radio last night when the door bell rings A B C D Câu 30: Khoanh tròn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ còn lại A. choose B. child C. change D. chemistry Câu 31: By the end of this year, we our English course. A. completed B. have completed C. will be completed D. will have completed Câu 32: She failed the test, . she studied hard. A. as though B. despite C. although D. as Câu 33: What's the name of the boy . motobike was stolen? A. who B. which C. whose D. when Câu 34: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây He stopped to smoke because it is harmful for his health. A B C D Câu 35: The of the water supply caused some infectious diseases for them. A. conclusion B. concentration C. contamination D. conservation Câu 36: Khoanh tròn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với những từ còn lại A. arrive B. income C. depend D. police Câu 37: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây When I came in, everyone were watching film. A B C D Câu 38: If I had enough time now, I . to my parents. A. wrote B. would write C. write D. will write Câu 39: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây Have you finish the report yet? A B C D Câu 40: Chọn từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa trong câu sau đây Dennis used to smoking a lot a year ago. A B C D NUMBER 2 Part I- Phonetics: A- Pick out the word who underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. airports B. things C. calculators D. plays 2. A. says B. looks C. reads D. runs 3. A. beloved B. naked C. wicked D. confused 4. A. learned B. presented C. viewed D. robbed 5. A. advance B. ancient C. ancestor D. annual B. pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words. 6. A. marvelous B. argument C. maximum D. compliment 7. A. attention B. expensive C. acceptable D. necessary Part II- Vocabulary and grammar: * Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentences 8. An article in the newspaper………. my attention. A. caught B. attracted C. got D. allare correct 9. She…… him a handsome compliment. A. made B. did C. gave D. paid 10. ‘Would you like to go to the pop concert?’- “ No, we……when we started college.- “ Thanks, but I………it already.” A. had seen B. have seen C. have been seeing D. did see 11. “ Did you meet Ann here at the university?’ - “ No, we……when we started college. A. have already met B. had already met C. had already meeting D. already met 12. This book is so long that I……… A. haven’t finished it yet B. haven’t finished it already C. still have finished it D. still haven’t finished it already 13. The father used to be the…. of the household in Vietnam. A. head B. leader C. president D. boss 14. The train ….half an hour ago. A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left 15. When I last saw her, she…….in NewYork. A. is living B. was living C. has lived D. has been living. 16. “ your new dress is very nice, you look beautiful in it”- “ You must…….” A. to kid B. kidding C. be kidding D. to be kidding 17. If you see your teacher… you, you can see a small friendly wave. A. approach B. to approach C. approaching D. approached 18. People who can’t talk can use …… forms of communication. A. verbal B. non-verbal C. verbly D. non-verbaly 19. I’m a student and I………everyday and every night. A. study B. to study C. have studied D. studied 20. A large number of Indian men agree that it is unwise… in their wives. A. confide B. to confine C. confiding D. confined * Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the following passage Mary(21)….from England. She(22)………(23)……to opera singing. Last month she (24) ……to Sydney, Australia in a few days. She(25)….also interested in(26)…….kangaroos and koalas in wild forest there. She said that she hoped she(27) ….another chance to come to Australia. 21. A. come B. comes C. came D. has come 22. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. has enjoyed 23. A. to listen B. listens C. listening D. listened 24. A. come B. comes C. came D. has come 25.A. is B. was C. has been D. had been 26. A. to watch B. watching C. watch D. watched 27. A. have B. will have C. would have D. has Part III- Reading: Read the reading passage and choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answer the question about the passage: Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that country. However, this is not necessarily true. Often, the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little we actually know about the culture of that country. Books and talks about other people’s culture can even be dangerous because they concentrate on cultural differences and exaggerate national character, and sometimes a lot of information they contain is true. In a study recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make a list of anything that they thought was typical of Britain and would interest a foreign visitor there.Most mentioned Shakespeare; the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, English castles, and fish chips wrapped in newspaper. Although all of these characters can be found in British culture, they do not show the real interest of ordinary British people: (They are, in fact, simply stereotype- that is, general character which people wrongly think are typical.) What is surprising is that they were suggested by British people themselves as representing their culture. If people have such a wrong impression of their own culture, how much false would their impression of other culture be! 28. If we stay a long in a foreign country,……… A. We will sometimes forget about culture of own country. B. We can often learn a lot about the culture of the foreign country. C. We will usually realise our own ignorance about its culture. D. We can seldom find out anything at all about its culture. 29.It is hard to learn about a country’s culture from books because such books………. A. concentrate on the dangers of the foreign culture. B. exaggerate national character C. take no notice of culture difference D. contain little information about future 30. When we asked about their own culture, many British people…… A. argue they knew little about British culture B. said themselves were not typical of British people C. give incorrect answers D. were surprised by the question asked 31. It is easy to………. A. know a lot a bout your own country’ culture B. know the culture of the other countries C. give exact information about your own country D. describe stereotype of your country 32. The things that are typical of Britain are……. A. Shakespeare and the Queen B. Shakespeare; the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, English castles, and fish chips wrapped in newspaper. C. English folk dancing, English castles, and fish chips wrapped in newspaper. D. fish chips wrapped in newspaper. Part IV: Writing: I-Choose the underlined part among A,B, C, or D that needs correcting. 33. London, which was the capital of England, was founded by the Roman in 43 A.D. A B C D 34. The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable. A B C D 35. Both a term paper and final exam is often required for a college class. A B C D 36. He said that they are going to attend a very important meeting on Sunday. 37. When we want to attract someone’s attention, we can use non verbal form of communication. A B C D II- Rewrite the sentences in reported speech 38-39. “I’ll buy you a new bike” ,My father said. → My father promised…………………………………………… 40-41. “I’m study at home now” , She said. → She said………………………………………………………… . 42-43.”I miss her a lot”, He said. → He said…………………………………………………………… 44-45. “It was very kind of you to give me the present”, Mary said to Peter. → Mary thanked……… . NUMBER 3 Choose the word that is pronounced differently from the others : 1A.reserved B.locked C.forced D.touched 2A.humor B.honest C.human D.horror 3A.typist B.type C.typical D.style 4A.language B.success C.private D.property 5A.escape B.replace C.involve D.country Identify the errors : 6.If you give more time and I will successfully finish this project. A B C D 7.If my father hadn’t encouraged me to take the exam, I wouldn’t do it. A B C D 8.GCSE is the name of a set of English qualifications, generally taking by secondary school A B C students at the age of 15 – 16 in England. D 9.Anyone where work is regarded as a useful member of our society. A B C D 10.Education and training are an important steps in getting the kind of job that you would like to have. A B C D Read the passage and fill in the blanks : Nowadays there is a (11) of career opportunities in the media. It is possible to study journalism at most universities, (12) .offer optional courses in reporting(13) sports and entertainment. Never degrees in Media studies, which were(14) as recently as ten years ago,(15) .enthusiastic students from all over the country. 11A.variation B.variable C.variety D.variant 12A.many B.many of which C.who D.many of them 13A.in B.at C.for D.on 14A.unimportant B.unwilling C.unavailable D.incapable 15A.arise B.emerge C.arouse D.attract Choose the best answer : 16.English is an important .that is required in several national examination. A.language B.test C.evaluation D.subject 17.Bicycles in the driway. A.must not leave B.must be leavingC.must not left D.must not be left 18 .yet ? A.Have the letters been typed B.Have been the letters typed C.Have the letters typed D.Had the letters typed 19.If I ten years younger, I would apply for the job. A.am B.was C.were D.had been 20.Ms Young, to .many of her students are writing, is living happily in Canada. A.who B.whom C.that D.whose 21.I would like to know the reason .he decided to quit the job. A.why B.which C.that D.when 22.I have just called .a job interview, I am so nervous. A.for B.in C.over D.with 23 .if a war happened ? A.What you would do B.What would you do C.What will you do D.What you will do 24.If she the train last night, she .here now. A.took / were B.takes / will C.had taken / would have been D.had taken / would be 25.King Henry, .was Elizabeth I, led England into the Age of Empore. A.daughter B.whom daughter C.which daughter D.whose daughter 26.The house is more than 100 years ago. A.where I live B.in where I live C.in that I live D.where I live in 27.Paul is so smart. He graduated .the university in just three years. A.of B.at C.from D.to 28.Many inventions in technology .in the past forty years. A.are made B.were made C.have been made D.are being made 29.If he a cheap room, he’ll stay for a fortnight. A.finds B.found C. find D.will find 30.” Congatulations ! “ . “ ” A.I’m sorry B.Thank you C.What a pity D.Not at all 31.Not all teenagers are well for their future job when they’re at high school. A.interested B.satisfied C.concerned D.prepared 32.He can’t learn much .he works harder. A.if B.or C.unless D.because 33.Most of the people to the wedding banquet arrived late. A.invited B.who inviting C.who were invited D.invite 34 accepting your offer, I’d like to know a bit more about the company. A.In advance B.In order C.Untill D.Before 35.We are to encourage more local employers to work with us. A.interested B.keen C.willing D.enthusiastic Read the passage and choose the best answer : In 1988, for the first time in British history, a National Curriculum was introduced. The National Curriculum tells pupils which subjects they have to study, what they must learn and when they have to take assessment tests. Between the age of fourteen and sixteen, pupils study for their GCSE. Pupils must take English, Maths and Science for GCSE, as well as a half GCSE in a foreign language and Technology. In addition, they must also be taught Physical Education, Religous Education and Sex Education, although they do not take exams in these subjects. 36.Britain began to have a National Curriculum A.one hundred yeras ago B.in the nineteenth century C.in 1898 D.in 1988 37.Which of the following subjects do British students NOT take exams in ? A.Science B.Physical Education C.Maths D.English 38.Pupils must take subjects for GCSE. A.three B.four C.five D.six 39.Pupils normally study for their GCSE between the age of A.12 and 14 B.14 and 16 C.15 and 17D.16 and 18 40.British students must learn subjects although they do not take exams in these subjects. A.one B.two C.three D.four * Choose the underlined words that must be corrected. 1. If the question were not so difficult, I will be able to answer it. 2. He didn’t get the job despite of his experience in the field. A B C D 3. If I were you, I didn’t buy that old building A B C D 4. I get a bad mark. I wish I did my homework last night. A B C D 5. Some mistakes were made in the brochure, but they might corrected before you get back. A B C D 6. His brother can’t walk to work now because his broken leg. A B C D 7. I will tell John about it when I will see him this afternoon. A B C D 8. The teacher said the class that hot air rises and cold air sinks. A B C D 9. Sundy called from Miami during the storm and said she was swimming here A B C D 10. The house painted more than 3 years ago, but I’m not going to have it done. A B C D 11. How did you do in your exam ? I think you wasn’t making many mistakes. 12. When I got home from working last night, my sister was making her new dress. 13. The laser beam must be very intense so as not to kill cancer cells. 14. They are walking to fast for me to keep pace with them 15. If you want to pass your exams, you’d better to study very hard for them 16. A great country can grows from a small colony. A B C D 17. It is difficult to tell you all of these discovery. A B C D 18. Chemistry has become one of most important factors in the textile industry. A B C D 19. The teacher suggested having an discussion on the topic. A B C D 20. John, my brother-in-law, was also asked to joined the party. 132 1 D 132 2 D 132 3 D 132 4 B 132 5 C 132 6 A 132 7 B 132 8 B 132 9 D 132 10 C 132 11 C 132 12 B 132 13 D 132 14 C 132 15 C 132 16 D 132 17 D 132 18 B 132 19 B 132 20 B 132 21 C 132 22 B 132 23 B 132 24 A 132 25 D 132 26 A 132 27 A 132 28 C 132 29 A 132 30 D 132 31 D 132 32 C 132 33 C 132 34 A 132 35 C 132 36 A 132 37 A 132 38 B 132 39 A 132 40 A . D 13 2 4 B 13 2 5 C 13 2 6 A 13 2 7 B 13 2 8 B 13 2 9 D 13 2 10 C 13 2 11 C 13 2 12 B 13 2 13 D 13 2 14 C 13 2 15 C 13 2 16 D 13 2 17 D 13 2 18 B 13 2 19 B 13 2 20 B 13 2. 21 C 13 2 22 B 13 2 23 B 13 2 24 A 13 2 25 D 13 2 26 A 13 2 27 A 13 2 28 C 13 2 29 A 13 2 30 D 13 2 31 D 13 2 32 C 13 2 33 C 13 2 34 A 13 2 35 C 13 2 36 A 13 2 37 A 13 2

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2013, 08:11



